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Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

Do we have our ritual items ready, just to go over what you need? These are optional; you don't need to have

them. A piece of pyrite, a lodestone, or citrine. You want to have two stones. It could also be green aventurine.

Let's see, what did I bring? I brought two green aventurine. All right. They don't have to be the same. Just two

stones of one of these types, and one bill of paper money, and a green or gold candle, a cinnamon stick or

cinnamon oil, and a green or gold pouch, a slip of paper to write a little note on, and a pen to write with, and a


Always before my classes I always have a disclaimer and copyright information. If you just want to take a

second to look over that. I'll see if there are any questions on any of the supplies for class.

Yes, Kelleigh, that's okay. You don't have to have all this stuff. Cinnamon is great whenever you're working on

any kind of ceremony having to do with prosperity or abundance because the energy of cinnamon for

thousands of years has been aligned with that energy. If you don't have it, that's okay. Maybe you have a

cinnamon stick in your kitchen cabinet. I have some that I just grabbed up out of my kitchen. Mmm, it smells so


Okay, yes, and intention works, too. That's also radionics is based on that.

Okay. Let's go ahead and get started.

All right. Here's a great quote that I like to start this class with. Many of you know of inspirational speaker Mike

Dooley. He says, "Most think that perception a lot like a flashlight in the dark, illuminating whatever it's aimed

at." You turn it on and there it is. "The truth, however, is that instead of revealing what's there, perception

creates it." It's all about your perceptions, your deep-seated beliefs, your feelings on things, conscious or

unconscious, judgments, things that you're not consciously thinking, just the way that you automatically feel

about prosperity and abundance is going to create your reality with prosperity and abundance, okay?

If anyone is experiencing any kind of financial lack or lack in any area, prosperity and abundance is not always

about money. We always think of money, money. It can be abundance of anything, abundance of friends,

abundance of job opportunities. It doesn't have to be always about money. If you're experiencing a lack in any

of these areas, it's due to most often to limiting beliefs or perceptions. A box that you've created for yourself

without even realizing it. Even just the way that we're raised and programs we're given.

I'm going to give you some tools tonight on creating new programs for yourself. These things are brought into

your reality. Remember, energy follows thought. If that's where your thoughts are going, the energy is going to

arrange itself into the thoughts that you're having. The energy is going to do what your thoughts are putting out


There's a great quote that I read the other day, "Worrying is just like praying for something to happen." Think

about it. You're constantly thinking, worrying, worrying, worrying, going over and over something. Then it ends

up happening. Then you, "I knew it, I knew it." If you were sitting there worrying, dwelling on this, where's your


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

energy going? Your energy is following your thought, your perceptions were created. They are following what

you were creating there in your thoughts. Even if it was an unconscious thought or judgments, or just feelings,

deep-seated feelings that you have towards something.

We have to remember that we can create our perceptions and what we're experiencing. I'm telling you this

coming from experience, because I've created and manifested the biggest, biggest dream come true for

myself. It's not the first time I've done this. It's all about my beliefs.

Yes, I'm not going to tell you that I never have limiting beliefs. Of course I do. You have to get into the habit of

pushing those things out, getting rid of them as often as you can. Make a habit of visualizing and feeling what

it's like to have what's coming to you. Don't just wish for it, but know that it's actually going to be there and

actually going to manifest.

We're going to learn about clearing these negative patterns and these negative thought forms and these

limiting beliefs using energy healing techniques and crystals. Crystals, remember how we say, they are a tool

and a support. You can do these things without crystals, definitely. To me, it just makes things so much easier.

It's like a support. Kind of like a crutch, and a very pretty one at that.

There's a great video called "Power of Human Consciousness" that I would love for you to take a look at

because it's basically a trailer for a really good movie and it has a lot of these speakers in the science, and

scientists in it that explain it in a wonderful way. I don't have time to go into that in tonight's class. We could day

a whole day workshop on just this alone. Please watch that video.

First thing we want to look at to see if we are perceiving the correct energies, if we can get rid of these blocks,

if we have any of these blocks; it's to look at how we are responding to prosperity and abundance coming into

our lives. Like I said, prosperity and abundance is always thought of as money, money. It's not always that.

Removing the blocks that you have around prosperity and abundance is the way to get more of it. All right?

Let's ask ourselves these questions, and be really honest with yourself. If you want to post answers in the chat

room, go ahead. "Are you open to receiving?" That means if someone gives you a gift, an unexpected gift

even, or even on your birthday, are you, "Oh, no. You shouldn't have done that. No, no, no, no. Please don't do

that. I didn't want you to do that," and all this negating and blocking it? Don't block those people that want to

give to you. First of all, you're probably making them feel bad. Bigger than that is you're blocking and you're not

aligning yourself with prosperity when you do that.

When someone offers to pay for your lunch, or coffee even, or something, do you graciously accept it with

grace and ease, or do you fight them? I know some people that will fight you tooth and nail, back and forth,

back and forth, "No, no, no, no and push the money back." Be graceful about it and open to receiving and

accepting. When someone offers you help and you really, really needed that help, and they're offering it to you,

accept it. They're not going to offer it if they really . . . Sometimes people do offer things and don't really think

you're going to accept it. You might feel that intuitively. What I'm saying is that in an overall picture, are you


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

open to receiving these things, or are you the person always putting up the blocks? That's a big clue right


A lot of people have negative thoughts about money. Like people who have money, people who are making

money, people who are getting rich, there's all these negative judgments about them. Money is bad. They must

have done something horrible. They must have stepped all over a bunch of people to get it. Money is a neutral

resource. It's us, people in certain cultures that put this negative connotation on money or on prosperity and

abundance in general.

Did you ever think about karma? Perhaps these people put a lot of good things into their environment. There

are plenty of people that I know that give a lot to charity. Therefore they're prosperous in return. That's the law

of attraction. You're putting it out there and it's coming back to you. It comes back to you easier, and easier,

and easier. It just gets easier and easier for them to make abundance. Yet again in turn they continue to

continue giving and giving and giving. It's a neutral energy and it reflects what you're doing. Not always 100

percent of the time. Of course we know that there is people out there that are not on the up and up and making

money in a bad way. Don't always go to the negative and think that everybody with money is a horrible, bad

person. It's a reflection of their energy and what they're putting out there.

Remember that your belief is your vibrational energy. Again, we're going to talk about how to take all these

things and align you with abundance and align you with prosperity. We need to shift our paradigm and our

whole thinking on that if we're feeling those. If you're going, "Yes, that's me. I feel that way." Then we need to

shift all that so that you're open to prosperity and abundance. We need to create a whole new belief system

around that. How do we do that?

Here are my two favorite guys, two favorite scientists I think, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. William Tiller. Dr. Bruce

Lipton, he's a biogeneticist. He has a great book called, "Biology of Belief," that I absolutely love. If you're not

into the biology, start at chapter five. You can skip ahead. The biology is interesting.

Dr. William Tiller, he is still on staff. He's a master physicist. He teaches at universities. He's written amazing


Dr. Bruce Lipton says something interesting. Again, in your class resources there is a free download MP3 on

his talk on this and some videos with them talking about these things. Dr. Bruce Lipton says that a lot of times

people think we're victims of our genes. "Oh, I'm bad at this. I get that from my mom's side," or whatever it is.

It's not the genes setting us up this way. There might be little doors that open up because of genes, but it's

your environment and it's your perceptions.

We are responsible for our perceptions and experiences. Whatever we are perceiving, experiencing in our

lives, we can change that. We are responsible for that. He gives all the biology of why that is. Then in another

one of our classes I go over that a little bit more in depth. I just want to keep it light on the surface here.


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

Now, crystals, why do we want to use crystals? They help to alter our environment for us because of their

vibrational frequencies. This is a natural citrine twin that I love. It's a really neat one that I just put in a recent

video on my YouTube channel. They help to alter everything because of their vibrational frequencies. They

help us to alter our own perceptions because they're actually changing our environment, the vibrational energy

in our environment.

Here's a great quote by Dr. William Tiller. "Human intention can significantly influence the properties of

materials and the nature of reality." This is coming from a physicist. Take a look at those class resources when

you get a chance to do that.

The energy of abundance. Before we get into specific techniques, I just want to talk to you a little bit about the

science behind that.

Oh, this whole screen is missing. Ugh. WizIQ does this to me sometimes. It doesn't want to . . . Maybe if I click

that. Oh, yes. Okay.

How do we do this? How do we change our perceptions? How do we change our realities like Dr. Lipton and

Dr. Tiller are saying that we're capable of doing? You put emotion into it and you're present in the moment

when you put emotion into it. When you're putting that emotion into it, don't think of the future, don't think of the

past. Be present in the moment and put emotion into it.

Why do we want to put emotion into it? This is how science works. Let's think about computers. Let's think

about microchips. Let's think about DVDs, programming a DVD, programming a CD. We're going to use that as

an analogy, but really sort of like a model or demonstration of how we program ourselves and our perception.

It's really the same thing.

If you take information and you add energy to the information, you get a program. Ones and zeros are a binary

code system, it's a bit system that we use to program computers, the microchips, and the CDs, and the DVDs.

That is your information. You add energy to it in the form of; they use a laser to actually do this. It etches onto

the CD or onto the microchip a program. Now that microchip or that CD is programmed. Every time you play it,

it's going to play that program again and again.

Let me talk to you about a couple of scientific studies here. There was some research done using the same

concepts of taking information and adding energy to it and creating a program. Think of DNA. DNA is

information. It's an informational blueprint on how to build a biological organism. They took frog DNA and they

added energy to the DNA. Not splicing, actual physically splicing, but added energy with an energetic laser and

gave it information that encoded it with salamander genes, genetic information from a salamander. What do

you think happened? Some of those frog eggs hatched into salamanders.

Same thing with duck to chicken. They took duck DNA, actually opened up the eggs, programmed it with

information from a laser regarding the genetic information of chickens. They got duck/chicken hybrids hatching


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

from the eggs. They weren't 100 percent chicken, but they were these strange hybrids. I don't condone these

animal experiments, but I'm just bringing it up because we're seeing here that is does work.

Information, you take the information, you add energy to it, and you're going to get a program. If you think

about it, your thought forms are the information. Whatever thoughts, or unconscious or unconscious, your

beliefs, your feelings, and then you add emotion to it.

If you think of a platform, let's say tonight we're going to program a little something in our ceremony. That's the

thought form, the information. Then we visualize it with intense emotion. That's adding the energy to it. You

know that emotion is energy because you can feel it. Sometimes you feel your face heat up, or the tears

welling up in your eyes, or the energy raiding around you. The emotions are the energy.

You take the information. You add energy to it. What you get is a program.

I jumped ahead here for a second. Sorry.

I want to go to the root of the problem, pun intended, because many of us, and I know this in teaching this

classes live and online, in polling people, many of us, and I feel safe saying that 75 percent if not higher have

an imbalance in our root chakra. That's where you want to go first and take care of that first if you do have an

imbalance in your root chakra. You want to take care of that first before we start working on these other areas

in prosperity and abundance.

Why? Because your root chakra is the seat for you feeling secure, balanced in your finances, trusting, feeling

well taken care of, and your financial needs being met. Being grounded and connected to Mother Earth is how

you help to balance that root chakra. If you're not feeling a lot of those things, you feel very disconnected to

earth, you're not very trusting, you're fearful, you don't feel grounded in your finances, you're always thinking

when's the next thing going to drop, every month there's a problem, and you're always worried, worried,

worried about money, then you want to look to the root chakra and help balance that and feel secure there

before working on the areas of prosperity and abundance. You want to build a strong foundation first.

Crystals to help us do that, almandine garnet is a deep red and it looks black here. You can see in the picture

on the PowerPoint that they're like black cherries. They're so, so deep and red. There's a little bit of red

showing up there. Gorgeous. Almandine garnet.

Red jasper. Very easy to get and inexpensive. A great root chakra stone. Hematite is another good one. That's

a nice polished hematite. Rough hematite is going to have kind of like a ruddy, maroon color. Those are good

stones to work with for your root chakra. Also, black tourmaline. I didn't mention that. That's a good one. I really

like the red if the chakra, and the hematite, really needs a lot of work.

Other things you can do. This is an advanced root chakra layout you can do. Obviously it's going to be over the

groin area. If you're going to do this for somebody else, you want them to place the crystals just so you don't

get in any funny things. Here we have a rough hematite. We have two polished hematite. We have two blood


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

stones. We have a red jasper here and a red jasper here and a garnet here, red garnet. This was part of the

sacral, that was a carnelian there. This is a really good root chakra layout. It's really going to help. If you do this

every day for like a week and check your root chakra again, you'll notice that it's much more balanced.

Do like a root chakra meditation. There are all kinds of things you can do. If you go on my YouTube channel I

have different ideas on how you can balance the root chakra. I also have meditations on there, my own and

others that I've linked to.

Also, you can wear red, wear a lot of red. Eat a lot of red foods. Eat root-based foods like ginger, potatoes,

carrots, things like that. When you think about that, all of those things are grounded, aren't they? They're

actually literally grounded in Mother Earth. Why do you think? Think about that. I always think about there's

your connection right there to the root chakra, right, about being grounded. Then those foods are actually

literally grounded in the earth. If there's anything you could pull up out of the earth and eat, it's going to help

balance your root chakra.

Here's my cue. Let me stop for some questions here and see if you guys have anything that I can answer for

you. "Totally agree. Root is out of whack." Yes, and that is common for so, so many people, Shellee. A lot of

people say the same.

"Groin point stones again?" Sure. I'll go over them again. Here, a red jasper and a red jasper here. Can you

guys see my pointer? Here I have a rough hematite. It doesn't have to be the exact same stones. A polished

hematite and a polished hematite. Here, a blood stone and a blood stone. Those are right there where the leg

meets the torso. Then, right above the hematite I put a polished almandine garnet, one of those black cherry


Kelly, "Feeling better now though." Oh, were you not feeling well? Sorry. Okay, glad to hear you're feeling


You're welcome, Suzanne.

I don't see anyone else typing, so I'm going to go ahead and move on. I want to make sure we get everything


Here's one really great exercise we can do. This is something where you're going to start changing and shifting

your paradigm about prosperity and abundance slowly by building up a pattern, by building up a habit. Okay?

Before you go to bed, you just want to take some post-it notes and put them everywhere, on your light, on your

alarm clock, on your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, everywhere you're going to go, your coffee maker,

throughout the morning so this thought pattern starts engraining itself and making itself a program. They're

everywhere. Person you live with is probably going to think you're nuts, but it's good for them, too. Before you

go to bed, put these post-it notes everywhere that remind you to do these activities.


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

You want to have some abundance crystals nearby. Like what? Like emerald. You don't need to have a fancy-

schmancy emerald. You can get rough emeralds pretty inexpensively. Pyrite. Here's a gorgeous cube of pyrite

in the rock matrix. That is just a divine piece. I love that one.

Jade, you can get those jade Buddhas. Be careful with these. Make sure it's real jade. A lot of times these are

fake jades. If they're really cheap you want to make sure. Not that jade is super expensive, but make sure that

it's real jade. Citrine like the one I already showed you. Aventurine. Here's my citrine. Orange calcite, here's my

orange calcite. I just like to show them so you guys don't confuse them with other stones. Peridot. Here's a

really nice, green peridot in rock matrix. I love this baby. Those are all good abundance crystals. If you have

one or you have a few, just put them by your bed.

Before getting up, take one or two of the crystals and hold it. This as an energetic memento. It's helping you

whether you feel the frequencies or not. Some of us feel the energetic frequencies, some of us don't. Like I'm

self-admitted, what do I call myself, energetically dense when it comes to feeling the frequencies in my hands. I

can do it when I concentrate a lot. To some of you, you just pick up a crystal for the first time and you're like,

"Whoa." You feel the vibrations.

Before you get up, look at that note on your alarm clock or wherever those post-it notes are, and do it before

you forget and leave for the day or get going to the day. Say to yourself, "This will be a successful and

productive day and for the good of all." When I add the "for the good of all" thing, it's like my insurance policy

that it's not going to create a successful and productive day at the harm of others or at the negative impact of

others. I always add that in that it's for the good of all, that nobody is going to be negatively impacted by this.

Then, take your crystal along with you. Hopefully it's something small enough that maybe you can put it in a

pocket, in a mojo bag, in your bra, in your water, whatever you want to do. Bring it with you for the day. Take it

with you.

Remember, throughout the day, and these little post-it notes everywhere are going to help you with this, to be

grateful for all the opportunities that come across your path. Everything, whether it's you've found a penny in

front of you, or someone bought you an extra bag of chips, or an extra bag of chips came out of the vending

machine. These are all tiny little clues the universe is dropping in your path that prosperity is coming your way.

You need to get in the habit of remembering to be grateful for each and every one of them, no matter how

small. Never throw away a penny, or never say, "Ugh, that's not worth picking up. I'm not going to bother with

that." Be grateful for all the opportunities that come your way because remember this is setting up the

energetic frequencies in front of you in your path, to always being open to more, removing those blocks, right?

Now, it's going to be hard at first. You might forget a couple days. After doing this for 21 days, they say 21

days; scientifically we know that that creates a habit. It's going to create a habit in you that you'll be this way all

the time when it comes to prosperity and abundance. I do a quick little meditation. Not my actual real

meditation that I do when I get up in the morning, but before I even get out of the bed while I'm doing my neck

stretches, I remember to be grateful and thankful for all the things in my life before I ever get out of the bed.


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

That's something that came to me after doing it. I remember it every day. Now, I pretty much remember it just

about every day because I've created a habit out of it. This is a little exercise you can try to create a habit. That

will help to change your energetic imprints or your energetic program.

Here's something else you can do. This is an easy one because you can do it anywhere, any time. If you want

something that's like a little less, with a few less steps, choose an easy affirmation, one that you're going to

remember, one that's easy to remember that you can use to meditate and vibrate with your abundance

crystals. You're still going to need to carry your crystals with you. Again, whether it's one crystal in a pocket, or

in a mojo bag, or whatever, you're going to have to have them with you. You're going to have it ready in a

pouch. Here's a little prosperity and abundance bag I had put together. You're going to do a 5-10 minute

affirmation, meditation, with a little bit of visualization in it. Remember to add that emotion into it because that's

going to take the thought forms, the information, add the energy and create a program. Right? We're

programming the DVD.

Come up with a prosperity affirmation. You can use this one. This one is a really easy one to remember. "I

attract and gratefully receive prosperity, abundance, and success in my life." You can jot that down on a little

post-it note and put it in the pouch with your crystals until you remember it. When you do this every day, after a

few days you're going to have it memorized.

Or, you can just do the shreem mantra. Shreem is a word. It's one of those mantras that . . . Actually it's a

monosyllabic word that has a certain energetic frequency to it. It carries the frequency of prosperity. If you

watch the class resources, there's a video there where someone actually does a shreem mantra with you so

you can get into that focus. It's setting up that frequency. You can take the crystals and hold them and just do

the shreem mantra. How easy is that? All you have to remember is shreem. When you just hold them and you

do shreem, and you do it for a breath and you go into the next one. It's really easy. Again, this is another way

to reprogram your whole energetic frequency towards prosperity.

Then, I also wanted to show you a few more abundance crystals so you can get to know the crystals a little bit.

Emerald, this is a really beautifully colored one. It's actually in a matrix of quartz. Aquamarine and emerald can

sometimes get confused because they're both beryls, they have the same shape. I want to show you one a

little bit later that's like a borderline of both of them. You want to get a really green emerald. Of course this is a

really nice emerald so it's going to be a very expensive one. The rough ones look more like a rock. Emerald

has the properties of being very healing, but it's very good for prosperity and stimulating, boosting wealth,

boosting abundance. It's a growth crystal. Usually the green crystals are growth crystals.

Pyrite is a great one for manifesting. It's got a lot of male energy, very strong energy for manifesting, very

powerful. If you're not comfortable with a real powerful push energy, then you might want to wait on pyrite.

Pyrite is really good for pushing things through, pushing desires through with like a push, a very male force.

Lots of confidence, it's a good confidence builder with pyrite, too.


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

Jade comes in lots of different shades. A lot of people sometimes will ask me, "Is this a jade?" This is a jade

Buddha. It's a very dark jade. Here I have a bowl of very different, some are very light, some are darker. It

comes in lots of different shades. It's all about abundance and wealth and good fortune. That's why the jade

Buddhas are all about good luck, and prosperity, and abundance. You've got a little pouch on his back which

represents prosperity for him. Jade is a great one to work with.

Citrine. Citrine is known not only as the happy stone, but it's the merchant's stone. A lot of times you'll hear of

people having citrine in their cash drawers, or in their wallet, keeping it where money is, keeping it where you

pay bills to make sure that they get paid down. It's all about success and confidence. It's also a confidence

builder. If you're looking for success in any area, citrine is a great one to work with.

I say real or baked here because there's always this thing about, "Oh, do you that know most citrine is just

baked amethyst?" Yes, we know that. A lot of us do and maybe some of you didn't. Maybe this is the first time

you heard about that. Especially this citrine right here is a baked amethyst. You can tell by the color on it. I

have a few videos on YouTube that go into a very lengthy discussion on that.

Whether it's baked or real, I feel that it still has those frequencies of prosperity and abundance. Yes, it's true

that a natural citrine is going to be more powerful than the baked. I use both and I've found them both to be

effective. This is much more powerful because it's natural, more effective, but they're both within that color


Color frequency is light. Light is information. This is giving us the frequency or the information of this color band

which aligns itself with prosperity, and abundance, and with finances, and manifestation, and confidence. That

color right there is still giving us what we need. It's not as strong of a push as the natural citrine, but you can

still use it for the same thing. It's a lot more affordable than the natural.

Natural can get quite pricy. It's really rare and hard to find. Sometimes I go through long spells where I cannot

get any natural citrine. In fact, it's hard right now. That's my last piece right there. I mean, I have my own

personal piece. This is not my personal one. I took this out of my inventory.

Then, aventurine is another good one. Aventurine can come in lots of different shades, too. Take a look here.

That's a rough piece and here are some lighter pieces. These ones that I have now are kind of in between.

Again, green is all about growth and growing, boosting vitality. Boosting the finances, boosting prosperity and


Here is that beryl that is kind of like a cross between an aquamarine and emerald. Can you see that? It's like a

blue green. Some might call this aquamarine. It doesn't really matter. There is not going to be one geologist

that's going to come along and be able to test it spectrally and tell you if it's one or the other. When you call it

emerald or aquamarine, you're just basically describing the general color. Beryl is the technical name for this.

This is just little crystal candy. I like to throw that in every once in a while when I find a really pretty or gorgeous

exceptional piece like that one.


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

Let me stop here for questions and take some water. My throat's doing quite well and you know why? I've got a

blue lace agate in there for my coughing. I'd say it's working pretty well.

I don't see anybody typing so I guess you don't have any questions.

"Yummy crystal candy." Yes.

I do see someone typing. Hold on. Let me just make sure I'm not missing any questions. Kelleigh is typing

something in the box. "Are all beryl good for abundance?" No, see because morganite . . . Very good that you

know. Heliodor is going to be your yellow beryl, so that one's going to be better for solar plexus and confidence

work. Morganite is pink, so I always recommend morganite for heart chakra work, emotional balancing.

Some crystal healers will say the color has nothing to do with it. I disagree because I'm going to go, first of all,

based on my own experiences. Second of all, on my students' experiences which I get a lot of feedback on.

Third of all, on the science. Which, again like I said, color is a reflection of light and light is information. I will not

discount the colors on these stones at all. I hope that answered your question.

I see Taryn and Shellee are both typing. They're typing furiously. "My baby experience agrees with you, too,

about color." Okay.

"I can't write fast enough. So much good information. Will there be a recording?" Yes, there will, Taryn. There's

going to be a recording. It might be a few days, but Michelle, my tech princess, is recording this and you will

get a recording. You will be able to watch it again and again, forever and ever, on any device you want.

Let's keep it moving. Let's see how I'm doing on time. Pretty good. We need to make sure we have enough

time for our ceremony and our meditation. I don't want to cut that short.

Using a little feng shui with crystals is good, too. If you know a little bit about feng shui, and even if you don't,

you can just follow along here with these tips. Place a large citrine druse, that would be like a little cluster piece

here, or any other abundance crystal that you have in the southeast part of your living area, or your office, or

your creative space. That is your wealth corner, so that's why you want to do that in your southeast part of that


If you can, add a water element, a fish tank, a gold fish bowl, a fountain. Those fountains are so easy to come

by. Add some abundance stones to the water element.

You can also do something that's really fun and create a wealth vase with your crystals. If you check your class

resources there's a video on how to do that. That's something really fun to do.

Also, lemon and bamboo plant have been known for thousands of years to be all about the abundance. Put

that in your southeast corner as well along with your crystals. Put some citrine or jade stones around a vase, or


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

add a water feature to any of these things. Some of those bamboo plants will grow right out of the water and

then I would put some citrine and aventurine in there, or jade. All those are safe to go in the water.

Also, you can hang an abundance crystal. Put it on a string and hang it on a red cord because feng shui is all

about red as an activator. If you add red to anything it helps to really activate whatever that energy is. Those

are some good feng shui tips.

I also wanted to put a couple body layouts here. Body layouts are great. You can lay in a body layout for 10 to

15 minutes. Do it every day for a week and you're going to notice such changes in your energy about

prosperity and abundance. I put these in your class resources so you don't have to copy anything. The layout

map is there and everything.

For this, what works really great is pyrite and citrine. You take a natural citrine point, if you can find a natural

citrine point, and put it above your head with the point pointing down. It needs to be a natural point because

these are really, really powerful. Then you take four pieces of pyrite. One over the heart, one in each hand,

those are very important nadis for prosperity, and one at your earth star chakra which is right about six inches

below your feet and lie down in this body layout 10 to 15 minutes.

If you can find a meditation, guided or not guided, whatever, or just put some music on that you like. Do this

every day for 10 minutes at least or 15 minutes if you have enough time. Do it every day for a week and then

journal how you feel. Journal before you begin and then journal how you feel. Notice the energy shift that

you've gone through from doing this. I've had such great responses from people doing this body layout. Give it

a try as well as this one.

This one is another one. A lot of people find this one easier to do because they find the crystals easier to get.

You're going to do jade, aventurine, emerald, any combination. If you can get all the same stones, try to do

that. For all jade, or all aventurine. Whatever you have on hand, if that's all you have, then go with it. Then one

piece of pyrite. It doesn't have to be a beautiful, cubed pyrite. It can be a rough tumbled pyrite, whatever.

Those are really expensive. Put the pyrite at your earth star. I'm saying that because it contains iron so it really

connects you to the earth star chakra. Please see your Class Resources for some optional but recommended

Prosperity & Abundance guided meditations you can use with these body layouts.

I have another class all about that so; again, I don't want to get too much into that. You put that at the earth

star chakra about six to twelve inches below your feet. Then, the other stones, whether it's jade or whatever,

one in each hand, one on the heart chakra. Surround your upper body with the other five. One outside each

shoulder, one outside either side of your head, and one at your crown. Do the same thing, 10 to 15 minutes,

every day for a week. Make note of your energy at the beginning of the week. Make note of your energy or

your feelings towards prosperity and abundance and your energy towards that at the end of the week. See

what you find out. You're going to love it.

Then, of course, I'm putting a little plug for my book in here because so many people talk about doing grids for

prosperity and abundance. Yes, yes, yes. Definitely do that. My book just went into a second print where I


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

added a little section on my personal prosperity grid that I did for my business that helped me to be so

successful. It worked. You can do grids for anything.

Someone posted something really funny on my Facebook page yesterday and said it should be a t-shirt.

Something like, maybe one of you were in this class that said it, "Health Issues? Wealth Issues? Something or

the other. There's a grid for that." I was like, "Oh, my God." That's a great slogan. I love it. Maybe a little too

cheesy, but cute as ever.

You can do a grid for your root chakra. You can do a grid for prosperity. You can do a grid to attract

abundance. Then, something else that you can do, which I gave to you in your class resources, and this is

super powerful, we're going to talk more about grids in just a second. You can color your own mandala for a


The mandalas I gave you are really great for prosperity and abundance. You take some coloring pencils, some

crayons, or whatever you have around, and color it. That puts your energy, your intention into it. Try to use

those prosperity and abundance colors, the oranges, the greens, the yellows, the golds.

This is the grid that I did for my business. I have a large, very large quartz point in the center. That's big baby. I

have the peridot that you guys saw over here. I surrounded that with orange calcite. Then, another circle of I

don't know what because I was still building the grid here when I took this picture. I was going to say, "Why is

that one out of place?" Citrine, and then some laser wands of quartz. Also, under the quartz point, I don't want

to get into exactly what I put under there, but you can do photos of things that help you to visualize what you're

trying to bring about. You can sprinkle some shredded money. You can put food items into the grid. It's

prosperity and abundance. It can be anything, not just money.

I gave you some playing money in your class resources. Print those out, write things on them, affirmations, fold

them up, put them under your center stone. Whatever is meaningful to you. Meaningful mementos are great to

put in a crystal grid. They help to really align your energy into what it is you're trying to manifest and they work.

They work!

Here's another one for prosperity and abundance. Very inexpensive one to make. You take a cheap citrine

druse, put it in the center and this is the infinity symbol, also represented by the number 8. The term for it is

leminscate. I have yet to have someone actually pronounce it for me, so I hope I'm pronouncing it correctly.

Then again, you can print up some of that play money and place it under the center stone, shred it up and

sprinkle it around like glitter, do whatever you want. Put it in the middle of the grid. These are citrine and green

aventurine. You can check your class resources for more stuff about that.

Here, I'm wearing this pendant right here. This is made by Dream Seeds. You can look them up online It's a prosperity pendant. They're kind of heavy, but I love these guys. I don't wear them all

the time because they are kind of heavy, but when you need that boost, it's great. We've got peridot in here,

emerald, citrine, I believe green aventurine, clear quartz, and then they also put the amethyst in there. They


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

make this little pouch as well. I added some larger stones to it to kind of boost it up. Again, we've got peridot

here, citrine.

Amethyst to me isn't really a prosperity stone. They kind of threw that in. you can definitely make one of these

yourself. Then adding the clear quartz is always great because clear quartz is an amplifier so it helps to boost

the other energies and gets things to kind of mesh together very well.

Gem elixirs. We can always do an abundance gem elixir. Make one out of citrine, peridot, orange calcite, those

are all safe to drink, safe to do sprays with, anything you want. I just came out with my new baby which is the

gem elixir e-kit. There are all kinds of little things in there for making gem elixirs. You can find that on my


Remember with an elixir, when you're taking it internally, it's not how much you dose, like taking a big dropper

full, it's not how much, but how often you have it. Doing it once a day is not as powerful as doing it three times

a day, three times a day for a week. That's always going to be more powerful than how much you take per

dose. If you want to find out more about that, check out that gem elixirs kit. There's also a great book on it

called "Gem Water."

I love this because one of our Crystalline Cohorts from the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy actually made this.

She made a lemurian gem elixir called elation that I have and use here myself. This one is great for prosperity

and abundance. A little dropper under the tongue helps, again, to align your energies with prosperity and


She made this, and this is so great, not the super moon we just had, but it was one last year, the direct light of

the super moon with lemurian gem elixir. If you want to buy directly from her, it's in your class resources or you

can make one yourself if you know how to do gem elixirs. Such cool stuff. Love this. Look at all her lemurians.

They're big.

I'll stop for questions here. Okay.

"About gem elixirs. I live in PNW, always cloudy. What do I do to make gem elixirs in rain and clouds"

Someone else said that to me, too. Don't worry about it. You do not need to have the sun. The sun is one

element you can add, but you can amplify the gem elixir in other ways. In my kit I show you different ways by

lining it with the earth's energies or using pyramids, copper pyramids. Pacific Northwest, okay.

The other person I was talking to is in the UK somewhere and lives in a cloudy area. Don't worry. You don't

have to have the sun. We made gem elixirs under moonlight sometimes. I did some with the super moon the

other night. Now I need to actually sit down and make the elixirs. Fun stuff. Don't worry about the rain. Doesn't

matter. Does not matter.

Okay, I see Kelleigh is still typing. "I've been holding back . . ." No, you do not need to have the sun. That's just

one element. Like I said, in my kit I explain sometimes I make them at 2:00 in the morning. Whenever the urge


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

strikes me I just do it. The sun is an element you can add, but you certainly don't have to have it. You can still

create the elixir.

One thing that I can do, and that I like to do is I'll make a big batch of a whole bunch of elixirs in the sunlight so

I get the pranic energy in there and then I store them. Then I have them. Like right now I have a cabinet full of

all kinds of gem elixirs, basically from every stone I've ever had. Then I can go and make stuff all day long

whenever I want. You don't have to have the sun. When you get the sunny day, make a huge batch of all types

and then store them. Okay. Good, Kelleigh.

All right. Let's keep on going here.

Crystal rituals. Here's a short little one you can do. We're not going to actually do this one but you can attract

again that prosperity, abundance energy that you want. Take citrine; put it in a cash drawer. We talked about

this before. I actually jumped ahead and talked about it. Put it with your bank statements.

You can also wrap a piece of pyrite in a five dollar bill or anything, larger denomination I tend to think is better

sometimes than a one dollar bill, and wrap it in the money, place it in a green pouch and carry it along with you

or put it where you keep money and watch it start to magnify how much money you have there in that area.

Something else you can do, another little morning exercise is take two or three abundance crystals, sit with

them for one minute. We're going to actually try this right now. I'm going to take peridot and an aventurine. You

guys have your crystals?

All right. First, let me just go through what we're going to do and then we're going to try it. We're going to sit

with them for one minute and we're just going to kind of feel the energy. If you know which hand is your

receptive had, whichever hand feels energy best, put it in that hand. If you don't know, then use the hand you

usually don't write with.

I'm going to say this statement to you so you don't have to memorize it or read it off the screen. You can

concentrate on your crystal and close your eyes. Then we're going to see how we feel after we do it. We're

going to notice how we feel.

All right. Go ahead and put the crystals in your hand and close your eyes.

Is my camera going out of focus? It feels like it is. Maybe I need to get closer.

All right. You've got your crystals there? Let's sit for a few seconds. Vibe with that energy. Something

exhilarating is going to happen today getting me one step closer. My dreams are manifesting just around the

corner. I can feel it. How big can I play? How far can I go?

Okay, how does that make you feel right now, just right off the top of your head? How does that make you

feel? You can type it in there.


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

I did this for quite some time. I shouldn't say quite some time, like two months I did this. Try to do it as a daily

exercise. Guys, I'm leaving my job to do this full time and this is happening with grace an ease, not difficulty.

It's just happening and aligning me with the correct people like Michelle and other people. It's just wonderful.

Wonderful. I have to tell you this stuff works. If you believe in it, remember you're creating your perceptions

and you are a powerful, powerful creator.

You can write this down, "I am changing my money paradigm. I'm ready for more." It doesn't have to be exactly

like this, but something real powerful. "I'm so grateful now that money comes to me in growing quantities from

various sources on a constant basis."

You're going to hold a stone while you write that on the mirror. You're going to visualize it and then keep that

stone on you. Remember, it's an energetic memento to blueprint this program. Keep it with you. Again, the

same way we talked about before, put it in a pocket, tuck it in a bra, a mojo bag, and read that on your

bathroom mirror every morning for one week. Then you can kind of let go of it, but leave it there.

Then, check in with yourself after a month. Assess. Do you need to boost this thing up? Do you need to do this

again? Repeat it for another week until you notice this shift happening. You will notice it. Remember, you can't

do these things for a couple days and then forget all about it because then it's not going to work. You have to

put your energy into it. Remember, you want your thoughts and emotions and that's going to create the


This was filmed in Jan. 2012 as I prepared to run Hibiscus Moon, LLC full time!

Here's another one. I need to get moving.

This is great because it used the number 8 that's all about manifesting infinite abundance. Eight bills of paper

money, so eight singles. You don't have to be out a whole lot of money. Eight gemstones, whether it's green

aventurine or pyrite or citrine. You can mix it up; they don't all have to be the same. A green or gold pouch.

Place the money and the stones in the sun. You can put it in the pouch; you don't have to, and try to get that

pranic energy on them if you can. If you can't, no big deal. Then, lay them out in a row. Put one gemstone on

top of each bill of money. Then after it's soaked up its pranic energy, if you can do that, then put everything in

the pouch.

Over the next seven days, you're going to spend one bill for anything. Go buy a pack of gum, something that's

a buck. All right? Give it away to a homeless person, buy a newspaper. Give away the stones to people who

might need them.

You'd be surprised. People who don't believe in stones are so grateful when I give them stones, you know?

They'll walk by me and they'll have it in their pocket every day and they say they don't believe in this stuff but

they're looking for such hope. They'll carry it with them. It's so heartwarming to see that.


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

On the eighth day give the last stone to someone. Tell them it's a lucky stone to keep money flowing. Tell them

that. The eighth bill you're going to keep it in your wallet or the pouch, wherever you want, for at least a year.

At the end of the year, remember to go ahead and spend the bill. This is really, really powerful.

When we spoke about why the number eight is so important for this because it's all about infinite abundance. It

goes all the way back I believe to . . . I just did the research on this and I'm forgetting now. Please forgive me. I

believe it's a Hindu symbol that it's always meant a duality and an infinite flow of energy.

All right. Let me stop for questions here. All right. I don't see anyone typing so we're going to go ahead and

move along to our ritual.

You're going to hold your stone and I'm going to go through what we're going to do. You're going to entrain

with the energy and you're going to visualize what it is that you want. Remember, prosperity and abundance is

different for everybody. You can go really, really big. You can go with just manifesting your mortgage payment

for next month.

After we've entrained and hold the stone for a little bit, we're going to light our candles. Make sure all your stuff

is nearby. We're going to take a piece of paper. On it we're going to write, and I'm going to write with you, "I

give thanks for the prosperity in my life and I embrace more opportunities for prosperity and abundance."

You're going to place the bill in front of the candle and place the paper on top of the bill of money and then the

stone on top of that and the cinnamon stick on the paper.

We're going to visualize. We're going to spend some time visualizing. I will walk you through that, the

opportunities, the flow of energy. Then, we're going to roll up the bill and everything inside of it and put it in the

pouch. All the money you need, this is like an abundance one because we're using money, is going to flow to

you. The prosperity and abundance, it's just going to start flowing. Whatever you're looking for. If you're looking

to manifest a new job, it's going to flow to you.

Here's another quote from Mike Dooley. "No matter how much money or love you've made or lost, you can still

make more." Believe that you can make more. You will.

Let's do the ritual. Let's get our stuff together. We're going to hold our stone. I'm going to do it with my citrine.

Hold it in your receptive hand and let's just spend a little bit of time entraining with its energies and at the same

time visualizing what you want to bring about. Put that emotion into it to set the program. Feel what that's going

to feel like, when it happens. Not if, when it happens. Feel how happy you're going to be. The excitement and

the joy.

We're going to light our candle now. Let's go ahead and let's light our candle. I've got one of these big novena

candles. It can be a small one, it doesn't matter. Green hopefully because we like that color for this.


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

On the slip of paper we're going to write, "I give thanks for the prosperity in my life," because we all have some

level of prosperity, "and I embrace more opportunities for prosperity and abundance." You writing that down is

putting energy into this intention, more energy to program.

Now, we're going to take the note, like we said before. We're going to place the bill in front of the candle. Place

your money there in front of the candle. Put the paper on top of the money and put your stone on top of the

paper and the cinnamon stick.

Now, if you have oil, you can anoint the stone with the oil, or you can anoint the candle with the oil just by

rubbing the oil on there. Having that oil in the vicinity is also good because you're smelling. Scent is another

level of energy and another energetic vibration.

Now we're going to spend a little time visualizing these new opportunities flowing into your life. Again, feel the

excitement and the joy you're going to feel when these things come into your life. Not if, but when.

Okay. Now, take everything, roll it up, put it in the pouch. I'm going to put this all in my pouch here, the

cinnamon stick, the note, the bill of money. Hold the pouch in your hand and bring it to your heart center. Hold

it to your heart and you're going to repeat after me. I'm going to say it and you're going to repeat after me. If

other people are around you, you don't want them to hear you, then you repeat it in your mind. "I resonate with

these objects and what they represent with the prosperity, abundance, growth, and success. All my dreams will

prosper and grow. Abundance flows to me easily."

Keeping that pouch there at your heart center, close your eyes, we're going to spend a minute now just

mentally giving gratitude and thanks for all of us being able to gather together, amplifying our energy. All of us

doing this together, even though we're not in the same room, is really amplifying the effects of this ceremony

for us all. You can probably feel it. We're going to spend a minute amplifying that energy for whatever

blessings you have in your life currently, giving thanks for that.

Now we're going to spend a minute visualizing in detail, using all your senses, the abundance you want to

manifest. Feel the emotions of receiving it and being very grateful for it. Feel those emotions.

Now we're going to do a little exercise to help imprint it further in your energetic blueprint. You're going to take

a picture with your mind's flash camera and lock it in. Those emotions and whatever you were able to visualize,

if you were able to see it. Send it to the very back of your brain, right here, the medulla oblongata, and imprint it

there. Visualize imprinting it there. Take a deep breath in and breathe out. We're sending this energy out into

the universe.

It's done. Don't dwell on it. We've spoken truly from our spirit so this is going out there and source energy is

going to do the work for us. We don't have to think about it. We're going to manifest this lovingly, and gently,

and in a way that's completely right and for the good of all. That concludes our ceremony portion.


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

You're going to take this pouch and place it in a purse or wherever you keep money, or wherever you pay bills,

whatever signifies prosperity and abundance to you, in a place that represents prosperity. You can keep it

there for a month or until whenever you feel that it's been done. If you feel like you need to refresh it and boost

it, then you can boost it. Whatever you intuitively feel about that.

We're going to do our meditation now. This was a large grid, really, really big that I did on the floor behind me

back here. This is big baby crystal. Just to give you a size perspective, it's about that big, and a flower of life

grid cloth that I have. Then, I got some nice green fabric, like satiny fabric with little gold flecks in it. I put some

candles and then pulled out all my citrine that I had and put some green aventurine in there and some clear

quartz to magnify it. Here I have some natural citrine. There's my jade Buddha and peridot and pyrite and all

the abundance crystals I could gather up in that moment.

What we're going to do is we're going to focus on the grid for a few moments. Again, with your crystal that you

didn't put in the pouch, you're going to hold that in your receiving hand. We're going to close our eyes and do a

meditation all about prosperity and abundance. This is a guided meditation.

I'm going to put the meditation music on. Just get into that relaxed space and breathe. Maybe if you need to go

get another crystal or a drink of water you can go do that very quickly while I do the same. I am going to take a

cough drop just because I feel a little bit of a tickle there and I do not want to interrupt with a cough in your


Let me get the music started. That sound too high or too low for meditation? The music? Fine? Okay, good. All

right. Excellent. Okay.

Just hold your stone in your receiving hand and close your eyes. If you're able to lie down somewhere, you can

lie down or sit comfortably. Hold your stone. You can also hold it over your heart center or third eye, whichever

is more comfortable for you. Relax, and let go, and let energy flow.

Bring awareness to your stone. Notice how it feels, how you picture it in your mind's eye. Feel it shifting your

energy. Feel yourself cleansing and energizing with each breath.

Now, feel a bubble of energy forming around you while you continue to breathe slowly and deeply. See

yourself in a large golden transparent bubble. Feel the presence of this gentle bubble, gentle yet powerful. You

are safe and secure here.

Now notice how you feel sitting within this great ball of energy. Visualize yourself inside the bubble sitting.

What do you look like? Notice as many details as you can.

Now the golden bubble begins to emanate a gentle, warm glow. It fills with a warm and powerful golden light.

You feel its radiance and it feels so pleasant and comforting yet you know how powerful this warm glow is.


Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™, Copyright 2014

Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

Now, drip this warm golden energy into your body. Let it penetrate every atom of your being. You feel the

energy connecting you, your crystal, and the energy all as one. You feel it running through you like a current,

radiating outward. Feel yourself becoming bigger and brighter as you become one with everything, a radiating

ball of light, a sun. Calmly sit and contemplate in the center of this sun, breathing in the warm, glowing energy

with long, slow breaths.

Be aware of your stone entraining your energy as it helps you to make this experience that more profound.

Now, while your mind is calm and powerful, desire what prosperity you desire to manifest in life right now.

Anything is possible while you're in your bubble. See it clearly. Focus all of your attention on it, seeing all the

details, feeling the emotions. Know that it's already yours. Know that you can be as prosperous as you

envision yourself to be.

Now feel the golden energy you've cultivated here expanding, expanding like the sun. Let it do as it will, go as

far and wide as it wants in all directions emanating out everywhere as large as the largest star. Let it expand

and fill the universe. Now let the bubble gently melt away and send your dreams out to source energy.

Very slowly now, keeping your eyes closed, feel yourself returning to the room, feeling your feet, your arms,

your face. When you're ready, still keeping your eyes closed, just become aware of your body again, of where

you're sitting or where you're lying down. Listen to the sounds around you. Gently wiggle your fingers and your


Take a minute to feel yourself totally back in your body. Relaxed and regenerated and prosperous. Slowly, at

your own pace, open your eyes and join us when you're ready. Just say "hi" in the box to let us know that

you’re back.

Okay, how did that feel everybody? You feel a new energy about you? Oh good. Excellent. That was

relaxing for me too. Great. Oh, so good.. so glad to hear that everyone! Lodestone ... good attractor – very

good. Very magnetic. Oh great everyone! You’re welcome, and thank you very much. Pyrite – first time

working with it – how did you like it Kara? Powerful stone. Uhhuh .. see, I told you!

Oh no, it sounds hoarse but I’m fine – it doesn’t hurt at all, I’m fine – thank you Jo though. Thank you.

Ahhh! Like that? And I love these quotes. Dr Wayne Dyer, he’s great. “Abundance is not something we

acquire. It is something we tune into.” Haven’t we been doing that all night, right? “In the middle of every

difficulty lies opportunity!” And that is so, so true. And remember, it’s your perceptions - how are you going to

choose to look at this and what are you going to do to change that? And you know, I want to say here too – it’s

not just about taking thought forms and adding the energy with the emotion and creating the program; but once

you have that program you also want to make little plans for yourself and start setting the things in motion –

what am I going to do to get myself closer to this outcome. Don’t just sit back and relax and say okay, I’m

waiting for ya – go ahead and plop in my lap. Because usually, it doesn’t happen that way. You create your

perceptions, you also create your reality and you’ve gotta do some stuff to move towards it, right?


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Attract Prosperity and Abundance with Crystals Transcription

Okay, so your suggested Ohm-work assignment is to do one of the exercises that we suggested here or make

up one of your own. You know, this is not the big right way and the only way; there’s so many different things

and ways you can go with this. Be creative. Journal your experiences after doing it for a week, and if you feel

comfortable, post it on Facebook and let us know how you did so everybody can kinda share in your

experience. That would be a lot of fun.

Alright, let’s see - questions. Ceremony on the beach in the moonlight. I saw that real quick and then it flew

by. That sounds really nice. A hot air balloon. Oh, what’s going on? I missed this conversation – I don’t know

what you guys are talking about! I love it. These chats just fly by.

So wasn’t this great guys – did you feel that energy or what? Love the class, oh thank you Debbie! And I’m

excited about the concentration of energy ... now you know what to do; just remember to do it. That’s the key

– that’s the hard part there ... remembering to do it.

Made a wish and let it go into the moonlight … oh! Excellent Jennifer. Oh these are going by so fast! So

much more fun in person – yes! I can’t wait to try the 8 ritual – thank you very much, can’t wait to show … oh

mwah – thank you all very, very much. I appreciate you all being here because it really ... without you being

here this energy wouldn’t be the same. Even in a recorded class, without you here it obviously wouldn’t be the

same if I was just here doing this by myself. Never be the same, so I’m so grateful to you.

Thank you for attending this class. Crystal Blessings for Prosperity & Abundance!

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