astronomy networking needs 5 december 2001 jim kennedy gemini observatory important contributions by...

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Astronomy Networking Needs5 December 2001

Jim KennedyGemini Observatory

Important Contributions byDick Crutcher, NCSA, UIUC

Tom Troyland, UKYArun Venkataraman, NAIC

Steve Grandi, NOAO

Grand Challenges in e-Science

Research Objectives

• Understand the Universe– Its Origins– Current State– Its “Destination”

• Origins of Life in the Universe

• Connecting Relativity and QCD, (GUTs/TOEs)

• And Other Modest Goals

Research Tools and Venues

• Multi “Color” Observations, Pictures & Spectra– Radio– IR– Visible– UV– X-Rays– Cosmic Rays

• Earth-Based – Less expensive and maintainable, often remote

• Space-Based– Removes atmospheric effects, even more remote

Data Types and Analysis

• Pictures - 8Kx8K, 16Kx16K, and larger

• Wavelength Spectra - like above

• Temporal Spectra - from time series

--------------------------------------------------• Raw Data Calibration and “Reduction”• Image Enhancement and Reconstruction• Aperture Synthesis – Passive and Radar• Fourier and Spherical-Harmonic Transforms• Other Sophisticated Analysis Techniques

Typical Issues

• Multi-Site, Multinational Coordination

• Geographically Diverse Communities

• Analysis of Large Data Sets

• Harsh and Remote Environments

• Economical Operations

• Effective Communication with the Public

Typical Network Approaches

• Videoconferencing (H.323), Telecollaboration

• Remote Observing, Sea Level or Remote Site

• Automated Observing Sequences

• Data Delivery to Scientists and Archives

• Remote Analysis of Data, Grid Processing

• Network-based Education and Outreach

Four Examples

• Gemini Observatory: Hawaii, Arizona, Chilean Andes– Seven-nation Partnership– Two 8m, IR optimized Telescopes, at 14,000 and 9,000 ft

• Arecibo Observatory: Puerto Rico & New York– 1,000 ft Radio Telescope

• NOAO: Arizona, New Mexico, Chilean Andes– US National Facility– Visible and IR nighttime and solar facilities

• ALMA: Chile and elsewhere– Large multinational Partnership– 64-Antenna Radio Array at 16,400 ft in Chilean Andes

Gemini South Arecibo

Kitt Peak ALMA


Each of these facilities has a great deal in common regarding their application needs, although the balance between them varies.

The numbers that follow may be too conservative since. In several cases they assume some supercomputer-level on-site processing, rather than external centers or Grid processing. This assumption could prove incorrect.

Each Gemini Telescope

• Video/Audio (low latency)• Real-Time Remote Observing (low latency)• Real-Time Reduction (quick look)• Data Delivery to Observers • Data Archives (CADC)• Remote Analysis• Outreach (low latency)

Bandwidth RequirementsTodayAverage: 6 Mbps Peak: 25 Mbps

2005 Average: 18 Mbps Peak: 50 Mbps

Gemini’s Primary Research Links(Logical Topography)

Gemini North

Gemini South

CADC Archive

Arecibo (NAIC)

• Video/Audio (low latency)• Real-Time Remote Observing (low latency)• Real-Time Analysis (e.g. pulsars and radar)• Data Delivery to Observers• Data Archives• Remote Analysis (near-real-time and batch )• Outreach (low latency)

Bandwidth RequirementsTodayAverage: 10 Mbps Peak: 45 Mbps SoonAverage: 20 Mbps Peak: 200 Mbps


• Video/Audio (low latency)• Real-Time Remote Observing (low latency)• Data Delivery to Observers (several scopes)• Data Delivery to Internet (10-min turn)• Data Archives (NVO)• Remote Analysis• Outreach (low latency)

Bandwidth RequirementsTodayAverage: 10 Mbps Peak: 35 Mbps

Soon Average: 25 Mbps Peak: 60 Mbps


• Video/Audio (low latency)• Real-Time Remote Observing (low latency)• Real-Time Time Series Reduction (on site?)• Data Delivery to Observers (all are remote)• Data Archives (NVO)• Remote Analysis (supercomputer/Grid)• Outreach (low latency)

Bandwidth Requirements2006 Average: 32 Mbps Peak: 130 Mbps

Future Needs

The rapid growth rate of instrument technology and sophisticated data analysis makes future bandwidth and QoS requirements difficult to predict with accuracy.

We risk to underestimate them on more than a four- or five-year time scale.


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