ao concise walk through bible history

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 AO Concise Walk Through Bible History


    Bible History Chart

    10 Wed, 14 Nov 2001 17:32:49 -0800 "Carmen" OTHistory - Was:Minute by Minute

    >>Sounds like a reasonable plan. Do you remember what your chart said?

    Make the chart out ahead of time, and just walk them thru it... answer questionsas they pop up. Make the chart large enough to be read from across the room. Exclude non-essentials (I've typed in extra notes to help).


    History of Israel Pre-Patriarchal Period Creation/Adam/Eve Seth Noah Cycle established:1) God threatens punishment for disobedience 2) Sin/judgment/punishment 3) God gives people better than they deserve (grace) Cycle stops with Tower of Babel

    Patriarchal Period (c.1900-1500BC) Genesis 11:27 ff. Abram/Abraham called to supply grace for the multitudes Abrahamic covenant promises Abraham land, descendants, and a special beneficial relationship with God Isaac Jacob Joseph

    Exodus (c. 1280) Exodus 1:1-15:20 Pharaoh Moses Aaron Yahweh (Lord) Cycle established:1) People have a need 2) People complain about God 3) God gets angry 4) Moses intercedes for the people 5) God kills some, spares many (Israelites portrayed as spoiled children)

    Wilderness Wandering (c1280 - 1240) Exodus 15:21 ff. Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Mt. Sinai (10 commandments received) Mossaic Covenant promises that Yahwehwill be Israel's God, and Israel will be Yahweh's people

    Conquest of Canaan (c1240-1200) Joshua Joshua (Moses' successor) Canaanites (Noah's descendants) Schechem - Israelites re-pledge their allegiance to God

    Period of Judges (c1200-1020) Judges Baal-Canaanite god of fertility/rain amphictyony (rhymes with macaroni) - loose association/federation of tribes united bycommon place of worship. Mutual defense pact. Judges - basically generals. Majorjob of judges was to lead troops into battle. Regional leaders. Careers overlap.

    United Monarchy (c1020-922) I&II Samuel, I Kings 1-12:20 During the united monarchy, Israel still consists of 12 tribes. Saul (not a very good king) David (notSaul's son) Davidic Covenant:God promises David that David will start a dynastySolomon-Son of David, next king. Increases David's territory. Reign characterize

    d by peace and prosperity. Every time he made a pact with another tribe, he would seal the pact by marrying one of the women of the tribe. He had 1,000 wives/concubines (Each wife had her own priest/god). Therefore, Solomon imported foreignreligions. As punishment, Solomon's son would not rule all 12 tribes. Rehoboam- Solomon's son. United Monarchy split, and Rehoboam ruled over the southern Kingdom (Judah kingdom).

    Northern Kingdom (c922-722) 10 Tribes Jeroboam - not a descendent of David. He was afraid people would go to Jerusalem to worship. Made new places to worship (Bethel and Dan). Put golden calves there. Prophets sent by God to tell Northern K

  • 7/31/2019 AO Concise Walk Through Bible History


    ingdom to straighten up. They were ignored. Included:Elijah, Elisha, Amos. Northern Kingdom conquered by Assyrians in 722. Assyrians were the Vikings of the ancient world. Specialized in raping and pillaging. Assyrians relocated people of the Northern Kingdom to the Lake Van area (where they became the Turks), and moved a new population into the area vacated by the Israelites (called Samaritans).

    Southern Kingdom (Judah) c922-587 Jerusalem capital of Judah. Judah kingdom thought they were safe, because they lived in Jerusalem, where Yahweh's temple was.But they worshipped foreign gods in the temple of Yahweh. They did not get conquered in 722 because they paid the Assyrians not to conquer them. Rehoboam Josiah(one of the better Southern Kings) Babylon - conquered Assyria, Jerusalem and Egypt. Babylonians liked living trophies of war. Left the poor behind, everyone else imported to Babylon as slaves.

    Babylonian Exile (c587-538) Isaiah 40-55 Deutero-Isaiah-prophet promised that people would be delivered from Babylon by Cyrus. Cyrus (Persian) nice Gentile

    Persian Period (c538-333) Ruth, Esther Cyrus - allowed people to go back home, follow Persian law and pay Persian taxes. Also allowed temple to be rebuilt. Nehemiah-rebuilt walls of city Ezra- rebuilt part of temple. Explained God's laws topeople. Scribe.

    Greek Period (c333-167) Greeks divided people into 2 classes:Greek & Barbarian.Difficult time for Israelites, who were classified as Barbarians. Under pressure

    to assimilate Greek Culture. Alexander the Great - conquered Persia (Greece thru India) Ptolmey (Egypt) Seleucus (Syria) Ptolemy and Seleucus were generals ofAlexander the Great. Antiochus IV (descendent of Seleucus) - worship of Zeus (Baal). Ordered Jews to worship Zeus (Pig to be slaughtered in temple of Yahweh). Hebrews rebelled. Judas Maccabeus-led rebellion. Won victory even tho outnumbered.

    Maccabean Period (C167-63) Brief period of political independence. Most of Old Testament written by now.

    Roman Period (c63) Pompeii - General of Romans who led conquest of Jerusalem

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