auto quotient - tech nidarshan 14 - nmamit, nitte

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Auto Quiz - 75 Questions


I love symmetry & twitter contests too - Zico Mendes

+10 for Direct, +5 for Pass, No Negatives

+20 for Fair Play, -5 Negatives, No Pass


Founded in 1827, G.H.Mumm is a French champagne producer with the motto

“Only The Best”.

What is its significance in the field of racing?

Official Champagne of F1


First used by X in 1914, the ‘Bowtie Emblem’ logo has no definite origin. It may have been

designed from wallpaper founder, William Durant once saw in a French hotel room.

More recent research by historian Ken Kaufmann presents a case that the logo is

based on a logo of the "Coalettes" coal company. Identify X, which uses the ‘Bowtie

Emblem’ logo.



In 1931, this automobile company was bought by Rolls Royce secretly using a company

name, The British Central Equitable Trust. The true identity of the purchaser was not even known to this company until the deal was

completed. The founder of the company was called “W.O” and was previously known for his

successful range of rotary aero engines in World War 1. Identify this company.


4 X, a company which manufactures tires for automobiles, commercial trucks, light trucks, SUVs, race cars, airplanes, farm equipment

and heavy earth-mover machinery was founded in 1898 by Frank

Seiberling in Akron, Ohio. X is known throughout the world for it’s Blimp. X is the

most successful tire supplier in Formula One history, with more starts, wins, and

constructors' championships than any other tire supplier. They pulled out of the sport after the 1998 season. It is the sole tire

supplier for NASCAR series.


5 Chicken Tax is a 25% tariff on potato starch, dextrin,

brandy, and light trucks imposed in 1963 by the United States under President Lyndon B. Johnson as a

response to tariffs placed by France and West Germany on importation of Chicken. Chicken Tax directly curtailed importation of German-built X

vans in configurations that qualified them as light trucks—that is, commercial vans and pickups.

Eventually, the tariffs on potato starch, dextrin, and brandy were lifted, but over the next 48 years the

light truck tax ossified, remaining in place to protect U.S. domestic automakers from foreign light truck

production (e.g., from Japan and Thailand).


6 The U.S. state of Nevada passed a law on June

29, 2011, permitting the operation of autonomous cars in Nevada, after Google had

been lobbying in that state for robotic car laws. The Nevada law went into effect on

March 1, 2012, and the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles issued the first license for

an autonomous car in May 2012, to a X modified with Google's experimental

driverless technology. Identify X.

Toyota Prius


The founder of this automotive company was known to have been adopted as his son by Gandhi. At the time of this person’s death, Gandhi had this to say about him -" Never was a mother blessed with a son like him“.

Identify the personality.

Jamnalal Bajaj


The Whiz Kids were a group of ten United States Army Air Forces veterans of World War

II, which included future X president, Robert.S.McNamara. The group was part of a management science operation known as

Statistical Control, organized to coordinate all the operational and logistical information

required to manage the waging of war. The Whiz Kids went on to become executives of which major automotive company in 1946?

Ford Motor Company


This well known car means ‘sport of the kings’, and shares its name with a famous

confectionary brand.

Volkswagen Polo

10 Electronic Data Systems (EDS), founded by Ross

Perot was sold to X, a major automobile company, for a sum of $2.55 billion, in a deal

under which EDS was to operate as an autonomous unit with Perot at the helm. Almost

from the start, there was conflict over the exercise of power by Perot and X's chairman. Two years later when the profits of X continued to fall,

Perot called the chairman a buffoonish bureaucrat and decrying the bureaucratic culture that he felt was killing X, said "The first person at EDS who sees a snake kills it. At X, the first thing you do is organize a committee on snakes. Then you bring in a consultant on snakes. Third thing

you do is talk about it for a year.“

General Motors


Like the Big Ben and the Trafalgar Square, London’s X are a symbol of the English

capital. It began with the name ‘hackney’, believed to be derived from a French term

haquenée – meaning a horse of medium size recommended for lady riders. What is X?

Black Cabs


In a bid to increase efficiency, reduce fuel consumption and get drivers back to their

centres earlier, UPS implemented a change in their transport system. What change did they


Minimize or eliminate left turns


X is a Swedish multinational manufacturing company whose name means “I Roll” in Latin.

Its first car was affectionately known as “Jakob” and the vision to building this car was

so that it could withstand the rigors of Sweden's rough roads and cold temperatures.

In 2012, it became the first company to introduce airbags for pedestrians.

Identify X.



The X, is an automobile manufactured by the Ford Motor Company in the United States over eleven model generations from 1955 through 2005. When introduced, it created the market niche eventually known as the

Personal Luxury

car in USA.

Thunderbird ("T-Bird")


X was an American manufacturer of luxury automobiles which was active in various forms from 1913 to 1937. A distinctive feature of X was the "bowtie" style front bumper, which used two pieces of steel,

with the top piece bent to resemble a bowtie. X were considered some of the very best cars of the time and its advanced features meant their best car, Model J would become a status symbol over

time. Some of the well known personalities to drive the Model J were Al Capone, Howard Hughes, William Randolph Hearst, the families Mars, Whitney and Wrigley; members of European royalty such as the Duke of Windsor, Prince Nicholas of Romania, Queen Maria of Yugoslavia, and the Kings Victor Emmanuel III of Italy and Alfonso

XIII of Spain.

Identify X.



In 1900 the founders of X, a tire manufacturer, published the first edition of a guide for French

motorists. At the time there were fewer than 3,000 cars in France, and the guide was intended to boost the demand for cars, and thus for car tires. For the

first edition of the guide, nearly 35,000 copies were given away free of charge, and contained

useful information for motorists, including maps, instructions for repairing and changing tires, and lists of car mechanics, hotels and petrol stations.

Today, it is the oldest European hotel and restaurant reference guide, which awards stars for

excellence to a select few establishments. The acquisition or loss of a star can have dramatic

effects on the success of a restaurant. Identify X.

(Note-X is still a manufacturer of tires).



Way back in the 1930s this car was the first mass manufactured vehicle in its country of

origin and had a rabbit-shaped hood ornament. On 15 July 2013, it was re-

launched as a low-cost brand nearly three decades after it was phased it out in

1986 and would be used in Indonesia, South Africa , India and Russia. Identify this

automobile brand.



Today, this brand name is mostly associated with automobiles. Derived from the

Zoroastrian God of wisdom, intelligence and harmony of the earliest civilizations in West Asia (Persia), this brand name was used by General Electric for their tungsten filament

bulbs from 1909-1945. Which brand name?



Which vehicle took its name from the fact that it was made to be used for general purposes?



In Cuba, what are known as 'Yank tanks'?

Classic cars After the Cuban Revolution, the USA imposed

an embargo on Cuba, making international trade very difficult. As a result, the cars that

were present were nurtured. Due to the presence of many rich US citizens in Cuba

under Fulgencio Batista, classic cars were the standard and due to constant good care,

many remain in good working order.


Which is the all time bestselling car in the world?

Toyota Corolla


The idea of using an ___ ___ in the automation industry came to Henry Ford from the process

adopted at the armour and swift meat packing.

Assembly Line


The limo that carries US President, Barack Obama, is code-named "Stagecoach" but

given its weight, wheelbase and bunker-like level of protection, the Limo One has been

nicknamed “The Beast.”

Which company produces the Limo Ones for the Obama administration?



To avoid confusing it with Ford Scorpio in Western Europe, Mahindra promotes Scorpio

with which name?

(Hint: It shares its name with an Indian state)

Mahindra Goa


This is the brand philosophy of a company, which is the parent of an Indian automobile company

_______ is a simple yet powerful verb which defines our Group and succinctly sums up the

aspirations of our stakeholders and employees. When we spoke to customers across the world,

all of them without exception expressed a strong sense of optimism about the future and shared a common desire to _____, to succeed and create a better future for themselves”. Name the company

and its brand position(the blank).


Rise Philosophy


Count Francesco Bracca was an Italian who was a World War I ace. What was his contribution

to the automotive business in Italy?

The Prancing Horse Logo of Ferrari. The emblem was on his plane during the war and was presented to Enzo Ferrari by is mother

27 X is a motorcycle manufacturer founded

in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1929 by František Janeček, who bought the

motorcycle division of Wanderer. The name X was established by concatenating the letters of the founder’s name and the company he had bought. In the past, especially in the

fifties of the 20th century, X was one of the top motorcycle manufacturers. In India, the X models were sold by a company called Ideal

X, which shut down in 2005.


28 Born to a family of grape farmers, X was the owner

of a tractor manufacturing company. With the profits from his business, he had purchased

a Ferrari for himself. X wasn’t satisfied with the Ferrari as its clutch had problems.

He consulted the mechanic at his tractor firm, who pointed out that Ferrari was using the same

clutch that was used in their tractors. When X voiced his complain to Enzo, the Ferrari founder responded by insulting X, who vowed to build his

own car (Y), which would outdo Ferrari. Thus, began a fierce rivalry between Ferrari and Y, which still lives on today. Identify X and Y.

Ferruccio Lamborghini



X is an American manufacturer of snowmobiles, ATV, and neighbourhood electric vehicles. It was founded by Edgar

Hetteen, described by the Snowmobile Hall of Fame in St. Germain, Wisconsin, as the father

of the snowmobile, and his partners Allan Hetteen and David Johnson. In 2011, X

acquired Indian Motorcycles and began its revival process after the motorcycle company

had become defunct in 1953. Identify X.



The emblem of X, an automobile manufacturer symbolises the amalgamation of X with DKW,

Horch and Wanderer. Its similarity to the Olympic logo caused the International

Olympic Committee to sue X in International Trademark Court in 1995, to which they lost. However, owing to this similarity, X updated

its logo in 2009. identify X.



Who is the current Indian National Rally Champion?

Amittrajit Ghosh


There are two theories as to why X is entitled "The Doctor“ - one is that X adopted the nickname upon having earned a degree, which in Italy

entitles one to use the title "Doctor". Another, as spoken by X himself, "The Doctor because, I don't

think there is a particular reason, but it's beautiful, and is important, The Doctor. And in Italy, The Doctor is a name you give to someone

for respect, it's very important, The Doctor... important". X also often jokes that the name

arrived because in Italy, X’s last name is a very common surname for Doctors. Identify X.

Valentino Rossi

33 This manufacturing and automotive company traces its origins back to 1758, when the "St. Antony" ironworks commenced operation in

Oberhausen, as the first heavy-industry enterprise in the Ruhr region. Its logo, a lion,

resembles the coat of arms of the city of Brunswick and is taken from Bussing, a

company it acquired. It was while working with this company, that Rudolph Diesel

completed his first fully functional diesel engine. Identify the company.

Man SE

34 After World War II, X decided to leave the aeronautical field in order to address Italy's

urgent need for a modern and affordable mode of transportation. Aeronautical

engineer, Corradino D'Ascanio was asked by Enrico, the son of X’s founder, to create a simple, robust and affordable vehicle. The vehicle had to

be easy to drive for both men and women, be able to carry a passenger, and not get its driver's

clothes dirty. In 1946 X launched the Y, which meant ‘Wasp’ in Italian, and within ten years over a million units had been produced. Identify X and


Piaggio and Vespa


A subsidiary of Audi through its subsidiary Lamborghini, this Italian motorcycle company is known for producing other products as well. It initially began as a company producing vacuum tubes, condensers and other radio components. Its association with radios was also signified in

its earliest logo, which specified the word Radio. In 1930s and 1940s, this company also produced cameras, of which, Sogno, a half-frame Leica-like

camera is now a collector's item. Identify the motorcycle manufacturer.



The new brand identity and logo of this Indian automotive brand were developed by the

British firm, Wolf Ollins. It was revealed on 9 August 2011 in London, to coincide with the third test match between England and India. The red colour in the logo depicts continuity,

change and confidence and the logo itself represents self-dependence. Identify the


Hero MotoCorp


These vehicles, popular in Southeast Asia, started from the knockdown production of

the Daihatsu Midget which had been introduced in 1957. It has appeared in

movies such as Octopussy, Children of Men and Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior. Former

James Bond, Pierce Brosnan has also appeared taking a ride in this vehicle in a Visa




Only 4 automobile companies to have royal warrant from British queen

39 Which company’s logo will you get when you add the

2 images?


The first is the Iwasaki Family Crest. The founder was from the Iwasaki family (Yataro


The second is the three-leaf crest of the Tosa clan – Yataro worked for the Tosa clan and later took over their shipping business and

renamed it Mitsubishi


Renault Logo The first logo features the initials of the founder and his 2 brothers – Louis, Ferdinand and Marcel

The second shows a front end of a car enclosed in a gear wheel

The third logo came after World War I – Renault’s light weight tanks were very popular during the

war, so much so, they changed the logo to a tank after the war.

The current logo’s was initial design was made by Victor Varsely in 1972


Rolls Royce Motors:

Eleanor Thornton - the model for the design of Spirit of Ecstasy.

Henry Royce and Charles Rolls – founders.

BMW – parent company of Rolls Royce Motors


BMW Used Cars



Andre Citroen – Founder

Eiffel Tower – Citroen used it as an advertising board for 9 years

PSA Peugeot Citroën – Parent company

Citroen DS - The first mass production car with front power disc brakes


What is his significance in Formula 1?

Bernd Mayländer – safety car driver


The ______ Patent-Motorwagen built in 1886, is widely regarded as the first automobile; that is, a vehicle

designed to be propelled by an internal combustion engine. To whom was the patent awarded?

Benz Patent-Motorwagen (Karl Benz)

(BTW His wife Bertha financed the development process, and would hold patent rights under modern law, as a married woman she was not

allowed to apply for the patent.)


Identify the logo.

Dakar Rally







50 Identify the car manufacturer from the rabbit-

shaped hood ornament.



Specialty of this car.

Popemobile – used by the Catholic Pope for outdoor appearances


Force Motors NK Firodia founded the company

He established the business in collaboartion Vidal & Sohn Tempo Werke (Tempo) and produced the

Hanseat three-wheeler. Bajaj Auto recently ended its alliance with Force Motors. It had initially bought a controlling stake in the company and had named it Bajaj Tempo.

The Matador – its most popular model was built in 1969 and defined the light commercial segment

in India Daimler-Benz had a 16% stake in Force Motors and

Force even produced diesel engines for Mercedes-Benz

53 In 2012, an F1 team agreed with Warner Bros to

promote The Dark Knight Rises at the British Grand Prix. Responding to the media, the team principal said "This

season we have been the dark horses in the championship fight, so this partnership with The Dark Knight Rises is a

fantastic match.



Ashok Leyland:

Raghunandan Saran – founder

After Independence he was persuaded by India’s first PM Nehru, to invest in modern industrial

venture. Thus, Ashok Leyland was established in 1948

Optare was the UK subsidiary of AL which shut down in 2011

Rover Group was formerly British Leyland which invested and collaborated with AL. The company got

the second name from British Leyland

AL was incorporated as a company to assemble and manufacture Austin cars from England.

Austin A40 that AL assembled and distributed in India


Iconic Cars in Movies

1963 Aston Martin DB5 - Goldfinger

DeLorean DMC-12 - Doc Brown's Car in Back To The Future

1997 Chevrolet C-2500 Silverado Fleetside – Buck’s Pussy wagon in Kill Bill Vol.1

1967 Ford Mustang Fastback Shelby -GT500Eleanor in Gone in 60 Seconds



SAAB has a similar logo. Scania merged with SAAB airplane company and took the logo

from there

57 Identify this MotoGP racer who was killed in an

unfortunate accident during The Malaysian Grand Prix in 2011?

Marco Simoncelli


Identify this iconic motorcycle company which made a comeback in 2011.

Indian Motorcycles


Identify the brand from the print ad.



Popularly known as Husky/Huskies, this motorcycle company is owned by Pierer Industrie

AG. Identify the company.










Who was the Mangalorean racer to win the Toyota Etios National Motor Racing

Championship held at the Buddh International Circuit this year?



Dean Mascarenhas


Don’t Forget to Use the Promo Code

Guess X to score 800 Use Promo Code to double your score

800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 200, 100, 50

SpoonRocket, an app that allows you to select one of two or three available $8 meals per day and have it delivered to your home (provided it's in San Francisco) in 15 minutes or less.

BloomThat, an app that allows you to select flowers from "an evolving menu of curated bouquets" (prices start at $35) and have them delivered to a specified location (again, as long as it's in San Francisco) in under 90 minutes.

Dryv, picks up your dirty clothes and return them freshly laundered/dry-cleaned.

Saucey employs a fleet of drivers who will go to your local liquor store, buy and deliver alcohol to you (provided you live in Los Angeles and are over 21).

IaaS – Infrastructure As A Service

PaaS – Platform As A Service

SaaS – Software As A Service

WaaS – Eaze ?

Eaze which delivers medical marijuana to your door (you order via its smartphone app). WEED AS a Service

Green Pal, an app that connects lawn mowers and lawn owners.

Privlo, a company that locates individuals who have been denied traditional mortgage financing but who it nonetheless deems reliable (based on a set of criteria), and provides them with a loan.

The X of food delivery

The X of flowers

The X of laundry

The X of alcohol

The X of medical marijuana

The X of lawn care

The X of mortgage lending

Tata Indica V2

Mercedes Benz

Credits to my brother

Rico Mendes

who set the questions

top related