audience feedback: survey results

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Audience Feedback

Survey Results

Out of the 12 people who completed my survey, 9 were female, compared to 3 who were male. This is good for

me because although I want my products to reach wide audiences

and appeal to both sexes, the specific target audience that I had in mind

when constructing my promotional package were female. Due to this I

know the feedback/responses given in this survey will link to my target

audience so, in this way, I will know if I succeeded at creating a

promotional package that appeals to this particular group of people.

Out of those who completed my survey, one was 15 or under, nine were 16-19, and two were 20-24. Therefore, the majority were

aged 16-19. This is beneficial for me because, like the previous question,

although I want my products to appeal to a wide range of audiences, my specific target

audience are teenagers aged 16-19. This also links to my demographics research as this

age group will be likely to be students. Due to this, alongside the responses from

question one, I know the answers given in the survey will be reflective of my target

audience, allowing me to know whether or not I was successful in creating a

promotional package that appeal to this group of people.

This age group is also more likely to be active on social media which may be why I got the most responses from this group of people

after posting my survey on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I asked this question to ensure my products fit into/reflect the music genre of my artist. 100% of the people who completed my survey said

my artist belonged to the indie pop genre, which was correct. I was really glad to see this

as it meant I had successfully followed the conventions and style of this genre throughout

my promotional package, and it was clearly identifiable. I felt it was really important for

the music genre of the artist to be clear because this gives them a certain

representation/image which audiences can consume. It also opens the artist up to a

specific audience, as fans of the indie genre will want to listen to and purchase the music of indie artists. Therefore, it was vital for the genre to be identifiable so the audience can

identify with it/relate to it themselves, and in turn purchase the artist’s products.

I wanted to find out what the main strengths were of my music video, in

order to know what exactly it was that appealed to my audience. From these responses I have found that half of the

respondents had particularly liked my use of props in the video, as they were

effective, matched the lyrics and gave the video a ‘quirky feel’. Another factor that was mentioned was the story/narrative

and overall style of the video, which respondents found to be unique, funny

and engaging. There also seemed to be a few mentions of the mise-en-scene and variety of cinematography I used. This

feedback was very flattering and helpful because it showed that certain aspects of

my video worked well and that I was successful in appealing to my target


I felt this was a really important question to ask in order to know where I went wrong and how I could have improved to make my

product stronger/more effective. From the responses given I found that the lighting in some scenes was one factor that could have been

improved, in order for my product to look more professional and consistent throughout. A wider range of/more adventurous editing

techniques was also suggested, which I completely agree with. However, I did not feel the need to use lots of complex editing, e.g.

overlaying of shots, kaleidoscopes, etc. because it simply didn’t match the style of the video, and it may have took away from the simple yet unique effect I wanted for the product. If I was to make another music video though I would most likely take this advice on board and stretch my editing skills further than was shown in this

product.In relation to the response about improving the lip sync, I know which scenes they mean, and I did try to get it perfectly in time with the song, but due to a very slight difference in timing I just couldn’t get it perfect. However, in the future I would ensure my actors had lots of practice

with lip syncing and work out the exact timing of each lyric, as well as getting a fair few takes of the lip sync shots to enable me to get the timings exact. Additionally, another suggestion was the use of HD footage when filming, which I definitely will do in future projects. The only reason I didn’t use HD for this product was that I used the cameras supplied by college, and due to the high demand for the cameras, I had to

make do with what I could get my hands on. Therefore, I would be more organised next time and ensure I could use a HD camera.

I asked this question to find out whether my digipak and music video work well together, as cohesion is vital in order for a promotional package to be effective. 100% of respondents said yes, my products do work well together/match which is great, because it shows that I was successful in creating

cohesion. The main feature that people seemed to put the cohesion down to was the use of props in my products. I used the same props in each product, in particular the lemons and the coloured balloons, which created a unique style to my promotional package. The colour scheme was also mentioned, as I used green, yellow and a purply pink in all my products. It was quite difficult to create a set colour scheme in my video, due to the

colours of the costumes, locations, etc. being awkward to stick to just the three colours, so I used the props (lemons and balloons) to help establish the three colours as the main colours, in hope they would stand out the most. The feedback shows I was successful in this, as a colour scheme seems to have been clear in both the video and the digipak. The fact I used Emily as my artist featuring across the promotional package was also mentioned

as a reason for the products working well together. I did this because it was conventional and I felt it was important in order to create continuity and in turn fulfil the purpose of the promotional package, which is to promote and sell the artist’s products.

I asked this question because I wanted to find out whether my magazine advert fulfils its purpose of promoting and encouraging audiences to buy my artist’s product. Once again, 100% of respondents answered yes, which is very reassuring because it shows my product is effective. There is quite varied

reasoning given by the respondents. For example, quite a few people said the magazine ad was eye-catching, bold and unique, which is exactly what I wanted from the product, as this is appealing to audiences and makes it more likely to fulfil its purpose. From the feedback it also appears to be the fonts used and the colour scheme that creates the eye-catching style to the product. In addition, because I adhered to the conventional features of a

magazine advert, e.g. release date, reviews, included singles, etc., some respondents said the product looked professional but with a ‘slight unique look’, which is what I wanted from this product, so I am pleased I have been successful in this. I felt like it was necessary to follow conventions with this

particular product because the features all work together to provide information about the other products whilst ultimately promoting them. Therefore, this feedback has shown I made the right choice in doing this.

This, I feel, is the most important question I wanted to ask in the survey because if the products didn’t show continuity or work well together as a promotional package then they would be ineffective and pointless, as they wouldn’t fulfil their purpose. 100% of the respondents said

yes, my products do work well together as a promotional package and show continuity. The majority of the feedback on why they think this is quite similar. For example, the colour scheme, props, and fonts are often mentioned as being continuous and establishing a set ‘house style’

to my promotional package. I felt this was important because all the products have to complement and promote each other in order for them to work as a successful promotional package. Furthermore, it’s essential to have continuity for the audience’s sake due to the fact they

wouldn’t know what they were purchasing if all the products were different and had contrasting styles. It would be unprofessional and look messy, and it would probably put people off buying the artist’s products. In addition, I found the response: ‘they give a good taste on what the

artist’s music would be like’ really interesting, because this shows I have successfully created an image of this artist and established a representation of what her music style would be if she was a real life artist. It also highlights that I have followed the conventions of the indie

genre because it is clear she part of this music genre.

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