at everything (liam frolund's conflicted copy 2013-06-23)

Post on 12-Oct-2015






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Noriko Satsume

Answers to Cap, Hegemony, and American

Exceptionalism K

If you don't like America, why don't you GIT OUT?

(Devries, John. 8 February, 2013 If you don't like American principles, get out published in the Northwestern Indiana Times John DeVries is a Wheatfieldian of Northern Indiana, and an internationally published scholar on the subject of If you don't like American principles, get out)

Our country was founded on principles that were like no other nation. Much of human existence before the founding of America and the American Revolution was lived out under various forms of oppression carried out by dictators, kings or a hierarchy of rulers. It was oppressive no matter what type.

America represented a huge change from ruler's law to people's saw, where the government is under the control of the people. And the people enjoy the freedom to live their life however they want. Our nation' principles and documents that hold those principles in writing should be studied and cherished by everyone. They are not simply historical documents. They are contracts that bind generations to each other.

Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution -- with the Bill of Rights -- are all [is] meant to protect individual rights. Those individual rights are natural because they exist at birth and are not granted to us by anyone. Those rights are unalienable because they can't be voted away by anyone. They are untouchable.

If you don't value and respect being free, then don't live here. If you think the Constitution and other founding documents and principles are out of date, then don't live here.

Lulz guise, did anyone Anyone notice how first A) this is cut from the Indiana times and B) its from the opinion section

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