article 51 (c) - global civilization vision of earth in...

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Article 51 (c) - the State shall endeavour to foster respect for International Law

GONG 3000 Siberian center for Eurasian projects PLANET 3000

India tour

10 December 2010 2 January 2011

Luchnow New Delhi Chennai - Pondicherry Auroville New Delhi

Nina Goncharova

From 10 December 2010 to 2 January 2011 Nina Goncharova visited India and took part in several events in different parts of India with the purpose: to create conditions for a smooth transition into a new world from consumption to conscious co-creation in unity with Highest worlds, oneself, nature, humanity and the Universe.

I will create my own path, Mahatma Gandhi

The first part of the tour - the 11th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World on Article 51(c) of the Constitution of India, World Judiciary Summit 2010 and Global Symposium: Awakening Planetary Consciousness' (10-15 of December 2010, World Unity Convention Centre, CMS Kanpur Road Campus, Lucknow, India. This event was organized by City Montessori School and World Movement for Rights of Children (WMFRC). It has been a bright illustration of a High Dream of one man and created by his collective world team.

A human/divine education Childrens world Parliament - high wishes of Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, founder of CMS, 11th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World & 7th Global Symposium on Awakening Planetary Consciousness Founder

11 December 2010 started with the World Unity March of all delegates. People from all over the world peacefully marched along Indian streets accompanied by childrens voices expressing their visions of a future world.

Fragment of the World Unity March, 11 December 2010 Dalai Lama as a chief guest of the events

At the Opening Ceremony of the 11th International Conference of Chief Justices Objectives of the Global Symposium and introduction of World Movement for Rights of Children (WMFRC) by Mr. Shishir Srivastava, Organizing Secretary was presented. Then Symposium Presentations took place and this was a bridge of mutual understanding and cooperation between different parts of the world. Dalai- Lamas presence and words brought a new understanding of a key of co-creation the one of human affection. His vision on the role of family education for forming a character was clear and inspiring.

The entire event was interrelated with educational activity and Cultural Programs made by children of CMS that filled the atmosphere with childrens presence, creativity and love. It was a bright example of putting together theory and practice and of growing energy of a new world as all the 34 annual international events conducted at the CMS had become a place of world dialogue for creating a different world.

Children and special guests

70 countries leant to live and co-create together. For Tai Ji Men delegation and for the participants of the two events the presence of DR. HONG, TAO-TZE, Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men/ President of Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy / President of Federation of World Peace and Love/ Honorary Vice-President and Member of Advisory Board of Association of World Citizens UN/NGO/DPI/ECOSOC/ President of Dr. Hong Tao Tze Culture and Education Foundation was of high value. He made his presentation on Opening Remarks for the Global Symposium 2010. FOWPAL members made their art program and Nina sang Fire Birds song as a part of their performance.

FOWPAL members, Nepal and Siberia Dr Hong Tao-Tze and Nina Goncharova

FOWPAL and Tai Ji Men Bell of Peace ceremony

Ms Linda Strickler, Universal Peace Ambassador Moving for Peace, UK presented a simple and profound idea of her One World Moving for Peace as a living example of her own healing and healing other people by realizing the unity of all life.

Mr Divino Roberto Verssimo, President, OPA Organization for Environmental Preservation, Brazil, presented a holistic vision of The New Direction of the Education for World Civilization across the Law, Peace and Sustainable Development with the children.

Ms Nina Goncharova, Director of the Siberian Center for Eurasian Projects, Russian Federation presented a big picture of a planetary cooperation on the way to a new world. Earth is OurCommonHome: co creating a united humanity presentation made a special accent on creating conditions for a new generation to live in a natural and divine world through education for life and through creating a network of interconnected self sufficient youth communities as hearths of new life.

Ms Barbara Wolf, Founder and International Lecturer, Global Meditations Network, USA -Educating Humanity to Reach Sustainable World Peace expressed a key idea of a sacredness of life.

Ms Margaret Fikioris, Global Meditations Network, USA spoke about Techniques for a Peaceful Planet and capacity to influence life with humans presence and actions.

Participants of the Global Symposium, 11 December 2010

On Sunday, 12 December 2010, World Unity March for all delegates again started the day. This day was marked by Mr. Shishir Srivastava, Organizing Secretary, and Global Symposium: Awakening Planetary Consciousness and Head, World Movement for Rights of Children (WMFRC) Awakening the Eight Powers within You workshop. It was in fact a presentation of his book devoted to awakening inner potential within everybody. A Meeting to discuss the Declaration of Global Symposium took place. It was harmonious collective work, focused to a new creative future.

Circle discussion, 12 December 2010

The presentations & workshop by FOWPAL/ AWC/ TJM took place. It was a great opportunity to personally meet DR. HONG, TAO-TZE , He made a speech World Peace and Sustainable Development. We had short but deep conversations with him for putting together our visions and collective actions. On behalf of Prof. Rene Wadlow, Representative to the UN, Geneva, Association of World Citizens, France his Earth is Our Common Home: UN Desert Decade speech was read by a representative of FOWPAL.

During all the events of the Symposium meetings, presentations, WMFRC/ IASEP team to discuss Voices of Children, Interactive Session between Chief Justices and NGOs. A bon fire and other ceremonies, invisible corridors of sympathy and mutual human affection had been created. We felt each other and exchanged contacts and love.

By the third day, we all felt close to each other and supported each other during presentations: Prof. Edwin Zappe, Travelling scholar, Austria, made his Awakening Planetary Consciousness -Man/Woman, Humankind, Spirituality and Education presentation mentioning that he also lived in Auroville community. He seemed be a man out of age, full of inspiration and high energy. While listening to the presentations, I felt children who were in the auditorium and who had to listen to speeches of grownups eager to understand how the old life could be changed. Among those who presented their thoughts and actions were: Mrs. Bhagyah Sheela Mohanpersad, Vice-President of United Nations Association of Mauritius, Mauritius Religion & Spirituality;Dr Asna Husin, Peace Education Program, IAIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia Ulama Waging Peace: The Aceh Experience; Ms Galina Morozova, President, Feminist League Fung, Kazakhstan Children trafficking; Mr. Yasser Adel, Project Manager, Planet Earth C.C., Egypt; Mr Arthur J Collins, Humanity in Unity, USA; Mrs Akbagysheva Zamira Akbagyshevna, Kyrgyzstan

An apogee of the event was the speech of Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, Convener, 11th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World & Founder, World Movement for Rights of Children (WMFRC) on the topic Social Responsibility of a Modern. He brightly presented his visions of a new education containing all the three parts: physical, human and divine and the most profound thing was that we had put it into practice!

Dr. Jagdish Gandhis presentation, 13 December 2010

Then Dr. Jagdish Gandhi distributed Mementoes/ Certificates / Gifts to delegates of Symposium. Nina Goncharova made a proposal for the symposium to conduct the 12th Education for World Citizens congress in India and presented the idea of the Peace Ship project to put together world leaders, spiritual leaders, world citizens and some presidents as humans and world citizens to become one team and co create a joint program of actions for the transformation of the society into a humane planet of love, peace and co creation.

The two events - the 11th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World on the

Constitution of India and the 7th Global Symposium on Awakening Planetary Consciousness

and children of different ages of CMS who were active participants of both events created a

new spiritual space full of awareness that education and raising consciousness of world

Leaders could change the world.

Fragment of children performance, 13 December 2010

Youth of India, Arise (Swami Vivekenanda)

During the conference and the symposium in a natural way of human affection a Love

Community was created. Young people from India, grownups from different countries met in

non - official atmosphere and envisioned joint actions for transforming the Earth into one Love

Community. The first steps - were Peace Ship project and Education for the 12 th World

Citizens congress in the framework of the 8th Global Symposium in 2011.

Love Community, collective co-creation, 14 December 2010

During the two events in Lucknow, the Love Community was growing and a

initiative group for the Peace Ship and the 12th Education for World Citizens Congress was created.

With Nepal brothers educators USA, Egypt, Siberia, youth of India

Nina and Asif Youths aspiration

With students of CMS with Indian children

For a new generation to take total responsibility for creating another world, a new humane education should be spread all over the planet! The Siberian visit to India resulted in mutual agreement to conduct the 12 th Education for World Citizens congress in India in 2011 for putting together new models of humane education and establish Education for World Citizens as a tool of creating a new future.

In New Delhi (15-22 December 2010) Nina Goncharova met the publisher Arvinder Singh for making a final editing work for the Rainbow Earth: Vision from the Future, passed the proposals of Rene Wadlow, the editor of the book and they discussed the ways of spreading a word and promoting the book for international and Indian people.

Together with Dr Rao JN University Nina had a meeting with students of New Delhi on the topic of Sanskrit and culture.

With students of Kamala Nehro Colledge, New Delhi; Dr. Sushma Choundhary, Dr. Maitryee Kumari, Dr. Sarita Sharma, D-r Rao

Heartfelt meeting with teachers, New Delhi

Religion is a direct experience of a higher truth (Ramakrishna)

In New Delhi Nina Goncharova visited Ramakrishna Mission and studied the heritage of Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. They both brought the ideas of regeneration of India; their Motherland and now it is time to regenerate our common Motherland the Earth and to awaken and realize the divine potential within.

Nina also met in New Delhi an India babadji, who had totally changed his life for the service to people and devotion to God. He is a man full of life, humor and awesome feelings of the Divine plan, who has his students in 48 countries of the world. Swami Sanatan Ban (Ladubaba) and Nina discussed a Peace Ship and Earth is Our Common Home projects and he invited her to visit his ashram.

Ladubaba, New Delhi Farewell to New Delhi, 22 December 2010

In Chennai (22 of December 2010) Nina Goncharova was met in the airport by Prof R. Ananthanarayanan, a chairman of World Union, Chennai Chapter and they had a meeting in his office in Chennai for the Earth is our Common Home project cooperation. He brought her to Pondicherry by car and they visited S. Rammonhan family. It was a visit of heartfelt friendship and mutual understanding.

Nina Goncharova &Prof. R. Ananthanarayanan; Visit to S. Rammonhan family, Chennai, 22 December 2010

Three days in Pondicherry (22-24 December) were devoted to visiting Sri Aurobindo and the Mothers ashram, experiencing sacred feelings of the Samadhi and studying activity on personal, national, international and universal level. Male and female spiritual co creation allowed them to create a real hearth of new life on the Earth and a model of spiritual education. Auroville as their common concern has been growing and developing with their constant divine presence and revelations that are felt out of time.

The Mothers words The Mother and Sri Aurobindos presence

While in Pondicherry, meetings with youth happened spontaneously and the meetings were full of love and heartfelt feelings and understanding.

Meeting youth in Pondicherry, 23 December 2010

In Pondicherry Anurada, an initiator of EKATAA project invited Nina to visit her family. Her father Colonel, mother Chhanda, brother Ashuradha and Anurada created a happy meeting of hearts of India and Russia. It was a celebration of questions and answers leading to a new awakening and co-creating new opportunities for cooperation.

With Colonel Ashok, Mrs. Chhanda, Anurada and Ashuradha Chondry, Pondicherry, 23 December 2010

From 24 of December 2010 to 1 st of January 2011 Nina lived in the village close to Auroville and visited the community to meet people, to learn the Mothers and Sri Aurobindos endeavor. She visited Matri Mandir a golden Glove and a divine dream of the Mother put into practice. It is now 50 mini communities interrelated to each other and learning to live together as one international family. All started with a Divine Dream when 124 countries arrived and put their soil into the place of the future Auroville. Now this place is one of the paradises on Earth being born where relationships and cooperation and life on Earth serve creating human unity. Nina visited Savitri, Aspiration, Fraturnity, Solar Kitchen communities and also Edwin Zappa and Rudolfs houses.

Edwin Zappes home, Auroville Auroville building Rudys home, flowers, Auroville

At the 31 of December in the Unity Pavilion of Auroville, Nina and Anurada initiated a round table Earth is Our Common Home - AKATAA. It started with the Circle of Friendship and everybody spoke about his visions and actions for creating human unity.

Edwin Zappe and Ramachandro Rao, 31 December 2010, Auroville Rudolf speaking, 31 December 2010, Auroville

At midnight, at the 31 of December 1 st of January EKATAA meeting for creating ONE THOUGHT SOUND of unconditional human solidarity on 1.1.11. took place in the Unity Pavilion of Auroville. For 11 minutes people tuned into each other singing the sound OM and silently feeling oneness as human beings sharing a common home Earth.

EKATAA New Year meeting, Auroville, Unity Pavilion, 1f January 2011

Every day Nina swam in the ocean and met people creating unity with the nature and people.

Ocean and the Earth With youth at the ocean, 27 December 2010

While leaving from Auroville for Chennai and then for New Delhi a new family was born

Leaving Auroville, 1 January 2011 New Delhi, 2 January 2011 New Delhi, 2 January 2011

What were the results of the Indian trip? A new level of responsibility for life:

In order to make the transition into a new world in a smooth way, we are to awaken humanity for reconnecting with the Divine and its inner true essence. For this a new humane education should be spread all over the planet and an interconnected living planetary network of spiritual ecological communities should be created;

International teams for Peace Ship meeting, Earth is Our Common Home project and the 12 the Education for World Citizens congress were created.


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