audience profile

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Audience Profile

For this audience profile, I will find out who my target audience is and who exactly the audience

for my film will be. I have used a survey and online research to try and find what genre of films and film techniques people like; I sent out the survey around Hartlepool 6fc to both males and females

in the aim to widen my findings. Research has been done via Google searches and by using knowledge I

have gained from media lessons in college.

The media targets audiences depending on age, gender, social classes, ethnic group lifestyle,

politics, religion, values, taste, education and so on. As well as for audience targeting, these

categories may depend on how people intake different medias and text.


The most common audience for horrors is 15 and above, this can be shown by how the films in this genre get a higher profit when

in they are rated 15+ such as I am legend and Insidious; this is most likely because of the wider audience range that is capable of a larger demographic. Another reason for 15 age rating films getting a large target audience of younger people/teenagers is

because they will have just come of age and will therefore want to watch it because they are allowed.


Genders usually influence interests between people more than anything else. Stereotypical remarks about

gender are usually a huge factor when targeting audience, for example males will most likely enjoy

actions while females will watch romance films more. While looking at the horror genre, males will be the predominant audience although this shouldn’t be to

literally as females will also enjoy them. This is backed up by my survey as most people who did the survey were

male and the biggest genre interest was horror- showing that males like horrors.

Social ClassThe social classes have been categorised in the UK depending on wealth and employment, these are:• ABC1- the middle class market• C2DE- the working class market

• A- higher managerial and professional• B- middle management• C1- office workers• C2- skilled manual workers• D- unskilled workers• E- unemployed, unwaged

These categories are based on the occupational grouping development for the government census every ten years.

This helps me judge who to target my film at because I want to target films at the people who have a lot of spare time and disposable money i.e. students; this is because they have a lot of

spare time and don’t have to pay for things such as taxes. This is backed up by my survey results because most people who answered were at a student age and all said they watch films often.

Survey Results

87.5% of my results were from males and 87.5% of the people who did the survey are between the ages 12-17 or 18-24 therefore the findings

mostly apply to them. The results showed 100% of them like film, this could mean the findings are more valid as I am looking at what type of

film people would want to watch, this is because people who enjoy film would have a better

perspective and opinion on movies.

According to the results, the majority of people prefer the horror genre to others. This shows

that horrors have a better chance of this particular audience (aged 12-24 males) going to

see them than films in other genres.

From the question “why do you prefer this genre over others?” I found that people like their

chosen genre mainly because of well written scripts and story lines, I also found from the

people who chose horror for their favorite genre they like the scary scenes.


Overall from my research and survey I have found that my target audience should be males aged 12-

24 for a horror, this is because they fit the niche market and are shown to enjoy films (in particularly

horror) on my survey; they would most likely be student- meaning they will have a lot of spare time and disposable money from the lack of taxes. I have

also found that to make it successful, the film would need to be well written in its script and


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