august 2011 girl stir

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PLUS: Raised Bed Gardens, Pecans’ Powerful Punch, and staying cool in the dog days of summer!





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6 GIRL STIR I 2011

July/August 2011

14 Designing A Raised Bed Garden, Learn the easiest way to have your very own fresh veggies this winter.19 That’s Interesting! Get the facts you won’t get anywhere else.20 Unseen Guides, Who’s guiding you in your path? 24 Don’t Leave Pets in the CAR...EVER, South Florida is hot, don’t ever leave an animal in your car, even for a minute!30 Pecans Have It All, These little nuts pack a wallup of a nutritional punch. 34 Top Things To Know About the Farm Bill, Such as most of the money goes to huge corporate farms.40 Liberty or Security, Which do you deserve?50 Eliminating the Confusion Between Hemp and Marijuana, Simple, one alters the mind, one doesn’t. So why is it illegal?50 Set Goals Daily, Tip of the month, daily goals helps you stress less.58 Those Reckless Dames, Looking for a new adventure? Look no further than a reckless Dames performance!

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Scan any tag throughout GIRL Magazine and get instant access to websites, bonus content and special offers!

July marks the sixth year anniversary of GIRL and somewhat represents the rebirth of our beloved women’s

magazine. It all started as just a little spark, a little idea, a seed we planted in our minds. Over the years we have tended that seed, provided water, and nutrients and watched this seed grow into an amaz-ing tree completely different from the one we planted. You see sometimes projects, endeavors if you will, take on a life all their own and that is exactly what GIRL Magazine has done.

GIRL was originally meant to be a

magazine that spoke to women who love women, who saw problems in our national fabric and sought to mend it. We distributed the magazine far and wide to make certain it ended up in the hands of our demographic. What we began to see happening was both unexpected and exhilarating! Because of our vast distribu-tion, people of all walks of life began to pick up the magazine, but what’s more, they connected with the message.

We began to receive phone calls and emails from women, from men, from mothers, from daughters, from husbands

A Note from the Publishers

8 GIRL STIR I 2011

Shelly Allen Jackie Branca

and from wives. That is when we realized something very special was beginning to unfold. You see, neither the sexual-ity not the sex of the reader made much difference, they saw what we saw. They saw problems with the food we eat, the water we drink, the politicians that hold office, the corruption of our monetary system, they saw the disappearance of our middle class, the criminalization of our countrymen and the pollution of our planet. Our message resonated with all whom the magazine touched and that was quite amazing.

Today, the sixth anniversary of GIRL magazine, our mission, to uncover the truth, remains the same but we have made some changes. About a year ago we decided it was time to broaden our scope of reach. We no longer considered ourselves a tool to reach only women who love women. We wanted to take our mes-sage to the masses and that’s exactly what we did. We expanded our distribution, changed our dialog and went mainstream! The response our message has received is no less than extraordinary. It seems we are not alone in our desire for real change, for hope for our children, hope for country, hope for our freedom and hope for our weary spirts!

This issue we unveil our new logo that serves as a true reflection of what GIRL has always been about. GIRL STIR is here to stir something inside of you. We

want you to feel something when you read every issue!

The only thing I know for sure is that life, this life we know, is far too short. I plan on spending the time I have here spreading the truth, the real deal. Because the truth is, we as a nation, are in trouble. Our health is failing, our money is flounder-ing, our politicians are corrupt, and our children will never get out of the debt we have allowed bestowed upon them.

Now you want the good news? ALL of that can change! BUT for things to change we have to change, for things to get better, we have to get better! That is what GIRL STIR Magazine is all about, bringing you the information to help you question those previously held notions, challenge your belief system, and rethink what you have always been taught. We can change our health, we can change our finances, we can change the state of our republic! WE can take back control over every aspect of our lives but WE have to unlearn almost everything we have been taught. Every issue of GIRL will bring you a little closer to doing just that.

Now is the time. There has never been a better time for change, there has never been a better time for GIRL!

See you next month, same time, same sandbox!

10 GIRL STIR I 2011

PUBLISHER: ALLEN-BRANCA MEDIA COMPANY, INCManaging Directors Shelly Allen, Jackie Branca

Senior Editor Shelly AllenResearch Alicia Polacek

Contributing Writer Sidney HigacerContributing Writer Sue Willis

Contributing Writer Allison SingerContributing Writer Jennifer Davis

Contributing Writer Claudia BeckensteinContributing Writer Pam Wall


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Art Director / Production Design Pink Parrot ProductionsAdvertisement Design Joya Design 954.829.9915

Layout Design Pink Parrot Productions

Web Site Director / Designer Joya Design


Director of Sales Jackie Branca Sales Associate Amanda Pearl

Internet Sales Associate Lindsey Peppar

2011 Copyright here and abroad of all editorial content is held by the publishers of GIRL STIR Magazine. Reproduction whole or in part is forbidden without prior written consent from the publisher. Publisher may not be held liable or responsible in any way for any actions

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Be not afraid ofgrowing slowly; be afraid onlyof standing still.- Chinese Proverb

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12 GIR(L) I 2011


Now is the time of year in South Florida to start planning that fall garden. The first thing you need to think about is where you will put it.

14 GIRL STIR I 2011


The best solution for any urban gardener is the raised bed garden. It’s

easy to get that urban garden going in a raised bed with the right tips. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way:

During my recent quest to make my raised bed vegetable garden layout easier to maneuver through, I’ve discovered some helpful raised bed garden tips that may help prevent others from making the same mistakes I did when planning and setting

up my raised bed vegetable garden layout. Here are 11 tips for planning a raised bed vegetable garden!

Set up the raised bed garden the right way in the beginning! Plan your raised garden bed exactly how you want it because it can be difficult to move later. Trust me, I know! Make it adaptable so that you can add more raised beds as you need them. There is never enough space in the garden. Make sure the raised bed garden is expandable as you may want to add more raised beds later.

Make each vegetable bed a separate

2011 I GIRL 15

entity. Originally I connected a few beds together and discovered that it pain to move around. When I attached the beds together I found that I either had to climb across them, or make a long trek around the beds to get to the other side. Smaller unattached beds will allow for greater mobility. A 4’x8’ is probably as large as you need. Follow the next tip and you will be on the right track!

Leave a space of at least 2 feet between beds for easy access. Larger spaces might be better for wheelbarrow access. Your vegetable garden’s raised bed arrangement should make things convenient for planting, harvesting, and cleanup. You want a garden that is comfortable to move around which makes your time in the garden much more pleasant!

Consider the best materials for building your raised bed. Over time the initial costs of the materials will even out. Stone will last as long as you could hope for but it’s pricey and while cedar will last much longer than other types of wood it also tends to be more

expensive. Using cedar might help your beds last 3-6 years as opposed to 1-2 for pine. I’ll be replacing the pine wood I used next year. The one advantage to pine is it is cheap. Using a food safe wood sealer on the wood can help your beds last longer. How you build your raised garden beds depends on two things time and money. If you can afford it and can move stone works great because it lasts with wood you will eventually replace the raised bed.

Level the ground underneath the raised beds as best as you can. A slight slope isn’t a big deal but you definitely don’t want your soil to flow out of the raised beds. You can also adjust for the slope with the construction of your raised beds. Just make the low end of the raised bed higher.

16 GIRL STIR I 2011

Consider how to execute and install an irrigation system. Drip lines are relatively cheap to install but soaker hoses work well too. Which ever route you take place the water line underneath your mulch, this will keep it from evaporating your money...oops, I mean water! Using a sprinkler will send water into the air which will evaporate and allow water to rest on the leaves of plants which can contribute to fungal diseases.

Sunlight! Position the garden to maximize the amount of light it will receive. Most vegetables like full sun and will thrive in open areas with plenty of exposure. For those that may prefer less sun consider inter planting taller vegetables as shade cover or use a trellis with a vine vegetable like cucumbers to cover the more sun sensitive plants.

Plan what kinds of plants you want to grow ahead of time. This will help to determine how much space you need. Consider making a layout of each vegetable bed to help plan it out. Graph paper works well for a quick and easy sketch garden plan. Consult the back of the seed packets for space recommendations.

Consider companion planting your plants to maximize space. Many plants have repellent properties to ward of pests and others help enrich the soil with nitrogen fixing properties like members of the legume family. Herbs make good

companion plants as do many flowers. Some plants may be used as a trap crops to catch pesky bugs like aphids then maybe either removed from the garden or treated with insecticidal soap. Flowering plants attract pollinators which are always helpful!

Situate your raised vegetable beds to make them suitable for crop rotation. Plants need different nutrients in different amounts and a heavy feeder in one year needs to be replaced by one that nourishes the soil. Crop rotation will help improve the sustainability of your garden. Make sure that you plan ahead for a good crop rotation and never plant the same bed with the same vegetables the following year.

Compost! Compost! Compost! Putting your compost bin near your garden will make things more convenient. Your vegetable garden will produce waste material which needs to be dealt with and composting is the best way to do it! Using soil high in organic matter (like compost) helps your raised bed provide all the nutrients your plants need. Organic content allows the roots to gather available resources like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium much more easily. Plus it holds water well which reduces your irrigation needs. If compost isn’t convenient consider other organic matter that will break down fast like grass clippings, leaves, or straw as amendments. If it’s convenient animal compost is great to use in the garden too, just make sure that it is completely broken down. Never use chicken manure directly on the garden as it will burn the plants.

1. To rouse, as from indifference, and prompt to action.

2. To provoke deliberately.

3. To excite strong feelings in.

stir (stûr)

F E E L I N G FRAZZLED?Research suggests that supplementing with vitamin B-complex multivitamin may reduce feelings of anxiety, perceived stress, and tiredness.-



The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is a trade association with 60,000 pediatri-cian members that publishes guidelines for giving vaccines to children.

- - They Want to Ban Our Times Square Billboard Message

During extreme high tides and after winter storms, (perhaps during hurricane season) seas break against the rocks and force plumes of salt-water up to 50 feet skyward.

Follow the Money Trail

In recent years, the public has learned that the AAP has been taking lots of money from vaccine manufacturers and refusing to disclose to the media just how much money it gets from Big Pharma

On Jupiter Island at the southernmost tip of the Indian River Lagoon, about 25 miles north of West Palm Beach, FL

- photo by: PMC 1stPix

TO DO: Visit Blowing Rocks Preserve

NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association

– In April 2010, the NCAA signed a 14-year, $10.8 billion contract with CBS and Turner Sports to televise the men’s basketball tournament.

– Less than 2% of college athletes GO PRO.

– NCAA President Mark Emmert refuses to reveal his own seven-figure salary.


2011 I GIRL 19

necessary: first, one must express gratitude for their services; second, one must follow their guidance to the letter. Neglect in this respect will bring sure, if not always swift, disaster. Perhaps this may explain why some people meet with disasters, the cause of which they cannot understand; disasters which they do not believe to be the results of any fault on their part.

For many years I was so sensitive concerning the unseen Guides, whose presence I had felt, that I carefully avoided all references to them, in both my writings and in public lectures. Then, one day in a conversation with Elmer R. Gates, a distinguished scientist and

After I had met with one failure after another, and each time was tempted to

desert or neglect my major mission in life, I began to notice that the effects of each

failure were immediately wiped out the moment I got back on the track and began to carry out my mission. This happened so often that it could not be explained away as a mere coincidence.

From personal experiences, I know there are friendly Guides available to everyone who will recognize them and accept their services. In order to avail oneself of the services of these unseen Guides, two things are



“What this power is, I can

not say, all I know is that it

exists.”Alexander Graham Bell

“For many years I was so sensitive concerning the unseen Guides, whose presence I had felt, that I carefully avoided all references to them...”

20 GIRL STIR I 2011

Napoleon Hill


inventor, I was overwhelmed with joy when I learned that he not only had discovered the presence of unseen Guides, but he had formed a working alliance with them which enabled him to perfect more inventions and procure more patents than had ever been granted to the great inventor, Thomas A. Edison.

From that day on I began to make inquiries of the hundreds of successful men who collaborated with me in the organization of the Science of Success, and discovered that each of them had received guidance from unknown sources, although many of them were reluctant to admit this discovery. My experience with men in the upper brackets of personal achievements has been that they prefer to accredit their success to their individual superiority.

Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford, Luther Burbank, Andrew Carnegie, Elmer R. Gates, and Dr. Alexander Graham Bell went to great lengths in their descriptions of their experiences with unseen Guides, although some of these men did not refer to these invisible sources of aid as “guides.” Dr. Bell, in particular, believed the invisible source of aid was nothing but a direct contact with Infinite Intelligence, brought about by the individual’s stimulation of his own mind through a burning desire for the attainment of definite objectives.

Through the guidance of unseen forces, Madame Marie Curie was directed to the revelation of the secret and the source of supply of radium, although she did not know in advance where to begin looking for the radium, or what it would look like if she found it.

Thomas A. Edison had an interesting view as to the nature and source of the invisible forces

which he used so freely in his work of research in the field of invention. He believed that all thoughts released by all people at all times are picked up and become a part of the ether, where they remain forever, just as they were released by the individuals; that anyone may tune in and contact these previously released thoughts by conditioning the mind, through definiteness and clearness of purpose, to contact any desired type of thoughts which may be related to that purpose. For example, Mr. Edison discovered that when he concentrated his thoughts upon an idea he wished to perfect, he could “tune in” and pick up from the great reservoir of the boundless ether thoughts related to that idea which had been previously released by others who had thought along the same line.

Mr. Edison called attention to the fact that water runs in course, through rivers and streams, renders a great variety of services to mankind, and returns finally to the oceans from which it came, there to become a part of the main body of water, where it is cleansed and made ready to begin its journey all over again. This coming and going of water, without diminishing or increasing its quantity, has a definite parallel in the energy of thought.

Mr. Edison believed that the energy with which we think is a projected portion of Infinite Intelligence; that this Intelligence becomes specialized into myriad ideas and concepts through the brain of man, and when thoughts are released they return, like the water returns to the oceans, to the great reservoir from whence the energy came, and are there filed and classified so that all related thoughts are arranged together.

Source: You Can Work Your Own Miracles Fawcett Columbine Book. Copyright 1971. Pgs. 45, 46, & 47.

2011 I GIRL 21

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24 GIRL STIR I 2011



Dr. Nick Holland

2011 I GIRL 25

The “dog days” of summer can be dangerous for dogs — especially those

dogs left inside hot cars. Every year, many dogs and cats die after being locked in cars. Sadly these tragic deaths are preventable.

Have you ever noticed how hot it can get inside a car on a summer day — far hotter than it is outside. That’s because a car acts like a greenhouse, trapping in the sun’s heat. A study by the Animal Protection Institute showed that even moderately warm temperatures outside can quickly lead to deadly temperatures inside a closed car.

Because many states allow only assistance dogs to be brought into stores or malls, some people take their dogs along on errands but then leave them in the car. This can be deadly. I have dogs that love to ride in the car, but during these summer months I leave them at home where they are safe and comfortable in the air conditioned house.

On a summer’s day of only 85 degrees, for example, even keeping the windows slightly open won’t stop the inside temperature from climbing to 102 degrees in 10 minutes. Dogs and cats have higher body temperatures

than people to begin with, never mind the fur; a dog or cat whose body temperature rises to 107-108 degrees will within a very short time suffer irreparable brain damage — or even death, if left in a hot car even for only a few minutes.

Never leave your pet unattended in a hot car. If you see a pet in a hot car in distress, please call your local police or Animal Control Officer immediately and go into the store (if in a shopping center) and ask the manager to page the person. If you act quickly, you could save the life of a pet in distress.

In addition, pets should not be left outside in the summer months without proper protection such as a tarp over a kennel. Even with protection, outdoor dogs can be in danger of exposure to overheating. When the temperatures reach over 85 degrees, the best thing is to keep pets indoors with the air conditioning on. It is tragic that we hear of deaths every day for pets during these hot months. Please use common sense and keep your dog safe and cool this summer.

By the way, same goes for your kids!


Food for thought...Are you one of those of people who think you can leave your pet in a parked car for a “few” minutes? Try turning off your car and sitting there for a “few” minutes. How long does it take you to get uncomfortable? Remember our pets have different cooling mechanisms and be taken over by the heat much quicker than you or I.


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28 GIRL STIR I 2011

Have you seen all thatGIRL has tooffer?

The GIRL STIR mission. To bring our readers real information that makes them question their preconceived notions, challenge their belief systems and rethink what they have been taught is fact.

2011 I GIR(L) 29

Have you seen all thatGIRL has tooffer?

The GIRL STIR mission. To bring our readers real information that makes them question their preconceived notions, challenge their belief systems and rethink what they have been taught is fact.

Pecans have it all. Besides being one of the most elegant, versatile and rich-tasting nuts you can put on your

plate, they offer up a package of health benefits that’s very impressive. In fact, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend eating 4 to 5 servings of nuts each week. The Mayo Clinic conducted a study which found that all nuts are nutrient dense and naturally cholesterol free. Not o n l y are nuts

cholesterol free but, studies have suggested that eating pecans may help reduce

LDL cholesterol levels, leading to a reduction in the risk of heart attacks and coronary artery disease. The serving size for nuts is about one ounce, which equals about 15 pecan halves. Pecans are a great staple for vegetarians, because one serving of pecans can take the place of the protein found in an ounce of meat. Pecans are also a rich source of oleic acid, the same type of fatty acid found in olive oil. Researchers from Northwestern

University in C h i c a g o

r e c e n t l y found in

laboratory tests that

oleic acid has the ability

to suppress the activity of a gene in cells

For Her Health,


30 GIRL STIR I 2011



thought to trigger breast cancer. While this area of study is still in its early stages, the researchers say it could eventually translate into a recommendation to eat more foods rich in oleic acid, like pecans and olive oil. Researchers from Loma Linda University in California and New Mexico State University in Las Cruces , New Mexico , have confirmed that when pecans are part of the daily diet, levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood drop. Pecans get their cholesterol-lowering ability from both the type of fat they contain and the presence of beta-sitosterol, a natural cholesterol-lowering compound. Eating 1 ½ ounces of pecans a day, when its part of a heart-healthy diet, can reduce the risk of heart disease. Moreover, a study published in the June 2004 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that pecans, hazelnuts, and walnuts contained the

2011 I GIRL 31

highest antioxidant levels of all nuts tested. The same natural compound that gives pecans its cholesterol-lowering power, has also been shown to be effective in treating the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland in men. About two ounces of pecans provides a dose of beta-sitosterol found to be effective. In addition, a recent laboratory study from Purdue University found that gamma-tocopherol, the type of vitamin E found in pecans, has the ability to kill prostate cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Last but not least, despite the widely held belief that “nuts are fattening,” several population studies have found that as nut consumption increased, body fat actually decreased. With that in mind, I’m ready to serve up some pecans!


Congress rewrites the farm bill every five years or so. It drives federal spending for farm, nutrition and conservation programs and is the only important piece of environmental legislation that Congress is almost certain to enact over the next 18 months. In just a single year – 2010 – farm bill programs spent $96.3 billion. With so much on the table, here’s our list of the 10 most important things you should know about the farm bill:

1 • The farm bill doles out billions of taxpayer dollars in subsidies to the largest five commodity crops: corn, cotton, rice, wheat and soybeans. Those payments go out, regardless of need, and

TOP 10 THINGS You Should Know About The Farm Bill

By: Sara Sciammacco, The Environmental Working Group

34 GIRL STIR I 2011

they mostly fail to help the nation’s real working farm and ranch families. In fact, since 1995, just 10 percent of subsidized farms – the largest and wealthiest operations – have raked in 74 percent of all subsidy payments. 62 percent of farmers in the United States did not collect subsidy payments, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

2 • The Obama Administration says fruits and vegetables should fill about half of our plates during meal times. Yet, only a tiny fraction of the farm bill funding goes to programs that support healthy fruits and vegetables, and many of these programs have no budget going into the next farm bill, which is up for renewal in 2012.

3 • Some 90,000 checks went out to wealthy investors and absentee land owners in more than 350 American cities in 2010, despite the so-called “actively engaged” rule adopted in the 2008 farm bill. This rule was designed to ensure that federal payments go only to those who are truly working the land. It hasn’t worked.

4 • A handful of other commodities also qualify for government support, including peanuts, sorghum and mohair. Dairy and sugar producers have separate price and market controls that are highly regulated and can be costly to the government.

5 • The flawed subsidy system creates perverse incentives for farmers to grow as much industrial-scale, fertilizer- and pesticide-intensive crops as possible.

6 • The farm bill provides money for good things too. More than two-thirds of the authorized spending goes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as the food stamp program), which helps low-income Americans purchase food.

7 • Other farm bill dollars pay for the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, which gives vouchers to seniors to buy food at farmer’s markets, and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, which provides nutritious produce to schools. These nutrition programs are likely to be first on the chopping block as

2011 I GIRL 35

36 GIRL STIR I 2011

Congress tries to reduce the federal debt, while the subsidy programs will surely be protected.

8 • The government makes a lot of promises about supporting conservation programs to protect water, soil and wildlife habitat, but those promises largely go underfunded and unfulfilled. Still, the farm bill provided more than $4 billion this year to help farmers conserve soil, clean up the water and protect habitat for wildlife.

9 • The farm bill should do a lot more to provide healthy food, protect the environment and help working farm and ranch families, but there are a host of well-funded and well-connected interests that benefit greatly from the status quo. The list includes politicians looking to fill campaign coffers, corporate agri-chemical giants like Monsanto and Syngenta seeking to expand their markets, and big Ag’s public relations and lobby organizations, which cash

in year after year.

10 • Since only 2 percent of Americans directly engage in farming, the farm bill is largely crafted and debated out of the spotlight. Historically, the process of writing it embodies the worst kind of bipartisan logrolling and horse-trading.

Visit to sign the petition to tell Congress that taxpayer money should go toward sustainable farming and growing healthier food!

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2011 I GIRL 39

A political party in one of the nation’s largest swing states is calling for Transportation

Security Administration officials to be arrested. The Florida Libertarian Party wrote a letter on July 4 to the sheriffs of all 67 counties in the Sunshine State demanding TSA officials at Florida airports be taken into custody for controversial hand searches. TSA hand searches, commonly referred to as pat-downs, and other airport security techniques are “egregious violations of the United States Constitution,” the Libertarian Party said. “Every single day, TSA employees conduct electronic and bodily searches upon tens of thousands of Florida citizens and visitors at airports, and more recently at bus terminals, rail stations, and highways,” the Libertarian Party said. “They are searching the persons and seizing the effects of travelers without warrant or probable cause. Specifically, they are in blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”


TSA pat-downs break Florida law as well, the Libertarian Party said, citing a specific provision of the state constitution. “As Sheriff, you have the absolute duty to enforce the law uniformly and without prejudice,” the letter said. “You are, at best, engaged in selective enforcement by choosing to further ignore these flagrant violations of federal and state law. At worst, you are complicit. “If you have TSA agents within your county that are violating the law, then you must act,” the letter continued. “Warn the TSA agents that they are subject to arrest if they continue to violate the law. Should they continue, then you must begin making arrests. Also over the Independence Day holiday weekend, Rep. Ron Paul said the TSA should be abolished. Paul (R-Texas) said he was introducing a bill to clarify that laws regarding personal contact applied to TSA agents. TSA has generally defended pat-downs as being consistent with the agency’s procedure.

Florida libertarians: TSA AGENTS SHOULD BE ARRESTEDBy Keith Laing,

By: Kevin Craig

40 GIRL STIR I 2011


Which Do YOU Deserve?


“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

- Benjamin Franklin

2011 I GIRL 41


What is the opposite of “LIBERTY?” The answer is: SLAVERY. What

is the opposite of “safety?” Some might answer: danger. But that’s not the correct answer in this context. In the context of Ben Franklin and the American Revolution, the opposite of “SAFETY” is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Samuel Adams said the opposite of SAFETY is “the animating contest of freedom.” And in certain situations, Sam Adams said the opposite of LIBERTY is WEALTH.

Here is the quote from Sam Adams. “Tranquility” is what Franklin described as “temporary safety”: In a state of tranquility, wealth, and luxury, our descendants would forget the arts of war and the noble activity and zeal which made their ancestors invincible. Every art of corruption would be employed to loosen the bond of union which renders our resistance formidable. When the spirit of liberty, which now animates our hearts and gives success to our arms*, is extinct, our numbers will accelerate our ruin and render us easier victims to tyranny. If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen! * Note that Adams and the Founding Fathers believed they were engaged in a defensive war against tyranny.

America’s Founding Fathers would say that Americans today are slaves. Wealthy slaves, but still slaves. Slaves that enjoy luxury and tranquility, but still slaves. Sam Adams tossed tea into the Boston Harbor rather than be subjected to a tax of three pence per pound. How much tax do you pay on each gallon of gas you buy? Why do you pay 20 times more in taxes than America’s Founding Fathers? Because you think the government guarantees you “the good life.” You have your own computer, central air conditioning, a DVD player in your SUV, and you think the government made all of this possible.

Most people think that if you have wealth, you have Liberty. There is an element of truth to this. But it is also one of the most dangerous myths of the century in which we live, as Sam Adams can help us see. We think of slaves as being poor, deprived of all wealth. Sam Adams will help us see that we now live in the century of wealthy slaves living in luxury.

CHINA = U.S.A.China is experiencing phenomenal economic growth. Many are becoming wealthy. The poor are becoming middle-class. In a few years, China may be more powerful and wealthier than the U.S.A. In what way would America’s Founding Fathers say that secular America with its 60% tax rate is better than Communist China with its flourishing capitalism?

There is no longer any fundamental distinction between the U.S.A. and

42 GIRL STIR I 2011

Communist China. Americans and the Chinese are both slaves in an atheistic dictatorship. The difference is quantity, not quality. The Chinese government may be a bit more enthusiastic about its atheism, and a little bolder in its dictatorship, but from the perspective of Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, and Patrick Henry, America is an atheistic dictatorship, and you are a slave.

Governments want you to believe they can give you wealth and safety. All you have to do is give up your liberty, and especially “the spirit of liberty,” to quote Sam Adams. But you don’t really want “liberty” anyway, because that means personal responsibility. That means risk and uncertainty. Better to be a pampered slave.

SACRIFICING MORALITYSacrificing “the spirit of liberty” and personal responsibility is un-American enough, but the price of “safety,” “security,” and a government-guarantee is the death of virtue and morality. To obtain a government guarantee of security, you have to give up your moral standards.

You would never use force or threats of violence to compel a customer to shop at your place of business. You would never steal, kill, kidnap, or defraud in order to get your HDTV. But if you’re willing to have the government steal, kill, kidnap or defraud others in order for you to enjoy lower gas prices, or secure the trinkets of pop culture, then you are a slave. But the government calls it “security.”

• If you believe it’s too “risky” to compete in a Free Market without government protection, subsidies, bailouts, and guarantees, you’re a


• If you believe a government-guaranteed life is better than the “anarchy” of competition,

• If you believe the government is going to guarantee your tranquility, your wealth, and your luxury, then you are a slave.

To paraphrase Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” Speech,

“Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. Is security so dear, or wealth so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

• If you cannot stand competition,

• If you are afraid to compete in “the animating contest of freedom,”

• If you’re willing to kill, steal, or in any way initiate force against another human being in order to obtain “tranquillity, wealth, and luxury,”


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THE COTTAGE522 Lucerne AvenueLake Worth, Florida


IT AIN’T JUST TEA!!!The Cottage Presents

Our Fabulous Sunday Tea Dance

Every Sunday Evening Drag PerformancesHappy Hour 4-6pm

Lunch • Small PlatesDinner Entrees

Open 7 Days a week


2011 I GIRL 47

Summer Fabric: COOL FACTORChrissy Volks, cheat-sheet for navigating through the best, most breathable fabrics for the season.

DENIM + COTTON + STRETCH = CUTE BUTT: Cotton jeans are the lightest for summer because they are airy and breathable, however, jeans with a small content of stretch are the most flattering. They will move with your body and it’s movements.

Best Denim Blends: Denim with a high cotton content, and small synthetic content. A jean with either a 98% cotton/2% lycra or 96% cotton/4% Lycra fabric, is a good combination. Joe’s Jeans, Seven For all Mankind, Citizen, Gap are all great for this content!

SOFTEST TEES: Cotton tees and tanks are favored in the summer time because it is so breathable. Look for the softest cottons; Pima and Supima.

FABRIC BLENDS AND THE “WEAR” OF YOUR FAVE SHIRTS: Combination fabric blends are often used so that garments will retain shape and remain durable over a period of time.

SURPRISE FABRIC TO LOOK FOR: Rayon! It drapes well and keeps its shape, even when wet.

CAN’T GO WRONG AIRY DRESSES: 100% cotton is the way to go for light and airy dresses! SLIMMING TEES AND TANKS:

Looking for a tank that holds its shape day after day? Try a Cotton/Spandex blend, 94% cotton, 6% spandex for a more tight fitting, yet slimming, tee or tank.

48 GIRL STIR I 2011

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50 GIRL STIR I 2011

Hemp/industrial hemp and marijuana are two distinct varieties of the same plant

species. “Hemp” is a fiber crop. “Marijuana” is a drug crop. However, these definitions have become confused in the last 60 years. Recently, a movement has begun to distinguish the terms again. It is important to understand the history of the usage of these terms in order to eliminate the confusion.

1600’s-1930’s: The word “hemp” has been in the English language for over 800 years. The word “marijuana” is only 100 years old. From the first settling of N. America until the 1930’s, “hemp” was the most common term for cannabis sativa fiber crops, Marijuana was never used to describe the hemp fiber crops which were grown for canvas, rope, fuel and paper. “Hemp” fiber crops were historically low THC and completely non-psychoactive.

1930’s-1940’s: In the 1930’s, the psychoactive variety of Cannabis sativa, imported from Mexico, became common in the southern U.S. It was called marijuana, a word popularized through the “Reefer Madness” campaign, to distinguish it from the hemp fiber crops (which no one smoked).

1937: The passage of the Marijuana Tax Act hopelessly confused the terms “hemp” and “marijuana”. For the first time, Congress defined these distinct varieties of Cannabis sativa




“Hemp” is a fiber crop. “Marijuana” is a drug crop.

as being the same. What had commonly been known has hemp was now marijuana.

1950’s: In 1957 the last hemp fiber crop was harvested in the U.S. The word “hemp” dropped out of use, along with the crop.

1960’s: Marijuana use became popular among the counter-culture. The movement to legalize marijuana in the 60’s and 70’s did not use the word “hemp” to describe marijuana.

1985: The word “hemp” resurfaced in the book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herer. The book uncovered information that had been lost for almost 40 years about “hemp’s” historical uses as a fiber crop and touted hemp as a solution to modern environmental problems. Because the book was targeted at a “marijuana” legalization audience, the modern “hemp” movement was formed within the existing “marijuana” movement. Since it was not widely known, “marijuana” must be legalized to allow uses of “hemp.”

1989: The European Economic Community developed rules to govern hemp, defined registered seed varieties and methods for the testing of THC content (France and Spain had never stopped producing hemp).

1993-1994: England officially recognized the difference between hemp and marijuana and Canada allows hemp production.

1994: The Governor of Kentucky, seeing competition from Canada and Europe appointed a task force to study the commercial possibilities of hemp in his state.

1994-1995: Industrial Hemp Movement


Reasons for support of growth of hemp in the U.S. include:

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52 GIRL STIR I 2011

Most people live their days on the fly with no real planning, I did it for years. Got up, had something to eat, went to work, came home, watched TV, went to bed. These days I am more of a fan of imagining every day as a life. Mine. It

has a beginning, a middle and an end. I do the following every morning:

· I wake up (always a good idea)· I lie in bed and contemplate the day ahead· I ask: What do I wish to accomplish by bed-time tonight?· How will I feel if I succeed?· Which of these things do I personally want?· Does the day I am planning impress the heck out of me?

Tip of the Month:



2011 I GIRL 53

Today, I will not worry about the G8 summit, a Martian invasion, suicide bombs in Pakistan, Third World hunger, an asteroid striking the Earth, or what David Beckham wore to the Met Bar last night. Today I will leave the TV off, the newspaper in the corner store, the radio silent, and clean up my input. I can be the architect of this new day which has been given to me. I intend to raise my standards and live them well.

The Possibilities Are Endless

· I will write the first page of my new book. · I will speak to one person who thinks I’ve forgotten them · I will practice what I am good at· I will dominate my day and carefully steer it· I will simplify, simplify, simplify· I will guard what comes out of my mouth· I will do no harm to myself or others· I will eat food that nourishes me· I will relish the freedom from negative input

Repetition in a state of emotion forms the attitude pattern. Every day I do this makes the following day easier. Six days of accomplish-ment means a whole week I have lived well. So much done in one week! Negative input was out, all the positives in. I ate simple, fresh, nutritious food. I drank clean water. I breathed. I did not watch King of the Hill.

Give Yourself a Bonus!

I agree to enjoy at least one overwhelming, op-timistic experience (placebo) every day. Each day is planned around this event. If all else fails and the Martians invade, Samantha, Anna and I will still take Daisy for a walk in the forest. The dog’s tail drums in anticipation. I know things about Labradors. They are not worried about their bank manager or a Sarin gas attack on the

Bakerloo Line. It is about rabbits chased, the swim in the pond and aroma plethora.

Setting daily goals has great advan-tages:

· You agree with yourself in advance what you are going to do. This makes unwelcome chores easier. · Distractions are kept to a minimum. · You customize your day to suit you, not the other way around. · More quality time is packed into the day. · Longer tasks are easy when kept tightly on target. · You agree with yourself the day will have the outcome you desire.· You can debrief your day back in bed again to see if it went according to plan. · You can experience success in a single day. Setting goals and debriefing takes me sixty seconds flat. I do not micro-manage, just get a clear, mental image of what I wish to accomplish by days end. If I did it right, there is satisfaction by nightfall. If I didn’t do it right, there’s always tomorrow for another go.


Impromptu events can take the best-planned days well into the hedgerow:· The water main blew outside in the street· You had an accident· A phone call forced you to re-prioritize · You had an unexpected visitor

If distractions force you to re-plan, simply amend the question to: What do I wish to ac-complish with the day I have left?


54 GIRL STIR I 2011

2011 I GIRL 55

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58 GIRL STIR I 2011

The Reckless Dames are a South Florida Burlesque Troupe created by Miss Onyx Star, a six year veteran of the South Florida Burlesque scene.

According to Miss Star, “I have been performing burlesque of all types since I was 19. I have worked with some really amazing groups here in Florida, but I had a vision to create a troupe unlike any other. I was always into self expression and I had a lot to express. I have tried many other ventures, but performing has been the only thing that has ever come close to a release for me. Performing is my life. I wanted to find a group of women who shared the same feelings. I am grateful to have such talented ladies to carry out this vision with and make it what it is today.”

Star said, “We create off of each other and the outcome is always something

spectacular! I feel like I have created a family and that’s what is so beautiful about this whole thing. We are still growing and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.” Not one dame is the same! They all have different styles when it comes to performing. Some acts are purely seductive, some acts are funny, and some acts are just plain creepy. These Dames try and make each and every performance different from the last. It is said that all the troupes have a common bond, obviously its the art of burlesque. But Onyx Star says she believes that they are different than any other troupe because they strive to be different. Lots of troupes use fake blood and glitter, but Star says it is the way it is used. The Reckless Dames are more of a variety show when

Those Reckless DAMES

Every Thursday night at The Manor

2011 I GIRL 59

they perform. They even try to use music that you wouldn’t normally expect. It is the element of surprise, the shock factor, and the eeriness of their shows that make them who they are. These girls like to take things to the extreme while managing to always keep their audience wanting more. They also push their sexuality enough to create excitement... but not enough to leave a bad taste in your mouth. “It is not about the money or the fancy costumes,” Star claims, “It is about being YOU. It is not easy taking your clothes off in front of people. But when you have something to get out, it changes everything.” According to Star, “Performing four nights a week isn’t easy. You have to keep the audience interested at all times! We have a point to prove in our acts and we show it through self expression. Most of our acts have a certain feeling to them that entrances our viewers. When it comes down to it, as a performer- it is just you and the stage. The people watching are just there to understand your story.”

Beginning Thursday, July 28th, The Reckless Dames will be hosting a women’s night every Thursday at The Manors in Wilton Manors called BitterSweet. The Manor and the Dames wanted to create a night for ladies, by ladies! Thay

wanted to provide a place for women to go and let loose. It is not just a night of burlesque, it is a night of entertainment, good music, good vibes, and a lot of laugh!

They plan on audience participation with games with a new “reckless” twist, such as bobbing for apples, chubby bunny, butt balloon popping, and more. The night is also said to include fire play, theme performances, music, dance parties and “a damn good time” according to Ms. Star.

They promise there will never be a dull moment. Everyone is always searching for something new... these ladies are serving it on a silver patter! BitterSweet has no cover for those of you who are 21+, and the drink specials alone will be worth showing up for! Not 21 just yet? You can still enjoy this night if you are 18-20... its only $8 to enter! Come out every Thursday and have a Reckless good time!

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