are we being deceived???

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Are We Being Deceived???


    ARE WE BEING DECEIVED??An investigative study on modern astronomy pertaining to The Holy Quran &

    empirical proofs.

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    PREFACEThis document is an investigative study on the modern astronomical beliefs, which were

    discovered in last century, and questioning its trueness and actuality as per knowledge pro-

    vided by The Holy Quran and other empirical proofs. I request the reader to have an openmind and an open heart while reading this article. I am not trying to prove any point here,

    Im just trying to give a perspective which I feel is not obtained by many in present time. I

    am not any Islamic Jurist or Scholar, Im just one normal sinful slave of Almighty Allah

    (Rabbul-Izzat), who by Allah Talas guidance had an inspiration about this topic and to

    check the compliance of the modern belief with The Word of God.

    Ill try to put as much as facts and proofs from The Holy Book and Hadeeth Shareef of

    Prophet Sallalu alaihi wa sallim, and lay it in front of you. I encourage your personal investi-

    gation to be carried out before reaching any particular verdict. If by any chance this article

    is read by an Islamic Scholar or Jurist, I request him to do further investigation and try toreach a verdict and place a fatwa regarding this.

    At Last Almighty Allah is the lone Possessor of All Knowledge, & He knows the best. I pray

    to Allah Taala that He gives us guidance to follow the straight path and belief and also make

    us aware regarding all matters of religion.


    Your brother in Islam.


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    INTRODUCTIONBismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

    All Praises for Allah Rabbul Izzat, the Master of the Universe and Infinite Peace and Bless-

    ings upon His Beloved, the last Prophet Hazrath Mohammed Mustafa(Sallal Leah Taala

    Alayhi Wa Sallam) and his Noble Descendants and Companions (Raid Allahu Tamale nA-


    From the bottom of my heart, I thank Allah Taala thousands of time for helping me to pre-

    sent this article. May Allah Rabbul Izzat accept our efforts!

    O My Brothers and Sisters! We are presently living in the age of ignorance. We have become

    living zombies, who imbibe whatever knowledge and news the media people are giving,

    without investigating it. The television and internet, have become the sole source of infor-

    mation for us, and whatever they are feeding us, we are taking it without slightest of doubt.

    We have indeed forgot that the doomed Satan and his army among Jinns and Men are mak-

    ing it sure that we swerve from the right path shown by Allah Subhuman-wa-taala. They are

    making strategies and plans for making us part ways from the religion and making it sure

    that we believe in whatever they are feeding us.

    I believe that Religion and Science doesnt go hand in hand, but I agree that Quran Shareef

    contains some facts which are also confirmed by modern science. But it doesnt mean that it

    always have to be the same case. As someone said, Science is the religion of the devil , I

    found this statement to be true. The more you get close to the modern science, you are

    swerving away from your religion. I agree, some of you might think by now, that Im just a

    crazy person, as many things which are stated in Quran Shareef, are profoundly in compli-

    ance with the modern scientific discoveries, like embryos, the determination of sex of fetus,

    regarding finger prints, regarding mountains like pegs, & many others. Like Ive said some of

    the modern discoveries are in complete compliance with the Quran Sharif, but some do

    not. I would like to present a discovery of the latter type, which I feel doesnt agree with the

    Quranic statements. Before proceeding, I request the readers to understand that every sin-

    gle word of Quran Shareef is the word of Allah subhan-wa-taala, and refuting a single wordof the Holy Book is Kufr. No matter how many proofs this world try to show us regarding a

    particular phenomena, if it contradicts the Verses of Quran Shareef, then it a fallacy and it

    should not be accepted by any muslim. And if no proof exists regarding some phenomena,

    but Quran Shareef in a verse explains it, then its Kufr in doubting that verse.

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    I would like to present to the reader a discovery of modern science which in all its actuality

    refutes with the verses of The Quran Shareef. By this I hope you will understand how sci-

    ence can deviate the people from religions and from believing in God. Charles Darwin pro-

    posed a theory which is widely accepted in western world and even we are taught about this

    theory in our school. Theory of Evolution, is a very successful and widely applauded theory

    which explains how the life on earth came into existence, moreover , how did humans came

    in existence. It states that the life on earth was a mere coincidence, with several astronomi-

    cal,geographical, biological and chemical factors affecting it. It also says that the humans

    were evolved from apes, as we resemble them.

    Now considering the Theory of Evolution, any person who believes in this theory he is

    thrown apart from three major religions of the world i.e. Islam, Christianity and Judaism, as

    these religions teach that the first human was Prophet Adam A.S., who was created by God

    and sent to the earth. From him the whole humanity came into existence. If any person who

    is agnostic, and wants to be a part of any religion, he will be discouraged by this theory and

    he would apparently become an atheist. This theory wants people to believe that God

    doesnt exist, and for the proofs they show some idiotic and unreliable proofs. Its clear now

    how science can deviate a person from religion.

    Why do they need to present a theory which would contradict any religion? Why Charles

    Darwin and others wants people not to believe in God? Why are they so determined in not

    letting people to choose faith? The answer to all this is that most of the modern media and

    science are weapons of doomed satan. These people follow the pathways of satan the

    doomed, and he guides them and show them strategies and plans to take down the children

    of Adam A.S., as he promised Allah that he will lead much of Allahs creation into hell.

    Now by the grace of Allah rabbul izzat, we are saved from believing in such satanic theories,

    but are we still safe? Are we subjected to any falsehood? Do we believe unknowingly in theo-

    ries and phenomenas which contradict the Holy Quran? Arent these people still trying to

    take us down? Isnt the doomed satan laying out strategies to sway people from religions?Are we so ignorant that we believe whatever they are showing, without contemplating it

    with guidance in Quran Shareef ? Are we being deceived???

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    On July 20th, 1969, it was shown that the human kind for the very first time has stepped

    upon the Moon. The first country to send their men on the Moon was United States of

    America. The whole world was shown a live telecast of the major event. The astronomers

    were shown to be hopping on moon, and the whole world was in a frenzy. "That's one small

    step for man, a giant leap for mankind." as quoted by Neil Armstrong while stepping on theMoon. Whole world witnessed the the mission from earth to moon and back again. It was

    quoted as the event of the century or a millennium.

    But for some people, the whole landing on moon and everything which was telecasted, was

    staged and a very big hoax. I first found it funny, but then after some rigorous research, I

    was perplexed that actually the whole mission might be a hoax. Several factors are are

    adopted by these conspiracy theorists, which explains so as to why did USA staged the

    whole event and why did they lie. Also, they claim certain points, why it is impossible to

    land on moon. Ill give you some of the reasons why this whole thing was staged as stated by

    conspiracy theorists.

    a. American Government wanted to deviate peoples mind from Vietnam war which was

    happening at that time.

    b. Space Race:The US government deemed it vital that it win the space race against the So-

    viet Union. Going to the Moon would be risky and expensive, as exemplified by John F.

    Kennedy famously stating that the United States chose to go because it was hard.A main

    reason for the race to the Moon was the Cold War. It was stated the on who go to the

    moon first will win the Cold War. It was technically impossible for them to go to the

    moon, so staging it instead would make a win win deal.

    c. Astronomy is a billion dollar industry, and they wanted to open a portal through which

    they can rake in billions of dollars.

    They also claim that:

    a. It was and still technologically impossible to land on moon.

    b. If Americans really did land on moon some 50 years back, why havent they still build a

    space station there?

    c. Why there is no development regarding the technological improvements on moon.

    d. Today, when some countries are richer than America, why arent they taking part in space


    e. Why did the original video which was telecasted removed from all databases in world?

    f. The video which was telecasted live, was indeed prerecorded as there werre many errors

    in the video which could easily prove the whole mission to be a hoax.

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    g. It is highly impossible to cross the boundaries of earth, as the rockets doesnt have enough

    power to pass through Van Allen Radiation Belt.

    h.Why only NASA undertake the missions of going into space, when other countries are

    also capable of doing so?

    i. Why ten astronomers involved Apollo missions died in tragic and mysterious accidents?j. Since then till today all the information provided by the NASA is staged and a hoax, and

    all the pictures and videos are manipulated and created with advanced softwares present


    There are several other factors and claims which seriously put us in doubt pertaining to the

    authenticity of the space travel as claimed by NASA. I request readers to do their self re-

    search on this subject. Hundreds of videos, with lengths of hundreds of hours is present on

    youtube and on internet databases. So, please do the research as its very important before

    we proceed further.

    Why am I telling you to do research? How this whole conspiracy theory is related to our re-

    ligion and how this information will help us?

    This event of Apollo 11 was the only event in which the shape of the Earth was shown on

    television. After that event till today, NASA only showed us the pictures showing the earth.

    Until that event there was a confusion and people were not sure about the shape of the

    earth. After this event, we came to know that the shape of the earth is spherical, and all the

    scientific studies, and school education adopted theories, that the earth is spherical. We

    were taught how the earth is tilted on imaginary axis and how it is rotated around sun and

    how days and night come into play, how seasons come into play and every single aspect of

    earth was explained taking into account the shape of the earth as spherical, which was in

    fact provided by NASA.

    NASA is the only authority which gives us images of earth, solar system etc. Can we really

    believe whatever they are showing? Can we accept the information and pictures they are

    showing us considering the 20% of the world believe it to be false? Isnt it normal to doubt

    the authenticity as we cant trust either NASA or the Conspiracy Theorists? Arent we sup-

    posed to verify it from our islamic scholars and more over from The word of Allah rabbul

    izzat? Arent we suppose to do a research about the claims they are making? Arent we sup-

    posed to be conscious about what information to accept and what not to, considering satan

    and his army is constantly making strategies to make us unsuccessful and deviated from the

    right path? What are we doing brothers and sisters? Why have we become such live zom-


    Remember refuting a single claim done by the Holy Quran is Kufr.

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    Spherical Earth:

    We all very well know the Sun, the Earth and the Moon system. How days and nights are

    formed, how season changes occur, how earth revolve around sun while rotating to cause day

    and night, and how moon rotates around sun providing us the phases. There isnt much tosay about this model as weve very much accustomed to this system. Ill provide some figures

    regarding the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

    The Sun and the Moon are more than 149,000,000 (149 million) kilometres awayfrom each other.

    The Sun and the Earth are also more than 149,000,000 (149 million) kilometres awayfrom each other.

    The Moon and the Earth are only 384,000 kilometres away from each other, which isless than 0.3% of the distance between the Sun and the Earth or the Sun and theMoon.

    The Sun orbits the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth orbits around the Sun. The moon in turn, orbits around the Earth.

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    Flat Earth:

    Almost all of the world till 14th century believed that earth is flat. Both religions ordained by

    Allah rabbul izzat before Islam i.e. Christianity & Judaism believed that earth was flat, as it

    was present in their Holy scriptures i.e. in the Bible and the Torah.

    Still today some of the christians and many other people believe that earth is Flat, and that

    the modern science is fouling peoples minds. They refer to the verses present in the Bible

    and stay determined that the earth is Flat. A society even exits which believes that earth is

    flat and stationary. Let us see some characteristics of the Flat earth system.

    Characteristics of Flat Earth:

    1. Earth is a flat disc, which is fixed and stationary and the Sun and the Moon rotate around

    the Earth.

    2. Arctic region or North pole is center of the earth and the Sun and the Moon rotates

    around this north pole.

    3. The earth is dark and the Sun while rotating takes the spotlight with it, which falls on

    earth making day and night.

    4. The seasons are formed relative to the distance of the Sun from the North Pole i.e. Arctic

    region, as shown in the above picture.5. The Moon also follows the path like the Sun.

    6. There is no south pole.

    7. The sky is solid structure and covers the earth like a dome.

    8. Gravity doesnt exist, things fall because they are heavy and meant to fall. (Claim by Flat

    earth Society)

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    9. Please check out the picture below to understand how the flat earth system explains the

    formation of days and nights. In the picture below, the Sun (Orange ball) & Moon (white

    ball) is rotating in a pattern, like they are following each other. The earth is dark matter

    and movement of sun causes days to form.

    10. In the below picture, the seasons are explained.

    I present you some more pictures which may explain the flat earth system.

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    I hope you got how the both earth models works. Now let us see what the Holy Quran says

    about the shape of the Earth and other astronomical phenomenas. Well refer and under-

    stand few Holy Verses which deals with Sun, Moon, Earth, Sky, Day & Night etc. Please read

    them carefully with understanding and apply each verse to the two possible earth models

    explained above and you decide for yourself which model fits best.

    I am referring to the translation of the Holy Quran by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan who was a

    great Jurist and learned scholar of Islam. I am providing the Chapter and Verse no. as well, if

    you want you can follow any other translation. Its in the form of(Chapter no:Verse no)

    Sun, Moon, Day & Night:

    1. O Beloved (Prophet)! Had you not seen him who quarreled with Ibrahim about his Lord

    because Allah gave him Kingdom? When Ibrahim said, my Lord is He who gives life and

    causes death, said he, 'I give life and cause death'. Ibrahim said, 'Well, Allah brings sun

    from East: bring it you from the West. 'Thereupon the infidels were confounded and

    Allah guides not the unjust people. (2:258)

    2. Undoubtedly, your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and earth in six days, then es-tablished Himself on the Throne befitting to His Dignity. He covers the night and day

    by each other following it swiftly, and madethe sun and moonand stars all subservient

    to His command. Behold! His is the creation and command. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of

    the Worlds. (7:54)

    3. Allah is He who raised up the heavens without the pillars that you can see, and then He

    settled Himself on the throne as is befitting to His Dignity and made the sun and the

    moon subservient.Each one runs to a term stated. Allah plans the work and details

    the signs so that you may believe the meeting with your Lord. (13:2)

    4.And He made the sun and moonsubservient for you,which are constantly

    moving, and made the day and night subservient for you. (14:33)

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    5. And He has made subservient for you. The night and the dayand the sun and the

    moon. And the stars are subservient by His Command. No doubt. In it, there are signs

    for the wise people. (16:12)

    6.And O beloved!You will see the sun when it rises, moves away from their cave tothe right and when it sets, turn away from them on the left, whereas they are in

    the open space of the cave. This is of the signs of Allah. He whom Allah guides is on the

    right way, and he whom He sends astray, for him you will never find a supporter to guide.


    7. And it is He Who createdthe night and the day and the sun and the moon. Each

    one is floating in a circumference. (21:33)

    8. 'O Listener! Have you not seen that Allah brings night in the day and makes the day

    in the night and He made the sun and the moon to serve, each pursues its

    course till an appointed time- and that Allah is Aware of your works? (31:29)

    9.He brings the night into the day and brings the day into the night and He has en-

    gaged the sun and the moon into services; every one run up to an appointed time.

    This is Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom. And those whom you worship beside Him,

    own not even the husk of a date palm. (35:13)

    10. And a sign for them is the night, We draw offthe day therefrom, hence they are in dark-ness. Andthe sun runs to its appointed resting-place. This is the commandment of

    the Dominant, the Knowing. And We have appointed stages for the moon till it becomes

    again like an old branch of palm tree. It is not for the sun that it might catch the

    moonand nor the night may supersede the day. And each one is floating in an orbit.


    11. He made the heavens and earth with truth. He rolls the night around the day and He

    rolls the day around the night and He has employed the sun and the moon into serv-

    ice. Each moves to an appointed term. Do you hear? He is the Dignified, the Forgiv-ing. (39:5)

    12. By the sun and its brightness. And by the moon when it follows it.(91:1-2)

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    I hope some of the above holy verses pertaining to the Sun and the Moon and the Day and

    the Night, shed some light on what could possibly the shape of the earth, it may or may not

    be flat model as Allah rabbul izzat knows best, but for sure it is not what the people at

    NASA are showing us and what the schools are teaching us.

    Now let us discuss some holy verses, addressing the earth.


    1. And Who made the earth a bed for you, and the sky a structure and caused water to

    come down from heaven hence brought forth therewith some fruits for your food, there-

    fore do not set up equals for Allah knowingly. (2:22)

    2. And it is He who stretched the earth and made therein anchors and rivers, and

    He made two kinds of every fruit in the earth. He covers the night with the day. No doubt

    in that are signs for a people who reflect. (13:3)

    3. And We have stretched the earth and put therein anchors, and caused to grow

    therein everything proportionately. (15:19)

    4. And He has set up anchors in the earth. Lest it may shake with you and rivers and

    roads that, you may get direction. (16:15)

    5. He Who made the earth for you as a bed and laid for you walking paths in it and sent

    down rain from the sky. And thereby We brought forth-varied pairs of vegetation. (20:53)

    6.AndWe put anchors in the earth lest it should move away with them, and We

    made therein wide pathways that haply they may be guided. (21:31)

    7. Or He Who made the earth for habitation(stable ground) and set amidst it streams

    and made for it anchors (mountains) and a barrier between the two seas. Is there anyother god along with Allah? Nay! Most of them know not. (27-61)

    8. Allah is He who made the earth for you a resting place(fixed abode) and the

    heaven as a roof and shaped you, then made your shapes nice and provided you with good

    things This is Allah your Lord. So blessed is Allah, the Lord of the entire world.(40-64)

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    9. And the earth We have spread it out, and placed there in anchors of mountains and

    caused to grow therein every beautiful pair. (50:7)

    10.And We have made the earth a floor, and what an excellent spreader We are. (51:48)

    11.Go forward towards the forgiveness of your Lord andtowards a paradise of which the

    breadth is as the width of the heavens and the earth prepared for those who be-

    lieved in Allah and His Messenger. This is the grace of Allah; He bestows it upon

    whom so ever He pleases. And Allah is the possessor of great grace. (57:21)

    12. And Allah has madethe earth for you as a bed spreading. (71:19)

    13. Have We not made the earth a bed, (78:6)

    14.And when the earth is stretched out. (84:3)

    15. And at the earth, how it has been spread out?(88:20)

    16.And by the earth and its Expansionist. (91:6)


    1. As youve seen whenever Allah Rabbul izzat mentioned the earth in the holy verses, He

    mentioned characteristics like bed, stretched, spread, floor and width which basically ap-

    plies to a plain surface, or flat surface.

    2. Allah rabbul izzat also mentioned earth to be habitable, resting place which signifies it to

    be fixed abode or stable.

    3. Allah rabbul izzat also stressed on the mountains as anchors, lest earth should move with

    them or shake, which shows it is stable and Allah rabbul izzat to maintain its stability

    fixed the earth with anchors etc.

    4. Not even a single holy verse from above mentioned earth to be anything near spherical,

    rotating and making a revolution around the Sun. While these verses states that earth is

    stable, fixed, immovable, stretched, spreaded, like a bed having width which are attributes

    of flat body, i.e. flat earth.

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    I request you to personally refer to the Lexicon Arabic to English dictionary and find themeaning of this word. All the meanings related to the word dahahaa means flattened out,smoothed out, expanded, stretched, spread and the last meaning is the place where ostrichlays its eggs, but never egg-shaped.

    Like I said, Allahs words are the final and ultimate truth, no muslim can doubt the authen-ticity, and translating the Quranic Verses to suit ones belief is kufr and those who believe itare also committing a great sin. So please contemplate and choose what to believe.

    Now let us discuss the verses pertaining to the sky.


    1. And Who made the earth a bed for you, andthe sky a structure and caused water to

    come down from heaven hence brought forth therewith some fruits for your food, there-

    fore do not set up equals for Allah knowingly. (2:22)

    2.And on the day,the sky shall be split as-under with the Clouds and the angels shallbe sent down fully in large number. (25:25)

    3. Have they then not seen what is before them and what is behind them of the heaven andthe earth? If We will We may cause them to sink in the earth or cause a piece of the skyto fall upon them. Undoubtedly, in it is a sign for every bondman repentant. (34:9)

    4.And undoubtedly,We adorned the lower heaven with the adornment of the stars.

    And a safeguard from every contumacious devil (Satan). They can not give ear towardsheavenly world and they are pelted from every side.(37:6-8)

    5. Allah is He who made the earth for you a resting place(fixed abode) andthe heaven as a

    roofand shaped you, then made your shapes nice and provided you with good things This

    is Allah your Lord. So blessed is Allah, the Lord of the entire world.(40-64)

    6. Have they not looked up tothe sky above them, how We have built it and adorned itand thatthere is no rift therein? (50:6)

    7.And if they should see a fragment of the sky falling down, they would say then, it isclouds piled up. (52:44)

    8. Allah is, it is He, who made seven heavens, and of the earth their like; the com-

    mandment comes down in their midst, so that you may know that Allah can do every-

    thing, and the knowledge of Allah encompasses everything.(65:12)

    9. Do you not see that Allah has made seven heavens one upon another?(71:15)

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    10.The sky will be split on account of its grief. The promise of Allah shall be fulfilled.(73:18)

    11.And the sky shall be opened up and it will become as doors. (78:19)


    1. In the above verses Allah rabbul izzat is informing us that He with all His Might built forus sky as a structure, a roof, a canopy.

    2. Allah rabbul izzat also warns about the fragment of piece of sky falling down, which sig-nifies that the Sky is a solid structure, which doesnt apply to spherical earth system.

    3. Allah rabbul izzat also tells that the sky shall be opened up and it will become like doors.

    4. The point worth noticing here is the The Holy Quran says sky to be solid structure, andthe up and down exits. It also informs us that seven heavens are built right above theearth one up on another. But the science teaches us the concept of space. They teach usthat sky is nothing but the air, and sky is no solid.

    5. In the 4th Holy Verse above, Allah taala is mentioning about the shayateen who try to hearthe information from heavens above and how they are pelted from every side. Now howcan this verse be applied when the earth is spherical since there is no sky as per modernbelief, its just open space out there.

    6. So if we believe earths spherical model , we are refuting the Holy Verses of the QuranSharif. I beg you to please do your own research and refute from science and believe in theHoly Qurans verses blindly, lest Allah taala will hold us accounted as sinners and disbe-lievers in word of Allah on the day of judgement.

    Hadeeth Shareef related to the movement of the Sun, the Moon and the shape ofthe earth:

    1. Sahih Bukhari, volume 9, Book 93, Number 520:&

    Narrated by Abu Dharr,I entered the mosque while Allah's Apostle was sitting there. When the sun had set, theProphet sallahu alaihi wasallam said, "O Abu Dharr! Do you know where this (sun) goes?" Isaid, "Allah and His Apostle know best." He sallahu alaihi wasallam said, "It goes and askspermission to prostrate, and it is allowed, and (one day) it, as if being ordered to returnwhence it came, then it will rise from the west." Then the Prophet sallahu alaihi wasallamrecited, "That: "And the sun runs on its fixed course (for a term decreed)," (36.38) as it is re-cited by 'Abdullah.

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    2. Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421:

    Narrated by Abu Dharr,

    The Prophet sallahu alaihi wasallam asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes(at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He sallahu alaihiwasallam said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takesthe permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will beabout to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permissionto go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it hascome and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah:"And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of(Allah) TheExalted in Might, The All-Knowing." (36.38)

    3. Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 528:

    Narrated by Abu Dharr,

    I asked the Prophet sallahu alaihi wasallam regarding the Verse: 'And the sun runs on itsfixed course for a term decreed for it.' (36.28) He said, "Its fixed course is underneath Allah'sThrone."


    1. From the hadeeth shareef of the beloved of Allah, Mohammed Mustafa Sallahu alahi wa-sallam, our beloved nabi, we found out that the movement of the Sun is responsible for

    the days and nights to occur.2. Also, the Sun follows a particular path which is underneath of the Throne of Allah az-

    zoajwal, which is high above the seven heavens.

    Apply these hadeeth shareef to the above models and see which one fits the best. And onlyAllah taala is the Knower of everything and anything.

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    MODELThe following are some empirical observations which may help us decide the shape of earth.

    1. Whenever experiments have been tried on the surface of standing water, this surface hasalways been found to be level. If the Earth were a globe, the surface of all standing waterwould be convex. This is an experimental proof that Earth is not a globe.

    2. Surveyors' operations in the construction of railroads, tunnels, or canals are conductedwithout the slightest "allowance" being made for "curvature," although it is taught thatthis so-called allowance is absolutely necessary! This is a cutting proof that Earth is not aglobe.

    3.There are rivers that flow for hundreds of miles towards the level of the sea without fal-ling more than a few feet - notably, the Nile, which, in a thousand miles, falls but a foot. Alevel expanse of this extent is quite incompatible with the idea of the Earth's "convexity."It is, therefore, a reasonable proof that Earth is not a globe.

    4.The idea that, instead of sailing horizontally round the Earth, ships are taken down oneside of a globe, then underneath, and are brought up on the other side to get home again,is, except as a mere dream, impossible and absurd! And, since there are neither impossi-

    bilities nor absurdities in the simple matter of circumnavigation, it stands without argu-

    ment, a proof that the Earth is not a globe.

    5. Human beings require a surface on which to live that, in its general character, shall beLEVEL; and since the Omniscient Creator Allah,must have been perfectly acquaintedwith the requirements of His creatures, it follows that, being an All-wise Creator, He hasmet them thoroughly. This is a theological proof that the Earth is not a globe.

    6.The best possessions of man are his senses; and, when he uses them all, he will not be de-ceived in his survey of nature. It is only when some one faculty or other is neglected orabused that he is deluded. Every man in full command of his senses knows that a level sur-

    face is a flat or horizontal one; but astronomers tell us that the true level is the curvedsurface of a globe! They know that man requires a level surface on which to live, so theygive him one in name which is not one in fact! Since this is the best that astronomers,with their theoretical science, can do for their fellow creatures - deceive them - it is clearthat things are not as they say they are; and, in short, it is a proof that Earth is not a globe.

    7.The common sense of man tells him - if nothing else told him - that there is an "up" and a"down" in -nature, even as regards the heavens and the earth; but the theory of modern

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    astronomers necessitates the conclusion that there is not: therefore, 'the theory of the as-tronomers is opposed to common sense - yes, and to inspiration - and this is a commonsense proof that the Earth is not a globe.

    8. If the Earth were a globe, people - except those on the top - would, certainly, have to be

    "fastened" to its surface by some means or other, whether by the "attraction" of astrono-mers or by some other undiscovered and undiscoverable process! But, as we know that wesimply walk on its surface without any other aid than that which is necessary for locomo-tion on a plane, it follows that we have, herein, a conclusive proof that Earth is not aglobe.

    9. It is a well-known fact that clouds are continually seen moving in all manner of directions- yes, and frequently, in different directions at the same time - from west to east being asfrequent a direction as any other. . Now, if the Earth were a globe, revolving through spacefrom west to east at the rate of nineteen miles in a second, the clouds appearing to us tomove towards the east would have to move quicker than nineteen miles in a second to be

    thus seen; whilst those which appear to be moving in the opposite direction would haveno necessity to be moving at all, since the motion of the Earth would be more than suffi-cient to cause the appearance. But it only takes a little common sense to show us that it isthe clouds that move just as they appear to do, and that, therefore, the Earth is motion-less. We have, then a proof that the Earth is not a globe.

    10.The aeronaut is able to start in his balloon and remain for hours in the air, at an elevationof several miles, and come down again in the same county or parish from which he as-cended. Now, unless the Earth drag the balloon along with it in its nineteen-miles-a-second motion, it must be left far behind, in space: but, since balloons have never beenknown thus to be left it is a proof that the Earth does not move, and, therefore, a proof

    that the Earth is not a globe.

    11.The Sun and Moon may often be seen high in the heavens at the same time - the Sun ris-ing in the east and the Moon setting in the west - the Sun's light positively putting theMoon's light out by sheer contrast! If the Newtonian theory were correct, and the moonhad her light from the Sun, she ought to be getting more of it when face to face with thatluminary- if it were possible for a sphere to act as a reflector all over its face! But as theMoon's light pales before the rising Sun, it is a proof that the theory fails; and is gives us aproof that the Earth is not a globe.

    12.The Newtonian hypothesis involves the necessity of. the Sun, in the case of a lunar

    eclipse, being on the opposite side of a globular earth, to cast its shadow on the Moon:but, since eclipses of the Moon have taken place with both the Sun and the Moon abovethe horizon, it follows that it cannot be the shadow of the Earth that eclipses the Moon;that the theory is a blunder; and that it is nothing less than a proof that the Earth is not aglobe.

    13.It is commonly asserted that "the Earth must be a globe because people have sailed roundit." Now, since this implies that we can sail round nothing unless it be a globe, and the fact

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    is well known that we can sail round the Earth as a plane, the assertion is ridiculous, andwe have another proof that Earth is not a globe.

    14.Seven-hundred miles is said to be the length of the great Canal, in China, Certain it isthat, when this canal was formed, no "allowance" was made for "curvature." Yet the canal

    is a fact without it. This is a Chinese proof that the Earth is not a globe.

    15. The most important proof that the earth is not a globe is the following Holy Verse, andthe Command of the Creator Allah rabbul izzat, which is told in the following Verse.

    We are seeing the turning of your face towards heaven repeatedly; necessarily then Wewill turn you towards that Qibla which pleases you. Turn your face towards thesacred mosque (Kaaba) just now; and O Muslims! Turn your faces towards thesame, whenever you be.And those who; have been given the Book know necessarily, thatthis is the truth from their Lord, and Allah is not unaware of their doings. (2:144)

    Now considering the earth to be spherical, when a muslim stand for a namaz his face shouldbe towards the holy Kaaba. But being the earth spherical if the person is in some othercountry then he/she is facing directly in the space rather than the Holy Kaaba. Look at thepicture below to get the idea.

    For people who are praying a great distance from Mecca, their qiblah would be somewheredown towards the ground, and the people who are located on the opposite 'side' of the earth

    would have to pray vertically downward towards the center of the earth.Considering the spherical earth, Muslims in the Solomon Islands (east to Australia) in factblaspheme against Allah, because (nauzubillah) they defecate toward the direction of theKa'aba when they answer the call of nature.

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    Even if we do not consider the above flaw, being the earth spherical the person is facing towards Kaaba, and simultaneously his back is also facing Kaaba, which isnt applicable as Al-lah taala ordered us to face our front only not both.

    Picture below was uploaded by a non-muslim, and decide for yourself how the sphericity ofthe earth highly inapplicable for muslims.

    Now imagine a plain and flat earth, and if a person living in any part of the world when fac-ing towards the Qibla, his vision is directly towards the Kaaba, rather than going into the


    Allah rabbul izzat, being the Knower of everything, the possessor of All-Knowledge, theCreator, the Most Wise, ordered all muslims to face Kaaba, and this commandment is appli-cable to every corner of the world till the day of Judgement.

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    In the above picture, the yellow line denotes the vision of the muslims while praying, as youcan see, it doesnt matter from which Continent or Country the muslims pray from, they arefacing exactly the qibla, and being unified in the worship. Even the muslims of Solomon is-lands, are fully able to face Qibla only when the earth is flat.

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    IN THE END..

    The whole idea behind writing this article is to make people aware that it may be possiblethat we are refuting the word of Allah, without knowing it.

    Let me just summarize, how we are refuting the Holy Verses if we believe in the Spherical

    Earth, and the Solar System, and all the modern Astronomical beliefs:

    1. Were refuting that the Sun & the Moon are moving in a pattern following each other, and

    their movement is causing days and nights, as science teaches us that rotation of earth is

    causing days & nights.

    2. Were refuting that the Sky is a solid structure, as science teaches us that Sky is nothing

    but an open space with gases.

    3. Were refuting that earth is like a flat, plain, stretched surface, without any sphericity, as

    the science teaches us that the Earth is a giant sphere.

    4. Were refuting the Earth to be fixed and stable, as the science teaches us that its moving

    rotating at a speed of 1000 miles/hour.

    5. Were refuting that were facing Kaaba while prayer, since the sphericity of the Earth

    causes us vision to go out in outer space, rather than to Kaaba.

    Refuting a single verse of the Holy Quran is Kufr, but as you can see were refuting not one

    but many verses of the Holy Quran unknowingly and in ignorance. Were indeed becoming

    Kafir, unknowingly and in ignorance.

    I am not asking you to belief that the Earth is flat. Only Allah rabbulizzat knows the actual

    shape of the Earth, the Sky and the Sun and the Moon, but the Guidance which Allah taalagave us through the Holy Quran, our mind can think of only one possible shape.

    May Allah taala accept my work and guide us all Muslims on the right path and right knowl-


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    In above image, please consider only the shape of the earth and the seven heavens one upon


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    Let me finish my discussion by showing the ugly side of this world.

    Why is the United Nation Emblem resembles the Flat earth map???

    Decide for yourself, what sort of unreliable world were living in...!!

    These people wants us to get in doubt regarding the verses of the Holy Quran. They want

    people to show that nauzubillah the belief of the Quran is false. The Quran is Word of Al-

    lah, and it doesnt matter if believing in them will make us like eccentric people, or weird

    people, we will believe in every single word of the Quran Shareef till our last breath Inshal-

    lah..! This is not a simple believe, its that kind of belief which would change the course of

    time. Since all of the world believes that the Earth is spherical , we should not do the same,

    as Allah gave us guidance through His book and His beloved Prophet Sallahu alaihi wasal-

    lim. When we start believing that the Earth isnt a giant Sphere rather its Flat, we will be

    subjected to millions and billions of people, telling us how naive and stupid were. But no

    matter what we will not refute a single word of the Quran Sharif. May Allah help us in hav-

    ing correct faith and being sticked to it. That time has come my friends, about which Rasool

    Allah Sallahu alaihi wasallim informed us about...

    Anas bin Malik(radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah(sal Al-lahu alaihi wa sallam) said: There shall come upon the people a time in which theone who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burningember. (Hasan)[Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]

    & & & & & & THE END

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