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August 2014

Brothers and family members,

It has been an eventful summer. Starting with a great installation dinner and cere-

mony, it was followed by a successful Council Picnic. We just had our Sky Sox 2-buck

Tuesday, with 50+ people at a great tailgate. Unfortunately, the rain came in and the

baseball had to be postponed. Now it’s August and that means school starts soon for our

kiddos. Then it’s soon Labor Day, autumn, and football season. That is when we really get


Operation Renovation is coming right along, and we expect to start doing pancake

breakfasts in October. Air Force Football parking resumes August 30th, and our drive to

support the Intellectual Disabilities Program (Tootsie Rolls) is coming soon. So there will

be plenty of fun and charitable activity to go around.

Be sure to learn about our fantastic scrip program which is starting out with reloadable

gift cards. This promises to be a great program where we can do charitable giving, just by

shopping at King Soopers or Loaf ‘n Jug with these cards. It’s easy and costs nothing.

Many of us have already started, so read about it and join in!

We are planning our third Annual Benefit, Monte Carlo Style in October. There is lots of

fun to be had, whether we are helping to plan and work the event, or coming as customer

and playing the games. More info follows.

As you can see, our Council is a very active, giving council. We make a big difference in

our parish and our community. My personal goal is for every Knight to finish the year with

the knowledge and satisfaction that he took part in some of these great activities. No one

can do everything, but everyone can do something. Together we can do more.

Vivat Jesus!

Ron Krom,

Grand Knight

Knights’ Knews August 2014

Brother Knights, if you have changes to your home address, phone number or email address, please email

Paul Miller, Financial Secretary, at or call 719-440-5313 (leave a message if no answer)

Sky Sox Night – Wet and Wild! by Ron Krom

Our 2014 annual Sky Sox outing was a qualified success. I say “qualified” because the tailgate was fantastic, even though not much baseball happened. Rick Losey chaired and planned the event. He had a good 70 people signed up to attend, and had everything ready. There were grilled chicken, dogs, and burgers as well as plenty of beverages. Doug Anderson supplied the grill, and Brother Herman Jasper brought tableware, cooking gear, food left from the council picnic, and more. Tom Stevens and Rod Schumann assumed Grillmeister duties, flaming things to a sizzling turn. About 50 people braved the threatening weather, bringing side dishes and desserts. Everyone feasted and social-ized until almost game time.

Just as we were about to clean up and head for the ball park, the skies darkened and spilled on us. By the time everything was put away and loaded into vehicles, many of us were soaked. The game was postponed, but still the tailgate was the best part of the evening. Well done to all those who took part.

The food and drinks were great, we had good social interaction, some were watching the clouds, and then…

Knights’ Knews August 2014


“Concealed Carry” for Charity King Soopers Gift Cards/Scrip

For K of C Council 9993 Charities

Load ‘em -- Use ‘em -- Reload ‘em

Is this something new? Using “Scrip”, in this case special

reloadable Gift Cards, has been around for years and successfully

used by many organizations, including Catholic Schools and youth sports organizations here in Colorado


When did “Concealed Carry” for Charity begin? The membership adopted the King Soopers

Neighborhood Reward Program on July 9.

Wow!! How does this work? Our council buys and resells gift cards at face value (in our case $10.00

each—there are no additional or hidden costs (10 bucks is 10 bucks). Each card number is identified to our

participation in this program. The Council receives a 5% rebate by check on the total value of use.

How/where do I use this “Gift Card”? Present it for payment of groceries and gas at King Soopers,

Loaf and Jug, and City Market locations. These cards will also be accepted at most Kroger affiliated stores

and fueling locations across the country. (Ralphs, Fry’s and Fry’s Marketplace, Dillons, Kroger, Smiths Food

and Drug QFC, Food 4 Less, Owens, FoodsCo, Highlander, Pay-Less, Cala-Bell, Bakers, JAYC, Fred Meyer

Jewelers, Littman and Barclay Jewelers)

Will I receive King Soopers Card fuel points and fuel discounts? Yes, you will earn King Soopers fuel

points and the $.03 King Soopers card discount—no changes! Provide your King Soopers Card or alternate

ID at the time of purchase—again no change!

A $10.00 Gift Card!! That doesn’t buy much! You’re covered! You can load, and reload, and reload

your card with cash again and again as often as you like at a King Soopers or Loaf and Jug check-out register

or service desk. Your register or pump receipt will show you the value remaining in your card after each use

so you will know when it is time to reload.

This sounds great!! But I like earning credit card rebates or airline miles when buying groceries

and gas! You’re covered again!! Reload your card just like you have paid for groceries or gas—by credit

card, cash, or check!

Is this really going to make any money to support our charitable work? You do the math. Families

typically spend at least $50.00 per month, and up to $500 or more. Continuing this for 12 months per year at

a 5% rebate can easily produce from $7,000 to $10,000 per year once we are solidly underway. This is a

“WOW”!! All very convenient and at no additional cost on items we buy every day!

Every Knight and Knight Family that is a King Soopers or Loaf and Jug Customer can easily take

part. How do I get started?? We began with 45 cards on July 15--many are already sold and being used—

and we have already restocked! It is important that we start soon with members—and our friends and family.

See a separate article for opportunities to purchase your card(s). Herman Jasper is the coordinator for King

Soopers Gift Cards. He carries “for sale” cards with him.

6455 Brook Park Drive § Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918

Herman Jasper Program Coordinator Phone: 719.590 9303

Knights’ Knews August 2014

Parking for Air Force Academy Football Games

Great news! We will be parking cars at the AFA this football sea-

son on the following home dates:

August 30th

September 27th

October 4th

October 18th

November 15th

November 28th.

Please note that all games are on Saturday except the last one which is on Friday afternoon.

If we can provide 10 volunteers for each game, this activity will continue to be a major fund raiser

for the Council.

If you are willing to work one or more games (and participate in our legendary tailgate) please

contact Frank Peck by August 15th.


Brothers and Sisters, please remember in your Prayers:

♣ Fr Larry Solan, Fr Joe Damhorst, Fr Mike Butler, Fr Don Brownstein, Fr Bill Carmody, Fr Richard Ryan, Fr Brian

Rossler, Fr Jim Klein, Deacon Lee Sherpa & family, Deacon Ken Huard, Deacon Michael Buckley & our Seminarian

Nathan Hinds.

♣ Brothers Roy Salem, Vince Kierney, Michael Herder, Don Bartek, Chuck Zeitvogel, Lara, Joe & Andrew Marjan, Bill Zint, Nancy, John & Susan Arpad, Joan Knudsen, Brendan Wirth & family, Ann & Chuck Weida, Mark Abrams,

Mike Crino, Mike Hayman, Joe Keegan, Rita Newell, Cindy Brown (wife of Deacon Dick), Susan & Todd Stein, Tony

Valdez, Mabel Page, Maureen & Debbie Schymanski, Jennifer Hurt, Jonathan Mintern, Jim Sebestyen, Tom Kaiser Sr. & Hallie Kaiser, Pedro Gonzalez, Joe & Peggy Solms, Carol & Joe Cote, Mark, Tom, Elise & Regina Elio, John D'Ale-

sio, Sister Marylou Ricke, Taylor Lilly, Tony & Shelly VerKamp, Tanya Smith/Stringer, Paris Smith, Dorothy Daigle,

Isabella Miller, Sterling Stringer, Morgan Preator, Rachel Elee, Joe Pagano & Soon Young, Aaron Williams & family,

Ron & Fran Krom, Melissa Anderson, Hailey Rector.

♣ For the Repose of the Soul: Linda Anderson, Victoria Seiler.

♣ For all families impacted by senseless shootings this past year.

♣ For all families and communities impacted by wild fires, floods, mud slides and other severe weather this past year.

♣ For all Military, Police, Fire Fighters, First Responders and all who work diligently to provide comfort for people in


♣ For our National Leaders that they may work to preserve our Freedom of Religion, The Rights of Conscience, the

Sanctity of Marriage and respect for all human life from conception to natural death.

♣ For the Prayer intentions of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

♣ For the Prayer intentions and Mission of our Holy Father Pope Francis I.



Knights’ Knews August 2014

Ladies Auxiliary Corner Fran Krom

Betsy Williams is a past Vice President of the Ladies Auxiliary and wife to Council member Aaron Williams.

They have four children. When Aaron was seriously injured in an automobile accident, the Ladies Auxiliary

and other members of the parish provided meals to the family. Many, many prayers were offered for Aaron’s

recovery and comfort for the family. Aaron’s recovery will be an extended convalescence and rehabilitation.

We pledge to be support for our Sister in Christ during this difficult time.

The Ladies Auxiliary will resume meetings in September. In the meantime, we enjoy summer activities with

friends and family. The coming fall months will be busy as we support our Knights in events and take on pro-

jects of our own. I anticipate that it will not be all work—we will have fun, too. The best part will be the op-

portunity to get to know many wonderful ladies within the parish.

September will be our first Bake Sale of the season. Ladies – Start Your Ovens!!! I will have details ready

for you next month.


That means watching & cheering for your favorite team. It also means that the Knights are selling Football

Frenzy Tickets. This is a great activity that supports both your local council and the K of C State Council charities.

But first, what do these tickets do for you, the buyer?

First, you get multiple chances to win cash money. Your ticket will list 4 teams each week for 10 weeks. If

your 4 teams have the highest total score, you win the top prize for that week. There are also prizes for 2nd, 3rd, and

4th down to 7th highest total score. There are also prizes for the two tickets with the lowest scoring teams. So for

only a $10 ticket, you get 9 chances to win every week for 10 weeks. Total prizes amount to $10,000. You can sell

tickets to friends and family or give them as gifts to football fans. And of course, you need one or more for yourself.

Besides the fun of watching and winning, another great part is how much it benefits the council to sell at least

50 tickets. First, the council keeps $2 per ticket. That brings in $100 for our charities. The remaining $8 per ticket

goes to the Colorado State Council to pay for prizes, with the profits going to Colorado State Charities. But the pro-

gram also keeps your per capita assessments lower, and that saves everyone money. Finally, our delegates to the

state convention and their wives get a reduction on meal expenses. So this is a program that really benefits the coun-

cil in many ways.

We need a coordinator for the Football Frenzy sales, but you can obtain tickets at a council meeting or from Ron

Krom. They will also be available at the sale weekend Sept. 27 & 28 after Masses, and at the October pancake

breakfast. First chance to win is October 28th, so get in the action before then!


Knights’ Knews August 2014


October 24, 2014 for our


(Monte Carlo Style)

This year's Annual Benefit is going to be better than the last two;

we are going to have a grand time and I hope all Knights and Ladies will attend.

Spread the word - invite your friends.

The Benefit will support The Home Front Cares and a couple of our Council's traditional charities such as

Zack's Place and Life Network.

For $30 you will enjoy four hours of games and fun and your donation will assist some of our very own Vet-

erans and Colorado Springs citizens.

Last year we had 177 people attend and we raised $4,500 for two very important charities: Pikes Peak Habi-tat for Humanity and Care and Share of Colorado. This year, we are expecting as many as 250 people to at-

tend our Annual Benefit and we will raise as much as $8,000 for our charities. Imagine what these organiza-

tions can do with $8,000!

The work isn't hard, yet it does require some of your time to be a success.

Perhaps you have the knack for putting together flyers, decorating a room, or writing short and effective

blurbs. Or maybe you have the gift of gab. Give me a call; we will find a place for your particular skill.

If you would like to help plan, sell tickets, setup, or be a game dealer (training is provided), please contact

Brian LaMay (our event host and leader) at 719-200-3089 or by email at

Here is a sample of some areas where you can volunteer:

Drinks Server


Ticket Sales


Sponsorship Solicitation

Prize coordination

Voice of the evening: Announcements, Prizes, etc.

Knights’ Knews August 2014


Council 9993’s new Fundraiser

King Soopers Gift Cards/Scrip

What’s this about and when did it begin? This is about the Coun-

cil earning money to support our charitable activities with the purchase

of necessary items that we all buy—at no extra cost to members or

our friends. The membership approved the King Soopers Neighbor-

hood Reward Program on July 9.

Is this something new? Using “Scrip”, in this case special reloadable Gift Cards has been around for years and suc-

cessfully used by many organizations, including Catholic Schools and youth sports organizations here in Colorado


Wow!! How does this work? Our council buys and resells gift cards at face value (in our case $10.00 each—there

are no additional or hidden costs). Each card is identified with our participation in this program. The Council receives a

5% rebate by check on the total value of use.

How/where do I use this “Gift Card”? Present it for payment of groceries at King Soopers and City Market loca-

tions, and at the pump or register at Loaf and Jug or other King Soopers fueling locations. These cards will also be ac-

cepted at most Kroger affiliated stores and fueling locations across the country. (Ralphs, Fry’s and Fry’s Marketplace,

Dillon’s, Kroger, Smiths Food and Drug, QFC, Food 4 Less, Owens, Foods Co, Highlander, Pay-Less, Cala Bell, Bak-

ers, JAYC, Fred Meyer Jewelers, Littman and Barclay Jewelers)

Will I receive King Soopers Card fuel points and fuel discounts? Yes, you will earn King Soopers fuel points and

the $.03 King Soopers card discount—no changes! Provide your King Soopers Card or alternate ID at the time of pur-

chase—again no change!

A $10.00 Gift Card!! That doesn’t buy much! You’re covered and in control. You can load, and reload, and reload

your card with cash again and again as often and wherever you like at a King Soopers check-out register, or service

desk, or at a Loaf and Jug check-out register. Your register or pump receipt will show you the value remaining in your

card so you will know when it is time to reload.

This sounds great!! But I like earning a credit card rebate or airline miles when buying groceries and gas!

You’re covered again!! Reload your card just like you have paid for groceries or gas—by credit card, cash, or check!

Is this really going to make us any money to support our charitable work? You do the math. Families spend at

least $50.00 per month, and up to $500 or more. Continuing this for 12 months per year at a 5% rebate can easily pro-

duce from $7,000 to $10,000 per year once we are solidly underway. This is a WOW!! All very convenient and at no

additional cost on items we buy every day!

How do I get started?? We began with 45 cards on July 15--some are already sold and being used. It is important

that we start soon with every member—and our friends and family. As we get started we will sell cards where Knights

and ladies gather—like Sky Sox Night on July 29, and at meetings and functions. Herman Jasper is the coordinator for

King Soopers Gift Cards. He is carrying “for sale” cards with him. Contact information is below. Contact him—and

have $10.00 handy for your card. Perhaps get cards for each individual frequenting King Soopers or Loaf and Jug??

6455 Brook Park Drive § Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918

Herman Jasper Program Coordinator Phone: 719-590-9303

Knights’ Knews August 2014


Ways to Serve and Be Active – What’s Yours?

Intellectual Disabilities Program – Craig Seiler coordinator; help needed to organize and distribute our Tootsie Rolls. Contact Craig at

Annual Benefit Event – October 24th; Brian LaMay coordinator; see article for details; 719-200-3089 or by email at

Football Frenzy – Continuing now until mid-October. Coordinator needed to distribute tickets and keep re-cords. Contact Ron Krom –

Parking at USAFA Football games – a major support for our charitable programs. Games start August 30th. More info in the article. Contact Frank Peck at

Pancake Breakfast - starting October 5th. Contact Greer Bailey at Committee positions – coordinate activities in program areas. What is your “hot-button?” We need coordi-

nators for Culture of Life, Community, and Council areas. Contact Ron Krom ( for details about what is involved.

King Soopers reloadable gift cards – buy ‘em and use ‘em. Promote them among friends and family. Grow your faith – take part in our church activities such as Marian Hour of Prayer, Corporate Communion,

Culture of Life Mass and prayers, etc. Know your faith – get involved with religious education classes, Men’s Breakfast, Small Church Community, and more.


The Bottom Line -"$upporting Our Good Works "

What follows is a brief summary of the financial activities associated with our 3 rd Degree Council [9993] and 4th Degree

Assembly [3049].

Summer is well in swing and July has just left the building. As expected, the summer finds the knights in a bit of a lull,

allowing member knights to enjoy the sun and fun with their families. On the administrative side, Council 9993 started a

new Fundraising project, Reloadable King Soopers Gift Cards. The start of the project required a payment of $450 to

purchase the cards, a sum completely recuperated by the Council when the cards are sold. Please see the article in the newsletter for more information. Also in the fundraising department, I would like to thank out Brother Knights who parked

cars at the USAFA graduation. This earned the council a cool (though the weather was not) $295.39 towards our charitable


In an effort to enjoy a little of the sun and fun as a Fraternal family, the Knights hosted a $2 Tuesday Sky Sox baseball game and tailgate. To purchase supplies for the event, the Council fronted $225.00 for food and beverages. Council 9993

was asked to help keep the 40 Days for Life campaign going, as such the members at the meeting were asked if they

would like to contribute. Member donations plus $25 from the Council account allowed Council 9993 to donate $50 to

keep the local effort alive.

From our business as usual file, the Lighthouse Media display brought in $93.00 in donations and was restocked for

$185.22. The Knights continue to support supplies for our Parish with a donation of $100 and Life Network’s Mobile

Pregnancy Center with a donation of $100, both ongoing monthly contributions from Council 9993. Lastly, the semi-

annual audit will be conducted in the first week of August. Look in next month’s newsletter for details.

If anyone would like more information on the financial status of the Council or the Assembly, please stop by any regular

business meeting or feel free to contact me directly.

Faithfully yours, Taylor Lilly

Treasurer, Council 9993and Purser, Assembly 3049

Knights’ Knews August 2014


St. Patrick Council 9993

We held Corporate Communion June 29th and had a

good showing of attendees, though we needed more

Sir Knights for the Honor Guard. The next Corporate

Communion is to be determined.


St. Patrick Masses are at 7:45 AM with 7:15 AM

Showtime. Falcon Masses are at 8:30 am with 8:00

Showtime; Calhan Masses are at 10:30 am with a

10:00 Showtime

Assembly Officers, Honor Guard and dignitaries at Installation on 16 July

Fr. Mikes Ponderings

Well here we are well into summer. We got plenty of rain and hail in late Spring and Summer. When people men-

tioned this to me, my response was, “get over it, we prayed for it”.

The summer talk has not only been about weather but many other things. Locally, the parish renovation. It’s al-

ways nice to experience new and improved facilities especially due to our parish growth. The other major topics of

discussion of course were the downed Malaysian commercial plane and all its 298 passengers. The current and

I’ll call it war in Israel and Palestine and the escalading war in Russia and


I have found in conversations throughout town the discussion goes as far as

the problem without any solutions. This concerns me greatly. I’m so fearful that

there is no longer global leadership. Nobody seems to have solutions.

Therefore I am asking that by the guidance of the Holy Spirit when things go

south on the local level, the community level, the country level and the world

level that we put on our thinking hats become more pro-active and seek out

baby step solutions until we can master major step solutions.

Yes, we got plenty of rain this Spring and Summer and the outcome will be

marvelous. Let’s cooperate with the Lord in making life the top priority on this

earth. Amen Padre Mike

Knights’ Knews August 2014

Knights’ Knews is published monthly by St. Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 9993 in Colorado Springs, CO.

Corrections or submissions should be sent to the editor.

If you have news, photos, or calendar items of interest to the Council, Ladies’ Auxiliary, or Assembly 3049, please submit them by

the deadline (in electronic format if possible).

Address all correspondence to: Council Web Site:

K of C Council 9993

6455 Brook Park Drive

Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Editor: Jim McDermott (

Address, email, or phone number changes or corrections, send to Paul Miller jr. (

Article Deadlines: 4th Wednesday of the Month

Council Meetings are at the McGivney Room at 6:30 PM: 1st Wednesdays — Officers and interested members

2nd Wednesdays — Business Meeting - All members

4th Wednesday — Social Meeting with Ladies’ Auxiliary

Assembly 3049 Meetings are at the McGivney Room at 7:00 PM on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Council 9993 Officers

Chaplain – Fr. Larry Solan

Grand Knight – Ron Krom

Deputy Grand Knight – Jim Wermers

Chancellor – Dr. Rick Losey

Financial Secretary – Paul Miller

Treasurer – Dr. Taylor Lilly

Recorder – Tony Patalano

Lecturer – Mark Elio

Advocate – Bob Sherwood

Warden – Chris Bergen

Inside Guard – Ellis Elee

Outside Guard – Tom Lovato

Trustee 1 Year – Tom Stevens

Trustee 2 Year – Doug Anderson

Trustee 3 Year – Herman Jasper

Council Insurance Agent – Kenneth Huard

Ladies’ Auxiliary Officers

President – Fran Krom

Vice-President – Irene Knudsen

Secretary – Maxine McDermott

Treasurer – Mary Rowland

Historian – Mary Ann Lamecker

Hostesses – Ann Weida, Glenda Cruse

Assembly 3049 Officers

Faithful Navigator – Douglas Ingalls

Faithful Comptroller – Paul Miller

Faithful Friar – Rev. Michael Butler

Faithful Captain – Jaime Santos

Faithful Admiral – Roger Claman

Faithful Purser – Dr. Taylor Lilly

Faithful Pilot – Daniel Rolenc

Faithful Scribe – Andrew Murr

Outer Sentinel – Dr. Rick Losey

Inner Sentinel – Mark Elio

One Year Trustee – Dwayne Enderle

Two year Trustee – James Sebestyen

Three Year Trustee – Tom Berens

Color Corps Commander – Jim Sebestyen

Knights of Columbus Council 9993 —

Established 1989 Star Council Award Winners for Fraternal Years:

1989—1990, 1993 through 1996, 1999 through 2008

Pope Francis

Knights’ Knews August 2014 S











Knights of Columbus Council 9993

6455 Brook Park Drive

Colorado Springs, CO 80918








Operation Renovation

Summer Activities

Charity Fundraising Efforts

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