at robyne s

Post on 07-Apr-2017






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Ariana Grande appeals to young girls as her genre of music is pop which is popular with that being the demographic. Ariana also appeals to young men as she is attractive and wears little clothing.

The way she is positioned on the cover suggests she is acting comfortable. Although appears shy and vulnerable by tilting her head away from the camera with her face resting on her hand. However she is wearing revealing clothes aimed to allure and comes across flirtatious.

The title of the album ‘My Everything’ is quite small on the cover. It doesn’t stand out particularly and wouldn’t catch your eye if you were walking by. Also the light baby pink colour against the dark grey background is quite difficult to look at as the text doesn’t come through well. The colour pink connotates romance and love which links to the title as it suggests that it could be about a relationship. Many girls often refer to their partner as their everything.

On the front of the cover of the album she is wearing very little clothing, she is wearing a black bralet and a pair of frilly hot pants. Ariana is known for wearing revealing outfits and often receives criticism for it as many of her fans are young girls due to beginning as an actress on Nickelodeon. The outfit which she wears is black which connotates elegance which contrasts with how little she is wearing.

A cover such as this links in with the Male Gaze Theory as this theory discusses how audiences ‘view’ the artist from the perspective of a heterosexual male. In these insistences, the camera focuses on the curve of the female body. This is an effect used here.

The artists name appears all in capitals and in bold which shows she wants to establish her name in the music industry. However, the image of her largest object is on the cover suggesting that her image is the most important thing to her. Her name is in white text which connotates purity, this links to how young she looks and also how new she is to the mainstream music industry.

The artist name and album name both stand out significantly, using bold block capitals and heavily contrasting colours. The artist name lies in front of a simplistic background made up of a mild blue, which contrasts and is reversed in the album title which is blue over the white t shirt.

The advert uses a very limited palette of blue and white, contrasted by the red hair and lips, which stand out in a provocative manner as red is symbolic of love and danger as opposed to the gentle innocence of the mild blues and whites.

The model (in this case the artist herself) is making direct contact with the viewer, provoking the audience to avert eye contact and read the text and album information. In a sense, the model is drawing the reader in, like the sirens in Greek mythology, using conventions of beauty and simplicity to appeal to a wider audience.

The use of the sky and outdoors, coupled with the colour palette, creates a warm summer feel, despite the connotations of blue being a ‘cold’ colour. The summer clouds and green trees add to the warm nostalgic feeling, as well as the light shirt and warm radiance of her red hair and lips enticing the audience through these feelings of nostalgia and summer happiness.

The writing below the artist as among this magazine advert, the artist is the most significant therefore the text doesn’t take this away. The artist is being sold more than the music as she is a pop star rather than a pop performer.

Recogniseable songs are listed below as these are hits which people would have heard before therefore would make them want to purchase the album when it is released.

The typography stands out as it is contrasting against her skin and the black/navy coming through. This connotates the idea that within the darkness there is purity and innocence with the artist, making the magazine advert intriguing and mysterious which would persuade the audience to purchase the album as they want to explore into this.

The magazine states that the album contains a number one hit, this is appealing to the audience as they would be aware that this is a popular artist. Reassuring them that this is an artist worth buying the album of.

The extremely large imageof her shows her female prominence.

The main colour on this magazine advert is red, this compliments the name of the album which is LOUD. Red connotates danger, rebellion whilst being seductive and romantic. This could reflect her music therefore the audience would want to listen to it. Furthermore the name reinforces these elements, giving the audience an insight to what the artist is like and selling her in a very seductive and dangerous way. Making it appealing to both genders which means that either would purchase the album as they are compelled with what they are looking at.

All the text among the magazine advert is in capital letters therefore making it aware to the audience that this is the artist and this is her album. Its bold and stands out ensuring it captures the audiences attention and making it memorable to them. Therefore when it releases, they will remember it and want to purchase it.

The track list on the back does not feature any artwork. This ties in with any simple cover and image. The black font makes it easier for the audience to read what songs are feautured

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