audience research – analysis of my survey

Post on 10-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Audience research –analysis of my survey

In this survey, I asked 10

questions, and collected 25 results.

Question 1: Are you male or female?

Out of the 25 results I collected, 68%

were female, and 32% were male.

From these results, we can see that to

gain a more balanced survey with

more validity in its results, I should

have asked a more males.

Question 2: How old are you?

Here, I asked the age of the participants. 100%

were of the age of 16-20, however, 5 who skipped

the question added that they’re 14-15.

Question 3: Do you buy music magazines?

36% of participants answered that they buy music

magazines, and 64% do not.

Question 4: What genre of music do you listen to?

Here, I got a total of 19 responses, with 6

‘Other’ answers, specified. 10% of the 19

answered that they listen to R&B, with the

majority – 52% - listening to rock (metal/ post-

hardcore/ pop-punk) music, and none listening

to Folk music.

The rest of the 6 who answered

‘Other’, specified their results. However, I

would add ‘scream’ to the Rock category.

Question 5: how much extra money do you have to spend on magazines, gig tickets, clothes, things of your interest?

Out of the 25, 22 answered this question within

the categories. 40% said they spend £11-£15, and

13% said they spend £5-£7.

The other 3 responses answered with very

varied results. One saying they have no spare

money, one with a lot of spare money compared

to the rest of the results.

Question 6: What do you do in your free time?

This question involved multiple choice

answers. The majority of what people do their

free time includes listening to music

(86%), with the least activity done in peoples

free time includes playing sports.

I also received 6 more specified

answers, 4 of them including


Question 6 continued:

Question 7: Do you own a Smartphone?

I asked this question because I thought it

would be useful to know how many people own

a smartphone, to see whether a QR Code

would be effective on my magazine.

I can see that over half (68%) the participants

own a Smartphone, with 32% not owning a


I can see that by adding a QR Code on my

magazine cover, it would be useful as many

people own one.

Question 8: What do you look for in a magazine?From this question, I can see that 71% of people look

for interviews in a magazine, with the least amount

of people looking to buy a magazine because of the

interesting cover lines (47%).

I also received 6 other responses. One of them could

be categorised under crafts.

Question 9: Why would you buy a particular magazine?

For this question, we can see that people would buy

a particular magazine because of certain

bands/musicians (60%) and interviews (47%). With

the least amount buying a particular magazine

because of a free object that’s included (30%).

Question 10: In a typical month, how much do you spend on physical and download music?

Here, we can see that the majority spend less

than £7.99 per month (59%), and 4% spending

£21-£25 per month.

The other answers can be categorised into illegal

downloading, or using social media sites for

listening to music, and ‘nothing’ going into the

category of ‘Less than £7.99’ .

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