ascended rudraksha sacred science.. lotus ignition of...

Post on 05-Jun-2018






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The Secrets of Ascended Rudraksha Sacred Science..

Mastery of the 7 Rays of Crystalline Light

Session Three Lotus Ignition

of Ascended Presence1

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Integrating and Lifting into the Ascended Chakras

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Fully Opening with the Sacred Activators

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The Golden Seed of Creation: Birthed from the Lotus Chakras and supported by Rudraksha and Shiva eye Agate in harmony with your MSC


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Sustaining Creation Energy through The Avesa Breath and Ascended Presence

Integrating the Effectiveness of the Crystalline Rays with your MSC6



The Seven Rays of Crystalline Light: Mastery Chart



Cosmic MSC

Rudraksha 5 supports all PHYSICAL

FIRST* 5/THROAT Protection through Knowing BLUE 9 4 Respiratory

SECOND* 7/CROWN Divine Wisdom YELLOW 10/11 1 + 9 Neurological

THIRD 4/HEART Love through Compassion PINK 4 15 Circulatory Lymphatic

5th Dimension High Heart Intention Ruby 7 10 + 11 Thymus

FOURTH 1/ROOT Safety as beingness CRYSTALLINE 6

6 Skeletal

FIFTH* 6/THIRD EYE Clarity of wholeness/vision EMERALD 5

17 Endocrine


Power through Trust/Service PURPLE 3

3 Digestive Muscular

SEVENTH 2/SACRAL FREEDOM as Balanced creation VIOLET 2

2 Reproductive Excretory

Cosmic Ray Init iator Auric Field Inspiration and

Intuition/TRUST Golden

1 &12 12 and 14 w/Shiva eye Energy body

Lotus Ascension 8th/Lotus Positive action

through service Ultra Violet

8 7,8,13 Emotional body


Working with Healing Stones and Minerals

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Shiva Speaks of Shiva Eye Agate “You  have  been  placed  back  in  contact  with  the  earthly  incarnation  of  the  divine  presence  and  all  that  it  can  offer.    Through  this  family  of  divine  energies,  one  can  offer  to  themselves  a  reliable  and  effortless  way  to  feel  connected!      

YOU  ARE  NOT  ALONE  and  as  your  family  returns  you  will  begin  to  notice  a  deepening  in  our  connection  and  communication.      

As  you  connect  with  me  through  these  stones  you  will  discover  that  those  who  may  seek  to  project  negative  thoughts  and  energies  toward  you  will  be  unsuccessful.    You  will  discover  that  all  of  your  dreams  will  soften  and  any  frightening  energies  that  would  seem  to  appear  through  your  dream-­‐space  will  be  a  distant  memory.  

For  those  who  have  an  unbalanced  energy  or  are  working  with  many  who  have  unbalanced  energies,  holding  a  stone  in  each  hand  often  will  continually  offer  an  energetic  charge  that  will  sustain  you  and  lift  you  into  the  vibratory  realms  that  are  far  beyond  the  planetary  thought  body  of  fear  and  doubt  and  chaos.  

Relax  and  discover  that  each  stone  carries  a  unique  vibration,  color  and  universal  light  code.    Each  is  as  individual  as  the  person  who  it  is  called  to  reunify  with.  You,  (referring  to  Kira  Raa),    will  need  to  surround  yourself  with  many  of  different  sizes  to  accomplish  the  gift  of  a  universal  grid  of  divine  crystalline  ascension  frequency  that  can  then  be  lovingly  offered  to  those  who  wish  to  lift  into  the  frequencies  of  the  ascension  portals.  

Beware  that  many  stones  have  been  recklessly  sold  solely  for  the  sake  of  Einancial  gain.    To  many  they  are  simply  inanimate  objects  and  will  go  dormant  until  reuniEied  with  their  family  of  spirit.    Even  those  who  are  of  loving  heart  may  have  in  their  possession  a  dormant  stone  that  is  simply  that…a  stone…yet  holds  the  energy  of  awakening.  

The  stones  that  are  for  the  family  of  spirit  that  will  hear  my  words  through  you,  will  be  sent  to  you  as  you  will  be  guided  to  re-­‐discover  them.    Your  connection  with  me  will  guide  your  hands  to  select  and  hear  them  as  they  dance  to  their  families  once  more.  

There  is  not  any  magic  needed  to  activate  the  stones  once  they  Eind  their  way  to  the  family  member  that  they  are  seeking.    Simply  gaze  deeply  into  the  center  of  the  stones  as  you  breathe,  relax  and  smile.    Hold  them  often,  either  in  both  hands  or  by  switching  one  stone  between  the  two  hands.  Place  them  on  your  body  where  you  are  called  to  place  them.  Keep  them  in  your  workspace  and  then  by  your  bed  at  night.    Surround  yourself  with  cosmic  family  through  their  presence  and  keep  records  of  the  vast  communications.      

The  presence  of  these  Eyes  in  your  life  will  consistently  hold  open  your    Star  Consciousness  and  ignite  the  stability  of  the  Ascended  Heart  to  Elourish.    With  this  stable  presence  ignited,  the  miracle  presence  will  call  to  you  and  the    

co-­‐creative  centers  of  the  universe  will  send  clear  and  uninterrupted    signals  of  divine  light.”  


The Creation Portal of Miracle Presence


1st, 2nd & 5th Crystalline Rays form the Immortal Soul and house the Upper Pyramid of Ascended Energy

3rd, 4th, 6th & 7th Crystalline Rays form the Perfect Square and given the Current Lifetime soul experience.

The 19 Rays of Cosmic ReUnification


7 Rays of Crystalline Light as One with the 12 Rays of Cosmic Light (Presence) 19 Rays …. 1 + 9 = 10 …. = 1 plus the infinite!

The Blessing of Daily Support: Let it be easy!

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Sri Ram Kaa wears an 11 mm Shiva connection Mala on one wrist and a custom combination on the other.

He wears a ruby ring and also Shiva’s power ring on his other hand.

Around his neck is a Shiva eye soul pendant on an Amethyst Wisdom Strand.

His truly amazing 1-21 Mukhi Shivoham Indra Mala of Enlightenment and of course the universal Mala of Protection & Balance

supporting all!

Kira Raa wears Shiva’s power ring and the Ultimate OM Elegance and Trishul

protector on one hand. She wears the Comsic Trishul Shiva Eye ring on her other hand with a 5mm Divine Inspiration mala wrapped around her wrist. She wears

Ascension Accelerator earrings daily often wearing one each of the ruby and emerald

as seen here. Around her neck is the Mala of Protection

and balance worn looped at the 5th chakra and hanging long to support the overall

energy being sustained

Around her neck is the Divine Hanuman and the Spiral Transmitter pendant, both

on Ascension Wisdom Strands. Her Cosmic Heart Activator is always seen

being worn…every day!

Sri also often unwinds his 11mm Shiva Connection Mala from his wrist and wears it

around his neck when not wearing the Shivoham Indra Mala of Enlightenment.

Sacred Partners Share their Love & Experiences

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Sacred Partner Elizabeth also shares her beautiful and energetically powerful

Shiva’s Power Ring w/ Vintage Hessonite, Ultimate OM ring,

and Trishul protector. All enjoying sharing sacred time with some

of her Shiva eye family!

“Placing these energetic sacred "allies" on my temporal form, I am immediately reminded that I AM a temple of beauty and grace. I feel uplifted,loved and nourished!

The wearing of Shivoham sacred malas and jewelry transforms my sense of the day. I feel the peace that

blesses my form as I bring the sense of sacred to those I meet in my daily life.

When feeling the sacred energies of Shivoham jewelry, I feel the constant connection to my inner spiritual support

bringing blessings to me and those I encounter, throughout the day.”

Elizabeth LlewellynMaria Sigurdson

"I love, love, love ALL of my Shivoham design pieces! They are my best friends, and the best spiritual jewelry I

have ever owned. I usually mix and match , and wear them as layers depending on the day. In the morning I

intuitively choose the pieces and they carry me through the day. If I want to feel more beautiful, or "lighten up"

the energy, I wear Maha Laxmi Lotus earrings & pendant with the Shiva eye Energy Transmitter pendant. I have 3 Energy transmitter pendants, as every Shiva Eye is so

unique and carry different energy. My absolute favorite is the Cosmic Heart Connector with rudraksha and clear quartz: I reach for it everyday- and the energy "lift" is

tangible and absolutely amazing. I also adore my Ultimate OM ring with amethyst and Shiva's Power hessonite ring-

both carry very powerful and distinct energies".

If you are interested in your personal combination or advice on a product for your

personal use, please and receive a 10% discount on all products as a student of this program. Send a request and we will assist you. If you are ready to make a selection be

sure to use code: VIP10 at checkout.

If you are interested in the Extended Science of Combinations and application for optimal effectiveness you can acquire this wisdom in just 2 sessions. As a student of this program,

you are welcome to attend a Practitioner training class for only $25. This offers you the opportunity to offer consultations to others if you so choose and be listed at our website.

The next class is March 4 & 11, 2017 and registration entitles you to a 15% discount on

all Shivoham products.


In-depth Rudraksha Combinations and applications

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