apocalypse my brain: chapter 16

Post on 12-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Welcome to Chapter 16 of Apocalypse My Brain! Wow, 16 chapters... it doesn't feel like it! I’m sorry it’s taken so long, I’ve been very busy over the last year and at one point was tempted to delete the entire neighbourhood (shocker!).  But I suddenly decided that since it’s now my long extended summer holiday, I have the time to finish it up - hopefully in this chapter but you’ll have to wait and see... So, we're nearing the end of this challenge... *cue sad music* But we're not there yet! We still have some restriction-lifting to do! So guys, let's get to it! Oh and you might have noticed that this chapter isn’t on the exchange - I was unsure whether or not it’s still running, given all the problems there were a while ago so I thought I’d experiment with LiveJournal.

I figure since it’s been so long, perhaps I should include a little recap.

So, we started the challenge with Alexa our founder, who lifted the Adventure restriction bringing us career rewards.

As soon as she lifted Hopelessness, she married Tazama, who went on to lift the Medical restriction.

Their first born and heir was Brendan, who lifted Journalism and married the most annoying sim I have ever come across, Shelby, who lifted Culinary.

The spare, Bryce lifted the Military restriction, moved out and now lives in limbo land in his own little house.

Their first born, Christian went on to lift the Gamer restriction and married Camryn, who was considerably more boring than Shelby and lifted the Athletic restriction.

Second born was Catherine, who lifted Education and had... Issues.

And there was Colin, who also had issues. He went on to lift the Law restriction.

The next generation brough about twins, with the heir, Dean, going on to marry Opal who kick started the fashion for ripped jeans.

Dean lifted the Show Biz restriction while Opal lifted Music.

Dean also managed to get abducted by aliens to lift the Alien Tech restriction.

The other twin of generation 4 was Delilah, who eventually went on to lift the Paranormal restriction.

The first born of the next generation was Ethan, who lifted Politics and married the one and only Bella Goth – or the Bella Goth that lives in Strangetown. At this present moment Bella STILL hasn’t lifted her restriction, Business.

However, then Ethan was turned into a vampire so that he could spend his lift stargazing so I could finally get an alien baby since when Dean was abducted he was too old to fall pregnant. However we have yet to be successful in this pursuit.

Ewan was second born and went on to lift Slacker.

And youngest Elliot is yet to lift the Science restriction.

And now we’re finally back up to speed, with generation 6

(from left to right) Ferdinand, Floyd and Francis who will be lifting the Criminal, Nat Science and Artist restrictions respectively.

Oh and this sim, Trista will be lifting the final restriction, Law Enforcement.

And there we have it! 6 generations, 15 chapters in just 16 pages!

And , ahem, welcome back finally to the apocalypse house! Phew, it's so glad to be back after so long – plus no more college!!! Time to get back to the job in hand, boys. "...What job was that again?"  *headdesk* Now get to that paper, pronto!

YES YES YES YES!!! Artist appeared in the paper... woohoooO!!  "Aha! The sooner I reach the top of the Artist career, the sooner I get out of this dump and can marry my sweetheart!"  At least someone's got the right idea

YES YES YES YES YES!!!  “I’m no annoyed, I’ve been waiting over a year to let you know that I’ve lifted Business, while you were refusing to play us. I can’t believe you thought of deleting us! Shameful!”

Okay okay... Calm down. Just be happy I didn’t delete you, you ungrateful....


Never mind.

The good thing is, now with Ferdinand at home the amount of friends we have has sky-rocketed. Only problem is, we have to maintain these "friends" until the end of the challenge. That’s no easy task when these “friends” call Ferdinand every waking moment of the day. "Uh... you want me to stop calling you? I've only called you 4 times in the last hour! That's nothing!"

Plus, the return of the last college generation has meant that the volcano games machine has returned!!  "And now I don't have to skill, this is where I shall be spending the remainder of my time. But being at the top of the Business career is nothing to smile about, really," Ungrateful! You should have been around when Alexa was living in a radioactive house on stilts at the beginning of this challenge. Then you would really see the meaning of pain.

You ARE proud of it, just admit it. Why else would you put up that bubble infront of the rest of the room?  "Umm... to prove a good example to my kids?"  WRONG ANSWER

Hello there, I am now at your service,"  I just HAD to call a butler... even though cleaning the showers and toilets always used to give Dean and Opal something to do during the day. Let’s see how good he is in comparison. Although with my given track record of butlers, it has never turned out that well.

"You WANT me to make the bed?? Geesh, who do you think I am?!"  Well I was hoping you were the butler, unless I mistook you for somebody else.

“I may be a butler but making beds that have been unmade for over 4 generations is just gross.”

Too bad, you’ve just entered the Apocalypso house full of six generations’ worth of antiques.

WOOP WOOP! Thank you for lifting Science, Elliot!! You have now enriched the lives of your fellow sims (and increased our chances of finishing this challenge quickly...) “Pleasure to be of service, now let me move out and be with my sweetheart,”

Oh look it’s a TV. A TV?? WOW!! Now I finally have something to sit my sims in front of when I’m bored with them! Oh joy!!

A stereo...? Science restriction; you’re spoiling me too much.

Now you can get lost, Elliot.  “And be with my sweetheart?” Absolutely... if I ever decide to actually move you into a house... muahaha!

“What is this phenomenon? It’s a screen with a moving picture?! Who invented such a feat of engineering?” It was invented well over 60 years ago, my friend. It’s just the Apocalypse wiped them all out and somehow now that we have a scientist amongst our ranks, we were able to ‘rediscover’ the instruction manual of how to build them. “There’s an instruction manual for these things? So I could build one myself?” Well Elliot did. Anything’s possible.

“Life is so joyous!” Have you lifted the Artist restriction? “No,” Well life is not joyous then.

Oh thank you Grim, I’ve been waiting for extra space in the household. “Yeah... Opal... look here,” “Why? It’s only an old time mechanism,” “Well this is the device I use to tell when your time is up,” “It’s not very reliable though is it? Move with the times, Grimmy, Science is unlocked now! Get a digital timer or something, geesh,”

“Maybe I should since you always seem to snatch it off of me – how much you reckon I could get one for?” “Actually, I don’t think you should get a digital timer – after all, this is so much FUN!”

“... Fine then,”

“Ah hello Floyd, why the happy face? It’s your grandmother’s funeral after all,” Floyd: “YES GRIM!! You are my absolute hero! You know, I used to pretend to be like you when I was a kid? I feel very honoured to be in your presence... So honoured in fact....”

“All this flattery will get you nowhere. I am STILL taking away your grandmother and I will be after you at the right time, no earlier.”

“Well it was worth a try,”

“OMG that’s so gross, they’re all crying!” Bella: “Sob... I didn’t get any inheritance!! WAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Oh butler just shush and get on with your job.

“I can’t work in this presence of sad people!!”

You’re being paid to do this job. Now do it.

“WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! FREEEEE MONEY!!” Someone got over Opal’s death quite quickly, me thinks.


Now that we have only 7 people in the Apocalypso household, it’s time to invite the final spouse of the challenge to lift their restriction! Hello.... was it Trista? Ferdinand: “Welcome to our $800,000 house!” “You’re not one for showing off Ferdi, are you?”

“Of course I’m not.”

OH EM GEE look at that face!! I gave her a makeover and rightfully paid homage to Alexa, the founder, by dressing Trista in her infamous bath towel. “It’s cold!! Are you mad?!” It’s not half as cold as when Alexa lived here in the depths of a radioactive winter. So be grateful you have a house with seasons and electricity and food.

“Hello Dean? How’s it been without your wife?” “Peaceful and quiet mainly. But please move that sceptre it’s getting awfully close to my precious noggin.” “Apologies,”

RIP Dean Apocalypso, you absolutely deserved that drink by lifting Showbiz and bringing back makeovers! Have fun watching the celebrations from that tombstone of yours.

YES! LAW ENFORCEMENT!! LIFE IS GREAT! HOORAY!! “I have to become a policewoman?” Yes. No arguing about it.” “That’s alright, I get a gun. What’s to complain about?”


This is my best attempt of a wedding ceremony without the arch... dressed in formalwear on the balcony overlooking the dead ancestors. What a fun party to attend. “Does anyone present here today object to the marriage of this man and woman?” Brendan: “Grumble.... why does he get to marry the pretty one?” Shelby: “Ahem...” Brendan: “I mean, gosh she’s UGLY!”

THANK YOU Francis!! “There you go, while I become an owl and turn my head 180° I’ve also lifted the Artist restriction! Now you can have paintings, decorations and items that build creativity. Fun fun fun, now get me out of here,” No problem.

“What, so soon? I haven’t even had a chance to say goodbye!” You said you wanted to get out of here, and thankfully in The Sims taxis only take a couple of minutes to turn up. You’re welcome.

“Here’s some nice tasty burgers,” Why did you cook burgers? Do you not understand that my sims only live on a diet of gelatin? Its so much more convenient a well established family tradition. “Well I’m a butler. It’s my job to cook healthy and fulfilling meals for the sims of this household,”

What are you saying about gelatin, eh?!” 

Now that I can place sculptures and the sort, I thought the cats that did so much to help in this challenge (i.e mainly to stop my elderly sims from breaking every rule in the book) that they deserve a permanent memorial. I know Tucker was involved too but he was such a pain and made my life hell.

BellaStalker#1 “Bye Bella, had fun meeting you,” *snore* No wonder you left Mortimer with all these young guys chasing after you.

I was bored. I figured I should use this makeover station for the first time, although I certainly wouldn’t trust my face in THAT THING! “Please be pretty, please be pretty...” Please be butt ugly... uglier than Shelby pleeeeaaassseee....

“YES I’M PRETTY!!!” Damn you’re pretty.... My plan failed.

Oh dear, someone’s still holding a grudge. You might remember (but probably not, neither did I at first) that Floyd here doesn’t like his mother since she cheated on his father Ethan with Ethan’s brother and Floyd’s uncle Elliot. Phew... If you don’t here’s a recap:

“Dad... you do know mom’s cheating on you with your brother, don’t you?” “Don’t be silly Francis. Get back to eating your 5 day old gello,” “But DAD!! It’s true!! Where else would I have learned the ‘Two loves at once’ speech bubble?” “Your mom wouldn’t do such a thing,” Oh believe me. She would.

Then Bella went after Ethan’s other brother Ewan, who obviously wasn’t interested in her because of her personality...

And when Ewan moved out, she turned her attention to Elliot - where she made out with him in front of Floyd. Wise move there.

Hence forth she was then caught cheating on Elliot with her husband. And that concludes this episode of Bella and the Three Brothers.

“How DARE you cheat on dad with my uncles!!” “That was years ago, honey,” “Thanks to India I’ve just been reminded,” Oops. Sorry.

“I don’t wanna get old!! Turn me into a vampire - quick!” No, I’m not having two vampires on one lot. One vampire is more than enough... believe me.


It’s easily rectified - what would you have been like if Showbiz hadn’t been lifted? But on the whole, I don’t think you aged too badly *grumble*

That better? “EWWWW MA HAIR’S IN MA MOUTH ALL DA TIME!!!!” You wanted to look pretty - I was quite happy with how you looked before. “Grrrrrrr....”


“PLEASE INDIA HELP ME!!!! I’ll DO ANYTHING!!! I’M NOT GONNA LET MYSELF BE SUBJECT TO THOSE PROBES!!!!” Too late. It’s a small price to pay for an alien baby. “I DON’T WANT A BABY!!!!!”

“Is this him? I’m sure we’ve visited this house before -although it looks different,” Yep guys, he’s over there peeing himself ‘cause he’s seen you. “Everybody does that. That’s why we give ‘em the ol’ probe, right Jim?” “034942805’4534956345#435r4;t45ue34537534,”

That made perfect sense. Now get on with it.

“AWWW MAN I’M SCARRED FOR LIFE!!! I’m sure they treated me differently ‘cause I’m a vampire... I was so tempted to bite them!” Stop your moaning, I’ve got what I wanted so now you can spend your time being boring and looking after the baby. “I forgot there was a baby involved - crap,”


You sound like a hormonal pregnant woman... oh wait - you ARE pregnant MUAHAHAH! “Stop rubbing it in... it feels bad enough already,”

Did the aliens give you those clothes? “THIS IS SO EMBARRASING! I’M MEANT TO BE FEARED BY EVERYONE - Like that R-Patz dude,” Don’t worry, he’s a pussy compared to you - I mean he glows in the dark for pity’s sake!


YAY NAT SCIENCE IS ON THE COMPUTER! That means 3 down, 1 to go. Now we just need Criminal to turn up

Interesting... I would consider it quite painful to impale my arm through my abdomen... but each to their own.

Oi, Curious dude (is his name Vicund or something - I can never remember) the door is about 2 paces to the left of you. You can’t miss it. “Why won’t this wall let me through??”

‘Cause it’s a wall, genius.

“How DARE you spy on me through your telescope - I find it thoroughly disrespectable.” “Well the only thing our telescope points to is the wall... so unless it has some kind of x-ray vision of something I certainly wasn’t looking at you... in the shower... singing ‘Tragedy’”  It certainly sounds like a tragedy.

“WAAAAAHHH I most certainly was not about the post the video to my Facebook wall for the whole world to see!! I would NEVER do such a thing!”

I have a feeling nobody’s gonna believe you.

“AARRRGHHHH IT’S SOOO PAINFUL!! I never knew females had to go through so much pain!!” And I think now is the best time to leave you... muahaha. So tune in next time to find out: - What does the alien baby look like? Is it a boy or girl? What’s it’s name?- Will I finally get Ferdinand a job in the Criminal career? (it’s certainly not looking like it at the moment)- Will I complete the challenge? So until then... Happy Simming!

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” “Oh stop your moaning - I had to go through the same thing for the three of our little horrors angels,” Until next time!

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