ap exam study guide

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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One reason the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact was toease the transition to democracyhelp institute capitalism in Eastern Europelimit the threat of invasion from Western Europechallenge the economic successes of the Common MarketCorrect Answer Number: 3

Explanation: The Warsaw Pact was formed by the Soviet Union and seven of its satellite states as a response to NATO. The Warsaw Pact was a defensive military alliance.

Which statement best describes most Eastern European countries immediately after World War II? They

%6%. adopted democratic reforms in their political systems%6%. became satellite states of the Soviet Union%6%. became dependent on aid provided by the Marshall Plan%6%. emerged as world economic powers

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: After World War II, Stalin forced pro-communists governments in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other Eastern European nations. These nations became known as Soviet satellite states. The Soviets retained control through both economic and militaristic means.

Communist governments were established in most nations of Eastern Europe shortly after World War II because

%6%. the region had a long tradition of strong communist parties%6%. communist governments were able to significantly increase agricultural

productivity%6%. the Soviet Union used military and diplomatic pressures to install their

governments%6%. members of the Communist party won free elections in these nations

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: After World War II, Stalin forced pro-communists governments in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other Eastern European nations. These nations became known as Soviet satellite states. The Soviets retained control through both economic and militaristic means.

These events of the Cold War are examples of%6%. efforts to prevent military conflict between the superpowers%6%. situations that increased tensions between communist and democratic nations

in Europe%6%. attempts to weaken the Soviet Union’s control of its Eastern European allies%6%. policies of peaceful coexistence and détente

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: These are all examples of situations that caused conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Which was a characteristic of Germany under Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin?

%6%. an official foreign policy of isolationism%6%. governmental control of the media%6%. public ownership of business and industry%6%. the absence of a written constitution

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: Both countries had a totalitarian system of government. This is where the government attempts to control all aspects of the lives of their citizens

World War II is often considered to be a turning point in history because%6%. the League of nations demonstrated that an international organization could

maintain world peace%6%. the war brought an end to dictatorships as a form of government%6%. European domination of the world began to weaken as nationalism in colonies

increased%6%. religious and ethnic differences were no longer a source of conflict between

nationsCorrect Answer Number: 3

Explanation: After World War II, many European colonies sought independence as nationalist feelings swept across these nations.

Which is one major reason the Holocaust is considered a unique event in modern European history?

%6%. Jews of Europe have seldom been victims of persecution.%6%. Civilians rarely were killed during air raids on Great Britain.%6%. Adolf Hitler concealed his anti-Jewish feelings until after he came to power.%6%. The genocide was planned in great detail and required the cooperation of

many people.Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The Holocaust was the planned genocide of the European Jewish population by Adolph Hitler and his Nazi regime.

In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy, and Spain was largely the result of

%6%. the success of the Communists in establishing a command economy in the Soviet Union

%6%. severe economic and social problems that arose in Europe after World War I%6%. the active support of the United States%6%. movements demanding the return of the old monarchies

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: The Great Depression caused many people to lose faith in democracy and turn toward more radical ideas, such as communism and fascism. People were willing to give up individual rights of freedom for the promise of stability offered by these types of totalitarian regimes.The harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I helped lay the foundation for the

%6%. rise of fascism Germany%6%. uprisings during the French Revolution%6%. division of Korea along the 38th parallel%6%. Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany lost large areas of land, was forced to pay large reparations, and accept complete responsibility for the start of World War One. The German people felt humiliated by this treaty, which led them to readily accept the Fascist, who promised a return to Germany's former position of world power.

Which idea was included in the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles to show the intent of the Allies to punish the Central Powers for their role in World War II?

%6%. all nations shall maintain open covenants of peace%6%. freedom of the seas will be maintained%6%. Germany will accept full responsibility for causing the war%6%. territorial settlements shall be made along clearly recognizable lines of

nationalityCorrect Answer Number: 3

Explanation: Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany lost large areas of land, was forced to pay large reparations, and accept complete responsibility for the start of World War One. The German people felt humiliated by this treaty, which led them to readily accept the Fascist, who promised a return to Germany's former position of world power.

Fascism in Europe during the 1920’s and 1930’s is best described as a%6%. demonstration of laissez-faire capitalism that promoted free enterprise%6%. form of totalitarianism that glorified the state above the individual%6%. type of economic system that stressed a classless society%6%. set of humanist ideas that emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: Fascist government is rule by a one party dictatorship, which is both nationalistic and imperialistic. Fascism glorifies the state over the individual and often uses terror and violence to maintain control of its population.

Which statement best describes the relationship between World War I and the Russian Revolution?

%6%. World War I created conditions within Russia that helped trigger a revolution%6%. World War I postponed the Russian Revolution by restoring confidence in the

Czar%6%. the Russian Revolution inspired the Russian people to win World War I%6%. World War I gave the Czar’s army the needed experience to suppress the

Russian RevolutionCorrect Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Russia’s involvement in World War One led to a series of military defeats as the Russian army was ill-equipped to deal with modern battle conditions. Russia also experienced a severe food shortage due to the war, which in turn led to riots and the eventual abdication of Czar Nicholas II in March of 1917. These events set the conditions for the Russian Revolution.

A major cause of World War I was%6%. a decline in the policy of imperialism%6%. the existence of opposing alliances%6%. an increase in acts of aggression by England%6%. the spread of communism throughout Europe

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: The four main cause of World War One are the Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism, and Militarism.

Why was the Balkan region referred to as the “Powder Keg of Europe” prior to World War I?

%6%. The aggression of the Ottoman Empire was disrupting the balance of power.%6%. Yugoslavia was invading its neighboring countries.%6%. Nationalistic and imperialistic rivalries were increasing.%6%. The area was the leading supplier of military equipment to the rest of the world.

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: Tensions were caused by the multinational conflict between the Slavic peoples of the Balkan region, who had Russian support, the weakening Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. All tried to control this region and limit each other's expansionist ideas. These tensions would ultimately lead to the start of World War One.Which is an accurate statement about the partitioning of Africa by European imperialist nations during the 1800’s?

%6%. new nations were based on old tribal boundaries%6%. the cultural and ethnic diversity of the African people was disregarded%6%. the continent was divided equally among the colonial powers

%6%. African unity was encouragedCorrect Answer Number: 2

Explanation: As European nations established African colonies during the “Scramble for Africa” (1870-1890), they paid no attention to the existing tribal, cultural, or ethnic boundaries.

After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because the Europeans were

%6%. in need of land for their surplus populations%6%. competing of raw materials and markets%6%. determined to bring Christianity to the Moslem world%6%. interested in completing their geographic knowledge of the world

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: The Industrial Revolution was the driving force behind European imperialism in foreign lands such as Africa. The industrialized countries of the West sought to expand their economies by obtaining raw materials which could be transported back to domestic factories, turned into manufactured goods, and shipped back to colonies markets for sale.

The 19th century term “White Man’s Burden” reflects the idea that%6%. Asians and Africans were equal to Europeans%6%. Asians and Africans would be grateful for European help%6%. imperialism was opposed by most Europeans%6%. Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of the colonial peoples

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Rudyard Kipling’s poem “White Man’s Burden” refers to the attitude held by many Europeans that they were charged with civilizing the “heathen savages” they encountered in foreign lands.During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide China in Spheres of Influence mainly because the

%6%. Chinese were eager to adopt western culture%6%. Europeans had technologically superior military forces%6%. Europeans were willing to adopt Chinese customs%6%. Chinese lacked raw materials and resources

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: With their victory in the Opium War (1839-1842), Europeans demonstrated their superior military might and secured trading concessions that ultimately led to the carving of China into Spheres of Influence, each dominated by a different nation.

In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into

colonies, and controlled their economies.

This statement describes a situation that resulted from the%6%. industrialization of Europe and the need for raw materials%6%. desire of Europeans to spread communism throughout the world%6%. European belief in human rights for all people%6%. requests of developing nations for modern machines and technology

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Imperialism is a foreign policy in which a more powerful nation takes control of a weaker nation, usually for economic benefit. After the Industrial Revolution, this became a common practice of European nations seeking new sources of raw materials and markets to sell manufactured products.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, increased contact between European and the continents of Africa, Asia, and South America resulted in

%6%. closer cultural cooperation between Europe and these continents%6%. the exploitation of the labor and resources of these continents%6%. a return to the political and economic systems of feudal Europe%6%. preservation of the rights of the indigenous peoples

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: During the 1700’s and 1800’s, industrialized European nations aggressively pursued a policy of imperialism in Africa, Asia, and South America, which resulted in the exploitation of the labor and natural resources of these continents.

he phrase “White Man’s burden” in this excerpt refers to the%6%. negative attitude of Europeans toward peoples of the non-Western world%6%. advantages Europeans would gain by colonizing Africa, Asia, and Latin

America%6%. positive role of the Roman Catholic Church in Africa and Asia%6%. challenges non-Europeans faced when trading with the Europeans

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Europeans felt that the people in the areas they were colonizing during the 1800’s were heathen savages, for whom they were doing a favor, by showing them the ways of the “civilized” West.

Which condition is most necessary to the process of industrialization in a society?

%6%. dependence on subsistence agriculture%6%. creation of a one-crop economy%6%. availability of investment capital%6%. capture of foreign lands

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: Capital, or money that can be invested, is critical to the development of industrialization because without it, machines could not be purchased which could manufacture industrial goods from raw materials.

A major result of the Industrial Revolution was the%6%. concentration of workers in urban areas%6%. increased desire of the wealthy class to share its power%6%. formation of powerful craft guilds%6%. control of agricultural production by governments

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: During the Industrial Revolution, workers flocked to urban areas in order to find and secure work in the factories located there.

According to the theories of Karl Marx, history can be viewed as a%6%. succession of famines that result in the destruction of civilizations%6%. repeating cycle of imperialism and colonialism%6%. listing of the accomplishments of the ruling classes%6%. continuous struggle between economic classes

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto (1848) that all of human history is based on the conflict between the bourgeoisie (those who own the means of production) and the proletariat (working class). He predicted that the proletariat would rise up in a violent revolution to overthrow the bourgeoisie and create a society with an equal distribution of goods and services.

This quotation supports the idea of%6%. totalitarian rule%6%. absolute monarchy%6%. mercantilism%6%. nationalism

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Nationalism can be thought of as an intense love of one’s country which ties members of a nation together.

Which quotation best reflects a feeling of nationalism?%6%. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”%6%. “A person’s greatest social obligation is loyalty to the family”%6%. “For God, King, and Country”%6%. “Opposition to evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good”

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: Nationalism can be thought of as an intense love of one’s country which ties members of a nation together.

Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has%6%. land suited to agriculture%6%. adequate industry to supply consumer demands%6%. a moderate climate with rivers for irrigation%6%. common customs, language, and history

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Nationalism can be thought of as an intense love of one’s country which ties members of a nation together. Cultural ties such as common customs, language, and history, all contribute to nationalistic feelings.

Nationalism is best defined as%6%. the achievement of world peace and global understanding%6%. the desire to take over other societies by force%6%. a method of solving basic economic problems of the society%6%. the loyalty of a people to their values, traditions, and a geographic region

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Nationalism can be thought of as an intense love of one’s country which ties members of a nation together. Cultural ties such as common customs, language, and history, all contribute to nationalistic feelings.

Simon Bolivar and Miguel Hidalgo, leaders of Latin American independence movements, were inspired by successful revolutions in

%6%. the Untied States and France%6%. the Soviet Union and China%6%. Cuba and Costa Rica%6%. Egypt and Kenya

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: The American Revolution (1776) and the French Revolution (1789) both sought to put Enlightenment philosophies into practice, and inspired individuals in Latin American colonies to declare independence from Spain.

During the early 1800’s, which was a major influence on the struggle for political independence in Latin America?

%6%. poor conditions in urban centers in Latin America%6%. the American and French Revolutions%6%. the desire of the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America to escape European

control%6%. demands by Latin American workers to own their own factories

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: The American Revolution (1776) and the French Revolution (1789) both sought to put Enlightenment philosophies into practice, and inspired individuals in Latin American colonies to declare independence from Spain.

One important result of the French Revolution was that%6%. France enjoyed a lengthy period of peace and prosperity%6%. the church was restored to its former role and power in the French government%6%. political power shifted to the bourgeoisie%6%. France lost its spirit of nationalism

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: Prior to the French Revolution, the bourgeoisie, or middle class, belonged to the Third Estate, which had the largest tax burden and virtually no rights. The bourgeoisie gained an enormous amount of political power when the National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and drafted a new constitution for France.

A study of revolutions would most likely lead to the conclusion that pre-Revolutionary governments

%6%. are more concerned about human rights than the governments that replace them

%6%. refuse to modernize their armed forces with advanced technology%6%. attempt to bring about the separation of government from religion%6%. fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Prior to the French Revolution, the Third Estate made up approximately 97% of the population, had the largest tax burden, yet had virtually no rights. The French government was unresponsive to these problems, which in turn led the Third Estate to revolt, demanding more rights.

The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would

%6%. adopt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation%6%. restore Louis XVI to power%6%. provide stability for the nation%6%. end British control of France

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: The French people hoped that a strong leader like Napoleon would be able to stop the turmoil that had engulfed the country since the start of the Revolution

Which speaker’s statement best reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment?%6%. A%6%. B

%6%. C%6%. D

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: The natural rights retained by citizens was a major theme of the Enlightenment and was endorsed by Thomas Locke in his Two Treatises of Government (1690), and Jean-Jaques Rousseau in his Social Contract (1762).

The ideas expressed in the quotation are based primarily on the writings of%6%. Niccolo Machiavelli%6%. Charles Darwin%6%. Charlemagne%6%. John Locke

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The natural rights retained by citizens was a major theme of the Enlightenment and was endorsed by Thomas Locke in his Two Treatises of Government (1690).

Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in%6%. changing the relationship between people and their government%6%. supporting the divine right theory%6%. debating the role of the church in society%6%. promoting increased power for European monarchs

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: In direct opposition to the theory of divine right, Enlightenment philosophers often wrote of the social contract, in which rulers must protect the rights of their citizens, and citizens have the right to replace rulers who do not protect their rights.

Which statement reflects an argument of Enlightenment philosophers against the belief in the divine right of kings?

%6%. god has chosen all government rulers%6%. independence is built by military might%6%. a capitalist economic system is necessary for democracy%6%. the power of the government is derived from the governed

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: During the Enlightenment, philosophers opposed the idea that rulers were granted political power divinely. Rather, the thinkers of the Enlightenment felt that the power of government is derived from the governed. This idea can be seen in many ideas from this period such as the social contract.Francis Bacon, Galileo, and Isaac Newton promoted the idea that knowledge should be based on

%6%. the experiences of past civilizations

%6%. experimentation and observation%6%. emotions and feelings%6%. the teachings of the Catholic Church

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: These scientists prompted the Scientific Revolution through their use of the scientific method to carry out careful experiments based on sound hypotheses.

During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers was that they

%6%. relied heavily on the ideas of medieval thinkers%6%. favored an absolute monarchy as a way of improving economic conditions%6%. received support from the Catholic Church%6%. examined natural laws governing the universe

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Explaining the world through the use of natural laws was commonplace for both scientists wishing to explain natural phenomenon and philosophers concerned with the nature of man and government.

Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by%6%. abolishing all social class distinctions%6%. becoming constitutional monarchs%6%. preventing wars with neighboring nations%6%. introducing western ideas and customs

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Both Russian rulers introduced their homeland to western ideas and customs. Peter the Great was known for his policies of Westernization, while Catherine the Great adopted some of the ideas of the Enlightenment and because of this, she is generally considered to be an example of an enlightened despot.

Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by%6%. abolishing all social class distinctions%6%. becoming constitutional monarchs%6%. preventing wars with neighboring nations%6%. introducing western ideas and customs

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Both Russian rulers introduced their homeland to western ideas and customs. Peter the Great was known for his policies of Westernization, while Catherine the Great adopted some of the ideas of the Enlightenment and because of this, she is generally considered to be an example of an enlightened despot.

A study of Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas would show that these ancient American civilizations

%6%. produced few cultural achievements%6%. lived at peace with their neighbors%6%. welcomed the new technology brought by European explorers%6%. rivaled the accomplishments of early Middle Eastern cultures

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: These Latin America civilizations boasted incredible achievements in technology and the arts. The massive structures built by these people are testament to their ability and determination. All told, their accomplishments are on par with those of the early civilizations located in Egypt and the Fertile Crescent.

A major result of the Age of Exploration was%6%. a long period of peace and prosperity for the nations of Western Europe%6%. extensive migration of people from the Western Hemisphere to Europe and

Asia%6%. the fall of European national monarchies and the end of the power of the

Catholic Church%6%. the end of regional isolation and the beginning of a period of European global

dominationCorrect Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Prior to the Age of Exploration, contact between cultures around the world mainly centered on trade. During the Age of Exploration, whole populations of people migrated to different areas of the world and exchanges between different regions began to occur much more frequently and regularly.

Which of these events during the Age of Exploration was a cause of the other three?

%6%. Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas from one continent to another%6%. European diseases had an adverse effect on the native populations of new

territories%6%. warfare increased as European nations competed for land and power%6%. advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Before the Age of Exploration could occur, advances in cartography and sailing technology, such as the compass and moveable rudder, needed to be made or adopted.

In Latin America during the early period of Spanish colonialism, the deaths of large numbers of the native people led to

%6%. a decline in Spanish immigration to the Americas

%6%. the removal of most Spanish troops from the Americas%6%. the importation of slaves from Africa%6%. improved health care in the colonies

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: When Native American proved to be an unsuitable labor force for Spanish colonies, Europeans began importing African slaves to meet this demand.

During the Renaissance, which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation?

%6%. interest in Ancient Greece and Rome%6%. advances in mathematics and science%6%. questioning of traditional authority%6%. attention to realism and detail

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: The popularity of the philosophy of Humanism, or the emphasis on individuality, caused many to question traditional authority during the Renaissance. Of course, the most traditional source of authority at this time in Europe was the Catholic Church, which had engaged in practices that many found distasteful such as the selling of indulgences.

Which was a result of the Protestant Reformation in Europe?%6%. the Catholic Church accepted the dominance of the new Protestant religions in

Italy, France, and Germany%6%. Spain became a predominately Protestant nation%6%. Catholic Church leaders refused to make any changes in church practices%6%. the power of the Catholic Church in Europe was weakened

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The Protestant Reformation resulted in the formation of many new Christian denominations that disagreed with the teachings of the Catholic Church. These included the Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and many others which weakened the power of the Church by simply offering an alternative to it.

The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were%6%. stimulated by a spirit of inquiry%6%. supported by the working class%6%. limited to Italy, France, and Germany%6%. encouraged by the successes of the French Revolution

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Thinkers during both the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation refused to accept Church teachings as the only truth and instead

sought answers based on their own observations and interpretations of the world around them

Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-Five Theses is considered by many to be a turning point in history because

%6%. the Pope’s right to sell indulgences was strengthened%6%. Luther soon became the leader of Germany%6%. the power of the Roman Catholic Church was lessened and royal power grew%6%. the Roman Catholic Church unified the German states

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: In addition to disagreement over the practices of the Catholic Church, such as the selling of indulgences, many members of royalty in Northern Europe were resentful of the vast lands owned by the Church, as well as the tithe demanded annually which only seemed to benefit far-off Rome.

In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was%6%. a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights%6%. a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures%6%. an emphasis on social control and obedience to national rulers%6%. an appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Humanism emphasizes the dignity and worth of the individual. This philosophy caused many in Europe to strive for personal excellence during the Renaissance. Its influence can be seen in the work of Leonardo Da Vinci and many others of the period.

Which statement describes a direct effect of the Renaissance on Western Europe?

%6%. the philosophy of humanism brought about a decrease in the power of the Roman Catholic Church

%6%. art began to reflect an increased emphasis on religious themes%6%. nationalistic movements among the minority ethnic groups in the region

declines%6%. the feudal system was developed to provide stability in a decentralized political

structureCorrect Answer Number: 1

Explanation: The popularity of the philosophy of Humanism, or the emphasis on individuality, caused many to question traditional authority during the Renaissance. Of course, the most traditional source of authority at this time in Europe was the Catholic Church, which had engaged in practices that many found distasteful such as the selling of indulgences.

Which statement best describes a change that occurred during both the

Renaissance and the Enlightenment?%6%. feudalism became the dominant political system%6%. the use of reason and logic were discouraged%6%. technology and science were considered unimportant%6%. a new questioning spirit and attitude emerged

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Thinkers during both the Renaissance and the Enlightenment questioned tradition and sought answers based on their own observations and interpretations of the world around them.

One factor that enabled the Renaissance to flourish in Northern Italy was that the region had

%6%. a wealthy class that invested in the arts%6%. a socialist for of government%6%. limited contact with the Byzantine Empire%6%. a shrinking middle class

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Wealthy families, such as the Medici, in Northern Italy invested in the arts and hired world-class artists such as Michelangelo and Botticelli, thus encouraging the movement toward individual expression embodied by Humanism.

The Mongols played a significant role in Russian history by%6%. supporting Czar Nicholas II during the Russian Revolution%6%. supporting the rule of Ivan the Terrible%6%. ending the reign of Catherine the Great%6%. isolating Russia from Western Europe during the early Renaissance

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The Mongols controlled Russia from the early 1200’s until 1480, during which time Russian contact with Europe was limited.

n Europe during the Middle Ages, increases in trade and commerce resulted in%6%. lower living standards for industrial workers%6%. decreased economic rivalry between kings%6%. increased political power for the clergy%6%. development of towns and cities

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Medieval cities were supported by trade, exchange, production, consumption, and moneymaking. Many of the businesses that exist today, such as banks and corporations, can trace their ancestry to the Middle Ages.

During the Middle Ages, Europeans did not eat potatoes or corn because these

vegetables%6%. were forbidden by the Catholic Church for religious reasons%6%. had not yet been introduced to Europe from the New World%6%. were believed to be poisonous%6%. were too expensive to import from China

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: Corn and potatoes were introduced to Europe after explorers returned with them from their voyages to the Americas.

Feudal societies are generally characterized by%6%. an emphasis on social order%6%. a representative government%6%. many economic opportunities%6%. the protection of political rights

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Feudal societies such as those found in Europe during the Middle Ages and in Japan prior to the Meiji Resoration, are dominated by rigid class systems in which the landed nobility controlled the daily lives of those living on their property in exchange for providing protection for them.

The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by%6%. the manor system and the importance of land ownership%6%. absolute monarchies and strong central governments%6%. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life%6%. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Manorialism was the cornerstone of European society in the Middle Ages. Nobility who held land, the only thing of value during the period, ruled these manors.

In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was%6%. the strengthening of the feudal system%6%. the adoption of Islamic religious practices%6%. an increased demand for goods from the East%6%. increased European isolation

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: As Crusaders brought back spices and other goods from the encounter in the Middle East, demand for these products in Europe increased.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the

%6%. central government in Rome

%6%. military alliance between France and Germany%6%. federation of the craft guilds%6%. Roman Catholic Church

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The Catholic Church was at the center of life in Europe during the Middle Ages.

Which factor helps explain the scientific and literary achievements of the Muslims during their Golden Age (A.D. 800-1300)?

%6%. expansion of trans-Atlantic trade%6%. innovations introduced by the Europeans during the Renaissance%6%. cultural diversity accepted by many Islamic governments%6%. legal equality of all people in the Islamic empire

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: As Islam expanded, many governments in newly conquered areas recognized the rights of Arab and non-Arab Muslims as well as those of Jews and Christians.

Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task.”

Which Empire is referred to in this quotation?%6%. Hellenistic%6%. Mongol%6%. Byzantine%6%. Ottoman

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: Christianity continued to flourish in the Byzantine Empire, even after Rome fell in 476 CE.

An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the%6%. Orthodox Christian religion%6%. use of the Latin alphabet%6%. beginning of democracy%6%. factory system

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Christianity continued to thrive in the Byzantine Empire after the schism with the Catholic Church. Eventually, it became known as the Eastern Orthodox Church and spread throughout Russia.

One similarity between the Ancient African kingdoms of Egypt, Ghana, Mali and

Songhai is that all of these kingdoms were located%6%. in mountainous terrain%6%. in coastal areas%6%. on major trading routes%6%. in rain forest areas

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: All of these civilizations were located on major trade routes in Africa.

One reason the ancient kingdoms in western Africa prospered was that they%6%. were located along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers%6%. had no contact with the rest of the world%6%. followed the Hindu beliefs of their rulers%6%. developed extensive trade in gold, ivory, and salt

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The West African trading kingdoms, such as Mali and Songhai, flourished due to their extensive trade in gold, ivory, and salt.

The contributions of the ancient civilizations of Ghana, Axum, Kush, and Mali demonstrate that

%6%. industrial technology was needed for African civilizations to develop%6%. many African civilizations developed in southern Africa%6%. most of the African Continent was unified under a single political system%6%. advanced societies developed in Africa before Europeans colonized this region

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The West African trading kingdoms, such as Mali and Songhai, flourished due to their extensive trade in gold, ivory, and salt.

A major impact of Ancient Greece and Rome on Western Civilization was that%6%. the Greeks and Romans succeeded in achieving a classless society, which

was later copied in Western Europe%6%. Greek sculpture and Roman architecture were much admired and copied in the

18th and 19th centuries%6%. Greece and Rome transmitted Islamic philosophy to the areas they conquered%6%. Greek and Latin are still widely spoken in universities throughout the West

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: With the reemergence of democracy, classical Greek and Roman architecture was copied during the 1700s and 1800s.

An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was%6%. a renewed interest in education and the arts%6%. a period of disorder and weak central government

%6%. an increase in trade and manufacturing%6%. the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: The period after the fall of Rome in Europe is often referred to as the Dark Ages because of the lack of learning and establishment of feudalismA major contribution of the Roman Republic to Western European culture was the

%6%. concept of government by laws%6%. belief that political power should be controlled by the military%6%. establishment of agricultural communes%6%. rejection of the concept of slavery

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: The Twelve Tables of Roman Law contributed greatly to Western European culture because it set the precedent that government should follow certain laws.

Which ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy?%6%. Phoenician%6%. Egyptian%6%. Sumerian%6%. Greek

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The Greek city-state of Athens was one of the earliest known places to incorDuring the centuries of dynastic rule, the Chinese rejected other cultures as inferior to their own. This situation illustrates the concept of

%6%. ethnocentrism%6%. imperialism%6%. social mobility%6%. cultural diffusion

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Ethnocentrism is defined as the belief that one’s own culture or group is superior to another.porate direct democracy.

Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the

%6%. spread of Hellenic culture%6%. adoption of a feudal system%6%. establishment of representative democracy%6%. spread of Islamic culture throughout Europe

Correct Answer Number: 1

Explanation: Hellenistic culture was a blending of Greek, Asian, Persian, and

Egyptian traditions. This culture was developed and spread as Alexander made his conquests across the ancient world.

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in%6%. the central authority of the Pope%6%. a prohibition of the consumption of port%6%. reincarnation and the Four Noble Truths%6%. monotheism and ethical conduct

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: All of these religions believe in one god and that people should treat each other kindly.

According the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization of society is that

%6%. the ruler should be chosen democratically%6%. the evil in humans must be eliminated%6%. ancestor worship should be discontinued%6%. individuals should know and do what is expected of them

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Confucianism teaches that society needs to be ordered. In such a society, individuals should know and do what is expected of them.

One similarity between the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments is that both

%6%. support a belief in reincarnation%6%. promote learning as a means to salvation%6%. encourage the use of statues to symbolize God%6%. provide a guide to proper ethical and moral behavior

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: Both the Five Pillars and the Ten Commandments provide rules to guide proper behavior. For example, one of the Five Pillars states that Muslims must “give alms to the poor,” and one of the Ten Commandments states that “thou shall not kill.”

The Buddhist religion teaches that salvation is earned by%6%. following the Ten Commandments%6%. worshiping Allah as the one true god%6%. learning to give up selfish desire%6%. being baptized and confirmed

Correct Answer Number: 3

Explanation: Buddha taught that the root cause of all suffering was desire, and

that to end one’s desire would end their suffering as well.

In India, the Caste system determined a person’s occupation, personal associations, and marriage partner. This situation shows that the Caste system

%6%. has helped eliminate ethnic and religious rivalries%6%. has promoted social mobility within Indian society%6%. has been stronger in urban areas that in rural areas%6%. has been a way of life as well as an element of religion

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: The Hindu Caste system is reinforced both by religious elements associated with reincarnation such as karma and dharma, as well as social practices in India.

Which characteristic did the early civilizations that developed along the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Huang He (Yellow River) have in common?

%6%. each society’s religious beliefs were based on monotheism%6%. urban communities were built using iron and steel tools%6%. the form of government in each community was based on male suffrage%6%. transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil,

and natural waterwaysCorrect Answer Number: 4

Explanation: All of these early river civilizations benefited from increased transportation and communication due to their location on rivers in mild climate regions

Throughout the 1800’s, Russia was interested in acquiring Turkey mainly because Russia wanted

%6%. to maintain peace in the Middle East%6%. access to the Mediterranean Sea%6%. to reestablish the Byzantine Empire%6%. the rich farmland of the Anatolian Plateau

Correct Answer Number: 2

Explanation: Russia was effectively land-locked because its only access to ports was in arctic waters with ice that prevented shipping. Thus, gaining warm-water ports has been a major influence on Russian foreign policy because it would increase Russian trade

Which document is an example of a primary source?%6%. a textbook on Russian history%6%. an encyclopedia article on religions of the Middle East%6%. a novel on the Age of Exploration%6%. the diary of a survivor of a Nazi death camp

Correct Answer Number: 4

Explanation: A primary source is firsthand information about people or events of the past, such as that found in a diary or a legal document.

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