asset schedule corality modeloff worked solution asset schedule

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    Style Design Comment

    Header 1 Header1

    Header 2 Header2

    Input 100 A user driven input

    Demo 100 Values needed to demonstrate the principle i

    Empty_cell A cell that is left intentionally blank to avoid t

    Off-Sheet 100 A link to another worksheet to minimise the n

    Total The sum of elements above, including sub-to

    Unit / Info USD millions Explanatory text showing helpful information

    Line Summary 100 The SUM() of everything to the right

    Table Header Qtr Header of a table or of an off-sheet reference

    Flag 1 Binary flag - set up as conditional formatting

    Balance The closing balance of a control account

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    a complete model would be dynamically coded or set-up differently

    e risk of error

    umber of inter-worksheet references (slow and risky)


    and the units/dimensions of the calculations

    ather than a 'Style'
  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    Tutorial: Asset Schedule


    Inputs specific to the answerAsset details

    Useable life Yr(s) 12 Yr(s)

    Accounting depreciation (SL) % p.a. 8.33%Tax depreciation (DV) % p.a. 40.00%

    Profile 2012 2013

    Capex US$m 10.00 64.00


    Forecast % 3.00%


    Year Year 2012 2013

    Rate % 30.00% 30.00%

    Inputs to support demonstrationTiming

    Model start date Date 31-Dec-11


    Days in year Days 365

    Months per quarter Months 3

    Months per year Months 12

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

    69.00 99.00 89.00 39.00 34.00 23.00 29.00

    2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

    30.00% 30.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00%

    This inputs page is set up to contain all the keybits of information provided in the question. Weare keeping it separate from the calculations tohelp promote transparency in line withinternationally recognised modeling standards.

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

    69.00 99.00 89.00 39.00 34.00 23.00 29.00

    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

    28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00%

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    2028 2029

    69.00 99.00

    2028 2029

    28.00% 28.00%

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    Tutorial: Asset Schedule

    CalculationsPeriod start

    Period end 31-Dec-11

    CountersYear YearYear counter #Num

    Inflation % 3.00%

    AssetsCapex (real) US$m 1,006.00

    Capex (nominal) US$m 1,314.44

    Accounting depreciationBalance b/f US$m

    Capex US$m

    Depreciation US$mBalance c/f US$m

    Depreciation Year(s)

    Periods to include #Num 12

    % p.a.

    Depreciation US$m 8.33% 831.50

    Tax depreciationBalance b/f US$m

    Capex US$m

    Depreciation US$m

    Balance c/f US$m


    Depreciation US$m 40.00% 1,148.43

    Deferred taxAccounting depreciation US$m

    Tax depreciation US$m

    Difference US$m

    Tax rate % 30.00%

    Deferred tax asset / (liability)

    Balance b/f US$m

    Movement due to tax rate US$m

    Temporary differences US$m

    Balance c/f US$m


    The second challenge is inunderstanding of deferred tcalculate it. The deferred ta balance sheet is the resuldifferences, most easily sethe accounting and tax trea

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    QuestionsQuestion 1

    Start year Year 2012

    End year Year 2021

    Include? [1,0]Total nominal capex US$m 598.33

    Answer: Selection B

    Question 2

    Target year Year 2017

    Closing balance US$m 298.31

    Answer: Selection A

    Question 3

    Target year Year 2019

    Closing balance US$m 68.18

    Answer: Selection D

    Question 4

    Difference US$m 2.19

    Answer: Selection A

    Question 5Target year Year 2028

    Closing balance US$m (79.03)

    (Note - a negative balance is a liability)

    Answer: Selection B

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    1-Jan-12 1-Jan-13 1-Jan-14 1-Jan-15 1-Jan-16 1-Jan-17 1-Jan-18 1-Jan-19

    31-Dec-12 31-Dec-13 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-15 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-18 31-Dec-19

    2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 20191 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.23

    10.00 64.00 69.00 99.00 89.00 39.00 34.00 23.00

    10.00 65.92 73.20 108.18 100.17 45.21 40.60 28.29

    - 9.17 68.76 129.54 216.27 286.65 298.31 301.97

    10.00 65.92 73.20 108.18 100.17 45.21 40.60 28.29

    (0.83) (6.33) (12.43) (21.44) (29.79) (33.56) (36.94) (39.30)9.17 68.76 129.54 216.27 286.65 298.31 301.97 290.96

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    0.83 6.33 12.43 21.44 29.79 33.56 36.94 39.30

    - 6.00 43.15 69.81 106.80 124.18 101.63 85.34

    10.00 65.92 73.20 108.18 100.17 45.21 40.60 28.29

    (4.00) (28.77) (46.54) (71.20) (82.79) (67.76) (56.89) (45.45)

    6.00 43.15 69.81 106.80 124.18 101.63 85.34 68.18

    4.00 28.77 46.54 71.20 82.79 67.76 56.89 45.45

    0.83 6.33 12.43 21.44 29.79 33.56 36.94 39.30

    4.00 28.77 46.54 71.20 82.79 67.76 56.89 45.45

    (3.17) (22.44) (34.11) (49.76) (53.00) (34.20) (19.95) (6.15)

    30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00%

    - (0.95) (7.68) (17.92) (32.84) (45.49) (55.07) (60.66)

    - - - - 2.19 - - -

    (0.95) (6.73) (10.23) (14.93) (14.84) (9.58) (5.59) (1.72)

    (0.95) (7.68) (17.92) (32.84) (45.49) (55.07) (60.66) (62.38)

    first big challenge in this solution is to getstraight line depreciation calculated in a waydoesn't require a giant table. See the next

    testing yourax and how tox asset or liability on

    lt of timingn in differences intment of

    Once you have tracked the amount of the difference and thin the DTA / DTL, it becomes important to understand howbalance may change due to a change in the tax rate. If the

    decreases, we would expect to see a reduction n the size oliability or asset. Here, we see that we initially had a 32.84which was 'reduced' by 2.19m due to the reduction in the ta

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 110.00 65.92 73.20 108.18 100.17 45.21 40.60 28.29

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    1-Jan-20 1-Jan-21 1-Jan-22 1-Jan-23 1-Jan-24 1-Jan-25 1-Jan-26 1-Jan-27

    31-Dec-20 31-Dec-21 31-Dec-22 31-Dec-23 31-Dec-24 31-Dec-25 31-Dec-26 31-Dec-27

    2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 20279 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    1.27 1.30 1.34 1.38 1.43 1.47 1.51 1.56

    29.00 69.00 99.00 89.00 39.00 34.00 23.00 29.00

    36.74 90.03 133.05 123.20 55.60 49.93 34.79 45.18

    290.96 285.33 325.50 397.60 449.58 430.17 406.42 370.73

    36.74 90.03 133.05 123.20 55.60 49.93 34.79 45.18

    (42.36) (49.86) (60.95) (71.21) (75.02) (73.68) (70.48) (65.23)285.33 325.50 397.60 449.58 430.17 406.42 370.73 350.68

    9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12

    42.36 49.86 60.95 71.21 75.02 73.68 70.48 65.23

    68.18 62.95 91.79 134.90 154.86 126.28 105.72 84.31

    36.74 90.03 133.05 123.20 55.60 49.93 34.79 45.18

    (41.96) (61.19) (89.93) (103.24) (84.19) (70.48) (56.21) (51.80)

    62.95 91.79 134.90 154.86 126.28 105.72 84.31 77.69

    41.96 61.19 89.93 103.24 84.19 70.48 56.21 51.80

    42.36 49.86 60.95 71.21 75.02 73.68 70.48 65.23

    41.96 61.19 89.93 103.24 84.19 70.48 56.21 51.80

    0.39 (11.33) (28.98) (32.02) (9.17) 3.20 14.28 13.44

    28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00% 28.00%

    (62.38) (62.27) (65.44) (73.56) (82.52) (85.09) (84.19) (80.20)

    - - - - - - - -

    0.11 (3.17) (8.12) (8.97) (2.57) 0.90 4.00 3.76

    (62.27) (65.44) (73.56) (82.52) (85.09) (84.19) (80.20) (76.44)

    e changethetax rate

    f ourm liability,x rate.

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    1 1 0 0 0 0 0 036.74 90.03 - - - - - -

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    1-Jan-28 1-Jan-29

    31-Dec-28 31-Dec-29

    2028 202917 18

    1.60 1.65

    69.00 99.00

    110.72 163.63

    350.68 395.29

    110.72 163.63

    (66.11) (75.98)395.29 482.94

    12 12

    66.11 75.98

    77.69 113.05

    110.72 163.63

    (75.37) (110.67)

    113.05 166.01

    75.37 110.67

    66.11 75.98

    75.37 110.67

    (9.26) (34.69)

    28.00% 28.00%

    (76.44) (79.03)

    - -

    (2.59) (9.71)

    (79.03) (88.74)

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    0 0- -

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


    Tutorial: Asset Schedule

    Depreciation examplePeriod start 1-Jan-12 1-Jan-13 1-Jan-14 1-Jan-15 1-Jan-16 1-Period end 31-Dec-11 31-Dec-12 31-Dec-13 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-15 31-Dec-16 31-

    "Standard" approachYear Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Year counter #Num 1 2 3 4 5

    Capex (nominal) US$m 1,314.44 10.00 65.92 73.20 108.18 100.17


    Purchase in period 1 US$m 10.00 10.00 - - - -

    Purchase in period 2 US$m 65.92 - 65.92 - - -

    Purchase in period 3 US$m 73.20 - - 73.20 - -

    Purchase in period 4 US$m 108.18 - - - 108.18 -

    Purchase in period 5 US$m 100.17 - - - - 100.17 Purchase in period 6 US$m 45.21 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 7 US$m 40.60 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 8 US$m 28.29 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 9 US$m 36.74 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 10 US$m 90.03 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 11 US$m 133.05 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 12 US$m 123.20 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 13 US$m 55.60 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 14 US$m 49.93 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 15 US$m 34.79 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 16 US$m 45.18 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 17 US$m 110.72 - - - - -

    Purchase in period 18 US$m 163.63 - - - - -

    Total US$m 1,314.44 10.00 65.92 73.20 108.18 100.17

    Depreciation Rate

    Purchase in period 1 US$m 8.33% 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83

    Purchase in period 2 US$m - 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49

    Purchase in period 3 US$m - - 6.10 6.10 6.10

    Purchase in period 4 US$m - - - 9.01 9.01

    Purchase in period 5 US$m - - - - 8.35

    Purchase in period 6 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 7 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 8 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 9 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 10 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 11 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 12 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 13 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 14 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 15 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 16 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 17 US$m - - - - -

    Purchase in period 18 US$m - - - - -

    Total US$m 831.50 0.83 6.33 12.43 21.44 29.79

    "OFFSET" approachCapex (nominal) US$m 1,314.44 10.00 65.92 73.20 108.18 100.17

    Depreciation Year(s)

    Periods to include #Num 12 1 2 3 4 5% p.a.

    Depreciation US$m 8.33% 831.50 0.83 6.33 12.43 21.44 29.79

    A typiout pulines,

    This approach still requires sommodelling to stop the account odepreciating using MIN() and S

    This first row is a counter of how manyperiods retrospectively to include in theSUM(). When depreicating an item over years then in any given period we will oninclude items paid within the previous 12years. Hence the cap of 12.

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Asset Schedule Corality ModelOff Worked Solution Asset Schedule


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