aug 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Olivet Baptist Church Honolulu Hawaii monthly newsletter.


Volume XLI

No 8

August 2015


Olivet Baptist

Preschool staff &

family take to

Bellows (page 7)

Ignite worship night is a gathering of different Christian youth ministries to bring them together for a night of praise, worship, and fellowship. Olivet Baptist Church will be hosting Ignite on Friday September 18 at 7pm.

Frequently Asked Questions What is the Shelter?: It is a ministry that provides a smaller scale worship setting to supplement our Sunday morning service. It regularly includes a time of worship through music, prayer, teaching of God’s Word and discussion. Where: We currently are meeting in the Lower Auditorium of Olivet Baptist Church to aid in the sense of intimacy. When: Come visit The Shelter. Friday evenings at 6:30pm in the lower auditorium. Who: The Shelter ministry is for anyone who is seeking a more intimate worship setting that is safe and welcoming. It is an ideal place for people who might be looking for a smaller group experience and be open to discussing openly with others their thoughts and understanding of God’s Word. We have come to see over the last few months that every week you will never know who will be there. We have also come to see that even if a visitor comes just one week, there has been significant interaction and ministry that takes place in that person’s life. We see God using this ministry as a place where a person might come just for one day to be ministered to. With the faithfulness of the few that commit to serving in this ministry, we are ready to connect with whomever will walk through the doors. Why: There may be some that may not find our Sunday morning services to be a refuge they desire. The Shelter offers a different time and environment for those who seek it.

Contact Information:

Senior Pastor Timothy Morita

Office Phone: 808-946-6505



Dear Olivet Family and Friends: We spend a lot time talking about the value of prayer. Every Wednesday we dedicate time to pray for various individuals, individuals that Roger Honda so lovingly adds to an ever-growing list. This urgency to pray has grown to another level – to pray for our surrounding community. Ruth Fujimoto has taken this for action – not under compulsion, but in response to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We need perseverance in prayer, constancy in prayer and trust in God as we pray. The Apostle Paul instructs Timothy to persevere in his ministry, to proclaim the Word of God with persistence in all circumstances and to use it “to correct, reprove and appeal with patience.” Jesus emphasized the “necessity of praying always and not losing heart.” Constancy in prayer is faith in action. Years ago there was a young man with only six months of formal school education. His mother home-schooled him and taught him to have a dream. She also taught him to keep dreaming and rely on the power of persistent prayer. When the opportunity presented itself, he ran for an office in the Illinois State legislature and was beaten. He started a business and failed at that. He spent the next 17 years paying the debts of his worthless partner. He fell in love and became engaged. Yet, she died suddenly. Her untimely death had a profound effect on him and led him to a short-term, nervous breakdown. Next, he ran for Congress and was again beaten. He then tried to obtain an appointment to the U.S. Land Office, but it went nowhere. With a strong belief in the power of prayer, he ran for U.S. Vice-Presidency and lost. Two years later he was defeated again for the office of Senator. He ran for office once more time and was elected the 13th President of the United States, thus realizing the power of persistent prayer. This was Abraham Lincoln. Talking to God, using our own words – to praise Him, thank Him and present our needs before Him – transforms our whole life into prayer. Prayers would even turn more perfect when we bring ourselves into God’s presence during our work, several times during the day, and offer Him all that we are, all that we have and all that we do to God.


Pastor Tim


Be sure to follow us on social

media for the most up-to-date

information, events, and

outreach opportunities.

Olivet Baptist Church



A Not So Christian Nation

In a seminary class we were discussing prayer in schools. The professor had us divide into two

groups. One group supported prayer in schools and the other opposed it. I was assigned to the

opposition group. Arguments were presented on both sides and I found myself in a one-on-one

debate with an older woman of the support group. The conversation escalated a little to the

point she replied to me, “Well this is a CHRISTIAN NATION!” I assessed that the debate had

escalated beyond rationale thought and simply suggested she explore that statement further.

We are NOT a Christian nation. We’ve never been a Christian nation. Now, I’m not a historian

so please challenge me on these facts. It’s my understanding that our founding fathers, while

many called themselves Christians, sought to create a world of religious freedom. Many came

to America to find religious freedom. That was not the fairytale story we often hear. The

French Protestants (Huguenots) landed in Florida only to be slaughtered by the Spanish

Catholics. Religious tensions continued with the arrival of the Mayflower as Protestant and

Catholic groups were at odds. Religious discrimination was rampant and when the birth of our

country materialized, the push for religious tolerance was interwoven in that. During the early

years of our union, Thomas Jefferson pushed for religious (and non-religious) freedom. In

1779 he drafted a bill that guaranteed legal equality for citizens of all religions—including those of no religion—

in the state. Jefferson wrote, “But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It

neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”

Jefferson’s push did not have legs at the time, but a few years later in 1784, Patrick Henry drafted a bill to

support Christian teachers. James Madison, one of the chief proponents of our constitution, stood in opposition

to Patrick Henry’s bill. He stated in an essay, “The religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and

conscience of every man to exercise it as these may dictate. This right is in its nature an inalienable right.”

So what’s the big deal? I believe it is important that we know these things so not to get comfortable in leaning

on the support of the illusion that we are a “Christian nation.” This premise is false and unstable. With all that is

going on in our world, in our nation and in our government, there is only one thing we must stand on, the Word

of God.

Over the past couple weeks I have been encouraging people to get deep into studying the Word of God. Allow

the scriptures to be your guide. As a Christian there is one truth. That truth is found in God the Father, Jesus

Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit. This truth is shared to us through the scriptures. Hold firm to the teachings of

the Word of God. The scripture says in 1 Peter 2:9-12, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy

nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out

of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had

not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from

fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul. Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing

in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in

the day of visitation.” On these truths alone we must stand as one body, one nation in Christ. -jason

Jason Hew

Minister of Outreach &


808-946-6505 ph

Japanese Dept. Schedule

*August 02 (Sun) 12:00 p.m. Japanese Sunday School Teachers Meeting教会学校教師会 *August 08 (Sat) 08:30 a.m. AHJCC (Association of Hawaii Japanese Christian Churches) Trustees’ meeting at Makiki Christian Church *August 13 (Thu) 07:00 a.m. Japanese Bible Study at First Baptist Church, Wahiawa *August 16 (Sun) 09:15 a.m. Pulpit Exchange Sunday for the AHJCC Japanese Radio Ministry “Kokoroni Hikario” 心に光を

講壇交換日 (オリベット教会には、関真士先生、&渡辺牧人牧師は、ホノルル教会奉仕)Pastor Shinji Seki from Honolulu Christian Church will be preaching at Olivet, and Makito will be preaching at Honolulu Christian Church 12:30 p.m. Japanese Dept. Church Council meeting 評議委員会

*August 23(Sun)11:50 a.m. “Hope” Prayer Time 祈望会

*August 29 (Sat)08:30 a.m. Food Pantry

Maki to Watanabe

Japanese Language

Associa te Pasto r

Makito Watanabe 渡辺牧人

Japanese Language Pastor

Office: 808-946-6505 Direct: 808-380-7612


Japanese Worship Service: Sunday, 9:15-10:30am

Japanese Sunday School:

10:50am - 11:40am

Midweek Bible Study Wednesday, 9:30am



“Preach the Gospel to All People”

Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go throughout the whole world and preach the

gospel to all people. 【Today’s English Version】

マルコによる福音書 16:15 それから、イエスは言われた。「全世界に行って、すべての


I was invited to a week-long JEMS (Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society)

Christian Retreat at Mt. Hermon Conference Center in California (Santa Cruz

area) from June 28 to July 4. I was asked to preach at every morning worship

service and one evening service on Friday night during the retreat. JEMS asked

Chie to do 3 Hula workshops and to do special hula every time I preached during

the conference. I also had opportunities to preach at the Santa Clara Valley

Japanese Christian Church (San Jose area) on Sunday June 28 and at the 19th Ave.

Japanese Baptist Church in San Francisco on Sunday July 5. Therefore, I was able

to preach and sing eight times in a week. It is wonderful to be able to meet new

people and share the good news with them. When we follow God’s will, He

blesses us. Chie and I were so blessed to share God’s love and His goodness with

people as we traveled in California. We are so thankful to God for His faithfulness

in keeping His words and commandments. It was also a great learning

experience for me to meet with various Japanese Americans on the mainland. Let

us share God’s love and salvation to all people wherever we are. People are

looking for the truth, real love, and salvation.

In Christ’ Love & Peace,


Your Japanese Language Pastor

Japan Department R E L A T I O N S H I P S | L I F E | L O V E

The personalities of the Olivet Youth Ministry

An update from the Youth Department: The youth ministry continues to show growth in its overall health. We are working to deepen our

relationships with students and are seeing small steps towards increased youth engagement in the ministry.

We had three youth attend the Ignite worship night on July 24th, and three students who are interested in

helping form a youth worship team. OBC will be hosting Ignite in September (see page 2 for details).

We are wrapping up our teaching series titled, “Getting Real”; this series enabled the teachers to share

their testimony with the youth and has helped to foster transparency within the ministry. Our next teaching

series will focus on the book, I am a Church Member.

Over the past month, we’ve seen two youth accept Christ, one at camp and one at Sunday school. We are

working to follow up with these students and help them understand their next steps in their faith.

HURRY, There are just a few more vacancies

for the fall semester!

Our Mission

The mission of Olivet Preschool is to provide a nurturing Christ-Centered Weekday Preschool with a Bible-based early childhood program for the families of Olivet and the surrounding community as an outreach weekday education and childcare ministry of Olivet Baptist Church. NOW ENROLLING: We are currently accepting applications for our fall session for our 3, 4, & 5 year old



Christian Principles


Social Development

Physical Fitness

A Loving Staff

Rebecca McGuire, Director

Olivet Baptist Preschool 1775 S. Beretania St Honolulu, HI 96826 (808) 949-7548

School is Back in Session

During the summer break, the Olivet preschool

teachers, aides, and family members spent a few

days on a retreat. They stayed a few days at

Bellows for a time of fellowship, reflection, and


Please promote Christmas in August in your church and help our own International Ministry! Your missions group can directly help a North American missionary with items needed for ministry and outreach. What is Christmas in August? The North American Mission Board and national WMU partner in choosing the missionaries who then provide a list of items they wish to receive. Missions groups gather the requested items and send them to the missionaries. How did it begin? Started in 1927 by a group in Charlottesville, Virginia, Christmas in August has grown to be a national ministry each year. How can my group participate? Pray, choose a missionary (or a few), gather your supplies, mail your packages, and pray for how your items will be used. For more de-tails, go to, click on ministries, then click on Christmas in August. When you do, you'll see that our own Carlye Lawrence is one of the NAMB missionaries that will receive the Christmas in August gifts. Here's the International Ministries’ address and wish list: Carlye Lawrence International Ministries 2004 University Avenue Honolulu, HI 96822 Website: Items Needed:

International Ministries reaches out to international students, scholars, and families on the island of Oahu. The internationals come from over 80 countries with the majority coming from Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan. Many of the students and scholars come from countries where it is not possible to openly share the Gospel. The ministry provides programs and activities that help meet the spiritual, social, and physical needs of internationals. Volunteers and staff teach English classes and host global cafes, a weekly free lunch, Bible studies, childcare, and more. For many, this is the first time they hear about Jesus.

tea (individually wrapped/packaged, not loose leaf)

single-serve instant coffee packs

Walmart gift cards

twin sheet sets

Toothbrushes (individually wrapped)

pocket-size tissue packets

bath towels

Starbucks or Coffee Bean gift cards

stick-on nametags

small notepads

You are never too young or too old to start in ministry.

Thank you to everyone who came out for our


A BIG MAHALO to the 40 plus Olivet volunteers that helped at the second annual Wash-N-Glow car wash on June 12. We washed about 70 cars, including one limousine. We had youth and adults working in the hot sun washing, rinsing and drying cars and trucks, working almost nonstop from 10 am to 2 pm. Our visitors were treated to hot dogs, stew and rice, noodles and cold water. They were serenaded by ukulele and song. There was even impromptu karaoke. The children played games with rubber duckies and enjoyed balloons. It was a very eventful day. Some in the community without cars came by just to enjoy the wonderful meal provided. There were connections that were made through conversations while the visitors sat and waited for their car to be washed. Continual prayers were lifted to God. We prayed for conversations to point to God especially when we were asked why our church was doing this car wash for free. We surrounded and prayed for a new dad who came with his three-week-old daughter on his way to the hospital to see his wife who had complications from the birth. We had many opportunities to tell people about the ministries the members of Olivet were involved in. A couple found out that we had a food pantry once and month and gave away clothes to those who came. They said they were cleaning their house and would bring items to our church to help with the ministry. Another lady thanked us for the free car wash and for helping the community. A simple act of kindness goes a long way when we work together for the Glory of Our God.

Night oF Music


August 30




Pupu &



to follow

2015 Annual

Sunday School Kick Off Rally

September 6, 2015


OBC Sanctuary

This event is for all Sunday School


Refreshments to follow in the lower



Legacy Night 2015

An evening to honor our award recipients for their impact on HBA's

history and success for future generations.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Hawaii Baptist Academy, High School

2429 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96817

Ticket Prices

$5000 Platinum (Table of 10)

$3000 Gold (Table of 8)

$1500 Silver (Table of 8)

$125 Individual seat on a table

$100 No Seat - Stand Up Rounds

Table sales began July 31. Individual ticket sales began August 17.

We are encouraging Olivet's members to attend this year. Here are a few of the Honorees: Dan Kong (Lifetime Legacy Award), Sue (Saito) Nishikawa (Distinguished Service), Andy/Maryann Young (Service to Community), and Todd Yokotake (Service to HBA). This is a fundraiser for financial aid for students and the Alumni Association. We are hoping to have individuals and/or couples sign up and make several "OLIVET" tables to show our support.

Contact Us Church Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8am-4pm

Phone: 808-946-6505

Fax: 808-946-6507

Address: 1775 S. Beretania St

Honolulu, HI 96826



Rebecca McGuire

Preschool Director

Jeffrey Mullis

Director of Youth Ministries

Makito Watanabe

Japanese Language Pastor

Jason Hew

Minister of Outreach & Education

Timothy Morita, Senior Pastor

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