attempts to relate the navier-stokes equations to...

Post on 26-Jan-2020






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Jerry Marsden

The present talk is designed as a survey, is slanted

to my personal tastes, but I hope it is still represent­

ative. My intention is to keep the whole discussion pretty

elementary by touching large numbers of topics and avoiding

details as well as technical difficulties in anyone of

them. Subsequent talks will go deeper into some of the

subjects we discuss today.

We start with the law of motion of an incompressible

viscous fluid. This is given by the Navier-Stokes Equations

av v!::,v (v'lI)v -lip + f at - -

div v = 0

10 or v on ali prescribed


where n is a region containing the fluid, v the velocity

field of the fluid, p the pressure and f the external

forces. v represents here the kinematic viscosity, or, in

the way we wrote our equations lIRe, where Re is the

Reynolds number. The derivation of these equations can be

found in any book on hydrodynamics, such as Landau and

Lifschitz [1], K. O. Friedrichs and R. von Mises [1], and

Hughes and Marsden [1]. We note here that the relevance

of the incompressibility condition div v = 0 for turbu­

lence is a matter for debate, but the general agreement

today seems to be that compressible phenomena are not a

necessary factor in turbulence; they start to be necessary

only at very high speeds of the fluid.

Turbulence is the chaotic motion of a fluid. Our goal

in this talk is to try to relate this universally accepted

physical definition to the dynamics of the Navier-Stokes

equations. There have been at least three attempts to

explain the nature of turbulence, each attempt offering a

model which will be briefly discussed below:

(a) The Leray picture (1934). Since the existence

theorems for the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

in three dimensions give only local semi flows (i.e.,

existence and uniqueness only for small intervals of time),

this picture assumes that turbulence corresponds to a break­

down of the equations after a certain interval of time; in

other words, one assumes that the time of existence of the



solutions is really finite. Schaffer [1] looked at those

t for which the equa~ions break down and found that this

set is of Hausdorff measure ~ 1/2. It is hard to

imagine realistic physical situations for which the Navier­

Stokes equations break down.

(b) The E. Hopf-Landau-Lifschitz ~icture. This is

ex~ensively discussed in Landau-Lifschitz [1] and consists

of the idea that the solutions exist even for large t, but

that they become quasi-periodic. Loosely speaking, this

means that as time goes by, the solutions pick up more and

more secondary oscillations so that their form becomes,


with the frequencies irrationally related. For k big,

such a solution is supposed to be so complicated that it

giVes rise to chaotic movement of the fluid.

(c) The Ruelle-Takens picture (1971) assumes that the

dynamics are inherently chaotic.

In the usual engineering point of view, the "nature"

of turbulence is not speculated upon, but rather its sta­

tistical or random nature is merely assumed and studied.

Having this picture, a main goal would be to link up

the statistics, entropy, correlation functions, etc., in

the engineering side with a "nice" mathematical model of

~urbulence. Hore than that, such a model must be born out


of the Navier-Stokes equations. Note that in this model

we believe, but do not assume, that the solutions of the

Navier-Stokes equations exist for large t and that the

information on the chaoticness of the fluid motion is

already in the flow. Needless to say, today we are very

far away from this goal. This last picture is interesting

and has some experimental support (J. P. Gollub, H. L.

Swinney, R. Fenstermacher [1], [2]) which seems to contra-

dict the Landau picture. There are "nice" mathematical

models intrinsically chaotic strongly related to the

Navier-Stokes equations. These are the Lorentz equations

obtained as a truncation of the Navier-Stokes equations

for the Benard problem and whose dynamics are chaotic.

The rest of the talk is devoted to a survey of the

pros and cons of these models. All the details on these

will be made by means of a series of remarks.

Remark 1. In two dimensions the Navier-Stokes equations

and also the Euler equations (set V=O in the Navier-Stokes

equations, which corresponds to a non-viscous fluid) have

global t-solutions. Hence, the Leray picture cannot happen

in two dimensions! (Leray [1], Wolibner [lJ, Kato [lJ,

Judovich [1]).

In three dimensions. the problem is open. There are

no theorems and no counterexamples. However, there is some

very inconclusive numerical evidence which indicates that

~ YO.,


(a) for many turbulent or near turbulent flows, the

Navier-Stokes equations do not break down.

(b) for the Euler equations with specific initial

data on T3 (t.he TB.Y~or - Green vortex):

vl = cos x sin y sin z

v2 = -sin x cos y sin z

v3 = 0

the equations might break down after a finite time. Specif­

ically, after T ~ 3 , the algorithm used breaks down. This

may be due to truncation errors or to the actual equations

breaking down, quite probably the former. We only mention

that this whole analysis requires the examination of con­

vergence of the algorithms as well as their relation to the

exact equations; see the numerical studies of Chorin [1,2],

Orszag [lJ and Herring, Orszag, Kraichnan and Fox ell, Chorin

eta1 ell, and references therein.

Remark 2. The Landau picture predicts Gaussian statis­

tics. This is not verified in practice. The model with

chaotic dynamics does not predict such a statistic (see

Ruelle [2], Gollub and Swinney ell).

Remark 3. The Landau picture is unstable with respect

to small pertUrbations of the equations. The Ruelle-Taxens

picture is, in some sense, a stabilization of the Hopf-Landau­

Lifschitz picture. However, as Arnold has pointed out, strange

attractors may form a small open set and still the quasi-periodic

motions may be observed with higher probability.

Remark 4. Chaotic dynamics is not necessarily born from

complicated equations. The Navier-Stokes equations are compli­

cated enough to give rise to very complicated dynamics, eventually

leading to a chaotic flow. The reason for this is that Simple

ordinary differential equations lead to chaotic dynamics (see

below) and "any" bifurcation theore!p for ordinary differential

equations can work for Navier-Stokes equations, cf. Marsden­

McCracken elJ. We do not want to go into the details here of

this statement and we merely say that we look at the Navier-Stokes

equations as giving rise to a vector field on a certain function

space, we prove the local smoothness of the semi-flOW and verify

all conditions required for a bifurcation theorem; in this way we

are able to discUSS how a fixed point of this vector field splits

into two other fixed points, or a closed orbit, and discuss via

a certain algorithm their stability. Later talks with clarify

and give exact statements of the theorems involved; we have in

mind here the Hopf bifurcation theorem and its extension to

semi-flows (see Marsden [2], Marsden and McCracken [1] and the

appendix following).

Remark S. As we mentioned earlier, the global t- existence

theorem for the solutions of the Navier-Stokes



equations is completely open in three dimensions. It is

not necessary in the Ruelle-Takens picture of turbulence

to assume this global t-existence. If one gets an

attractor which is bounded, global t-solutions will follow.

Remark 6. There are other "simpler" partial differ­

ential equations where complex bifurcations have been


(a) Chow, Hale, Malet-Paret [ll discuss the von

Karmen equations. (This seems to be a highly nontrivial

application of ideas of catastrophe theory.)

(b) P. Holmes (ll fits the bifurcation problem for a flutter­

ing pipe into Taken's normal form.

Remark 7. There are at least two physically inter­

acting real mathematical models with chaotic dynamics:

Ca) Lorentz equations

x = -ax + ay (Note the sYmmetry

x .. -x, y = rx - y - xz

y .. -y,

z = -bz + xy z ... z. )

They represent a modal truncation of the Navier-Stokes

equations in the Benard problem. It is customary to set

a = 10, b = 8/3 r is a parameter and represents the

Rayleigh number. We shall come back to these equations


in Remark 9.

(b) Rikitake dynamo. This model consists of two

dynamos which are both viewed as generators, and as motors

in interaction; it is a model for the Earth's magnetohydro­

dynamic dynamo. It has also chaotic dynamics. See Cook

and Roberts Ell. The equations are:

y = -uy - ax + xz

z = 1 - xy

(e) A model of mixing salt with fresh water in the

presence of temperature gradients. This was communicated

to me personally by H. Huppert at Cambridge.

Remark S.

of dimension k

In many cases, existence of center manifolds

justify a modal or other truncation to give

a k-dimensional system, i.e., all the complexity really

takes place in a finite dimensional invariant manifold.

(Exact statements will be given in one of the next talks.)

Remark 9. For the actual Navier-Stokes equations we

do not know any solutions which are turbulent, or even that

they exist. In any specific turbulent flow we don't know

what the chaotic attractor might look like, or how one might

form. However, we do know how this works (or think we do)


for the Lorenz model. It is true that there are many

objections to my drawing conclusions about the turbulence

stemming from the Navier-Stokes equations by working with

a truncation; it is argued that truncation throws turbu-

lence away, too. However, I think that the model of

Lorenz equations, though a truncation, can give some

insight on what may happen in the much more complicated

situation of the Navier-Stokes equations. I want to pre­

sent here briefly the bifurcation for the Lorenz model

when r (the Rayleigh number) varies. The picture presented

below is due to J. Yorke, J. Guckenheimer, and O. Lanford. I am

indebted to them and to N. Kopell for explaining the results.

(See Kaplan and Yorke [1] and Guckenheimer's article in Marsden

and McCracken (1] as well as Wil~am's lecture below.>

Then the origin is a global sink:

(all eigenvalues are real and negative for 1 > r > (40-(0+1)2'40

i.e. 1 > r > -2.025). r = 1 and 1+£ : At this value the first bifurcation

occurs. One real eigenvalue for the linearization at zero

crosses the imaginary axis travelling at nonzero speed on

the real axis, for the origin a fixed point.. Two stable fixed

points branch off.


(:t.1)(r-l) ,:tiber-I), r-l>.

This is a standard and elementary bifur­cation resulting in a loss of stability by the origin.


As r increases the two stable fixed points develop two

complex conjugate and one negative real eigenvalues. The

picture now looks like (z-axis is oriented upwards and the

plane is the x a z plane):

unstable manirold or the origin --r--t

stable manifold of the origin

As r increases, the "snails" become more and more


r E!! 13.926: At around this value (found only by numerical

methods) the "snails" are so big that they will enter

the stable manifold of the origin. Stable and unstable

manifold become identical; the origin is a homoclinic

point. Another bifurcation now takes place. The

picture is, looking in along the x-axis.



(The pair of fixed

points do not lie

in the :yz-plane i

they are stable)


r > 13.926: The two orbits with infinite period "starting"

and "ending" in the origin "cross over". The "snails"

still inflate and by doing this, the homoclinic orbits

leave behind unstable closed periodic orbits. The

picture of the right hand side is:


manifold 0

the origin

unstab~e c~osed orbit ~ef't behind by the hOlllOclinlc orbit

part ot the stab~e man1fo~d ot the origin

The unstable manifold of the origin gets attracted to the

opposite fixed point for these values of r.


At this stage, which Yorke calls "pre turbulent ," there

is a horseshoe strung out between the attracting fixed points.

There are infinitely many periodic orbits, but eventually most

orbits go to one of the attracting fixed points. There is no

strange attractor, but rather a "meta-stable" invariant set;

points near it eventually leave it in a sort of probabilistic

way to one of the attracting fixeu points.

To study this Situation, one looks at the plane z = r-l

and the Poincare, or once return map 'P for the plane. On

this plane one draws L, the stable manifold of the origin

intersected with the plane.






The images of the four regions A, B, C, D are shown.

If one compares this picture with Smale's horseshoe example

(Smale (lJ) one sees that a horseshoe must be present. As

r increases, eventually the images of the rectangles above

will be inside themselves and an attractor will be born.

This is the bifurcation to the Lorenz attractor. Viewing

the dynamical system as a whole, we see the following (only

one half is drawn for clarity).

r : 21+.06:

! ~--4_.~




Now, between the two periodie orbits a "stran ge" attraetor,

called Lorenz attraetor, is appearing. This attraetor traps

all the orbits that crosS over the small piece of the stable

manifold of the origin and throws them on the other side.

Imagine we put a plane somewhere not far away from the origin,

perpendicular to the drawn stable manifold and we would like

to find out the points through which a specific orbit is

going, travelling from one unstable closed orbit to another,

and repelled by these each time; the result would be a random

distribution of points in this "transveral cut" through the

Lorenz attractor. For the nature of this attractor, see the

talk of R. Williams in these notes, and the paper by J.

Guckenheimer forming Section 12 of Marsden-McCracken (lJ.

We note that this attractor is nonstandard since it has two

fixed points replaced by closed orbits in the "standard"

Lorenz attractor. As r increases, this nonstandard Lorenz

attract or grows from its initial shape and the unstable closed

orbits shrink.

r ~ 24.74 = a(a+b+3) (a-b-ll :


It is proved (Marsden and McCracken

[lJ) that a subcritical Hopf bifurcation occurs. The

two closed IIghost" orbits shrink down to the fixed points

which become in this way ~stable.

r > 24.74: We now have a "standard ll Lorenz attractor. The

picture is:

r 2 so. The situation for larger r is somewhat complicated

and not totally settled. According to some calculations of

Lanford, the following seems to happen. If we look at the once

return map ~ on the plane z = r-l, as above, then the unstable

manifold of the two symmetrical fixed points develop a fold. See

the following figure. When this happens, stable large amplitude

closed orbits seem to bifurcate off. This folding is probably

because these two fixed points are becoming stronger repellers


and tend to push 4vay the other unstable manifold.

L = stable manifold y of the origin


The situation is analogous to the bifurcations for

the map y = axel-x) which occurs in population dynamics.

One can, of course vary the other parameters in the

Lorenz model, or vary more than one. For example, Lorenz

himself in recent numerical work has looked at bifurcations

for small b (which is supposed to resemble large r).

l !


Research projects: 1) Figure out the qualitative dynamics

and bifurcation of the take two-disc dynamo.+

2) Real "pure" fluid models are needed; one might try

getting a model for:

a) Couette Flow; see Coles [1] for many good remarks

on this flow~ and Stuart ~].

b) Flow behind a cylinder:

Ropt bifurcation .......

~conda.r:f bifurcation

-.-~-~ He~e the symmetry will playa central role. Note that the

third picture still represents a periodic solution in the

space of divergence-free vector fields. My conjecture would

be that the secondary Hopf bifurcation is illusory and what

happens is that the original closed orbit produced by

the Hopf bifurcation gets twisted somehow in the appro-

priate function space.

As A. Chorin has suggested, one should remember that the

Lorenz model is global in some sense. The choas is associated

+Some progress gas been made on this problem recently by P. Holmes and D. Rand.


with large scale motions. One would like a model with chaotic

dYnamics which is made up of a few interacting vortices and

a mechanism for vortex production. "Real turbulence" seems

to be more like this.



CHORIN, A. J.: [1] Lectures on Turbulence Theory, nr. 5,

Publish or Perish, 1976.


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bifurcation theory, Archive for Rational Mechanics and

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Tudor Ratiu

As was pointed out in J. Marsden's talk. the Ruelle-Takens

picture for turbulence assumes that the motion of the fluid is

inherently. chaotic. that the flow obtained for Re = 0 (solu­

tions of the Stokes equations) gets more and more complicated as

the Reynolds number Re increases. due to bifurcation phenomena

until it eventually gets trapped into a "strange" attractor

which has chaoticness as one of its main features. In this talk

I shall summarize the mathematical results involved in this

machinery. trying to back up with exact statements of theorems

many exciting ideas presented in Marsden's exposition. The main

source of this talk is Marsden-McCracken [11.

The leading idea is to obtain a model born out of the

Navier-Stokes equations for homogeneous. incompressible. viscous


l:~ + (v·V)v - vAv =

div v = 0

v = prescribed on aM. possibly depending on

-grad p + f, v = lIRe



Everything takes place in a co~paot Riemannian manifold M with

smooth boundary aM, v representing the velocity field of the

fluid, p the pressure and f the external force exercised on

the moving fluid. As already mentioned, Euler's equations for

an ideal fluid are obtained by setting v = 0 in the above equa­

tions; it is a theorem that the solutions to the Euler equations

are obtained as a strong limit in the HS-topology for

s > (dim M)/2+1 (see Ebin-Marsden [1]). Also notice that in

Euler's equations we have to change the boundary conditions to

vllaM. The intuitive reason why this is so is that our fluid,

being ideal, has no friction at all on the walls; however, a

much more subtle mathematical analysis of the above described

limit process yields formally the same result, cf. Marsden (2],

Ebin-Marsden [1].

Now we would like to write our Euler and Navier-Stokes

equations in the form of a system of evolution equations

where Xv is a densely defined nonlinear operator on a function

space picked in such a way that our boundary conditions and

div v = 0 should be automatically satisfied. The answer to this

question is given by the Hodge Decomposition Theorem.

Denote by Ws,p the completion of the normed vector space

of vector-valued em-functions on M under the norm

II fll s,p = 1: II Dtfl/ LP O<t<s

here Dtf denotes the differential of f, s > 0 and

1 < P < ... Ws,P(M) is the set of vector fields of class Ws,p

on M Note that a function is of class Ws,p if and only if

all its derivatives up to order s are in LP .

Hodge Decomposition Theorem. Let M be a compact Riemannian

manifold with boundary and X e WS,PCM) , s > 0

Then X has a unique decomposition

X = Y + grad f

where div Y = 0 , YllaM, Y e WS,P(M) and f is of class

Ws+l,p •

Denote WS,P(M) = {X e WS ,PCM) Idiv X = O,XllaM} , Apply now

the Hodge Theorem and get a map P: WS,P(M) + Ws.PCM) via X+Y ,

Let us now reformulate the Euler equations: suppose s > nIp;

find v: (a,b) + Ws+l,PCM) such that

dv(t) + P«v(t).V)vCt» = 0 dt

(plus initial data). We need to assume s > nIp in order to

insure that the product of two elements of Ws,p is in Ws,p

(see Adams [1), page IlS), In this way, if ve Ws+l,PCM) •


(v·V)v e Ws,P(M) and we can apply the Hodge Theorem. In doing

this we tacitly assume that the external force is a gradient.

In order to be able to write in a similar way the Navier­

Stokes equations, we change the function space to

W~'P = {X e Ws,p(M)ldiv X = o,xlaM = O} . Then the Navier­

Stokes equations can be reformulated: find v: (a,b) + W~+l,P

such that

dVd~t) _ vP(Av(t» + P«v(t)·V)v(t» = 0

The following theorem is proved in Section 9 of Marsden-McCracken.

Theorem. The Navie~-Stokes equations in dimensions 2 o~ 3

define a smooth local semif%ow on W~,2, i.e.~ we have a

coZlection of maps {r~} fo~ t > 0 satisfYing:


(a) r~ is defined on an open subset of [O,~) x W~,2 ;

(b) v Ft+s = r" F" to s ;

FV .. (c) is sepa~atez,y (hence ~ jointly) continuous;

t rdJ fo~ sach fi:r:ed t," , FV

t is a CD

C -map, i..e.~ {rv} t is

a smooth semig~oup. MOl'e~ ou~ semifZ,ow {rv} t satiSfies

the so calZed continuation assu!!?2tion~ nameZy~ if rt(x)

Zies in a bounded set of WS ,2 0 fo~ each fi:r:ed x and

for aZZ t fo~ which F~(X) is defined~ then rt(x)

is defined fo~ aZZ t > Q •

AZso~ F~(X) is jointly smooth in t,x," for t>O •

See Chernoff-Marsden (ll, Chapter 3, or Marsden-McCracken ell, Section SA, for the proof of the fact that separate continuity - joint continuity.


This result which goes back to Ladyzhenskaya [lJ encourages

us to not work with the Navier-Stokes equations under their

classical form, but rather with the evolution equations in

W~,2 which they define and to analyze more closely their semi­

flow which has such pleasant'properties.

Following the idea of chaotic dynamics, we may try to show

that turbulence occurs after successive bifurcations of the

solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Hence a first question

is how much of the classical bifurcation theory can be obtained

for semiflows. The work of Marsden shows that almost everything

works, if one mimics the conditions on the semiflow from those,

one usually has for vector fields. We shall summarize these

results below.

Hence we have to cope with a system of evolution equations

of the general form

~ = Xuex) , xeD) = given

where Xu is a nonlinear densely defined operator on an approp­

riate Banach space E , usually -- as we already saw -- a function

space and U is a parameter. We assume that our system defines

unique local solutions generating a semi flow F~ for t > D .

The assumptions made on the semiflow are (a), (b), (c) and (d)

above. We also ask for the continuation assumption described

before. It may seem that we force our assumptions on the semiflow

such as to suit our particular problem. In reality it is exactly


the other way around: one usually has these conditions satisfied

and checks them for the Navier-Stokes equations -- and this is

hard work involving a serious mathematical machinery (see Section

9 of Marsden-McCracken>. It is true that the continuation

assumption might seem strong; but it merely says that we have

at our disposal a "good" local existence theorem, so "good" as

to insure the fact that an orbi~ fails to be defined only if it

tends to infinity in a finite time. That makes sense physically,

looking at expected solutions of the governing equations of the

law of motion of a fluid (Navier-Stokes): a solution fails to

exist only if it "blows up". Another remark is of mathematical

character and concerns the generator Xp ; this is not a smooth

map from E to E , hence we cannot expect smoothness of

F~(X) in t . The fact is that the trouble is actually only at

t = 0 , as can be seen from the theorem on the Navier-Stokes

semiflow from before, and exactly the derivative at t = 0

gives the generator. The next group of assumptions regards the spectrum

of the linearized semiflow relevant for the Hopf bifurcation.

Spectrum Hypotheses. Let F~(X) be jointly continuous in

t ,IJ,X for t > 0 and IJ in an interval around 0 e lR •

Suppose in addition that:

(i) 0 is a fixed point of FIJ t , i.e. , F~(O) = 0 , Vp, t ;

(ii) for \J < 0 , the spectrum of GP - DFIJ(O) t - t is contained

inside the unit disc o = {zecllzl < l}

(iii) for P = 0 (resp. IJ < 0) the spectrum of GIJ 1 at the

origin has two isolated simple eigenvalues ).( IJ) and





lTPT with ~(~).= 1 (resp. ~(~) > 1) and the rest

of the spectrum is in D and remains bounded away

from the unit circle;

dl Hu) II > 0 dt 11=0 , i.e., the eigenvalues move steadily

across the unit circle.

Sometimes we look at these hypotheses but with (iii) changed

(iii') for 11 = 0 (resp. ~ < 0) the spec.trum of Gll 1 at the

origin has one isolated simple real eigenvalue

~(ll) = 1 (resp. ~(ll) > 1) and the rest of the spectrum

is in D and remains bounded away from the unit circle;

(v) for 11 = 0 the origin is asymptotically stable.

We won't go into the technical details of this last hypothe­

sis here and say only that it involves an algorithm of checking

if a certain displacement function obtained via Poinca~ map has

strictlY negative third derivative.

Bifurcation to Periodic Orbits: Under the above hypotheses

(i)-(v) there is a fi:ed neighborhood V of 0 in E and an

£ > 0 suoh that r~(x) is defined for aZl t > 0 for

11 e [-£,£J and x e V. There is a one-parameter family of

olosed orbits for rll t for 11 > Q ~ one for eaoh ~ > 0

ing oontinuously with ~. They are locally attracting and


henoe stabZe. solutions nea~ them a~e defined fo~ aZl t ~ 0 .

There is a neighborhood U of the o~igin suoh that any closed

orbit in U is one of the above o~bits.

Bifurcation to Fixed Points: Same hypothesis with (iii) and

(iii') interchanged. Then the same ~esuZt holds, replaoing

the words "closed orbit" with "two fi:r:ed points".

I shall not go into the proof of these theorems but will

give the two oruoial faots behind the formal proof. One is the

Center Manifold Theorem and the other is a theorem of Chernoff­

Marsden regarding smooth semi flows on finite-dimensional mani­

folds. Coupling these two results reduoes the whole problem to

the olassioal Hopf Bifuroation Theorem in 2 dimensions, which

is relatively simple and goes back to Poinca~. Here are the


Center Manifold Theorem for Semiflows: Let Z be a Banaoh

spaoe admitting a Cm_norm ~ay from ae~o, and Zet Ft

be a

oontinuous semiflow defined in a neighbo~hood of aero for

o ! t ! z. Assume Ft(O) = 0 and that fo~ t > 0 ~ Ft(X)

is jointly ck+l in

the linear semig~oup

t and x • Assume that the speotrum Of

.. Z is of the fo~m e t (alUa2)

tal where e lies on the unit ci~cZe (i. e., lies on the

ta2 imagina~y a:r;is) and e lies in the unit oiroZe at non-aero

distance from it fo~ t > 0 (i.e., a2 ie in the Zeft half


plane). Let Y be the generaliaed eigenspace corresponding to

the spectrum on the unit circle; assume dim Y = d < +~. Then

there e:iBts a neighborhood of 0 in Z and a Ck-submanifold

MeV of dimension d passing through 0 and tangent to Y

at 0 Buch that:

(a) Local Invariance: if x e M ~ t > a and Ft(x) e V ~

then Ft(x) eM;

(b) LocaZ Attractivity: if t > 0 and ~(x) remains

defined and in V for al Z n = 0,1,2, ••• ~ then

~(x) + M as n + =

This is applied to F~ after suspending p to obtain the semi-

flow Ft(x,p) = (F~(x),p) on the original space x the parameter space

The version of this theorem for a Ck+l map is well known;

however, this statement regarding semiflows -- although believable

wasn't present in the literature before; the first time it

appears is in Section 2 of Marsden-McCracken. Note that every­

thing works out nicely in the theorem, even though the generator

X of the semiflow is unbounded.

Theorem (Chernoff-Marsden): Let Ft be a local semiflow on a

Banach manifold N jointly continUDus and dt in x eN. Suppose that Ft

lsaues invariant a finite dimensionaZ submanifo'Lf M £ N. Then on M ~ Ft

is Zoca'LZy rever9ibZe~ is jointZy dt in t and x and is gene~ed by a -k-l • C- vector f'l.etd on M.

Some remarks are in order. Besides being one key factor

in the proof of the bifurcation theorem, the center manifold

theorem might justify some modal truncations of the Navier-Stokes


equations to give a d-dimensional system (see Remark 8 of

Lecture I by J. Marsden). Also, in Marsden-McCracken, Section

~A, an algorithm is described which,enables us to check on the

stability of the new born fixed points or closed orbits after

bifuracations. Remark ~ of Lecture I hints toward that. The

reduction to two dimensions appears as a corollary of the

proof of the Bifurcation Theorem. The conclusion is that all

the complexity in this case takes place only in a plane, even

though we started off with an evolution equation on an infinite

dimensional function space. This occurrence is characteristic

when we work with semiflows; trying to prove a bifurcation,

we reduce everything to a finite dimensional theorem for flows

and this gives us then two things: the theorem itself and the


That's the way one approaches the next bifurcation to

invariant tori. Here the Hopf Bifurcation Theorem for Diffeo­

morphisms will be needed and the idea of the proof is the same

as before; one has to replace the argument of the Hopf Bifurca­

tion Theorem inR2 with a similar argument using now the Hopf

Bifurcation Theorem for Diffeomorphisms. I won't go into any

technical details.

That would roughly solve the approach to the first two

bifurcations. How about higher ones? The only leading idea

is the Poincar~ map, and the fact that something invariant for

it,yields an invariant manifold of one higher dimension for


" t

the semiflow with the preservation of the attracting or repel­

ling character: a fixed point -- attracting or repelling -­

gave a closed orbit -- attracting or repelling -- a circle,

an invariant torus, etc.

Let me mention that all these geometrical methods presented

here are by no means the only ones with which one could attack

bifurcation problems for the Navier-Stokes equations. An excel­

lent reference is J. Sattinger [11, who in Chapters ~-7 does

roughly the same thing, but using methods of eigenvalue problems,

energy methods and Leray-Schauder degree theory. I prefer the

above methods because I think they appeal more to one's

geometrical intuition.

As a concluding remark, let me say that even if it seems

that the first bifurcations can be attacked successfully with

the above methods, the difficulties one faces might be very

big. One has to start off with something known, namely a

particular stationary solution, regard this as a fixed point

of the generator of the semi flow and work his way through the

conditions in the Bifurcation Theorem. In many cases we do

not have even a stationary solution! In the research problem

suggested in Lecture I about the flow behind a cylinder, the

difficulty is exactly this one: there is no explicitly solu­

tion known (for Re > 0 ) of the laminar flow

in 2 situations.


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