automated web testing using javascript

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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Session from GIDS 2014, showing how to do automated Web testing using a variety of JavaScript frameworks, including QUnit, Jasmine, Protractor, Selenium, and PhantomJS


Automated Web Testing using JavaScript

Simon Guest, Distinguished Engineer. Neudesic, LLC

Web testing over the years...

Paradigm Shift

JavaScript Testing Tools

Why JavaScript for Testing?4 Free

4 Open source

4 Modular

4 Active and vibrant community

4 Client and server in JavaScript - why not tests?

Goals of this session

Explore automated Web testing using JavaScript

Unit testing vs. end-to-end testing

Interchangeable frameworks for JavaScript Testing

When not to write tests!

Simple function to add two numbersvar add = function(x, y){ var result = x + y; return result;};

Let's write a test!var add = function(x, y){ var result = x + y; return result;};

test("test that add function doesn't return null", function() { var result = add(2, 3); notEqual(result, null, "We expect the value to be non null");});

Test that is performing an assertion4 Lot's of code just to test a single value

4 Test will rarely, if ever, fail

4 Quality vs. quantity of tests

Simple function to add two numbersvar add = function(x, y){ var result = x + y; return result;};

Simple function to add two numbersvar add = function(x, y){ var result = x + y; console.assert(result, "X should not be null!"); return result;};

Assertions in production code?

Simple function to add two numbersvar add = function(x, y){ var result = x + y; assert(result, "An error has occured with this page. Please refresh."); return result;};

Testing logic using unit tests



4 JavaScript Unit Test Framework

4 Used to test jQuery, jQuery UI, and jQuery Mobile

QUnittest("a basic test example", function() { var value = "hello"; equal( value, "hello", "We expect value to be hello" );});

Demo - QUnit

Testing what the user actually sees...

Demo - What happens if the UI breaks?



4 Web Application Testing Platform

4 Open source (Apache 2.0) released by ThoughtWorks in 2004


4 Selenium IDE - Basic test recorder, implemented as a Firefox extension

4 Selenium WebDriver - Formerly Selenium RC, remote control for browser

4 Selenium Grid - Instantiate browsers on remote machines

Demo - Selenium IDE

Demo - Selenium Builder

Selenium IDE/Builder4 Quick/easy to create tests

4 However, no test inheritence

4 Output is HTML or JSON, not script

4 Difficult to inject any complex logic

4 Has to be manually run through Firefox

Selenium WebDriver

WebDriver Specification4 W3C Working Draft

4 Platform and language neutral interface to allow control of a Web browser

4 Wire level protocol using HTTP and JSON


Selenium WebDriver

4 Implementation of WebDriver protocol

4 Runs on host, listens on ports

4 Invokes browser (as configured)

4 Drives browser to test application

What do we use to write those tests?



4 BDD Framework for writing JavaScript tests

4 Clean syntax

4 Support for mocks (spies)

Jasminedescribe("a basic test example", function() { it(“tests that true is always the truth”, function() { expect(true).toBe(true); });});



4 Testing framework for AngularJS, but can be used for any application

4 Supports Jasmine tests by default (Mocha coming soon)

4 Scripts to support easy install of Selenium

Protractor4 Also installs Selenium dependencies

npm install –g protractorwebdriver-manager updatewebdriver-manager start

Demo - WebDriver, Protractor, Jasmine

What did we see?

4 Tests written using Jasmine

4 Being invoked using Protractor

4 Sent to Selenium server using WebDriver protocol

4 Selenium invoking Chrome to run tests

Demo - Using WebBuilder to create Protractor tests

Demo - Can I do unit testing with WebDriver


Do I have to launch a browser?



4 Headless (Qt-based) WebKit with JavaScript API

4 Ability to act as a browser without actually having a GUI

4 Ideal for running in hosted instances (e.g. docker)‘http://localhost:8088’, function(status) { page.evaluate(function() { /* test elements on the page */ });});

Demo - PhantomJS

Nice - but yet another framework?

Nice - but yet another framework?4 PhantomJS can be invoked by

Selenium as a virtual browser

4 (Configure Selenium to invoke PhantomJS CLI instead of Chrome executable)

Demo - Invoking PhantomJS using Selenium


Simplifying the Stack4 Selenium acting as a proxy

4 PhantomJS supports WebDriver wire-level protocol

Simplifying the Stack4 Selenium acting as a proxy

4 PhantomJS supports WebDriver wire-level protocol

phantomjs --webdriver=4444

Demo - Using GhostDriver

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up4 Many options for creating powerful Web tests using


4 Abundance of frameworks, many of which are modular

4 Unit and end-to-end tests in both browser-based and headless mode

Thank You!

Q&A4 Simon Guest, Distinguished Engineer, Neudesic LLC

4 (@simonguest)




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