arnhem business schoole-marketing e-marketing course outline period 1 1-1course introductionprogram...

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Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

E-Marketing Course Outline

Period 11-1 Course Introduction Program 12 weeks

Definitions E-BusinessIntroduction Assignment

1-2 Basics of Marketing Planning & StrategyHow does a computer work

1-3 Marketing Segmentation & TargetingHow does the Internet work

1-4 E-Business Strategy & IntegrationPositioning

1-5 E-Business E-Procurement

1-6 E-Business Customer Relationship Management

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Strategic Marketing

Strategic planning:

“The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities”

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

The Planning process

Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

The Planning Process

Analysis Company situation, opportunities, environmental analysis.

Planning Decisions regarding business units, emphasis upon

products and brands.

Implementation Plans actioned

Control Measurement and evaluation of plans and activities. Corrective action where necessary.

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Strategic Plan Outline

Establish overall objective and mission

Organisational audit

Competitor analysis

Macro-environmental analysis

SWOT analysis

Marketing plan covering different products and


Operational plans

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

The Mission (Statement)

A statement of the organisation’s purpose and what

it wants to accomplish and should be market-

oriented. Visions guide the best missions. A mission should be:

• Realistic• Specific• Based on distinctive competencies• Motivating and inspirational

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Critical Questions for Mission Development

What Business are we in?

Use market definitions

Who are our customers?

Reseller, decision maker, buyer, user?

What are we in business for?

Profit, continuity, societal purposes, realize the vision?

What sort of business are we?

Cost leadership, differentiators, focused, stuck in the middle?

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Mission Statement Examples

Microsoft: To enable people and businesses throughout the world to

realize their full potential. Intel:

Do a great job for our customers, employees and stockholders by being the preeminent building block supplier to the worldwide Internet economy.

Levi Strauss & Co: People love our clothes and trust our company. We will

market the most appealing and widely worn casual clothing in the world. We will clothe the world. (this is their vision actually)

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Strategic Objectives

Clearly defined objectives need to be formulated

Objectives should be prioritised into a hierarchy of objectives

Objectives should be measurable

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Business Goals

Goals need to be SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-framed

“Our goal is to increase our market share for our LCD TVs SBU from

12 to 18 percent within the next two years, and at the same time lowering the cost price with 25 percent”

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Strategic Audit

External Audit Reviews the macro-environment

Internal Audit: Examines all aspects of the company. Michael Porter’s ‘Value Chain’ which includes ‘inbound

logistics’ such as procurement, operations and production and ‘outbound logistics’ such as sales, marketing and customer service

Financial management reports • Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

The SWOT Analysis

Strengths and Weaknesses List the most critical and grade them

Opportunities Economic climate Demographic changes Market dynamics Technology

Threats Competitive activity Channel pressure Demographic changes Politics

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

Portfolio analysis

The business portfolio: The collection of businesses and products that make up

the company

Portfolio analysis:

Step 1:

Analyse the current business portfolio

Step 2:

Shape the future business portfolio

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

The BCG Growth-share matrix

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GE’s strategic business-planning grid

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Ansoff Growth Strategies

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The Marketing Mix

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Turns marketing strategies into marketing actions with five key elements:

The action programme

The organisation structure

The company’s decision-and-reward systems

Human resources planning

The company culture

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

The Control Process

Arnhem Business School E-Marketing

How does a computer work?

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