are you a young adult and feel unmotivated? know anyone that needs motivation? then please proceed...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Young, Ready,

But Unmotivated. Are you a young adult and feel

unmotivated?Know anyone that needs motivation?

Then please proceed reading.

Presented by: Matt Lorup

Read if you are ages 20-25!

Inside the Mind of a Young Adult

Motivating factors in a young adults in life:• Not wanting to be like their parents.

• Afraid of failure.

• “You can’t”/“you won’t” do something.

• Shunned for not furthering their education.

• Meeting family/personal expectations.

Excuses for Not Going to The Gym.

• “I just don’t have time”

• “I am embarrassed about my appearance”

• “Gym memberships are too expensive”

• “I hate exercising”

• “Exercising is painful”

• “I can not stay on the fitness wagon”

• “I am just too tired”

Reasons to Go to the Gym

• 1. It will make you feel better.

• 2. Daily exercise improves stamina.

• 3. Being in shape is attractive.

• 4. Helps control weight.

Reasons to Go to the Gym• 5. An investment in your future.

• 6. Improves flexibility.

• 7. Helps prevent heart diseases.

• 8. Becomes addicting quick.

Get The Best Value Out of a Gym Membership.

Motivation may come from a great deal:• Wait for the right deal.

• Be patient and keep looking. • Specific times of year for deal.

• Know what amenities you need.• Research before deciding.• Do you really need that?

Get The Best Value Out of a Gym Membership

• Get in a routine• Do what works better for you.• Change-up until it’s ideal.

• Sign up for a class• Make friends to motivate you.• May spark an interest.

• Use Machines first• Easier to adjust to.• Safe and still effective.

Quick Ways to Motivate

If you were to motivate a peer

• Focus on the bigger picture• Search for their “why” during conversations.• lull in motivation.

• Emphasize the importance of process.• Every step is important.• You might need to explain the chain of events that are

necessary to accomplish the big goals.

Quick Ways to Motivate

• Pay attention to what excites them• The best kind of motivation doesn’t come

from you; it comes from people themselves.

• Use positive reinforcement• Recognition of past successes is a motivator

for future progress.

Ways to Stay Motivated During

Exercise If you were to motivate yourself:

• Change your perspective

• Set a goal

• Schedule a regular workout time

• Think fun and variety

• Reach out to others for support

If you want to learn more, visit here!

Strictly Statistics

CDC National Fitness Statistics: (2011)

• 65% of adults in the US are overweight.

• Two modifiers for disease prevention are exercise & nutrition.

• 1.6 billion adults worldwide were overweight in 2005.

• 2.3 billion adults worldwide expected to be overweight by 2015.

Assistance is a great key to motivation.

Yupp. Just like that. You got this!

Six Benefits of Working Out

• Controls weight

• Combats health conditions & diseases

• Improves mood

• Boosts energy

• Promotes better sleep

• Can be fun

Going to the gym is only half the battle.

Just one more. Got to keep pushing.

Strictly Statistics

According to Statistic Brain: (Research Date: 7.27.2013)

• Adults who aren’t active at all (25%)

• College students physically active > 20 minutes (19%)

• Adults need at least 30mins of activity per day.

What does Physical Activity Prevent?

Exercising can prevent these six diseases: • Heart disease • High blood pressure• Obesity • Diabetes• Osteoporosis • Mental disorders (depression)


Having a partner increases the chances of staying committed.

To Sum it All Up

The keys to motivate young adults are:• To eliminate excuses

• Understand their perspective

• Show the statistics

To Sum it All Up

The keys to motivate young adults are:

• Explain the benefits

• Change up the workouts

• Display key milestones





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