asas summer news letter

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Adirondack Save A Stray has sent out its annual newsletter. A lot of great information. Check it out



Just a few of our Happy Tails

ASAS Donation Wish List Cleaning Supplies Brooms, Mops New outside kennels Chew Toys Cat Litter Cat Food (canned & Dry) Dog/Puppy food (canned & Dry) Monetary donations are always appreciated.

Nail Trimming Tips

Gather up a high quality pair of trimmers and some styptic powder, such as Kwik-Stop or other product, to stop bleeding if you nick the quick. You may want to sit on the floor with your dog in your lap, or have someone hold your dog on a table. Hold your dog’s paw firmly and push on the pads to extend the nail. Locate where the quick ends. With clear or light nails, it is easy to see the pink color where the quick ends. But with black nails you can look for a black dot on the underneath of the nail; that’s where the quick ends. Trim the nail below the quick on a 45- degree angle, with the cutting end of the nail clipper toward the end of the nail. Make several small nips with the clippers instead of one large one. In some cases, if the nails are brittle, the cut may tend to splinter the nail. In these cases, file the nail in a sweeping motion starting from the back of the nail and following the curve to the tip. Go slowly, take breaks between each paw., and don’t forget the dewclaws. If you accidentally cut the quick, wipe off the blood and apply Kwik-Stop or styptic powder to stop the bleeding. It is not serious and will heal in a very short time. Some important tips: Trim a small amount on a regular basis rather than to try to remove large portions. Trim nails so that when the dog steps down, nails do not touch the floor. Invest in a good pair of nail trimmers in an appropriate size for your dog. They can last a lifetime. Make trimming time fun and not a struggle —“high-value” treats help, as too does a cheerful, calm presence. Get more information about Trimming Nails.

WHY DO CATS LOVE BOXES Large boxes, small boxes, if it’s big enough to climb into, almost all cats seem to love boxes. Most cats also enjoy other similar enclosed, box-like objects such as drawers, laundry baskets, sinks and paper bags. What’s the attraction? While no one can say with certainty what goes on inside the feline mind, there are some theories: They like the security of an enclosed space. A box resembles a cave and may make your cat feel secure knowing they are protected and, theoretically, cannot be attacked from behind. Boxes are fun! Lots of cats seem especially playful in and around boxes. Cats enjoy jumping in and out of a box, pouncing, stalking and climbing atop boxes. Cats are little predators, and a box is a great spot from which to pounce on their prey, even if the prey is just a catnip mouse toy. Boxes are cozy. Try putting a soft blanket in the bottom of your cat’s favorite box. The sides help retain the cat’s body heat making a comfy nest. It’s instinctive. When was the last time you saw your cat sleeping in the middle of a wide-open space? Cats seem to instinctively prefer smaller, more confined spaces. Luckily, it is inexpensive to provide a box or two for your cat to enjoy. Try throwing a cat toy or two inside the box for added fun. Just make sure the box is in a safe place and that your cat can easily get in and out of the box with no risk of becoming trapped inside.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul

remains unawakened.” ―Anatole France

This is so powerful, true, raw and honest. We had to share... "A friend of mine just posted this on my wall. It literally got me out of the bed to go to my computer to share with all of you. This is the best way to explain what we do everyday, what we see and what we feel while doing it. For animal lovers like me, animal rescue is the most incredible, rewarding job... in the history of ever. At the same time... it's also the most heartbreaking... The truth is... You see a lot of things... you never thought you'd see. You witness a level of cruelty... you didn't think was possible. You feel a degree of helplessness... you never thought you'd know. You stare at painful images... soon burned into your memory... that will haunt your thoughts forever. You try to pick up the pieces... so many pieces... of the damage you didn't do. You do everything in your power... but even still... you'll never reach them all. On a yearly basis... you'll look back... You'll see faces... You couldn't save them. You'll learn to mourn. To grieve. To sob. You'll learn to trust a little less. To do a little more. To fight a little harder. You'll learn to try. To hope. To pray. You'll learn to fail. To succeed. To accept. You'll learn when to hold on. When to give up. When to let go. You'll learn who you are. What you stand for. Why that matters. Then... at times... you'll forget why you matter. You'll question what you're doing. You'll wonder if it's worth it. But... here's the good news... When you forget... When you question...When you wonder... All you have to do...Is take a look around...And you'll see them. You'll see their faces. You'll see their smiles. You'll feel their love. In their eyes, you'll see their journeys...You'll remember their beginnings...You'll know how far they've come...You'll remember when they didn't know you...When they didn't trust you...When they'd given up. You'll remember how you healed them...How you loved them...How they loved you, too. And as you look back... You'll want to move forward...For them... and because of them. In your darkest hours, you'll look around... To find the differences made... the hope given... and the lives saved... Because you existed. In those moments, when you look into their eyes... every doubt will be erased. Every question will be answered. Every worry will subside. Because in that instant... in each of your hearts... You both share the very same thought: "Every bit of pain was worth it... for this moment here with you." And honestly... no matter what else happens...Those moments hold all the strength you need... To keep going. Rescue is pain. Rescue is joy. Rescue is worth it... because they are worth it. And that's the honest truth."

We hope you enjoy our newsletter. The pets featured on these pages do not even touch the amount of “Happy Tails” and the number of animals we’ve rescued from near death this year. Please help us help them. We thank you for generous support. Please visit us on Facebook. You can also make a donation to Adirondack Save-A-Stray with your credit card, online, just click on the“Make A Donation” at:

A Pet's Prayer My people are so precious, Lord; I know You think so, too... And I believe You put me here To love them just for You! They take such gentle care of me And have such tender hearts... Please use me, Lord, to comfort them Whenever teardrops start. They face a lot of battles As they live & work each day... They need me, Lord, To make them smile And show them how to play!

The world is full of people, But sometimes real friends are few... Please let my love & loyalty Remind them, Lord, of you. And when my final moment comes, Lord, tell them as we part... I was a made-to-order gift From Your great, loving heart!

Dear Friends of Adirondack Save A Stray:

Our summer newsletter is a little late getting out to you because we never seem to have one minute or enough time in the day…. There is always an emergency with an animal or a family that needs our help, or an animal that is in jeopardy of being euthanized or a box of kitties, momma cats having babies under a porch or some other crisis. And since the animals come first we are always running in several different directions. This spring we also upgraded the shelter and expanded the cat room with floor to ceiling windows, new cat condos and kitty pens. The cats love it and so do we. It is so airy. All this was able to happen because of you and your generous donationand faith in ASAS and the work we do. Recently I was very ill. So sick it brought me to a standstill and I ended up in the hospital. As I lay there I tried to take stock as to what I was doing with my life. No vacation in 25 years and if I was going to take time off, this was not what I considered a rest. I asked myself should I change direction or should I just stop. Then after just one day into my stay my phone started going off, 100 e-mails on my I-pad and the nurses checking my vitals. Kind of funny but I realized I could not stop at least not yet. All those pictures of pitiful faces begging to be saved starring back at me. So it brings me to today, our summer letter showing many happy tails and me asking, begging for your donation to keep our doors open. Adirondack Save A Stray is important.Wesave so many lives and make a difference. We remain proud of the work we do and I know that if all of the thousandsof animals could speak they would say “thank you for giving us a chance at life”. So many are murdered and I do say murdered because to gas or euthanize healthy, wonderful animals is just that. Murder!We will continue to be their voice and with your help you can partner with us in making difference. Thanking you in advance for making tails wag and hearts purr. Enjoy your summer season.

You have helped make tails wag and hearts purr. With Gratitude, Meredith Fiel, Director, Adirondack Save-A-Stray

This year was an exceptionally bad year dealing with a serious, over population of kittens. As of this writing we are still over loaded with adorable kittens with no let up in sight. Adirondack Save-A-Stray offers low cost, cat neutering, as a community service in order to help control unwanted litters. We also offer affordably priced veterinary service to the community at our clinic with Dr. Kimberly Ellis. Call 518-654-6220 for details.

“I don't believe in the concept of hell, but if I did I would think of it as filled with people who were cruel to animals.” ―Gary Larson

If you see someone without a smile today give them one of yours! Live simply. Love seriously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. every day to the fullest. Each minute is a blessing. And never forget....the people who make a difference in our lives are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care for us.

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