artist statement artist statement continued my work has become better over time. i went to the wolf...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Born January 14, 1997 to I’M NOT DEAD YET!!

Artist Statement

I became interested in photography when I first came to school one. I was interested in the class because it was something I had never tried. I started in photo one when I first stared at school one. It’s a very interesting class and I love being in the class. I like to photographing just about anything I want to because it’s what I like to photograph. I have photographed my twin brother Elliott, my mom, my dad, my cosines Lisa, Sara, Georgie, my uncle Gorge, myself, my best friends mike mc Donald, Alex Moreau, his dad Dennis Moreau, my dog angel, my house and some other random things.

Artist Statement Continued

My work has become better over time. I went to the wolf school for middle school. The wolf school is a middle school. No when I came to this school, that was when I first took photography. I use a Pentax n1 camera with a built-in flash. I use a 30mm camera with a flash with speed 400 film and I generally take photos inside instead of outside. I haven’t received any awards or scholarships. I feel greatly influenced by Boogie and Sally Mann for my photography. Photography for me means take pictures to remember what fun I had when I was younger. Photography by me is sometimes slightly unfocused, medium sized, and always black and white.


• I think I was influenced by boogie’s work to take pictures of my twin brother holding Nerf guns aimed at the camera unloaded. (It was the best we could do as a teenagers)

• I decided to take this class because I wanted to be able to take something on Tuesdays that wasn’t too hard and yet at the same time not too easy for me to do.

Equipment and style

• I use a Pentax SF1 with a Sigma auto zoom to take 30mm photos of just about anything I feel like taking a photo of.

• I generally don’t have a lot of inspiration to take photos with so I rely on my imagination to take photos and then when I make them into the actual pictures themselves it doesn’t always go as planned.

My Bedroom • I chose this picture because it was the first picture of mine to be digitalized into the computer.

Aleo Plant

• I’ve had this aleo plant since when I was a little kid

• It’s one of my favorite things in the house besides friends and family

Angel getting into the Jetta

• This is a picture of Angel getting into the car in the morning

• Angel is part of the same family as my family’s deceased dog Betty

Dad’s Black Panther

• This is a picture of my Dad’s stuffed black panther

• It’s always been here and there

Elliott’s Peace sign

• This is a picture of my twin brother Elliott using the peace sign to say peace out

• He’s now really into live long and prosper from star trek

Tiger Picture

• This is a picture of a tiger picture that’s hanging in me and my brother’s room

• The picture’s hanging on the wall

Tiger Picture in between beds

• This tiger picture is also in our room but in between our beds instead of on the walls


• This is a picture of a metal turtle with a hollow inside, a wooden dog or wolf, and a metal golfer thing



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