assessment of growth and development of the toddler 1-3

Post on 18-Jan-2022






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Assessment of Growth and Development of the Toddler 1-3 Physical growth❖ slows❖ Communication and mobility

skills increase❖ Stubbornness , explore,

dependent ❖ Begin to explore Autonomy

“ I DO MYSELF”❖ Bed rituals are important

Height and weight - Gain 5 to 10 LBs per year- Grow 3 inches per year - Normal to go on food jags

Learns to stand alone and walk,1 year Need 12-14 hours a day of sleep3 years need 10-12 hours

Physical milestones❖ Lordosis and pot belly, organs adapt moderately to

stress❖ Well established walking❖ Growth is slowed and stable❖ Bones and muscles still immature requires nutrition

and exercise for adequate development

Psychological milestones ❖ Well established walking❖ Hand eye coordination ❖ Progressive development of fine motor skills ❖ They begin to draw and write ❖ Bladder control is gained , with occasional

relapses❖ Brain is 90% developed by age 5

Discipline Training and instructing to produce positive behavior patterns

❖ Self control is gradual❖ 2yrs: begin accepting responsibility ❖ Consistency and timing are key❖ Calmly remove the child from the

situation ❖ Tell child the behavior is bad, not them

Social Milestones❖ Moves to parallel play, mostly imitates role models❖ Does Not share readily until later toddler years❖ Separation anxiety is overcome easily

Emotional growth ❖ Many emotions in one day❖ Increased use of emotion language and

understanding of emotion ❖ causes/ consequence understanding

Age Theorist Stage Description Nursing care

18 mo- 3 years

Sigmund Freud Anal Pleasure center in the anus

Encourage the family to teach good hygiene

1- 3 years Erik Erikson Autonomy vs shame and doubt

Mastering environment and building self esteem

Support bonding and family relationships

2-7 Jean Piaget Pre operational Sensory / action coordination, symbolic thinking. Represent world and words together

Plan drawing and writing, tactile experiences. Use colorful materials to stimulate senses.

Nutrition ❖ Require about 1000-1400 calories a day ❖ Toddlers should be active 60 min a day ❖ Fruites: 1-1.5 cups❖ Veggies: 1-1.5 cups❖ Grains : 3-5 oz❖ Protein : 2-4 oz ❖ Dairy : 2-2.5 cups❖ Allow children to eat when hungry instead of forcing


Language ❖ Vocabulary begins to increase names objects,

body parts, animals, and familiar locations ❖ Primary method of communication ❖ Continuous questioning “why” ❖ Toys that talk are preferred ❖ Brief sentences

Well visits ❖ 15 mo for shots ❖ Annually after that ❖ Assess growth/ development, caregiver skill,and

relationship between toddler and parent

Safety ❖ Proper restraint in car

seat ❖ Never leave the toddler

alone in water even buckets pose a drowning risk

❖ Put away poisons and medications with locks

❖ Burns from hot appliances and water are common

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