anxiety in learner and learning

Post on 07-May-2015






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Anxiety in learner and learning


What is Anxiety?What is Anxiety?

The feeling you get when you have to give a speech

When you are stuck in a croweded space.

It may be every morning, when you get up.

For some, the thing that gets in the way of their daily life.


According to experts, anxiety According to experts, anxiety is described asis described as

Distress or uneasiness caused by fear of danger or misfortune as well as excessive worry.

You might feel anxiety when facing a new or stressful situation.

Anxiety is normal and can actually be helpful by signaling danger.

Types of anxietyTypes of anxiety

There are two type of anxiety

1. Normal Anxiety

2. Neurotic Anxiety

Normal AnxietyNormal Anxiety

Normal anxiety as that “ which is proportionate to the threat ,does not involve repression, and can can be confronted constructively on the conscious level”

As people grow from infancy to old age, their values change, and with each step ,they experience normal anxiety.” All growth consist of the anxiety creating surrender of past values”

Neurotic AnxietyNeurotic Anxiety

“A recation which is disproportionate to the threat, involved repression and other from of intrapsychic conflict, and is managed by various kinds of blocking – off of activity and awareness”

Main Types of AnxietyMain Types of Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety differently. Some people have general anxiety that is manageable but never seems to go away. Others suffer from profound anxiety attacks.Others experience anxiety in social situations.

Psychologists have created categories for each of the different types of anxiety, and only anxiety is not a simple condition. It manifests itself in hundreds of different ways.

Types of Anxiety

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

2. Panic Disorder

3.  Phobias

4.  Obsessive-compulsive disorder

5. Post-traumatic stress disorder

6. Separation anxiety

7. Social phobia

Generalized Anxiety DisorderGeneralized Anxiety Disorder

A generalized anxiety disorder is the most common type of anxiety disorder.It is characterized by an non-specific constant fear and worry and being overly concerned about normal matters.

  Panic DisorderPanic Disorder

Often confused with an anxiety attack, a panic disorder is characterized by occasional panic attacks.Many different things can cause a panic attack, including stress,phobias.


The largest category of anxiety disorders are phobias. Phobias are cases of an anxiety disorder that relate to fear dynamic by one specific thing.

For example,arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Agoraphobia is the anxiety of being in a situation where there is no clear path of escape. Social anxiety disorder is the fear of society, characterized by an intense fear or anxiety of humiliation in public.

Obsessive-compulsive disorderObsessive-compulsive disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety

disorder that is characterized by obsessions and compulsions.In many cases, people suffering from OCD may suffer from a compulsion that is inexplicable, as they may experience nervousness and need to relieve it through ritual.

Post-traumatic stress disorderPost-traumatic stress disorder Also known as PTSD, post-traumatic stress

disorder is an anxiety disorder that develops following a traumatic experience.

Common symptoms include flashbacks, depression, and avoidant behaviors.

Separation anxietySeparation anxiety

People suffering from separation anxiety disorder can not deal with being separated from a person or a place.

It occurs often in children and babies, but needs to be excessive for it be considered a disorder.It affects 7% of adults and 4% of children.

Social phobiaSocial phobia

Many people suffer from what's known as "social phobia,"or an irrational fear of social situations.Some degree of social phobia is normal.Small degrees of shyness in public places,or discomfort while public speaking, are natural in most people,and do not imply an anxiety problem.

But when that fear disrupts your life, you may be suffering from social phobia.

Social phobia is when the shyness is intense and the idea of socializing or speaking with the public, strangers, authority figures, or possibly even your friends causes you noticeable anxiety and fear.


• Theories of personality


Jess feist & Gregory j . Feist



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