appalling loss 1« among rus! siantroops h ungarian...

Post on 09-Oct-2020






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-VOIi.-XIII: NO. 15. „ r ---------- -------------------------------------------TWlN-T'AIiljSrlllAHO.---------- .---------------------:---------------------- ' ...............— ........ 'TtJI)SDAy,.N0VEMBmi"Z7; 1917 ~

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~



bo sch eS p som

--------- treTE E R IF IO ATTACKS ON ITAL- .

IA N S PROVE TO B E w r f H .r -

-J____ Uo

Seasoned V e t e r a n s mCome to Rescue

;_____ . .. th

R om an Troops of Oonoral Diaz ^ ■ ^ { n E T B a c k a - t - A U T P o in t s r H a k ' ^

in g F vrious C ountor A ttacks-on .. th e Huns.

•WASHINGTON. Nov. 27.—Prom tho ^A «lftgo-tQ -thb.-PIavo-the-Auatrq-Gor-~ _ /

m ans haro . Bufforo(l._app.alllng lossca -w lth o u l galnlnB any BdvanUgo accord- ■ “ ing I® an official cabldgram tcpm

Romo today. Botwoon tbo Plavo and r “ nfo'*3r<Sttta~liro'~ononfy“ Tiaa"^r3ttily '

w orn okt olx divisions, Ihono dls- patcbos to tho em bassy oay.

Tbe cabloBwm quoIob tho Romc T ribune’s corrospondont a)i saying tho torccfl o f K rbbatln ond von Bulow. unltod Id tho inountalnona sono bolow \ Iho P ia ro and Bronta rlvorB, mado a desporato oMort to broak th rough tho

“ 1tnor>H’aHh>ff^h©mflolv®8-of“lbolp-onor— mouB rosorvcs, osUmatod a t tw enty dl> vlelooB oad oaslly ablftod. W ith la t go o

foroBtu. a t ono poln l a sm all patrol o t Pniflslaah w ith mncbtno guns was Hont forw ard to g a th er, inrormatlqn und proparo tho a ttack . Shortly a tto r

- th c -A ttf l t ro ^ rm a n B -a p p w o d - ln .thlck. _wavofl and dollvorod a furious assau lt.

WishLog to avenge tho w oundlag ot onfl o t tbolr offlcora the Ita lians

~‘lBunohed-‘ft' hiiyou6i ftitaeit wiiB uuuir g vlolonco tba t a ll tho A ustro-Oorm ans wbo roachod tho I ta lian line wore com- « p lotoU wlpod ouL Tho onomy ronow- |

- od h is offorta and-dollvorod s tu c k af- Ito r a tla ck w ith unaba ted fuVy. c

D uring tho confusion o t the atrug- glo somo onomy outposta fought am ong thomsolvoa,- lho T b lrty -n rs t ‘

:_ lan d 8 tru n )_ d u rln B a n action n ea r { Monto F rio flgbting auoEEoc co m p an r , o t Aufltro-Oorraan troops w hich woro entlroly-doolmotoO.— — --------- ---------- ‘

, RO U B,' Nov. 27.—UoMonod F rench ' and BrlUsh votoraav* who .bAvq taced i

Oorm an drum flro TwUon.od gas and ] lloa ld flro on tbo woatorn fro n t a re , jo in ing tho Ita lians In coun ter a ttacks | aga in st tho AuBlro-aormoos Invaders ] on tho Asiogo plateau. . . , '. Advlcos trom tho fro n t today told of , th e arriv a l of ■'freah relnforcomonlH. ,

Tho formidable Austro-Gorman a t- , tack s botwoon tho Plavo ttnd Bronia , valleys havo contlnu.od w ith tho Tou- tons tnnnpuvorlng lo dollvcr a crown­ing hlQW.. h u t-so for tH6 tsaUant i’f alstanco of Ibo-Itallans has frUBlralod

V a T ro o rm a n ^ itra ir — -Oonoriil Diaz troops aro strlKlng

back a ll along lho llno and are do- llvorl'ng strokoB Juat as .violent _as Ihoao o t tbo Austro-Qormana. . .

•T h o ro ’ la heavy figh ting around Monto Tomba. whlcb is regarded as a crIUcal point. The Gormans, early In tbo lr drlvo. mado a- aligh t gain, but Hlnco then they have boon hold on lho HlopoB by tho Italians.

If tho Gormans and Auatro-Hungar- iana can break th rough a t Monte Tom ba and ovorru n ^h o ^^ aln

tho Plavo-by cutUng tho I ta lian llno o t communication.

B ulgarian troopa aro reported to havo rolnforcod* tho AUBtro-Gcrman arm ies on tho Upper Plavo and In the Monto BorUca sector.

BBrt,i.INi NoV/ a?.---Thero Is no chaago In tho ailuaUon on tho Italian fron t, tho Gorman w ar offlco a n ­nounced today.


Tho Twin F a lls high school second flinvon vrlll .meot Uip Joromo,, high

r — MCbool~0l0T0n” T hantagivtng—day—on- tho U ncoln flold. Tho Twin Falls f i r s t eleven succeeded In defoaling tbo Jorom o toam 'oarjy in tho season by a QUlto doclBlvo flcore. Tl>e- Joromo boya w ere tgpeh ontwolghed la th is game,

- b tit tboy p u t o p A' e U tr 'sc ra p p y flght throughout tbo onUre gamo. The J e ­rom o is conaidarod tbe equal ot th e R upert and B urley toamB, and U rem ains to be seen if tho second olov-

Nw on can copo w ith so formldablo on ^ a d r e n k r r .

Tho socond olovon haa defeated Ru* p e r t high schc^l 19-8 th la season, and h as oTOtl.«cored,on the varttty_oJe«n In pr»cUco. • Some o t tlTe men on The secon d team a re ahowing varsity cali­b e r th a t w in placo them In llno for

-------flrat--team -po«lUona-noxUxflfI:__Ihl8o i n e ' i d i r tlOM*" fl,~"vory- -su cc ta ttttl

for Uio W a ' F y is blgh-schOOl 'to o U A ll sQuad: a good,gam o Is prom-

lB«d and everyone Bhould: colobrata tb e lr T hanka^v ing day by attending th e game In the 'a ftem oon-

8 IX GEBKAK U«B0ATS ABB B ia. JJ w n n n f f o c b d a ta

- - L ^ l l ij^ iu°bsay~ am iv^1n™ fo w -d»T8: -AiobB»8*dor‘Ju^iMr.

a a d o f P rance told a p a rty of Krenct a s d A m e rtw i n av al officers attend'

1b« ft b a i w here.S- -Touai be fled to hear, the ioo<

- »«w r fnim-lhr-»e»;”"w at the- waT:hi maila tba annoiineement. / '



. LONDON. Nov.*27.—Wldoaproad mutli Dd by fltarvaUon a t Uio front and the (opar'said a diapatch fro m ’Stockholm

Riots and anarchistic outbreaks aro ri W intor hBB sot in and with food nnd

ffn rin f <ii hnln^ r«vprywhi»rn~-The Bolshovikl a rc cfosoly following

I'n and tho o tticlal term s ot address now tbo so-callcd Bolshovikl govornmont c Potrograd.

I t iB reported from Parla th a t tho Rui0 forthcom ing inler-alllod w ar council.

y S E D D O O R S ^ I i





Vere of District Chair- C _____men Only______

tthers Could Come in and Look B on — Sajrs Gatherings Were More Representative Than Prc- ■ Election Meetings Formerly._____

" I am su re 1 do nol know how the _ lockholdorB of tho canal compnny aro " :olng to voto," sold Secretary Vf. F . q idw arda of tho Twin Fails County r ^ r m B uroau yoatorday. “The m ntlor if candidates has bocn dlscusiiod and non from Uio different BocUons- of ho county, whom wo bollovo <rood m o n jiav o beon suggested to th e 1 itockholders, b u t I do not know w hal ;hey w ill, do when they get In hero. . j ^ "T h ts ta lk abou t; m eeU ng, behind j

:losed doors which Is going tho < rounda lB a ll nonsonso; Our proceed* • ings have been froo a s tho a ir . Tho ' lo o rs iiavo b een -open 'a t all Umos. I t Is tru e th a t only meoUnga of the farm | :>ureau chairm en hftvo boon callod. a s ' tboro w as no m ass mooUng o t the J to c k h o ld o rs , o r of tho huroau brought togolhor, b u t anyono who w anted lo ' [Io BO could como in and aoo w liat was ' KOlng on. There wore half a dozen ! pooplo here whllo wo woro discus- B lng-tIilngB .^Q nlx-dIatrlrt..c lm irm na woro auppoHod to tako part, slnco th a t wn'B t ho Ho r f o f mcoUng whlcir was callod. Tho m eeting was more rep- rcBcntnUve Umn any hold in provious years boforo any meoUng of stock- holdcra. Previously, when - a m an Irom tho. country was- named, ho was p u t up by a tow frlonda in hla own neighborhood. Tho man from H an­son ofton did not know tho man trom Buhi. T his limo mon from a ll ports of tho tm c t m ot and talked over m at­tors together. I t anybody la mooUng behind closod doors. I t Is th e other follow. Aa fa r as our old friend Crom head uf the~other ~move, I s -concornod, medtingn wore callcd for hiH school houao. "Wo do not Invito tho mcmbor- Bhlp .from hore. Tho distric t ch a ir­man docs not- Mr. Crom was n o t at any of tho mootings In hla own dlB­lr lc t.’’

"So It Ir llublo lo bc a warm De- ce;nber 4." laughed ProBldont Whito, ofVtho bureau , who was engaged oth- orwlao a t tho Umo, but tu rned long enough to m ake rcfer'once to a TIMES headline. ''W ell, It may get cooler af­te r Ihot.**


= ^ ‘0 l 8 « 3 ’w 5 ^ H 5 ^ f i 1 f - o W a i I i o has Bubiterlbed $120,000 to Ute Y. M. 0 . A- n o r (und. according to lUehard R andall, s ta te cam paign m anager to ­day. Th© Btato's quota waa *80,000.

•“ TW 'rettiTtfirTrtJm 'Twln* PallircouD - t r a r e pabllshed elsewhere In (hfs l*> suo o f th e TUIES- SInee they were com piled, how orer, t l6 9 more was re ­ceived th rough th e farm borean, whIeb had ch arg e of th e work Id .th e conn­t y preelnets-


WASHINGTON, Nor. B T -T he ~ w e r tc -» f-A » e r le in niTiT nfttUf.. —la -h rB r ro p e B in n tfa n n g B h i-h a i—

eer ta charge of the SQbukrlne operatlont of tbe BrIUih flee t lifo rm ttoB rMushhur b e n (edar ■tatee tb«t the BrifUh rtee ad.

, jBlral has sent to AdaUral Ben­son, BOW la Faria, attandlBg tbe

L - tatera llM eoafe(«Bee-tber<W ' > -

T t r l e u . n l t a ^ l , tbe Am m Icu K udroB Mid tbe

• M lB la«b7 UUBeofTIeeAdairal .a mmmM t ef bia tab-

1 orttMrfM. ^ '



Iny in thu ItuoHlan arm y Is Ihrcat- aiiorcbisUc propaganda am ong thc

1 today.oportcd trom tho Inlorlor ot RusHla. fuol faminoa prevailing tho utm ost

lh o m elhodH o t ' t h o F r e n c h ro v o iu ^ ‘Ib "C ltlion.” "Clllzon'’ Lonlno, head ’

continues to iSBno. mnnlfuHlOD’ dally —

isslan ulluatlon will bu conaldorcd n i I

» R A L L Y T O - i





Germans Fear British Tanks

British Objective Is Coal Field | Near Cambrai—Fighting Will

. ConUnue Through W inter—Ber­lin Reports British RepxUse.

,/•_ LOK^DQ?^ Nov. 27.T=Rcrc>rmlng thoir. I

Hhaltorod torcos, tbo Qormans-rooow- | cd tho lr countor a ttacks in tro n t o t I Cambrai during lho night, hul a ll wero ropulsod, tho w ar office announcod'to-day................. . . . - -• . I

DrlUsh poslUons a t th e northeaat corner of Dourlon wood wcro hearlly assaulted, bm the altacka wore jruflh- od by lho terrific flro of British a rtll- lery and machino su n s .. . .' Bourloir-wood. which w as-the scene of violont tighUng on Sunday, Um abou t lhrofl m iles w est of Cambrai and JUBUnorUi of tho ru ins of Iwhat wm on cA M h e '^ llag o o t F on ta ine Notre Dame, I t res ts upon h ig h . grouail whicii dominatCB tho Gorman strong­hold of Cambrai and eo long a s thoy re ta in It thb BrlUah can rake Cnm- bral w llh tbo lr tiro.

LONDON, '■Nov. 27.—Field Marahnl von Hlndcnborg. the driv ing torco of tho g roa t O eiinan w ar mnchlnoi, has ordorod th a t •'Cambml bo hold to tho la s t man,” according to alatomonls mado by priaoD O rs capturod In Uio TTdrc'd 'alruggHi 'ra<iIg gHygttna ' liOUr lOTrwood. ..................— ^AB-tho-Qennan—lln o -ln - th o -w c B t Blands today lho fnll o t th is atrong- hold would bo a a tro teg ic calam ity to the Germ ans and tho dlvislona batter- ed into wrocks by tho DrlUah drlvo aga lnst.tho C am brn l-do tonsesnm rbe- tng roformed and aont hack Into thc fray os fas t as tho offlcora can per­form tbo taak.

Gorman arU lle*r. hold In rosorvo at the baao o fL lllo . has bedn •ruahod to tho fron t and la now posted behind Cambrai, Q ueanl nnd D uilocourt ahcll- Ing tlio BriUsh lines.-“ T h n t-F lo ld M arshal H aig ha» thfe Gormuns guusslng Is shown hy tbeir norvouancsB.

' Dlspatchos trom lho fron t today aald th a t Gorman ba tlo rlcs all along tho tron l from Lena to -S t . QuonUn koep a steady ahow er of a la r shells ilghUng up- the field from ahnsot to down, no l knowing whero lho noxl th ru s t w ill bo made.

The Qormana apparen tly foar tho BrlUah tan k s moro th a n thoy do tho Infantry for tank a tta c k delivered on tho firs t day of tho Bttack did moro than anything else to sm ash tho Uln- denborg line and they havo put a wholesome fear in to t he h ea rta of-tho Teutons. . -—llrtr00 t^> f-<3*m brftt:th0 ;B rlU «h-l^ continued to launch tho lr chlof pres­su re norlhw eat o f Cam brai. attem pt­ing to drive botwoon tho Gorman base and Q ueant and thua g o t in thc rear o t th e Qorman defonsos along tho

- Drocourt;Queai^_BW ltcb,_a._ sertos _pl ’ posiUona aupporUng tbo northern end ' of tho illndenborg llno.' Tho big obJecUro o t the BrlUsh, • whlcb Uob bohind a ll tho Intensive ‘ operaUons In a o r tb e m F ran ce , elqcc ' ttae opening o t the a tta c k In Utio flprini

la to brook through to th e F rench coal fields and Industria l d is tr ic t whlct Ues behind tho H indonborg Une.

M ilitary experts exp ress the opinlor th a t tbo flgbting w ill conUnuo throiigt tbo w intor, In sp ite of Inclomem woathor and 'm uddy te rra in .'.

BERLIN. N or. 27.— BrlUsh forcei under cOTar.qLd»tlcnw . a ttackod P e r m an-poslU onB H f^oarion Wood and a the TJllagoB of B burlon (w M t o t Cam b ra l) , 'b u t w ere repulaed, tbo w ar ot fico reported today. T he atruggle w& .marked by fleh:o hand .to hand llgb t log, the Btatenlotit aald. .

HANSEN BBIDQB im L E S S '. T be H av ieB 'b rid g e i n a n o t le t <

. ttae;le ireitJi!dd tai!..fl£ -aB jeB e.>be o S a ta r U r a f ie n e o s ,, fd r

. £ [ r t t f l n :»M -B 4C .iaifM k .bU dte.c

tlvee.o f. bri«[(e ^ t a e t o r i . ■ ^ p e a r e before tb e b ^ i S S ^



(In lo n ia t io i i f i l > Z IIIU C II, N ov . 2,7.— H u n g a ry

," u l n n y jin iibx ia io im . T jiis (Iccljii K tirn ly i, fan io tis lI in iK a r iu n Htuli'. Innd on u p(iacc ini.HHum. T lie Ih i

- tn 'in ^ io rK c t- iu r to u « Ii- \w tlL .i-c p rc j r r s fo r llic purpD si- o f [urllicriM f,'


Country und rlly holh did well i ^l«plnff~Mio~'\'— ,A .-ilrlv f. [ wliich NO fnr uh Iht' Hiinlflttiircs nrp roncorripd, Soturdny ufternoon whon It wns Hhown thnt In c41kIi und $.V

J IW P Jn plcdg'ca_haU J>M a-girw it_. . 'I'hiH WUH fu r In oxccsn uf tho Wf«K) nskod, ahd com ing aa It £ did following se te rn l huccohhCuI

by uli to 'in d lcn tc th c nntrioUc xplrit moving ou r pcoplp. Tho

- fo llow lng_^am :-thc-figu res - * 7 != ;inunlrlpiillUcH nnd diKtrlctH: • Twin tullH # 4,lS?.2.-r tTwin KallH 'Boys :..... _.-l,5CO.OOT nln Fnlls Hiigiir fnct’rj 'Buhl .................................. MOJWO 1Bulil Both ........................ UflO.OO '-F ile r ................................. r.Gr>.7r> I iI 'ilor B0)n ......................... S40.00 1Klmbcrly .......................... «81.00

J ilm b e ili--J lo y s...... ......... .......a5Q.OO_l .H a n se n .............................. ’HolllBter .......................... IW -.0 iHoirersnn ............. ........... im .Ofl .Berger .............................. 1 2 a .0 0 ^M urtaugh .......................... 411.74COU^T^lY—

.NWH Twin F a lls ........ I23JW. J e w e tt............................ OJW"S W U Klmborly 44.10

Wnnhlngton ................ lG6.7ris w ^ nuhl------------------------7SM — i

... O fflco.......... .................. 20.00>0 . 22 M cl'horson...... 84.00Curry ............................ 10X0

Buhl ...................... 102JK)8J4 Klmberl) .............. 138JH)No. 6tt ............................ 11.00No. !I0'............................ I0'/.0No. 54 .......... ................. • 120J)0No. 10 ............................ .’il.25V. Atklnu ................ OOJiO

; No. 5 t............................. -7«pOONo. B2 ............ ............... 7J)0-

TOTitl.S ......................»12J01.1»

S a l m o n A c r e a g e

B e i n g R e d u c e d

The R^prcNontuUon of Uie S tato Ijind B oard Now Kngagcd In Hclrctlng

—Acr ^K F<~r Kiiminntion- |

F o r a wcck~Iaat paSi^ t!io Htutu~liinil uxamlnor luid appralHOr, Mr. Griffin, hoB been engaged hTa. careful tlxnml- iiaUon o t Uic Salmon Irnc t fo r Ihu pu r­pose of dccldlng w lm t lunds ahall be cut out In order to muko lho rudiic- Uon to 35,000 ucres docldcd upon hy lho board pu rsuan t to rccommcnda- tlon of thc Unllcd S tn tes lnnd com­missioner. As Uiere nro somcUilnR over fifteen thouaand acroa to be cut out. the laak lH a largo und by rii iu o iS a lfpT eas 'aH t ono. ' In fact. th< genUeman lo whom it has beon delO' gated declarea It tho m ost unwelconu and unpleaaont duty o t his life.

In m aking ihuso solecUonn for cx elusion, tho aolUers wero given ur opportunity to bO reproBonted b; Bomo ono chosen by UiomsolvoH, w nlso woro tho bondholdorfl. Tho tor mor held a meoUng a t H olllstor ti consider th a t m a tte r and declined ti bo roproaonled. aa did also tho bond holders. I t Is p robable th n t nolthe o t them cared to partlc lpalo In a liial lor In which aubscquent llllgaUoi concerning th e ir rospecUvo right might possibly arise.

J o h n s o n

Orvlllo Johnson and Bud Lowia wor roleaaod la s t ovonlng whon Judgo Eo sign gran ted tho m otk)n of W olto a M artin, ottbrrioya 'fo r dofdndant.’ thi tho jury, bo In a tru c tc d jo b ring In verd lc f o f acqu itta l. Thoy wor charged v^tth s tea ling xA tlo .

Ed. Jones wns given $500 and tou m onths, Oeorge Rowe »BOO and ai m onths and W alter BasUon ^300 an throo montha aa Bontencos to r viola' ing the liquor law...H arroy BtatJdloo w aa placod on Irii

today on tho chargo of In juring U: Jail whllo breaking out o f It Ibj year.


BOKB. N o r i lT ^ B e p n ls e ef an en tire d lT la to B -« ^ A aitro-O er. e u a a wUb b e a r r lo tte a In fight* t» g th e ao r tb e m fro n t r ra s an-

> n o u e e d l a thJs ern ilng 'fl o fflda l 1 • ta te n e a t . A vlarge Bnmber of 1 p i i a e a ^ r re re tak ea .c .w ..*neer-a -:U i^* . th e ■ ta te a e a t> a id e d , tb e battle^ a s s a y e d a


im iED N A TIO N S

J(‘\VH,.S(TvifCis riMiily *to m akti pence wilh-

-nlioii <rniiic to tla y fro m C 'dinit i Kitiiin, w lut is n o w in Sw ilziT - innn rinn p i'a ce iig c n t hns'lalivcii-oI’Ujtj..culciiLc.paw.-___tii(‘ penei! m o v em en t, lie fiuiii.

m A R M S





m e r m a n s F a i l o n A l l


IVaatago of Forccs Slowly but Relentlessly Wearing Down the

■'Teuton and SofCening HisXmesT Declares Biker.________

(i. .N..S. Loaned Wire) WASHINGTON. Nov. 27.—Dechiring

thnt_:itUe_wc5k_Ju8L-Cloaed_hnB_bcen ono vory fnvonihlu to tho ulllod nrmloH.” Socrelury ot W ar Newton H. U akap-ln-l>l»-w oekiy - io»lew uf wm condlUonit. today, paid high trib u te to both thc BtlUnh nnd Ita lian arm ies. Oormany, ho doclnrofl, took tho offen- Hlvo In lla ly to oxtrlcato horsolf from the Increoalngly difficult poalUon In which German arm a found thcmselvoa on the west fron t. Thla hua failed.' the Hucrolary saya. Summing up tho ro- uull 'and thc outlook Mr. B aker says: - • 'I t la the wastago o t lho enemy

forcea, th e alow ycl re len lless sapping ot lho mnn-powor by conUnuod and audden offonslvo th n is ls , whlcb muattvcblUttlly~t6ainL"In~aio” B d rtcn la ir^his line in the woat. This is tho u lti­m ate . obJeoUvo o t the aorlea of In- tonalvo ottenslvcB ao auccesstully pu r­sued by tho alliea during tbo past all monthn, and la even more Importnni thun lliu gulu in lorrltory."

PARIS, Nov. 27-^Tho n o w ly woi poH ltlona of lho French ou tlio Ver duii f ro n t woro conH olldatod durlni tho nlgtit, doHplto,-Gormnn counto tliruuta In th a t direction. Tlie wu Dfflcn nnnouncoil thla aftom oon th n n ir 'o t” tho ground guTnea botweei SamokeiK'uux and Anglemonl farr WJIH - flrnily - In - lh«—hands-of—th French.

A German nild at-Uczonvaux, In lh fluniu region, waa repulsed.

ElBowhorc on-tlio Vordun fron t tl) K una^w cfinu uciTon.

TH12 HAGUE, Nov. 2C—The Rui Blanjaitualioti today Ib drlfUng Into new phase, frau g h t wiUi lhe uUnoi monaco to the allloa. Evldonco hi

: 1)0011. unourllied IndlcaUng th a t Go num agonla uro trying t o . do moi

> than to drive Riiaala Into a’ seporai ! pouco. Tlioy aro actually trying ' align R ussia ns n potenllai a lly o t tl ' cen tral powers. ' • -

B ut how fa r th is Gorman Influeni- extends Is nol known, but thoro' umple ovldonco th a t the Bolehevl' leadership In Petrograd Is pormoaU* by aenUmonlH th a t havo been boug “ by German gold.3 F or a long Umo thero haro been i 3 slnuullona th a t Nlcholal Lonlno. oi* of the m ainstays of the Bolshovikl r Petrograd. Is friendly to Gormany. '- was th rough tho .action of tho Qc

m an govornm ont tha t Leniuo. thon o lied In Swltxorl&nd, was ablo to roa R ussia flhorUy a f to r .th o rovoluUo

_ a r y coup, ,1m ,Lflprlog.^.Tp.ali'fflt.w a • appearances Germany has shown :

I’ apparen t roluctanco to. en te r oogotl Uona w ith th e Bolshovikl fo r a n a r

0 IsUco, lodleaU sg th a t tbo Germ >* gonoral- s ta ff w as doubttul o t tb e po1 or yielded hy tho so-called.Bolsher:

"O vernm on t'' In Potrograd over' ta arm y .'0 Ordors Issued by Colonel M ourln

otf. tho m in is te r o f w ar tn the B ir shovlkl a ro oponly fjoulod by somo X the commandora a t the R ussian fro d A t tho samo Ume othors, Buppon

by m utlonous unlU of tho arm y, t going ahoad w llh tho ir own p la

^ S om o.bavo o re a sodo bo fa r aa le take actual stopa to socuro an a m » Uco to a t fo c tp a r t o t tho fron t, b n t

fa r as know n these nogotlaUona bi . .done no m oro than to load to 'oa

o orcaae-o t .fta tom U lng,-'*----------------- ■ -^It'^ iifB B 'B nd-filrcom pB aion-^T i

sky aro ablo to m aintain th e ir po^ a lltUo longer and tbo dom orallsat a nd sproad of' anarchy in -P e tro g conUnuea tho allies' may h a re U> v ise th e ir p lans fo r th is w in ter’s ci palgn and th a t o f next yoar.-

D I Q ^ R . C ola, Nor. 9S—1 M argaret B arry'.Carrer.-Trtre: e r p

- C arver, • prQiainent Amerloaa'^ b U- of Petrofiad-Jeft-her«-todar-ft>r :

rranelsco, where It is belli^Ted wUl meet Mlas Tikii^.N Loelaatra anoff, .MCond dsiugbter ol Nfcbi

- BoiBaiM>f<,-iormei^naiH>t'RaMja.--< Jl ' ' I)

n i u n o A L A i v i



------ PROPOSED-GHANGE---^^^— -

-------- -(Another Meeting Held

Tomorrow Night

People of Different Parts of Dis- _ Irict Expected—Farm Bureau

Membera Lead tbe Campaiga Against Increased Exponso,

The cunipulKii uRulnat tlio fixing o t Lliu HalariuH of tliroo dlrectoru for Uie L-aunI_coiiip»tiY..m .?:!00.0. n. y.cftr..cach>..... IW propoaed by nome, and h g a ln sn iio holding of thu board l i i ' continuous HOHHlon Ib now tak ing uhapo, aa a rc- Hult of lwo inoellngs held Saturday and Mondny nlghta. roapecUvoly. by Uio "Effllclcncy Furty", am ong Uto Htocklioldoru, which eloctcd J. A. Crom as clinlrmnn luat week.

Another meeUng will bo hold to­m orrow nlghl u l which It Is hopod to imvo a loriTe roprosentatlon from- a ll pnrtB of Uio county of Uioao who bo-■lloye timt It-l8 Inoxpodlont ip pay rq-___much money out for directors. A t Unit Umo. too. It Ik hopod by Uie mem- bcra to have the, mnn who mom ngroo— omong Uiemselvca on ropresontaUvo mon from tholr rospecUvo d istric ta to r tho dlrcclorshlp. DelogaUona from Kimberly and Buhl wero a t tho

JDccUuga.--hut_uobody._liaa_yot__ a t- -----tended from the woat ond.

The “Efficiency Mon" urge stock­holdora 10 voiu UioJr own stock and to como to the m cotlng w ith ' opon - minds to do llielr own th ink ing and voting.

*Tbo llno of argum ent pursued by the opponents of tho high sa la ried d l- , roctors la th a t ii Is a w aste o f monoy. Thoy Hoy th a t If tho c ity m a n a g o r . plan Is to bo coplod, and they-, doclaro lh a l Uioy favor som ething of tho kind, Uio Idoa w ould 'bo to to v a tbo board muut when nocossary, as a t presont, and placo tho managomont In thoJiaudtt-o t-u io-oxpotth irod .fop-lho-pur-----posfc Aa fa r as details o t bttslness la conccmod, I t Is arguody tha t If tho export Ib wofUi Ills satary, ho w ill know wlmt to do withont a high s a l­aried board of non-oxports In sosBlon ail tho Umo to Intarforo w ith h i s . work o r to bc useless appondagos. On Uio olhor hand, thoy aay i t tho th roe dlrectorH are wbrlh.$3000 a year each, tho idea of (tiring a high prlccd m an- irger in addition la a waato o t monoy. for they wltl know how to diroct Uia actlvlUcB n t tho aubfxrdlnates.' wtio

-are aupposed—to—hav t -t h e 't echnica l— skill though not thc m anageria l abll-

. Ity ._ t0 , do w hat t hov aro toltl. In otber words, tho groat com plain t as

, voiccd nt thc moeUngs Is 'tb a t th e• farm burcnu plan is a caso o t "Too

Much Manager,” which they claim- will-make fo r Ineffieienoy-and -fof d t^ •

vided council. Instead of tho rororse .They also dispute tho aaso rU on tha t

the other p lan is roally a fa rm b a r - , eau proposition, b u t aay th a t I t la t h e - result o t sk llltu l m anlpulaUon oa th e

pnfl of the tarm buroau prosidonl. D r.■ John E. "Wlilto. They say th a t tho g m ajority In thB lnnooU nga a ro -bu roaa . members. Chairm an Crom says th a t “ ho was w ith Dr. W hite whllo Uio la t- . tor was organizing, tbo farm ers and

tbal ho thought th a t tho p lan w aa to get them togoUier and lot th e repre-

.. sentaUvoa o t tho d ltforont local b u r- J eauB and tho mom bors dlsousa th ings . pro and con, and do w hat th o y wlah-

ed. Ho aays th a t ho tound w hen be ventured to suggost Uiat som e ot- tbe things advocated by Dr. W hlto w ere not feaalble, bo found th a t he •was virtually accused o t “Los U ajcsto,” and was speedily elim inated. He says

* th a t frequonUy on tho Btatomont ot .1, the borean presldea t, only a few Wore

a t tho m eetings a t 'w hich .orgaalca> J Uons word- effected. Thoso friendly ^ to tho president-w oT B -put l n . l t - is

alleged, and thon tho statem ont waa ' glvon ont th a t th is o r th a t nelghbor-

^ hood was In favor o t corttiln .lhlagB . ^ In othor- words, ho charges In snb- J Btanco th a t so t a r from voicing the .J senUmonts o f th e p eo p le .-th en ee tln g -

rolcod o n ly 'tb a t Ot tho county proel-- dent. F ran k McClVn quesUoned , w hether all those now nom inally e lect- g . ed d is tr ic t 'c h a h in o n w ere - a c taa lly , elected. “ 1 waa m ade cha lrm aa ^y

^ appointm ent a n d - ousted hr~- dlaa^- „ polntmoDt.** ho said. H o saya th a t h e

waa appointed by tho county chair* , ' man and wbon ho ro a tu ro d -to ang- I, gost-that the p lana of th e la tte r-w ere

' n o t In a ll cases feaslble.^ th e com ity prealdont said l a apparon i asfohiih '- m ent: “W hy I Uionght you-w otild be wllh U S;" the ‘U S " m eaning ..the

“ how ho cam i to lose hls. •ehalnnan- " ship, b u t bo wa* B lm ply-dropped .-:'f ^ The committeemen who .a r • . 'e a a - ^ vasslng aro askJng th a t ia ll co m e’.Ui ' T Uie m eeting In person t a d ;ea s t there

^ to wipe o u t th e ho ld lag . ^ ^ ; i f t r g ^ . nnm her-ot-proTUs . h y -eay..m g |»

aoa;. b a t -that a ln c a -* ! tU a .:a £ o c ^ b i

= W M F F B = = BE ON GRE

^ y l i U S T O


------------ ^-POSXEONZMENT— .----

Fdrmer“ Se'CTeTaiT~to' Testify Monday

Question of ' Veracity • Between Former Frienda Regarding tho Lusitania—^WiBconsin Senator Conducts His Own Defonfle.

WASHINGTON. Nov. 26,—The In- YOBliKullon inlo the ullcRcd (tlHtoyalty of Scnntor Ilobort M.. LaFollette. of WlecotiHln. waH tem porarily btockeJ u l tho olevontl) hour lodny hy the In ­ability - o l —W illiam. JcnnlnRii ‘ Dryan. form or secretary of ntnto, mul xevoral of lho moniborH of tho problnB. com­m ittee to bo prcHont. It i« hoped lo reopen lho inquiry before lho enil of

— ihe-week-in-limo-'io-miihfl-u-roivori-neKt. Monday -or TucHtlay. Tho InvcHllRu- tlon committeo, however. n»»y be com- pellod to UHk nn osiunsion nt lim e lo

—:^m plo le-= -lta-w nrtf;— ; -r.......... .• ■- M r. U fy a n lo d a y w ired S e n u lo r J ’om*

o reno . of O hio, c h a lrm n n o f lh o ntim - m lt te c . U ia t h e w ou ld tie in W u»hliiK- to n on n c c t'in lio r - . a n d th e c o n u n lt- too dceiiled n o l to r e iiu lre h im to m iiko n s p e c ia l '• t r ip to ilie c u iiitu l hoforu th e n . S o n n tiir W atnh w tio in ill , and S o n n to r F a ll w ho In do tn lned a t hom e on burtinoHH, b o th oxprcHiiod a . deu lro to p a r tlc lp a lo In th e in tiu iry n n d oti thiH a c c o u n t It wojt docided lo pont- ■pono tbo rc o p e n ln /r o f Uio h p jir in « in i-

— li l tlio y -ro iild roach-V U auhinKton.— .........T ho jion tiione inon t w a« a n iio u n co d

a f lc r p r n c tlc a lly a l l o th e r a j ranKO-

h e n rin j ;. M any p o rao n s w en ; tu rn e i l a w a y fro m th e c o m m ittee room d innp -

- p o in te d th is m o rn in g . 'A rm od wlUi f a r ta a n d d n ia K iiihered

cesH of conKrosiT. •S en a to r L n F o lle tlo

lh o c o m m iltee . H o In, RolnK to p ro -- Boni tilB c n H O 'c n tlrc ly -n n - th c T iK h t-o f '

f reo Hpcoch, w h ic h ho c on tondn ho d id ‘ n o l overB lop in hln apcoch be fo ro th e ' N o n -P ar tisu n .loaK ue n l S l. I’uu l l a s t ' S op top iber. ' - '

S e n a to r U F o l l e l l c p lnn» to c o n d u c l h i s ow n d e te n te und . to b t on h a n d . p o r so n a l iy to c o n d u c t th e o ro s s 'o x a m - in a t lo n o t Uio w ilaosaen to bo uum - m o n o d -b e to re tb o iM cuU gaU nK c o m ­m it te e .- -O f f ic ia l W a th in u lo n J? w a i t­in g . w ltb - th o . .S 7 m t£ s l In to ro s t th e

FoUollo tthd, W llU m JonalDKB B ryan, who ha» boen e » l ^ to ltosU fy about lho facts In the L tu ltan ia case. Bolh man woro an ien t tedtialH before tho w ar. but th e declaraUon in April brought a parting of tho waya. Tho

. accusod aonator hafl a ^ m b o r of ques- J tlona to aak Mr. Bryan to ouiabllHh

■ finally und-doflnltcly^tho-^ctB about ‘ tho salUns and tho nlnkinK of lho ' LusilaclQ. Adm inistration loadurH arc ' confldont-tho tcsUmony of the form or ' fiocrotary of slato wlll sustain lho po- '

__ altlfin nf thn gnvnromenLWlUch.flnally. J• ro suH od in Ifio d e c la ra U o n o f w a r ;

a g a in s t . G erm any .TBT5”0Ui’C0iiifc"onhTrtrniuirywiii"hnTO'


Sweet Cider, Pump­kins, Apples, Vege­

tables, etc.- FRED WHEELER

rkone (H-W' - U i WalDDt S treet

O f a il i h e b o o k s a y o u n O m a n c o i o w n a B a n k Bool< i s t h e b e s ' t

■a'. •' V

. A y n u n g iM.nti’s l iu n k hooiiiiu l« T r e a l iic u < h v n y .

__ T Jn!_3rm inK m n n w j t h a h n r<m” in " th ( ; w o r l d . I t i n d i c i i t c s ; I r .y iu ic l i»iiHini>sR t h a t a u K » r w e l

' A n d i t i s a to s t i n io i iy n o t o l o p c rf io n n l q i ia i i t ie K t h a t , h a v e n d m ir n 't io n n n d i-onficle in :(? o f ni

__ ____ ; ____t > u r . j i e r - c < j i t j i t e r c a t | i a i d i


lho m ost fai" reacblnB.ttonBOQuuiicoBrlf Is regarded as-inaricing 'O U t'the-^D ad - to be followod throughout th o w ar In dealing w ith tho pacifist m ovem ent fn and o u t of congrosi. W hatovor punish­m ent Is'm oted ou( to S en a to r LaFot- lotto w in bo reviewed aa precedent toa ll fu ture a lin n in a u o E ---------------

SpeculaUon as to tho tlnd log o t tho commlttoo ra n 'to wide oztrcmoB'toiiajr.' • The scrupulous silonco m aintained by Sooator LaFoIIotto during tbo recoss o t congroaa was the basis o t a theory th a t he would G lightly, prob­ably wltb a committee rep o rt cenaor- Ing his conduct. On tbo otbor hand; senato rs on both sides o t tho polUical 4eDO&-returnlng-froni--vlBlta-ln-tbelr- bome statos. ro p o rt.a Tiolont iteeling not bo satlBflod wilh anything sh o rt of

flowyitrtp Tjs

Only tbroo mombera of the InvosU- gating commlttoo woro on band today, Thoy wcro Senator Pomorono, ch air­man, of Ohio; Jamos. of Kontucky, nnd Dillingham, of Vermont. Senator Fall of Now Mexico and Sonntor Walsh oflM ontnna aro n o t oxpoctqd to nr- rive In WashlnKton until Intor in the wcok. Tho examination of officials of tb o Ktato doparlinent reeard ing docu­ments In the Luuitanin cauo Ih oxpoct- oil to occupy the oarly pu rl o f- th e week.

Palmer’s Discussion " Meets Warm Approval

Spokunr Djilly Xt*H»im|K‘r CItoh Kdl- to rlal Approbation To Twin FoIIh ' MbnN T alL i

T lie dlHcuuidon p ro lia rd con ta a n d i Kcononiloii. l>y IvCslio L- P a lm o r , o f > thlir.(.-ily 'itrouiied llu> K re iito sl In tnrcK t a t i^ lioi4r«ifc-SKn».-qnuconforancft:i.hol(i j d u r in u -the .tiiiilli iiuU oual a p p le a lm w ' n l Spo k an e ln«t w eek. T h e S p o k a n e U aily ( lliro iilc le Hniil rcK ardinK i t : '

■'i do no l beliuvo l l ia t 60 p o r c e n t (if Ihc a jip le K row era m ade m o n e y Ui Ih y e a r in sp ile o f llie IiIkIi p rico « . T o I m ak e m oney m lsliiK a p p lea , il Ih n e t- : oHHiiry lo have ii luanaK or a n d a re- iiponHible iituff." ■ i' R lg h l you a ru M r. P.;ihiier.

N'o lino n f la<liiHtry c an th r iv e lo ' rtrli(Uifjy;e H liere (Jioro Is' no >

tiniHt l)f_ e a re ly lly w atolied- K very . Iten t .coiiii'i^i’led w ltli a n y iiiiliisi ry miiHi J 111' Hiinllecl. ipiii b iin k ru p tcy eflTeiJ^ln, 1

Tliut'H t!ie va lue o f tlic f r i i l f con- I ferenccH held in ro n n o ctio ii w ith th e i iiu tio iia l ap p le hIiow. ExperlH K atlier < l lie re to Hwa p oplnlonB «and g ivo a d - i Vice to lesa Inform ed g ro w e rn , Ap^ ' p ie g ro w in g Iiuh bcconin lo o larK o an ' iiid iiy try , 111 th e northw cK t lo le t iT 1R o -liap h az o rd ___T h o -K u cesiiu fu l-H ro a ’* .er ia Uie Hcionliflc grower, and the ' Hclonlific Rrowor ohtalna a big por- I tion of lilH knowlcdgo a lte n d in R -frull conforonros where real, prnctlcal In- I formatlotMB lo bo had . <

K. C. Collection 'Is Growing Well

W ftr-H w rtB llon-F u iid -H H ng-^n lhpr. ' Cd-IIOTO Not Y«l Mcnrlj. Finished the Drive.

Tho war fund collection fo r recrea­tion groundn a t camps nnd canton- , m ents-conducted by lho -Knights of , Columbus Ib being IncreuHed horo rap­idly. a.nd_haa_tlow -roochod-u- gocHliy num. although not iioarly all,m om bera of lho congregation of Sl. Edw ard’H | church have yot berfn seen. Tho day on which the colloctlon B tarlcd Into florvlccH wero held in Duhl, no mnny In- the- countT y-ata*nor'iiiio ir(ir'‘TjrHt : Sunday bad woalhor kopt many of tho I

Is only partly complotod. T h e UsI ih 1at the placo ot business of Macauloy 'brothor# and tho Knights in cbargo ' UHk thOHo who wish to contribute Btopin and do Bo ns-Hoon-itii TiffaBrbTcr ' '

ft T O Youto become a regu- lar advertiser in ^

=TTiis Paper=' 1

jid jpi ypn?9

k i.s an ind ii’a tio n Ih a t -ho is

ik ncpoiin t is flln^niiv p ro s p e r ity n n d Im hils o f iiid u s .I foj- h is fu tu re . '

lily to tn iij’ibli* piKSKi'ssi.m.s h u t ' m uch to d o w ith w iiin iiif ' lh'* ' •qunintancL's. j

iB .f ia r ia g ii. . |• t


< . . .



_ _ 0 n 8 J? H A L ,a H M T I0 lfB .

L a r g e - G a t h e r i n ^ H o l d s

E p o c l i a l M e e t

Addresses of Permanent Value Beforo tho SesaionB Held

“ "i’n ’ the'BtTptist Church in Falls Lost Week.


Twin Fallfl. IVorember SO-Sl Ilfl i t rctiolTwl: .Tlmt Uio f lrs l Ills-

tr lc t FfldcrnUnn. Htnnd nnanlmooBly for civil Hcrvlcc.

Tlmt, Club womon cdu«alc pnbllr opinion lo tlio odTantago of Uio merit ByNtcm of civil s e rrlee ;

— Ibat_clTJL_acrjlcc_M tndjr_prDgnim . QN ouUIned hy **1016 clioim uin Ix adopted;

Thftt we iiKe ou r In f ln c n w to ban- jih JI-jie rticc-.stm U ed-ln —<>tir-,^pobiichchoolH; _ __ ____

TJuit our cIuBn nnri’ Imnicaiato 'a r- lion (o III* taken bj' state <iii civil Her-

reform ;That women Ih> cncoanif^'d to com-

p rte wHli men In civil scrTlce exanil- iiiitlDnH.

lio It n 'so h e d : T hat >ve dcvole the scc<mil proKnim of next year In cducntlonni m ark. i<niphnKlEln(r ne<‘d of physlral cduciitlnn' in nur Kciiool'i HKcl (lie n<T(l of Ju rc iillf llhrarlcH5tiirgMt«H.y-Mf«r-Fp«>n<>l«------------------...Be It ro so h fd j Tlml the F lm t Uls. tr ir t . F<>denilIon Ih bnck of ou r Htale

•pr^sldeii^-^ rn.. S^Wciey, in »ll<? dei^ire f<ir loan Kchabirsblp fund of Ilnlvrr- Hlty and th a t nil a id possible l>e (dveii to the ralshi); of th a t fund a n tll It reiichrH a sum large enough to loan tn-H ll-W ys-nnd frlrlfr;-ci!ptbir*trcsh; men nnd Koplwimores as wcH as up- jier Classmen.

onr stjilc p resident for the able liandl- Ing of IIio dlfflcnlt fln n n d a l ftltuAtlon Ilf ihc s la te fedcm llon and in placing It on n nnfc'bnHi» and settlnic a good example fo r nil surcccdlng proflidenlti.

rrKOlvwl: T lm t Uie InspIraUon and rpcomniendations given by "Dur F irs t .D is tric t prcHldont. M ri. Olon- ehek. he tnkcn to oor- rJubs nnd'.In- eorpocatcd In o n r work. .. V.

ite It resolved: T h a t If Is'UieTttbll. loaiun .-of-tho-w om cn-of-U ila , dlttrtcL to recommend to tbo president o ^ ' . A. through the naUonnl pr<>iii«& .Hrs, CowleH, fhn t lift take d e f ln w and even d rastic action to coDtrol U>e meimre to our naUon b j the Bil«con> duct of vroinen tiTlnft n ea r camps and cantoaments-

Be It rcHfflTed:,.,!Tlu»l w c ‘express ,<tur d«p.appr<>clatlft« o f Uie~dWIghti' fni and„uauK ual boNpllallty of Mra. CIORchck In .i^T ing to the delegates tho bani|QCt of Tuesday ovoning.

Be It rcH ohed: T iu t ttie IilHtrletF^fUratlon lf« hi>Artf»lt Ihnn lfto Uie TwcnUeth Contnry club nnd Twin Fnl lH p w n ie fo r th e Tolnnlnrr nndcrtak ln ir of the^ task ef-entertain* Ing the F lrht D istrict Federation a t this Ume-

He I t n;solve^:.. -That we cxpreaB our-appreelaU on-to-M rfl«-H llto»,-nft. Uonal clmirman of Women’s Biireaa of Itod CroKH ond MIhh Loomln. na* tlonoi chairm an of tho NnrscH’ ilur* eati of Ihc Ited Cross for their help, ful snggestlonH and InfipIratleD they havn uh.

Ilo it resolved: Tlmt w e ,p u t Into praoUcc Mrs. W liitc’s efficiency sng* gesUons and o w o n r InflGcncc-to co^ o rd ln a lo -u u r’ organisationA. •

Be It resolved:.. T bn t we express ou r thanks to the progm m commiltee Ihat lias made it possible for uh (o rcccIve in a Hhort day and -a iialf, so much insplm tlou and helpful Ideas. .Ik> It resolved: Thnt It Is Uie sense

of this body lo express a deep npjired* nIInn for Uie wonderful uddrrss of Dr. Wiilsle .MnrUn.

MIt.S. J . W. FAIIIS, ChalrDian MltS. r . K. M. LOUX MII.S. 0 . A. AXLINE

The flcventecnth annual meetlnR of tbe F irs t D istrict Fodorallon of Wom- cn's cluba in UiIh cily last week wjlj

^bng•be remembered not only bn ac- co'Tiut of the Intellectual fcaturcB lo which lho program abounded bul be­cauao of the earncBlncRB and inten* ally of pirrpoHo .which chnraclcrired lho talks und acliona.

TllO mooting, ns noted in a previous IflBUO of the TIMBS. was called lo or­der by the prosldont, Mrs. II. W. Clou- cliek. The Invocation by Mr.i. J. EJ. IJradley, o f Fnlla, was Holemoand strik ing and appealed to all. Two pages appeared a t th is point, repre­senting the Twin F alls Commercial club and lho Tw entieth Cenlury club, each prosonUng n floral in belialf ot tho organization roprcaontcd. -.Following the announcement of

committees, Mrs. M- J. Sweoley. of this city, prosldont of the State Fed- oraUon of Womon'ti cluba, delivered-an

-address o f wclconic which'* wur unt- vonially praised by Uio deleRules na oxceedlngly timely, Tlie ' response, equally appropriate , waa delivered by Mra. W. J . Ingling, of Pocatello, A delightful pinno solo by Llale Vaniing of thla c ity waa followed by the ro­port of the program commlttce • by Mra, C. J. Schrocdor, of Twin Falls. In spoaking . o f ^^^8. Schrocdcr, it Bhould be rem arked thn t tbe-women of U ils 'c ity unanim ously declnro iiiat to hor unsolflah and untiring work, more than to th e offorts of any other person, crad lt. m uat^bo-glvan for the successful: m anner In which tho do-* Inllfl o f Iho preparn tions for the meet­ing woro handled. M rs. A. J. Snydor of Pocatoilo, whoso roport wna a moil-

- - — Jewei

■ ' -



■______ Set“PAY

It't t mighty


The N«

u t i lunusu

Me’ hai------ ------- ----------- — ■Pay I

SEE ONE OF THE 1' ' ............. .O F '1ImI H E L L ]

DORIn a Bigge


T U E S D i


I S I S "sl of accuracy, proved herself^ In ov- ury way an Ideal offlcor.

Ropoft on club oxtension by Mrs. H. H- Schlldman. of F llor; on tho d istrict loan fund, by Mrs. C. F . Hon- irle , of Blackfoot, nnd on conaonra- Uon by Mrs. C-_Bateman, o f Ru- perti all a b ly 'w r it te n and valuable, wore followed by a ploasing vocal »oIo by Mrs. 0 . P. Duvall,' o f Tw in PVlis. A t th is point tho mooUng lis­ten ed -to -th e -v a lu ab le -ta lk tfm ad o -b y SIrt." Hllton«"nnd~M l»B^Iiobmlff-i^pr^ lenUng th e Red Croaa of the N orth­western division of atatea, which was provloualy reported In tho TIMES.

T hat evening, following a aplondid banquet a t tho noRoraon hotel, nn in- formoi rocopUon was hold n t the Bap- tiat church w here the mecUngs of the organlutUon took place-

Tho evening progrom opened wiUi X vocal solo by Miss E ttor, foliowed Dy a TDcal t j jo by Meadamea Dwight Uld T ucker and Miss Pitcairn. .

The evening addreaa o t Mra. M. J. 3w««loy -w as-a m astarly a ffa ir-touch ­ing m any points of vital public Intor- }st w ith .h maiglc’ wond tha t proved clarifying and oxhileraUng.

Following a reading by Mrs, 'G . A,

J— g -• M I M


Xhej PhotoJDramd tsation of BroadiiME" made all Nfw York iiop-look-anI powrrful story of primitive paition* emotions. A drama for everyone from )


w York World »a!d: “ ‘P iy Me* ti a dr hue." The N. Y. Telegraph »«Id: ‘*‘Pa)

II thriller." The N. Y. Herald i i id : "T lally »wjft” The N. Y. Americin «ald: ‘ I power and punch.’: The N. Y. Telegraj ^le contaiDi the m w m um of Vuipense.'*

f fO B T D B A M A T IO S C E N E S E \n m _ u A m iu > T A x a a —LiaxxsyiyiBnuj—1 L U S flV ^w U X V trU IiU txtIJSX J

f l y i r i f e a t u r e s T l

I j f l t r '" ^


O TH Y PHUr, More Gripping, Migh^'S O N L Y TO TWIN ?}

SY and expressed tp- bo theater a

S S D A Y a s f

t h e a t r e 'Axllno. of Albion, which charm ed ai: Mlaa Poarl French, of Moacow, de Ilvered an addross of rare “value. MIsi Pronch brought homo to Uie delegntoi forcibly the slgniflcanco o t tho powei of Im inorallty a t work near the greai cantonm ents underm ining the mor- a la -o f y o u n r mon and th e nnunUnf vice whloh m ust bo combatlcd. Hoi address bad a profound effect.

Tho following m orning on appro' elated, du e n g by M ra.-A. Gulbori

jnd-JtisaJtoa-gm oa-^opened-thfrm eet’ ing which was presided over by Mrs 8- Grover Rich. A fter the reading oi the report of the civic committee bj Mrs. H. B. Miller, of Sl, Anthony; th« address o t tbe president. Mrs. H. W Clouchek. puMlshed ♦hereunder waa given.

A repo rt on o ris and crafts by Mrs Mlnnlo Howard, showing a deop In sight into Uio subject was followec by-an addreas by Mrs. John B. *Whit< ot Tw in F alls on Red Croas work Mrs. W hile urged tho co-ordlnaUon oi e fforts along thls-lino'TVlth-conBdrvfr U o n ,an d o lher work necessary foi tho nation at- th is Ume. Tho work o: tho women's council of dofenso wai ouUInod by the apeaker in o tuoat in

m p s

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l-li*itn. and to 80.

ps- —ima of Me*

■ • k r - _______________ ■b aaid; . ...,


b b a t j t i .

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O F ;


LIPSier DramaLL8 BY

SPECIAL BEQDE8T of tbeater.gocrg bavlng lhe m anager o t fhe Ida* desire to ic e “P ay M e r

Drtnging tb ls Wg pro*

It tbo Isla theater*

U O E S lO o a n d 26c:

lO B O IE N O E S 7 i l 6

tereaUng way>A fu rth e r elucidation of presen t day

probloma by Miss Ise. dean of women in the Pocatello Technical losU tu te , y and by Mra. W hile of Pocatello. wh(T spoke on city federaUon.

The rep o rt on. lIU rature_and Uter- a iy extension by a 'W. Thompson, o f thla city and a p laao solo by M rs. Qui- - bort of UiIs- c ity closed Uie o o m in g program of tbo second day. A fea tu re

ganlser o f tho AnU-Tuberculosla le a ^ e , w hich 'w orks In connecUon .with tho Rod Cross. The subjoct w as brought hoino ,forcibly in th ie a d ­dress, in which tho surprising num bor of drafUid m en fownd suffering from th is disease and tho menace of con­sumption to P ranco wore laid boforo tho moeUng.

In the aftcmooDi Mrs. A. a . H a rria , -- of St. A nthony, sooond vice prosldeot.Id Uu choir. Uie program opened byj a .tDBplring. p ia n o -d u e t-h r M ffc'O iit-—bort and E ula Ripley, followed, a f te r the reading of mlnotes, by a charac- UsriaUcalljf enchanUng vocal .aolo by

(Contfnced on page 8)


' (IntornaU onal .Nowa Sorrlco) ' - . . CONCORD,. N. C., Nov. 8fr—Oai'ton »

Bullock Moons, gbos to tr ia l todoy < _ -b a£ o m jL ^ h am u -C o tto ty _ Ju ry -b n .Uio. .* — chargo of lho m urdor of Mra. Moudo '

A. K ins, wealthy Chicago and Now < Y ork widow. Today'8 tr ia l wHl bo- « gin tho unfoldlnR o f o* m urdor mya- <

• 'to ry tb o t liaif d t l r ^ to d tho attoiitldh o f a ll tho UnUod Stotca. I

Otx tho a ig h t b f A uguat 29, a t I abou t 8_p;clock, _Mi:5.. Klng_.wofl..Bliot a nd kUlcd a t Bloc}cwoldor Springe, a i

' lonoly-Bpot a dlatoJice o f-th ro o 'U lica 1 _ rro m thla town. A coronor'a hoarlpc i

w as iiold on Augual ^0. Ooatoa Gul- i lock Moana was tho ono oyc-wltncaa to I tho wom an'a UoaUi. According to- • M oass, ho and Mra. King, hla brother, : Afton Moana, and CaplaltT 'W. S. Bing. i hom luul gono to Blackwoldor Sprlnea I

• .to ahoot a t ta rge ts . C aptoln Bing- i hum and Afton Moans wondered j down a noarby -Uao "In aoarch of ' rabb lta ." 'Q aaton Moans wont lo tho uprlng to gol a d rink nnd lott o am all automoUc revolver In tho notch > o i ft-troo , noar where Mra. King i Ktood. Aa Meann loaned over, drink-

. ing (rom Uio spring, ho hoard .a ahot, and, - tu rn ing aaw MrH, King

. f a l l p rostra te upon tho ground. Cap- r ta in B ingham and Afton Moons camo : .. -h u r ry in g In-roaponso to Oostoa Moans'

coll. Tho woman was picked up and tnkon to Uio Concord Hoapltai, whero : ftho. w as pronounced dood. 'H e r body w as proporcd for burial, and wlUilntlilr ty Jinn rH Aftor tlm BhnoUng_wafl .on roulo to Clilwgo, whoro lho burlol ' look placo.

>c 'A- m ystorious lologrom. scn^ from " ^ C 6 T i c o h F t « F ^ I C B g o = ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ T c r -

o f M rar-K lng to -Inytiitigttte. A n -ox- humaUon followed and Dr. William Q. Burmolator, coroner'a phyalclan for Cook Counly, llllnola, doclarod Mrs. K ing ahd boon murdorod and th a t 11 WOB Impoaslblo for tho wound from which sho dlod to havo beou self- Infllctod.

WlUiln a aho rt Umo Now York au- ihoriUoa bogan InfoaUgatlon- A rotd w as modo upon Goaton Moana’ oparl- monlfl Jn Now York. Hero It. was do-

— clo ro d -th a t-o rld en co —wiiff'-toand'-ttmr thoro hod bcon a plol to m urdor Mra.

, King. Tho alleged aocond will o( ' ‘•~ jntt6B~c rKlngrTica<l~ha8bana of Mrs.

King waa olao found. Qoaton Mcona, —buslneaa agont for Mra. King, had

to ld of tho dlaco.yory of Uila aocond will. By tho provisions o t thla aocond Mrs. K ing hod boommmod-Tis-n-bcnp- riclory lo ,o consldorablo amouhl,

___ploccd.. In_lho,_tru8l_of_ t he NorUiornT ru s t Compony. of Chicago,"for UiV hcnoflt o f tho Jam es C- K ing Homo fo r Agod Mon, In Chicago.

A fter the dlaclosuro of the Now Vork auUiorlUos, SoUcllor Hayden

C o l d ?W hat you w ant la quick relief. Here's

---------a-Hty-ycarcJd.rcinedyltliathaa.pwwn• benehcul for miUion*. T ry i t yourKlf.

/ E T K m f ed i s c o v e r y

f e r C o u g h s aCoMsDii it T BUm ib ? CoM tipated?

fiow d Bile i ta rid your S t b n ^

\ and Bowels of m s t« aod fermentia* bedy-poisoaa, -They a re • -T b a ic to your Stomach aod Liver and tone tbegeaeral aystem. F irs t-d o w relieves.

s VS A K Q E B R E A L T Y ^ H i

F A E M L A N D B , O IT Y P A N D Bl

^ A F e w E e W ^

' l o w b s t r a t b b

.i; ‘ ' Do n o f 'p U c ^ o l i f ’lT it^^u ■ mike th e m o s t H b e ril 1

::— j g j g s s i m m m m i m m m

:ioroont, o f JJo rth Caroling, callod for I reopening b r the coronor's hearing in' tho case. Aaalstant D istrict At- xirnoy Dooling, of Now York, ond o lumbor- of Now York wltneasca. camo LO Concord on Soptombor 24. Soon ‘ttor_^U itlr . .;jrrJral_^Jeaiifl^nJio_bad. , ooon free up*to this Umo, wna placed indo r a rro a t on a chdrgo of murdor w o rn o u t 'a g o ln a i him by Bollcllor ulcm ent. . • , ...

Cn 'So'piomber 2C Mcana wont to prelim inary trlo l boforo Mnglatrato I'lita. Numorous export wltnesaoa ' ivjsr&.puL-upoa tho-aiond b y - lh ^ 8 la ie - to^ahow U i^ Mra. King coiildj n o l . lidvo killed horaolf. Tlio UjijUmony 3t F arm er Charloa S. Dr)-, who lived n ea r, Blackwoldor Sprlnga, aliowod llm l-lho ahot Which killed Mra. King wos firod o tte r dork. Tho dofonse rotusod lo present evidence, bul raunaol, conslaUng of nino lawyora, began argum ont. In Uie m idst ot Iholr argum ent, following on allem pl to aocuro. by cortoln wrlla llio popors soiled by - New York offlcors from Moans’ apartm onti they aijddenly waived oxMnlnnUon ond agreed that the ir client bo remanded to' Jail to iw alt grand Jury a'cllan. Thoy do- d a re d th a t Uioy had roaaon to bo­llovo If ifrood by' Uio - moglBtrnto'B cou rt tho lr cllont would bo oxira- dltcd to Now York to answ er a loaa sorlous chorgo.

Oa< November-1-Meuna was Indlctod for m urdor by Uio C orrarrus County grond Jury. Tho case was act for tr ia l for Novombor M ond abvom or BIckott’ w aa. asked to call a specialtffrm fif t l 'K__Siip n r ln r P.niir t , w ith _Judge E. B. Cllno alltlng, lo hoar th o '0080. ------------

T he a to ^ jw lll_ put uppn_^he aliind D rT -w niln ra -^^M m olB toT T 'o f-C h l^^ - cago,—ihe-phyfllcjon- who -^Uio - bxhum otlon; Dr. o tto Schutzo, of Now York, on oxporl, who doclarea Mra. King could- not havo killed hor­aolf; Captain W illiam Jonca, of Uio Now York pollco forco, an export on p isto ls, who fltolea .Mra.- King could n o l hove firod tho gun which killed h o t; W illiam Jonos, o Now York de- tocUvo, who roldod tho Means opart- m en t; M r and Mrs. Charles S. Dry, who Ilvo near Biackn'oldcr ^g rin ;^ ,

Mra. King, ond C a p lin filnham, a m em ber of lho death party. A num- b e r -o f C hlcago-bankors and brokers a ro a lso roady-to lako the stand to ahow Umt Mra. KJng'a foriuno liad boen dlaalpated by Meana ond tho t th la woa Uio moUvo fo r tho crime. W illiam D.- Gubblnff, forTm anyyoarfl p rivate socrotary to Jam es C- King,

him a* '^r°y_ to*^°o 'aow ^ '^ lU ? , Cubbiha on sight declared fraudulent.

T ho dofonao has not yet showod its hand. T horo-ia consldoroblo con- joctore 08 to w hether o r not Uie de­fendant will take tho slond.

In te re st In Uio caso la alrong horo. P or moro than 100 years Uio Moons fam ily has boon prom inent In North C orbllna pollUca. Colonel W. 0. M eans, fothor of the dofondant, la one of the m ost prominont lowyers InIho state.- ......... ............... ............ •-

— Bill6«-~rociitf(f—has— heotr-ftTouBofl- and lho dotendanl has accusod Uio Now York ond Chicago press of “hounding" UioIr client. Od lho othor hand tho s ta te conlonds Uiot o pro­gram m e lo arouae aympolhy for the defendant hns boon carried on In a local papor.

J . E. Shepherd Writes Interesting Letter

TcIlH of W ork In Trinldnd and Slionn■ tho PatrloU c HnthusjaHn^ of The ~ People T h e re ; ............

Dr. J . P . Shepherd, formeriy paslor of tho Presbyterian church In this ■

■ r ■' reoPi.a



jrgaini in F am s.AND B M TBEMS

htil'youTluTe’ B«eo toa.—.W# ^leaoB at feh* lowect r t t u . ,

— —

' • f l >'«i ;

oity ia ovldontiy-aoU voly^n-:thfr-hai^ noaa lh T rinidad, Colorado, to which place ho w ont to ’ accopt a poatorate, aa ono may Judge from o le tte r ro-^ IVed' b y ' TUe" y i M ^ T « t~V6gl{r tOClolo fo r publlcaUon then.

Ho tolla o o g r i^ .In to re a t alip^n by oVoryb<^y.ln Uio w ar ai^d thb on- thualasU c m annor la which a ll work­ed' fo r Uie ra ising of a largo Y. M. C- -A. fiintl In T r intitnfl HlntnHml Tnnt. to r In regard to oarly aatUomcnta and pracUcea la Intorsporsod with tho pa­trio tic p arta o t Uio lotior, which fol­low s: '

Trinidad. Colorado,* - ....... ........ ' Novombor 19, 1917E dllor Tlm ea:

Wc a re glad l.b. receive w ord:from Tw in Polla th roug l^ your papor, and -will' vonturo ' to givo y our roadors a word, from us.

Wo llko o u r c ity and church very much indeed. T rin idad Is a c ity ot fou r rallrooda and five eloctrlc llnVSs, w]th about 1C,000 populaUon, b u t 7000 of whom oro E nglish spoaking. Thoro oro a b o u t 2000 lU lIon^ and 2000 Mex­icans, who never sow Mcxloo, in Uio clty.~ I t is a a ld 'th a t 42 dlolecta oro apokon In tho county of Los Anlmoa. WlUl th la great foreign apeoklng pop- ulollon Uio Prosbytorion church la Uio only ProtoHtont church doing dork am ong thom. Vi[o have o mlaQlon lo th e Spanish apeaklng and one to the Ita llan a . -Tho P lra t chnrch Is helping .to purchaao .a .PV /d for_Uio ,H8.o of-the I ta lian m lnlator ondi a building lol for tho Spanish church- • Tho w ar is. tho only topic of conver-

saUon. I wns called to addrosa the Ad Club, eompoaed lorgely o f the m em bora of th e Cham ber of Com- mb'rce, bn the 'S econd L ib e r ty 'tb a n and , in Uio d riro to r th e Y. M. C. A fund; 1 spoke to a crowd o.t Cokedalt peoplo one n igh t and Uuobout 600 a Borwlnd tho n ex t night. Borwind h u a Y .m . a A. bnilding, Uio g ift o f Mr Itocko to ller, wbo, aince the Ludlo? fltriko o f. a few yea rs ago. bas beet doing everything possible for thi m inora. Y> M.' C-. A. buildings a n 'fDtu]d^n')i]mo8t overy one of tho tw ee ty o r m ore cam ps in the couaty line John D. Jr., gives about two th ird s o: tho coat o f a church , <2btbollc o r P ro t es tan t^-w hefc j e e d e d . —B ealdea .. th« wfigfl'WCMVOa'ltfow r o n r from IIG p e r day. No wonder th a t a t Ber- wind, th e crowd, composed o^ Ita lians Spanish. A ustriana, Syrians ond a fe« A iaericons, w ithin a (ew mlnutoi plodged o re r |700 to Uio Y. M. C- A. which «raa inbreosod to |1200 the nex day.''{.Would I t ia te i;est your readeri to say tb a t o f tb e 106 to en te r thi s e rrlee -o f th e country (rom-thea«;-coa oam ps, over .one-half a r« tu ch n«mei 'v ro le a r ty tnaieat«'^eli^-forelgii-1)tood U y ' ow n coQ tnSB tkm has 88 boyi now In th e .a o r r lc e 'o t th a ir c o u n try -

9 i to r 17000 fo r V^M . C. A, A t U>1 .w riU nt we a ro n aa r ta* | t 0 ,000, .thi camp* ta d d ty ' h«Uic. pitted agaiaa m h o tb e r to see which ra ises n o s i '•H ew Mexico a ad 'ao ttth em Oolormd

I T M w U ltll » » |» » I» BpyiU

S p e c iaHas Been G


R e a d y -]in th is sto re , a n d t b a t e f f o r t is

-— T h e “B ig”T n rk o y "d iiiiio r 'o n iy ~ ff como fo r b c a v t i f t i l a p p a re l.

........ W n Rrft p re p ftre rt tf t m oot,

^ in g -n c w -a h ip m e a ts e v e ry -d a y .

W e a ro a lw a y s g la d to sh o w


■ | I g r a v 5 :

MsnrDMlsn NCAL ORAVn.) ___NewtiMlhrte

«i*d U«U U bs ef ertli


......................... . . .

apoaklne peoplo, followers of St Francla (a tte r whom Son Franclso la aam od), Uio Uiird division o t thli ordop- o f PraaclBcana, known as thi TorUaries occupying th is territory Those TerU aries. Pen lteates o r f la g el

iioinQfiUftMd 'ttUbUhU(tiir’TDr~8tii; nn< the .walls ‘and rafters show bloo< SpoU w here tbe thongs trom Che hart backa o{-Uie Penltenlea reachod thi rafters In th e stroke. Crucifixion b; b ln d ln g ,to .a 'c ro « s for th ree hours ii also pracUced. -



SerUW»*i6l7878-^^— — —V - K O n ^ W B PDBUCATION

: J ^ e tw im m iL o L A t tu I n t e r io r ^ n ^ Land O fflo T S JlaU ey , Idaho, Norem ber 81. 'l*4T. , - - ■ ' •

KoUeo'la hereby g ivea Uiat Conla Kennedy,, widow of W alte r, Kenned]

■ o( H aaseo. Idaho , who,'on* Norembe * 4. 181S. m ^V H o m eatead . Bati7> Bei ‘ la l No. 0X7171, i o r W8.H; SecUo

I E f fo r tiven Toward dies’

to=Wearv e ry p ro n o u n c e d th is season ,

t a r t s 't b o - g r c a f s o a s o n t b a t ' l s ' t o —

-d em ftn tto r-a»^u r-s tock -i8 -reoe iv -—



I '

f Y * < s f P M T B f ^ E x c u s e o

I Air PrwfFmliMM la

r PLUG t o b a c c o . |1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

'J s s ’. 'V iss :

W l ' '’ J k > " ^ . - ^ ^ ^ E y w / i


P H O N E 2 3


; H o m e B a l

1 ' . .“ The 1; WATCH O'

; P H <

H O M EISa ShoshoM WMt

- T i T ' ^ I ^ H . 8e«Uoa n , Towoeb 10 SoaUi, B aag e 19 E ast, Boise Mart

e las». baa tU td Dotloe, o t la ta a tlo B - r. make, f ina l ittire e -y « a r .w « o lf 'to « ir UbUah e la ia . to Uia laadi a h o n d< >1 oHbed. b«flpr« & A :.V ;. .a .Oom nlialoaef, a t *1 gaUa, Idhl

- ■

_______________________ . ^ ^ J

^6K T ‘ y<5UT:’AH t T "F O R C H E W IN G ANY f BECA U SE y O U C w n J ________________

. . . K h i t TMK n m t c m H ^ ^ i T » m w A i - J 8 S r ^

'e a > tm o \ jT f C l *S Z A L . ^

F e e a » r M j

Mle Ten*’,’ m ■WINDOWS

INE 54 • *B A K E R Y "

7 ; ; . ,

p o a 'th e l i s t ^ '' |» t i< r a B i |a n r r x A !• O U Im a a t^ « ia M K ;« a '. '/ iT O iiw i^ ^

S« , •’

T i I I I FALLS Ti e s....................... TwIcc-o-Veek

PabUihed Tuetdayg and Tbursdayi “ ■ ~bjr llie


C. L. LONGLETY. G eneral M anacorI2.M PER YEAR IN ADVANCE •.

--------- IB»unM l-ac.-th«-X sln ■ y>IU pontbt-Cm ka aeeoDd eloaa m atter aa a twlc*- a-iTM r publication. O«tob«r


"A contury In n n liorl purlod In ttu life o t a nutlon.” wrltcH QuniTiil Up ton In hlB clftiiulc liiutory of-"Tite-MJll' Jory Policy of ll»e U nllcd Sinteu." "biii iU hlalory muy .convcy many valu nble lvBaun» au llio rcuuU of the uy« tcm whlcti wc cliorluli ns our own In vonllon; Ihun tho W ar of the Uovolu tlon lunlcd seven youru, ilic W or o 1R12 threo ycnru. Ittc Floridu W ar hov

. * cn years, lho Moxlcilti W ur iwo yonni and Ihu I(el)o1llon fou r yearH, nol u B)cn(lon thu nlniont InccsHnnt Indlni

------ warn of ihln' period.— in ^otlier ‘wordHuljire. IJjt; puhllfUlloa. ,of iho n i’i'liira

. Hon of Independence to UiIh tlnu these flRurea slios^- tlini .tfor evcrj tTiToo~joiinr"orT5cu7!i! u o lin v i '' liiid-oni year of acluul w ar.”


In common (^U li .otlior irowHpaiKT • t that ilnlii, tliu Iii»t liisiio of th TIMES ctironlrled Ihc cap ture of on of_tho largeBl Gonniih Huhmnrlneii lui tho Kurreniler o f Uh crow of nenrl fifty otfleors nnd men. Tlic Imn wau disabled by gun fire , wiku surrunr fred and mnde fiiui lo the Unite fitnl<-fl deatroyor Hml put 11 out f buslnous. Tlien, wlillo Uio America Jackies word busy HnlvuRhiK lhe f io '

------Lnil .tal^ng. n irc nf (tL-apcrulrly wounilcd. one of lhe Burrondorcil Him unoakeil Inlo tho hold. <#boued llie kuI niorRlnR valveu Und flonl tbe ship l

----- the botlom'Bo-Biidrtonly nnd unexpuri^lily Ihnl one or moro of hls own coni rndi.‘a.,wcnt. ilown wlUi hnr uml nli Waa -wiUi difficulty cu t-loose .from , he fjiplor. Tills ac t w ao an treachorou a s holl—bul. In no m anner o u t c character for oao o f a nation of put vcyors of po|Bonoua g a s r robbers c prlvnto lioi icB and ro^^shcrs of worn


_______ M t.,.C a r U B h u r » ..y .ro n m a n j„ w h o _ lABitfitanl S ecretary Unllod St&tos Dc partm ont <rf A jp rf^ llu re , glvo# lo th

‘ public tho ,>foliovias with rc g o n l .t county og«nU -a ild the Jmportan w ork that'4^ |ozpocted frdm tliom:

Tlio cotuity amenta consillut ------- Am orlcan ig rlcuU ura 's -first Uno : u

■Thoy a r^ the m en i n th o firs t lln EF6acberf,'«alO M fliy~ B uirrttB ir •ttm 'fitr znor'a InlorcBtu and bring ing (o til atton tlon all th a t iu of lmmcdlat<

— — prftolictti— vftluo— — <Hl — iiolonllfl' loachlng. and fortlfylnK th is w ith re BUlta trom tho oxperienco of thb mos •uccos'uful 'hard 'hoadud "p rac tica l' far n o ra of each <»unty;

At n tlmu llko th e present, when tli' .nation Is engaffod In a Rroat wo ’whoreln fooJ^productlon fn of^Vlta m ilitary Importanco, tho valuo of tli' county aRont lo th c governm ent - cai hard ly .be over omphaslzod-

_____ Slncc tho United StatcB' bccamo ibolltgorent. tlie county o^ont huu don Y allan^w nr Borvlco. In countluu hav

“ARE w a i t r e s s e ; COMEDY SHOWI


TW<» ACTS 01 - T OUISE FAZK.MJA. long conced-

I ed lo be uou of the funniest women on the ncreen makes her

• Paramounl-Muck Sennoll debut la ••Art WallresHeH Safo?" N'ow hTiow- Ing a t lho Idabo. and It In contN dontly. asserlcd ^ n t for IauKh>pro- voklng qunlltieH-lhlH vtihlrlo will be her greatest trium ph.

Tbe comeily. fiuporvluwl by- Muok Bonnott. Includes In lls cast besldo j largo number of HuupornumeraTlcB ■ucb woll know^ funm akern as lien Turpfn and Slim SumRicrvjJJe.

Thc riot Biarts In- a bakory and restau ran t wljcro Ix>ulue la juggling cblna. B</n and S liis a re - sultoru

.* fo r hor hand. .-L atur.L oulac, «eta a.

ing BgontSi It waa possible during tht p ast aufflm or'to eecnro tru ly wonder­ful roanlti). In Quickly and adequately meoUng a difficult labor altuaU on; In JocaU os avallablo seed , Btoclw; . In a rrang ing fo r 'f a rm crodltu for . thc purch_MO of machinery and forUlIzer; In 'a n p p ly ln g fr'aclor piower. and lh o th e r forms o f offoctlvo’ loadorshlp a ll contrlbuUng to a groaJ.IncronBt In the producUon of oprlng wheat c.als; com , potntoon and 'o th e r •fooc crops; and, finally In aflulutlng In foe lllu U n g markoUng.

■ S o m a-o f-th o - maat—ImpacLonL-liat:' iloH of fhlu w ar w ill bc won dur ‘ lng-19:8 In th c furrowfl nnd fields o■ Amurlca. The county aKontn will hi

tho Captains of thc BOldlers. of llu Commissary who will m ake Uie.Hc vie

, to rles poHnlble.


I I t iH well for Itre people of- thli• country to keep T hanksgiving lx>i)• In body and sp irit UiIb year and t(• ohey literally thc rotiuoat of Pretililen■ W ilson ond Governor A lexander tlm f they repair to tholr placcs of woriilil]• on llm l day iimr o ffer up p ra y e r / o . Uianka lo Almighty God for the blpsii > Ingii wlilcli lie has bcstowoil- With I out golnK Into detail regarding siicl , hlcnfllngfi,“ l f m tB h t-h c -w c ll- to -n o t• the one Ihut thoy have cliurclinu let -• sUindliig. untouched by the hand o '■ w ar In which to worslilp-r' —TtTcrtrn-nrcnm nrtfpiaccirfor-aii-oJi.

wluh lo offer Uie ttianku wtilch llu',- T ih o u ld -fc ts l.-n n d -lt-ls^ o re - th an -« r

ually appropriate for them to do u on thin occasion.

y COMMUNITY REI> CHOSS It An InturcHtlng mooting wau.heM l> I. Itod CroHK mctnhcrB of Coinmunlt ,1 Auxiliary nt Community church Wod

neiiday. Novcmhor 21. Mrn, J. L. Dal ’n inn,. chalrm ttn. cnJlod tho meelln;; ti iT o rder for' n'nliorniifintTCJnrfrenRtnTmr ,v m ajority of the niomhcrK proitenl do I elded, tha t a donation of ton dollar, ^ be r.Wen to Ihe-Tw ln-Fnlln-phaptor -ti ” nsslut In furnlHhlhg ChrlulmuH 't>ox<' I- for th c Holdlors. Sewing and knillhij „ wnn not neglected. HoHtcusuH whi

norvi'd rofreuliihonlH w ere Mr«, Ower Mru. Wlndlc,■^f^8. Pred Hills and'Mr>

'• D a v i s . __ _ /fi. McniM-rs S re s c n t were, MoHdame . JoncH. Ueldcfmnni l lu n te t DalToT

Cuiilef. B rookH .'ShortrM oody.-D onii " Mury li.-H lllB . Krod Hllln. Kred l>n if vin. Goodrich.' Camhle. Griffith. Swift . Gwlnn. Windlu. Owen and the Mluae if Jones. Voss and G riffith.

FILKR KKD CIIOSS WORK Following lu the roport of work ac

compllshod b y . lho F ilor auxillarj alncc May 1;

12G pounds of yarn . $223.20," _ lJ )o x hosp ltftljlnon , 1175;___I- ' 1 m oior kllchon fo r France. 570{.

CO Christm as kits. $62.50.fru ll cakos and postage. $28,

“ 2G comfort bags, $3D. t 1 arm y concort In Frnnce. $15.

9 pillows and D laund ry bags. File . mcdlcul corps.f 60 Q u arts jelly. Red Cross hospital.

~1 Rod CrOHH l)ox‘ containlnK—“ '^ 1 8 -nm btjlance-p tida ;---------- ------------- ...2 ajh o iU d cr.w jars ._ _ _______ ______ _

48 bandaged foot nockn ..1 2 towolB,

“ 12 pillow Blips.■ 55 ' hoBpHnrti'6a~BW rrn:----------- -------

• ■ c dozen handkerchiefs.' 6_ilozon.napkins,.., , . ,

3 dozen tray clolha.12 knitted sponges.18 w a te r bag covera.

1 _ 1 roll llncn_plocoB. .' 1 roll muBlln pleccii.L* _■

T h rift la tho o rdur of the day; eco a nomical food reclpoa nre printed ii 0 the Pure Food secUon evory Tuesday- Read Uiera In the TIM ES with profli


' ' . 0 K

,Pafainounl>fo<k'ienj>clt I '- ■« Comrdr - -APCV/AITRf^tSSATC?


jot> nn maid In the niayor'n home. All doen not go well!

One of tho features th a t will ap* p>nl to nil ihose 'w lio a rc apprccIa-^ live of femlninu pu lchritude In tho fact tha t "Are W aitresses SafoT’

. abounds In oxamploH of Rirllsh beauiy and n • corps of “Comedy

-"C ulcya^—Whlch.. lakea—p art in the cnacmhlu Bccnes In nald to l>e cx- copUonal even in Mack Seoneti pro­ductions. ,

Svv f ond novel "caca" o t all aorta have been Inleraporaod and from all IndlcaUona old m an llluca will bo

; -pal to ront thoroughly by tbia farce. . . . ,—Adr.

War Likely to be >' Extended by Congresnn..........................................___ ________c Docliu«bon AgalnKt A natria, T ark i ^___And JUnteaa T b crc ' Ai

D WASHINGTON. N or. 26—WlUi tl a rriva l hero loday of a la rg e num b

d of leading 'Bonalora and roprcaunt '* tlvcH- to tako up tho prollm lnarloa

tho reg u la r aesslon of w ngroaa a weit i jn f r^niin,^___'* to w hether tho United Slatoa w ill d

c laro w ar on--A ustria-H ungary; Tu key and D ulgaria. I l wua OTldont Ui

'0 aflem oon Uila aubjoct will bo one the fira t to ongroea lho atten tion the naUonal leglalaturo. , . . .

Many of tho aonnlora and roproae i taUvoB openly favored an immolda

w ar declaration holding t h a t - tl In oventn on the Itay an fron t m ake ), necessary thn t all of Uio Teutonic r , llea be considered enem ies o f th o TJr

ted Slatca. They agreed , howovc 'I Uint Uiey w ill be guided In lh e lr a \l lion liy the uction of P residen t Wllao lp The noccHnlty of t l io ^ n ito d SthtOK o ,f Uvoly niisiaUng Italy la . ono of tl

muln HUbJectH now being consider by thc Parln Interallied conforon

>- nnd on the conclusion roached thc :|i will probably depend thla countr)

.line-o l.ucllon- II lB,.HnderBioo{l Colonel E. M. Houbc n lrcady h as u

” fjuAlntctl PrcHidcni WJJoon with ll vieWH of thc DrlUah govornnioiit ( thin subject,

lo Senato r Stone, of MIbbouH. chni man offire"senufo'cB'm mlUoo o‘ri“ for Ign re1aUon_B who will have chay ie

'<• imy wny"rOHOluUdn in thc-8onnto."Bn 'tn today tha t lie hollered It would

ndvlflablc “ for the Unl^d"13tntcB derla re w ar on AuHtda to, c lear l Bltiiulloii, h u l th a t th is wns fo r t p resident lo tlecide.”

An Ininiodlntc duclarntion of w nKalniil A ualrla nnil Turkey was n V'ocatcd by Senator Jaincu H am llt I..0 W1H, dem ocratic whip of the wh

ty ns ho waa leaving fo r Chicago U 'I- afternoon. Ho cxiVrcsBcd lho vie 1* tlm t this would ho one of thc pnt

moiiiJf f|iicVitlon,H heforo (.'ongrosa wjj'

Z Sam Boone U on ^ New York’s Broadwa10 _ ! —

TIMKS- Koromnn - l lo m p B -ln --T o t mnny Tiirenlom—Hoys All W ell ai Send KctfnrdH to All.

__Foreman Rum Donno of T he TlMt-■ w rites from Now York City, whoro 1

. nnd Mru. Hoone are vlalting th o ir so " ChcHlur, who la In Company D. aa:

th u t tho hoya a re a ll w ell and g|i to aeo someone from Twin F ails. H le tte r (ndlcatca. w hal wns s ta te d . the interview of Pl J . O atrandor, r

:• cently published in Tho TIM ES, tb y New York City wanta to do a ll th a t'

cnn for tho aoldier boya and th a t U pcoplc llioro nro cnthuolaBUcally pati otic. Tho Icltor which Indicatos-th;

■ h o ' IB 's ta y in g 'a t~ th o llo l< !l“ lmporj on .Broadway, followa:

Now York Clty_Nov. 22. 1917.! J. W. Rohlnaon. <

Twin Fnlls. Idaho, jr D ear Jo e :—Havo bocn In th is cll

for two days, and aay, ll ia son “burg." Spent thc day yostordny oi ai> Camp Mllln. The boys a rc looklri

— lin e ,nnd feeling the aame. ChoHU camo In from camp wilh mo“ K5a w{

■ •Htay*Tnitll“ ThIfriuftBnnron,-conld--m gel n longer lenve of abaoDce. Tho aro gelU ng,pre tty s tr ic t 'a n d It la har

Tho captain aald ho would lot Chcste off a day und night on account ot m

” V olng lie re r” T lriod lo RoVCarluDXlr vllle oft lo come with ua bul could nt mnko ll. The people of New Yor ccrtnlnly do tl^nk a lot of th c soldier and thuy will go biit o f 'l h e in v a y t do them a favor. Comp Mlllo ia nc n ea r bo nice a camp aa Camp Grecni

a- Tho drainago Is very poor and il ho In rained a grout deal since the boy y- have been there. I a to dinner,ycHto: il. day a t- cam p with the officers an _ took supper last nlghl In tho kltcho . w ith lho boyu. They treatod me fln

and they nil seemed lo bo mighty gla lo aeo Hom ebody from Twin Falls, j Is hard lo te ll how much longer, tho w ill be here, but the Indlcatlonu ar th a t It w in nol be very long. CheHto

^ aendB- hls regarda to all the offlc " force, aIno remember mc to every

body. YoufU- iruly.- S. M. HOONK,


Wo wlnh to thank our friends tc tho lr kindness and synipalhy nn boauUful floral offerings extended t un in ou r recent bcrcaTcment, In th losB of o u r Uttlo granddaughter UuU

Mr. and Mra. J. H. Stillwell. Mr. and Mrn. J- H. Burmnlnto

Harry BenoitSafe in Fraric«

F irs t U U e r W ritten Since iK'avltj New York Is ItcocUcd By P^irenl

' ' Uf Well Knoni) l/ucal Huy.- '

H arry neno lt Is now safely lF rance and Is feeling fine accordln to thc le tte r received luut week b hla faUior. L- I. Benoll-

Kvor alnce H arry ’a departure froi New York aa sergeant in the ore nuuco doparimcQt. hia m auy friend

HARRY BENOIT . here havo aw aited w ith Ititereat ao a word aa to how bo la getting alobi


— ■ • _ ' _________•


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ifi,f — -----------------III


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It -it e I-Itll ...........................7' • -----------

y “ ■*e tK ' . .rf . ----------^ --------- ------------^ ----------------- --------- .. _ ...

! ■ — ............

I and Ihough hla f irs t lo tU r isn ’t lo I and InclfB-dctailB-aa-tQ-Jiifl-.WQrki r procauUon takon'doubUosa bocauao . hla knowlodgo aa to conaorod lotu

gained whllo acUng aa o sa lsu n t bi J ro ta ry to- George Crools, o f the g< , ernm oni w a r Infonnatlon bonrd , W ashington, he Uslla of th e w ondor j troatm ont recolvod whllo en -ron te a J of the fine ,c laa s 'o f men hc has c ■ aa a whole.1 Tho lo tte r followa:1 D ear Fo lks:D After a m oat, ploosani voyage 1 have a rrived safely. I roallio U t It w ill bc 'Bomo llmo beforo you i r ceive th is lottor and am myaolf wi 3 rled.ovor. tho suaponso th is m ust ha r cauaod poor m other. Bul m other y ) have no th ing to w orry about for • w ill be porfocUy safo a t all Umea a

w ill aoon bo hom.o .Aafo nnd aou and m uch bottor- off for the oxpe once.

Of courao you aro aw aro th a t con say very lltUo In letters. Bul

r cannot re fra in from tolling you h' 1 courtooualy wo w oro .trea ted on c > voyage .• I have m ot a very nico cit0 o ( m en, bo tb m noBgat tho onilatod n] •' and 'U io“ offlcorfl~ T ho 'onD -fcatnro-

Iho whole t r ip la tho wonderful fo wc hod a ll th o w ay and tho comfo able- q u a rte rs fo r aJccpJng. In fa I conaldor It a vacation. Aa fa r tho w eather Is concom cd we coi

5 aak fo r no th ing moro, b u t very 111 wator and a beautiful moon m ostthe wny. ...................-

. I w as m ost fortunato In n o t .1 n Ing soaalck. fo r .1 ccrta in ly had c

Ucipaled bolng ono of tho victim s, i pocially a fto r hnvlng gone throu

1 th reo d a y s 'o f auch Illness whllo; m y tr ip ovor tho g rea t lakes. Thi f woro no unusual occurrences of a

kind. To add to tho p lom an t a tn 0 shore tho band played oach day a : tho concorta wero oxcollont and mi R ploaalng.

I w as m orothan-ploaBcd upon-mo ing two O«orgotown boys and nnti

_ n lly -w e -h a v o -b o a n —tog«tha r - a t ~ tlmoa;-.- I t hoa mado-tho timo paBB-v«

quickly, f o r / th e r c wore m any fo rocolloctions of achool days mention and wo a r c very ' much in hopes having aomo kind of a reunion wh over bore.

I cotild alm oal wrllo a whole boi which m ay n o t bo of InteroBt to yi bu t'aU H i t would tako lh a t 'm u c h fully deBcrlbo everything as I wot llko to ^ b u t 1 wlll_koop_ It jU l In ; aorvb a n d 'w b c l i 'I ro’ti irn 'n oxpccf

. havo-m asy.-m orc a d d o d ia le s o t Inti oot lb re la te to you.

I a m m o a t tb a n k fu l f o r auch a ai Yoyago-

W ith lo v e io a ll, 1 nm .Your aon ond brothor.


, T here a rc doubtleaa m any hero w

i c i a l P f i i iwmK I I V I B E R L Y

RSDAY, NOVEM T M k s p n f 1

----- Mj¥HNE&-ANCy MGH

F a t t y A r b u c k l e ,!

h e B u tc h e r2 - R E E L S - 2

„ M a r y - P i c k f o r d j

. i t t le L a d y Ei------------------S - R E E L S - 5 —

l i a t i n e e S ta r U a t 2 : 4 5 — N ig h t



Tenth Epiaoiie of "FA TAL ED 1 B«el NewB

;----- 2 Beels Oomedj- -

ng would like to wrlto to S ergean t _ a nolt..Mvd._lt_go©B_w}tl)OHt-8niJng..

he would b o 'p leased to rocclvo” tora from hla frlonds. Lotlora

)V- . _ . . ----- -a t

fuia d y-------- - ^ --------------------

la t

ir - li!l!iu!llint



TTtTftff OOMED'ion ' t l ■- I I 111 ■mill III -«( — ............................................... ..

I — t h e Ll“ c h e a t NOUo I—

* o U 1 P P (I ^ n ciR(i f o t

f “WHEN ClUBS lI ------- A_2JAET,L0inSS0Hl“7- —J - - ' ' • ■ - -nd ,

oi HEARSTThe Latest Happc


1 “TheSTRAl■£ -A - 2-PABT DUAMATIO “1cr^ -- -------------------- D O N O A N - ^



ho./fW -r................. . — . -.

= 5 5 5 — 5 = 5 = = a H H

mBER 29ayr - ----------- .

g ____ 1 _ _

B oy”

a _____ . . __________________ ____

le e n ”a t 7 :4 5 __________________________




Bo- reach him- i t addressed 'Sergeant li hat J. Bonolt. UnlUd Statea SxperlUonar lot- Forcoa,' 'Via' New ,Torki care «f 'Ord vill nanco department




I D R G M P O:U IT A C T S U l ^


S A B E T R U M P rl-LTOETpOM 351)TTJ5ATbEErrr^

PATHE NEWSoingB aU Over tbe World

•4DS of DOOM”E ttT D E E 'B T A E B D la-W nX IS M ~OAEOL HALLOWAY - --------- r



' ■ _____________ _________ _________ . _____________tW lOR-A-W EiaCTWIH TAT.TJI TIMB8. TDB8DAY, MOY. 27, 1817_____________ “______ _________ ___________

■ ^O C A L BREVITIES 1 J r-_;-_^>»T ,T1in #i ® P>rtT—Honoring

KlBO C la n Johnson vrho lo t t Saniiay m orn ln e .-fo r .PocateJlo, vUia* club- of --

• s c t« i r ^ T n ) i a f ly B a - i r u f l a t r T r w ty ^ — Saturday ovenins a t tho Idaho thoa- tro> a fto r .which th o j wcro serrod a io llgh tfu l lunch a t the honio o t-M lss . TjouiM'WoWonian; ................................ "j

Sale Afier Ltmch—Aftor a froo „ - lu n o h -a t-n o o n -K < lw a i^ —BoJgor-w lll- -ij

soil a t tho Bolgor ranch, throo mtloa ~ south- and-tw o--m llea- W M t-of-Tw in- -■

FullBron~M oiHiny.'T)e«unt)or‘? r r o i i j^ f. toon hoad o( horsos, llvo.'hoad o t atock. ^ eight, owoa and a lot o t farm machin-

_cry-and-JiouaohQld-80Dda-.-U. JJ^L u o — conducts tho oalo.

_ J I »8 P lra t Blrthd*y P arty—On Tues­day, ”NoTombof"20, M aster Em il Don- aoa iontortalnod n l hla flra t birthday A party , hla guests bolng Rex Thomnu, i J r ., aod H arroy Cook. J r . ■ Tho af­lcm oon w aa spent In baby p ranks and posing tor. kodak pictures, otter {, which tho two guosta enjoyed a sJum- .. bor party , whllo tho host assisted by his mothor, sorvcd dainty , rofreah- j m onts to hla guoalH’ moUjorB. Tho . Ij^tlo guosts Ictt a t the closo o t the f

yM tom oon wlnhlng him m any, muny A » o ro happy blrtlidays. . ,

Hold Kranpellcal IfootinBK—A-Sor- ' Ics of ovan^oliatlc mcetlngH will be- , Rin a l tb o . Knull B aptist church on Sundny morning,. Docombor 2. and j wlll bo continued oac)i ovcnlng for ,

^ tw o-w eeics-o r morp* Rov. B. H. AVard, i ^^r==IUptisbrstatQ^vaDKQUHU:^--will^o J

tlio proaching. Ho Is th a kind of proachor tha t one likeo lu Iienr. Uov. '

— C harics-U :—B utle r-iriH -h n v e-c lin r^p J o t tho music. He i» well nnd fovcir- ably known In U«Ih community from ] hia work with the Olivor parly nnd ■ trom hia work with the MotlindlHt church In Twin FnllB., Thero will bo ' nn extraordinary opportunity to. Iioar somothlnB good a l each o t thcHO mcot- Inga. All tho pooplo of lho community nro cordially Invited to nttond nnd tu Inko on active p a r t In Uichc mectlngn.

------- XrreBtcd—ATr-AII«r-EBemy—Bhorift -Kendall w ent to' Buhl laa t ovoning nnd nrroRtod a m an living n ea r tlicre by tho nnmo of Otto Albcccht—It hav­ing boon brought lo his official no­tico . th a t the man In Quoatlon waa

._.uolthot_o;cllnR nor ta llying aa a loyal citiron Bhould do under ex isting clr- raumBlnncos. Tho m an is bollovod to be. in fnct, a Qorman roservial. Ho cnmo to lliln couniry ovor a docnuo ngo. b u t haa lakon o u fn o p ap o rff, no r In any wny Indicated an inlontlon of

■ -becomlnR ono-of ua. -H o ls being-de­tained in tho county ja il and h is caao will bo reported to tho United Statoa d is tric t'a tto rney . No ono doslrea 'tho persecuUoM o f any m nn; bu t Ujo tlmo has fully como fo r tho aopam tion ot tho goals from Uie sheep—and Sheriff Kendall has every Intention of doing his part Juat na fnnl as opportunity offers. And thero aro those sUll a t largo in tho community -who m ight-do weI^.'to tako th la-lito^consldo ratlon . |



^ K a R - K a s A ^

Another of thosft delightful - pictures in which Vivian Mar-

____tin,is to he seen, in showing at"the Idaho theater tho firist three days of tho week. Maybo you have seon Bunsetfl, -but never be­foro has such a beautiful one

. been photographed as is seen in“ Tho Sunset T rail.'’ The pho-

- tography throughout the entire' production is really extraordin­ary, and worth while seeing for ai^’s sake alone.

VlTlan Ukea tho p a r i o t a n Inno­cent daoghtor who^flnds ho r socioty- spoliod mother in* a compromlaing position, and * s 8umea the blame hersolf. Tho p lo t holda the. In ter­e s t a t a ll Umes. and o il cbaractora a re well taken.

"Are TVaitrosaca S o fo r’ tho bJg Mack Sennett commody, misaed tra in connections nnd did n o t got In In Umo for Monday evoning'a per­formances. I t l a expected on 'IVes-.

■ d ay 's- .tra in ,.a ad is roproaentcd as one o t Sennott'B funniest.

/ I - • T anderllle - -----* B o ir.and H am ilton ontorU in In . tho TSUdevlile line w ltb a dialogue act, and Itelo and Dalo in black­face comody. T he m an Is an un ­usually clovor cn lorta lnor. and kopt the fun a t a blgh p itch . duringJilB a c t H e has an able and pretty a s ­sis tan t in Mias Dalo.

Two NigbU Mori)Monday's program , w ith the addi-

With the Film Folk

------------'T O w j n s t i i S i r M f r E n E i o r 'T m -- g o in g lo cjnlt lh e -ak irt5 .--U c-p lana . -

-------- a f le r tw o o r-three m ore p ro d u c ^ n s , -In which he w ill rio t th rough the cellBlold In both roaJo and fem ale a t­tire. to appear before tho public aa

^a man only. , * • j

VlvUn M artin promlaea-lo,becomo . fu rth e r endeared . to . tbo American

puhUc by her lo rthccm lng produc-_____ tlon. ‘‘Molly E n tangled." I t j i a

fomanM o t iroTitbd, With Mira M a i^ - u m .a a -a daln iy^aad .doaghiy «>l.-_

leen.The probi'em r of a young M d '

»,‘bMoUtul w omaa throw n upon ber o t t resonrcea in New York, MeUr.

^ Ing a llT'eUhobdi coup led -w ltb the m yitery ot tho Orient, forma the general theme of *“rb * P rice Mark In which beantltnl Don>tby-Dtium.

TBie nam es of tw o Twin PYilla'tour* W Ls o ra .fQundvamong th a -fifty who oaaed tho burning .aands a t the re ­n t B hrinera meeUng held a t Bl Ko- Il tomplo, Boise, laat Friday. The cal novitiates-w ere Joe-D . Freem an Id Loran ,B. Jennings.


Mrs. ,Hlggins and ehildron wish to -q , tp reaa the ir :^eep -app rec ia tion andmnk8 .,to th e ir many fricnda who ao mIndly asslstod Qiom during tho 111* n,OSS and doath o t tbolr huaband a nd jxs ilHoK To tho. donors o f ' tKo many°AUtltul..noraLoffodng -and-tho-cara ||,lacod—-at— tlio lr—disposal.—Spocial i,innka aro also duo Uie Twin Falls piliopter of thu Ordor of Masons. i(,__ ______ Mrs.. Mnrjr_HlgglnH_______ di

0 . H. Higgins and I'^nmily. tiiSarah I. HIsBlnn. „R ichard T. HigRinn, p,


(ConUnued From Pago Ono) ' el

B salii to havo oacaped from Sihorin | nd (» on her wny to-th is couniry.Mrn. Corvor, a torm er Denvor girl

ofuacd to confirm or dony roport« hnt Bho waa to moot, and cscort the . o rm er grand .dutcfioaii to Now York vhoro TaUnIa will take up relief work !! vitli tho Ruaaian clvlllnn relic t neno- P■idtlon, ' ........................................... ' "


. J

^T iiia M o iin i^fiih fvdori'S e ttirtn i^ i )f Mrii. R. n . Knndcil tor Boveral dayii vJiia-wook--------------------------- ------ -— __ J

Mr. and Mrn. narnoii nnd ftinill)' of n Portlnnd nro hern vlBillng tholr Hliitor r Mra. John Dny; l

F. Somsoil Ih very huny c-lnnrliiR 3 Lho ground nnd ROtllnR Iilii slicnp iiUod 3 ready for wlntor. • <

J. E. nowofB hnn honglil noivf-fnl j hcnd o t caltl<i In Burley the pnnl few 1 dnya. • (

TllO II, 0 . Civltlo company hnn 1 brought Uioir cntUo horo to r tho win- 1 to r, fniXling In J. E. Bowors' rnnch. ,

BroRo H all e x p e ls to loavb" td r“OK- ' lahoma in a ahort tlmo wllh sovcrnJ ; c a r loada of potatooa.

Mrs. M orrlay o t Twin Falln was i horo tho la tte r part of tho week. ]

Mra. Ray Poltljohn nnd Mrs. John , M cMonamln~motored to Tw in" Fnlla F riday on bunineaa. , .■ Fay Cox of Kimborly is buay riding

fui h la m ttte -n ea i-h e re .-------- i------------ -Mrs.-Holt- ot-tho-UpivarBlty-of- lilu- ho. gavo a vory intorentlng ta lk on ottnnlnfr n^nntn nnd ronBCrvation qffood, F riday aftornoon n l tho ' seliool houao. She was accompanied hy Mr. McLoan of ' .tho governm ent cxpci;!- m oni StaUon and Misa Wolfe.

Thoro will bo a vory IntUresUng mooting for. Uio iadloa n ex t Thnm day aftornoon, Docombor 6 , and a t night thoro will bo a gonoral mcoUng for mon and womon on farm ing, home nuralng, otc— Everyone— U —lnvltcd. Lunch w ill be aorvod.


. V i v i t t w i ^ a r i i n t r v K-s’

1tlon o t “Aro W aitrosaos S a f e r w ill be 'continued Tuoaday and Wodnoa- doy. Romombor, evootng p e rfo m - ancos commonco prom ptly a t 7:1B.

tho Ince atnr, w ill shortly bo .soon. “Tho Klamo o t tho Yukon,“ waa Miss D alton‘s previous photoplay.

It* Isn 't on rocord tb a t feminine P ullm an traTolers generally don

■_-pft]aTT»ia <n thn ir _bo rth s^ -iiananviRoro~Ian't onougb room" to fix iip

. jc tcM ngly ,. .But In a tarce_aU_Uioae_- - trlv la l-m attw sA re.^ ly-O T oH oolc6d,_

ao no one n e e ^ b e-^rlU cal w hen' "The Pullm an Brljle,” Param ount- Mack Sennett comedy dlscioees U ie , m ost om ailng a rray o t pajam a-cbwl.

' boauUes t ^ t tbe world haa gated upon in m any ynoons. ______

- Alice LAke, leading woman for >“F alty " Arbucklo In a forthcom ing

• P j r a l^ff»°t-ArbueklS' ‘‘A.. C o u n w T lo ro ,' is a ”dafi?S8J;’oI n o w '- and a t- th f t openlng-o t-«-& ew balL'-

room, a t which a huge allvor c n p , w as offered a s .a p rise to tJio beat

' d a n d n g couple, sho aad h e r p artn er e u n e off vtctorloua. Mr. ArbncU e

' la considerable o t a Terpalcborean• ■ him aelf,-but did n o t «a t« r th* c o n - . . t«a t to r fea r he w oald crowd tb e

b a llro o a :

< e w 8 r r m t C a s e * d

S e t t l e d i n * C o u r t ^

Paper T m s t Ajg^oes to T cnaa and C. S u its 'W U I Be DIsmlsired ^li; Tbe

•Jndpe;----------- ........................................... -

NEW YORK, Nov. 2G—An ngroo-' - lont in tho nows p rin t papor caso In in sdeml court fixing prlccs, w an 'aub- O iltted today by ToprosonlaUves of F lie govornmonl. By tho torm s of tho li' grenmant, .lroni_Jnnuary_L_lQ18....lo. S Lpril 1, thb price of nowa .print papor cc II rolls w ill b c .|3 poc:1 004KiundB,-T.-o. oi I. a t m ills in c a s e -o f ,c a r lo n d j^ ^ 2I> ti lor 100 pounds, t. 0 . b. dl milis fn w CBS than c a r load lots; fo r auch nowa P irln tL papcr-ln_ahccta-tha~prlco -w lll 10 (3.60 por 100 pounda, f, o- b. n t tl nill In carload lola and $3.70 por 100 tounda t. o. b. a t hiill in Icbh than;arload lota."....................

■Elio the agreem ent in ratified by the ^ ;ourt tho cnso agalnBt tho uianutac* - urora will be dlHinlimcd, It wau sta l-


HENTI8T WHO I’ASHEl) AWAY ^ _____ AD r. MlKRibn wnii Im rn F u h ru n ry 21. i

Ififni, In th o c ity o t B rook lyn . N. V,, ^ receiv ing h ls c n r ly oducation In th o j: pub lic Bchoolii o t ll in t c ity . I j i to r h e • iit ton« lod -llic -(lcn lnV -doparlino iit-o t th e •, UnlvorHlty o f M Ichlgnn a t A nn A rb o r, . B rndun ting f ro m U m t ccjllege in th e 1 yonr o f 1879. U o tu rn ln g to h is nn llv o . c ity ho B tn rtcd th e p ru c tlc e of d c n tia - try , re m a in in g Ihcsre fo r nl)out tw o youra. w h e n th e r n l l o f th e w ent bo- | cam e to o ^ stjro n g to r h im . . H o scL llcd .] lh~ M ii7 .o~M nin lcrT nB conm n7T ctjim r-hr 1 wn« m a rr ie d lo Mfan M nry P. H luck. A fto r—llv i n g - t h o r c —a..fcw-.yc!arH - lu id . n lso in M ilw a u k ee fo r tw o ycnrn ho j rem o v ed , to B nrn lioo . W in. T h ere lie, , lived fo r n pe rio d o t n e u rly iw o n ly \ ycnrfl b e fo re c o m in g to lilnhn , Ih ir le e n .1 years uro. w ith hia eldcHt Hon, ul tho ] opening of lho Twin I'^nlla country. Afler tiling on IfiO ncrcs of land close lo-TwIn Fnlla he returned to WlBc^on- nin. Iciiivlng his aon here to cnrry on the work of clenrlng nnd' improving ; tho lnnd. Tho following yenr Dr. Hlg- glnH roturnod to Idnho with Uic roat or~inH“ TaTnll7 “ nnd--iicttlcd-OTi— t h r ranch w here Jic rom/iineci tor Ihroo yenrs to aaaiat In the development of his land. A l tlio end of threo years he removed wllh hia tnmlly to the city o t Twill Fnlln. whore ho resumed Uio p rac ttec '"n f hls urofCHslon,. r e ­maining in bUHlnoHB unUl Uie dny lie returned to hln Iiomo ill with whnl

-p tw d-to^je-h liH B fit-n ino"'*— H»-wa* ill b n i ton dayn, passing away early T huraday ' morning, November 22, a t -lln!-}iBC_bfj:.i,yonrHjind n lne niontha. lie Is survived by hla widow, two'nons; J. H. H lgglna and R. -T. HiKKins nnd ono daughter, Sarah laabel nigglna, a third son having died in infancy.

Dr,..Illggln«-:3>:tlUha-grgatly^<mtHSgd- nrm uaica l na well an buidnoHB clrcloa. having boen a momher of the old Apollo cluh and singing In sovernl church choirs of lho cily. Al lho tim o-of-hia-U ooth- ho.-was-.tho-loadar ot tho Episcopal choir, ho bolng a mcmbor o t Uuit church.

The funoral wna held Sunday a f­ternoon. Novombor 2S, a t the Epiaco- pnl church and wns vory largoly a t­tended. Tho many heauUtul.tlorul of- ferlngB nttpatcd the high esteem in

-w hlch-the-deceosed wnn hold -by- h la many friends. Tho burial sorvico n l tho grnve waa conductcd by tho Ma­sonic o rder of which ho waa n mom- her.

A sad feature o t the cjwe wan tho l.l«TllJJlifllVV VI "J MT. H igglna, who Ib n mombor of H eadouartors Camp Mllla. Now-Ycirk. Ilc tclcgraptiod th a t It was Impoaslhlo lo got a loavo of ab- sonco trom hls roglmonl a t this time.

Classltleif MnartlseiiienlsReceived T o o Late For


'WANTED—By four gontlomon two rooms and board wlUi a prlvnto fam ­ily. Cloae In. . Phono 7(54.

FOR SALE—240 acros of Salmon land, hi aeodod down, good houao and barn, fonced mllos from Amstor- dam. $35.00 por acro, abovo tho w at­er. D. W. Brunk Realty company.

” FOR SALE—fiO acrea near Hanson, woll im proved, ) 2Q0 p er acre; pa rt cash, te rm a on balance.' 40 acres noar Kimborly, Imprtivbd, a ll in culUvatlon, good buy, $260 per acre , for ton daya only. 40 acrca 3 milos out, |i e o *por acro, good term s. D. W. Brunk Realty company.

FOR S A L ^ O rc g o n Irrigated lands IB O 'lo 175; 30 annual paymbnts, 6 per cont intoresU D. .W. Brunk Real­ty company.

WANTBD—To ren t a four or five room house by January first. Phone 683 J 2. -

FOR RENT—CG acres o t land on Uio norUi aldo. R. E. Hall. Call a tto r 6 p. m. a t residence. 213 Violet avenue east, city. ,_____________ __________

FOR SALE—New Colo 8, complete w ith e x tra Ure and chains. A snap a t 11500. U n d Automobile' company.

• FOR SALB—Dodgo touring ca r Ir tine condlUon, a t a bargain. Und AU 0 n' f‘ l1*L^™pnny-

FOR SAL E ^ B ra n d now Maxwoll io u H n tc a r -a ttf t lb a rg a lir r rK trd Auto" mobile company.- •

WANTBD—To pnrchase six o r sov­en room bouse In good locaUon. Write B; Z. e a ra Times, staU nk price, tonn t and locaUon. ____

M achinery is on tb e gronhd, a -blR .well 1« O ow lns and prosperity is dot to etockholdera in jb o Idabo-Wyom.

l«Err^22S3auiSr^•abone B tr» e rta . :, - • • • —

TRUCK s e r v i c e ;ci* Abj PlM8,:iaT XfaM

i * - a u k tM a .* l JwBllBi' ■»< n t « l MWB M T l i r ...........

H I: B ^ M ir

e v e n K r o m C o u n t y

G e t C o m m u s i p n s

M. Booth, L. F. B n c k e n , J . S. arisen, R ,E. SmIUi, C. P. SmiUi and W.-R.-GM'cn-Pajs-at^PrCHldlor—— •- ~

d . M. Dooth of thia city la lo bo an ranlry cnptaln, L. F. Bracken, J. S. ■eon and C.- R. Miekolwnit o t Twin - ills, and H. E. Smith o t H nnsen. flrat lUlohuAtH or Infnntry^ C. R. Snilth ot Ihl, cnptnln in the avlaUon ronorvo _ rps., nnt! W./R. orecn of B u H O cc- id -llcutonant.of the jion -Ily lag -scc- jn ot lho nvinlion corpa, according th e announcement mndo publlo-at —

-oaldlo Sunday. Tho following aro (Lmon__\Ylio_Kot_commlafliQna_Irom .. is state:

Intontry Captains O. W. IMglnRlon. Idahtr F a lls ; G. '.-Spoerry. Rathdrum : C ..M . .BooUi, _ win Pnlls.

Flrat LloiitcnnftI.s In fn n lr j L. >*.'Brncken. Twin Fnlla; J, J. onan. Hohio; W. O. Pierce. Mnlta; lin t ImUH, G nlilburg;-l>.. W. Stnnd- >d. I ’ocatello; J. S. Green. Twin [ilia; ft. I. .McCinnufinn. i . ’ttyctto; P.. 'WofiUlcn, Lewlaton; K. E. Torrnnco, m orlcnn FuUb; M, Aldouat. Sterling;. L, .Cook, Coeur d ’Alono'; A. W. louKiiilHl. Shelley; J. H. Hnwloy. Jr.. olao; A. U, Dnvla, HoIbc; C. 13. Mtck- iwnit. Twin Fnlla; U. V. S tn rr. Won- oll; II. Jf,' nerh!‘iiii,"P6cniollo: J; 'I.' ' ;illmnn. Jerome; C. F. JcnncHH, Rolae;. I. Hohlniion. .Snmim; U. U. Smith, [anaen,

-tJorond LleuleniuiLs Infnnlry A. 1'. White. Pnyotle; .1. B. Codding.

;uporl; 12. A. ilam lllon, Nuniim; G. N. ttfc-l-ocntello:, L. TK,-O^N«tlll, LowIh--.- sn ; ft. Anrucl. Jeromul“JrRrW hndl=— r . WolHor,-F oIIdwIiik—rnnillOntoH—n l - 4 ‘rt>«ldlo - ruinliiK nru cnmmlnBloneil hoc-’ nd lleutennntB In offlcora' rcHurvc! oVpH.iiml nre ellRlhlc tcir fu ture pro- laloniil Htrconil lleiiicnaniH in rejtu- u r nnny, November 27. 1917:

Jnfunlry 11. J. MiiritnHon. Geneiiee.

Field ArUllery 1 0 . U. litlllinRor. MoHcow; iJ , O,

Jcott. Pocntcllo; J, L. Doone. CnIdwelU' F irs t l.loiitennnlK, Field ArUllery F. 11. Strnng. Sand Poin t; A. M. Van

. ArliilJc/ii Ucciloa, J lfg rrrc Corpa _ CaplnlnK

C. U. Smith. Buhl; W. K. F arr. Hlk : ity ; H. nurky. Joromo.

Second LleutcnnntK • • -P .-P . Herhnm, Pocatoilo. — - Non-Kljliig, Hcctlon S ignal Corps,

First M entennnta . A K Vnn H f ir t rn _ H l a c k I o o L U J ^ uUshtnun. Mountnin Home.

Sccond lilculennniK P. V, l.iicna, BoIhc; R. W. IJnlefl.

Bolscf-P, C,-llobinnon, -IloiBo; -M. H . Rogora, Wclaor; J, T. Robb, Moacow; W .'R , Green. Jr.. Iluhl; L. L, nrnnt- hoover, Puyctto.

C h u r c h S e r v i c e s

o n T h a n k s g i v i n g

v iT o i Serrlces. n t C hristian and Speeial Serrlces a t Episcopal and Cntbolir, L. P . S. Chnrchcs

ThanksRlvlng will bo obsorvod In thlH city Thursday w ith a sp irit In keeping -with tho day and with tho.natlolial-tieod*.------- . . . ' ;

The Union Scrrlce (/nfon Rorvico a t tho Chrlatian

church in this city T hursday morn­ing a t 10 o’clock, n t w hich Umo tho following Thanksgiving sorvico wlll

Organ Prcludo: "H alle lu jah Chor-uh’' ....................... .................'llandolDpxology _J ___Invocation.

Hymn: ‘‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord GodAlmighty.................................................

‘ Scripture.QnurtoUo: ‘‘Sing Prlaseri Unto tho

Lord.” .......................................... Danks. Mra. H. Cowling, Mrs. F. F. Brack­

cn, Mr. C. E. Jonoa. Mr. F. Honry

i’rnyor.Hymn: " 0 . God Bonealh Thy Guid­

ing Hnnd" ...... ...................................Offering.

Solo ....... ..................Mlas E llon CarlsonSormon ;.... ;.....- ........Rov. A. H. BrandHymn: "Now Thank Wo All Our

Ood" ...................................................DenodicUon.

Organ Postludo: "Postludo in D "-........................................................... RinkSorvico conductcd by Ror. A. H.

Brand.Music .turnlabod by Organlst-'Dlroe-

tor Austin D Thomas, nnd ouarlollo of lhe F irs t Presbyterian church.

At Ascension Chnrch At the Asconslon Episcopal cburch

the following will bo Uio o rder q t .ser-.

p roccsslona lr “ Como, • Yo - Faltbtul -. Peoplo,-Como." .... . . ............

Poalm—Approprlato fo r tho Day. Scriptural Reading.F irs t lesaon—Dout. 8 ; BcCond loa-

Bon—Thosa. G.To Deum.Prayers fo o day.Hymn, “Amjjrica." *Sormon by Rev. L. B. Franck—

"Whttt Dooa I t Mean to bo Thankful r Offertory, ‘‘How Manifold Thy

Blosslnga,'' ....... .................... ..... ChoirBenodictlon.

Recessional—"Lord of the H arvest; .Thee Wo Hail." ..................................

' A t SL Edw ard Chnrch Thore w ill bo special Thanksgivins

mass colobratod a t 8:30 o’clock by lho pastor, Rer. N. P. Hahn.

L. D. jk Chnrcii '! ^ At th e 4 r ’-DrBrchurch-8irrTlce«*wiil

b« a t 8 o’clock In the evening follow­ed by a aoclal.. .

^ z g p z g | -

D O t

1 W ^ R ^ P R

-------- J e w e

---------CuBUbUJIOOO------ -----r— ;-------

—. ________________Nation• A d v e r t

DiAnionci '« • ■H o l i d a y

" - f o r S a lei n 'O u r i

. I ■ Every: i

# in this tlsement

--- cfuced-vIbM S"".? I erativel 1 5 - ; ; ‘He hu,

~ ■ q i r a n t i t_ j — - m a n v - l

i sands.Ij

I lion 1^601

s o N ^ u c u f f ra lly lowc

po 12 Gold ini;U Ki# cul

mimntainpiica frotn*16.- < i ^ g ^^^«tion.«l.owlh<

" F S n N s

- ■ , 2. » -------p l in - Ih cB H StolM.

Ri C.«FiII«l , .


i i ' “j ' y 'S s . w h e n o i

S H s t o c k <

' I _ y ^ S s p e c i a lfl. fiausled,

- I n o tije d i

__ 7 ~ a l o g ll1 Hnmha:

I quest by

. . Mtpkil. tl.OO

j l • • —

T h i s a d . a p p e a r s i n t h e

w h i c h y o u c a n g e t T h u

t h i n k o f

W . “R .J E \ \

Bank & T n is t B ldg. . _________________W IIKRE THE

A g 6<O r d e r y o u r C E L E R ' l i

S P U D S , C R A N B E R i

C A N D I E S , F R U I T S

n e e d f o r T h a n k s g i v i r

Our S tock I s Fres D E L I7 E 6

P E O P L E S^ :------- 7 --------- W a l :

: - ;P H 0 N E : : ie 6 —

Y S m o r e :j b i .e :r o j Ls :


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D 14 ’Enrr.TKl.CoM Flllpl S l T Ulo cait. »3.S0 •


Iin a ^ i l «iM. ------- M

never- I Pa r e th e E f a £ = = = S i i ^

n e v e ry s.«U n.gj«N .pida^ s t o t e «w<j»ir^*i.7s 1 I

f ^ j i r a d - . . Ito d io p j f f j B I l e c a u s e / |r p r e s e n t ; . 1 . ^ .f t h e s e 1 U J .5 i s e x - I f

b e g tao u a for- I | | |

MARKj a ^ ’

' S a t u r d a i r E v S j l g ^ I ^ ^ r s d a y - W h e n y o u r e a d ifc

P F U E B E - ^ 'E L E R

Twin r a » . IEST IS FOUND ,

) D T I P, L E T T U C E , S W E E T

U E S , S H E L L N U T S ,

o r a n y t h i n g e l s e y o u

g -

1 a n d th e V e ry B est.

7 B E E V IC E


--------- :— - —

g « t« 6 . ■ • ' ________ tw ic e - a - w e e k T m sF A U .S T naes,-toebday , MOV, 27,1917 __ ___________________

Thanksgiving ll

E E ^ W I* “ I \ \ TTir^Jf? iR iS

^ - ^ ■ 1 . \ \V “r'r’f /T * / w.'


------------ • W - E - W - I S H - T G - T H - A


K I N D C O U R T E S I E i


O u r n p p rf ic ia iio n is b ey o n d oi “ tiTbe~^vlth~5’0U nH nvn"hm 't^cn ” L a d ie s ’ R p lid y ^o ’-'VTcar Q a rrae

O u r A im Is to I’lujw e Y oii lUul w h e re y o u w ill be a b le to fiiu M I S S E S ’ C O A T S , S U IT S , D ill P U K S .

Fot the Balance of Thi 'SORTED PALL SDITJ Olose Them a't. Half Ofi as We Positively Do From One Season

_________ RANGE FROM $11.76These Suits Wero Formerly $2

____________ ^ T h e ^ A S h■ '120 MAIN SOUTH , ■

I H t F l l l T i 1 1 1T H IS STORY SHOWN AT TH E


Bach chBptor is a compJote otory In • itso lf . AQd a Jum p caa bo mudo (rom

« a o -to th e o th e r irlU tout la Ute loasl 4eatro}rliic tho boquqdco o( tbo story. W ilUam D uacan aQd Carol H ollow ar la tho s to lla r roles occompllBh somo d ea th deCrlns sUints. Tho tato in brio f fdllowB lho advonturoa which l» - t a l l tho discovcror o( a voluublc in- e red loo t fo r lho m aU nc of a poworful «xploolve, and-tho offorU-o(.A toroiffQ M o m r to got posabssios o f the socrol. T bo photoplar ts unuBuolly boauUful M d artlsUc.

Tho marveloua adventuro story o t th e groal outdoors wrilton b r J.

B roilr.T H E .CAST

J o h o Qwjrn....................WUUam DuncanAmerican m lninc onginear on whose

.ahouldora rests lho rooponslbllUy of fura lsh lhg tho UnUed S tates bov-

' • -«raiBoni-wUh a rare m ineral usod J'a thc m anufacturo of a very higt\ explosive shell.

Nan LAwtfin, tho horolne........................................................... Carol Holloway

"C ut Deep" lU w ls, an outlaw .................................................... .'.....Ooorgo Holt

“ Shoo S triae” D raai. hla partner........................ ................................. Joo Ryan

H eadrick Voa Bleck ...........................................................................W alter ItogerBTho oyo of tho Contral Powora, not an enemy to an individual, but U> a

• counlry—an Intornational apy.


Jo h n G'wyn. an American raitilnR un- xlnoor. Is worklng-ft woBtorn mlnff to /u rn ish-U io-govornm ont with thc In- jirodlenU of a powerful ox|)IobIvc ch- sionllal to lho m anufacture of unnuu- iiltlon . Ho la fouglit by un uK<.‘i>t.o( th e Contra! pow ors wlioac outluw too ls m urdor tlio ow ner of tlio mine

. a n d when Owyn m orrloa Uie dttUKhter, try , and alm ost auccood. aovural Umoa, In killinR thom. ' T h o r rinnlly a ttack tho mine in forco and CBpturo II. to* KCthor with Uie doodu-

C llA l’TK It 0 Von Ulock sta rted and tuit up . Uic

- o ld lobk of cunning bronkliiK through his stupor. Ho raised a tromblInK r in g e r and pointed down Uio rond.

"A rroal me?" Ho iaughcci. "Uoirt

. XQBQTHT PH ILLIPS IN “PAT MK” F e a ta re a t U s T b este r Taefldar and

W edneadar EreDlDffi.

h fashion Sliop

f f i ™ ™W l I Ci i s 3 B !

. N K - E A G H - A N D - E V —


3 S H O W N U S S I N C E

P E N I N G .

i r e x p re s s io n . W c u n ; ll ia n k ru i jo.'tt;d -thc-? ionson * s :b c s t- trn d c ~ in —

to M uke O U R S liop Y O U R S liop I e v e ry t l i in g in W O ^IIC N ’S nn*l SSSICS, W A IS T S . S K IR T S iiii.l

s Week We Offer 60 AS- 3—thc Season’s Best. We [■—60 Oents.on the Dollar

Not Carry Garments to Another. PRICES

' TO $22.76. . ____5.00 to $45.00.


w orry nbout that, slioriff. l./0 0 k— thoro Ih your car. Gwyn atole It, He is a thief I '­

ll, was a amnll curd, but ll took thc irlck. Tho sheritr know his inuHter. " I fa truo," ho said. "Mr. Gwyn. you uru undor a rrest." W lilte with unRor at Hucli outrngoous treatm ent. Gwyn aprang forw ard in vlgorouK protoat, but Nan caught Ills arm -nnd rcBiraln- ed him 'w ith a whispered w arning. Tiiu explosion; sho know, sounded Ito -own ala rm , and help would bo on Ita way from tlio vlllBKe.

Held did come, und very aoon. Thc rond up Uic mountuin sldo wna doUcJ with motora nnd horaomcn before thc lual oclio Iiad died;, und a l the liead of Uio proccaalon-camo a bright red nmclilno - with a- a lrip of flying bnnt- Ing whipping in the wind behind’ It. It'a rad ia to r wns boiling llko a kettle when ll drew up bonldc thc truck. The mnn a t tho wheel was ,;‘S(iuuro Doul’’ Hogan, a very wiry- littlo Irlshniun

wna s till u municipal Infunt,-nnd whose atandlng among the tuwnspoo- ple wna won by the fnct thn t he wua rendy to glvo cach newcom er his liuinl or hla flat, as tho conduct und Inten- t l^ B Of lho visitor might wurrnnt. He took In th e altunllon nt a glance. -

"W hut’s the trouble?" he uaked, atcpping forwurd.

Gwyn atarted to exiiliilii. hia nuill- eiicu grow ing lurger every niltiute us the rcHcuers nrrlvcil. Nan, standing nt IiIh aldo, H oughl'lhe eye of each friend In th e crowd, nodding Bllont aft* aent, Whon Gwyn concludoil there ^-aa a alienee. IIoRun reud the faces uboui him wilh growing confldenct nnd walked out lo fuco tho sheriff. Dut Cnusley, too, hnd seen tho swift rise of suspicion. \Mtli a wink to Von Bleck ho turned to Gwyn with a finiiU* of conclllutlon.

•‘Why- d idn 't you Ic ir me th is b e ­fo re ?" ho sa id . Then turning, he nl- raoHl STTOuled a t Uie a b je c t Von RIeck. ■‘Suind up. th e re ! Como h e re ! Vou a r r u n d e r a rrcB t. do yo u . henr?"

Von Uleck rone pnlnfully and wns led to tho alierlff'a machine.

"The sooner he’n under lock and koy the bo lter!" Cnualoy cnlleil buck lo Uin crowd, nnd a moment la lor the cnr lurnud a corner nnd was gone.

"Vet^- odd. wasn’t il?” aald Gwyn. "Vou m ust havo hypnotized him. Ho- gun. Hul I don't underatand ll yet." Aa the words pnaaed Ills lipa ho chok­ed und B tn rted . Comprehonslon awopt oyer hln fenlurcH like n fit o t pain, a roalizutloQ more agonizing Uian phys­ical to rture . Von Bleck had tho old decdn! Caualey hnd tricked him! Tho ownerahip of tho mino nnd all i l mennt to Uie nation would pnaa Into the hnnda of iho idncmy!■ Hc fairly dragged Nan and Hogan to thc au to , e ip ln ln lnc a s ho went- Hognn, clear-eyed and determined, took the wheel- l l waa a raco for Ihe g ren tcsl prlzo on earth . They aw cpi down U ic.rnad llko- a flying projectile, _fn»ter_und_fM ter; mid_faa^ tor yet, aa tliey atruck the downgrade and. ru shed oa. -N aa 'a «ar»-hum m od and rung w ith ' tlie prctiaur'c of the wind. Gwyn ahlelded hls faco wllh his hands- Uut Hogan, his eyes nar­rowed to moro allta, crouched tenae nnd m otionless over the wheel.

At the top of a rlso they gllmpaed tllo ca r o f Uie shoriff biily a half a mile nhead. Thoy wore gaining, . . . And then occurrod ono of thoao tricks of fnte th a t ho ofton tw lat our hopes. A little th ing it wbji—only a -wood" cu ttor foiling a troo.- nu l-boU t - cars were on tho aamo stre tch whon lho fL- nn) stroke went hdmo, and lho groat onk began to fall acrosa th e road- U waa a deaporoto chanco, -bu t Von n ieck waa desporato onough lo meet it.

"Drlvo ort" ho commanded. "Mora apeod!" And Caualoy’6 -c a r ahot out from the 's.w lftly dosceDdtoc ehodow

aa lho Iroe Craahod to the ground.Hogan's hrakea woro grinding tin

08 ho drow up wltli a jo lt that nl mool throw tho bccupanta from thi car.

They had eacaped doath by tho mer o s t (racUon.- b ut dangor rooant noUi

•in'g~no'w:—TWr no av y ~ trpi n ay ^ iKo~i prOHtrato g ian t aeroaa tho path. Sid w ith Uio Honso .defoal, . Gwyi wntclied Uio approach of lho otho cara Umt tiad followed from th o rail ruad wrcck. Then como a horscmni —two of them. U was a flgliilm -chanco uHonBtT-Tho-rldorB-hwl-hnrd ly dianiounted hoforo Nan and Gwyi

■wi)ro"in’ lho anddlcar p ick ing thoi way ovor and .bolwoon- Uio brokci follngc, nnd then dnahing on up th roud. Dui thc flral gljniliaq they hm

■of'fliiTcdmnnBHloner'B offTconwas hi too convincing tha t thclr raco lini heon In vain. Tho Bherlffs car, will Von Ulock grinn ing from tho toniieau ■was jUHt-rolling-off down-Uio alruol und Caualey lilniHolf stood In Uioduor way.

(Concluded noxl Tuesday)

See U lh story hi Foto P ln r form to dny—Tnesdny nnd Wcdncsuay maU iieo and night, n t tho On>hcam Tliea Ire. -Krery clm ptcr a complete stur; In llsoir. A Jump cnn bo mode fron nnc to Uic o tho r without losing lh(

■(rcnd,pU hc_Htgri. ................._~A«1t1

FEDEMN IS ON RECORD(Contlniinri From J'nee 2)

MIbh Holono AllmenillngOrr”The addreaa of llov. Willale Martin

alroady covered nt length In thi TIMES..wns greatly a pproclalcd.-M ra J . W. Fnrlfl o f Duhl prosonted the rc ^ r l of Uie leglalaUvo committee which was unusually c lear nnd en lightening, the mocting sang tho Sta Spangled B anner with feeling nnd thi la rgest nnd moat Buccosaful mootlni of thc diHtrlct federation was a t ai end.

'T he following Is tho address of thi prealdent, Mrs. Clouchok, roforr.od ti In Uio roBolutlons, whlch-crontod m ud favorable dlacusalon among th e dele gates:

rrcsIdenl'H AddrCHK _ ,W c .n ro In tho midst of.Uio_w.orUHi grcateal trngedy. Wc Jiavo choaon t< ca s l our lol with thoso' counlrles ths aro fighting for freedom and alroudj from Uio ircnches ‘‘Homewhero it

T ra n c e ” htin como thc mcBsage, "*tcl the folka n l homo th a t I w ent oui gnmo."______ ___________ __________

W o n re to ld o v e r a n d d v o r agn lr th n t UllH Ib a w a r o f ro so u rc o s , tliai

• m an power m arks only 30 por conl- o f thc efficiency o f modern warfare

llini it takcH fa r more Uinn lho llvet) o f the boya who rd out "gam ely" tc . win nnd th a t If wo wlah tho lr sacrl- 1 fico nol to bo In vain. It bohoovoB ui r to ulrnln ou r cnorglea to lho utmbnl I nnd not nccount our work woll diiiic , when wc hnve supplied ou r b o /s wllli- tho nccoRsltlos of life and observed J th e meatlcBa- nnd whontloss dnys.1 "■ Agnln'Tvc a ro in the m idst o f a-n-v- f o lution. I mcnn thn i old standardti

aro being broken down and now onof r nro In a form ative period. Wllli thc I clone of thla w ar ao mnny now con- ; dltlonB will confront us that^wo ahall I be appullcd a l lhe lr enorm ity If y c I do nol do ou r duty'. If wo shut our• eyea- to -a ll- elHe- bu t-w ar-u n U l-it-lu n . been brought lo a auccosaful con- ; elusion, wo ahall nwdkc to find thnt ’ wo have boon mlBcrubly defeuted.

Tho energies oxperidod by our nl- I lies In thclr endeavor to .k ee p nil ol l' tliu bunli!L'!iH Hourly—iiurimil uiT'ijoip l Bible during th is torrlblo strife. Uk- thought and tim e given by them to- 1 w ard reudjuslm ent following tho war I l« ulniOBl beyond comprohenHloiu

The p a rt lh a l womon uro pluyliig in• th is work la wonderful. Never beforG . in th e w orld's hiRtory has no much , depended upon their Industry and in-

tolllgence, und tlie part tha i wo ol• Am erica play In tills world’s iraRcdy I will bc tho m easure thu l will glvo ; u s ou r slntuH In the womanhood ol I tho world. Wo ure. If you pl>'»no. In• compeUUon wllh the women of thc 5 w orld and It bchoovoK ub lo Icxik well 1 to o u r laurels.! England with her man power bolilnd . Uio lines In Belgium. FYance. lu ly , t Asia and Africa Is producing more ) coal and Iron Umn aho ever lm» In I h e r hlslory. Sho Ib now manufactur­

ing mosl nil o f her munlllonH of w ar- In 1918 flho will produce, four-fifth!- of all foods necciisary for her aua- . tenance—aomcUilnc never ’ done bo- 1 fore. Tho working conditions <or cm-

ploycB. who. a re moatly women, arc J be tto r than a t any previous Umo.

Sho ia p lanning and devlalng wayE I and meana whereby men maimed it c th is w ar m ay earn tholr livelihood ] and -tra in in g them In lhelr new occu-

pallon. - ,—Sho hns discovorod lh a l her iduca.

- tiona l aystom is In a bnd way ani ' m uat bu rovlacd. Sho knowa. that ah(- w ill faco tremcndouB odda whon th( t tim e comes lo diabnnd lho army. To- I day sho Ib a ttem pting lo work out a!- o f UioBo problem s and ao aro ull oUi I c r uaUona a t war.} Wo too aro faco to face with tlioa( t sam o conditions. As our boys a n } tak en Into tho national aervlco oui

SirlB are taking UioIr places in tho in. u s tria l w orld. A lready wc have ole v a lo r g ir ls ,-g ir l uahors In thcntrcs

, g ir ls and women in all forma of tradi p and Industry. And already tho crj f la going up th a t vico is aprlnglng ui5 In now places.— -............ -----------1 __ II. la neccBsnry to r girls a i^ womci: to fill thoso vacan c lo a 'le friiy lliem o i 1 nnd - wd should^tto our host to Hce tba 3 Uio cohditldiiB undaf which they wor) I a r e as sanco aa posslblo.• Of courao In a atato as thinly popu B ly e d as ous h tls p rase of work Is no

B§ v ital as tn moro donaolv populatei 1 sta to s, yot ovory ntop taken, In _thi ^ r ig h t dlrocUon how will obviate man; . dlfflculUos lator.

Wo sUll havo tho worklnc gir I. problonv—I moan lho g irl thnt doe:• house work, who socms to got aoiUt a tio conaldoration End attention. I l l .- no wondor. th a t domoBtlc help la si I 'h a rd to pbtaln. Ono of tho comment I t h a t has como m y way moro than one a ia, “ You vom on woro mighty anxlou t to obtain th is nine hour law for wom

on b u t you carofully loft .out lho gir a th a t w orks lo your homc. I t wouli I be an'IncoBTonlence wt)uld it n o t t V havB th a t law operate In your hona.

Is n o t th a t commont Just? If It i in jurious fo r g irls to w ork m oro Uia nlno haurs In ahops w ill It not bo Jui a s -In ju rio u s for hor to w ork longc than th a t in our homes?

Wo"havo'^"ln bur 'm id st wo'rnon' ( Qthor naUoha who havo n o concoptlc uf_ cUlzonsitip o r (lio 'a lm s o r limD tions o f ou r counlry. W hat aro doing-to holp Uicm to a bo ttor unde: a tandlng of ou r waya and Uiatilutloni I}dlao 'la ''d o in g ispldhdid work aloe ih'ls Uno and ono Uolao woman proiidl told mo th a t thoy had a num bor i alien—wftmcn~holpln(r~ln—thclr* IU W oa^w ork - Tliioae pooplo holp moi up o u r populatloh aud tlioy w lirho i o r h inder o u r purposo a s wq help ( h inder th i'jr progreaa. ■

. _W o-aro fightlng-for-lliA-froodoni-i a ll pooplo, to glvo Ihom tho lr righ t i llfo, health and pursu it nf hnpplnoB Then le t us firs t make onch poaalb w ithin our own d lu tric t You aco ihi Uiu iioclarand IhdilHtrliir w orkbrslia: p len ty of. work ahead. .- . _

H arking back to tho quostlon of n B ourcoa—Wc .have vaai undovolopc poaslbllitlca within pur own alat How many aro giving any Umo an th o u g h t to lh o conaervaUon o f Uioi in to rc B ls? Taka our C arey 'A c t pro eels. How many havo been wlsd adm lnlstored. Wo find all so rls < nbuaoB oxlaUiy; and it haa now bi comc nocoaaary for the fodoral go' o rnm cn i-to -o top r(n ,-in o rdo r-lo -fo n anyth ing llko a fa ir ' adjustm ont. W havo dlacovorod that lh o a ta lc Is m an adequate modium ihrough whlc ou r v ast arid la n d a"may bo irrig a te In tho moanUmo, with thousanda < pooplo In need of homoa and Uioui anda of acres of arid land In o u r stal l l io ro Is an annual run off of 171)000 000 ^ r o foo l-o t-w aU r- a t - lUo-Dallo o n o -h a lfx f“ which or 85 ,G00,T0D“ a51 fool belong to wator sheds of Idah and much of It to ou r own distric t

O ur conservation workors m ay fir a rduous laBk in a ttem pting lo fin m oans of placing Uio m any acn needed for production under irrlgi Uon w ithout the usual dlatrosa lo U sotUors nnd Uio abuse of prlvllogo.

Tho* hue and cry from all sides Uial qu r cducaUonal system llko Uu of England ia Inadoquato, lh a t rad ia changes m ust bo nmdo lo moot tli noodH of Uio Umoa.

dovolopod physically. GO por conl < all mon oxnmlncd for Uio a rm y an navy aro phyalcally unfit for servlci —T hat Uio graduatoa of ou r collcsc

nnd -unlvcrsiUoa" n r e unnblo' 'to 'c o r coutrato-

T h a i lho flnlBlied produci o f ou schbdls 'aro not capablo or success i Uio bnslnoss world.' DS por con t of-a1 bualnesa mon nre failures.

T ha t ou r schools do not tu rn ou capablo and understanding ciUzont They lack tho knowledge and duUc of citizenship-

Again ou r gwornm onl s tan d s li d ire neod of specially tra ined moi und women to carry on tho v a s t wor! of propiiratlon,“con8orvntton‘ u id 'w a r faro and Its cciulpment fo r such train Ing is very llmitod. Wo havo Uioua anda of young men and womon wh are anxious to got th is nbedod train ing aud do a bigger b ll fo r thol country, but undor oxlatlug oconoml conditions, such tra in ing Is o u t .c th o ir ronch financially. 41 sh o u ld 'b o u r privilege aa well as ou r duty t help thcKo young people lo thea

-xMMdod- poslUomk:-!^^__________May nol thoso in terests in educaUoi

expond tholr enorgloB woll In attem pt ing to meet these e d u c a tio n a l need o f o u r youth? Hcnlth Ih a m a tte r o vita l Importance. 'Wo are told th a t th

'Bproau oi lu u o rcu lo a ls is endangortni lho very llfo of the Pronch nntlor Mnny other forms of diacaao w ill b found on the Incrcnao owing to th condlUons under which tho m en mua llvo while In the trcnchcs. T h is wa will sen d bnck to ua m any t ha t w ll bc maimed nnd UI. Now ia tho tlm to double our efforts In the p ro v cn llo n and euro for tubercu loB l and begin Bomo work along the line o caring for tho ill and finding mean o f helping thoao maimed to earn livelihood. When- a m an h as rlske hla all fo r u ^ ^ o ahould ot lo a s t k him' keop Ills aelf-rcBpcci by hclpln him to a lIvoMhood under now condl lions.

Ponalons are all vory woll and JubI ly glvon, b u t auch mon as a re goln to tho front will nol bo co n ten t 1 subsist on a pension alono. The aro men of action and will dcmnn tho rlg h l to <!ontluuo to rondor sue service na Uioy nro able lo give. Ix u s atudy the avenues of llvollhoo opon to auch men and endeavor t fill lh a l need when the timo como:

II Is under auch tim es , of atros Ihal^vlco finds means of eslabliahln Its se lf ia new and variad forma. E oryono ia so busy th a t thero is n timo to give to m atters a t hand an wo aro appalled whon some lorrlbl th ing has boon brought lo o u r attor tion. Many forms of v ice .nnd grn th a t we aro ffghUng now had thol rlso d uring lho civil war-

Aa fa r aa our boya a t tho fro n t ai concornod evoryUiIng jM aalblo ia b« jDg dono to furnish them cntcrtali m ont nnd clean • living. Wo ha show n our Intoroat in th is phase < w ork in m aterial waya, b u l aro y, doing all th a t can bo dono for tl youth a t homo along Uils sam e lln Aro wo nol for tho moat p a r t Jui loUlng them drltl? M any of tho li doscretiona committed by tx>ya as g irla aro duo to the lack of rig h t d roctlon of thoir onorgios. “ Satan sU finda work for Idle hands to do." w c should make a lIUlo g ro a to r.o •fort-iintf-TjqTilp-our-youth-aa-we-ha^ o u r- aoidlors, by providing llbrarle pTay g ro u n d s 'an d 'sw im m in g pools,

•cm suro o u r list of probaUon off cora, .finoa, Induatrial school comml m ont and Jail aontoncos would be n duced to a minimum.. I am lold tha t truancy In PorUsr is groatly reduced elnco tho oatabllal ing o t play grounds, sw im m ing pool

I etc .. In ovory school w ard In th a t cit , W hich would you rn lh e r do, pay taxi , to koop) In ' many cases,-- Inetflciei[ tr iw n t o fficers.--rafo rm atorloa__at, Ja ils o r pay a la rg er Initial aum oi , provide eano and healthful onvlroi , m on l fo r your-chlldron. You w ill fir I In tho tong ru s th a t the form or Is I . f a r the loaat oxpqnslre, n o t tak ing I I to account tho ttrelfaro of tho chll I ren . T hese a rc not conjecturoa—thi , a re tacta an d 'y o u w ill an sw er the • QuesUons in your attitude any mov

Is 1“ ' "Jl . '

' Produce of All I ——^ n r ^ a r er - -------- ,

IJ ' Money Advanb3f • __________________

Tilephone Yotlp

I ______J I . - B J - i?■■ M.T.PEC1

at • '

S- .tv sm iw U M I P BBH

V - - - J W____U ^ h B d t10 I M H H ^

is B l .I Crackffis

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d W E S B U ' U -

“ A . C W 0 0 l ) 8 * "“ — c n T . i f A i t r a B w < t- o » --------- ^


11 . "■it ' ■ ’

What will we ea t on ‘

; VARNEY’S A■............. The Ohcapoirt

35cPES e n e

139 \if0 L—0 — — ------------------ ---------------------- ---Q ■ ■'


' Workmeng

” tion LX ' •

i! _ ■■ OBXJOATOEY0rs>t

I Insure now in .adIt . company and gel1. ■ - ■

g® I am prejd _ ________

![ rates and «doB-IBB

W RITE 0d .. lo1- • . •

: STUART_ .......... . p>

'03f , .............................'010 ^ _ l l l l

- — ................................... ......................... ......

st m enl along th is llno.I ' I t la a aolf ovldont tru th th a t : >d may gauge tho progroaa o f an Indl I ' a l by hls o r hor attitude tow ard thII civic mattora.

Aa ou r'm en parUcipato m ore In t w arfare tbe nood o t p roviding auat

'® ttn 'as'fflTT inntiioB -or-m m iyrot-ound lo ra 'w ill-a riao . -T h o govoram ent now Uiking stops to m eet lh ;s cot Uon aa It arlsoa, b u t canno t we Ucipato th is by doing w hat wo can

°* -ward providing a fund fo r th is gr work.

I,. Abovo all thoro Is a noot) fo r s J Uy In keoping together of a ll our

' ganlzaUons, partlcuU irly tho wom< ua clubs through which modium wo

achioTo groator roaulta thaiT in -i Id other way. T hese aro Qnly_a_tow ,d U io ^U il problem s th a t wUI loom Q. ou r horizon d u ring thla coofllc t :

wo m uat vo lg ftl and conatdor needs of all and m oet tbom a a .I

B. we canld- Wo m ost n o t forget to keep cbi 9y fui through I t all* - 1 am n o t so a 80 but th a t wUi be o tir h ardea t taak. 0- us take up ou r vrork a s gam ely

K i n d s B o u g h t a t

s t - R a i l r o a d ^ t a t i o n -

<1 on Storage Stock

r W ant» to No. 966 ^

C, D i s t r i c t M g r -

I ask fo r

S S S S B ^ S * ^j» = l« o » - :lIu it~ M « » r-F lA 'R lS - :--------1 -«d ta eat, and good fo r them ,

if tho pu rest and b e s t n«t«rialB big dayUght faetory.

t throe t ls e i of P ac lta ra s , and

CIFIC COAST BISCU IT CO- Pociiand, Oregoo-

WALL BEOS.--------W O IF B M E O C B B T ------------—B TBE BIG W B IT S 8T0B E


breadless and meatlesslays?MERICAN C H IU

on E arth

RQUARTI s ix Pooplo

l a i n W e n t -


iLSurariceJANUARY 1st. 1 9 1 8 ___________

good reliable Surety it off your mind.

ared to quote

execute policies.


H. TAYLOR[ONE 62. . ' _

cheerfully a s Uie boys a t tho froif( ou and‘ vlo wlUi thom for achlovom ont u- The refrain o f ono of Uio newest '80 songs Is to the offoct th a t tho clouds

aboyo.uB aro -b lack b u t wo kaow -thatlia ovory cloud has a a llro r Unlng. So in- tu rn tho cloud insido out and smileol- -t.llhlherboys-oomo-liomoi_____ . ____.|8 -~W «-ara-to ld-that no one can-foretell ill. lho conditions th a t will arlso aa the m- roault of th is w ar, th a t wo caa oaly to- do our best to moot tho arising noods )0 t and tru s t to tho^ Powor on high that

our efforts. Interwoven with th a t ol in. all othora piay aocuro a more porfoct j r . s u to of living th a t wo havo yot ox- □•b Porloncod._____________ ^

I D o Y o ghe

W h « m,r- r o u W r i t e ?

S W o C & n P r i n t A n y t h i h i f iM a n d D o I t -


— ----- ^A-grocery-widely-lVICE and QUALI- CUT-PRICE.


135 MAIN AVE, £ .

^ - _ 9 0 U E e r _ C e n t - o J

t r a n s f o r m e d

a n d S t

;: — Buy MothSM Il

R O Y A L120 Socond S tre e t-E a s t

BUTTEl“ lOc a u a u

CREAM- 'IBo a P in t—11


1 COTTAGECI1 \1 ....... STE

" BU’S T E a R L I N i

a a 8h

\ 1 ■ $ - $ $■- $

“ W H E R E 4


— C. N. LAUBE 600NorthM am '

tfOOD—■ ____ M HftLS

■ GOOD—i ■ ' SEEV IC E


1 PALAH I l 141 M A D f STREET


Honest bottor, .BWMt, pure aai . 'Lnportaat table necessaries.

____ . _ Trr-onrs and se« If It d«e«n’t.b

N fore.The quftUty seldom Tarles.Taste It, ask th* priofc

SOUTH PARK-----—— -iElId-o^S

1 Qt. of Milk Equals 8 Eggs

C o m p a r e t h e p r i c e


: F O O I....

I. ' _ Ug

cnown-for-iU-SER—------FY rather than the i«i

DPI_________________________' ml

ea:_ . .. - _ .

: e t i n g C O . -PHONE 330 S

I wl■ ba

I lh

L E u r e J B r e a d - i s - S 1 i n t o H ^ I t h s r e n g t h


er’s Bread ~ “’H’S tic!

............ hi

B A K E R Y sw

Phone 227 " ‘ «


m r n T T T T ^ ^ ^ B it

aM ILK-- _________ co n ^ ^ c a —

............................ .— c

)c ona-half Pint c

REAM- ' f i j .i Pint ; a | c

lE E SE - f r ltCLING . 1 / ;FTER- S m \a C R E A M E R Y W M ' 6Hhone Sontk. ' i


u jjU jU jii^ ' ^ m n ^ n

■.................. 1$ $ $ . . $ $

t H A S M O R E

> C E N T S ”Y G R O C E R YiNHEIM, Prop.

Phone 246

CECAFE IC . ____ PHOIO! 6M :■ y

OUR BUTTER!1 Wholesome, Is one ot yonr most

eat anythttff you e te r ha te had be-

CASH GROCERYho»hone-W— --------- '~

. MILKThe R ight Pood' fo r L ittle OncB, Because I t la CLEANj,


’ : B L U E ^ B O N “ i DAIRY

E T ^^__________ S E N D J N J f O U l

T h e P u r e I ’ood E d i to r w a n ts n il t a k o th ia AA beiieflc iu l-nH poNKibln. icipcH t h a t w o u ld lie lp yo u c n e ig h b o u u lu r ly (^ood, Huud i t in ntul \vi> w i so g iv m g 'j 'o u c r c d t t t o r it.___U tJo w -w ti-u rc -p r iu tiu g -ii .fc w -r le .o n ih u l w ill be h o lp fu l.

___ Y »lj MIGHT TKY______________RecIpCH to r NooriBhlnnC8oup» j

Scolcb Broth—3 pounda m utton. 2 I blcnpoons p earl barloy, 2 tnblo- . I lOons mlnccd onion. 2 tablespoons ] ^co(l_ turnlpB. 2 labloapoons mlncod irro t. 2 t'oblcupoons hnriCiSa coiory; 2 ■tj .blcBpooiia aalU I'Uibltsspoon' poppiiri I tabloBpoon mlncod parsloy, 3 Quarts I )ld wntor. , iRemovo the bone's aTi<l a ll tho ta t i om tho m utton cut lho mont Into I n a il plcccB, nnd put Into a Htow pan 1th the w ater, chopped.-yoROtiiblCB, [irley, nnd n il tho soosonlng dzcoptlns 10 parsloy. I t w ill bo found convon- int to tJo the bones In a ploco of thtn hlto cloth bofore adding them to the I tho rin ifred len ts :— B rln trth o -sto w -io ' “ I boll, quickly Bkim lti and allow 11 to

immor for throo hoursK thlckon with 10 flour, and add tho choppod. pars- jy.

Dried F ish Chowder — Ono-hnlf ound BaU fish, 4 cupo potatoos, cu t < 1 Bmnll ploeen, 2 ouncoB sal pork, t m all f^nlnn rhnppn-l j. riipa nWlmmnrtlilk , H ..................................... - ............... ....

S a lt codf...n. smoked halibut, o r _ th o rT rlo il tllTi may bo uaed in~lina _ howdor. P ick over and shrod flBh, j, loldlng It under lukewarm wotor. Lot ^ t sonk whllo the othor ingredlentn ot < it tho dlBh aro boiny prepared. Cut . ho pork in sm all pleccn and fry i t . vlth tho onion u n til botb are a doll- i :ato brown, add tho potatoea, cover . rVlth w ater, and cook until tho pqta- ocn nro soft. Add tho m ilk nnd fish , m d rohonL Salt, If nocessary. U Is woll to allow the soak la . ho m ilk whllo the poUitocB are bo- j ng cookod, th e n ' remove thom, and' linnlly add to the cliowJor Just bo- , roro aorvlng. ,

—idllk .and-Cheeac.Soup^a.cuSB .m llku | s r p n rt m ilk nnd pnrt stock; 1 '1 -2 , LablenpoonB , f lo u r ; , 1 cup grntod | chocHo; sa lt and pap'rika.' Th{ck8ir~th~E~nmk with - thfr—flourr cooking IhorouRhly. ThUriB beat dono In a double bollor, with frequent stir- rlngn. W hon ready to aervo, ndd tho cheoao nnd the soaaooinR.

Tho protein In th is soup Is equal In am ount to tlia t In flvo-alxlh of n pound o t boof o( average composition; Its fuol value la h lsher than tb a t ot..& pound of boot.

Milk and Vcgolablo Soup—1 quart B kim m ilk; 1 cup bread crum bs, o r 2‘ la rgo slices Htnle broad. 1 amall sllco onion. am airam ounfB p lnnch -o r othor Icnvo lottuco (not m ore tb an -t oanoAs): salt.

C u t tbo vogotablcB Into sm all plecoa and cook with the bread crum bs In th e mllk~ln a doublo boiler. If large q u an tity is being prepared for use in a scbool, fo r oxamplo, put tho vegeta- blos through n m eat cboppor. In thU caso slices of bread can be ground

so rb ^ 0 julco.Cowpea B&up—I tablespoon butler

o r pork fa t; 1 tablespoon finely Tntgppod-otrton r " ! stalk-eclery;-flnoly- choppod: 1 cup dBlod .cowpoa«:,B;ilt.

S oak tho pons 8 o r 10 hours In wn­to r enough to cover. F ry tbo vego- tab les in tho fat. add tbo pens. In/ tho w alor in which thoy wero soak d,f and cook (preferab ly in a doublo boiler) u n til th n' pxww ;«rn tender. , .P n t ; :^ o m ix ture tb rough a sieve and add wa­to r enough to bring It to the desired conaistcn(;y. Roheat. If th is soup is thickened’ w ith 1 tablospoon of flou r m iio d 'w lth a l ittle w ater, tho poa pulp w tll bo proventod from sinking. Dried n a ry o r Uma boans. peas, soy (togo) beans, o r otbor legumes may bo used instead o t the cowposs._

S p lit-P ea’ SoujK -l p in t dried peas. 4 Quarto w ater, 1-largo-onlon. mlnccd flno, 4 tnblespooifs sweot drippings, o r bu ttor, which glvoa n bettor (lavor. 8 tablespoons^ tlour, 1 tablespoon m lncod celory o r a fow dried colory loaves, one«ba lt toaapoon. pepper, 2 teaspoons aaltT > >

W ash tho poua nnd soak th o m W f - nlgHt lu cold wtiter. - In tho morn.n-j p ou r oft tho w ator und pul Ihcm tn tb c soup pot wltii 3 qu.-.rtii ot cold v/a- le r . P lace on thu flro. nnd wlieu Ihr., w ato r comes to the boiling point pour i t o ft (throw th is w ater away.) Add 4 Quarts of boiling w ater, to tbo poao and place the soup pot where tho con-

tho colory tho la s t hour of cooking: Cook the onion and drippings slowly In a stow paa for half an , hour. Drain th e w ator from ' tho po a l • (save th is w ate r) and p u t them la tbo atewpan w ltli tho onions and drippings. T ben add. tho liour. and cook ba it a n hour, sU rrln c ottoiL A t" tb d "en d " o t ’'th is tim e m ash tine and gradually add tbe w a te r u a t i r tho 'soU p ' t r ' l l k e - th ick croam . Thon ru b tbrough a solve aod r e tu rn to tho Uro; add th e -aalt and p epper and cook 0 m inutes o r moro. Boans can be 'usod in th e sam e way as

***l£iod Vegetable Soup—3 quarts of w ator. 1 Quart abroddod cabbage; one* h a lf pfet-m Ixea -«ar ro t,- l-p to t-f l« T e d potato, ooo-half mlncod tu rn ip , one- h a lt m inced onion. 1 look. 2 tomatoes, l7 t^ iw poons-m ineod-«elery ,-3^ tab le* .spoons-b u t te f= ^ ~ d H 7 0 1 0 I i r t^ b I* >spoons greon pepper. S .toaspooss salt. on*-halC teaspoon pepper,.

H ave' tb a w ate r bolllnc ba rd In ' a a tow pan a n d add all tbe Tegetables ex­cep t th a po tatoes and tomatoes. Boll rap id ly to r 10 mlnntes^ thoa draw %ack w h e re 'I t « l l l . boll geatly to r one hoar. A t th e end o t th is tim e add th e ' othey tn g red lan u a a d cook one iio u r longer. H ave th e cover partia lly

u sin g d i t f f e n t k fads o t TCgetablee.

C ab b ase '« ad P otato B oup-O se-tu ili

^ j E C l P E S I-

:ic rcadt'rs of'tho TIM ES to help M jiiiy -o f-y o u - hav© excellout

■8. i f you huve one th n t j .i par- 1 piil)liHli il ill depurtinout,

pes-w 4 ji* !h -iu ig lit'g ive u augi{eH- -

----- -MU S r l i r r , 8CH A i»A CU ---------_______ Pure Food Editor_________

)ilcd cabbaKii. Oncly minced. 3 mo­urn 11I7.01I iHilntooii, 1 nnd one-hnlf ivel t:iUl(!»i)oonHful butter dripplngn r other fu t. 1 lenHpnoiiful huU, ono- )urlh ii'axpoonful pepper, 1 nnd ono- nlf pliitH milk, whole or tiklm. or milk nd wiitdr, boillnB water.Pcol till! potntoou. cover with boll- •

lg viMii-r mid cook until tender, tunil;' ISO inlniitoH. ]>our oCf Uio wn- jr-atiil Tnnsh nntll fine nnd light. Add na calili.-’.pa. butter or olher (nl..and eaaonlni;.- then alowly add lhe hot illk or milk nnd walcr nnd boll up rell. If u thinner soup Ib required ho aniflunt o( milk or milk and wator an—luj-lnerwmedr—if-Hko<!r-an-onlon- ut up Mnc nnd cookod In a llltle wa- or may be ndded lo the aoup to give ddltloniil flrivor, or grated cheoaoip y llll ,[i,ii i.i| ulHwlJ__tnrnlpnr n m ix tu re o t : vogotablOB c an be fo r th e cabboR e, If do- Irod , and th in Ik n good w ny lo uao up e fto v e r vcKctnhleii.

A Safe Drink!Are you imtlnficd wllh tho tea nnd coffoc you are buying?If not, try ours. Cur oiperl-' enco hail taught ub a lot about

■ rrally good ten ond soKofe---------

GRAND UNION m CO, ~120 Shoshone S. Phone 192


C h i U r e n N e e d M i l k

above a ll o ther •food—If yoti

use^tmrs you k n o w i t ’s P u re

Shiaw’s Dairy

I j M ? J i f i E s r 1


THANKSGIVINCO riin h n rrtnii. q iin r t .......................«>»/.____cQrupe F ru ll, oach..........................l.’>e l

~H<«l-Binplro-BrttiH!»,-por- lb......20e - 1Stfuash. per. lb--------- --------------02c - 3Cabbage, per lb.... ' ...................03c 1Wo Bllco Dried Beef., per lb..—00c 1 W o-olice bolled-huui, poi^lbrrr.^Oc— 1B ulk Peanut buttor, per lb...... 26c JS a lt Mackerel,»e ]Swool potatoes. 3 lb. for........ .2.'«c ]

Tills store Is co-operating with the U. “ In plain figures.” ---------------

Jo in the mnny Umt a rc buying coup T his Is one way of Vonsorying. ’


On Wash Day Just ]

IT ATILL SAVE YOU LOTS 01 t ^ t t e n d e d t o PROMPTLY.^

E C O N O M Y C A ;m a i n a t e . e a s t

■ WHAT S H A L L D O N '


- B - J J l O l l i l l E L , ____ W o _

B ___ WOLFE’S G. H iu « MAIH A r a r l


^ a ^ S H Q S H Q N & W . -

B E TH.- a n d -th e n le t

w ith all the d Thankflgiving tb c w ay of tu

_....— meata.--------

M O D E R N PC ereer Shoshone

Phone s aBegnlar

' *— ^ ------ - i i H W r s f c r e w

m mMERC, c o ’. OFFERINGSluraKQ.cggs^-piT lint...... .........ISg; —

cau co rn ......... 16c-oan-JomnUwR— 16c — - -lb. 2So Blk Bakine..powdor..20(;

Ib, Goldon V obU buttor............CSclb. S lorling Buttor....................6&c“ flmnii” Cog"Cat)in~flyrup....‘:nsi;c medium Log Cabin ayrup.— 50c

-2 gal. Log Cabin Byrup— itI.OO gal. Log Cabin syrup......... 91.09

S. gOTCrnmenL All goods priced

)n books and sarlng G per ccn t. t'c nell fo r Ictis nnd fo r cash.

MERC. CO. :Ick, Prop.

^hbne Your Order


5 H G R O C E R Y ! ~PE O N E 311 j

f P O N D E R - . r n f l .327 ■ ■

ffill Gladly Offer ____ jStiggestlons ; j

ROCERY , H^ H O N E - 8 2 7 -------- 1 | | [ ■ ! -



9NK.FULfTUB supply you • f Iilicies for your I IDay feast iu I Ikey, grocoricB, y / '

\ c k i n g / c o .md Beeead Sontli I /

T ffltf F a lls , Idaho DeUvery — j J . ---------- 1,------- _

_ r ' . /

= - - - r

’.e.. .•■Trx'A-.::'- .'

------------------------- -----^ ■ ;— ....... ......... - - - ^ ..-

Germans Beaten . _______ on Two FrontsDciiiH'fSICT^tTOrctB—inr—ftaUffiw—a n S

B r lt ia h F a l l— Som * F i r in g In th o - E a « t . . ..

LO ND O N , N ov.' 2G— B rllln h a n d FruU cli iroopH n ro Unlay- h a n iin c r in g Uio O om ^an ilncu w ith tc l l ln e b lo w s

__nvpr ft r'^ M'** frnr^tW horo tb o n lllp il Inrantr>- In now

. m m iiu ltln i;. Uic a rU llo ry iu pouhdlD S th o O o rm a n paalU onii.

l^ illo w in E tb o b c g ln n h tp o f 't h e BrlUuli. <lrlvu n g u ln iit C a m b ru l IokI T iioHduy, till! HUpi)lcmunUiry succcbh

------- 0f-U i»-4 ifltIsU _lm vtt_*u’c n t_ U iu _ IlrilU hlin o s no c l080 lu tliu U crm a n stronR * h o ld U m t UlC p re d ic tio n w aa m arie to ­d a y thu t. t h b wcL-k w iil'tto o tliu.GViu:- u a t io n o f .tho c ily by llio G erm a n s .

______F orlX L viL dai'ii-thc-Icm anii.liaY iL bciiiiI iuU ing u p u dclcriQ lD ctl rcttlHLinco in tlio C a m b ra i K octor, b u i u t ov c ry p o in t w lio re ' lu i iiU un ip t wa.^ m a d e to u toin tlic D ritlH h onruB li, (lie roHlKlance wan ovorw uiii! by w liirlw liiil a ttackH by P ic id MiirHlml Mals'B m en . Tlipix; wuh u viQ lcn t Htru'i.’Krc 'w i 'b i o f C a m b ra i tl i ro u K b o u t S n n d a y w liicli le f t tbu B rillu h iniiHlorH o f HiralcK lc bolghtH d o m in n tin g tlio c ity .

N o rth o f l '> n tu in o N o ire D am e in llie BcctorH o f tlie vIlliiKe o f D ourlon a n d D o u rlo n fo re n t tlio D rl tisb a t ­te m p te d t o - c u t th rouR h llio G erm a n lln ca in a n o rllieaH iu rly d irc c lio n )o

' g u t in b e tw ee n C um brni a n d Q u en n i '------ (Q u c an t l a - th o eo u th o n i -UaaU on_dcv

f o n d ln c 'tb o Q u o an t-D rac o u rt H witch. tb o c h ic t B upportoru o t th e n o r th e rn «nd o t U ia . H ln d e n b u rg lino . Q u ea n t IfcH Jniit' w ont o f th e zono of S u n d a y 's s tn ig s lo .)

i-'iirlouB h an d to h and f lg b tin g tooU p ln cc a m o n g ih e ru ln n o f tb e v illu g c o f B o u rlo Q a n d in th o c av e s n n d d u g - oulii t h a t Ilo b e n ea th th e dcbrln .

T iio Q e n h n n s hrid b u l l t 'c u n n in K iy i^ :^^^VhtPJve<}^T6runeftUbn!r-^tw -lonk—lik u

tb o r t i ln s o f houBOa an d tlie D ritiiib w oro tn k e n u n u w o rea . T h o BtreutH w ero s w e p t by m a ch ln c Run f iro f ro m theno imptOTlBCd b lo ck houaoa a n d it w aa la rg e ly duo to Ibcin th n t th e G cm ian u w oro a b le to re ta in p a r t of th o v lllag o .

T h o F ro n c h , w ho hnd b e en d lro cU n g n tro n e p rean u ro aguh iB t L aon , tbe c h lc f hHHCtoo o n th o fio u th crn a n d of n io T T ln d o n b u rg 'lln o , suddon ljr f lw ltch - ed U ic lr a l ta c k a a n d d ro v e fo rw a n l o u th c V erd u n f ro n t fo r un Im p o r ta n t Kuin.-— -

T h o g lu t o f ffghtlnfT on tiio r ig h t b u n k o f th o Mouue fo llow ed a h ig a r - U llo ry d u e l w h ich had boon rn g in g

. . ,_ th o ro fo r m ftny d f t y f l . ______T h o P ro n c h m ndo tlio lr m n ln OHHauTl

in tb o d lB trlc t o t S am o g c n cn u x (n e a r w h ic h p o in t th o G o rm an c ro w n p r in c e liiu n ch o d -h is b ig V ordun d r iv e In

--------FeliruiU ry. u jid ' (fuIckIy '"ovoF:-r a n th o tw o lin o s o t tro n ch ea , c a p tu r -

------- W A n T i a B " ‘3 !5 ttt lS T ia T I0 IB 'i




1 5 c a c o p yA t Y eur N ew id o sler

Y « a r l y S u b s c n p t i o n S l .S O SenJ fo r our naw fra j ect-

____ alog o f m eehaniect l/oolfP opular M echnnlcs M acsxlnb

■ ^ ___________ ___________________


Transfer & Ga Reasons

(W E - A R E C L O i

......... C O M P L E T E S T O

W I N T E R H A T S .

__________ - ^ R E ; O V E R - 1 0

- M E N T \ I S E X C E

r E A - R L T - T O T T A ’


ELITE M' 3rd Ave. & S

In g n e a r ly 1000 p rlB ono ro ..D riU oh troopB in / r o n t o f th o G or­

m a n , b a se oC C a m h m i h av e f o u g h t Uic -Oftm a n i i - t o , - a . iitao d < a U U -a n d — Uio T cntnnH w it p mi»ti1i> tn .lr llv .> r f u r . t h e r co u n te r& ttac k a la s t n ig h t , thu U rl llsh w a r o ffice u n n o u iic ed todny.

T h o B riU ah ro rc c s U ia t f o u g h t th o tr w ay in to D ourlon v illa g e a n d tho h ig h g ro u n d o f B ou rlo n w ood, dom i- n a U n g C a iu b ru i. uu tbu w ea l, ho ld a ll

th o l i^ g ^ U B .. ______ _________ ,A rU H cry a u e llJ iig In tlie H ector of

F a iiachend ttc le , on Ui<‘ w en t Fh«ndcr» f ro n t , in e re a a e d .to K reai v io le n c e d u r . Ing th o n ig g u

(D o u rlo n v illaf;o nnd B o u r lo n wood lio a b o u t th r e e m llea w ea l o f Cutn- J y a l , R l w c c n ' l b o A rn ia -C a m b m i ro ad aniV lh o B ttp a u h ic -C u n ib ra r ro u U rT h o y { ^ n aU lu te u p a r t o f th c d e fen n ca of tli,u H ln d o tib u ry . lin e , Jn w h ic h th e l i i l l l a h - lo r e a b ig bo lo lai«L w eek .)

ItD^TEi NiW; 2 C ^ S e v era T ~ A ‘’u ittro- Garmiitt dlvJHlontt h av e boon nunl/jJ- liilod in th e f io rco f ig h tin g un the A alago p la ic a u . D la p a tc h o s f ro m Uio f ro n t to d a y d w e l t upo n lh e Hoverity of th o T e u to n s ' loaacB a n d (b e cnni- plotenoBB o f - t h e - c h o r k -w dm iniB tcred lo th o invu rtc ra by lh e lU iliiinii.

T liu w e a th e r In Uie n io u t i t a l n a 'o t Uio A iiiago p la te a u h a a be co n ic iilorm'y h u t in a p lle o f ra lo ,_ ; in o w . fog and w ind th c H lrugg le haH c o n tlm ie d w ilh g r e a t >-iolcnco. A ll orfori.-i i)C Uio O erm anH r-lK jw evor. lo b re a k tliro iigb a n d e n c irc le th o I ta l ia n le f t w ing h av e ao f a r c ru m p le d u n d e f llie l u l - inna j e a ia ta n c c .

T w p"C erim in“ Hnd"A u!'tro-Truri(;ai-Ian reg lm o n ta , m lH iak ing eae h o lh e n i Iden­ti ty In th o darknoiiH.,, fou«J«t-ftTr hourH, In fllcU n g Hovorc Iokhcb b e fo re lhe e r r o r w as diB covored. - , . . ’

M nny liund redo . o f u n h u r i« il bodloa He In th o valleyB and In lh e woodsth a t—H a n k —tliu_ujouuiaIna.-iildeH i____

lln ly Inw m e t th e p ickn il " s linck" tro o p s o t th o Q c n p a n -a r m y a n d Elv^n

F o r tw o weekB v e le ra n Pruaiiia ii guardH m en .a n d ueam>n<‘d w arrlo rii from - B a v a r ia n a n d W uerlten iburM reg in ien tii h av e tr ie d in v a in (o hrcak lh e I ta l ia n dcfonaca b e tw e e n Uie D re n ta a n d IMave va lleyn a n d 'a l o n g lh o lo w e r reacheH o f llie I’lavo rlvor. h u t dlHpatcbCH from th e f ro n t- loday ‘aaid th a t th o T eu to tia w e re ' he ld In ch ec k . _ _ _ _ _

T h c l t a H a n s h a v e be en c i i lle d 'u p o n to faco aucli w iU ie ring bom liiirdm ontii aa w o re h ith o r lo u n k n o w n on Uie

-Itftlisn—f m n tr -h u t— U iu it—v’io- Jowcc, th e cji}inonndo.>; /HlJed in a h ak e th o n o n x ' o f tlio I tJillan so ld lo ra .

A t p<ilnta w h e re th e I l a l ia n llneii Hccmod in d a n g e r c o u n le r n tta ek a

-w o re -d r lv p n -h o m tn x g n in F t th n in-rad- o ra nnd h a rd t ig b t ln g liaa be en ta k in g p la c e a ro u n d J lo le tte . a p o in t o t aup- p o r l on th o lU illan line in ib e n o rlh .

— A a-T tcoir-from ' tlie 'A H trnrJTT iinnnnc d a te d Sunday , m o rn in g , Hald th a i Uie Gorm anH a tle n ip le d to b re a k th ro u g h on th a t f ro n t hnd boon b r o u g h t to a B tandaU ll h u t th n t . th e re wa.s a ah lft- in g o f th o G o rm an f ro n t a n d flg liU ag w a s b rea k in g - o u t in new plin'c^H. I2x-

_chivngf>_o,fjifTenHiX'^-JniilicH a f;a ln « t _tho Ita llanH in U ia t zone waH ev id o h lly ta k in g p laco .

W ASH 1NQ ,T0N . -Nov. 2G—T b o pro- poanl» o f th e B o labov lk l g o v e rn m e n t o f R usB la fo r a U irce moiitliH . armlH- Uco on n il f ro n ta d u r in g w h ic h to a r r a n g e a _ w o rld poaco co n fo ren c c

.w ere b e in g "c o n a ld c rc d " by th e U n i­te d SlatOH g o v e rn m e n t to d ay .

T h o propoaalH w h lrh w ere hnm led to A m basB ado r F rn n c ln e a r ly la a l w eok w oro fo rw a rd e d to th e a ta to d e ­p a r tm e n t hy w{|iy o f S lo ek lio lm . T h e d o c u ih en t h a s hcon la id ' bo fo ro ProHi- d e n t 'WilHoh hy S e c re ta ry o f S la te L flnfiinp. ■ ' ^

— B iiyond—s a y in g —tliA l - tb A—propoHHlti w oro b e in g ‘'conH ldered ." S o c ro la ry r>anfllng w ou ld n o t dlHCUHH th e Rol- HhoTikl • n o lo to d ay . I t Ih a cc ep te d ao c o r ta ln by d ip lo m allc W aH hlnglon tb a t U iore w ill bo no re p ly to lhe a rm lB tlco p ro p o aa l.

T o ri>J<>ct U io -p ro p o sa l - U iroug li a d fp tonm U c n o to w ould be to rero g - nizo th e D o lahev ik l an f o rm in g a de- f a r lo I luH slan g o v e rn m e n t,

T h e Btnto d e p n rtm o n l Is n n t lik e ­ly to ta'ko th is Btep.

T h e to x l o f th o Ilo lah ev lk l n o te docn ; n o t - d l f f o r — fro m —th a t— p tib l l'i lie d -it i

th o preaa dlapatcbeH f ro m I’i 'lro g ra d ••~na.L L W C E lcxsoe rarary r-L auB in ff^B a iil I today .

HOLS & CO.n e I oo

rbage Hauled af ' ble Prices : - .


illinery Co.ihoshone South

. I wml-alls Wins ; From Gooding Tean

DcfouU Ablest R lra l b j Score o j fo rtX 'a f ix e n to N o th ln S '- L o c a l T e a s0 N o rc r S c o red A p a ln s t.

1 In ono o f th o f a a lo s t a n d hardo3 fo u g h t g am ea o t th o B oaaon th o Tw it

f K n llD '-h lg ii-R chooi- foD tbgll' tunm - d e H fea to d th o G ooding te a m by th o do . c lalvo a c o r o 'h r 47 to 0. T h ia wuh th<

Bovenlh Ktirao o t th o s e a s o n , a n d thi J B ixth ga m e In w h ich T w in F a l l s hai . h e ld th e i r o p p o n c n ta n co rc lo sa . Gooti J Ing n n d T w in F a llti h a v in g p layod i y gam e- e a r ly - tn “ t1ie - Rcaaon' a t O oodlnt f w h ic h re a u lte d in a 14 to 14 tio . y ■ T h o gnm o w a s h o tly con tea te(

th r o u g h o u t. Q oodlng ro eo lv in g th e bull a f le r a few lin e p lu n g e a , w h ic h ga lnei

- - th o iu -au -y ard a g u ..L h e y -W iirc ,fQ ru :d - l{ glvo th o h a ll to T w in F a l ls . T h o playi

• th e n w e n t fo rw a n l w ith o u t a b rea k Now m nn c a r r ie d lh o b a ll fo r a touch ' down- Ilu r ln g th e f ir a t th r c o m ln u ic t of p lay . D u rin g th c ro m a in d o r o f th<

j firu l....Q tiatto r _no..acorc8_ w o jo m ado th o u g h th o gum o w a ti'p la y ed m oslt> ' Ir

f th o G ooding te r r i to r y . A t th o . bei;in- , n in e o f th o accond i iu a r to r T jv Id F a lh t had th o h a ll on G ooding’s 2 0 -y a rd liiic , F ix ,b ro k e - th ro u g h th o lin o a n d roct^iV' ' ed a fo rw a rd paaa , a n d tb o n c a rrle t I* th c b a ll o v e r th e goa l lin o f o r th o acC' ' ond lo iich ilow n . A fte r th o kickofi ^ T w in F a lla a g a in c u jr ie d th o h a l l neai

G obdlng 'a g o a l, b u t th o v ia lto rB hole . Ihem to r ilow nuj a n d w h o n th o w hla lli

b low fo r th e e n if o f’ tl io ’ f i r a r B a i n i H■ b a ll w aa in G ood lng 's j^osB O salon am

n e a r th o lr ow n g d aT ~ * W i'‘ th o hiBi H crinim agu u t th o c loao of th o tirai ha lf. H ailey , G ood ing 's f a s t r ig h t h a lf

S' w ua ta k e n fro m th o gnm o bocauBO ol “ u Hovero in ju r y to h la n ock , rocolvoi' ' w h llo m a k in g a ( ic rc u lln o ..p lu n g o .

T w in FallH cum o b a c k s tr o n g in thc .d tc o n d -h a lf . . t ;n mHiig-onm>>-t< te m iin e d lo Hcore: th e j '’ rouB ht~ hnr(l

' b ill th e ir llno had been g r o a t ly w eak ‘‘ ene<i a n il th e y w ere u n n b lo to reaifli 1 tlm fltircd p lu n g e a of lh o B lu o am: i< W hile w a r r io ra . T w in F a i ls su rp ria - L' ikI Iht) vlH ltors w llh th c l r ro n cw ci

fo rc e ant! d o te n n ln a i io n .- •• T he T w in l'”a l ls boyii Hhowed au- y p e rio r tn i l n in g a n d . J ie t te r c o n d llio r ;> th a n th e .NnrllmlderH. A g r e a t p a n

oI.lhc.C T nJi'.jv iiH jiliiyed on th o ,Q o o d 1 ini; t e r r i to r y , h u t a e v e ra l U m es il tl looked : ai> th n u k I P G o o d in s m lghl I. sc o rc . . T h e c lev e r d o d g in g ant:- H lriilR ht-w rnU nK -of-H ailfty-and.noeltP .i c‘ jJMiiie IheiJ} lowf; K olna, n n d eovora

tlm eu th e y w ere a few y a rd a f ro m thc ;i T w in F uIIh goa l. I t w a s a t th e a t 'I po ln tn lh a t tlio hom u boya p la y o d th e li- lia rtleH tr d n ic rm tn cd — t h a t — OoodlnF { shm ild n o t bo ib b f i r a t to c r o s s th c ii- g o a > J ln e .o n lh o new flo ld . F iv o m o n , ttm chdow uH w ero m ado d u r in g th o hcc' T •OTnl~mnr~On t r n pt;ctm nilrtr~plny-hclT ir L‘ w hen I j iv e n d e r m ado a fo r ty -y a rd ru n I H tra igh t a rm in g a n d dodg iilff th ro u g l ;i th o G ooding b a c k f ie ld , foi- a toucli-- dow n. --------- ■

T h la wail one- o f th o .bou t gam ei- seen on th c T w in F a l ls f i ^ d tb ia y e a r

T b e w e a lh e r w aa Ideal, /a n d a la rg iy. aitil enn iU H lanlic’cV0w (l” 5>,-ltn08BCd'th(

gam e. T ho G ooding te a m ou tw ofgher Uie T w in F a l la lonm . B o th toa itu ahow ed gooti co ac h in g , b u t th o honn

•- boyu e x h ib i t e d - t h o - b u s t p la y a ,- ju jt ; ahow ed th o bout cond iU on n o d eu '

■ d u ran c o . . - i‘ T T h is w na th c la a l giim o f o r ’th e flrBl >' !i(|iia<l on lh o hom o flb ld fo r th la aea-• Hon. a a th e y w ill goM fl N am p a fo r n

gam e on T hanknglv inH w ith tht: fasl1 te am of th a t acc tio n . ;I T he fo liow lub ' Ih tb e l ln o -u p :• T w in FallH.......................................Goodinp e I’. 1'lx (C aiit.) ............................ U enfrow

L e f t i-:nde .V lia llo y .............................................. li t to i- n- -A,-I’«rohoom ...... ...... .................Ili;nnctly L^-fl G uard- I), M ic k lc w a lt ................................... D row r[| Ce'niorn M. T h o m e l r / ...................................... K vanfe . / l U c h t G uard

!!. V an T a 'ise l ................. M lddlcuw ortba - I liE h t T n c k h ; ,- U S t ro n g a n d- C. I laH enbalg .......................... L . Snivol>

U lg h t K nd '. 0 . N ew m an ...................................V. ila ilo j

Q u ar te r K G, W ulHon, I{. Diivfii andtj. -L ^ S tro n c . • , ......./ ....................... noolto i,1 L e ; t H a lf ■■■d- ........... S w e n d cn b u rf

.y u l l I liic k " ■ ■ SuliH lllu lltin^—T w in Fiylln, HiiBOn

' ImU; fo r Uii\i(s. M ooniow Aor T lm m ots Gtiuiling. S huy fo r lla lle y . M tirrlsor fo r ile tifn )w , iii iiley fo r Kvaim.

O fficialH— H ark er, r e fe re e . Hi-noit u m iilre . .M. t;. .M iiehell, head lin i.nm an

Boy With the Colors How Fares and Feels

Kroiti T n ili iin g Cnm p ill I .ouIsvIUp Ky . - I ' l c n t y to K nt, I 'l r n iy to Do a n d L tiok lng T o w ard F n i i i 'c o - “ .M olher" FJr_s(!

A T w in FiiilH lady reeetiU y recoiv-• eil Ibo fo llo w in g le t te r from h e r b r o th ­

e r. w ho w eiii It) tlie h o rd o r lant yoai w llh a n O re j;on com m and an ti In ilow a l C am p T a y lo r. T h e te l le r la v u ry 11- lu m ln u llv e aa to th e c o n d itio n s and fee lln g a an ti a in b ilio u s of o u r iioldloi hoys— th e re fe re n c e lo lh o w ork o f Oic V. SI. C. A . ia e a p e d a lly iuleroBU ng

C nm p T a y lo r, L ou iav itle , Ky.O c lo b er 11, 1'J17.

IJoareHl S ia le r K va:1 rcccive ii y o u r le l le r a c oup lo 01

trayn a g o a n d w aa a u ro 'g latl lo hoa i trom you u ll . ThJo i« S u jifb y c ro n - Ing a n d I um Ju a l g o in g lo anfiw oilu ire ra lliiTlTirwT^:-------------------------------•

I w ill c o tn p lc tc m y courno a t tW achool o t a rm a lh ls w eek , h u t 1 don 't kn o w w h a t k ind o t a d ip lo m a I w illKuL.yct— __— ;___

I c an go th ro u g h a l l th e bayonb; inovem en la fin e now .

r g u v e 'u ll Uio c o rp o ra la in m y c o m ­p a n y in o tru e tlo n a in u a ln g th e b a r o ­n e t t h e o th e r n lg h l.

I Bcnl In m y a p p lic a tio n fo r th o o f f i­c e r s tr a in in g c am p y e iilo rday b u t 1 d o n ’t kn o w how 1 w ill m a k e o u t y o t T h o ofticerH tr a in in g c a m p a ta r ls ' thc f i f th o f J a n u a r y . J hopti I c an go.. S a y ,- li:v a .- l -u m -Ju t ti- ita -c o m fo r ta b lj £txod h o ro a s I w ou ld l A 'I f I v w hom o. W o huvo b ig b a r r t t k a to live in , n o t tc n ta . - . lU - m y .a c u lT o a , o L -th f h n rrn c k a «•« hav o a K reu t biff ( a m a c e a n d p le n ty of co al lo b u rn In it.

1 hnvo a a p r in g bed w ith a good

----------- ------------------------------ ---------B I 0 " T K ) E M E ~ B £ V 1 5 n r

D A T S - ^ j ^ TmXJSTJAI..


---- 7 DO

E a r l y... s

Get"TKat-Set of 1 Thanksgivin;

Dig discount OD dlnnor waro Flvo comploto now opon stock

-waro—IG Tor Cont-Off. --------

For7 D a y s


E- and 6-inch w idths, suitable ' liuHdiiV __ ______


20c gingliama In a t least forty for only ................... .......... ..........

| - -------------SergesIn plain colora and plaids.

| _ school drcBHCB ---------------------

Tub Silk• Dandy atriped ottccta for walat

Dr. Denton’s S y Gwmen

Til'ao Fo csfM IlIa 'llnoa carrlc in a u ro a kgainat s ick n o as . Jus kiddloB.

s traw tick on I t and two woolon blank cla nnd ono big comfort. I hovo plon ty to eat and a flno placo to tako warm ahower haUj whonovor I w nht 1

I had hash, rico, plhcappto puddinf cocoa and lota of flno tiread lo r aur per, to toll Uio tru th I ca l m ost to much.

I borrowed eomo monoy to send t mottior ubout twolvo daya ago and goi g le tte r from her ycatorday toll

•mtiKOB mu fuul~iinppy~ to~t htnK ' I ai doing some good tor somo ono wliilo s many o l thc hoys nil ground mo gan: h ie thoir monoy away o r go to tow and bl5w il in. I aonl m olhor fifteo dollnru ycslcrday.

Say. JSva, .11 auro 1s groat tho wa Iho Y. M. C .-A . trea ts tbo aoldlc hoys. Thoy furnish wriUng paper, cr vclopoa and pon and ink to all wh w ant It.Thoro aro froo moving p icture n l tli

V. M. C. A. two tlmca a wcok and tin pictureB al2}htrc— If-you < a n -d o - ^

u n y tim e,- p loaao do i t a n d th o n yo w ill h c tp w in thiB -war. ' ' ,

If ll w aan't for thc Y. M. C. A. to g to 1 don 't know whal I would do t puHH Uio Ume uway whon I am nt drilling.

J, havoji'l been advanced to a ho: goanl yet. b u t l oxpoct It m ost any ol lime.

Tho wealher haa been JuBt boautif* here for pretty near two woeka bul Bturled In to rain today. I w ent ot and played basketball tor about tw hours thla afternoon. ,

1- d o n 't U iin k I a m g u ttin g a b fa l Blnco I hav e- been h o ro bul I at Jual nB so lid an a b r ick w h a t th o ro i of mo.”‘ U lAltoB Bomo ono th a t la ntronK-l hundio th a t gun und buyonot and g( Iota of snap in IL I th ink I wolg about ICB pounda aa I am now.. Jf you know any rea l nico girl around there 1 wish you would pti thom noxt to wriUng to mo bocauso do love to got lottors. I will promiu to answ er ovory lettor 1 got.

- I om glad Uiat you saw Uiinga U: aamo way 1 did. I am suro wo ca mako m other lo ts happier by aondln holp a t tho proaont llmo. <

It I ever di^l mlsa my m other It I now. I would Jual liko to aco hor h< foro I go to Franco.

If I go to Franco I may novor so ■any“o r7 0 U”ftnyTnoro-but-hollovoTnB- w lU 'flght llko H-l foi' U ndo Sam an Uio rea t o t you. I know you wottldn atand to aeo mother abuBod if. I shoul novor como,;back. i . v - • • -

Tlio w ar situaUon • looks' protty Vd righ t now. don 't II?■■ Woll. B^'n, 1 can’t thlnlc of nnyTnat to writo about tonight, so w ill have t como to a ctoso soon. I hopo to hca trom you and Charllo and family soot

Toll a ll tho kIddloB I sold hollo An I aond iny loVo tt) thom a ll and yo also. Ploaao answer soon. I am a ovor, your loving brothor, --------------------: a iM iu jE -L -.T U E L ..

Co. "D’' 33rd In tan try .

The Twin P rIIb TIb o s haa a ll tl: Jateat «p £a th e I f a e c f golato press—fr(|8h iro n the leaaod wii which l8 employed In our office.

S inL T S R ^ A V l N e

W I N T E lA L E C L O S E S D E C E M B E R

Wishes for All G r Day

a n d fancy china. This goods is p a lto raB in d ln n o r aorlmont' of < ------ g a in - — — —

WAISTS ANiEVERY W.OILW can. find JUBt tho 1 tbia big assortm ent. Complete aloe do chlno. georgette cropo, voile and posslbly-oxpccl-------------- ---------------

Note This Big Redi

Curtain FabricsTheao aro a ll dainty malorlalB—-

; ■: apcclat


Largo stock opnH orn.. On salo

....................... ......ipg a t big roi

, , , , . For theao so' Very deflirable for

........- .................. 60o ....... ........ ' ' ". Gordon

® SS. All GC cont val- , , ,__________ _ _ 40c C a r r l^ in al

I . . alock o f 'd a rk, and cham pagi

leeping Smart Fts Sd in slock. TSIther To m ake a dl t tho th ing for tho Just lho thing

silk and wool.

1- ‘

II The ToggeryI-o ' . ■

; "TlianksEivingSpecialsI- ............. ■ '

I W a fw i^n

: SUITSir --------- -------------- -------------'

0 and= O ^ E R C b . A T Su

Showing n ll th o N o w WARWIC0 If you a re accUHlomed to tho )i -hettcr—a pcrfcct- combinaUon

P rices Uiat wHi adm it CTcryhod

$18.00, $20.00, $2}J Ijitcflt BhowlngH in Men’H FuII wcnr, Sox, MACKINAWS and 80

Prepare for i

; - 7 % e ''' , 132 SCsll ■1 ----------------------------

° German Food Supply Nearly a t Bottoi

® I’opniaUon -of Empire Threaten is WiUi StarTaUon—General Hhorta ). In a ll L ines j te p g r tc d.

WASHINOTON, Nov. £(I.—.Gorman' iood .B ituatiou-U-gravft-and-hor-pop

^ latlon faces a w intor of privation a ,j suffering. AuthonUc rep o ru lo < J flclals h o ro 'to d ay showed th a t Ot

. m any's fluppllcs of fnts o ra bolng ra Id ly -dop to lod -and - th a t - iho-scawH In corlaln oBSonUat foods moy for

Q civilians. Ps-aB-woFato havo boon plncod alm ost o

. tlroly undor govornmontal control a: Q rigid n^asurcB havo boon taken to co

aorvo tho presen t stocks' and aro G afforod for salo oxcopt a t prohiblU

■ prlcos, A .g roat aho rugo In all pat o f the Gorman omplro of such arUcI

• aa m eal, hu ttcr. mlik, and cheoao roportod. Tho mlllc raUtnis of t chlldron ol Dorlln, which aomo woo

16 ago was roportod a s so scan f.thn t I (S funty m ortality luuLgroaUy Incroosi ■e a rc now being cu t ono-thlrd. Tho hi

-ter allow ance foe oach person has be



I S A L E5 T H ‘ :

ilors Lining Silk At Big-Discountone yard wldo, nnd In a good as- olors. An exceptionally , flno bar-____ ________ __________ ______ M o- ,

) BLOUSESlouBO aho haa hoon looking for In : o l la test w intor modols In 'cropo organdie. Every shade you could

iction 20 Per Cent

Neclcwear. - L aco. tr im m ed .. p la in d -o rn —— broidcred--:^:.:......41>c“

E BIG BARGAINS ers and Knit Goods! handsome garm ents la k n it goods

Wo aro m aking a ap o d a l otfor- ucUon—10 P e r C en t

— Outing»— --------------on days only ........................ ........_14c

"andliayser Lines of ylish'Siik Hose

slzca and desirablo ^hades. New brow ns jua t re'celvcd. A lso ' grayfl ~


iaids and Checks for eparate Sidrtsitinctlvo sk ir t plaid m a te r ia ls ' aro .o uso. ' AttracUvo comblnaUons in

^ U 1 w | .

K~m 6V e L8 fo r th e parU cnlar m an—' ' good, yoD’Ii find WARWICKS a hit jf qudllty, w orknanRhip und H tj lo -

S.OOf $30.00 and more■nishlngft, H ats, S h ir ts T>ob, Und«r- tt'EATEKS.

ho W inter (« Cooo

T'oggeryUTH MAIN

lim ited to ono oiinco a'woofc E g g s are very scarce and aoll fo r e igh t conts

n each. -Pm cU cally a ll foodstuffs show a ahrlnkngo. The only oxcopUon ia tho potato crop. A fairly good crop

- of pouitoos is reported, b u t It w ill not, equal tho producUon tw o yoara a sd r

' Gormans v irtua lly h a ro abandoned «a coffeo and toa. 'M vfng adopted a now

aubaU tuU -for U ia-la tto r In-Uio form- id of dried poollnga of apples and poara.


— In-tho -P roba to Court o f Twin- Palla <n county. SUito of Idaho.

1. N oU cool W rit o f A NoUca Is horoby given Uiat o a No*J. Tembor lEth. 1817, a w rit o f a tU cb-, t m eat was Isiuod o u t o f lho above on-ro UUod court in tho abovo onliUod ac*IB Uon. BltAchlng Uio property o f theIs IM 80 ^ 0 stun o f10 In w itness whoroof. i havti horeun-tfl to sot my hand and tho Boal o f tbe1- oourt Uils 17tb day of NoTombar, IMT.“• ......... ....... .............. 0,-PADUVALLi-r-t- Judge of Uio Probato Court o f Twinn Pails county, Idaho. ‘ H-20-27' 13-4*11

< ; r TmioHY i : [

■g>i i m i g ** i » T k i n i tm* _

BAnS~TW icfe«A«W EEI 1 M iW fc-> <r It o*— — . m '

. ._ .M l t« : J f .» « r a iu im U y Mtab«. D B k e t .> « d m y « u e s u d

. c r ; S k . ”S £ 'sMi 4 f i ^ i y O n tbote e» » M M tu y k M i t . : ' r - ' '

V - - j J


T ^ 'L t a T w a ^ n ^ a U B i V G*tnff East -

Nf IW _________ 7 0. ■.N*. M ---------------- ------ -.8:30 p. mx. ^

«clBK WentN*. »3------------- ----- -..... ;-...13:ie p. m- inN«. 165------------ 4 V p. m. rc

B*g«noB Brancb thN* 339 (•*c«pt auBday)....12:30 p. m- —

----- ATTtRNEIg^— ----------- Io----------- :-------------------- ------------------------- p:W. P< Outbrl« . A. M- Boven -

Jaaoa R- Bothwoll OOTHniB, BOWEN & BOTHfl.’ELL fr

O t t i f . Skoshone. Balldlng u— ' --------------- Gl

h. - SWBBSL0T& SWBI2L1SY ^ fU eftg ilF lrflt.NotlenaliBank-Bulldlagt ' 3 ' ' ■ —---- - KI ----- -AflHHR B. WILSON A■ ' PraeticQ In all courts ^ o o m 14 F irst National Dank DuildlnsM. H. WISH, OFTlOa ROOMsT AND 7. P | « l n Falls Bank & TruKt Co. Bldg- S■ M- WOLFE, OFFICE IN I. D. BLDG.

—= = ■ ...............’■’ ■'■■= ; cCHEMIST _____ K

___ ■B..H.JDOOLEY,-^-M._______ "iljrtleol . Chomlst. .Ij^port Work la .

Toxicology and. Bactoriology * In FaUs Idabo i


pert Acoounlaat, Audilor, Sysloma- . or. Rooms- 7-*-Powcr-BldB-- Phone aI. __________________________ t

Ules BlB&^n^oUc?"^Singer Sewing c tohlno oKlcc._______^ E

_______ FEED 8T0BE8 ^NCHOR HAT. ORAIN & FEED - ompany. Wbolesale and RotalJ deal*rs. baled bny> aUalfa meal, grain and ^»od,-cnotom-«rlndlng._218;261_9lxth " jonuo wcflL Tolephono 23. JobnInto, Proprietor- ~ ■ . a

— FRATEBNAL-SOCIEIIES-----^ 1-------- ----------------------------------------------------M, W. A. (JAJIP, No. .10880, nm U 1

d naa ith Tliuradflys, #t Mooaa Hall, - L C. Scrsuton. Oonsul. Paul Smith,

ClCTlc. TaltpllOM 368 J. J

O R E G O N ;

- J O R O A N ^ f c f c E ¥ - 1

^ P R 0 3 T E C T ~ ~ ~ ;

V M a l h e u r C o u n t y

trrigatod farni tracts ' "m th ' 1 adjoining 'nmge. Cattle, •horss and shcop ranchcs, | with or without stock. "Writefor maps and iaformation. ,


Shaw Bldg.; Boiw; Idaho ‘ |

• i ........ .................................L I Z ^ .]

_____ TOB i m B tST BE8P1T8 jI Bri** Tour K oJrt W ort to tha ]

' . c m PHA M A CI j

_ ;._T iK E N C P ■ . _ Two-miieB a o n th ^ t of-Hollister, 1 .

( hlao^ eow, br»ad A bn left bJp, under- bit in eacb ear, black heifer calf by .

.•Ide. wblU toce: faco yearling S S e r , «nderbU to . Q. A. SALLEES.

- Hollister. (

SALE OF BSTBATED STOCK [ —One bl*clc horao colt, two year«.«W j wblto strip la forebead, ,two wnue ^

^ ^ ta e ^ a rk eorrelVeithY"ikb6at' lM8 ipouadar-^tb' oolt- <

Throo. ybar old ^ b t grey mare, i •brand Dot'Twoira. i m v .

n-».ia-»»»t7; ■• HoHlrtw. itobo. ;____BTBAT2DJff»J|TpLBN. :Six year old largo-brown horso oat

of paatoro noar Holllstor ;l€. m a ria g baltor^tall .iQuaro M b ^ '

kioBt below Toformatlo^^ ^ g - to , r e c o ^ t r j i U 4 ^ q y - y i ^ y -i F l bn Hays;' HollUtar~; :, • ;iT ' »«b*crtb*;i#r- t**.'TJ»es Md ■I a ll tfco U U f t » • » * : ,

BPORTAHT—D « a o t t ^ ep h o n e T f f i A iu w .m in eare o l T H E T IM E

C L A S S i n E D A D V E R T I S I N G ^ °w

R A T E S i i

I . InMrUon, .pec-word—....__9c noMtniaain totnl c h a m te be sot

less U uu K tk

Bead yoitr ad the iOrsi tino It ^ .appears, and notify sa-laned*

J ’ lately If aa e r m appcm . 35Call or mail yonr re«alr«»ent8 —...........- ..orpbonaSS . - 7 nl

' ^ avFOB SALE . ' “

FOR SAL&—Ono of Uio boat olglityH on. Castleford country. Torms vory — lasonablc. Addroas F. P. Caro of10 Times- ■ ou------------------------------ :----------------- wlFOR SALt:—Thoroughbred Rhode- bv laQil-Rcd, cockorolu, tino blrdo, cboap.hone 344. ^

FOR SALB—m ghty acres, ono mile ■om Curry. J190 poi- ucro, good irm s .'1:^7 Ninth nvonuo enKt. Pliono 54 W.

), bo In flm t cliiflH Bhiipc, HurKnin. Tl! pply Ilex Darbor Shop, . _

FOR SALIC—80 ftcres. mllo trom &1Ib CUy station, nil gnoil land. Im- ,} rovcmenti<. flCO « ; r ucro. Kw* J. A. tcolo, Perrlno hoiol. J

FOR SALE—Empire mllklnK mn- . hlnc. Two ulnglo unltH complete. In ood ordor. A hargulii. (?iirl Gnty* on. route 4, Dulil,_________ _________ _

~r OR SAt:t;:= y tjrtt 't hnrtB~^rBmiTro: 91G model, Will lake 5‘.IUr> caBli. Soe 1 ’OBt. 133 Main avenuo crtHt,

•TOR 3 A f c g ^ rtlTtnrp roTcd--fl-gCT0- — •act. 1 1-2 mlloa northw est of. Twin )n■alls. -Pbono 627-M. ___________ 51

Idalio-WyomlnR-Oll company Hliaroii ” re Rolng-nboTo-flfty' rcn ta soon. Oct i,, Item a t prcaont prlccs whllo you mity. _

FOR SALB—Ono Rulck in Kond jj; onditlon. I’rlco n^lovilTo' -iros.

—..... tlFOR SALE OK TRA D B -B acroa,

’a ll 419 4th avenue north.

HOME BAKERY — B irthday and 1, voiding cakoy a spoclalty. Phono 54, ^

-N O R T H -aiD B -R A N C H ES=Im prov^ = id and In sago bruah a t lowcat poa- v Iblo p r ic e s 'a n d torma. I jirg e llift- i ngs of boflt buys on tho tract. Got ( n- tonch-with-us.-iw*-wlU-i>loouo -you, «] HacGowan & Elcholborger, Joromo. j, Idaho. ._______ _____________-

F O R . SALE—Marshall & Wendell, ^ >lano—practically new. bargain fer . sasb If taken immediately, w l l at ' TT Second avenue south. a

. HOME BAKERY — Birthday . and [ vcddlng cakcB a spoclalty. Phono S4. .

F OR SALE—3 room liouao and lot , h~'lho Golden ituVo addition nn tne , !PItW C_aLjpaJl‘nstoii and Harrluon. _ Inqulro a t 306 Main south.

FO R SALE—Potatoes Idaho R urals ° 90c por hundrod. Phone order 523-R-6 j

• FOR 8 ALEJ—Window . glass and i ffladshlelds of all s i tes. P hone ^ 4 a » n ^ s -a b o p . near p<wtofflce._______ |

F O R . SALB—Ono alx-bottom J . 1. Daso engine gang plow. 028 Fourth , wonuo west. ________________^

FOR SALE OR TRADE— 8 room * nodon)Jiouso. lawn, shade trees, gar-lgo, a t 319 ThJra~a«Dir6“Trorth7-*H ?blocks from P ost Office. NoUce: th is J property Is la k o O P ro f" t5 r* > * " ‘l “'O f “ Ul agonta. Wrlto ownor, not H . W right. 437 North LUicoln ^rtreot. Pocatoilo, Idaho. / , ' 0

DONT REiNT. BUT IWY AN, itf* i PROVED NORTHSIDE FARU for less Lhan.reot-r^O.acres, 8 mfloa from Je- . ro n e w ith 70 in a lfa lfa and clovor. rnrod«ced o re r »3000 w orth of crops , Lbis year. Can buy with 11000 caah. j ind flMO annually w ill covor la te r , p aynen ts of principal and Interest. - H a d ^ e r ' 80. a mile from new Sbort C4oo sw itch and boot dump, w ith 20 ] ic r e r a i r a t ta r '4 » - a c r e e —w ell-fenced, irood shack and stable. Can bny with ( t760 caab and l&OO and Intorost an- 1I 5 i l ly 'T n n p 5 iro H C r a t n s r u n i r e s i iplacos vrUI pay for lU elf bosidea m alt, - ing th e ow ner a gtxtd llTlng. F o r p a r­ticulars see o r write Unmpbrey & * H nm pbreyrJerom e.. - ,

FOR BALE—80 acres. 3 mllea south ( Jf N am pa»-govom m ont-w ater, good ‘ eVel land, lays fine, a ll in clovor. imall houso ..and barn , doop woll. 187.60 p e r acro. Torms. Fred H. Da- ,rin, Nampa. Idaho.___________ _______. •.

FOR 8 ALE>—SO.acrea 1-4 m ile from :a r line, closo to school, in high sU te ’ >f culUvaUon. good house and b a ra . * lice grovo in pM turo. has bearing * )iacR "w iilnu tflr^W iB -B -B nap-B r« 2BT‘ >er a c r e . Frod J L DaTis. Nampa.-Ida.

FO R 8A L B -40 acrea 3 inlles oast I Jf N am parln hlgb sUte-of-evilUvallon. i tood- buildings.-gOTemmaht.-w atcr. .a . to o -b o m e -a t-41 3 0 -p e r-e c re r-T o rrae r - Frod H. Davis. Wampa. J

POR' SALB—1917 ^Studebakor Six, ■ tor sale. Has only boon, driven 6000 \ mllos. Con’t tell from a new oar. * Coal H375, ^11 i .U lo r J IE O caali • Kendricks, Eflors Music - Houso, 133 ., M aln~ay«nue.-oast ^-.iTQR ‘»^LD -"Peerle8a-4-pas»engbP; ] roadsto r.' A bargain. Phone ,707. \ Qlen Jenkins. • • ' . t

FOR a A L B ^ ^ acres, .4 room J ho tiae--M i- (m t-h tiU dIttsa ...frn lt..and JciOTwl 10 ' roda no rth of city IfmJlM * S l i 1 b l« k esat of B lue U k e s boule . vard .' ' . ^

i ' BKLLt B IH T i.B O l * ¥ * 1

r ~ VB .T IM E S o ff ic e io r e g a r d to th e s e A i s m n s t b e V r i t t e n a n d m a ile d o r If

FOR SALE—P air b lack m ares, wag- i and bam oaa; 40 hoad of pu lle tts bs vb mllos nortlj of-W aahlngton school, ou 1 mllo east. . . .

' . 1 • VlFOR SALE—Ono smoll m arc nino —

BW se t tbrco U)ousand~pound9 bol-' on or springs; ono noarly now sot inch on 3d a ha lt team h a m o u . T. 0 . Step- m onaon; Pbono. 610 R 2, Tw in FaUa. “

........ y()B BBBT____________ "

FOR RENT—A fron t roosi. .Inqulro m Sl Third avonuo oast.

FOR RENT—Rubber roof tent, fur- Ished' o r 'uhfurnlaboiT” 419 PbiirUi ^ vonuo north. _

I-X)R RENT—Houao, liarn and ga- _ 'lgo,' 2K mllea out. Inquire 460 Sec- S< nd avonuo north.

FOR RKNT-^Houaokooplng room, utaldo ontranco. d irec t connccUon Ia ^Ith bath.' Phono 641 M. C4C Socond 31 vonuo nortli.

FOR RENT—t'urnlHhed room wilhoard-in.prLvutc-homc__4G9-F1IUl uvc- etuc no rth , e

HOME UAKERY — Birthday and ^ redding, ciikcrt u spoclally. Pliono 54. g

FOR RENX r^ F ro n t_ jro m .-n ic c ly - .?! lirhTsli^; airoCl ButH connecuaha.''urnaco licol. 144 Tonth avenuo caot. ^

'---------------------------- a<TOR RENT—Two or- Uirco. room hi

partmentt) (or llch l houaokeoplng, fiilodorn convonlenccn. Uxrord rooma, cl2S Majn avonue north- t<------------------------------------------------------- ni

Alwuya in the m arket for poUiiooa, o: luy anil grain. Telophono 23 nnd got lUr prlcea. Anchor Kivy. Grain / i Feodlompuny, 249-261 Sixth nvdnue went, bi

RENT—FnrnlHlicil rooit . 24X ^ rhlnl nvcnuo norili. ^

, - E

" WA.Ni'i-JiJ ' i u KuOJi—TWO yuung ~ ndlcH who will room together. Phono )99 W. L-------------------------- -------------------------- --- 2

WANTED—Two m en to room amt iohrfl.” RSn Fourth'uvC-mie'cnBr---------- T

: QWANTED — Exporlenceil woman ,

irantii hoaao .work.. W jito-tca 4th .wniU. ^

WANTE1>—Poaltlon as cook In ho- ;el o r roHUuraol. 15 years expert- ‘ jace. Addrcaa A. B. caro Tlmon. ®

WANTED TO TRADE—Ford nnd 3 lilgh grade piano for large car. In - I [lulrc a t Boyd i>ool hall. t

'd u r SaTeanien mnke big monoy. (yi’o pny wilnry nnd commiaaion. iix* (po'rlence uiirioiicssary. Wo teach you ( tho- bufllncsn, Cnll o r wrllo UnionT c a -cn m p an y ;- 12S- S lioahono.-atroct 'aouth. Twin I-'ulls. Idnho. ]

POSITION WANTED—Dy compot- i tent man aa bookkoopor, stenographer

both. Addreaa A . Times offlcc.

• WANTED TO TRADE—Seven paa- . aengor 1917 Hainea auto, good as new, for Republic o r Federal two-ton truck. Apply Box No. 660. ]

WANTED TO RENT—An KO Bct'c J fm m In tho~ l‘wln i*'&llB country. F, . W. Allison, Rock U lver,'W yom ing.’

■"wANTm)‘'T 6 i r EOT— "i of land, option to buy with small pay- ' m ent and two th irds of crop, Addreaa < D j^ 821. Burley, Idaho.______________

/ JIUOS—ir you hnve any fat begs, ; ibaep-orJcaUle for sale, eall A. G. Me-. 1 Farland. lelfphooe~g007 w r etb A>e: E- ;

WANTED—Four carpenters. J h o n e Sl o r 508 J 4T”E.'A TM oon, contrac-

WANTED—A cash ren te r for 8t acrea.-J80fl-._3VfcjUlea-«oath-of K den.. and % west. For p articu la rs address ^ ^ n te r ' . ' .care Tiwiiyi. ____ .

Always In tbe m arke t for potatoes, hay and grain. Telephone tS iu id gel ou r prices. Anchor Hay, Grain f t Feed company,^ 249-251 Sixth avenna west


r X D S T '^ n ’OdllloirmountiilD. one bny mnro, branded HS. w eight 100 pounds R eturn to A. A. Tolm aa, Amsterdam, and receive $26 rew ard.

LOST-^Monday evening botwoon Fall City and Twin F alls, red wblle and-green striped wool robe.-atam ped Orcgon--Clty— W ool^M llljrln - comer.- • F inder please re tu rn to this offiee. nem o n ah lrrew flrd .—....................... ...........


Always in the m arke t for potatoes, hay and grain. Telephone'2S and get our pricos. Anchor Hay, Grain & Fcod company. . 249*261 S ixth-avenue w est

PIANO LB8S0N8—Given te begin, a e rs by MiH L isle Vffrn'ey. 40« Mala North. ____________________.

TO EXCIUNQB—1600 acros ot very choice s la te o f W aahlngton land ' for land In Twin F ^ lla country, north side -^r Gooding preferred. IL L. Moody,-Box-13,~Gooding,-Idaho.-- ' >

FREB i FRJEBl FR EEt-i-Largo np- ple troos for the hauling away. L. B. SuUlTaa. — 1------------------------ -----.

;z3uy:.«tooiFHa^dabQ-Wyamitt<' OIT' company. I t bas th a olL and you know all the men latereated.

i If yon w ant to aeU apiiuU today aee H. B ..T abbi Oo. Phoaa Md. -« > y

Only -home m ea a re latereeted In th # tdaho-W yomlng Oil compaay. Shares i{ilt fo r f l f ^ cen ts,'-bu t w tn adoB-ralae.:^':Get.‘t a . . o a . t h e groimdfloor.-.:- - - - - , • - ...... ........ ^

Only thla lu n e ' e f Idabo>W yonlng Oil M m paay a to c lcM Ofty c a ta . .D o jagt w a lt too long. ; • ■

Read tha m O B W aatada aad getriaaMa Ui«.kT.'

l ^ A N T S ] !- at

d k N o in fo rm a tio n can be g iven . f t a t TH IS T IM E S o ff ic e . ta

U ways In the m arket for poUtoee, *5 r and grala. Telepboae SO and get r -p r ic M . A n c h o r .H a y , .O ra ia .* H' ed oompoay, 249-261 Blxtk avenue

Sldaho>Wyoming-OU^*«tock s t prea* h( rprlcca w ill—not—laot - long.- C all - th e agency a t 197 Shoshone stroet ss

r th . ___________ ■ - - Nl

roday is onr Potato Day. We bny »ry day. H. B. Tabba Co. Phene 6fl8 .

[ W U X PAT tbe highest price for . lea aad pelu . J . Ooben, Hollleter, ^ lho. 2

rh o Times prlnU buttorw rappers . y doy In the week-

LEOAL F U B T it^ IQ N S j,

ria l No- 010009-023078.NOTICE ‘f o b PUBLICATION

Doparimont of the Intorlor, U. B..nd Offlco, a t Halloy, Idaho. Octbber , 1917. UNoUco la horoby given thn t Joaepb tl Erickson, ot RoBerson;-Idaho, who, - December 14, 1915.. made Home- p

jad-E utry . Sttlal.NQ..01fl000. for the U of tho SE>4, SW% ot the SE*A cl

ction 1 ; NW>4 o t lha NE>4, See- a m 12. Township ir r Soulh. Rango lb a . and who on Juno 18, 1Q17, made h dltional homestead entry, Serial No. si S073=fnr=EoUi-e=5Sd^7^E'4=NW>4T tl B*A_SWV».-'8ecUon 6 . Township 16 v. ttth, Hnngo 17 Bant. Boise Meridian, ii IS tllPil notlcc cf IntoDllon lo mako la l Ihrei'-yeur proof lo oatabllah c nlm to the land above doDcrlbod, bo- n ro C. C, SIgglna,' II. Si Commlsaloner. 1 Twlt\ I-'allH, Idaho, on thu 39tli .day o Dcrenibcr. 1917. I<

Clolniiint nnmea as wltnosnca; rUuyiiionU A. Dnhlqulut, Frank Erick- _ in, Snmncl H. Hardy, Jnmea O. Whlt- kiond, all ot Rogoraon, Idaho.---------------------------- IJIiW-R-CKA-V,--------6 -n -‘.!0-27: 12-4 Roglator.

sriol No. 013476-022745. -JtOTICB-W>I^-BK.P4J»HCA3UOK— ~ D epartm ent of the In terio r, U- S- a sd Offlco ul Halloy, Idaho, Oclobor r. 1917,' .Notlcc is hercby'given thUTRoBwoll •

r-Cftvanan5roM tolll8tor,-Idaho,-wh07 - 3 June 20, 1913. mado Ilom ostead’on- 7 , Sorlnl No. 013476 -for the 8 W% BW rS!TNW % rTOCd(ra-29rS% -NB^' “ •W ^ NEK, Soctlon 30, and wbo on pril 7, 1917 mado AddlUonal Homo- :ond entry. No. 022746, for tho NW% WV4. Socllon 29; NEK NEK . SocUon0. Township 13 South. Range 17 E^st, o lae Meridian, has filed noUce o t In- snUon lo make flnt^l thro«-yoar proof, >.«sUbllHh claim to -th e^ laad above - escribed, botoro C. C. Slggins. U. S. ^m m luloner, a t Twin FMls, Idaho, n ' th c 'ls t day o t December, 1917.Claimant nam es a t wHaeaaea; ,

“Jamea X S-H oageBrRBtpb-B .-M orc- - louoe, John L. D uns aad John r : 9aX- ord, ail o t HolllBter, Idohe.

BBN R. GRAY,0-30: 11-6-13-21-27._________Register.

lorlal No. 016121-016647.NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION

•Department, o t tho In torlar, U. S. Jind Offlco, ot Halloy, Idaho, Novem-e r 6. 1917. ________ ________“ N o tlc in n io ro b y -'given th a t Calvin 3 LIchty. of Hansen, Idaho, who on kprll 26.1914. mado Homostoad Entry, lorinl No. 0 l5i2i ro r tno svk ; e k NWK. Lot a, SocUon 3, and who <n January 11, 1916. m ade AddlUonal lomesteod Entry, Seria l No. 016S47. or Lot 1, SecUon 3, Township 11 toulh. Range 19 Eaat, Boise Meridian, laa flledJioUco of Intention to mhke ^Innl throo-year ’ proof, to establish ilalm to the land above described, be- orc C. C. S lggins, U. S. Commlsslon- ,r. a t Twin Falla, Idaho, on the Sth lay of January , 1918.

Claimant namos as w ltneB ses:James D. Alien, of M urtaugh; Cal-

in*<;. Rosenberger,-O eorgo Calveri, md O rrllle M. Kelly, all o f Hanson. ^ahO' • ■^ BEN R. ORAY.,l-lS'.J0-27; 12-4-11 Register,

Serial No. 1»800-01«094., N O TIC / FOB PUBLICATIOS

-D ep e rtm n t of the In terior, U- S- Uind O tm o a t Hailey? Idaho, Novem* )er 9."1»17. • . .

NoUce is hereby given th a t Florian1. Bum s, o f Bogerson,' Idaho, wbo on lune 26, 19l4, m i^ e Homestead Entry, Jerial No. 01630«. » r tho NW»4 SW%. kc llon 36; NH S E iirS ecU on 37; and irho .an .Jk larch e. 191C.. mada ^ d d k Ional H o m e s ta a d -^ try . .Serlal-.No. >1«994, fo r SE^t N EK . SecUon 37. row nB hlp-16-8onth.-R ange~17- East. 3bTB0TI*ridls£;“B arn rea"noU ce~ brin enUon to make final three-yoar*proof,0 establlah claim to Uie land above lescribed, before C. C. Slggins, U. S wmmissloner, a t Twin Falls, Idaho, jn tho KKb'day of January . 1918. -C la im an t n am erw ^ w ltn e s so sv

Jam es P ruett. Orville Boggs. Fred .owe. and WllUam Miller, all o t Rog- srson, Idaho.

BEN n . ORAY. H-13-20«37; 12-4-11_________ Reglater-

ALIAS SUMMONS ’In the D istrict Court of tho Fourth

rudlchU D lstrict\of the S tate of Idnho. n i^nd fo r the iwunty of Tw |n Falls.

BoiBe-Payatte Lum ber company, a »rporatk>n, plalnUff, vs. C. M. St. Lawrence -and W. S. McCornlck. do- 'endanls. _______

AUas Summona.*'.The s ta te o f Idaho sends greeUngs

jy C. M. St. lA w rence and W. S. Mc- :om ick . the aboVe named defendanU.

You are hereby noUfled th a t a .com­plaint haa beea iiled agalnat you In iio D istrict cou rt o f. Uie Fourth Jud i­cial d istric t o f the aU te .of Idaho. In m d fo r i.T w ln .,f ta ia .oounty.,by t t e ibo ta ,n a m ^ v |p la la t l t t -a n d .y o n j t r e lereby d ire c te d .^ .a p p e a ra a d 'a a a w e riald ' co m p la la tw lth la riwaatr: day*. of Jia aerrlee oC thfa" tu m B » a C l? • “*’ * Ml w lU iJ»,»ald:JadIolal..dO lriiit, and Klthla fortir dajrt'. t f s?nred e lte irte r* .

t,.. e e r ta ln .n a te n ^ m a a 'a .lle Q ;! -lix.i.Uie ium of im .8 0 , to g ^ e r .w lth ., tn le te a t ;hereon a t the ra te o f r p e r ’cen t per

im.- aaid- Uea-boing fUod ..for. record Book 4 of Mechanic’s L iens; page u

18, togeUier w ith tbe ailm of 175.00 c tom ey 's fees and the costa of this il rtlon. and for sndh o thor relief as a

the court may aoem moot and equl- p ble. cAnd you^'r«'furthTr'noUtodTHat“un* ss you so appear and answ or said im plalnt wlUiin the Umo herein spcc- * ied. tho plalnUff will U k ^ J iid tth cn l ^ ^ In s t you as prayod in said com- a ln t; a copy of said sum m ons and im plalnt being hereto attached andirawUh-BetvedJipon-you. -— !-------------W itness m y-hond *ond;-.Uio -Benl o t . lid distric t court thlo 10th . day' ot ^ ovember. A- D- 1917. *

E. j i FINCH. .Clerk.

By a L--BOWEN. Doputy. W allers & Hodgin, C. A. Balloy. al- ^ m ey a for plalnUtf, residing in Twin nils. Idaho. 11-20-27; 12-4-ll-ia-2& l-f


In the District Court o f the Fourthadlclal IMatrlct o f the s ta le o t Idaho, pI and for tho county o t Twin T'alln. hP. M. 'Roblnaon, p la ln titt, va. W. H. c

onnors and W. T. Wooda, defondnnta. uAlias Summons. (!The atato o t Idaho sends greotlngH f

I W. H. Connora nnd W. T, Woods, <10 above nnmed defondiuitn: p-You-nro hereby notlfed-thui u com - i lalnt 1 ]^ beon (Uod ngulnut you In10 d ia thc t court ot tho Fourth JudI- <'lal d iatrlct nt tho atato of Mnho. In {nd for Twin Fnlla county, by llic tbovo nnmetl plaintiff, nnd you nro , oroby directed lo nppoar nnd una’wornjd complaint within tw enty dnys of io-rf<iTlc^fiM s"Bummonfl.'tfBorv'oir i th ln aald Judlclnl dlutrlct. nnd wltli-1 forty dnya'lf aorved clHowhQro....... ..cSnld ncllon in brought' to enforcc-

ollcctlon of a ccrlfdn pronilKSory |oto mndo on tho 19lli dny o t Mun^Iir ]917. due June 19, 1317.. In the nnm • f Four Hundrc'd ($400,00) Dollnrn, Igether wllh tht» aum of Fifty (»60.00) | ' lolliirs n tlom eya fees, nnd to r a u c h |'

_ _ _ _ ~ YOUR OBOI i ‘r.(;lty soon the 15)\7III culntint? aroim d here. i | . . your w ork .ond availing W bf-gin th in k in g abou't tli<m cd HO hard for. .^ T u lte th i s in s ti tu tio nH ■ Ivel i t lie lp y o n sufcfrun

— ll-------- (i-tty» t«m ntic 'W fty .- '-Ijc t1 in Rfctting th e b e s t rcsnl I in ii t tc r lu jw th e y n ro tli

H i ' to "p iil l 'iogelijer’'.witI

■ I T W I N F A L I

T f t U S T C <

' P rim te K n pom tt and ir n th U. S . In fa n lry ("IU

, fo r fA« fa n w t

"1 received the pictL the B U L L D U J ^ and w as glad to get

/ ^ w r i t e s a s o ld i e r b o y -------------- — ^ tQ - t j i r m o th e r - x v .

^ ■ O E N U IN E

B u i t l O U R lTOBACCO

Jier re lief w . the ooo rt m ay eeew e e n S T e q a lt i^ . ^ _A n i . yon . a re . t t i t ih o rn o t ln e d t t i i t ile ia you so appoar'VBa answ er a a M ' * >mp1alnt w ithin the tim e .here in a ^ - led, tbo plalnU ff w ill take Judgm cai - ra laa t.T oa a re prayed In said. a s a > a ln t: a copy of said sum m ons a a d im plalnt being hereto - a ttached a n djrowlth Borvcff u ^ B 'y o o T ':---------- :-----------W ltneas m y haad and tho seal oT Jd d is tric t cou rt thla 16lh' d ay oC. ovembor, A. D. -1917. . ‘

B- J . PINCH;Ir O erfc .

By C. h . Bowon, . .D epqtr-

B. A. 'W altora-oad C. X Balloy. a t ' m ey s fo r plalnUff, reaidlng I n T w ia - - tllB, Idalio. 11-20-27; ia-4-Il-IS^ZS:------


In tho Probato Coiih o f Twin F a l ls lunly, SlAto of Idaho.E- E. Potcraon, plainUff. va. S. BL air. dofondant.Allaa Summona.The- a la te of—Idnho-oends-B reeU nc»-.......> tho ot>ovc nnmod defendant:You nro horoby uumrjioncd to a p -

:or In th e al>ovo enUUed cou rt to b n ,;ld nl tho county court houao In sa id junty. in tho above cnUllod canacr : ten o 'c lock -n . m.. upon tho 16Ut ny 0 t Jojuiox}'. 191R. and answ er Inntlft’u com plnlnt on fllo in aald nurl, o r plalnUff will take J u d ^ c t i t Rnlnat you aa iirnywl In aald com -In ln f .- tn -w ll:^ ............ .......................... ........Kor lhe bum* of fITiy-four and 20-10® -

cilliirs and Intoroat on aald am ount •om the tira t dny o t July , 1917. a t le rn i i^ i t 7 por ccnt por onnum lo ate o ^ u d g m o n i nnd coatH of suit.W l^esH niy hnnd lhla ICth dny o f -

^ vCmlwr.. 1917.

i’rnhiite Judge und cx-oftfclo c ln rk / the Probate CourL .John I-', DavloH. attorney to r pliiln-

Iff. realdum-i! luid office nt Twin 'allH, Idaho. ""H-20-27: 12-4-1 l-IS-Sf..,

T hrlfly houmnvlvoa rend the P ure 'on.1 «oclloii Oil TiiOHday'ii III tho 'IMES. _ 1

l i l



P MONEY- ' i | | |,;rop m o n ey w ill be le ir- IWsonin oC i t w il l - r c w ^ rd . |m

I t iH n o t too e n r ly to _ iflw m o n o y y o u hnve w o rk - j m

in to y o n r m oney-plnnB . ■ rd i t n n d p a y i t o u t in H ntT t-p frn jp c rn ttn v ith -y ira -----------ts f ro m y o u r la b o n t, n o roc ted . W e h a v e h e lp - ' Mh l>or«-«n<3-fl(and-rem ly-'-‘----- -- w |—I y o t t m l

. S B A N K A I M P A N Y

- .

o fa Naii<at

'fflnw with theroon. nta^cot o f the- inboa DiviHian"). muslin aaek

r e m a n d '

t h e m ' \ f \ - * ' l Y ^

in France

r \j ' . ■-• . ,c

- - V

v o u X I I L N O . 1 5 .. ! -------- " ------- -------------1 " ---------- ^ i ^ l j ^ F M S T l 'U A l H r ------ T ------ ------------------------- --------------- ---------- :..---- -------------------T U BS D A Y ; N O -gli;M BE1U 27,-18j-7.


INSANK MAN’S F r a n k W a rn e r , aon o t a 'f o rm e r alior-

4 I f o t W lilto couDly, In d la i in , Ih lioUl Sa l h o c o u n ty Ja il u t M ontlco llo . Ind.,

luB anco. a t t e r a n a t tu m p t to tiofl- t r o j r b is w lto a n d - c litlilru n » » d lilu jK N nc by n r 6 S a tu r d n y n lR h t.— Sln<^ a a c n a fo a u ttc rh i^ 'I ro m w o u n d a In ­f l i c t e d b y W a h io r w lion ho / I r o j ii « b o tf iu a ut* tlio c r^ w d th a t uuKcmlilml 4 0 t b o ' t i r o . A ccordlHK to Htor-i t t toW b y W a n io r ’B w ltq a n d , uon, ho

,® o firo d ffoso lioo o v o r Ihum u n d over 'r tlw houBo u n d garnRC. U c t l ic n se t 'A r e t o tb o gnruB c a n d to tlio houuo, :ThB g a ra g o a n d a n a u to m o h llu l l con- r ta ln o d w c ro b u rn e d b u t th o lucm btim ^ W a m n r 'B fu n ^Jy w c rq roHCuod nm l <Iho I l r o In” th e hquSu' cxltpKUlBllCrt -milh s m a ll d a m ac c - ■ • '

' , ■ " ' I • "


_1 We Have the Ro

a t 350 2nd J

R B . T A I____________ m I a ^ I R C W G

P H o r

M M E . M . J . T O D D "

— —3VIa**eure-andDermatologist

■“'A little tjlbbing here luijl t h o r e ,

; 'W U e ro w r i u k l e s <lo o b t a i n , . * W ill m a k e t h e c u l l i e s t s la i i -------- d e r e r — ---------------------------------

Retire in' utter shame.” C»ttiliion hall Phouo aiT-.T

H i d e sTwif/Fails Hide Co.

. H i d e s , ' P e l t s , F u i ' s ,

^ o o l a n d T a l l o w

■ 3 0 2 4 t h A v e n u e S . ‘

P h o n e ‘9 8

, BUYAYou W oa't Have to Move So

"} thing Left From Your Money ' Wo Havo Some Good Ones f

Terms. We Also Have Some D

------ THE HAWLE’137 Shoshone J

-__-B alIan tyne Eluml 146 Bacond Avonuc East

Delicious Apples-N now ii

Up to date confectioiT H E SUNFLOWER

, T .J.LLC 26d Main Avenue Soi



• FFA R SKA UA»I»■ Klvc U n ite d S tu te a a rm y RonoralH

a n d ono a d n ^ ira l <it tlie A m orican n a v y have jUHt a r r iv e d u t on A tla n tic p o r i fro m E u ro p e . O no o f th o gon - o ra lu in tim a te d IiIb b e llc t tb u t tlilH c o u n try lu -uoL -'aiJH olu lcly . .a iiti: . (ro n i UttackH im d t b a t q yo ry ^ c fro r t a hou ld ho njniJf? lo kJvo th e ' c o a s t cIiIoh tb e b e » l poHHlbIc p r o te c t io n . '

S IX lT .y .IA N S AllUKSTKUSix I(allan,Bi o n o qf .w b o m de c lu red

to bavo m a d e a pftrK ul .confeHwlon, w oro arrei^ tcd In MUwaiiUco M onday In co n n o ctio n w ltb th o bom b cxi'lo ii- Ign w hich k i l l e d elevenIpcrHQUK und w rcclccd Ihh C o n t r a ] 'I ’o lk o Htiitton- on S n tu rd a y - n ig b t . - Tbo- alloBod-.conCou- Blon, po llco o fflc o ra d e c lu ro , liaa fu r-


om and Pay Cash

Avenue South

3B & CO.. Local Manager______

JE 966

DR. H .R . GROOMEVeterinarian

423 W. 2nd St,

Phones:_____Office 20-W.

Res. 20-J.

Taxidermistr . J. SMITH .

320 Main Ave. E. .

Phone 225-W.

HOMEOften and You’ll Have Some-

Wlion It^B^pont.or a Paymont Down and Easy, , esirable Lots. Lot Us Sbow You.

Y REALTY GO.----;t. N. Phone 719

G ood co n sc le n ilo u ii p lum blnK

iJ K a t boncBt p r ic e s—

I g T bo b e a t w o rk Ih a iw a y a tb o

I V cbeaim B l In th o long ru n .

jing-&Jdleating_Co.____' Phone 709 .W

ice California Grapes I seasonnary, cigars, soft drinks “just a common place” )YD, Prop.ith- Phone 720 .

lilKhcil CIUCH th n l w jtl icud to Uw of r lng lcadoru ...........................

- Kedural auUiorltlea adlm tted tOr «h»y tiiey aro nuikliiK un InvcHlliJutloti

. ouleHgo lo dlHcover If llwaa flio m u U uf _a'jiro-QcrniiVii' ploi;

! ; A ll.>U 'n 'K »_TO .IU llj_j ’ Tbu luiprotiie court of Mlaoourl on

Monday approved the w rit o t llubeaa I coi'pua In lho cuhu of Claudo J ' I’lor- I Hol. convicted of coniplicliy In tbc : kldnappliiR and m urdor o t Uaby Kout • o f Sprlnfcflold, iitKl <l/rocJod bl.4 re- ' loaHO on bonda of ?^0 .000. “T he uppoal I- wlll.har^^ly be urRUed until nex_l year.

! HKAT r r OKtJAMZEUA sbo rlffs poime ori;anlzed Hbortly

a fte r H. K. T urner of Sl. for tlm Unlled Sboo W orkera'

union wau kidniippetl a l Moborly. Mo., ' lani nitilu iuul fakim from Cho cKy.ln ' un uutomobilo dlHCovercd T urner uu-■ conB cloua a lonK ' tb e ro a d s id e n e a r I U enltk, a um ull h u in le t, Hlx m llen euai > o f jv ro b e r jy o n r ly itila m o rn in g . T u r -

iiop-la -lu .a—criUail_coudlllQji..»H ,tlu-■ renuit o f a beiillnB adinlnlHterL'd by

hla' cupiors.

T 0 « k " v A c m 0 . \To Rcl Awny from bin dully toll aud

cat!,e_blH.nilnd nnil body of tbe strain ^t-oeutf<3ipmt^»iw'£ -ia. Ib«, rPMitin j iit; ati;uc'S-tQtlaAi_i<y_^Ufr<*(l .Hro>v?i, bead ot-tli*i-A usLin-Bualueaa_C 0 llCKC._0 f CblcuKO/ for blB dlHnppoiirance hIx montlm oko- Brown reappeared nt blH bomo and declared bo bod been working ou farm s In varloua partu ot tho couutry.-—Bruua-BuJd J i c . mode no attem pt to cuucuul hia identity nnd usod b ia own name ut a ll tlmOB,

IVItKCK KILLS T llttE KJ—*Thr^ia_tpntv u-PFf> liiH lnn tly Wlllpil nt G:G5 o'clock Moudny, whon tboy drovo a parbafTc aiolor Iruck In fro n t bf the eaatbound Omaha uxpreas on tlio l l ­llnola Cwnlral. ra ilroad Krado. croau- ing a t Porryvllle H tutlon, flvo mllea eaat of boro. Tbo doad a ro : A ulbur Poacock. Barlo Clrtinver and V3Ienn Taylor, all from C berry Valley, a iminll“ vlll8K« near Cam p-Oraot----------

I. )V. W. VKNOEA.NJ’E — aecret—norvlee—*inon—invastiftatiUK tho Prlaco wreck aouth of MuakoKco, Okln., oxproaa tbo opinion tha t tho

.wreck wus th e flrut o t a aorles of out- raRoa plannod In revenge for the a r ­rest of I. W. W. membora In tho Kan- uaH oil tlcldfl. Homo guards and dep- u tlea aro guarding bundroda of mlltia o f rairfoiul inictc horoubouta., .iSciV'cr- al arrea ls Imv'o boen made and poHsea aro a till a fte r tho tra in wrockors who uro roportod ,to bavo paiiBcd tlirouKb Musluffcc northbound in an auiomo* bllo la s t ■iiTBlil‘.-”“A‘bou l~ 30 'lTnltDd Statoa offlcora taking p a r t In the man- bunt-' -

Y o try o fft/ft«LAK k 'iu .k dTbo auom pt of .threo negro boy

burglarii lo break Into a ilru(( atorc Irt St. I/julfl Monday, resulted in th( kfdliiff of ouo o ;. tiio-youlbfut-TO b; bera by L. H. Scbumunn. the proprlo- lor- Tbo doad youth was IdenllQod a Wllaon JcftrieB, 13 years old. -

________ A nOMH IN ST. L o tu s ___Tboro wns a s tir a t polI':e alatitui

in Sl. IwOuIh yesterday whuu Sum Sor- nno. un itallun lugged a "bomb’' Intc tbe bullillng. The inpo wrapped can wnB' viewed ui'kunco_by police roeall- Ing Uio Milwaukee Incldenl. Il~Kad o tuHO ana WU.S filled u~11(fuld the poUce • iHJl examine, Sornjio ifald he found tho ‘•bomb" wltb fiiHe burning on hla doorslep' and extiiiguiHhod I t

I’APKK.TUnST YIKI.DS Tbo govorutnent's ‘ proce'cdlhga

agalnat aoven officiala o t news prlnl paper corporntioiiH pruclinilly ondod In a compromlHft whcn five of tho ac- cuaed ntnn woro perm dted to ontct

■ ploaa of nolle contendere Wednoaday Thla nctlon followod an ugreemont be­tween offlcialR of tbo depurlniopt ol Justice nnd print T)aper i»u»ufactur- ern by whicb tlio price of p rin t panoi was fixed for a period beglnulriB Ja n ­uary 1,1918, and ending April 1.1918 when llie tcrmu o t conlruclH fo r tb« r.ule o t p rin t pnpor shall lie fixed bj the federal irndo oommisHlun.

I. Vf, VI. (;AUSK WRKl’K Tbrou Iralamon wore killed Suodoj

.morning iw a ronull of a wreck Bovor mllea Boutli o t'H enrleU u ,'O k lahom a w hoa fVibco . ira ln .Mq, i i irfl.veHnt 25 mllos un hour crnahed 'In io a r&l which Illd been chained lo tbo t r a d hy I. W. W. mombora. I t was thi second attem pt to Intorfei-o w ith ra il rond facllltlcB tn coatora Oklahomi .wJthln 12. hourB, th<j ffrs t a ttem pt, bo ing that mado by morabcrs of tho I W. W. to destroy tho M. K. &. T. bridge a t Osago Saturday nlghl.

Petrograd and Berlin ' Keep in Close Toucl

RnRfllAQR I ln D f^ and lllotinR In Th Capital In Feared In (^onsenuence- A oother Soclalint GoTemment.

T'W’A SH IN O TPN nfov: 2C ^F o lr8 Jrra and Borlln sro In cohalant iH 'reles commualcatlon according lo a n offl c la l dlapatch recolvod by lho s ta te <I( partm ont this aftornoon from Amorl con Amba«Bador David R. Prim cli Mr. PronclB mado no commont upo tho naluro ot tho communications. H s Iro sta ted (bat "anothor socialist ffoi ornment'* has boon so t up In -a c lt n ea r Petrograd. Tho dlflpntchf hoTi evert contalnod no Information a s t tho AoUvA boadfl o f th la o rgan ltttlo ]

A inW acins noto In ttaat .lt dlacloi cd tho possibility of looting wa# co t talnod I n Ur. F ranc is’ comfflunlM tlon, he roportlns to tb« departm ei tbat'~Uie Rtu'siad arm ies are r f l ^ i ^ aa very abort o t food. O f f l d ^ ea i th a t this condition w as likely to lea to MrlooB oDthreaks. »





■;......... ’1ST OHTIEOH”

Different Pairts of Worl Discussed

Religious Edutation Urged b] Kev. J. D. Stringaton o f Port land—Full Week institutiT I Planned for Coming Winter.

A rally aonalon of lho Tw in Pall .C oiuity_^nduy Schnol aaaoclatlon niei»undfly_ afitirnooliTiitllcfinzBiotnoctfs clmrcli_in_tlila^dLy..prcflldcd.ov,or..b' lion . S. P. A therton, p resident o t th uaaoclatlon. The prosldent, togotho w ith Mra. H. llcartflo ld . aocrotary, hai planned tho program of tho mootlni au d - l>ad Hccured two out ot towi Hpcnkera. Dr. J . U, Sprlngaton, o I’ortland . who la roligloua educatloha d irec to r of tho Daptlst donomfnntloi fo r tho northw ealorn statoH nnd whi la nn oxnort In tbo work of rollglou; oducation, und Mra. i.,.-MrOrmBtJy.-o Dolao, aecrotary o t lho S tato Sunda; School aaaoclaUon, was a lso on thi program .

Tho mcetirig waa callcd to order a 2:30 p. m.. by Mr. A therton. Tho do votlonal pa rt o f tho progm m . consist Ing of songa nnd prayor, waa led b: Mr. Moll of th e O rg^-M oll Evangolis tic compnny. TTon. T.'TCTHackm ai m ade tbo wolcomo address, and Rov O. T . Andopson mudo a briof odtJroHi 111 1 uupunRe, em phaR lB ing-tho-nocw fllty o t organizing all of o u r teachlnj In ou r churchea upon the basis ot re ll^’lous oduratJon.

An addrcaa on "Tho Adult Bibb School” waa tho ncxt num bor on thi program , dollvorod by Ilov. W. B. Har mon, pnalor of,lho_Chrlatlan church.

Tho next apoakor on tho prograti wan Dr. J . D. Sprlngslon who outllnoi tho g rea t need of rollgloua cducalloi In lho churchoa- ot today,, and Iboi placed tho rcsponfilblllty squarol; upon ' tho churches. Ho ahowod tha above a ll th ings tho church schoo needs tra ined w orkors. mon and wom on who will gl'vo tho noccssary tlm und effort fo r prepnWng thomselvc to r efficient leadorshlp In tho churcl achoola. Among othor thlnga, h apoko of tho roligloua tra in ing , of ou bova ln tho_ c nn tonm on iB of tho coun try ; olKht of which hu tiau rocontl; vlulted und In alx o t thom apeaklei to nuit boya. I lls apoech loft no doub th u t tho men wbo have bad tho'propo roKglouR tra in in g In tho hom^s ani n n d -cb u rch ea -b o to re -R o ln g -Ju to -ih arm y uro tho mon who will face w it least dnngcr tho tem ptations Inclilen to arm y life, '

After Dr. SprlngBton’a addrosa Mn Ormsby apoko briefly o t tbo atat work ond o t the rclntlon_otjbe-£ontit eonventlona nnd locul flChoolB to tR atato assoclalTon. a f te r which th m eeting adjourned.

Dr. Sprlngaton spoke n t tbo Daplie church In th e m orning and Mrs. Ormo by a t tb o -M othod in t-oburch in th ovenlng.

Tho preaidcnt and oxecutlvo cotr m lttco of tbo county convention oi poet to plan to r a full wook li^stltut (luring tho w lntor In wh/ch tho ;>rlnd plea ot roligloua education may bo ac to rtb and a definite w ork in trainln w'orkera mny bo accomplishod.

Bonds Strong onNew York Marke

. NEW Y on ic , Nov. 27.—Tho stoc m arkot cloaod heavy today; govorr m cnt bonds unchanged; railw ay ano th e r bonds-strong.-............ —__CommcrclBLbar..8 llvor unchango a t 84>Ac.—Tftt-<iulet;-flpot-€<h—nom lnalr-W a oaaior; Nov. C% bid; Doc. and Jai

Spe lte r easier; Nov. and Do 7 % 0 % ; Jan . Copper uichanged.

’ —OHICAQO. Nov. 27.—The markfti : on tho board of trado closod Qulot. 1

reg u la r and unsettled . Docombor COi was up \4c and th is w as % off fro tho hjffhost lovol o t tbo session.

Jan u a ry com was o tf lc . May w« o ffiic .

1 Oats woro %c h lghor fo r Docomb< ■ and lower for May. Prov

slons woro higher, 7 2 ^ c fo r poric, 2 > (3i30c for lard and ICQGOo tor-ribs.

UNION STOCK YARDS. ILL.. No, 27.r-Hog—R eceipts 32,000, m arket* 01Oc_ lowor. Mlro<J~'and~bntchei* 117.20017.90; ' g d r f ^ O f tv y r - m a B ' 17.90; rough heavy.. »17.2C017.4* li£ht, »16.70<3il7.fl0; pigs, <1301 ' bulk, »17.40©17.85.• •. Cattlo—RecolpU 17.000. m arket 10 » IGc lowor. Beeves J7.3O014.7B; co«0 and holfors. IB011.CC; sto'ckors ai• feeders, Tozaos, IS.15 f 13.60; calves. J7013.

Shoop — Uocclats 12,000, mark 3 s tead y to 10c lilKhQr. Native ai I. w este rs . I8.76Q>12.90; lam bs, |12.60 - 1 7 . ' ' '

• TOLEDO. OHIO. N or. 27.-C lov t seed prim e cash. I1B.B6; new .916.02 D oa 115.95: Jaa .-|19 .0B ; F e b .-f ie .l1 M arch. fl6 .e7.

■ KANSAS CITY. MO., Nor. 27.—A

Make Your Xmas G

i ^ Phc Artistically Posed ai


[VEYLE;...... - OverB

Open on ThankHglving da;

i< every Sunday up to Janui

f- _____ " '[J ■ * « — — ■r _________ . _ . JJ • .J

I B O O K S -B, ------------------------------------------------------^


! ---------------- CLOSBC

: 121 Main Ave. W.r " ' — • — .............

) L. — I . I—

; ~


J a tth e Variety^Store-.1 ■ ’; first instead ofa . tl

r 5c, lOc ancjr ,• - -------------- --- ------------ -----------

^ I , da ________ - *________________ ' •h *'■' --------- ' — ■,t

I. ' 'e

J W M . <c

it; c o m

o Office I. D. Store B[-Itg > ■ ' ' I ■ '

J . C A R P E Nquick jobs and cab

k Satisfaction' W F

II Phone 24 Ne

n. ■ ~ c.

; AMERICANf . . _ 1 • .

m Electrical Insta'IS •


“ 137 Main St.IV. ■ . - - 1C ____________________________ ____

0 fa lta - hay—Choice 5 : I30.C 0O 3U 0; s t a n d a ^ ' I28Q30;6 ; 2. t26.SO®27.60; No. 0 2 4 0 2 5 .2 6 .

0 MONDAY WAR MOTES rX mOB THE ALLInd . --------- '9 Monday's Im portaat w ar aorea:

O erm an troopa th a t trlod to di e t back tb e BriUsh x ee t o f Cambral sd tbo w estern fron t, fongtat tbetnsel O to exhaustion and w ere ti&able to

new th o lr countor aCtacks'last'xUi They reUrtkl leav lec th e Brltlah

or possession o t Bonrloa wood, whlcl 0; o n -h ig h groUnd dom inating th e C 6 ; n a a - ite r poaltlOB^at^ CambraJ -aad

pa rtia l poeeeMloa o t Boarlon Tllli Oa tb e West F laadera (roa t, a t Pi

iT cheadaele, v lo leat c a n a o u d ln g

ift ' ■

tographid Finished in Exclusive

by the

STUDIOooth Store . .

' and

r y -I.'

: h e s o l d i e r s f o r i n s t a n c e

l O T b : ------------------------------

►OK-STORE--------- —

Phone 2M

F in d -It—- w h r a j n ^ o u b l ^ o j h e r e

last and save time ^■

, Variety Store

^eat Main


. ~ /

^ , - J l E E D


dg. Phone 642

T E R S H O Pi n e t w o r k d o n e t o y o u r ,

1.WILDxt to Gooding Motor Co.

ELECTRIC CO.lations of All Rinds


_ Phone 82

-It- r opttinfwl ~~~<io. ' EnormouB-loMcs haVe-boen la n id -

od upon th e Germans and Au6tro*Hnn* garlons oa Che I ta lian fro n t withoai breaking th e lU Ilan tines on tho Plave

ES riv e r and tho Aslago. p lat«aa. Tba Qerm an encircling m orem ent against th e Ita lian wing has boen definitely checkod between the Bronta aad th t

Q- P lave valleys, according to a ll ladl> cations today.

U alm portaaf firing waa reported on the-«as,t«n»-froat ------------------------- -

I BUTTmARi». Printed at The Time* Offici

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