arts connect

Post on 07-May-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Breakout session given by Culture Shift was part of the Cultural Commissioning National Seminar in London on the 6th June 2014. Find out more about Cultural Commissioning Programme.


Arts ConnectCatherine Orbach & Julia Roberts, Culture Shift

Presentation Notes
Here to talk about arts connect – CO and JR , a piece of work commissioned by ESCC ASC through their commissioning prospectus CS is a CIC that developed out of CP, 2 p/t directors, team of f/lance assocs . We work with partners to deliver health, education an community outcomes through arts and culture. Believe in the power of the arts to affect change – hence culture shift This work was jointly developed by Julia and myself, Julia brings specific expertise in arts within a LD context, having also worked with Carousel

Negotiating the Commissioning Process

• East Sussex Commissioning 

Grants Prospectus

• Meet the Commissioner Events

• Identifying our place in relation 

to the prospectus outcomes

Presentation Notes
3rd year of commisioing for ESCC, 1st for us. Brings together commissioning objetcives for ASC, childrens services, public health, safer cties Available annually, in 1 place, transparent process, fairly lengthy application process; client/carer panel, impt of social capital

2013 Prospectus Outcomes

• Advocacy• Living Well and stroke support• Person centred support for people with learning disabilities and

autism• Improved wellbeing, confidence and resilience of people at risk of significant 

harm from anti‐social behaviour or targeted harassment             • Improving mental health through cultural activity • Children’s Centre services to improve outcomes for young children and their 

families with a particular focus on the most disadvantaged• Health improvement

Presentation Notes
These are the outcomes drawn from joint commisisoning plans, essentially about supporting people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives and to live independently in the community. PREVENTION – key word – Chose outcome 3 as had been interested in building on our CP work with yp with LD, attended one or two LD network meets and interested in developing Arts Award in this context. Liked the commissioner!

The detail

• Person centred support that promotes choice and control, 

personalisation and good communication and user led approaches

• Understanding of needs, goals and preferences

• More parents and carers have improved understanding of person centred approaches

• Person centred support for people who are the most excluded or face 

additional barriers to inclusion

• Developing their links with local community and develop friendships and relationships based on 

their preferences and personal interests

• Services that develop and promote their gifts and abilities

Presentation Notes
Fairly open in what they were looking, looking for innovative solutions, to expanding range of providers working in LD sector

What are the issues as we see it?

• Money • Transport• Lack of independent choice• Isolation• Transition • Arts provision – patchy• Learning disabled friendly arts organisations• Managing own health

Presentation Notes
Talk through

Arts Connect

• 10 week arts courses in arts venues in Bexhill, Eastbourne and Lewes

• People working alongside lead artist in a supported environment, on 

a weekly basis, in inspirational venues

• Volunteer scheme ‐15 volunteers across 3 programmes 

• Stakeholder engagement and arts audit

Presentation Notes
Our proposal – simple Expand provision. Dance – lewes, music Eastbourne, film – Bexhill, Make connections, incorporate arts award, build in volunteer training scheme, - we recruited 12-15, Develop dialogue btwn LD orgs and arts sector. At our negotiation meeting – explored possiblility of public health outcomes

Additional public health outcomes

• Track health and wellbeing• Health related focus to 


• Healthy eating• Journeys

Who else is involved?

De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill, Birley Centre, Eastbourne College All Saints Centre, Lewes

Presentation Notes
Explain carousel, sls, and aa access

Starting a Conversation



People from 






Presentation Notes
Arts providers, LD orgs, LA folk; what exists, what are the challenges around access and provision What we learnt – value of making connections at a strategic level – many returned at the end to be part of celebration

Relationships with places & people

Presentation Notes
Film project 15 participants, based at dlwp, using location, visiting venue, dlwp running film clubs for yp, Film – gets people working in groups, allows different talent and skills to surface in a group, very inclusive – roles for everyone, people used local shops and b and bs as film locations, loved that,

Film: A perfect day

Group dynamics

Presentation Notes
Enjoy, meeting people, atmosphere, groups, people, people shone ans excelled in ways that were new for their carers, yp committed in ways that was new (Jordan), people had new things to connect arounf

Exercising mind and body

Presentation Notes
Physical dimension to all activities, warm ups in film, walks, using location for sound, using pedometers fascinated people knowing how far they were actually walking, Gallery visits for all 3 groups, music group did Brighton gig – pivotal moment for them

Becoming an arts audience

Presentation Notes
Gallery visit explored through song

A sense of self

Presentation Notes
‘Self esteem up a fair few notches’ – Frasers Mum, lifting mood/depression, recognising talent. Berhana – I went home really happy and pleased with myself I wrote it myself and recorded it. Fraser – it’s improving my confidence in talking to people

Self expression

People pushing 

us around

And getting up 

in the morning

I hate it

Presentation Notes
Finding a way of saying the unsayable..what don’t you like

Real inclusion, maintaining quality 

Presentation Notes
Needing to adapt to different needs, skills and find ways to make your arts offer inclusive and maintain quality

Continuing the conversation

• Celebration and Finale Event• Feedback from participants, 

carers, stakeholders 

• Arts Award• Portfolios, CDs, DVDs• Next steps

Presentation Notes
Celebration – a band – 7 films – dance - a chance to see Arts Award portfolios – a revelation for some.+ other arts orgs working with people with LD – flagging up what’s around. People appreciated the opportunity, the platform, the connection making Impact :On person centred support, supporting talent, gifts, friendships developed around shared interests and experiences, making connections in the community, healthy living messages Outputs: folios, arts award, cds, dvds Next steps: learning from programme – recognising value in what we are doing and what offers value for money..development of model with user-led group at the core developing the programme with us in 3 areas of ES.

For more info



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