audrey hepburn

Post on 24-May-2015






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On May 4,1929, Audrey Kathleen van Heemstra Ruston is born in Brussels to a Dutch mother, Ella van Heemstra, and British father, Joseph Hepburn-Ruston.

She lives in Europe during WWII.

She suffered from eating disorders all her life because she got used do not having enough food during this war .

Ballet was a passion of hers, but she was too tall to make a career out of it.

There she began landing modeling assignments, which later led to acting roles.

Her first major film (1952 ) was Roman Holiday. won an Oscar Awards (Best


Sabrina (1954)

In 1956, War and Peace.

The Nun’s Story (1959)

In 1961, Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

How To Steal A Million (1966)

Wait Until Dark (1967)

In 1976Robin and Marian

Towards the end of the 1960s Hepburn retired from films to devote herself to family life, emerging only for  a handful of films in the 1970s and 1980s.

She devoted the final years of her life to UNICEF.

"I can testify to what UNICEF means to children, because I was among those who received food and medical relief right after World War II," said actress Audrey Hepburn on her appointment as a Goodwill Ambassador in 1989.

UNICEF Ambassador

One of the best actresses of all time and revered for being an enduring cultural icon, a tireless humanitarian and a pretty awesome human being all rolled into one tiny package.

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