australian society of indexers newsletter februaryro the 4th edition of l:he auatlcl.lian...

Post on 08-May-2020






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ISSN 0314-3767

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The Speaker : Michael IlarringtonTopic : Indexing l{ansard

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Nulvl BER I

AusSI NEWSLETTER FebruarY 19 86 Volume 10


Annual General Meeting

Annual Repor tStateurent of Income and Expenditure 1985

Australian Society of Indexersr l"lenbership - February 1986

Grab-bag Indexesby Jean Hagger

New Members

Short Course in Index i ng

Book Reviews - Indexes Mentioned

Notes and News

Nunrb er I
































Ex 06dlc,Lc:: chairman, Panel of Assessors; EdiEor, NMLLe-t'tzJL.

A11 naterial appearing it the Nena'Le't;taZ is subject to copyright but rnay

be reproduced for non-conntercial purposes, provided that appropriateacknowledgement is nade.

This publication is indexed and abstracled by The Australian clearing House

for Library and Infornalion Science for Au-tt'tal'Lttn zduealion Lndzx andLibnanq (Lnd in60 )LncLtio n L cieneL




Joyce KoRN

Elizabeth InooD-ELLEMJohn SIl,lKIl'I

Phone 898 5780

Pt'ore 418 7 269

Phone 846 1820

Phone 606 9610

Phone 49 6 883Phone 557 2815



Mernbership of the Sociely increased by 10 durlng the year, the total nowstanding at I57. This does not glve an adequate picture of Ehe intake of newmembers, an increase of 5 in N.S.W. and 18 in Victoria. The large increase inVictorian numbers can be explained partly by the fact that particlpants in theshort courses in indexing are required to be members of the Society. However,many of them are members before they join the courses; a gratifying number ofnew members are joining simply because of their interest in the Society. There!,ias a rdrop-outt of 13 members, one due to r:esignation and 12 due to non-payment of dues. The Society is concerned about those who notify their in-tention to resign and a letter from the President is sent to express regretand to encourage the former member to keep his or her interest in indexing.

llenbership figures arae as

A.C.T. 1lN.S.I,J. 28S.A, 6


Tas. 4

Q1d 4

Vic. 100

T]r'e ileu)L.LztlLt continues to be the rtie that bindsr. our Editor, GeraldineSuter, has produced four: stimulating issues, giving accounts of the quarterlymeetings, notice of other activiites and short but interesting papers fromnembers about unusual aspects of indexing. She would welcone much more of thelacter type oF conLributjon.

Quarterly meetings have shown a slight increase in attendance during the year.The A.G.M, in February took the form of an informal dinner, at which members

',rere able to get to kno\^i each other. In May, menbers flocked to what r^/as thenAgridata to hear Robert Utter talk about the complex information system and tohave 'hands onr experielce \,rith the computerised database. In August, theinaugural }{edal presentation was a joyous occasion, enhanced by the reading (inhis unavoidable absence) of a brief paper by Dietrich Borchardt. The Novembermeeting was advertised as 'a great opportunity for members to hear about theindexing of Thz A.rtgu.l I , and indeed it proved to be such, \,/i th historian JohnHirst describing the organization of the team of volunteers and member Frances0tl'leill describing the input of the information gathered by thern into thecomputer-based index f 1le.

A shorl course in indexing was conducted in March-ApriL and 24 members attended.The Committee is investigating the possibility of a change in formal for 1986,offerlng a weekend residential course rather than the series of weekly classes.Such a course is planned for Canberra in April, to be offered jointly by theSociety and the A.C.T. Group of the Cataloguersr Section of the l-ibraryAssociation of Australia. The Society demonstrated further its concern \sitheducation for lndexing when it expressed interesE in a proposal by the f'acultyof Humanities and Social Sciences, F.oyal Melbourne Institute of Technology, fora Graduate Diploma in Editlng and Publishing, offering assistance with thecontent of any segments of the course concerned with indexing.

Trvo applications for registrationof Registered Indexer is shown inthis has assisted those using thestandard.

w.A. I

New Zealand 3

were approved during the year. The statusthe list 7 ttdtxznt Av aLt abX-e, (see below) andlist to find suitable indexers of an accepted

As slated earlier, the inaugural presentation of the Australian Society ofIndexers Medal was made at the August meeting to Jereny Fisher, for his index


ro the 4th edition of L:he AuAtLcL.Lian €ncqct-ctpaed'Lct. The l'Iedal, featuring theSocietyrs new logo, was designed by the engraver Tony Ke11ock. Fourteennominations were received, mainly from publishers, only one coming from aSociety member. The selection panel, consisting of Michael Rarnsden (Convenor),Margot Hyslop, Susan Priestley and Jean Uh1 undertook the onerous task ofassessing these indexes and the Society is most grateful to them for theircontributions lo this segment of its activities.

Another rfirst' was the publication of In dzxent Ava'i'Lab.te, 1985' with Ehe

assistance of our former Secretary, Heather Cameron, and Stephen Lansdown, thelist was finally compiled, printed and distribuEed. It was sent initially toall members included in the llsE, 37 leading publishers and six relevantorganizations. Responses received to date have been generally enthusiastic -in splte of errors (mainly in matters such as changed addresses and telephonenumbers) which appeared, due to the length of time it took to bring the projectto fruiti-on. An updated edition is planned for 1986.

The Society has been asked by other organizations to participate in relevantactivities in lheir programs. As reported in L]ne llzLDA [:Lt'tQ"L, Slre Harvey spoketo a meeting of the Geelong Regional Group, I-ibrary Association of Australla'Sue and Jean Hagger conducted a workshop for the Australian Book TradeCommittee Seminar and Jean took part in the 1985 l^leekend Conference of lheSociety of Indexers. The Australian Government Publishing Service is proposingto update iLs STALL Mctntn!, ard, has asked the Society for assistance withsections relating to indexing. A sub-connittee with George Levick as Convenorwill plan the Societyts contribution, An American indexer, Bev-Anne Ross, re-quested a contribution relating to the Society for inclusion in her forth-coming book on indexing and the President prepared a short article.

Relations r'/ith the affiliated societies continue to be cordial, especially withthe Society of Indexers with its regular feature in The Indzxen of mattersrelating to our Society and wlttr the Indexing and Abstracting Society ofCanada from whom we receive regularly their informaEive ne\,/sletter. During abrief visit to New York in August 1985, the President contacted an officer ofthe American Society of lndexers and exchanged news and views of our tr,Jo


Judging from the number of requests received by the Secretary from publlshers'authors, organisations etc. for assistance with finding suitable indexers' theSociety is making its mark as a responsible professional organization. TheExecutive Committee is responsible for planning the activities of the Societyand met eight times during the year. A1l rnembers have contributed in a mannermost gratifying to the PresidenE, Eaking charge of the execution of variousaspects of the program, Appeals made to the membership at large for partici-pation in lhe program, for example the investigation inEo freelance indexingand tax deductions, have met with very little response. Should the Connitteeconclude that the membership is quite satisfied with its conduct of the Societyrsaffairs? Let us have more input from members, especially in the forn of con-tributions to the Neid-4ze ttLtL, teLLiDg, fellow members of indexing activitiesand suggesling new initiatives for the Sociery to undertake.

Jean HaggerPresident




Expenditure $

MCOBS mernbership 33, 00

National Book Council membership 35.00Hon. Sec. expenses 79.33Iion. Treasurer expenses 89.52Thz Indzxzn subscriprions 1,132. 85



Mernbership subseriptionsRegistration feesNeuA Le,tl.Q,,L -


Thz I ndzxensubscriptions

Indexing course

Bank interestIndexers availableRESI inlerest

at call account

fixed Term

Colonial Mutual fixedterm

Medal dinner

i'lu 4Letrta,L

Envelopes (5 is sues )Printing) (4 issues )Hosrage J

StationeryBank charges

Meeting expenses

Medal dinner

Medal panel

G. P. O. box rentalIndexing course

Indexers available

operating surplus


z,L46 .25



266.7 7


45 .00

60. 00

1, 106 . 36

a't 6 /,.)



$6 ,464.03


631. 85



17 6 .65t527 ,00

442 .60


2 ,7 64 ,00

90. 00

265 .005. 00

1, 146. 00

1 , 800. 00


10. 00




207 , 80

Cash in bank 31 December1985

On call with RESI

Fixed term RESI

Fixed term Colonial Mutual

$ 6, 464. 03


2I8,7 1

596 .7I5 00. 00

Cash in bank

On call RESI

Fixed tenil

Plus income

Less expenditure

Assets as at 31

1 January 1985


7 ,862.046 ,086 .27



Decenber 19 85




Australian covernment Publishing Service, Editorial and Design Section, G.P.0.Box 84, Canberra, 2601.

lirs E, Binkowski, G.P.O. Box 1724, Canberra, 2601l4iss M.T. Doolan, P.O. Box 482, Woden, 2606Ms L. f'arkas, Datascape Infornation Pty Ltd,G.P,0. Box 1870, Canberra, 2601Ms I{. Johnstone, 93 Shurnack Street, Weetangera, 2614Mr D. KingsmiLT, c/- Aust. Embassy, Athens. Dept. of I'oreign Affairs,

Canberra, 2 600Mrs I'. l-entsch, Fine Art, A.D. I{ope Building, Australian National University,

c.P.0. Box 4, Canberra cixy, 260LNational l-ibrary of Australia (tf. naggott), Canberra, 2600Mrs A. Neale, I Astley Place, Garran, 2605Mrs P. Ray, 67 Ilopetoun Circuit, Yarralurnla, 2600Mrs P, Sohier, P.0. Box 6, Farrer, 2607


l{rs R.M. Bennett, 26 Beatty Street, Balgowlah, 2093Mrs S. B1ack, ll Narelle Avenue, Pyrnble, 2073lliss I{. Cameron, 5/37 Bellevue Road, Bellevue Hill, 2023Dr W,G. Coppell, 22C WoolcoLl Street, trrraverton, 2060l4rs C. Dare, 16 Grandview ?arade, Epping, 2121Mr J.A. Fisher, 145 Union Road, Erskineville, 2043Mr T. Gamble, Wat Buddha Dhamna, 10 Mile l{o1low, Wisemans Eefiy, 2255t'tiss J.D. tline, 31 Fairfax Road, Mosman, 2088Ms M,I{. Hoare, P,0. Box 97, New Cascade Road, Norfolk Island, 2899Ms L. Johnson, ?.0. Box 601, Murwillumb ah, 2484Mrs P,J. Johnson, 17 Radiata Avenue, Baulkham Hi1ls, 2153Ms P. Johnstone, 25 Wentworth Street, Paddington, 2021Ms D.J. Joyce, Riverina C.A,E.,P.O, Box 588, Wagga Wagga, 2650I{I u. Middleton, 54 River Avenue, Chats\,/ood West, 2066Mrs D. Newton, 69 Eton Road, LindfieLd, 2010Ms c. Norton, c/- Medical Journal of Australia, P.0. Box 116, Glebe, 203714rs R, Perini, 15 Chelrnsford Avenue, Epping, 2121Meryl Potter, P.O. Box 399, Coogee, 2034Ms B. Reed, 2/lL Castleford Sl-reet, Bondi, 2026Ms J. Rudd, 4/23 Qulnton Road, Manly, 2095Ms L. Shboul, 1612 l4,ary SEreet, Glebe,2037Itr K. Siebel, Serendip Publications, No,2, Sonerset Close, trrlamberal, 2260Ms K. Smith, 14 Walter Street, I-eichhardt, 2040Mrs L, Stead, P.O. Box 1370, Griffith, 2680lliss L. Steel, 2/93 Avenue Road, Mosman, 2088Ms M, Turner, 5/3 'hafaLgar Place, IlarsfieId, 2L22Mr A.Wa1ker, 56 I'itzroy Street, Surry Hil1s, 2010Mrs A, Wa1sh, 36 Emu Street, Enfield, 2136Ms C. Winning, 2/L9 C]nrrchill Crescent, Canneray, 2062


Ms J. Dartna11, 278 Stanley Street, Tor'vnsville, 4810Ms J. Kenyon, 15 Rusden Street' Kelvin Grove, 4059Mrs L. Love, 17 Napier Street, St Lucia,4067l4rs S. Ilunro, 40 l'lorley Street, Toorvong, 4066





B. Bingley, 264 Honevpot_1. _L:a.;er,' 3 ;

"*";;;-i i;j"ll"i;riiilll'rl;;,,', o,

i. ligl::.r:1.:. 12 p1y sLreer, srurr, 5047,\. ururug, -rz tvoorabina Drive, Stirling, 5752U. ldalker, 30 pirie Stre,e. Zarums, ior,u'io""i"l'j;, llii .J;l'l;, tlg,


).trs A.C. Batt, 31 Bedford Street, Nei,i Town. 700gMr A. Ransley, 9 ElaineMrs r.E. Sharples. ,ro .l:::::":,

ldest Hobart, 7000Mrs E. c . ili; ;;;;' 3 ;1, :ff :i"".:;i:".j;"l"Tjil;"ll'ioouVICTORIA

l4r J,D. Adams, 17l115 Torbay Srreer, Macleod, 30g5Mrs L, Ande1, 33 Minerva Avenue, ,1...n-U"i,ril, :lO+Miss R. Andrevs. ,Anearrack,,-I: ;;;- i.;Io.ilJ,,r".." "", Geelong, 32r8Ms S. Barley, z:s rhJ eoulevard, ;;;.';;i;;;."e, 3207Mrs D. Baxevanidis. 5

I:" {. {:Xi*il "ii;u'^?iJi;"8:.:::;;

:,.ffi :i:k, 1ij,Mr D.H, Borchardt. ,.,ra

Ld streeL, Moorabbin- 3189]rs K. Borcharor.,u .]';"lll,n;_l:i^.l,u,r'"vn, :ro+

_ni:" o:r. u.las"", -io"i;i;;:'^;:;:::"i;"l"liiffi:f

, ri;9,Miss A. Burgin, 274 Douglas-p"r";;; ;;;ii;;"'li*,, ,or

ili:",:.J:iffJ: Iii i:li*.s.,..i,'"""i'.'l"iii.",, ro.,ar, i.r ,irr"rr";, ;;iRO"t:i:da1e Road, Hawthorn, 3122,rs A. chuah, ei,6i'iii.ili l*:::,'|;i::',5ffi l4erbourne, 3002Mrs rd.. coLjjns, 2/r87 rhe BouL"""io,-i"Lijii ,onl4rs B, H, ColvilIe- 27n,r" q. C'.,"', -i'i:";i"l"I'nia Road' Vermont' 3133tll R-D- c-^rr k S.rreer, Clifron Uifi, :OOSMr r.,q. irrro] *.'!]il J r"rounL Dandenons Road. oJlnda, 3788I'{r D. cunninston. 58

"jlli '

" l::l: t t--cres cent, r"ro.,gurookl :249

ur P.H. o"'.1-ii'ui"-o"i'lll^f".:"tr Northcote' 3070lls T. rle lt.i, ,lss'* a"tl:""t'

]lort ALbert' 3127jrts R. Doi8, tiz wiruru?ll'\Road' Hawthorn East, j123vrs ,v. eLricn.;; i;:,";::::"11"'il:^l:lit EJiza, 3e30Mjss B.s. -fverelt, p,o. tds. J/rJ/trs P. Forsrer, ,ro


2280'^Richmond south, 3121r,rl. c. c...o".',,"^r*"i'"1 street' south Yarra, 314L

lleJbourne, .roo, tn'ottation servjces, cs1Ro, 314 Alberr street, EastMiss H. Gerretty, 7 Hari4rs L. cj r"._r";lr" ''dr rol'n court' Doncaster, 310grlrs E. H.

- C. ioi"r, ' iit '.,."lt ": street' Abbotslord,3067

rrrs V. Goldsworrhy. 23 ,]lilll':t^1".d, Vermonr, 3133-'liss J. ureg"i,-;t) ii"i"

rconer streeL, clen i,IeverJey, 3t50r," r.,. r",^il.'iz-' r,."ili"ii'iii: Xlii..^rberraNorth, 3r2el"rs J. Hardwict, ez nu.air"-.;;;^ '"71:, l"' 6arry street, carlton, 3053,"rs A. Harris, 3/25 fall I street' coburg, 3058r4s s. liarvey, za wetrineSl

street' caulfield south, 3162Ms l. Hegarty,-iu't"ri"'it3n Avenue' Blackburn, 31 30Mrs K'A' "nttii,'tlt' ';'o t:tt"l:- Footscrav' 30LJI'r s. ningsio;;'.i:',,l:;;' 'Box 181 ' Mount lvetvn. 3796

Merbourne, 3051 h l4elbourne Library' 66'ErroL street, North

VICTORIA (Cont . )

Mrs F. Hua, 1213A Burke Road, Ker,r, 3101Ms M, Impey, 49 Morell StreeE, Mornington, 3931Mrs N. Kennedy, 3 Pentland Street, Ascot Vale, 3032Mr K. Kirnstra, 199 Ryan's Road, Eltham North, 3095Mr c. Kirby, G.P.O. Box 1144K, Melbourne, 3001Mrs J, Korn, Central Librarian, Australian Society of Accountants, 170 QueenStreet, Melbourne, 3000Mr S.A. l,ansdovr, 5 Foam Street, parkdale, 3194Miss R. Lenan, 5/l Howard Court, Clayton, 3168l"Is R. Leveson, 1/13 Hotham Grove, Elsternwick, 3185Mr c.R.T, Levick, C.I.L.E.S. CSIRO, 314 Albert Street, East Melbourne, 3002Librarian, City of Footscray, 70 Buckley Street, Footscray, 3011Mrs S. Liepa, 5 Wellwood Square, I.,theelers Hil1, 3150Mrs M. I-ong, 3 Wil1s Street, Kew, 3101Miss P.R, Longley, Serials Librarian, Borchardt Library, T-a Trobe University

Bundoora, 308 3l41ss J. McGovern, 3/30 Foote StreeL, Elwood, 3184Ms J. Mccrath, 6 Hardy Terrace, East lvanhoe, 3079Ms S. McNair, l8 Francis Street, Wesr Iteidelberg, 3081Ms K. McRobert, Toolleen, 3551Ms L. Marsi, 160 Faraday Slreet, Carlton, 3054Mr J.A. Martindale, oakleigh public Library, 148 Drurnrnond street, oakleigh, 3166Mrs M. Meadly, 15 Cyprus Avenue, Nunawading, 3131Mrs f. Mentha, 22 Wandsworth Road, Surrey Hills, 3127Mrs B. I1iller, 7 Inglis Road, Berwick, 3806Mrs W, Mills, 45 Edwards Avenue, Port }.{elbourne, 3207Ms M,J. Nash, 29 Feathertop Avenue, Lower Templesto\^re, 3107Mrs F. OrNeill, 23 Dominic Street, Camberwell, 3124Ms J. OrToole, 56 Hickford Street, East Brunswick, 3057l,lrs B. Parsons, 11 Ba;view Parade, Hanlyn Heights, Geelong, 3215Mrs D. Phoenix, 10 Carrington Street, Hawthorn, 3122Mr I.G. Powe11, 'Corsham Parkr, Anzac Road, Mount Macedon, 3441Ms K.M. Press, 71 Claremont Avenue, Malvern, 3144Ms M.E. ?rice, 10 Maleela Avenue, Bah,ryn, 3103Mr M.J. Ramsden, 45 Wells Road, Beaumaris, 3193Ms M. Rando, 304 Cardigan Street, Cartton, 3053Mrs J. Restarick, 208 Koolzong Road, North Caulfield, 3161Ms K. Rogers, Nightowl Publishers, p.O. Box 764, Shepparton, 3630Miss S. Ross, 4/587 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, 3L22Mrs 1,1. Shenker, 8/11 Kooyong Road, North Caulfield, 3161Mr J. Simkin, Moorabbin City l,ibrary, 161 Jasper Road, Bentleig;h, 3204Mrs M. Stevens, 7 Swift Drive, Glen Waverley, 3150Ms B. Stevenson, 5/6 Mackie Court, Kew, 3l0lMiss V. Stevenson, 6/54 Sackville Srreet, Kew, 3101Mrs G. Suter, 41 Lothian Street, North Melbourne, 3051Mrs A.B, Taylor, P.0, Box 51, Beaconsfield, 3807Mr P. Taylor, P.0. Box 797, Horsham, 3400Mr J.D, Thawley, 36 Abbotsford Grove, Ivanhoe, 3079Mrs E.J. Thomson, R.M.B. 7400, Clydebank via Sa1e, 3850Mrs T.A.L. Thomson, 1/13 Bertram Street, Gardenvale, 3185Ms P. Trier, 2/962 B:urke Road, Deepdene, 3101Mrs J. Uh1, I Gwenda Avenue, Blackburn, 3130Mr C.Walker-Cook, 23 Thomson Street, Northcote, 3070Mrs V.M, Wicks, 3/43 Robinson Road, HawthorrL, 3LZ2Mrs J. trlilson, 1/9 Veronica Street, Ferntree Gul1y, 3156Ms C.14. Wood, 1/9 Fairvie\,/ Street, Traralgon, 3844Mr M. Wood, 26 Cameron Street, Reservoir, 3073Dr E, Wood-Ellen, 28 View Street, Alphington, 3078




Mrs-h...Wooda jl , 3lg Ilircham Road, Mj tcham. 3l 32X: l. Itrjetrr,^7 Hillerest avenue, r.",- i:.61.,,-rrs A. young, J Rae streer, Hawthorn, itii"



Mrs M. Hoo, Abtech InfoMr c.n. rv.r.,,,';.'iii";T:.'l:;,tillijil;


Mrs S. Brookes, 3 Taunealrr M.H. lo"n.r, iu'r,",il-'".11'1: t:lu u.r,!s D.D. .,onu",'+d ,;;;[; iillii; ,l]ijii:


n'?t >l ,rrr,t**rry.

- i'ilrTi"l"i]i;.,i'rjlittn Pzpti^, selecred and edired by RobertLondon, 19g5.


Mount Street, perth.Pleasant,6153 6000


The OED detines 'grab_bag, as a bag continainpl:',,1:',:: :?T::;-;i-: certa jn

";' -;;;';;'JBpvarious arricles jnto which one

Enr s artjcJe. RecenLrv as

,fund t'l;";;'";;';sPart of the definj tion refersa.". ri u e r "s, *,,ilii,l ;,'.lffi ff

;il:i.#:, ;:;", ;::;:T":i;.i'":lio.;: i?T" ",

Certainly both indexers::r.:. rir. ,"ovr"iri-;;,

n'u" defined the scope :t,-,::,f

jndexes in pr.erin Lnary.rhe rexL ... ;;l-.='';';::-:'":'", 'rhe index .iroeen given in foo r no r es ,'ttt-3 t conveying i;;;r;:

rntended both as a Rujde to

I::1,: ,:::i,_;;";;;;:;, ,,li:,i;jj::*.{ji#i";'dii.i:.Hil:,',i;,T,,;: l::i"oarons, 132r. drru Dandrrrlch. also i,rlinchester and Rye):

:ff.:#"Tiff.ilrff:i i-u: :""r:'* in content; ff1,i,,au".. srares: ,rhe index

5l;*:6:,:,"i*,1",:l;ii::iii ;; ,i:::l'il'::;:::;:":;;l;::.;li;ii::;,r'graphical"^"i-1" not. of much lnlerestnd vocabuJary-;.;;;;;;:;: rhc other two eJements, bio-As wourd be expected ," ," .,,.^r .^^_

-, .'"-

"""s' are \dorthy of connent.

?l::l:,:+"-1.;:;;;;; ;1.;"":;::,:i-;::ii::, [il1.:l ,his kind, ,he ,exL isi:';:':;i:' ;""it:3"':"'i'::-r-i ndex ";;;i;" : ii5"H; li',;l',::::,!':';::?::"'l:i"T::i:';in:f ij:;, :i:ri"::iiii :::, Hff ;.;j *:;;jj ni;j;,.*:',;:", un.

f-1:on" are noL ,i"rrrrti' DesignaLions are added. when the categor-ies oj the-'iy'hj

tery, o.ri""ri.'it"i, Itot,'nuit mentjon jn ttwhiterey,s memorjaL

""r"1:1, ("i"1 r.qi;i.r;rr,l i"" tex[; for example' the entryjce'. o,.in","-ui",pi: .::$i=,;"rjl;l.l;"':;l:;"f,.'



Pym, A vot11 pvivate cue:

i'n\:r."0""0 bY Haze L oltLnL dltrl-LaA , Le,tte u& Hilary pym, pan ther

atrd notzbooh_s otrBooks, Granada I

Latham, Bel1

rBayley, John (Thomas wharton -profes

sor of Engllsh Literature, husband of rrisMurdoch)' refers mainly to informarlon ",.,ch

af 'rri" u.r.JoJ i"uili"'o"ra",called in for a drinkr. Clear1y, the indexer is at pains to show that thereis nothing irregular in the relationshlp bet\,/een Irls and John. Hora,ever, thesame courtesy is not extended to Irisi the designation rwife of ;ofrn-nayfey,does not follow the entry for Iris Muidochl

rt 1s with the rvocabrrlary cefinitionr that the index provides the user v,iitha veritabre feast of stories to dine out on. Each user wrrr rrave -ravo'urit

es ;mine are .Eno's (Frult salr: a fizzy medicinal drink to ""i. r"Jig."ir.";,and rKestos (a make of brasslere f"";"r";l;;;e thirties) r. cerrainly, thenote stating that rhe index_contains vocabulary a.ri"rt i"""

' uooJ"rl-u iirr. an.beginning of the text, so that the dillgent .'."a.r, i.e. the rare bird \"/horeads all the prelims before starting oi th" i"*a, r"y well turn to the indexpages to find out what Barbara meant \,/hen she wrote about ,half a bottle ofDrener; index entry: '1...,. (sh"rnpooii. il;

"u*. reader would be disappointedif he trled to make sense of the siaLernent ,rubbed Nivea on *y".ii,;-li.r" i"no entry for Nivea which, as most female readers will know, is a wideLy usedbeauty cream. Dlscrimination - against male readersj

The two indexes provide interesting examples of the type of indexing known as'indexing by narrationt that is, til. p.ovision of so much infornation in theindex that there is scarcely any need'to read the text. Tti" ""."a"

-frequentlyin biographies where the index Lntry for the subject of the work recountspretty well the whole story. The pym index is a prime example, the entry forBarbara Pym occupying one and three:quarter pages of information arranged inpage order and using a run-on format. tt onl iants to flnd a reference ro somefacet of Barbarars llfe, one must start at the beginni.rg of ihe

"niry'Jrra ,..aon until one finds (or does not flnd) the necessary reference. Knowing ofBarbarars interest in indexing and indexers (from tne serles of articles 1nThe lndexQ'rL), r looked for the tern in ttr. r.rJ.x but found no entry. However,in browsing through the long Barbara eyr.rrtry, I came on the following: ,Shels advlsed to retire fr?T-ahg Institutl, ,""o.,r"." completely and does oddof indexing for then. 392-3'' Turning to the-rext, r was dlsappointed to findthat this referred to the sentence: 'i am stirl doing a rittr"'rniiJ-rork, e,g.the African tribal index for the journal and the odd bibliography,.The Pepys index, on the other hand, has a nere ten lines of entries for samuelPepys, these in an index covering some flfty fages. The indexer makes thereason for thls situatlon quite clear: tfepys nimseft is understood to bethe subject of the whole diary. A small

""rnL..- of entries have been gatheredunder hi.s name. covering events before the diary period... Elizabeth pepysIsamuel's wifei is "iriiurry ir.;;;;;".#=r.;!i1.". ,_,.,a., her name beins re_stricted to princlpal events and activitiesr.The indexer of the pepys book is C.S. Knighton; the lndexer of the pyn book isnot named.

Jean Hagger

'* ,'< :l >t >! ?'r ,! rt r< *


The Society

Ms T, De Me1

Ms L. Johnson

Mr C. Nelson

Ms M. potter

Ms K. Smirh

Mr M, Wood

Mr R. Wrighr

Ms A. young

welcones the


following new members:

4/gg Victoria Road,Ilawthorn Easr, Vic: 3123p.0. Box 601,t{urwil1umbah, N.S.W. 248436 St Michael Terrace,Mr pleasant, W.A. 6153,p. O, Box 399coosee, rv.i.ri. zo:+14 Walter Street,Leichhardt, N.S.W. 2040

-26 Caneron Street,

Reservoir, Vic. 30737 Hillcrest Avenue,Kei/, Vic. 3101

3 Rae Street.Hasrhorn, vj.;.3122

The Australian Societv rtt. c,r"rogiJ;";";.'::i":t,tlf:""'": in conjuncrsnorr course in indexinr,,_ibr"ry Asso"i;;i;';i"" with the A.c.T' Grnrrp of

m,i:xi:,i:ii.:r ?,f:#.;:*::i l*ti:ff .ri#:, l;s.ii*fr,t l,;"".A11 enquiries about the course shou.ld be sent to:



John MasonAustrafian Institute ofG,p.p. Box ;;--'"'=

ur Aboriginal studiesCanberra, A.C.T.2601



ADAMS , Mignon S. & I.{ORRIS , Jacquelyn I.I. T zctc[ing Ubun91 ^h.LLL,s

[ott acctdzniccttedLt. oryx. Reviewed by Carole Duf f i11, Au.tttta,{-tL,s.inn co.LLzgz UbnanLotvol.3, no. 4, December 1985.

rThe book is well indexed.r

Cincu.ULlion LLJLtenL (ott .t chct o.L Ubnanq na-dLcL ca,,Ltr,Q-t: nctnua.L to nicna cct nputzn.Nevada wal1ls Thomason. Reviewed by Ann Hughes, Auttnallat.i-nn college LLbnnn Le.tvol. 3, no. 4 December 1985.

rThere is a comprehensive bibllography and index. r

DDC, Dewzq dacinctL c,LtLlli(ieatictn A01-006 da,ta pno cz,s.tLtrg ttnd canpu.te,l, A c'i-enccctnd cirunge.t in tteLatzd dilcilcU,not. Rev. ed. NY I'orest Press. Reviewed tryEd Wi11is, Au.tttttL.La.tian ca.(IeqL UbtLcth,Lu vo1. 3, no. 4, December 1985.

rThere is an index to the new schedules and related numbers in the 19th edition(pp 19-28). Classifiers will be pleased to find index entries for topics suchas barcode readers, CAD/CAM, CoM devices, joysticks, video disks and VSLI .

Ho\dever, while there is an index entr:y for word processing (652.5) there is noentry for electronic spreJdsheets (005.329).r

DLtLLcic tLq 0.( UbtLdtLq .tchaa.L.t tLnd Lectun-ent in L'Lbttan Lctnrh.Qt it't Autla6ct andflus Le,aLand. Auslib, Reviewed by Roderick Cave, Aul tutlal ian caLLegzLLbrtu,LeA vol. 3, no. 4, Decenber 1985.

rCertainly index enlries grouping together those whose teaching or researchinterests are in a particular fleld would be an advantage. I

Ma11ett, Ashley. T r"unystn: the L%u.ttnctte-d biogrutphtl. Macmillan. Reviewedby Eric Lord, Aurttctlictn boab Lzviuc no. 77, December 1985/January 1986.

'Ma11ett's texl ... isnrt improved, either, by a liberal sprinkling of typo-graphical errors. The worst example ... concerns the nane of the Manager ofthe Australian team to tour England in 1912. 0n page 122 he is six times re-ferred to as Mr Grouch, seven pages later he changes to Mr Croucl] (three timesno less). On page 144 he reverts to his forErer identity of Grouch. And onpage 193 he reaches the climax of his identity crisis by changing back toCrouch. And as if this isntt confusing enough, the mistakes are blindly trans-ferred to the index. Yes, both names are enshrined there, with three referencesalongside C.'ta uch, [{.t G.S. and two alongside Cttouch, G.S,'

Shennan, M. Rosalyn. S.i.Lv zn tLtnzctd.s and go.Ldzn ,'LQ,zdLQ,A : thz e,anlq bi.ttottLl a(1

SiLv a-n CLe,e-lz, Beecluaa nth, Reviewed by Helen Harris, Thz genza.[-o g'Lt t vol. 4,r.o. \2, Decernber 1985.

'T1.rere are biograpl-ries of some 13 local families and some interesLing appendices,as r^rell as a bibliography and comprehensive index. t

Spector, Ronald H. EcLg.{z cLgctint t the .sun: the, AmenLcan uJcLn Lt).i,th J alJcLn, viking.Reviewed by Peter Ryan, The AutLt-a.[,LcLn 15 February, 1985.

'The index is poor. Mount Suribachi (where the marines erecting "old Glory"made the warrs most famous photograph) is discussed by the author on pages 494,500, and 501, but doesn't mahe the index.r

l{ebster, Judy, Sp zcLali't t indexe,t itt Au.ttnctLa.titL: ct genaa.t-ogLttt.t guLde,Reviewed by Helen Harris, Thz ge,nttL.{ voL, 4, no. 12, Decernber 1985.

'It even has an index to the lndexes.l


Wynar, Bohdan S. Rzconne,nd"edUbnah,LQA and nzd.Lcl ce.nlLte,,sCLark, AuAl-\LdtA irLn co.LLege,

,Le6-elLence bouhz $on sna,L[, and ned,Lun sizzd,11.y5. Libraries Unlinited. Reviewed by ClaireUbnanLes vol. 3, no. 4, Decenber 19g5.rA very clear index has author, title and subject entries in onesequence with subject entries in bold type. ihur. "r. specificheadings and a broader approaeh: botnnq' ls a-teaaing in its ownalso appears as a subheading under biol;


alphabeticalsubj ectright but



We are still looking for contributions to the rBook reviews _ indexesmentionedt section of t...e N.t ALetr'h. me -revilws

or the material reviewedshould be published in Australia and/or wriite.r-Uy un A"".;;ii;;:- i;";;"cone across any items suitable_for inclusion, please send the details to thefill.l;otl".ra1ian society of rndexers Uentt-i>t7in, G.p.0. Box 12511, Melbourne,

Y::l:"1""?"I":.d:::::::::_*".lf.g"ru" to seven indexing prosrams ... plus;:;f:^7r ll:^jl::t::::onal bibliographi" "y"i.,ii*;;r;i";;"i:.ilir;";"uil" "?:Hx7 ",,"i::*l,l::,,^:l--:::a:_,;:.;;.;:;;-:;"ii"iil"3.l;",ii;::i,,;"p."s..,"ilo':#;'::,::'li'iil::-:"::Il?9 ""d 'a*r"e,-'"ili'-;,:";;;;,';;;Xllir'#F::l:and cumul"ation or merging entries

The American standardbeing considered for

239.4 - 1984:reaffirmation or

Ba,tic i.teiln [on indzxes is currenrlvrevision.



irre welcome contributions.. to the f,let| n-eLtaL. If you have anymaterial you feel r,rould be.suitable r". -i""l*-i.",

pleasesend it to rhe Editor. Austra-1ian S""l.ay-.i-i"1.*"r",G.P.o. Box 1251L, r4elbourne, Vic. 3001, ;yl;.;;Jy 23 April 1936.


ili{|:.?J,,?[?'j;"p',' j:_r",|]#l:loeen under continuous telinement ,ince 1977.As each entry is leyed il is instdnrlv sorte.l hFroo.lwnere necesary. and displayed in ionrert lail in Tesirnan onc third,of a secondl. Any entry .rn de uiu*"jrn-conre\t,and easily edited on scre'en at anv timernslanr rookup of thesdurus or main,t sub he:jil". r._^reKeyrnt ol previously used headinesr. suppoirs'tiiJ/uu

Lconventions: lett er_by_letter oiword_,bi,_;;r;;rne-Dy-rrne or,run on format; alphabericol i:r pig-e

iJf:,iil?:ff f.ll:,iJi"tliT:?l;"".8H{lt-J:i"jS:::'-lql:fq ror ro_rti,n6 purposes. Auro merging ofseparate rnderes. Bojd an.l ir,li. h,--. .

mio or i.r'e- i,J ffi ;l t' ;;i" "C,:i, jlf "."J:lgl

ranguate/dictiondry allows toi powerful anJ iimi_savrng {user-detindble) manipulatibn ol rexr and entiiis

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DATA ACCESS AUSTRATIAp.O, Box 26 Black Rock yictoriilrqr

* * * * t( * * * * * * ** rt rt * * * * * * ** ** * *** * * *







Adve.rtisements for pubrication in t..e N eru.Le.ttett arenow being accepted at the tollowi.,g ,.a."*'r"*-,% inch btock $51 inch block $10

To place an advertisement please forward text andappropriate cheque to :

The Editor, Society of Indexers,G. P. O. Box 125lLMelbourne, Victoria 3001

Closing date for next issue 28 April 19 85

tt**** **** ** *** * * *** ** ** ***rt *O* nl

13 -







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