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Application Help PUBLIC

Document Version: 1.0 – Final

Date: March 30, 2020

Application Help for SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909

Contents 1 Navigation ............................................................................................................................................................... 6

Help Navigation ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Contents ................................................................................................................................................... 6

Documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 6

2 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................. 9

A ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9

AB Application .......................................................................................................................................... 9

Absolute Terrain Area .............................................................................................................................. 9

Active Ingredient ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Agreement................................................................................................................................................ 9

Application Method ................................................................................................................................... 9

Attribute .................................................................................................................................................... 9

Attribute Group ......................................................................................................................................... 9

B ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Basis for Order Quantity ........................................................................................................................... 9

Bucket .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Business Script ...................................................................................................................................... 10

C ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Calculated Contract Area ....................................................................................................................... 10

Calculated Yield ..................................................................................................................................... 10

CAT Confirmation Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 10

Confirmation Quantity ............................................................................................................................ 10

Crop Group ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Crop Process ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Crop Season .......................................................................................................................................... 11

D ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Deduction Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 11

E ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Estimated Yield ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Expected Yield ....................................................................................................................................... 11

G ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Gross Terrain Area ................................................................................................................................. 11

I ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Irrigation Type ........................................................................................................................................ 11

L ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Launchpad ............................................................................................................................................. 12

M ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Measurement Document ........................................................................................................................ 12

Multi Order ............................................................................................................................................. 12

O ................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Order Level ............................................................................................................................................ 12

Ownership .............................................................................................................................................. 12

P ................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Planning Number ................................................................................................................................... 12

Application Help PUBLIC

. 3

Planning Version .................................................................................................................................... 12

Post-Harvest Interval (PHI) .................................................................................................................... 12

Process Cycle ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Process Order ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Produce Type ......................................................................................................................................... 13

Q ................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Quality Characteristics (Agreement) ...................................................................................................... 13

Quality Deduction Amount...................................................................................................................... 13

R ................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Receiver Material ................................................................................................................................... 13

Restricted Entry Interval (REI) ................................................................................................................ 13

S ................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Schedule Category ................................................................................................................................. 13

Schedule Task ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Schedule Type ....................................................................................................................................... 14

Season ................................................................................................................................................... 14

Settlement .............................................................................................................................................. 14

T ................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Task ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

Task order .............................................................................................................................................. 14

Terrain .................................................................................................................................................... 14

Terrain Level .......................................................................................................................................... 14

Terrain structure indicator ...................................................................................................................... 14

U ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Unplanned Indicator ............................................................................................................................... 15

V ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Variant (Crop Master) ............................................................................................................................. 15

W ................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Workbench ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Element ........................................................................................... 15

Y ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Yard Material .......................................................................................................................................... 15

Yard Order ............................................................................................................................................. 15

3 Global ................................................................................................................................................................... 16

Terrain Master Workbench ............................................................................................................................. 16

Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 16

Access ................................................................................................................................................... 16

Structure................................................................................................................................................. 16

Procedure............................................................................................................................................... 22

Crop Master Workbench ................................................................................................................................. 24

Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 24

Access ................................................................................................................................................... 24

Structure................................................................................................................................................. 24

Procedure............................................................................................................................................... 51

Crop Seasons ................................................................................................................................................. 57

Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 57

Access ................................................................................................................................................... 57

Structure................................................................................................................................................. 57

Procedure............................................................................................................................................... 60

Attribute Workbench ....................................................................................................................................... 62

Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 62

Access ................................................................................................................................................... 62

Structure................................................................................................................................................. 63

Procedure............................................................................................................................................... 63

Attribute Group Workbench ............................................................................................................................ 65

Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 65

Access ................................................................................................................................................... 65

Structure................................................................................................................................................. 65

Procedure............................................................................................................................................... 65

Status Profile Workbench ............................................................................................................................... 67

Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 67

Access ................................................................................................................................................... 68

Structure................................................................................................................................................. 68

Procedure............................................................................................................................................... 82

Status Flow Workbench .................................................................................................................................. 84

Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 84

Access ................................................................................................................................................... 84

Structure................................................................................................................................................. 85

Flow Steps ............................................................................................................................................................ 93

Outcomes for Steps: ............................................................................................................................................. 96

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 102

4 Farm Management ............................................................................................................................................. 105

Farming Process ........................................................................................................................................... 106

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 106

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 106

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 106

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 117

Schedule Task Orders .................................................................................................................................. 123

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 123

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 123

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 123

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 125

Schedule and Task Orders ........................................................................................................................... 126

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 126

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 127

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 127

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 129

Create Mass Unplanned Task Orders ........................................................................................................... 130

Application Help PUBLIC

. 5

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 130

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 130

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 130

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 131

Mass Farming Process Order Creation ......................................................................................................... 132

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 132

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 132

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 133

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 134

Mass Order Confirmation .............................................................................................................................. 135

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 135

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 135

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 135

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 136

Mass Technically Complete/Revoke Task Orders ........................................................................................ 137

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 137

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 137

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 137

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 138

Nursery Process ........................................................................................................................................... 139

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 139

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 139

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 139

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 150

Produce Receipt ........................................................................................................................................... 152

Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 152

Access ................................................................................................................................................. 152

Structure............................................................................................................................................... 152

Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 165

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


1 Navigation

Help Navigation

The help screen is organized into two panes:

• Contents, which appears in the left pane. The opening display is considered the Home


NOTE: This pane also displays search results. To quickly locate documentation for a specific

topic, enter the word(s) to search for in the Search field and click on the Go button. From

the resulting list of documents, click on a specific document title.

• Documentation, which appears in the right pane.


Use the Contents pane to view a list of topics included in the documentation. The following

icons are used in the list:

• Folder, which stores the documents for a topic (and sometimes other folders). Click

on the icon to expand the topic list. When expanded, the icon changes to ; click

on this icon to collapse the topic list.

• Topic, which links to a specific document.

NOTE: To hide the Contents pane, click on the X (Hide Navigation Component) control. To re-

display the Contents pane, click on the Contents button at the top of the page.


Each document contains the following information:

• Title Icon

• Hypertext Links Title Icon

One of the following icons may appear at the beginning of a document title, to indicate the

purpose of the document:

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.



Used for overview documents.


Used for non-workbench transactions, such as mass processing and



Each workbench document describes how to access and use the

workbench. Links are provided to the following:

• Search and Worklist, which provides detailed information on the

Search and Worklist tabs.

• Work Area, which describes the Work Area in detail. Links are

provided to information for each tab.

• Tabs

• Procedures

Search and Worklist

The document contains detail for both the Search and Worklist tabs.

Search Screen

Enter values in the search criteria, as needed. The Search screen may be

a single list divided into topics (such as General or Dates) or may be

divided into multiple tabs of criteria.

NOTE: For Web transactions, this icon represents the Initial screen that

includes both the search criteria and results.

Results Screen

In certain GUI transactions, results from the values entered on the

Search screen appear on the Results screen.

NOTE: For Web transactions, this icon represents the Details screen.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Work Area

The document describes the Work Area in detail. Links are provided to

information for each tab.


The document contains detail on the fields, columns, and/or buttons that

appear on the tab. For a workbench, each tab document is accessed from

the list of tabs in the Work Area. (You also may search for the tab name

in the Search field at the top of the page.)


Each procedure document consists of a list of numbered steps that

describe how to perform one or more specific tasks.

In a workbench or transaction document, the Procedures section contains

links to each procedure document. Links within Documents

Within a document, hypertext links provide quick access to other documents.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


2 Glossary


AB Application

It is used at the Process Cycle to establish if the processes for a determined Crop will

correspond to farming or nursery (seed production).

Absolute Terrain Area It refers to the net area of a Terrain (field) available for the sowing.

Active Ingredient In ABS is the code and description used to identify the components of the chemical product to

be applied on the field.

Agreement Contract between two or more parties with mutual obligations. It serves as central repository

and is the foundation for Grower Management processing.

Application Method Code and description to identify the diverse methods used to put or spread on the chemical

substances on the field.

Attribute Known as a characteristic in SAP, an attribute defines the allowed values for an organizational


Attribute Group A flexible grouping of attributes based on business requirements. Attribute groups appear as

tab headings in the organizational object workbenches.


Basis for Order Quantity Refers to the quantity base used to create an order to execute the farming or nursery activities.

It could be: Absolute Area, Gross Area or Estimated Yield.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Bucket A place holder for data that needs to be processed. ABS buckets are used to index ABS

document line items based on certain criteria, in preparation for subsequent processing of a

large volume of data across multiple ABS documents.

Business Script Vistex scripting method used to configure business rules, define validations, and create

calculation formulas.


Calculated Contract Area Area included in the agreement calculated from the area of the terrains assigned to the

agreement and their corresponding percentage.

Calculated Yield Is the product of multiply the Expected Yield registered at the Crop Master and the Absolute

Terrain Area of the Crop Season.

CAT Confirmation Criteria Parameter to use to confirm the activities within the Chemical Application Tracking. It could

be by number of tanks or by worked area.

Confirmation Quantity Specifies the quantity to be posted as a good receipt of a task order (progress), or as a good

issue in the case of the supplies.

Crop Group Code assigned to diverse crops and seasons in the Agri Planning Demand, in order to run a

grouped planning scenario.

Crop Process Represents a major agricultural process (Planting, Growing, Harvesting) as agricultural stage

to be planned and scheduled during a specific period of time.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Crop Season Corresponds to the assignment of a particular crop to a terrain in a period.


Deduction Procedure

Defines how the deduction are going to be handled within the agreement and bucket for



Estimated Yield Refers to the total quantity of yield estimated for a crop in a particular terrain, in its absolute


Expected Yield Quantity expected to be obtained from the farming processes when harvest activities are

completed in a determined area.


Gross Terrain Area

Corresponds to the total area of a terrain or field, including the area not used for sowing, like

roads or water affluent.


Irrigation Type

Indicates the type of infrastructure to be created, according to the equipment to be used like

weather stations, measurement equipment, or implements for application as pumps or

sprinklers among others

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.




A user-friendly screen that allows authorized users to access their notifications, work list, and

a predefined menu of GUI transactions and reports, web-based applications, and external links

(URLs). Menus can be designed for specific roles, organizational objects, and individual users.


Measurement Document Document used to track through time measures of field Attribute groups. This document is

used to record readings related to the terrains, irrigation and/or harvesting activities.

Multi Order Flag which indicates the allowance of create several orders for a process in a crop season.


Order Level

Indicates the level within a crop process to create and schedule orders. It could be only at

process level, or at process and task level.


Indicates if the terrain to be sowed belongs to the company or to a third parties.


Planning Number Number which identifies each planning scenario in a plant.

Planning Version Key that identifies the Agribusiness Planning Scenario; it is used to determinate the control

parameters of the planning.

Post-Harvest Interval (PHI) Refers to the time that must pass between the chemical application and the produce


Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Process Cycle Object to set the major agricultural processes for farming or nursery operations, with the basic

data required to further agricultural activities.

Process Order Order created to program the process and trigger the activities related to it (if applies).

Produce Type Refers to the crop type.


Quality Characteristics (Agreement) Attributes to be measured that could affect the settlement to a grower.

Quality Deduction Amount

Amount that is deducted during the settlement process, due to results of quality inspections



Receiver Material Material received by the processing plant during the produce receipt process.

Restricted Entry Interval (REI)

Time period immediately following a pesticide application during which entry into the treated

area is restricted.


Schedule Category

Determines how the schedule type is going to be handled within the agreement, in a specific

date, periodic or by milestone

Schedule Task

Flag that indicates whether a task in a crop process require to be scheduled or not, previous

creation of its order.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Schedule Type

Defines the type of object to be scheduled for a grower in the agreement. (e.g. advances,

milestone payments).


Establish the period of production of the crop, defining estimated start and end date to perform

agricultural processes.


Process of paying participants of a plan, depending on qualifying eligibility and calculations.

Postings are made to Finance GL accounts.



Correspond to agriculture activity that has to be executed within a process of the crop cycle.

Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the task.

Task order

Order which represents the activity the task performed on a field.


Object that represents physical locations or fields where farm operations are performed,

containing all the relevant information of the land and the farming processes related to it.

Terrain Level

Use to represent the geographic and administrative areas disposed for costing and farm operations.

Terrain structure indicator

Establish the hierarchy levels structure for a terrain. E.g. 1 Company, 2 State, 3 Region, 4

Zone, 5 Block.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.



Unplanned Indicator

Flag which indicates that a Task Order has been created without a previous schedule.

(Unplanned order).


Variant (Crop Master)

Object that allows to have different versions of agricultural treatments, which contains the

crop processes to perform in a particular crop.



A work area where many different functionalities within Vistex can be created, changed, or


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Element

Individual elements in the Project System. Within the Vistex Agribusiness Suite WBS

elements are used to identify a terrain and the crop sowed on it in a particular period. These

elements belong to a Project which represents the terrain.


Yard Material

Final produce obtained after the farming processes performed on commercial fields, and

which is delivered and weighed on the scale through produce receipt functionality.

Yard Order

Order created for a Yard Material used to carry costs of the whole agricultural farming


Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


3 Global

Terrain Master Workbench

Definition Terrains for Vistex Agribusiness Suite allows to represent physical locations or fields where

farm operations are performed, containing all the relevant information of the land and the

farming processes related to it.


Transaction code: /AGRI/GLFLM


The Terrain Workbench screen is organized into the following areas:

• Search and Worklist

Use the Search and Worklist to view selected Terrains in a grid format. From the grid,

click on Terrains to display that Terrain in focus in the Work Area.

• Work Area

Use the Work Area to maintain Terrain. In the standard Vistex Implementation, the

Work Area contains the following tabs: Search and Worklist

When you enter the transaction, the Search and Worklist appears in the left side of the screen,

with the Search tab active.

The Search and Worklist initially appears collapsed but can be resized horizontally. As needed,

use the following buttons (located above the Search and Worklist) to adjust the Search and


Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Hide Worklist

Toggle between displaying and hiding the

Search and Worklist.

F7 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Display ↔Hide


Minimize Worklist

Partial screen view of Search and


F8 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Minimize Worklist

Maximize Worklist

Full screen view of Search and Worklist.

F9 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Maximize


Worklist ↔ Calendar

Toggle between displaying the Search

and Worklist and the Calendar view.


The Search and Worklist contains the following tabs:

• Search

• Worklist

Click on a tab to activate it (the active tab name will be shown as white text in a dark

background). In the tab name, the number in parentheses indicates the number of displayed


Search Tab

Use the Search tab to locate and list of process orders. Search results appear in a grid that

can be sorted and searched.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


The following buttons appear in the Search tab:

Button Action


View the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria, and then click

on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the transaction.

Search More

After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results from

the previous search, perform a new search, and append the new results

to the list already displayed.

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group (on

the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Add to Worklist

Copy selected records from the search results to the Worklist tab to access

those records each time you enter the transaction, without performing a


From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Worklist button. Select an existing group from the Move to Group

dropdown list or create a new group to which the items will be copied.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric



Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist.

Worklist Tab

Use the Worklist tab to list the Terrains currently assigned to your worklist. Worklist entries

appear in a grid format that can be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Worklist tab:

Button Action

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group

(on the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Move to Group

Create a group for selected, move selected to an existing group

or Favorites, or rename groups.


Delete selected from Favorites or another Worklist group.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric sequence.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid in

the Search and Worklist.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.

22 Work Area

The following buttons above the Work Area apply to the Terrain displayed in focus:


Creating a New Terrain

Maintaining the Terrain

Displaying the Terrain

Deleting the Terrain

Create Terrain Master

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLM

2. Select “Display <-> Change” button

3. Click on the “New” button

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Change

Toggle between Display mode and

Change mode.

F6 or

Menu bar:

Terrain → Display ↔Change

Create (Change mode only)

Create a new Order.

NOTE: This button appears only when

no existing process order is currently

displayed in the Work Area.

F5 or

Menu bar: Farm Process → Create

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


4. Enter the following information;

4.1. Select the structure indicator

4.2. Enter the Terrain ID to be created

4.3. Click “Enter” on your keyboard and Click on “Continue” button

4.4. Go to General Tab and enter the Gross Area and Unit

4.5. Click on the “Save” button

4.6. Terrain will be created

Maintaining the Terrain

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLM

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

4. Enter the Terrain Id or required selection to get the terrain to be changed

5. Do the required changes and save

Displaying the Terrain

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLM.

2. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

3. Click on selected fields to activate ones, in order to make the searching.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Deleting the Terrain

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLM.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

4. Enter the Terrain Id or required selection to get the terrain to be deleted

5. Select the terrain id and click on Terrain at the work area and select delete – Set

6. Terrain will be set to deletion flag

Crop Master Workbench


The Crop Master Workbench is to maintain the crop varieties information to the users. Relevant

information, such as the duration through each agricultural process at field, the often quality

characteristics to check during the growing and pre-harvesting, and so on, can be define into

this functionality


Transaction code: /AGRI/GLCMM


The Crop Master Workbench screen is organized into the following areas:

• Search and Worklist

Use the Search and Worklist to view selected Cop in a grid format. From the grid,

click on Crop to display that Crop in focus in the Work Area.

• Work Area

Use the Work Area to maintain Crop. In the standard Vistex Implementation, the Work

Area contains the following tabs:

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.

25 Search and Worklist

When you enter the transaction, the Search and Worklist appears in the left side of the

screen, with the Search tab active.

The Search and Worklist initially appears collapsed but can be resized horizontally. As

needed, use the following buttons (located above the Search and Worklist) to adjust the

Search and Worklist:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Hide Worklist

Toggle between displaying and hiding the

Search and Worklist.

F7 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Display ↔Hide


Minimize Worklist

Partial screen view of Search and


F8 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Minimize Worklist

Maximize Worklist

Full screen view of Search and Worklist.

F9 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Maximize


Worklist ↔ Calendar

Toggle between displaying the Search

and Worklist and the Calendar view.


The Search and Worklist contains the following tabs:

• Search

• Worklist

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Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Click on a tab to activate it (the active tab name will be shown as white text in a dark

background). In the tab name, the number in parentheses indicates the number of displayed


Search Tab

Use the Search tab to locate and list of crops. Search results appear in a grid that can be

sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Search tab:

Button Action


View the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria, and then click

on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the transaction.

Search More

After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results from

the previous search, perform a new search, and append the new results

to the list already displayed.

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group (on

the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Add to Worklist

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Copy selected records from the search results to the Worklist tab to access

those records each time you enter the transaction, without performing a


From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Worklist button. Select an existing group from the Move to Group

dropdown list or create a new group to which the items will be copied.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric sequence.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

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window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist.

Worklist Tab

Use the Worklist tab to list the agreements currently assigned to your worklist. Worklist entries

appear in a grid format that can be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Worklist tab:

Button Action

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group (on

the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Move to Group

Create a group for selected, move selected to an existing group

or Favorites, or rename groups.

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Delete selected from Favorites or another Worklist group.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric sequence.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.

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Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid in

the Search and Worklist. Work Area

The following buttons above the Work Area apply to the Crop displayed in focus:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Change

Toggle between Display mode and

Change mode.

F6 or

Menu bar:

Crop → Display ↔Change

Create (Change mode only)

Create a new Order.

NOTE: This button appears only when

no existing process order is currently

displayed in the Work Area.

F5 or

Menu bar: Crop → Create


Used to copy the stored information

from a crop master as a template for

the new crop master.

Ctrl + F6


Used to delete the selected crop

master from the worklist.

Shift + F2

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The screen areas into the Work Area, are as follows:

• Header screen

• Screen Tabs

o General

o Plants

o Crop Season

o Crop Cycles

o Quality Characteristics

o Status

o Text

o Notes

o Additional Data 1

o Admin Data


This screen is used to select the crop to create. The screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Produce Type Produce Type represents the crop specie.

Crop Code for the crop to create.

Description Description for the crop.

Reference Crop Code of Crop Master used as template to be copied.

Release Status Allows to Release or Block the use of the crop master.

Current User Status Display the current crop master status.

Screen Tabs:

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General Tab

This tab is used to assign the produce and delivery materials which will be posted into the

Agribusiness system once the harvested crop has been finished. The screen displays the

following fields:

Field Description

Expected Yield The expected Yield field refers to the quantity in weight

expected to produce after the harvest for a crop variety in a

determined Area.

Yard Material Represent the current agricultural produce that has to be

delivered on the weight bridge scale at plant.

Receiver Material Receiver Material refers to the produced material received

at plant during the fruit reception (it can be a fruit, grain,

seed, other). It represents the main supply material

required for the production process.

Seed Production Material Represents the different seed production stages, since

starting process until be ready to be planted.

Plants Tab

This tab enables to add the available plants to produce the crop. The screen displays the

following fields:

Field Description

Plant Plants code where are going to be enable the crop master.

Name 1 Defined name for the plant.

Valid From Date indicating the start when an entry is valid.

Valid To Date indicating the end when an entry is valid.

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The following buttons are enables to use within the plants tab:

Button Action Alternate Access


New row to add the plant and the validation date.


Delete the selected row from the plants table.


Open a new pop up window to display the plants

tab information.


Find a term within the items table. The system

highlights any cell that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for



Chose the records to be displayed. The filter can be

associated to each column from the table.


Summarize the values for the selected column. This

option is enabling only for valuated columns.


There is possible to create subtotals in one or more

columns in the list that are not value columns. The

prerequisite is to have stablished a total value for a

least one column.


Export the entire contents of the items table to the

selected document type/file type.

Choose Layout

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Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts

within plant table.

Crop seasons Tab

This tab enables to display and create crop seasons for the crop master. The screen displays

the following fields:

Field Description

Terrain Terrain is a geographical place; represent the largest piece

of land where the plantation is taking place. A terrain can be

divided into several portions according to the agroindustry

hierarchical views. In ABS are used to represent the field


Variant The variant allows to have different versions that contains

the crop processes to performance for a determined crop.

Season Season is used to establish the production times (start

production and End Period) for a determined Produce type

or Crop. This information is used to schedule the times of

the agricultural processes.

Year Period, 12 months as a rule, for which the season is valid.

Start Date The Season Start Date indicates the starting time to perform

the Agricultural processes and tasks for a determined crop.

End Date The Season End Date indicates the finish time to perform

the Agricultural processes and tasks for a determined crop.

AB Application The AB Application is used at the Process Cycle to establish

the processes for farming or nursery (seed production) for

a determined Crop.

Status The Crop Season Status indicates if the Crop Season is

Inactive, Active or Closed.

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WBS Element A structural element in a work breakdown structure

representing the hierarchical unique key associated to the


% of Terrain Area Represents the Percentage of Terrain Area used for a

determined crop variety.

Absolute Area The Absolute Terrain Area refers to the Net Area of a Terrain

(field) available for the sowing.

Gross Area The gross Terrain Area correspond to the Total Area of a

terrain or field.

Internal Measure Unit Internal, language-independent, measurement unit format.

Calculated Yield The Calculated Yield is performed using the Expected Yield

registered at the Crop Master and the Absolute Terrain Area

of the Crop Season.

Unit of Measure Unit of measure for the calculated yield.

Expected Harvest Date Refers to the Date Expected for Harvest the crop from a

determined Field (Terrain).

Estimated Yield Refers to the Total Quantity Estimated Yield for a Crop in a

Determined Terrain (field). The user has to fill this field.

Weight Unit Unit of measure for the direct weight. Usually is used the KG

or TON units.

Crop Quantity Field used when agricultural task is going to be manage in a

different unit to the Area. In this field you have to enter the


Crop Unit of Measure Field used when agricultural task is going to be manage in a

different unit to the Area. At this field enter the Unit of


Yard Order Represents the production order created for a yard material

to carry the cost of the whole agricultural production

process. It should be created before creating the orders for

planting, growing and harvest.

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Asset This is the number which, together with the asset sub-

number, identifies a fixed asset in Asset Accounting.

Cost Center Associated cost center to the terrain.

Settlement Order Display the object to settle the yard order.

Delete When a crop season has been deleted, the flag is set up into the check


Elevation Elevation of the terrain.

Internal Measure Unit Unit of measure for the elevation.

Date Date on which the measurement reading was taken.

Measurement Time Time on which the measurement reading was taken.

Message Displays the text of the message.

The different options to handle the information, are as follows:

Button Action

Season Details

Open a pop up window with the crop season information for the selected


Process Cycles

Open a pop up window and shows the information from the crop cycle

tab. For the selected row.

Process Flow

Open a pop up window with three splits, every one displays a list of the

created orders for the process and tasks related to the crop season.

Display Measurement Documents

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Link to open the measurement documents transaction and display the

associated measure document for the crop season.

Column to row shuffle

Transpose the columns for the rows.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric sequence.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Chose the records to be displayed. The filter can be associated to each

column from the table.


Summarize the values for the selected column. This option is enabling

only for valuated columns.


There is possible to create subtotals in one or more columns in the list that

are not value columns. The prerequisite is to have stablished a total value

for a least one column.

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Output device selection to print the records.


Print Preview based on the printer settings.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid in

the Search and Worklist.

Display Graphic

Displaying the values using the standard graphics and methods.

Change Layout

Allows the add or remove the columns from the ALV.

Crop Cycle Tab

A Crop Process Represents a major agricultural process (Planting, Growing, Harvesting) as

Agricultural Stage to be planned and scheduled during a period of time. A process corresponds

to each one of the main elements of a crop cycle. Each process is created as a material and is

associated to a Crop master to create a variant.

The subareas into the crop cycle tab, are as follows:


Crop Process

Operations lis

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The variants screen area allows to select the process cycle to create a new variant for the

crop process. The screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Process Variants The process variant can have several means, such as

treatments for the crop, crop varieties and so on.

Description Description for the Process Variant.

AB Application The AB Application is used at the Process Cycle to establish

the processes for farming or nursery (seed production) for

a determined Crop.

Description Description for the AB Application.

Process Cycle Contains the processes sequence to follow up for a

determined crop. (Planting process, Growing process and

Harvest process).

Description Description for the AB Application.

The following buttons are enables to use within the variant screen area:

Button Action Alternate Access


Used to create a new variant code.


Used to change the selected variant code from the



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Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Used to delete the selected variant code from the



Find a term within the grid values. The system

highlights any cell that contains the term.

Change Layout

Allows the add or remove the columns from the



View selected records in a vertical column format in

a separate window.

Crop Process

The Crop Process screen has a table where is showed the stored information for the selected

process cycle during the variant creation. The screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Crop Process A Crop Process Represents a major agricultural process

(Planting, Growing, Harvesting) as Agricultural Stage to be

planned and scheduled during a period of time. A process

corresponds to each one of the main elements of a crop

cycle. Each process is created as a material and is associated

to a Crop master to create a variant.

Each material should have a Bill of Material and a Routing,

in order to schedule the agricultural activities to be

performed on the fields.

Description Describes the crop process in more detail.

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Prior Process Indicates that the Prior Process is required to continue with

the next crop process.

Order Level The Order Level has two options: A Process, B Process and

Task. A Process allows only to create Process orders. B.

Process and Task allows to create the process order and

allows to schedule the agricultural tasks.

Material Represents the material code in the ABS system, associated

to each crop process at farm.

Material Description Describes the process material in more detail.

Minimum Time Interval Minimum time interval to execute the crop process.

Time Unit Unit of time that the user wants to use.

Maximum Time Interval Maximum Time Interval to perform a Crop Process.

Time Unit Unit of time that the user wants to use.

Multi Order The multi Older flag allows to generate several orders for a

same process.

Goods Receipt Create When the Goods Receipt Create flag is active it allows the

material movements for process and task materials orders.

Basis of Order Quantity Refers to the quantity base used to create an order. There

are three options to use: Absolute Area, Gross Area and

Estimated Yield.

Schedule Task The schedule task field allows to schedule the agricultural

task required for a determined crop process, when the flag

is active.

Special Application The Special Application has three options: Chemical

Application, Irrigation and Produce Receipt. Produce Receipt

field is used to define for Harvest if the material process will

be used in the fruit reception or in the harvest


Sequence Refers to the sequence of performing the crop processes.

The sequence Indicates which crop process is first (planting

process), which crop process goes second (growing

process), which crop process goes third (harvest process).

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The following buttons are enables to use within the crop process area:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display <-> Hide

Display or Hide the process variants screen.

Sync Process

Update the table with the current information from

the crop cycle.


View selected records in a vertical column format in

a separate window.


Find a term within the items table. The system

highlights any cell that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for



Chose the records to be displayed. The filter can be

associated to each column from the table.


Summarize the values for the selected column. This

option is enabling only for valuated columns.


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SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


There is possible to create subtotals in one or more

columns in the list that are not value columns. The

prerequisite is to have stablished a total value for a

least one column.


Export the entire contents of the items table to the

selected document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts

within the ALV grid in the Search and Worklist.

Operations List

The Operation List screen has a table where is displayed the require information to stablish

the crop process duration. This information is taken from the routing for the process material.

The screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Operation Determines the operations sequence for carried out.

Operation Short Text Operation description.

Required Overlapping The overlapping means that the selected operation will be

executed at the same time. The active flag is used to define

the overlapping among operations.

Base Quantity Quantity of the material to be produced to which the

standard values of the operation refer.

Unit of Measure Unit of measure used in the operation for the crop process


Time Interval Time Interval required to perform an agricultural process.

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Time Unit Time Unit used to indicate the Maximum and Minimum

Time Interval to perform a Crop Process.

The following buttons are enables to use within the operations list area:

Button Action Alternate Access

Sync Process

Update the table with the current information from

the crop cycle.


View selected records in a vertical column format in

a separate window.


Find a term within the items table. The system

highlights any cell that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for



Chose the records to be displayed. The filter can be

associated to each column from the table.


Summarize the values for the selected column. This

option is enabling only for valuated columns.


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Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


There is possible to create subtotals in one or more

columns in the list that are not value columns. The

prerequisite is to have stablished a total value for a

least one column.


Export the entire contents of the items table to the

selected document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts

within the ALV grid in the Search and Worklist.

Quality Characteristics Tab

The quality tab allows to add the inspection characteristic which will be inspected during the

fruit reception. This tab has a table with the next columns:

Columns Description

Master Characteristics Inspection characteristic code. The data source to list comes

from the inspection plan for the material, the crop master

and agreements.

Short Text Description for the Master Characteristic

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Quality Characteristics Tab

The following buttons are enables to use within the quality tab:

Button Action Alternate Access


New row to add the quality inspection characteristic

from a catalog.


Delete the selected row from the items table.


View the selected records in a vertical column

format in a separate window.


Find a term within the items table. The system

highlights any cell that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for



Chose the records to be displayed. The filter can be

associated to each column from the table.


Summarize the values for the selected column. This

option is enabling only for valuated columns.

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There is possible to create subtotals in one or more

columns in the list that are not value columns. The

prerequisite is to have stablished a total value for a

least one column.


Export the entire contents of the items table to the

selected document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts

within the ALV grid in the Search and Worklist.

Status Tab

The status tab is used to control the crop master modification using status profiles for the

users. There have two splits areas, such as at the top area, there can be include the history

flowcharts objects and the other one is used to handle the status for the crop master using

approvals to change it.

Text Tab

This tab is used to add any comments about the crop master. The user must have a role

with permission to do that. The screen displays a work area to include the comments.

There are enable interactive options, as the follows:

Button Action Alternate Access


Used to cut the selected comment.

Ctrl + X

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Used to copy the selected comment.

Ctrl + C


Used to paste the selected comment.

Ctrl + V


Used to undo the proposed comment.

Ctrl + Z


Used to restore the proposed comment.

Ctrl + Y


Find a term within the selected comment. The

system highlights any cell that contains the term.

Ctrl + F

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for


Ctrl + G

Save as Local File

Export the entire contents of the selected

comments to the selected document type/file type.

Notes Tab

This tab is used to add the batch number in cases when the fruit needs traceability for the

further process. The screen displays the following field:

Field Description

Crop Master Display the Crop Master code

Note Type List the previous created notes.

Entered By User who created the note.

From Date when was created the note.

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Security Level Security level of the note to be viewed by other users.

The following buttons are enables to use within the Work Area:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display Note

Display the selected note.

Insert Notes

Create new notes.

Display <-> Changes

Enables to change or display the note.


Delete the selected note.


Used to cut the selected note.


Used to copy the selected note.


Used to paste the selected note.


Used to undo the proposed note.


Used to restore the proposed note.

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Find a term within the note. The system highlights

any cell that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for

previously note.


Export the entire contents of the note to the

selected document type/file type.

Additional Data 1 & 2 Tab

This division enable to select date for valid from. The screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Field Description Default configured field name.

Field Value Catalog with the field names.

Description Description for the field value.

Admin Tab

This division enable to select date for valid from. The screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Created By User who created the crop master.

Created On Date on which the crop master was created.

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Time The time of the day at which the crop master code was

created and stored in the system.

Changed By User who created or changed the crop master in status


Changed On Date on which the crop master information was changed.

Time of Change Time when the most recent change was made.

Most Recent Notes Text notes to reference any comment during the creation,

change od closure of the fruit reception guide.


Creating a New Crop Master

Maintaining the Crop Master

Displaying the Crop Master

Delete the Crop Master

Creating a New Crop Master

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLCMM.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Create, to activate the creation mode.

4. Click on the Produce type field to list the options.

5. Select the Produce type.

6. Click on the Crop field to activate it.

7. Fill up the field with the Crop master code.

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8. Click on the Description field to activate it.

9. Fill up the field with the description for the new crop master.

10. Click on the button to continue.

11. Click on the General tab

12. Click on the Expected Yield field to activate it.

13. Fill up the field with the yield value and the unit.

14. Click on the Yard Material field to activate it.

15. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

material list.

16. Select the material from the list.

17. Click on the Receiver Material field to activate it.

18. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

material list.

19. Select the material from the list.

20. Click on the Seed Production Material field to activate it.

21. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

material list.

22. Select the material from the list.

23. Click on the Plants tab

24. Click on the button Create to add a new plant.

25. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

plants list.

26. Select the Plant from the list.

27. Click on the Valid from field to activate it.

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28. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the


29. Select the date from the calendar.

30. Click on the Valid to field to activate it.

31. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the


32. Select the date from the calendar.

33. Click on the Crop Cycles tab

34. From the Process variants table, the steps to do are as follows:

34.1. Click on the button Create, to activate the creation mode.

34.2. Click on the Variant field to activate it.

34.3. Fill up the field with the Variant code.

34.4. Click on the Description field to activate it.

34.5. Fill up the field with the Description for the new Variant.

34.6. Click on the Process Cycle field to activate it.

34.7. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window

with the process cycles list.

34.8. Select the Process Cycle from the list.

34.9. Click on the button to continue.

35. From the crop process table, the steps to do are as follows:

35.1. Click on the Material field from the table to activate it for each defined crop


35.2. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window

with the Material list.

35.3. Select the Material code from the list.

35.4. Click on the Valid to field to activate it.

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35.5. Click on the Minimum Interval field to activate it.

35.6. Fill up the field with time quantity.

35.7. Click on the Time unit field to activate it for each defined crop process.

35.8. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window

with the Units list.

35.9. Select the Unit code from the list.

35.10. Click on the Maximum Interval field to activate it.

35.11. Fill up the field with time quantity.

35.12. Click on the Time unit field to activate it for each defined crop process.

35.13. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window

with the Units list.

35.14. Select the Unit code from the list.

36. Click on the Plant option list.

37. Select the plant from the list.

38. From the crop process table, the steps to do are as follows:

38.1. Click on the interval unit field to activate it per operation.

38.2. Fill up the field with time quantity.

39. Click on the Quality tab

40. Click on the button Create to add a new characteristic.

41. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the master

characteristics list.

42. Select the Quality characteristic from the list.

43. Click on the Notes tab

44. Click on the Insert Notes button

45. Click on the Note Type option list

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46. Select the note type from the list.

47. Click on the Security Level option list

48. Select the security level from the list.

49. Fill up the work area with the notes to add to the crop master.

50. Click on the button Save from the top main menu, in order to store the new crop

master into the Agribusiness Database.

Maintaining the Crop Master

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLCMM.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

4. Click on selected fields to activate ones, in order to make the searching.

5. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

data element list.

6. Fill in with desired values.

7. Click on the button to execute the searching.

8. Click on the Crop field from the search tab to display the guide information is the Work


9. Only can be changed the information in the enable fields.

10. Once changed the values, click on the button to save the crop master.

11. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

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Displaying the Crop Master

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLCMM.

2. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

3. Click on selected fields to activate ones, in order to make the searching.

4. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the data

element list.

5. Fill in with desired values.

6. Click on the button to execute the searching.

7. Click on the Crop field from the search tab to display the guide information is the Work


8. There can be displayed any tab whenever the user wants.

Deleting the Crop Master

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLCMM.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

4. Click on Status field to activate it.

5. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

data element list.

6. Select the desired values.

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7. Click on the button to execute the searching.

8. Click on the Crop code from the search tab to display the Crop Master information in

the Work area.

9. Click on the delete button, to delete the selected guide.

10. Click on the button, to confirm the deletion.

Crop Seasons


Crop Season for Vistex Agribusiness Suite allows to assign the crop type or crop types/varieties

that will be sowed in a terrain during a period, using a agricultural treatment.


Transaction code: /AGRI/GLFLCA


The Crop seasons is a grid which allows to do multiple functionalities. Following button

appears on the screen.


Button Action


View the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria, and then click

on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the transaction.

Search More

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After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results from

the previous search, perform a new search, and append the new results

to the list already displayed.

Display ↔ Change

Toggle between Display mode and Change mode.


The following buttons appear in the Worklist:

Button Action

Crop Seasons Details

View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Process Cycle assigned to the selected crop seasons

Check if any errors in the added crop seasons

Process flow of the selected Crop seasons – List of Processes with orders


Display Measurement Documents for the selected Crop seasons

Create Crop seasons

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Delete/Undo Delete Crop seasons

Extend in case of Ratoons scenario

Create the following:

WBS Element

Yard Order

Measurement Document

Crop seasons Close

Activate Crop seasons

Set Values

Calculate End date

Column to Row Shuffle


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric



Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

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Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist.


Creating Crop seasons

Maintaining Crop seasons

Displaying Crop seasons

Deleting Crop seasons

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Create Cropseasons

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLCA

2. Select “Display <-> Change” button

3. To add one/multiple line item, click on “Create” button and enter the following


• Terrain

• Crop

• Variant

• Season

• Year

4. Click on “Continue” button and “Save” button

5. Crop seasons will be created

Maintaining Cropseasons

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLCA

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the change

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen

4. Enter the Terrain Id or required selection to get the crop seasons to be changed

5. Do the required changes and save

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Displaying Cropseasons

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLCA.

2. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

3. Click on selected fields to activate ones, in order to make the searching.

Deleting Cropseasons

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLFLCA.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

4. Enter the Terrain Id or required selection to get the Crop seasons to be deleted

5. Click on button and select delete

6. Click on “Save” button

7. Crop seasons will be set to deletion flag

Attribute Workbench


An Attribute is a characteristic that describes the properties of objects. The attributes can be

grouped in attributes groups.


Transaction code: /AGRI/GLATM

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The information is organized into the following:

• Header

• General

• Values

• Keywords

• Additional Data; extra tabs that can hold additional fields programmed to appear

• Admin Data

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the Attribute displayed in focus in

the Work Area and do not apply to the data in the Search and Worklist.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document.


Creating an Attribute

Displaying an Attribute

Deleting an Attribute

Creating an Attribute

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLATM

2. Press change button then Click on the Create button to display the Create

Attribute Main Screen.

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3. On Header part, enter the Attribute Name, Description, Attribute Group Category and


4. On General tab, fill the fields that applies for the attribute on creation process, at least:

Grouping, Data type, Number of chars, decimal places and Unit.

5. On Values tab, enter the values (if applies) for the attribute. Remember, it can be

specific value list, refers to a table-field, or no specific values.

6. Click on Save button and the Attribute will be created.

Displaying an Attribute

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLATM.

2. In the Search Button, perform a search. Click on the option Attribute Name and

choose one option from the match code to display the attribute created in the system.

Note: Also, you can use additional fields to search like Attribute Group Category and


3. Click on the Attribute name to display the information assigned to it.

Deleting an Attribute

1. Display the Attribute.

2. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

3. From the menu bar, select Attribute → Delete.

4. In the Confirm Action dialog window select Yes to confirm the delete.

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Attribute Group Workbench


An Attribute group is used to manage a large number of attributes, group this according to

particular features.


Transaction code: /AGRI/GLAGM


The information is organized into the following:

• Header

• Basic Data

• List of Assigned Attributes

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the Attribute group displayed in

focus in the Work Area and do not apply to the data in the Search and Worklist.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document.


Creating an Attribute group

Displaying an Attribute group

Deleting an Attribute group

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Creating an Attribute group

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLAGM

2. Press change button then Click on the Create button to display the Create

Attribute Group Main Screen.

3. On Header part, enter the Attribute Group Name, Description, Attribute Group Category

and Status.

NOTE: If the Attribute Group Category selected is Measurement Point (MP), it is required to

enter: Measurement Level and Measurement Document Type.

4. On List of Assigned Attributes part, enter the attribute(s) to be grouped.

5. Click on Save button and the Attribute Group will be created.

Displaying an Attribute group

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GLAGM.

2. In the Search Button, perform a search. Click on the option Attribute Group and

choose one option from the match code to display an Attribute Group created in the


NOTE: Also, you can use additional fields to search like Attribute Group Category (MP) and


3. Click on the Attribute Group Name to display the information assigned to it.

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Deleting an Attribute group

1. Display the Attribute Group.

2. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

3. Click on the Delete button.

Alternately, from the menu bar, select Attribute Group → Delete.

4. In the Confirm Action dialog window select Yes to confirm the delete.

Status Profile Workbench


Use the Status Profile Workbench to select an existing SAP status profile that will be attached

to a new Vistex status profile of the same name. Selection of an SAP status profile in this

workbench flags the system to use Vistex status flow.

The statuses from the SAP status profile will appear on the Statuses tab. If the SAP status

profile was assigned an object type in the following configuration, that object type appears in

the header of that workbench.

The Vistex status profile contains a list of triggers, each of which starts the status flow it is

linked to. For example, you might attach one trigger to the standard flow and another trigger

to an abbreviated flow. As needed, an authorized user can manually change the trigger in the

Status tab of the object workbench to redirect the approval process from one flow to another.

Business Script functionality also can be used to change triggers conditionally.

Create any number of triggers and list them on the Flow tab. One trigger must be set as the

default, and all must be flagged as a User Entry. To attach a status flow to each trigger, either

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select from the list of existing status flows or navigate to the Status Flow Workbench to create

a new status flow.


Transaction code: /AGRI/GSPM


The Status Profile Workbench screen is organized into the following areas:

• Search and Worklist

Use the Search and Worklist to view selected profiles in a grid format. From the grid,

click on a status profile number to display that profile in focus in the Work Area.

• Work Area

Use the Work Area to maintain one status profile. In the standard Vistex

implementation, the Work Area contains the following tabs:

• Flow

• Statuses

• Admin Data

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the status profile displayed in

focus in the Work Area and do not apply to the data in the Search and Worklist.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document. Search and Worklist

When you enter the transaction, the Search and Worklist appears in the left side of the

screen, with the Search tab active.

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The Search and Worklist initially appears collapsed but can be resized horizontally. As

needed, use the following buttons (located above the Search and Worklist) to adjust the

Search and Worklist:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Hide Worklist

Toggle between displaying and hiding

the Search and Worklist.

F6 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Display ↔ Hide


Minimize Worklist

Partial screen view of Search and


Shift+F6 or

Menu bar: Environment → Minimize


Maximize Worklist

Full screen view of Search and


Shift+F7 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Maximize Worklist

The Search and Worklist contains the following tabs:

• Search

• Worklist

Click on a tab to activate it (the active tab name will be shown as white text in a dark

background). In the tab name, the number in parentheses indicates the number of displayed


Search Tab:

Use the Search tab to locate and list status profiles. Search results appear in a grid that can

be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Search tab:

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Button Action


Click to view the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria,

and then click on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the


Search More

After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results

from the previous search, perform a new search, and append the

new results to the list already displayed.

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites

group (on the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you

enter the transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click

on the Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites

group on the Worklist tab.

Add to Worklist

Copy selected records from the search results to the Worklist tab

to access those records each time you enter the transaction,

without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click

on the Add to Worklist button. Select an existing group from the

Move to Group dropdown list, or create a new group to which the

items will be copied.

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Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click

to view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of

the column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected

document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV

grid in the Search and Worklist.

Worklist Tab

Use the Worklist tab to list the status profiles currently assigned to your worklist. Worklist

entries appear in a grid format that can be sorted and searched.

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The following buttons appear in the Worklist tab:

Button Action

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites

group (on the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you

enter the transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on

the Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group

on the Worklist tab.

Move to Group

Create a group for selected status profiles, move selected status

profiles to an existing group or Favorites, or rename groups.


Delete selected status profiles from Favorites or

other Worklist group.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

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Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to

view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of the

column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected

document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV

grid in the Search and Worklist.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters. Work Area

The following buttons above the Work Area apply to the Status Profile displayed in focus:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Change Shift+F12 or

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The Work Area contains the following sections:

• Status Profile Header

Toggle between Display mode and

Change mode.

Menu bar: Status

Profile → Display ↔ Change


Create a new status profile.

F5 or

Menu bar: Status Profile → Create

Delete (Change mode only)

Delete the status profile displayed in

the Work Area.

Shift+F2 or

Menu bar: Status Profile → Delete

Status Profile (Change mode only)

Transfer to configuration to view or

maintain an SAP status profile.



Create a transport request.

Creating/maintaining a Vistex status

profile is not an IMG activity. You can

transport the status profile if needed,

but creating a transport is not




Create a business script/formula.


Delete Script (Change mode only -

when a script exists)

Delete the existing script for the

status profile displayed in the Work



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• Status Profile Tabs

Status Profile Header:

The following fields appear in the header:

Field Description

Status Profile Name and alphanumeric identifier of the SAP status profile, selected

from a dropdown list.

Object Category Displays the identifier for the object category linked to the profile in

the Status Profile field. The name of the first object type in the

category appears next to the field.

Click on the icon to view the list of object types assigned to the

object category.

Status Profile Tabs:

The following tabs appear in the standard implementation:

• Flow

• Statuses

• Admin Data

Flow Tab

Use the Flow tab to list each status profile trigger and attach status flows to that trigger. The

tab is organized into two sections:

• Trigger functionality used to list the trigger(s) in the status profile.

• If multiple triggers are listed, one must be flagged as the default.

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• All triggers must be flagged for user entry.

• Status Flows for Trigger used to list the status flow(s) attached to a trigger. Each

trigger must be assigned a status flow.

NOTE: You may need to deactivate multiple flows if the trigger can be called from

multiple steps, such as approve and reject.


The following buttons appear above the grid:

Button Action

Delete (Change mode only)

Delete selected step.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to

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view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of the

column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV


The following fields appear in the grid:

Field Description

Trigger Trigger number.

Click on the link to view and maintain the list of status flows for that


Description Description of the trigger.

Default Check the checkbox only for the first trigger to be used (default


User Entry Checkbox must be checked for all the triggers.

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Status flow for Trigger:

The following buttons appear above the grid:

Button Action


Transfer to Status Flow Workbench to display the status flow.

Change (Change mode only)

Transfer to Status Flow Workbench to maintain the status flow.

Create (Change mode only)

Transfer to Status Flow Workbench to create a status flow for the


Delete (Change mode only)

Delete selected status flow.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click

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to view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of

the column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected

document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV


The following fields appear in the grid:

Field Description

Status Flow List the status flows affected by the trigger.

If the trigger starts the initial flow, only list that flow. If the

trigger stops one flow and starts another, list both flows:

activate the new flow and deactivate the previous flog.

To select a status flow, either:

• Select it from the list of existing status flows

• Create a new status flow. A status flow may be created

from this tab (click on the Create button) or directly

at the Status Flow Workbench level.

Activate/Deactivate Assign a code to each status flow. Options:

• Activate

• Deactivate

Multiple status flows can be assigned to each trigger, and the

defined flows can be set to activate or deactivate, as required.

Status flows not used in the specified trigger need to be

deactivated to prevent any interference between the active

status flow and the inactive status flows.

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Activity Completion


If configured, you may select an activity completion reason

code from the dropdown list to explain why the flow was


Statuses Tab

The Statuses tab is organized into two panes:

• Left pane, which lists the user statuses created in SAP IMG that are attached to the

Vistex status profile

• Right pane, which lists the business transactions assigned to that user status. This

pane appears when you click on a status.

The following buttons appear above the grid:

Button Action


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

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If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to

view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of the

column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Change Layout

Filter, sort, and change column design.

The following fields appear in the tab:

Field Description

Status Number Number used to indicate the sequence of the user statuses

in the Vistex status profile. The status number is blank in

the SAP status profile.

Status Name SAP user status name.

Click on the link to view a list of business transactions that

are assigned the user status. For each listed business

transaction, a series of radio buttons indicates whether the

transaction is allowed, displays a warning, or is not allowed.

User Status User status sequence number.

Status Short text of the SAP user status.

Initial status The letter X appears if the status is the initial status;

otherwise the field is blank.

Authorization key User statuses may be assigned an authorization key. If

assigned, the system will check the user's authorization

when a user status is set or deleted.

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Admin Tab

The Admin Data tab uses standard SAP functionality. The tab displays information regarding

who created and changed the information for this transaction and when the creation and

most recent changes occurred.

The Most Recent Notes section of the tab displays comments from the Notes tab.

The following fields appear in the Creation section of the tab:

Field Description

Created By User ID of the author of the original record.

Created on Date the record was created.

Time Time the document was created.

The following fields appear in the Most Recent Change section of the tab:

Field Description

Changed By User who last changed the document.

Changed on Date the document was changed.

Time of Change Time the document was changed.


Displaying a Status Profile

Creating a Status Profile

Maintaining a Status Profile

Deleting a Status Profile

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Displaying a Status Profile

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSPM.

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. Click on a

status profile name to display that status profile in focus in the Work Area.

Creating a Status Profile

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSPM.

2. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

3. Click on the Create button.

4. In the Status Profile field, select an SAP status profile from the dropdown list. The

system populates the Object Category, based on the status profile you selected.

5. Access the flow tab. On the tab, list each trigger. Flag each as a User Entry, and flag

one as the Default (first) trigger.

6. For each trigger, at the bottom of the Flow tab assign a status flow to the trigger.

NOTE: To create a status flow for a trigger, select the trigger and click on the Create

button. The system transfers to the Status flow workbench.

7. Save the status profile.

Maintaining a Status Profile

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSPM.

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. Click on a

status profile name to display that status profile in focus in the Work Area.

3. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

4. Enter the changes, as needed, and save the changes.

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5. To view/change the corresponding SAP status profile, click on the Status

Profile button.

NOTE: All changes take effect on new objects; already created objects will not be changed.

Deleting a Status Profile

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSPM.

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. Click on a

status profile name to display that status profile in focus in the Work Area.

3. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

4. Click on the Delete button.

Alternately, from the menu bar, select Status Profile → Delete.

5. In the Confirm Action dialog window select Yes to confirm the delete.

NOTE: If no profile exists, standard SAP flow will be used on all new objects. Existing objects

will not be changed.

Status Flow Workbench


Use the Status Flow Workbench to create and maintain the list of the steps (and their possible

outcomes) in a status flow. Outcomes define the next steps and activities triggered when the

step is reached. Status flows are assigned to triggers in a status profile that is assigned to an

object type, such as an agreement type or Crop type or Terrain.


Transaction code: /AGRI/GSFM.

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Enter this transaction directly or from the Status Profile Workbench.


The Status Profile Workbench screen is organized into the following areas:

• Search and Worklist

Use the Search and Worklist to view selected profiles in a grid format. From the grid,

click on a status profile number to display that profile in focus in the Work Area.

• Work Area

Use the Work Area to maintain one status profile. In the standard Vistex

implementation, the Work Area contains the following tabs:

• Steps

• Statuses

• Admin Data

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the status profile displayed in

focus in the Work Area and do not apply to the data in the Search and Worklist.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document. Search and Worklist

When you enter the transaction, the Search and Worklist appears in the left side of the screen,

with the Search tab active.

The Search and Worklist initially appears collapsed but can be resized horizontally. As needed,

use the following buttons (located above the Search and Worklist) to adjust the Search and


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Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Hide Worklist

Toggle between displaying and hiding

the Search and Worklist.

F6 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Display ↔ Hide


Minimize Worklist

Partial screen view of Search and


Shift+F6 or

Menu bar: Environment → Minimize


Maximize Worklist

Full screen view of Search and


Shift+F7 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Maximize Worklist

The Search and Worklist contains the following tabs:

• Search

• Worklist

Click on a tab to activate it (the active tab name will be shown as white text in a dark

background). In the tab name, the number in parentheses indicates the number of displayed


Search Tab:

Use the Search tab to locate and list status profiles. Search results appear in a grid that can

be sorted and searched.

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The following buttons appear in the Search tab:

Button Action


Click to view the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria,

and then click on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the


Search More

After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results

from the previous search, perform a new search, and append the

new results to the list already displayed.

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites

group (on the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you

enter the transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click

on the Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites

group on the Worklist tab.

Add to Worklist

Copy selected records from the search results to the Worklist tab

to access those records each time you enter the transaction,

without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click

on the Add to Worklist button. Select an existing group from the

Move to Group dropdown list, or create a new group to which the

items will be copied.

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Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click

to view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of

the column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected

document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV

grid in the Search and Worklist.

Worklist Tab

Use the Worklist tab to list the status profiles currently assigned to your worklist. Worklist

entries appear in a grid format that can be sorted and searched.

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The following buttons appear in the Worklist tab:

Button Action

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites

group (on the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you

enter the transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click

on the Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites

group on the Worklist tab.

Move to Group

Create a group for selected status flows, move selected status

flows to an existing group or Favorites, or rename groups.


Delete selected status flows from Favorites or

other Worklist group.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

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Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to

view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of the

column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected

document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV

grid in the Search and Worklist.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters. Work Area

The following buttons above the Work Area apply to the Status flow displayed in focus:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Change Shift+F12 or

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Toggle between Display mode and

Change mode.

Menu bar: Status

Profile → Display ↔ Change


Create a new status profile.

F5 or

Menu bar: Status Profile → Create

Delete (Change mode only)

Delete the status profile displayed in

the Work Area.

Shift+F2 or

Menu bar: Status Profile → Delete

Status Profile (Change mode only)

Transfer to configuration to view or

maintain SAP status profile.



Create a transport request.

Creating/maintaining a Vistex status

profile is not an IMG activity. You can

transport the status profile if needed,

but creating a transport is not




Create a business script/formula.


Delete Script (Change mode only -

when a script exists)

Delete the existing script for the

status profile displayed in the Work



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The Work Area contains the following sections:

• Status Flow Header

• Status Flow Tabs

Status Flow Header:

The following fields appear in the header:

Field Description

Status Profile Name and alphanumeric identifier of the SAP status profile,

selected from a dropdown list.

Object Category Displays the identifier for the object category linked to the profile

in the Status Profile field. The name of the first object type in the

category appears next to the field.

Click on the icon to view the list of object types assigned to the

object category.

Status Flow Tabs:

The following tabs appear in the standard implementation:

• Steps

• Preview, which displays a graphical representation of the flow (if Step Style is

selected for each step).

• Statuses

• Script, which indicates whether or not a Step and/or Outcome business script exists.

Step scripts are used to skip approval steps; Outcome scripts are used to select an

outcome. Click on the Create icon to create a script, Maintain icon to change

the existing script, and Delete icon to delete the existing script.

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• Admin Data


Use the Steps tab to list each status flow step and its outcomes. The tab is organized into

two sections:

• Flow Steps

• Outcomes for Step

Flow Steps

The following buttons appear above the grid:

Button Action

Delete (Change mode only)

Delete the selected step.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

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Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click

to view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of

the column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected

document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV


The following fields appear in the grid:

Field Description

Step Identifier assigned to the step.

Click on the step ID to view the Outcomes information for that step.

Description Description of the step.

Long Text Click on the icon to enter text in multiple languages. The system

language is used as the initial language.

Level Assign a numeric level to each step. The level numbers are unique for

each step, except for when parallel steps are used.

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Example: Two managers must approve an agreement before it can be

sent to the director. The level number for the two manager steps

must be the same.

Description Description of the level.

In UI (Fiori) applications, the level descriptions are displayed at the

top of the screen, with steps listed as pages.

If multiple steps are assigned the same level, then the Description

field will be enabled for only the first step; the Description field will be

disabled for the remaining steps assigned that same level.

Start Check the checkbox of the first step in the flow. One of the steps in

the flow must be checked.

End (Optional) If a formal final step is needed, check the checkbox of the

final step in the flow.

If no step is flagged as the end step, the system assumes that the

last step is the final if it has no assigned outcomes.

Status Selected status from the dropdown list of user statuses that are

available for the status profile attached to the status flow. The field

value is a combination of the SAP status identifier and short text.

Available statuses are listed on the Statuses tab.

Activities Click on the icon to enter information in the User Statuses dialog

window. Information in the window links the flow step to the activity

and activity template.

Activities can be assigned at either the Flow Step level (upper grid) or

at the Outcome level (lower grid).

Step Style To view a graphical representation of the flow on the Preview tab,

assign a style from the dropdown list.

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Outcomes for Steps:

The following buttons appear above the grid:

Button Action


Transfer to Status Flow Workbench to display the status flow.

Change (Change mode only)

Transfer to Status Flow Workbench to maintain the status flow.

Create (Change mode only)

Transfer to Status Flow Workbench to create a status flow for the


Delete (Change mode only)

Delete the selected status flow.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell

that contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and

delete column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

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Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected

column, you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click

to view a dialog window. In that window, check the checkbox of

the column used to calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected

document type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV


The following fields appear in the grid:

Field Description

Outcome Name of the outcome.

Outcomes must be defined for each status flow step. Outcomes

define the next steps and activities triggered when the

particular step is reached.

Description Description of the outcome.

Long Text Click on the icon to create text in multiple languages. The

system language is used as the initial language.

User Entry Check the checkbox for each outcome.

Step Enter the next step in the flow.

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Next Steps If assigning multiple parallel next steps to this outcome, click

on the icon to display the More Flow Steps pop-up used to

enter the multiple next steps.

• The multiple steps must be assigned the same level

(Level field in the upper grid).

• All parallel steps must be approved before the system

advances to the next sequential step.

Status Click on the icon to view/maintain the user status information for

the outcome, including activity assignment and setting the SAP


Activities can be assigned at either the Flow Step level (upper

grid) or at the Outcome level (lower grid).

Auto Check to enable the Set Auto Outcome function.

To use Set Auto Outcome:

• Check the Auto checkbox. Only one outcome in a step can

be set as automatic.

• Enter the amount of time (Time Unit and Time Interval),

after which the item is flagged to have the system set the


• Run the Activity Mass Process report, with the Set Auto

Outcome option selected, to automatically set all the

outcomes that were flagged. Alternately, run mass

processing for Set Auto Outcome in the Activities


Time Unit Appears only when Set Auto Outcome is enabled.

Select a time unit. Options:

• Days

• Hours

• Minutes

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Time Interval Appears only when Set Auto Outcome is enabled.

Enter the number of days/hours/minutes after which the

outcome will be flagged for the system to set that outcome


Statuses Tab

The Statuses tab is organized into two panes:

• Left pane, which lists the user statuses created in SAP IMG that are attached to the

Vistex status profile

• Right pane, which lists the business transactions assigned to that user status. This

pane appears when you click on a status.

The following buttons appear above the grid:

Button Action


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

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Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Change Layout

Filter, sort, and change column design.

The following fields appear in the tab:

Field Description

Status Number Number used to indicate the sequence of the user statuses in

the Vistex status profile. The status number is blank in the

SAP status profile.

Status Name SAP user status name.

Click on the link to view a list of business transactions that

are assigned the user status. For each listed business

transaction, a series of radio buttons indicates whether the

transaction is allowed, displays a warning, or is not allowed.

User Status User status sequence number.

Status Short text of the SAP user status.

Initial status The letter X appears if the status is the initial status;

otherwise the field is blank.

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Authorization key User statuses may be assigned an authorization key. If

assigned, the system will check the user's authorization when

a user status is set or deleted.

Admin Tab

The Admin Data tab uses standard SAP functionality. The tab displays information regarding

who created and changed the information for this transaction and when the creation and most

recent changes occurred.

The Most Recent Notes section of the tab displays comments from the Notes tab.

The following fields appear in the Creation section of the tab:

Field Description

Created By User ID of the author of the original record.

Created on Date the record was created.

Time Time the document was created.

The following fields appear in the Most Recent Change section of the tab:

Field Description

Changed By User who last changed the document.

Changed on Date the document was changed.

Time of Change Time the document was changed.

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Displaying a Status Flow

Creating a Status Flow

Copying a Status Flow

Maintaining a Status Flow

Deleting a Status Flow

Displaying a Status Flow

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSFM.

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. Click on a

status profile name to display that status profile in focus in the Work Area.

Creating a Status Flow

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSFM.

2. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

3. Click on the Create button.

4. Enter an alphanumeric identifier in the Status Flow field. Enter a value in the

Description field. In the Status Profile field, select a profile from the dropdown list.

5. Display the Steps tab.

6. For the first step, enter a step number, description, level, and status. Set the Default

flag. Press ENTER.

7. Click on the icon in the Long Text field to create text in multiple languages. The

system language is used as the initial language.

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8. Click on the icon in the Activities field to display the User Statuses dialog window,

which is used to link each activity and activity template to the flow step, as well as to

list processors for the flow step.

Information in the window tells the system to, for this step, use the specified activity

template to create an activity of the selected type and medium, and send it to the

listed processors.

9. Enter a Step Style if you will be creating a graphical representation of the flow.

10. Click on the link in the Flow Step field to enter outcomes for that step. For each

outcome, click on the icon in the Status field to assign activities as needed, and to set

the Activate/Deactivate status.

11. Enter the remaining steps, as needed, and their outcomes.

12. Save the status flow.

Copying a Status Flow

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSFM.

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. Click on a

status flow number to display that status flow in focus in the Work Area.

3. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

4. Click on the Copy button.

5. In the Copy Status Flow pop-up enter the name and description. In the Status Profile

field, select the corresponding status profile.

You may select a different status profile than the one assigned to the copy from

status flow. Only steps and outcomes will be copied, not the activities.

6. Click on to create the status flow.

7. Enter changes, as needed.

8. Save the new status flow.

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Maintaining a Status Flow

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSFM.

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. Click on a

status flow identifier to display that status flow in focus in the Work Area.

3. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

4. Enter the changes, as needed, and save the changes.

5. To view/change the corresponding SAP status profile, click on the Status

Profile button.

Deleting a Status Flow

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/GSFM.

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. Click on a

status flow number to display that status flow in focus in the Work Area.

3. Click on the Display ↔ Change button to activate Change mode.

4. Click on the Delete button.

Alternately, from the menu bar, select Status Flow → Delete.

5. In the Confirm Action dialog window select Yes to confirm the delete.

NOTE: If the status flow had not been transported, a message will appear asking if you want

to transport before the status flow is deleted.

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4 Farm Management

A core component of the Vistex enterprise-class Agribusiness Suite, the Farm Management

module is a comprehensive and integrated business solution designed specifically for agro-

industrial companies, and to support the full life cycle of farm management operations. From

planning and planting, to growing and harvesting, Farm Management combines the day-to-

day needs of field managers, supervisors and workers with the analytical requirements of

senior management.

▪ POWERFUL integrated solution to centralize ALL Farm Management processes

FARM Management Is for the growers to operate the farm

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Farming Process


The Farming Process Work Bench is used to create and release agricultural process orders at

terrain level by crop and variant. This setup gives the user a full view of all the planned tasks

required to complete an agricultural process for each of the terrains. Simultaneously task

orders can be created, confirmed and technically complete. Additional to this flexibility the

user may create unplanned orders within the process when required due to unexpected events

might take place in a normal agricultural production process.

Master data that allows the processes to take place are materials, terrains, crop master, crop

cycle, crop season and variants.




The Farming Process Workbench screen is organized into the following areas:

• Search and Worklist

Use the Search and Worklist to view selected process order in a grid format. From the

grid, click on farming process order to display that process order in focus in the Work


• Work Area

Use the Work Area to maintain Farming process order. In the standard Vistex

Implementation, the Work Area contains the following tabs: Search and Worklist

When you enter the transaction, the Search and Worklist appears in the left side of the

screen, with the Search tab active.

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The Search and Worklist initially appears collapsed but can be resized horizontally. As needed,

use the following buttons (located above the Search and Worklist) to adjust the Search and


Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Hide Worklist

Toggle between displaying and hiding the

Search and Worklist.

F7 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Display ↔Hide


Minimize Worklist

Partial screen view of Search and


F8 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Minimize Worklist

Maximize Worklist

Full screen view of Search and Worklist.

F9 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Maximize


Worklist ↔ Calendar

Toggle between displaying the Search

and Worklist and the Calendar view.


The Search and Worklist contains the following tabs:

• Search

• Worklist

Click on a tab to activate it (the active tab name will be shown as white text in a dark

background). In the tab name, the number in parentheses indicates the number of displayed


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Search Tab

Use the Search tab to locate and list of process orders. Search results appear in a grid that

can be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Search tab:

Button Action


View the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria, and then click

on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the transaction.

Search More

After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results from

the previous search, perform a new search, and append the new results

to the list already displayed.

Technically complete (Change mode only; post search)

Select the process order to change, then click on the button to display a

selection menu. Options:

• Next Process Steps

• Release to next process

• Technically complete

• Revoke Technical completion

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group (on

the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

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From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Add to Worklist

Copy selected records from the search results to the Worklist tab to access

those records each time you enter the transaction, without performing a


From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Worklist button. Select an existing group from the Move to Group

dropdown list or create a new group to which the items will be copied.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric



Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

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Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist.

Worklist Tab

Use the Worklist tab to list the agreements currently assigned to your worklist. Worklist entries

appear in a grid format that can be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Worklist tab:

Button Action

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group

(on the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

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From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Move to Group

Create a group for selected, move selected to an existing group

or Favorites, or rename groups.


Delete selected process order from Favorites or another Worklist group.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric



Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

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Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid in

the Search and Worklist. Work Area

The following buttons above the Work Area apply to the Process Order displayed in focus:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Change

Toggle between Display mode and

Change mode.

F6 or

Menu bar: Farm

Process → Display ↔Change

Create (Change mode only)

Create a new Order.

NOTE: This button appears only when

no existing process order is currently

displayed in the Work Area.

F5 or

Menu bar: Farm Process → Create

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Next Process Step (Change mode



Process Cycle Shift+F9

The Work Area is organized into the following sections:

• Basic Data

• Header

• Items

Basic Data

The Basic Data area displays basic information about a Process Order.

All header fields will appear when you display each tab, unless you click on the Compress


The following fields are available with the standard Vistex implementation.

Basic Data displays the following fields:

Field Description

Order type Key to differentiate type of Order. Here its process order

Process Order Defines the process order number generated for a crop


Process with Description Define the process step for which the process order has been


Target Quantity Area for which the Process order has been defined

Status Status of the process order

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Header shows the detailed information. The following tabs are available in the standard

Vistex implementation.

• Details

• Confirmation

• Admin Data

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the Process Order Workbench

displayed in focus in the Work Area and do not apply to the data in the Search and Worklist.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document.


This Tab contains the Application Parameters. The Tab displays the following fields:


Field Description

Terrain Terrain is a geographical place. Represent the largest piece

of land where the plantation is taking place. A terrain can be

divided into several portions according to the agroindustry

hierarchical views. In ABS are used to represent the field


Crop Crop Masters is a Produce type template with specific

information that allow define new cultural treatments for

every specie that will be planted in the field; each template

should represent a crop master which will be used in the

subsequent elements of field management.

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Crop Process A Crop Process Represents a major agricultural process

(Planting, Growing, Harvesting) as Agricultural Stage to be

planned and scheduled during a period. A process

corresponds to each one of the main elements of a crop

cycle. Each process is created as a material and is associated

to a Crop master to create a variant.

Each material should have a Bill of Material and a Routing,

in order to schedule the agricultural activities to be

performed on the fields.

Variant The variant allows to have different versions that contains the crop

processes to performance for a determined crop.

Season Start Date The Season Start Date indicates the starting time to perform the

Agricultural processes and tasks for a determined crop.

Season End Date The Season End Date indicates the finish time to perform the

Agricultural processes and tasks for a determined crop.

Delivered Qty Refers to the progress of the task

Consumed Qty Refers to consumed quantity of supplies in task orders.

Basic Start date Start date of the process

Basic Finish date Finish date of the process

Planning Plant Logical plant of the land

Preceding order Prior order of the process

WBS element Unique key of a crop seasons

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Confirmations Tab

Shows the below details of Tasks performed.

• Goods Receipt (Showing progress of tasks)

• Confirmation details of task orders

• Consumption details of task orders

Admin Data Tab

The Admin Data tab uses standard SAP functionality. The tab displays information regarding

who created and changed the information for this transaction and when the creation and most

recent changes occurred.

The Most Recent Notes section of the tab displays comments from the Notes tab.

The following fields appear in the Creation section of the tab:

Field Description

Created By User ID of the author of the original record.

Created on Date the record was created.

Time Time the document was created.

The following fields appear in the Most Recent Change section of the tab:

Field Description

Changed By User who last changed the document.

Changed on Date the document was changed.

Time of Change Time the document was changed.

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Displaying a process order

Creating a process order

Creating next process step

Release to next process

Technically complete process orders

Revoke Technical Completion

Schedule a planned task order

Create a planned task order

Create unplanned task order

Confirm a task order

Mass confirmation of task orders

Technically complete task orders

Revoke Technical completion of task orders

Displaying Crop Process Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search and Worklist, perform a search or display your worklist. In the grid,

select the crop process order to be displayed.

3. Sort, filter, print, or export selected condition records, as needed.

Create Crop Process Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the tool bar in Change mode press Create (F5) button to display the Create

orders window. Alternately, from the menu bar select Farm Process → Create

3. In the Create orders dialogue select the terrains for which an order will be created.

Select the Crop that determines the processes available. Input the valid on date to

filter out unavailable terrains and press Enter.

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4. Select the variant from the dropdown menu. Select the Crop process from the drop

down menu

5. Click on to display the terrains for which the orders will be created. Modify data if

required in the following fields: Bas. Start date, Target qty, Personnel number

6. Select a row item on the left and click . The system creates the order number and

returns to the Worklist Search screen.

Create Next Process Steps

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar in Change mode, select the order line and press and click on Next

Process Step option. System validates if the order is released and user must then press

to create the next crop process order. If order is not release, please refer to the

Release to Next Process Steps procedure

Release to Next Process Step

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar in Change mode, select the order line and press and click on

Release to Next Process Step option. System validates if the order must be released.

Press Yes. System generates log with order number that was released.

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TECO Process Order

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar in Change mode, select the order line and press and click on

Technically Complete option. System validates if the order must be technically

complete. Press Yes. System generates log with order number that was technically


Revoke TECO Process Order

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar in Change mode, select the order line and press and click on

Revoke Technical Completion option. System validates if revoke technically complete

is required. Press Yes. System generates log with order number with technically

revoked completion.

Schedule Planned Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar select Change mode

4. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line item with the required task to be

scheduled. Input version if required and available. Modify Task quantity and Action

date based on requirements

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5. Select the order line and press and click on Schedule option. The system

validates if scheduling is required. Press Yes. System inputs the scheduled date and

activates the Scheduled flag.

Create Planned Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar select Change mode

4. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line item with the required task to be

created. Input version if required and available. Modify Task quantity and Action date

based on requirements. Input equipment if required.

5. Select the order line and press and click on Create Task Order option. The system

validates if task order creation is required. Press Yes. System displays pop up window

with the task order number and the crop process number. It also input the task order

number in the task order field.

Create Unplanned Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar select Change mode

4. In the Work Area (Line Item details) press to add an additional line item to the

crop process order

5. In operation short text input a description of the task that will be selected

6. In task select a task material that is not planned to take place

7. In ver. Field select a version if available and required

8. In the Task qty field input the required quantity and in unit input the unit of measure

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9. In the action date input the date the order is required, and press enter. The system

activates the Unplanned flag.

10. Select the newly added line item and press and click on Create Task Order

option. The system validates if task order creation is required. Press Yes. System

displays pop up window with the task order number and the crop process number. It

also input the task order number in the task order field.

Confirm Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar select Change mode

4. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line item that has a task order number

in the task order field press and click on Order confirmations option. The system

displays a window with three sections: Operations, Materials and work centers

5. In the Operations section the user inputs Conf. Qty, posting date, Personnel number if

required, Unl. point if required, number of employees that did that task, Execution start

date and time, Finish date and time

6. In the materials section the user clicks on to add materials that might have been

consumed during the execution of that task. The user must input the material code,

the confirmed quantity and unit of measure, plant code, storage location, movement

type (261 when consuming supplies) and batch number if required.

7. In the work center section, the user must input quantity of time it used a resource for

that task.

8. Select the line items to be confirmed in each section.

9. In the tool bar section press

10. System displays log stating how many operations were successfully confirmed

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Mass Confirmation of Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar select Change mode

4. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line items that have task order numbers

in the task order field press and click on Mass Confirmations option. The system

validates if standard values will be confirmed. Press yes. The system generates log

with the confirmations done for all the operations in each of the selected task orders.

If No is pressed nothing happens.

TECO (Technical Complete) Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar select Change mode

4. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line items that have task order numbers

in the task order field press and click on Technically Complete option. The

system validates if the order must be technically complete. Press yes. The system

generates log stating that the order is saved with the new status.

Revoke TECO (Technical Complete) Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFPM

2. In the Search options select the required crop process order.

3. In the tool bar select Change mode

4. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line items that have task order numbers

in the task order field press and click on Revoke Technical Completion option.

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The system validates if the technical complete must be revoked. Press yes. The system

generates log stating that the order is saved with the new status.

Schedule Task Orders


The Schedule Task Orders transaction allows the user to determine when the task orders

proposed by a Crop Process Order should be executed.

This transaction requires that a process order is created for a terrain.


Transaction code: /AGRI/FMST23


The Schedule Task Orders screen is organized into the following areas:

• Selection

Use this screen to input information to schedule tasks proposed by the crop process

orders previously created.

As needed, use the following buttons (located above the Selection Area) to execute the

transaction or have effects on in the input information in the Selection Area:

Button Action Alternate Access

Schedules selected tasks and activates a flag in

the scheduled field


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Un-schedules selected tasks and deactivates the

flag in the scheduled field


Displays selected line item information in pop-up


Sorts selected column in ascending order

Sorts selected column in descending order

Find a term within the displayed table

Find next term within the displayed table

Set filter

Totals a selected column which has numeric


Subtotals a totaled column by selecting a

different column

Export displayed information

Change layout

Mass selection of tasks to be scheduled

Single selection of a task to be scheduled

All Selection Area fields will appear when transaction is executed from the main menu.

Field Description

Terrain Displays the terrain in which the task is available for


Crop Displays the crop assigned to the terrain

Order Displays the process order number available for that terrain

under which task will be scheduled

Item No. Displays the item number within the process order

OpAc Displays the Operation / Activity within the process order

Operation short text Displays a description of the operation

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Task Displays the task available for scheduling

Material Description Displays description of the task

Target order quantity Displays quantity

Task qty. Displays quantity of the task that will be scheduled

UoM Displays Unit of measure

Schedule Date Displays date in which the task is scheduled in the system

Scheduled Displays flag when the task is scheduled

The user must click either or to select the tasks to be scheduled.

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the process order displayed in

focus in the Selection Area.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document.


Schedule selected tasks

Schedule selected tasks

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMST23

2. In the Selection Area input any of the following fields as search criteria:

2.1. Order type (For example: Planting ZP00 / Growing ZG00)

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1. Process order number

2. Terrains (individual, range of terrain or a selection of terrains by clicking on

3. Select Crop

4. Enter a variant

5. Crop process

6. Process

7. Task

8. Planning plant

9. Basic start date

10. Basic finish date

3. Press Execute

4. Select the tasks to be scheduled within the process for each terrain that is required by

clicking on

5. Press Shift+F2

6. Confirm action? Yes

7. System confirms task is scheduled

8. Flag is activated for the selected tasks

Schedule and Task Orders


The Schedule and create Task Orders transaction allows the user to determine when the task

orders proposed by a Crop Process Order should be executed and option to create the task


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This transaction requires that a process order is created for a terrain.


Transaction code: /AGRI/FMSC23


The Schedule and Create Task Orders screen is organized into the following areas:

• Selection

Use this screen to input information to schedule tasks proposed by the crop process

orders previously created.

As needed, use the following buttons (located above the Selection Area) to execute the

transaction or have effects on in the input information in the Selection Area:

Button Action Alternate Access

Schedules selected tasks and activates a flag in

the scheduled field


Un-schedules selected tasks and deactivates the

flag in the scheduled field


Enables to create task orders for the selection F5

Displays selected line item information in pop-up


Sorts selected column in ascending order

Sorts selected column in descending order

Find a term within the displayed table

Find next term within the displayed table

Set filter

Totals a selected column which has numeric


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Subtotals a totaled column by selecting a

different column

Export displayed information

Change layout

Mass selection of tasks to be scheduled

Single selection of a task to be scheduled

All Selection Area fields will appear when transaction is executed from the main menu.

Field Description

Terrain Displays the terrain in which the task is available for


Crop Displays the crop assigned to the terrain

Order Displays the process order number available for that terrain

under which task will be scheduled

Item No. Displays the item number within the process order

OpAc Displays the Operation / Activity within the process order

Operation short text Displays a description of the operation

Task Displays the task available for scheduling

Material Description Displays description of the task

Target order quantity Displays quantity

Task qty. Displays quantity of the task that will be scheduled

UoM Displays Unit of measure

Schedule Date Displays date in which the task is scheduled in the system

Scheduled Displays flag when the task is scheduled

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• The user must click either or to select the tasks to be scheduled.

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the process order displayed in

focus in the Selection Area.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document.


Schedule and Create selected tasks

Schedule and Create selected tasks

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMSC23

2. In the Selection Area input any of the following fields as search criteria:

1. Order type (For example: Planting ZP00 / Growing ZG00)

2. Process order number

3. Terrains (individual, range of terrain or a selection of terrains by clicking on

4. Select Crop

5. Enter a variant

6. Crop process

7. Process

8. Task

9. Planning plant

10. Basic start date

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11. Basic finish date

12. Press Execute

13. Select the tasks to be scheduled within the process for each terrain that is required by

clicking on

14. Press Shift+F2

15. Confirm action? Yes

16. System confirms task is scheduled

17. Flag is activated for the selected tasks

18. Once its scheduled, select the line items scheduled and click on at the


19. Task orders will be created

Create Mass Unplanned Task Orders


Mass Unplanned Task Orders transaction allows the user to create the unplanned task orders

for multiple terrains.

This transaction requires that a process order is created for a terrain.


Transaction code: /AGRI/FMUT23


The Unplanned Task Orders screen is organized into the following areas:

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• Selection

Use this screen to input information to get the create screen for task orders

Field Description

Plant Logical plant to which the crop seasons belongs to

Crop Displays the crop assigned to the terrain

Task Displays the task for the Unplanned order to be created

Basis of Order Quantity Qty for Task order creation : Absolute Area or Estimated


Terrain Terrain for which the unplanned task order to be created

Variant Process variant from Crop seasons

Crop Process Process for which the task has to eb created

Valid On Date at which the crop seasons is valid to. Default: System


Production Version Operations and BOM are combined to form a production

version. Defines which production version to be considered

for the task order creation

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document.


Create Unplanned Task Orders

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Create Unplanned Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMUT23

2. In the Selection Area input all the below fields:

2.1. Plant

2.2. Crop

2.3. Task

2.4. Basis of Order Qty

2.5. Terrains (individual, range of terrain or a selection of terrains by clicking on

2.6. Variant

2.7. Crop Process

2.8. Valid On

2.9. Production Version

3. Press Execute

4. Select the line items and click on to create the unplanned task


Mass Farming Process Order Creation


Mass Unplanned Task Orders transaction allows the user to create the unplanned task orders

for multiple terrains.


Transaction code: /AGRI/FMFP23

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When you enter the transaction, the Selection Area appears with fields that require information

to be input. This is the information the system will process to generate the orders.

As needed, use the following buttons (located above the Selection Area) to execute the

transaction or have effects on in the input information in the Selection Area:

Button Action Alternate Access


Creates process orders based on the

selection criteria


Get variant

Fill selection criteria previously saved

into the system


Other selection

Clear Selection Area input fields

(Variant and Crop process)


All Selection Area fields will appear when transaction is executed from the main menu.

Field Description

Planning Plant Identifies the maintenance planning plant to which terrains

are associated

Terrain Input the terrains for which process orders will be created.

It can be individual, range or a list of terrains

Crop Crop assigned to the selected terrains. It determines the

available variants and crop processes

Variant Is the available crop processes

Crop Process Dropdown menu that allows the selection of the process for

which an order is to be generated

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Release Prior Process Order


When this indicator is active it releases the previous

process for the system to generate the next process order

for the selected terrains

Basic Start date Input date for which the process order is expected to start

Personnel number Option to input who is responsible for those orders


Create Mass Farming Process Orders

Create Mass Farming Process Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFP23

2. In the Selection Area input the following fields:

2.1. Planning plant

2.2. Terrains (individual, range of terrain or a selection of terrains by clicking on

2.3. Select Crop. NOTE: The crop must be assigned previously to the terrain for

this process to work

2.4. Press Enter

2.5. Select available Variant

2.6. Select available Crop Process NOTE: system validates if there is a previous

process to generate or not a new process order

2.7. Determine if a previous process order must be released by activating the


2.8. Input Basic start date

2.9. Input personnel number

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3. Select to create the process orders associated to the selected terrains

Mass Order Confirmation


Mass Order Confirmation transaction allows the user to confirm multiple task orders.


Transaction code: /AGRI/FMFP25


Mass Order Confirmation screen is organized into the following areas:


When we enter the transaction, the Selection Area appears with fields that require information

to be input. This is the information the system will process to get the task orders to be


As needed, use the following buttons (located above the Selection Area) to execute the

transaction or have effects on in the input information in the Selection Area:

Button Action


Creates process orders based on the selection criteria

Get variant

Fill selection criteria previously saved into the system

Dynamic selection (allows further selection)

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All Selection Area fields will appear when transaction is executed from the main menu.

Field Description

Terrain Terrain for which the task orders are created

Crop Crop for which the task orders are created

Process Relevant process material

Process Material


Relevant process material description

Process Order Process Order number

Process Order Type Process Order type

Task Order Task Order to be confirmed

Planning Plant Plant

Target Qty Target quantity of Confirmation

Delivered Qty Confirmed qty

Confirmation Qty To be confirmed qty

Unit Area unit/task order unit

Posting Date Date of Posting for the task order confirmation

Consume Check box if Consumables are required to be consumed or



Mass Order Confirmation

Mass Order Confirmation

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFP25

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2. In the Selection Area input the required fields to get the task orders to be confirmed.

3. Select the required line items

4. Change the confirmation qty if partial confirmation has to be done

5. Change the posting date of required

6. Select the consume checkbox if consumables are required

7. Click on Confirm button to confirm the selected task orders

Mass Technically Complete/Revoke Task Orders


This transaction allows the user to technically complete multiple task orders and revoke task



Transaction code: /AGRI/FMFP27


Mass Order Confirmation screen is organized into the following areas:


When we enter the transaction, the Selection Area appears with fields that require information

to be input. This is the information the system will process to get the task orders to be

Technically completed or revoked

As needed, use the following buttons (located above the Selection Area) to execute the

transaction or have effects on in the input information in the Selection Area:

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Button Action


Creates process orders based on the selection criteria

Get variant

Fill selection criteria previously saved into the system

Dynamic selection (allows further selection)

Radio Button to select the function. Technically complete/Revoke


Mass Technical Completion of Task Orders

Mass Revoke of Task Orders

Mass Technical completion of Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFP27

2. Select the function

3. In the Selection Area input the required fields to get the task orders to be technically


4. Select the required line items and click on at the top

5. Click yes to proceed further

6. Orders will be technically completed

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Mass Revoke of technically completed Task Orders

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMFP27

2. Select the function

3. In the Selection Area input the required fields to get the task orders to be revoked

4. Select the required line items and click on at the top

5. Click yes to proceed further

6. Orders will be revoked

Nursery Process


The Farming Process Work Bench is used to create and release agricultural process orders at

terrain level by crop and variant. This setup gives the user a full view of all the planned tasks

required to complete an agricultural process for each of the terrains. Simultaneously task

orders can be created, confirmed and technically complete. Additional to this flexibility the

user may create unplanned orders within the process when required due to unexpected events

might take place in a normal agricultural production process.

Master data that allows the processes to take place are materials, terrains, crop master, crop

cycle, crop season and variants.




The Nursery Workbench screen is organized into the following areas:

• Search and Worklist

Use the Search and Worklist to view selected process order in a grid format. From the

grid, click on farming process order to display that process order in focus in the Work


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Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

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• Work Area

Use the Work Area to maintain Nursery process order. In the standard Vistex

Implementation, the Work Area contains the following tabs: Search and Worklist

When you enter the transaction, the Search and Worklist appears in the left side of the

screen, with the Search tab active.

The Search and Worklist initially appears collapsed but can be resized horizontally. As needed,

use the following buttons (located above the Search and Worklist) to adjust the Search and


Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Hide Worklist

Toggle between displaying and hiding the

Search and Worklist.

F7 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Display ↔Hide


Minimize Worklist

Partial screen view of Search and


F8 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Minimize Worklist

Maximize Worklist

Full screen view of Search and Worklist.

F9 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Maximize


Worklist ↔ Calendar

Toggle between displaying the Search

and Worklist and the Calendar view.


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The Search and Worklist contains the following tabs:

• Search

• Worklist

Click on a tab to activate it (the active tab name will be shown as white text in a dark

background). In the tab name, the number in parentheses indicates the number of displayed


Search Tab

Use the Search tab to locate and list of nursery orders. Search results appear in a grid that

can be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Search tab:

Button Action


View the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria, and then click

on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the transaction.

Search More

After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results from

the previous search, perform a new search, and append the new results

to the list already displayed.

Technically complete (Change mode only; post search)

Select the process order to change, then click on the button to display a

selection menu. Options:

• Next Process Steps

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• Release to next process

• Technically complete

• Revoke Technical completion

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group

(on the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Add to Worklist

Copy selected records from the search results to the Worklist tab to access

those records each time you enter the transaction, without performing a


From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Worklist button. Select an existing group from the Move to Group

dropdown list or create a new group to which the items will be copied.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric



Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

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Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist.

Worklist Tab

Use the Worklist tab to list the agreements currently assigned to your worklist. Worklist entries

appear in a grid format that can be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Worklist tab:

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Button Action

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group (on

the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Move to Group

Create a group for selected, move selected to an existing group

or Favorites, or rename groups.


Delete selected process order from Favorites or another Worklist group.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric



Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

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Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.


Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist. Work Area

The following buttons above the Work Area apply to the Process Order displayed in focus:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Change

Toggle between Display mode and

Change mode.

F6 or

Menu bar: Nursery

Process → Display ↔Change

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Create (Change mode only)

Create a new Order.

NOTE: This button appears only when

no existing process order is currently

displayed in the Work Area.

F5 or

Menu bar: Nursery

Process → Create

Next Process Step (Change mode



Process Cycle Shift+F9

The Work Area is organized into the following sections:

• Basic Data

• Header

• Items

Basic Data

The Basic Data area displays basic information about Nursery Process Order.

All header fields will appear when you display each tab, unless you click on the Compress


The following fields are available with the standard Vistex implementation.

Basic Data displays the following fields:

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SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Field Description

Order type Key to differentiate type of Order. Here its process order

Process Order Defines the process order number generated for a crop


Process with Description Define the process step for which the process order has been


Target Quantity Area for which the Process order has been defined

Status Status of the process order


Header shows the detailed information. The following tabs are available in the standard

Vistex implementation.

1. Details

2. Confirmation

3. Admin Data

NOTE: Functions accessed from the menu bar apply only to the Process Order Workbench

displayed in focus in the Work Area and do not apply to the data in the Search and Worklist.

IMPORTANT: Because Vistex software is extremely versatile, the user screen may be

customized. As a result, the screen may appear different from the standard screen described

in this document.


This Tab contains the Application Parameters. The Tab displays the following fields:


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Field Description

Terrain Terrain is a geographical place. Represent the largest piece

of land where the plantation is taking place. A terrain can be

divided into several portions according to the agroindustry

hierarchical views. In ABS are used to represent the field


Crop Crop Masters is a Produce type template with specific

information that allow define new cultural treatments for

every specie that will be planted in the field; each template

should represent a crop master which will be used in the

subsequent elements of field management.

Crop Process A Crop Process Represents a major agricultural process

(Planting, Growing, Harvesting) as Agricultural Stage to be

planned and scheduled during a period. A process

corresponds to each one of the main elements of a crop

cycle. Each process is created as a material and is associated

to a Crop master to create a variant.

Each material should have a Bill of Material and a Routing,

in order to schedule the agricultural activities to be

performed on the fields.

Variant The variant allows to have different versions that contains the crop

processes to performance for a determined crop.

Season Start Date The Season Start Date indicates the starting time to perform the

Agricultural processes and tasks for a determined crop.

Season End Date The Season End Date indicates the finish time to perform the Agricultural

processes and tasks for a determined crop.

Delivered Qty Refers to the progress of the task

Consumed Qty Refers to consumed quantity of supplies in task orders.

Basic Start date Start date of the process

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Basic Finish date Finish date of the process

Planning Plant Logical plant of the land

Preceding order Prior order of the process

WBS element Unique key of a crop seasons

Confirmations Tab

Shows the below details of Tasks performed.

• Goods Receipt (Showing progress of tasks)

• Confirmation details of task orders

• Consumption details of task orders

Admin Data Tab

The Admin Data tab uses standard SAP functionality. The tab displays information regarding

who created and changed the information for this transaction and when the creation and

most recent changes occurred.

The Most Recent Notes section of the tab displays comments from the Notes tab.

The following fields appear in the Creation section of the tab:

Field Description

Created By User ID of the author of the original record.

Created on Date the record was created.

Time Time the document was created.

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The following fields appear in the Most Recent Change section of the tab:

Field Description

Changed By User who last changed the document.

Changed on Date the document was changed.

Time of Change Time the document was changed.


Create Nursery Orders, Batch Creation and Confirmation

Create Task Orders and Confirmation

Create Nursery Orders, Batch creation and Confrimation

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMNSM

2. Click on the change button and Click on the create button

2.1. Enter the below details

2.2. Enter Terrain

2.3. Enter Crop and click on enter

2.4. Select the variant

2.5. Select the Crop process

3. Click on “Execute” button

4. Select line items or click on “Select All” to select all the line items and click on button

5. Click on create batch at the header and enter the Batch to be created in the pop up

6. Select the Batch created in the Batch tab and click on batch confirmation

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7. Select the required operations and click on confirm

8. Batch confirmation done

Create Task orders and Confirmation

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMNSM

2. Click on Task Orders tab

3. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line item with the required task to be

created. Input version if required and available. Modify Task quantity and Action date

based on requirements. Input equipment if required.

4. Select the order line and press and click on Create Task Order option. The system

validates if task order creation is required. Press Yes. System displays pop up window

with the task order number and the crop process number. It also input the task order

number in the task order field.

5. In the Work Area (Line Item details) select the line item that has a task order number

in the task order field press and click on Order confirmations option. The system

displays a window with three sections: Operations, Materials and work centers

6. In the Operations section the user inputs Conf. Qty, posting date, Personnel number if

required, Unl. point if required, number of employees that did that task, Execution start

date and time, Finish date and time

7. In the materials section the user clicks on to add materials that might have been

consumed during the execution of that task. The user must input the material code,

the confirmed quantity and unit of measure, plant code, storage location, movement

type (261 when consuming supplies) and batch number if required.

8. In the work center section, the user must input quantity of time it used a resource for

that task.

9. Select the line items to be confirmed in each section.

10. In the tool bar section press

11. System displays log stating how many operations were successfully confirmed

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Produce Receipt


The Produce Receipt Workbench is the fruit reception procedure on weighbridge at production

plant. This functionality covers two main scenarios for the received fruit, such as, when the

fruit belongs to third party grower or whether the company is its owner. There are multiple

functionalities, such as, to create, to change and display the save information during the fruit



Transaction code: /AGRI/FMPRM


The Produce Receipt Workbench screen is organized into the following areas:

• Search and Worklist

Use the Search and Worklist to view selected Produce Receipt in a grid format. From

the grid, click on farming process order to display that process order in focus in the

Work Area.

• Work Area

Use the Work Area to maintain Produce Receipt. In the standard Vistex

Implementation, the Work Area contains the following tabs: Search and Worklist

When you enter the transaction, the Search and Worklist appears in the left side of the screen,

with the Search tab active.

The Search and Worklist initially appears collapsed but can be resized horizontally. As needed,

use the following buttons (located above the Search and Worklist) to adjust the Search and


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Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Hide Worklist

Toggle between displaying and hiding the

Search and Worklist.

F7 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Display ↔Hide


Minimize Worklist

Partial screen view of Search and


F8 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Minimize Worklist

Maximize Worklist

Full screen view of Search and Worklist.

F9 or

Menu bar:

Environment → Maximize


Worklist ↔ Calendar

Toggle between displaying the Search

and Worklist and the Calendar view.


The Search and Worklist contains the following tabs:

• Search

• Worklist

Click on a tab to activate it (the active tab name will be shown as white text in a dark

background). In the tab name, the number in parentheses indicates the number of displayed


Search Tab

Use the Search tab to locate and list of process orders. Search results appear in a grid that

can be sorted and searched.

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The following buttons appear in the Search tab:

Button Action


Click to view the search criteria screen. Enter the search criteria, and then

click on the Execute button to perform the search.

NOTE: Search results are not retained when you leave the transaction.

Search More

After you perform a search, use Search More to retain the results from

the previous search, perform a new search, and append the new results

to the list already displayed.


In Change mode, used to either create a list or to make header and detail

changes to more than one guide number at a time. When in Change mode,

highlight the guide to be maintained in the Search tab. Click on the button

and select the Mass Changes option. Select the data to be changed, by tab.

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group (on

the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Add to Worklist

Copy selected records from the search results to the Worklist tab to access

those records each time you enter the transaction, without performing a


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SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Worklist button. Select an existing group from the Move to Group

dropdown list or create a new group to which the items will be copied.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric sequence.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.



Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist.

Worklist Tab

Use the Worklist tab to list the agreements currently assigned to your worklist. Worklist

entries appear in a grid format that can be sorted and searched.

The following buttons appear in the Worklist tab:

Button Action

Add to Favorites

Copy selected records from the search results to your Favorites group (on

the Worklist tab) to access those records each time you enter the

transaction, without performing a search.

From the search results, select one or more lines, and then click on the

Add to Favorites button to copy the lines to the Favorites group on the

Worklist tab.

Move to Group

Create a group for selected, move selected to an existing group

or Favorites, or rename groups.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.



Delete selected Produce Receipt number from Favorites or

another Worklist group.


View selected records in a vertical column format in a separate window.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending alphanumeric sequence.


Find a term within the grid values. The system highlights any cell that

contains the term.

Find Next

Find the next instance of a term searched for previously.

Set Filter

Select a column, and then click the Set Filter button to set and delete

column filters.

Total (restricted to relevant numeric columns)

Highlight at least one numeric column, and then select a type of

calculation (Total, Mean Value, Minimum, or Maximum) from the

dropdown list.

Subtotals (active only when the Total button is used)

If you used the Total button to calculate the total for a selected column,

you also may have the system calculate subtotals. Click to view a dialog

window. In that window, check the checkbox of the column used to

calculate subtotals.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.



Export the entire contents of the grid area to the selected document

type/file type.

Choose Layout

Choose, change, save, and manage column layouts within the ALV grid

in the Search and Worklist. Work Area

The following buttons above the Work Area apply to the Process Order displayed in focus:

Button Action Alternate Access

Display ↔ Change

Toggle between Display mode and

Change mode.

F6 or

Menu bar: Farm

Process → Display ↔Change

Create (Change mode only)

Create a new Order.

NOTE: This button appears only when

no existing process order is currently

displayed in the Work Area.

F5 or

Menu bar: Farm Process → Create

Next Process Step (Change mode



Process Cycle Shift+F9

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


The Work Area is organized into the following sections:

• Header screen

• Screen Tabs

o Header

o Quality

o Batch Management

o Additional Data

o Admin Data

o Items

Header Screen:

This screen is used to select the scenario in process, such as, whether the fruit comes from a

third party or the own fields. This selection including the plant defines the logistic process to

perform into the SAP system. The screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Produce Receipt Internal Guide number for the document class. It is

proposed automatically and displayed during the saving.

Produce Type Produce Type represents the crop specie.

Document Class Predefined Document with some configurations methods

and sub-routines validations, which will be used during the

fruit reception procedure.

Status The Status indicates if the defined logistic process were

performed successfully or not. The main status is Saved,

Closed, Error and Processing.

Plant Plant code where is going to be received the fruit.

Fiscal Year Period, 12 months as a rule, for which the company is to

create its inventory and balance sheet. The fiscal year can

be the same as the calendar year but does not have to be.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Weight Scale ID Represents the code that identify in the system the physical

weight scale.

Screen tabs:


This tab enables to select relevant information for the postings. The screen displays the

following fields:

Field Description

Company Code The company code is an organizational unit within financial


Document Date Date on which the fruit reception guide was created.

Time Date Time on which the fruit reception guide was created.

Posting Date Date on which the fruit received quantity was posted within

the inventory in the system.

Equipment N° Transport number for the freight.

License N° License number belonging to the transport number.

Equipment Type Identify in the system the transport type.

Gross Weight Gross weight value of fruit taken from the weighbridge scale.

The weight includes the transport equipment and the fruit.

Tare Weight Tare weight value taken from the weighbridge scale. The

weight includes only the transport equipment.

Net Weight Net weight value taken from the weighbridge scale.

Net Weight = Gross Weight – Tare Weight

Calculated Net Weight Calculated Net weight according with the total weights from

the items table.

Deviation Deviation in percentage. It is calculated based on the Net

weight and the Calculated Net Weight

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Quality Tab

The quality tab allows to add the inspection characteristic which will be inspected during the

fruit reception. This tab has a table with the next columns:

Field Description

Master Characteristics Inspection characteristic code. The data source to list comes

from the inspection plan for the material, the crop master

and agreements.

Short Text Description for the Master Characteristic

Characteristics Type The characteristic to be treated can be quantitative or


Version Version number of the Master Characteristic.

Result In this field you can confirm the result for inspection result.

There can be selected the values from a define catalog or

adding any value into the field.

Description The value description is taken from the associated catalog

to the column.

Internal Measure Unit Internal, language-independent, measurement unit format.

Batch Management Tab

This tab is used to add the batch number in cases when the fruit needs traceability for the

further process. The screen displays the following field:

Field Description

Batch Assigns the batch number to create in order to have the


Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Additional Data Tab

Configured fields will appear here

Admin Data Tab

The Admin Data tab uses standard SAP functionality. The tab displays information regarding

who created and changed the information for this transaction and when the creation and most

recent changes occurred.

The Most Recent Notes section of the tab displays comments from the Notes tab.

The following fields appear in the Creation section of the tab:

Field Description

Created By User ID of the author of the original record.

Created on Date the record was created.

Time Time the document was created.

The following fields appear in the Most Recent Change section of the tab:

Field Description

Changed By User who last changed the document.

Changed on Date the document was changed.

Time of Change Time the document was changed.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Items Tab

There, can be associated the main information about fruit source and some details. The

screen displays the following fields:

Field Description

Item Sequence numbers.

Terrain Terrain is a geographical place that represents the largest

piece of land where the plantation is taking place. A terrain

can be divided into several portions according to the

agroindustry hierarchical views. In ABS are used to

represent the field structure.

Crop Code for the crop

Material Is the fruit received at the plant which is identified in (or is

introduced into) the system as the received material to be


Vendor Specifies an alphanumeric key that uniquely identifies the

grower in the SAP system.

Agreement Agreement number. This compiles all the grower

information including the farm/production

zone/field/block, loans, advances, among others.

Direct Weight The weight can be specified per position. It is used to

handle the weight distribution whether the guide has

several terrains as fruit sources.

Unit of measure Unit of measure for the direct weight. Usually is used the

KG unit.

Number of units Quantity to receive per position. This field is used when the

direct weight is unknown.

Receiving Unit Type Received unit type the unit for the column “Number of

units”. This is used whether is going to be received the fruit

using different units, such as, BOXES.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Calculated Weight Conversion of the number of units in KG units.

Distribution % Percentage of weight for the total terrains into the items


Weigh bridge weight Calculated Net weight based on the distribution


Batch Assigns the batch number to create in order to have the


Ticket number Internal Guide number for the document class. It is

proposed automatically and displayed during the saving.

The following buttons are enables to use within the Work Area:

Button Action Alternate Access


Compress or extend the desired screen area.


Select all records from the items tab.


Delete the selected row from the items table.

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in ascending

alphanumeric sequence.

Sort in Descending Order

Sort the data in a selected column in descending

alphanumeric sequence.


Find a term within the items table. The system

highlights any cell that contains the term.

Find Next

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Find the next instance of a term searched for



Summarize the values for the selected column. This

option is enabling only for valuated columns.


There is possible to create subtotals in one or more

columns in the list that are not value columns. The

prerequisite is to have stablished a total value for a

least one column.


Export the entire contents of the items table to the

selected document type/file type.


Creating a New Produce Receipt

Maintaining the Produce Receipt

Displaying the Produce Receipt

Reverse the Produce Receipt

Delete the Produce Receipt

Creating a New Produce Receipt

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMPRM.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Create, to activate the creation mode.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


4. Click on the Produce type field to list the options.

5. Select the Produce type.

6. Click on the Plant field to activate it.

7. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

data element list.

8. Select the plant number from the list, where is going to be receivable fruit.

9. Click on the Document class field to list the options.

10. Select the Document class from the list.

11. Click on the Fiscal year field to activate it.

12. Fill in with the calendar year.

13. Click on the Weight Scale ID field to list the options.

14. Select the Weight Scale ID from the list.

15. Click on the header tab

16. Click on the Document date / time field to activate it.

17. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the


18. Select the date from the calendar.

19. Click on the Posting date field to activate it.

20. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the


21. Select the date from the calendar.

22. Click on the Equipment N° field to activate it.

23. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

equipment list.

24. Select the equipment from the list.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


25. Click on the button to save the guide number.

26. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

27. Click on the Gross Weight field to activate it.

28. Fill in with the Gross Weight value.

29. Click on the button to save the guide number.

30. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

31. Click on the Tare Weight field to activate it.

32. Fill in with the Tare Weight value.

33. Click on the button to save the guide number.

34. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

35. Click on the Items tab

36. Click on the Terrain field to activate it.

37. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

terrain list.

38. Select the terrain from the list.

39. Click on the Crop field to activate it.

40. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

crop list.

41. Select the crop from the list.

42. Click on the Direct Weight field to activate it.

43. Fill in with the Weighted value.

44. Click on the N° of units field to activate it.

45. Fill in with the number of units.

46. Click on the Receiving unit type field to activate it.

47. Select the receiving unit from the list.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


48. Click on the Quality tab

49. Click on the Result field per listed characteristic to activate it.

50. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

catalog data.

51. Click on the Batch Management tab

52. Click on the Batch field to activate it.

53. Fill in with the Batch number for the traceability. By default, the system proposes the

same guide number.

54. Click on the button to save the guide number.

55. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

56. Click on the button, from the main menu.

57. Click on the button from the drop down list.

Maintaining the Produce Receipt

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMPRM.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

4. Click on selected fields to activate ones, in order to make the searching.

5. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

data element list.

6. Fill in with desired values.

7. Click on the button to execute the searching.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


8. Click on the Ticket N° value from the search tab to display the guide information is the

Work area.

9. Only can be changed the information in the enable fields.

10. Once changed the values, click on the button to save the guide number.

11. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

Displaying the Produce Receipt

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMPRM.

2. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

3. Click on selected fields to activate ones, in order to make the searching.

4. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

data element list.

5. Fill in with desired values.

6. Click on the button to execute the searching.

7. Click on the Ticket N° value from the search tab to display the guide information is the

Work area.

8. There can be displayed any tab whenever the user wants.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


Reverse the Produce Receipt

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMPRM.

2. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

3. Click on Status field to activate it.

4. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

data element list.

5. Select the option C.

6. Click on the button to execute the searching.

7. Click on the Ticket type column from the search tab.

8. Must be filter the values S or N, using the filter option

9. Click on the Ticket N° value from the search tab to display the guide information is the

Work area.

10. Click on the reversal button, to create a new guide with the same information from

the selected guide.

11. Click on the button, to confirm the reversal.

12. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

13. At the bottom screen appears the created guide number as a message notification.

14. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

15. Click on Ticket Number to activate it.

16. Fill in with the new guide number.

17. Click on the button to execute the searching.

18. Click on the button to process the guide and reverse the last one.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


19. Click on the button to close the pop up confirmation message.

20. Click on the logs button to display the reversal status per each logistic process.

Delete the Produce Receipt

1. Access transaction code /AGRI/FMPRM.

2. Click on the button Display <--> Change, to enable the modification.

3. Click on the button Search, to open the searching options screen.

4. Click on Status field to activate it.

5. Click on the button or press F4 on the keyboard to open a new window with the

data element list.

6. Select the option S.

7. Click on the button to execute the searching.

8. Click on the Ticket type column from the search tab.

9. Must be filter the values S or N, using the filter option

10. Click on the Ticket N° value from the search tab to display the guide information is the

Work area.

11. Click on the delete button, to delete the selected guide.

12. Click on the button, to confirm the deletion.

Application Help PUBLIC

SAP® Farm Management by Vistex for S/4HANA 1909 March 30, 2020

Application Help – Version: 1.0 – Final © 2020 Vistex, Inc. All rights reserved.

© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserve.


© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part

of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for

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Please see for additional

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