
Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Rahanuma Islam Mithila

Id:16121035Department of Development

StudiesBangladesh University of professionals(BUP)

Introduction View of Aristotle Quotations Concept of Aristocracy The Athenian Aristocracy The myth of labor Aristocracy Social Aristocracy Presence of Aristocracy Aristocracy in India Aristocracy VS. Democracy Conclusion


Introduction of Aristocracy?

The term derives from the Greek aristokratia, meaning "rule of the best“

Aristocracy is a form of government that places power in the hands of a small and honored ruling class.

The highest social class in some countries : the people who have special titles (such as duke and duchess ), who typically own land, and who traditionally have more money and power than the other people in a society


People use may synonyms of aristocracy such aselite, gentility,

gentlefolk (also gentlefolks), gentry, nobility, patriciate, quality,

upper class, upper crust etc.


•Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated

G.K. Chesterton – New York Times

•An aristocracy in a republic is like a chicken whose head has been cut off; it may run about in a lively way, but in fact it is dea. By Nancy Mitford

• There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talent. Said by Thomas Jefferson – Letter to John Adams

Concept of Aristocracy

The concept changed in Ancient Greece

In Ancient Rome the Republic consisted of an aristocracy as well as consuls, a senate, and a tribal assembly.

Democracy upheld again.

The Athenian AristocracyPromotion to the supreme offices of state went by birth and wealth.

Aristocratic families enjoyed huge wealth and exchanges .

And they were held at first for life.

The Myth of the Labor Aristocracy

Social Aristocracy

Aristocracy present in

Denmark England Spain Nigeria and United Kingdom

Aristocracy in India

ConclusionAt present the term aristocracy is used roughly and in a great selection of combinations to symbolize a select few with authority in various categories, for example, an aristocracy of birth, of wealth, or of intelligence.



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