april 17, 2016 fourth sunday of easterapril and will resume the 3rd thursday in may, (19th) at 7:00...

Post on 26-May-2020






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St. Cornelius Church April 17, 2016

Fourth Sunday of Easter


About a year and half ago, the director of mission integra on for a local hospital asked me to assist his pastoral care staff in cra ing a prayer service for hospital staff to be celebrated during “Spiritual Care Week.” It was the inten on of the mission inte-gra on department to spread the unc on of healing around, but this me toward those who serve clients and pa ents in a large health care system; namely, to doc-tors, nurses, behind-the-scenes staff and any employees linked to the delivery of healing and health care services. Not only would the pastoral staff make their way through hospital units, departments and clinics to share prayer and a ritual anoin ng and blessing, but such a com-munal act would also be celebrated at noon in the hospital chapel with the usual invite: All are welcome. A er some me for mindfulness, we opened with a gathering prayer and moved into scripture reflec on on the Gospel of Mark 5:27-34, where Jesus be-comes aware that power has gone forth from him as a woman seeking healing touches his cloak. I recalled the astonish-ing event in the office of my own physi-cian of 20 years when, at the end of a typical “office visit,” my physician, already short in stature, came forward and bowed low before me, begging that I bless him with prayer. He disclosed to me, his pa ent, that he had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Can you imagine how shocked I was? This was the physician who had seen me through smoking cessa on, mid-life anxiety, and a few other stubborn medical issues that seemed terminal to me. He was a god to me. How could my doctor become a mere mortal...and termi-nal at that? Truly, this was one of the most hum-bling days in my lengthy ministerial ca-

reer—my physician entrea ng me for a healing touch and prayer! Not long a er that, I was felled by an inexplicable brain hemorrhage that ed me up in the ICU for two weeks. I, who was so accustomed to standing at the bedsides of parishioners under many hos-pital circumstances—now I had my turn at rest and recupera on. The medical staff advised over and over again as I queried them about my “brain event” that I prob-ably didn’t really want to know all the details. To this day I s ll do not. Howev-er, the one thing that stands out most clearly from my memories during that

me is my nephew, who held power of a orney over my health care. Each day he came and gently stroked the underside of my right arm, touching and coaxing me back to consciousness. Almost as if he were pumping the inner tube of my flat bicycle re, day a er day he revived my drooping spirits with the healing gi of touch. I do not believe he ever realized his care for me was the most powerful cura ve of all. And there’s s ll my mother, at 96, in assisted living. She mistakes me for the rest-home podiatrist as I crouch down to undress her sandal-clad feet. There for a 25-minute (almost daily) vigorous foot massage she perks up, insis ng this is the only me each day she shares skin with another human being. The doctor reports that this daily therapy might well account for whatever mental acuity she has le at her advanced age. As she elevates her feet from the La-Z-Boy control pad, one would almost guess she imagines herself enthroned in the “queen for a day” con-test, as thousands of ny magic fingers ac vate her sensorium. As Jesus came to grasp the experience that “power went out of him,” so, too, do caregivers, doctors and pastoral ministers know both the highs of media ng God’s

healing grace, and the not-so-lo y feeling of exhaus on when the day is done. But, as they say, that type of redness is a “good red.” My experiences with healing prayer and touch do not dis nguish me from others. Rather, I suggest most caregivers have played many or all of the roles I have here described: healer; someone needing healing; one not fully aware that healing power went out; or simply one spent from heavy workloads and demands of the job. At my local hospital’s “Spiritual Care Week” pray service, pastoral care workers invoked a blessing upon enshrined olive oil and approached those present to offer anoin ng of the healers’ hands. We asked the healers to form and shape their hands into a recep ve, cup-like vessel as we gen-erously applied the oil with the sign of the cross. In this “re-consecra on,” we offered a blessing upon their con nued prac ce and ministry as healers, remind-ing them that they truly are the eyes and hands of God. In many parishes, par cularly in the suburbs, it seems that a goodly number of parishioners work in the burgeoning health care industry, wearing all the hats required to provide health care and heal-ing for the whole person. Such an ini a ve, perhaps providing a healing service annually for them at their hospital or ins tu on, is reflec ve of a church out in the trenches—a “field hospi-tal a er a ba le,’ as Pope Francis has called it—for those at work because of the call of voca on or duty.

HEALING FOR THE HEALERS By Blessing caregivers, we acknowledge the field-hospital church

By: Fr. Mike Barre


Siempre Adelante,

Fr. Mike

WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, April 23 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Wade Perry Sunday, April 24 8:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Mary Beth Murchison 10:00 a.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Katy Ellis 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Darlene Boucher 2:00 p.m. Bishop Dave O’Connell 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: Martha Haber


MASS INTENTIONS † = Indicates Deceased Sunday, April 17 8:00 a.m. People of St. Cornelius †Tom Hennessy 10:00 a.m. Jim Steinbrunner 12:00 noon Jun Basa (Birthday) †Joe Malagamalii 5:00 p.m. †Alfonso Ricardo Telles †David Simpson Monday, April 18 8:00 a.m. †James & Jessie Lewis †Baby Linda & Aunt Linda Valenzuela 5:00 p.m. †Petra D. Valenzuela Jan Michael Tapales Tuesday, April 19 8:00 a.m. For The Unborn †Ralph Bryne 5:00 p.m. Steven Adair (Birthday) †Judith Salpid Wednesday, April 20 8:00 a.m. †William & Helen Beakey †Carolina Garavito 5:00 p.m. †Herminio Salpid †Miguela Bulias Thursday, April 21 8:00 a.m †Hilaria Euza †Teodora Yap 5:00 p.m. †Russell M. Pantano †Maria Villamor Friday, April 22 8:15 a.m. †Jack Pe †Abraham Bolotaulo 5:00 p.m. The Tuala Family †Pete Tisei Saturday, April 23 8:00 a.m. Souls in Purgatory †Fr. Carrol O’Sullivan 5:00 p.m. †Anne Flynn Daylor Sunday, April 24 8:00 a.m. First Communicants †Moses Amith 10:00 a.m. †J. Guadalupe Conzalez Family Joe Gogue 12:00 noon Joe & Audrey Hamamoto 5:00 p.m. †Joe Brickler

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Good Shepherd Sunday: World Day of Prayer for Voca ons This Sunday celebrates Jesus as "the Good Shepherd." When announcing this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis focused on Jesus' "lost sheep" parable in Luke. "[Who] among you," Jesus asks, "having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go a er the lost one un l he finds it?" (Luke 15:4). A reasonable answer? "No responsible shepherd who wants to keep the job!" Yet Jesus considers one lost person su-premely important and suggests blaming the shepherd. The sheep didn't "go astray," the shepherd "lost" it. Thus, "when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy" (15:5). That tender image of Jesus adorns the simple cross Pope Francis has always worn, the Good Shepherd gently carrying the lost sheep home on his shoulders. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, may we, who once were lost ourselves but now are found, join Jesus in seeking, find-ing, and gently carrying home at least one pre-cious lamb. --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.



CONNECTING THE DOTS Spirituality Book Club Our spirituality book club will not be mee ng in April and will resume the 3rd Thursday in May, (19th) at 7:00 pm at Duffy’s home. We will be dis-cussing the book, The Enduring Heart, by Wilkie Au. Call Deacon Rich Boucher for more informa on.

FAITH AND FICTION St. Cornelius Book Discussion Group

The next mee ng of the book club will be held on Monday, April 18, at 7:30 pm in the school li-brary. The book we will be discussing is: “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr. We meet on the third Monday of every month, except Decem-ber. You are welcome to join us. For further infor-ma on, call Katy Ellis at 607-1100.

PRAYER LIST As many of you may have no ced our prayer list con-

nues to grow. O en mes family members and friends call us to ask that we pray for individuals dur-ing a trying health issue. Most of the me they do not call back to let us know if the person is well. Some have been returned to health, others may have returned to the Lord. Please contact the Recto-ry if your loved ones can be removed from the Pray-er List. Always remember that at each and every Mass we pray for those who are ill, names known and unknown. God always hears our prayers.

Helen Whitwell Ellen Bollinger Mar n Metz Alexis Teodosio Jason Taylor Andrea Boyles Donna Williams Sarah Irvine Maureen Walsh Michelle Stevens Lori Garcia David Wheeler Adam & Carla Mars Mary Larkin Harper Deaton Niko Greco Michelle Carranza Olivia Alvillar Sandee Bradley Marge Hengehold Jim & Ursula Hall D.J. Barwick Albert & Olivia Howard Bob Early Peggy Hasse Dolores Lounsbury Randy Kunkel Jennifer Carey Marta L. Rodriguez Julienne Aoga Danny Castaneda Jeff Newon Eric Fairchild Barbara Bain Gabriela Paradiso Monica Frank Juan Carlos Andrade Arlene DeWalt Martha Burris Jenni Rojas

Frances Boudreau Lee Hicks Irene Brauer Silailai Tamasoa Christopher Cathart Jerry Siler Henry Sarnecki Helen Walsh Kevin Allan Fernando Rodriguez Larry Gaudy Kimberly Fregoso Ed Chandler Lourdes Coranda Frances Athey Mary Collins Kit Gonzalez Jeffrey Jorda Trisha Ward Joan Aimerito Peggy Pen s Rosa Claudia Lopez Jason Rosier Rick Briggs Luella Diel John Herrera Clara Milena Jimenez Catherine Warrens Melanie Liu Dean Cheney Deanne Schumacher Sio Patolo Brandon McKenzie Kasiano Alai Patricia Wolfe Margaret Haskins Samuel McCarthy Jim Alder Martha Montes Ferdie Ann Melinda Harne

Roxanne Lindsey Melanie Velasco Antoine e Utaoff Rafael Carigma Mark Carigma Travis Melnick Veronica Tolliver Sherill S llwell Judy Klenk Ed Barwick Todd Johnson Jonathan Kolt Tiffany Poblete Frank Novak Marck Chacarian Sr. Claire Liz Smith Jack Alva Cooper Richard LaPorte Venus Butler Robert Dougherty Jenny Rivas Denise Pearson Michelle Lopez Bob LaRue

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray for:

FOOD COLLECTION FOR THE POOR The food collec on for the St. Francis Center will take place NEXT weekend a er all Masses. Thank you for your con nued support.

Please Pray for the Soul of


May He Rest in Peace

MOTHER’S DAY NOVENA If you wish to par cipate in the Mother’s Day Novena, please take one of the Mother’s Day envelopes at the doors of the church and return it to the rectory office. This is a special way for families to honor their mothers both living and deceased. A “Novena of Masses” will be offered for the inten ons of mothers beginning Sunday, May 10th at the 8:00 A.M. Mass.


SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Did You Know? In recogni on of Na onal Child Abuse Preven on Month, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is par ci-pa ng in the Prevent Child Abuse American Pin-wheel for Preven on campaign. The pinwheel is an upli ing symbol of childhood and represents every child’s right for a life filled with hope, health and happiness. Through this Campaign we are provid-ed another opportunity to transform awareness into ac on. For more informa on on how to have your parish, school or family be a part of this im-portant campaign, contact jvienna@la-archdiocese.org

COMMUNITY NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS First Holy Communion Parent/Child Retreat The First Holy Communion Parent/Child retreat will be held this Sunday, April 17, 1:30 – 4:30 pm in the Large Hall. The retreat is for all Level 2/Grade 2 Re-ligious Educa on students and 2nd Grade School students. Please note that this retreat is ONLY for those children who are receiving their First Holy Communion during the April 23, 24, 30 or May 1, 2016 masses.

First Holy Communion Mass Schedule The children of the parish school and Religious Educa on program will be making their First Holy Communion at the following masses: Saturday, April 23, 5:00pm Sunday, April 24, 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00noon Saturday, April 30, 5:00pm Sunday, May 1, 10:00am and 12:00noon We have approximately 75 children making their First Holy Communion. The candidates par cipa ng in the Children’s catechumenate will celebrate their sacraments at the 10:00am Mass on Pentecost Sun-day, May 15. There are 16 youth who will complete their sacraments of Ini a on. Please keep all the children and youth in your prayers as we welcome them to the Eucharis c table.

LWC Liturgy of the Word for Children will be on hiatus from April 17 through May 15.

Child Abuse Awareness Month April is Child Abuse Awareness month. Look for our colorful pinwheel artwork in the windows of the Religious Educa on Offices and around the parish facili es. Pray for children everywhere to be safe and cared for always.

VBS save the Date! This summer’s Vaca on Bible School, Deep Sea Dis-covery, will be held July 11 – 15, 2016, 9:00am – noon at St. Maria Gore . Plan on signing up your guppies for this week of fishy fun! Registra on forms will be available in the beginning of May. Volunteers are welcomed and encouraged, contact Evelyn or Kristyn in the Religious Ed. Office.


Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” where we reflect on Jesus’ care and love of us.

Your gi to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. Cornelius Knights of Columbus

will be at the Church doors this weekend, April 16 &17 In their annual support of the boys at

Rancho San Antonio “Boys Home of the West”

FIRST PRIZE is $5,000 Dona on $ 2.00

(Winners need not be present) Drawing: May 1, 2016

Informa on and applica ons for Membership in the Knights of Columbus will also be availa-ble. All Catholic men over the age of 18 are in-

vited and encouraged to join.


Fr. Mike Gleeson, Pastor Fr. Joseph Kennedy Savariyar, In residence

Richard Boucher, Permanent Deacon 5500 E. Wardlow Rd. Long Beach, 90808

Phone: 562-421-8966 Fax: 562-421-5096


Secretary’s E-mail: secretary.stcornelius@gmail.com

Rectory Hours: MON-THU 7:00 a.m. —7:00 p.m.

FRIDAY 8:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m.

Sat & Sun 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

Mass Schedule Saturday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass

Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 12 noon & 5:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

Confession Schedule

Thursday & Friday a er 5:00 p.m. Mass Saturday a er 8:00 a.m. Mass

Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

St. Cornelius Catholic School: Principal - Nancy Hayes

3330 North Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90808, Phone: 562-425-7813


PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers - Mike & Irene More ne 420-4565 Altar Society - Vicky Hudson & Nellie Cabulaje 421-8966 Ancient Order Of Hibernians - Daniel McGowan 826-6140 Bereavement - Nancy Himes 928-2474 Cub Scouts - Shawn P. Kelly (714) 713-2015 Choir Director - Joe Patolo 421-8966 Cursillo - Frank Diaz 972-6195 Deten on Ministry - Sr. Teresa Dougherty 429-0033 EM & Lector Coordinator - Michele Bradley 420-6481 Hospital Ministry - Frank Schmidt 225-7571 Italian Catholic Federa on - Stephanie Hardy 544-2222 Steve Dipietro 225-9447 Knights of Columbus - Victor Magana 420-3214 LB Young Adult Ministry - Jason Pillon 716-2608 Music Coordinator - Kathy Clay 420-3894 Parent Board - Laura Goglia 425-7813 People for Others - Jenny Davidoff 420-3425 Project Achieve - Kathy Cabral 429-3835 RCIA - Sr. Kathleen Burns, S.N.D 496-3224 Religious Educa on - Evelyn Padian 420-7613 Respect Life - Sylvia Aimerito 429-1965 Sacred Heart Retreats - Pam Branch 421-9087 St. Vincent de Paul - Claudia Meza 421-8011 Safeguard the Children - Mary Brady 425-5541 School - Nancy Hayes, Principal 425-7813 Seniors Group - Rectory Office 421-8966 Serra Club - Richard MacDonald 425-1863 Sick & Elderly - Sr. Claire 496-3339 Ushers - Sam McCarthy 594-8212 Wedding Coordinator - Silvia Cerna 421-8966 Wedding Rehearsals- Chris ne Cramer 421-8966


RESPECT LIFE NEWS & NOTES Calling all prayer warriors!

Our Rosary and Mass for Life is the first Sun-

day of every month beginning at 4:30pm right here at St. Cornelius. How convenient! Mark your calendars and join us in prayer on

May 1st!

Na onwide Protest of Abor on Mill Pro-Life Ac on League is leading a na onwide protest of the largest abor on mill in America - Planned Parenthood. Join us in Long Beach on

Saturday, April 23rd, from 11am to noon, in front of the Planned Parenthood abor on mill at 2690 Pacific Avenue. For more informa on

visit AudioGirlMinistries.com.

The Power of 7 App

The Power of 7 will teach you effec ve pro-life replies to 7 common pro abor on arguments.

-The Power of 7 App - A Pro Life Tutorial created by

AudioGirl Ministries The Power of 7 app is FREE and available NOW

at Google Play and in The App Store. Direct links available at audiogirlministries.com

AudioGirlMinistries.com Sylvia Aimerito 562-429-1965

Like us on Facebook. Twi er @AudioGirlM.

1916 COMMEMORATION MASS The most significant events in the Road of Inde-

pendence in Ireland was the Easter Rising of 1916. The Rebellion was defeated. However, the execu-

on of sixteen of the leaders was the impetus that lead to Irish Independence in 1922. Among the ex-ecuted were several well educated men—writers, poets, teachers, labor leaders and most of them

were very religious. We will have a special mass to commemorate 1916

on April 24th, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. All are Welcome!

Fr. Mike Gleeson

MEN OF ST. CORNELIUS The Men of St Cornelius will be mee ng for food, fellowship, and ministry on Thursday April 21st in the small hall. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm with a discussion of the chapters four through six of John Campbell's book Every Man's Journey at 7:00. If you missed the previous mee ng and did not re-ceive a book, extras are available. If you are plan-ning to a end please RSVP to menofstcornelius@gmail.com. We look forward to your a endance. Feel free to invite our brothers from local parishes. Dinner will be provided by Deli News.

E-WASTE COLLECTION St. Cornelius School has scheduled an E-Waste re-cycling collec on on Saturday, April 30 from 9:00-2:00 in the back parking lot. For more informa on please contact the School (562) 425-7813.

SACRED HEART RETREAT There are currently limited rooms available for re-treats at the Carmelite Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra. These weekends include April 22-24, and 29-31. Scholarship funds are available. For more informa on, please contact Pam Branch, Pamelashopam@gmail.com or 562-421-9087.

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