attrition in call centers

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    Attrition in Call

    CentersVishal T. Shinde

    Roll No.08Std:MMS Sem-2

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    Group Founded in 1990, Delhi Investigators now popularly known

    as D.I. has become a Brand name for collection/skip/repossession

    tracing jobs. It was first of its kind in the country with Head

    Office at Delhi. The group has presence across the countrythrough its 20 branches including all major Metros and

    successfully providing telecalling, skip tracing, collection &

    pickup supports to its clients. The group employs 4500 people pan

    India at all levels. The group has 4 Top ranked Companies

    dedicated to Telecalling Services, Debt Collection, Credit

    Analysis, Contact Point Verification, Field Collection, Skip

    Tracing & Repossession. Group is registered to all licenses &

    statutory compliances for undertaking the diverse activities of

    BPO, ITES & Temp Staffing Solutions in India

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    Our Mission:

    To deliver outstanding customer

    interactions, on behalf of our

    clients, efficiently and effectively

    Our Vision:

    To be the first and the most

    compelling choice for companies

    seeking a call center solutions.

    We aim at becoming one of the

    best call centerservices provider

    that offers customized services to

    the Indian and international


  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers



    AttritionAttrition is the termination of an employee, either

    voluntary or involuntary, and is generally reported in percentages.


    Telephone agent acting placing and receiving calls onbehalf of a company with the purpose of generating sales or providing

    customer service.

    Call CenterThe physical building where operators take and place

    calls on behalf of the company. The configuration of the space is

    generally made up of individual cubicles with a desk, computer, and

    telephone for each operator.

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    Cost Associated with Attrition:

    Talent loss

    Recruitment cost

    Lost of Productive cost

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    3 Reasons OF Having High Attrition:

    Dissatisfaction with the job / profile

    Dissatisfaction with the salary

    Dissatisfaction with the working atmosphere which

    includes co workers or higher management

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    Strategy to control Attrition

    There are several theories thatare in place Maslow'sHierarchical theory of needs,McGregor's Theory of X and Y,etc. - which deal with the

    psyche of any person and whatare his needs, motivations andother factors which will retain a

    person in any organization.Here, I will try to split theassociate who form the focus of

    this note to 4 differentcategories based on theirexperience:

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    Less than 3 years experience

    The nucleus of this group belongs to fresher's and comparativelynewcomers in the industry.

    For these associates, money is the primary factor.

    Retention plan: to prepare a Work-around. The trigger can beanything as small as a dispute with another team-member or as big asdissatisfaction in the work-content, if not money. Mainly, the point Iam driving at, is that "Prevention is better than cure" doesn't work inthis case.

    To be alert and to be able to gauge the mindset of the associate andhave an alternative available.

    Effective usage of resources

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    3 to 7 years experience

    It is either that they are forced to, because of some constraints like

    family, health, etc.

    Will leave behind his bachelor phase and would want to work in a less-

    demanding environment, more like an extended honeymoon.

    Retention plan: Give them some challenging work which will keepthem satisfied and probably give them less time to think about any

    changes that will crop up automatically in a person with less-intensive

    work environment.

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    7 to 15 years experience

    The category of people here will get into Management roles hencehave an idea of what goes on in the organization an understand therationale of the same.

    The organization also would like to take advantage of their vastexperience and hence, give more responsibilities to the individuals.

    Money ceases to be the most influential reason for this set ofassociates.

    They will want more challenges, responsibilities, decision-makingabilities, more power.

    Retention plan: Providing these resources with more challengingresponsibilities

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    More than 15 years experience

    These are a small set of associates typically, in an organization.

    They move out usually when there is a change in the guard in the


    If there was a change of focus within the organization.

    They feel that they might not be able to cope with the change.

    These resources typically give way to a lot of chaos and disturbances

    among the minds of the associates much junior to them, regarding the

    future of the company and how it might affect their immediate future.

    Also, there is a tendency for these associates to take with them a core

    group to their next company so that their comfort feel is retained even

    in the new work-place.

    Retention plan: Retaining them is probably a task for the CEO.

  • 7/29/2019 Attrition in Call Centers


    Thank you

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