ariane könig and nancy budwig: iscn working group 3: integration of research, learning, operations...

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Integration of research, learning, operations and civic engagement

Setting the scene

Ariane König, Ph.D.

Head of Sustainable Development

Senior Researcher

University of Luxembourg

Nancy Budwig

Clark University

WG3 Remit Overarching objective:• To explore the challenges and criteria for success of Universities developing

innovative approaches to transformative learning by integrating research, campus operations, and/or civic engagement projects in education.

Cross-cutting topis:-innovation; collaboration; metrics; scalability

Deliverables?• A priority list of web-based teaching tools (issues and concepts) that can be

shared across Universities• (and possibly volunteers to collaborate on in the academic year



Part I. Innovative approaches to transformative learning - Cases

14.00 Welcome and introductions 14.10 University as stage for transformative learning (Ariane König, University of Luxembourg & Nancy Budwig, Clark University) 14.20 Student-perspectives on transformative learning opportunities (Ulrich Scharf, Rootability) 14.30 Integrated Sustainability Academia – University of Siena (Angelo Riccaboni, University of Siena) 14.40 Q&A and discussion

AgendaPart II: Co-creation of learning toolsII.1. What are challenges and criteria for success of programmes for transformative learning? Include thoughts on the design of spaces in which the project took place.’

II.2. What are priority topics? What aspects of such tools might be scalable or transferable?’

II.3. Develop a prototype web-based tool by designing a home page: • range of functions • content requisites • learning approaches/tools to be mediated by the site• a self-evaluation space for learning and continued improvement of the tool

III. Synthesis and closure

Some challenges to higher education in the face of

complex sustainability problems

« Our whole education tends to only draw

simple logical conclusions and defining

obvious cause and effect relationships

[which] have no existence in reality. In

reality all is indirect effects, networks,

connections and time delays.

Our civilisation will succeed […] only if it

acquires a far greater knowledge of

systemic connections in complex

systems. »

On complexity and education

Frederic Vester (2007). The Art of Interconnected Thinking. MCB publishing house.

Frederic Vester

Trying to address complex problems with disciplined science: Diverse disciplinary tribes lack a shared language or world views.

The method of scientific inquiry underlies learning

Individual learning: acquiring the habit of mind of reflection and open inquiry.

Learning by societies/collectives: relies on the same basic reflective process. The union of observation and memory is the heart of reflection.

“Things gain meaning by being used in a shared experience or joint action”.

Testing hypothesis by


Developing ideas for (shared)


Careful observation of consequences

Keep track of ideas,

activities and observed

consequences for reflection

John Dewey

Scientific inquiry is a planned, systematic, structured, self-critical process to create new knowledge

Comparing two cultures of learning

Teaching matters most

Transfer of information

Efficiency (much and fast)

Is given by teacher

Standardised testing

Understand defined cause-effect relationships

Learning environments matter most

Action oriented development process

Personal transformation

Is constructed and negotiated

Self-evaluation + critical support

Emergence of new knowledge from interaction with learning environments





View of learning:

Transmissive learning: Transformative learning:

Reconciling tensions along three dimensions• How can we collaboratively see alternative futures for complex


• How do we know what the relevant facts are? Abstract vs. Situated knowledge – local adaptation of information from the web is easily said… We need platforms for social learning, selection and adapation of universal technologies for local cirucmstnaces.

• How can we embrace conflicting interests and expertise? Sustainability as a normative concept with a moral dimension in a pluralist society…

Learning: Tools and


Human Development as a Social Process

1. Gaining expertise: beyond learning facts: practice based approaches involve studying how students move from novice to expert knowledgethrough participation in authentic contexts

2. Phases of development: learning doesn’t happen in a moment. It is a process with changing roles of different kinds of others over time (experts and peers)

3. The Role of Tools, Artifacts, and Technology

Tools and artifacts can guide the emergence of learning, avoiding top down processes by guiding the emergence of self and peer led learning

Technology has been shaking up our thinking about Learning and provides innovative alternatives to expert led lectures.

4. Learning environments matter

• Nancy – on bounded environments and how learning can happen at boundaries

• The net as a bounded environment

What role might shared MOOCS play?One possibly approach (suggested by Constanza et al.)

Online courses

• analytical • tool-based

Synthesis courses

• face-to-face, • on-the-ground• focused on solving real world problemsPractice:• Critical thinking• Apply tools• Communicate to diverse audiences


What are challenges and criteria for success of programmes for transformative learning? 

Include thoughts on the design of spaces in which the project took place.’


‘What are priority topics that transformative learning tools should be developed for? 

What aspects of such tools might be scalable or transferable?

II.3. Design of a web-based teaching tool

Develop a prototype for a web-based tool: In designing the home page, participants will consider

a. the range of functions this web-tool should have b. content requisites for the topic to be addressed, andc. learning approaches/toolsd. a self-evaluation space on the site to ensure learning and continued

improvement of the tool

III. Synthesis, conclusion, and next steps for 2014/2015

Each group presents in five minutes

Synthesis and conclusions

Next steps:

If all goes well we may have emergence of volunteer teams to develop some tools over the academic year 2014/2015.

Back up slides

Humans as originators

or recipients

Industrial society

Primary waste


Areas of affected





Solar system

A complex nested system ……consists of a number of distinct parts that co-exist in a specific dynamic arrangement. Parts of a system may also form a system or a sub-system in themselves. Interdependencies between drivers of change are of interest.

Frederic Vester (2007). The Art of Interconnected Thinking. MCB publishing house.

4. Learning in the anthropocene

“Learning is to enhance one’s own capacities to produce the results one truly wants to produce.

This process is akin to understanding and engaging in society embedded in its environment in a complex living system and understand its patterns and act upon that understanding.”

Senge, P. 1990. The fifth discipline. MIT Press.

Peter Senge, Director, MIT Centre for Organisational Learning

Sustainable education aims for ‘3rd order’ learning1st order

Transmissive learning

Within accepted boundaries


Learning about consequences of actions

No change

3rd order

Transformational learning

Ventures outside boundaries

Question underlying values

Learning about alterantive ways of doing/ challenges values and norms that underpin our assumptions

Radical change potential

04/08/2023Adapted from Stephen Sterling (2001). Sustainable education. Schumacher papers.

2nd order

Transitional learning

Questions boundaries

Critical reflection

Learning about assumptions underlying actions

Incremental change

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