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Sannyasa Peeth, Munger, Bihar, India

AvahanInvoking the Divine

Satya ka


Year 6 Issue 1 January–February 2017Membership Postage: Rs. 100

SATYAM SPEAKS – Ô㦾ã½ãá Ìãã¥ããè

Published and printed by Swami Shankarananda Saraswati on behalf of Sannyasa Peeth,

Paduka Darshan, PO Ganga Darshan, Fort, Munger – 811201, Bihar.

Printed at Thomson Press India (Ltd), 18/35 Milestone, Delhi Mathura Rd., Faridabad, Haryana.Owned by Sannyasa Peeth Editor: Swami Yogamaya Saraswati

Hari Om

Avahan is a bilingual and bi-

monthly magazine compiled, com-

posed and published by the sannya-

sin disciples of Sri Swami Satyananda

Saraswati for the benefit of all

people who seek health, happiness

and enlightenment. It contains the

teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda,

Sri Swami Satyananda and Swami

Niranjanananda, along with the programs of Sannyasa Peeth.

Editor: Swami Yogamaya Saraswati

Assistant Editor: Swami Siva-

dhyanam Saraswati

Published by Sannyasa Peeth, c/oGanga Darshan, Fort, Munger –

811201, Bihar.

Printed at Thomson Press India

(Ltd), Haryana

© Sannyasa Peeth 2017

Membership is held on a yearly

basis. Late subscrip tions include issues from January to December.

Please send your requests for

application and all correspondence


Sannyasa PeethPaduka Darshan

PO Ganga Darshan

Fort, Munger, 811201

Bihar, India

- A self-addressed, stamped envelope

must be sent along with enquiries to en-

sure a response to your request

Satya ka

In every science there are dedicated souls

who surrender their lives to the perfection

of their science. The yogis retire into seclu-

sion for a period of time not only to perfect

themselves, but to experience their souls.

These divine souls work with a higher pur-

pose, just like the scientists who work in

their labs with such total dedication to

their research that they are unmindful of

the rest of the world.

—Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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—ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè

Front cover & plates: Pashupata Astra Yajna,

Munger, 2016


Year 6 Issue 1 • January–February 2017Invoking the Divine

¶ã ¦ãì ‚ãÖâ ‡ãŠã½ã¾ãñ À㕾ãâ ¶ã ÔÌãØãÄ ¶ãã¹ãì¶ã¼ãÃÌã½ãáý ‡ãŠã½ã¾ãñ ªì:Œã¦ã¹¦ãã¶ããâ ¹ãÆããä¥ã¶ããâ ‚ãããä§ãöããÍã¶ã½ãáýý“I do not desire a kingdom or heaven or even liberation. My only desire is to alleviate the misery and affliction of others.”


Invoking the Divine

AvahanYear 6 Issue 1 • January–February 2017

‚ããÌããÖ¶ãAvahanSatya ka

Contents 2 Adhyatma Yoga

4 †‡ãŠ Þããè•ã •ããñ ãä¶ããäÍÞã¦ã Öõ 5 Ôãã£ã¶ãã ¹ã©ã 6 Freedom Yoga 9 Nachiketa’s Three Boons

13 ¹ãâÞãããäضã ãäÌã²ãã ‡ãŠãè ¹ãÀ½¹ãÀã18 The Path of Nachiketa

22 ØãÆâãä©ã ¼ãñª¶ã25 The Three Knots28 Granthi Bhedan in Different


32 ÔãÖ¶ãÍããèÊã¦ãã ‡ãŠãè Ôãã£ã¶ãã33 ÔãⶾããÔã •ããèÌã¶ã ‡ãŠã ‚ãã£ããÀ-

¦¾ããØã ‚ããõÀ ¦ã¹ãÔ¾ãã36 Pashupata Vidya

39 Ôã‡ãŠãÀ㦽ã‡ãŠ Ôãâ‡ãŠÊ¹ã41 The Tradition Continues

45 ‚ãã¼ããÀ ¼ãÀñ „ªáØããÀ47 Seek Govinda

48 „¹ãªñÍã-¹ãâÞã‡ãŠ½ãá

SATYA KA AVAHAN 2 Jan–Feb 2017

Adhyatma YogaSwami Sivananda Saraswati

• Thisworldhasnoreal,independentexistence.Itappearstoexist,becauseBrahmanortheAbsoluteexistsforever.

• Thereisnobodybeforeitsbirth;thereisnobodyafteritsdeath.Thinkandfeelthatwhichyouseenowdoesnotreallyexist.Thatwhichdoesnotexistinthebeginningandenddoesnotreallyexistinthemiddlealso.

• Sensualpleasureisthewombofpain.Thecauseforpainisabsenceofpleasure.Sensualpleasureisimaginary,illusory,fleeting and tantalizing. Abandon sensual pleasure andrejoiceintheEternalBlissofAtman.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 3 Jan–Feb 2017

• Hewhohasdestroyeddesireisreallyaharmonized,peace­fulandhappyman.

• Slayangeranddesire.Controlthethoughts.Knowthyself.YouwillenjoySupreme,EverlastingPeace.

• Desireisinsatiable.Itisbornofrajasorpassion.Itisbornofignorance.Itisanenemyofpeace,wisdomanddevotion.Master first the senses and then slay this desire whichabides in the senses, the mind and intellect ruthlessly,throughenquiry,discrimination,dispassion,devotionandmeditation.

• Angeralsoisbornofrajas.Whenadesireisnotgratified,angermanifestsitself.Angerisaformofdesireonly.Slaythisangerthroughvichara,discrimination,patience,love,meditation,identificationwiththeever­sereneAtman.

• Subdue the lower selfby theHigherSelf.Annihilate alldesires. Slay egoism. Destroy all attachments. MeditateandrestpeacefullyinyourownInnermostAtman,whichisExistence,ConsciousnessandBlissAbsolute.

• Ifyouwanttoattainimmortality,gobeyondthepairsofopposites.

• Endurebravelyheatandcold,painandsorrow,lossandfailure,censureanddishonour.Youwillattainequanimityofmind,peaceandpoise.

• Ifyouarebalanced inpleasureandpain,gainand loss,victoryanddefeat,sinwillnottouchyou;youwillnotbeaffectedbythefruitsofyouractions.

• Keep the senses from attraction and repulsion. Attainmasteryoverthesenses.Disciplinethesensesandthemind.Youwill not be affected now even if youmove amongsense­objects.

• Hewhoisfreefromdesires,cravings,attachment,egoism,andmine­ness,attainsthePeaceoftheEternal.

• Standup.Havemastery over the senses. Be devoted toAtman.Destroyalldoubtsthroughsatsang,study,enquiry,meditationandwisdom.

Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 4 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 417 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 4 24-04-2017 16:30:1024-04-2017 16:30:10

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 517 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 5 24-04-2017 16:30:1824-04-2017 16:30:18

SATYA KA AVAHAN 6 Jan–Feb 2017

Freedom YogaSwami Satyananda Saraswati

Whenwillwebefree?Freedomisnotacommoditythatcanbepurchasedpolitically,sociallyorprofessionally.Freedomisanunderstandingofourselvesinrelationtoothers,thepartinrelationtothewhole.Wewillneverbefreeuntilwelearntosharewithothers.Thereisalwayssomeonewithlessthanus,nomatterhowlittlewehave.Therearethousandsofwaystoshareourknowledge,abilities,facilities,experience,faith,belief,money,property,food,clothes,tools,booksandideas. Itisnotbyaccumulatingandenrichingourselvesthatwebecomefree.Webecomefreebygivingwhatwehavetoothers.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 7 Jan–Feb 2017

Thedifferentwaysandformsofoursharingarethemeasureofourfreedom,ofourcapacitytorealizeGod.ByGod,IdonotmeanthatHolyFatherwholivesupsomewhereinheaven,butthatdivinitywhichresidesinusandinallbeings,sentientandinsentient,inequalmeasure. Itisofnousebuildingupanythingforourselves.Alltheseaccumulationsbecomeourbondage,ourbarrier.Theykeepusfencedofffromthehigherreality,thevisionoftotality.Themorewegive,thegreaterwebecome,becausewelearntoseeourselvesinothers.Theirsufferingbecomesoursufferingandtheirjoyourjoy. Alifeofselfishacquisitionandmaterialsatisfactionisnotworthlivingordyingfor.Attheendofit,whatwillwehavethat is still ours?Nothing – nomoney, no possessions, noproperty,nohouse,nocar,nojob,nofamily,norelation,nofriend,willeverpassoutofthislifewithus.Theonlythingthatwillgowithusonthatlastdaywillbeourkarmas,ourdeeds,whetherpositiveornegative,selfishorunselfish,andnothingelse. Thatiswhyinthislifeitisveryimportanttoalwaysbeonthelookoutforopportunitiestogive,toserveandtocontributesomethingforthewelfareandthebettermentofanother.Thisisthewaytoattainhappiness,fulfilmentandtranscendence,notonlyinthislife,butinthelifetocome.Witheverypositivedeed,weremovetheshacklesoftenyearsofnegativedeeds.Webecomebrighter,younger,healthierandmorevital. What is it thatmakesusdull,old,sick,andoppressed?The cause is not external; it is our internal limitations thatbindustoanarrow,selfishviewoflife.Thatisthecauseofalloursuffering.Inordertoremoveoursuffering,wemustremoveourlimitations.Wemustlivetohelpandserveothersand not ourselves.Wemust reach beyond our immediatefamily, ourpersonalneeds anddevelopabroader identitythatencompassestheentirehumanity,theentirecreation,andtheentirecosmos.Thisisfreedom–notanypolitical,socialorreligiousideology.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 8 Jan–Feb 2017

Ihavetaughtonlyoneyoga,thatwhichleadstofreedom.PleasedonotthinkthatIamspeakingagainstanyyogateacherorinstitution,butIfeelthatthepresentconceptanddirectionofyogamustchange.Yogamustbeunified,freedofseparateideals, power struggles and narrow concepts of spiritualattainment. Attitudesmustchange,barriersmustcomedown,sothatanewyogacanemerge.Thiswillbetheyogaofunity,ofgiving,of sharinganduplifting,asone team.Asorgansandpartsofonebody,wemustworktogether inoneconnectedandconcertedefforttoservehumanity,toshareourknowledge,ourgifts,ourcapacities,ourlabour,forthecommongood,forabetterworld. Whenweareabletoseethedisease,disharmonyanddis­tressofothersasourown,andbegintoalleviateandremoveitbyourunitedeffort,thenouryogawillneedonlyonebanner.Callitfreedom,callitmukti,callitbliss.Ifweareinvolvedinanyyogaforourpersonaldevelopment,knowledgeandevolution,thatyogaisnotgoingtohelpus.Finally,wewillhavetoleaveitandsearchforanotherpath. Thewaysoftheworldaremany,butthewaytoGod,tospirit,todivinity,isone.Dedicationtotheupliftmentofothers,seeingothersinourselvesandourselvesinothers;thisistheultimateyoga.Thereisnootherwaytochangeourlimitedegocentricvisiontoacosmicvision.Thisisthepathandthisistheyogaofthenewmillennium–callit‘freedomyoga’.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 9 Jan–Feb 2017


Nachiketa’s Three BoonsSwami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Manythousandsofyearsago,therewasasagebythenameofVajashravasa.HewasoneofthefamoussagesofancientIndiawhohaddedicatedanddevotedhis lifetothepropagationofspiritualknowledge.HebelongedtotheShaivitetraditionandwasoneofthemastersofthetradition.Hehadafamily,includingwife and children, and they all lived together inthegurukul,servingsociety.Theywereaveryhappyfamily. Oneday,thesagedecidedtoperformayajna.Aspartoftheyajnaceremonies,hewasrequiredtogivealmsofcowsandwealth.Agrandyajnawasperformed,andalotofwealthwasdistributedandmanycowsweregiven.However,thereweremorepeoplethanitemsofalms,sotherishisaid,“Wehavegivenawayallthebestthatwehad.Now,letusbringoutthesecond­qualityitems.”Thesecondqualityconsistedofanimalsthatwereundernourished,sick,orold.Nonetheless,thesecondlotwasbroughtouttobegivenaway.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 10 Jan–Feb 2017

Whiletheanimalswerebeingdistributed,oneoftherishi’ssons,whosenamewasNachiketa,feltdisturbedandwenttohisfatherandasked,“Father,whyareyougivingthesickcowsincharity?”Thefatherdidnothavethetimetoexplainwhatwashappening,sohedidnotanswerandcontinuedgiving.AftersometimeNachiketaagainaskedhisfather,“Whyareyougivingawaytheoldandthesickcows?”Againhisfatherdidnotanswer.Nachiketafeltabitannoyedatnotreceivinganyreply.Nowheasked,“Towhomwillyougivemeaway?”Hisfatherwasenraged.Hesaid,“IwillgiveyoutoYamaraj,thegodofdeath.” According to the story,Nachiketawent to the realmofYamaraj, thekingofdeath.Therehe spent threedays andthreenightswaiting,asYamarajhadgoneouttocollectsoulsfrom theworld andwasnot at home.Duringhis absence,Nachiketajuststoodathisdoor.WhenYamarajreturned,hewasinformedthatayoungbrahminboyhadbeenstandingatthegate,wantinganaudiencewithhim.Yamarajwentouttoseewhotheboywas,andfoundNachiketastandingquietlyatthegate. According to the version of this story in the Taittiriya Brahmana, Yamaraj asked him, “How long have you beenhere?” Nachiketa replied, “Three days and three nights.”Yamarajnextasked,“Whathaveyoueatenanddrunkduringthesethreedays?”TothisNachiketagaveabeautifulanswer.Hesaid,“Ididnottakeanygrainsorfoodorwater,butthefirstnight,prajam ta iti–Ipartookofsociety.Thesecondnight,pashu-gvam ta iti –Ipartookofmyself.Andthethirdnight,sadhukrityam ta iti – I partook of ascetic­like action.” Thisindicatesaninterestingprogressionofthought,whichisalsothefoundationofthepanchagnisadhana. Nachiketaisjustayoungboyofnineortenyears.Helivesinthegurukulwithhisfather,whoisarishi,asaint,asage.Theyfollowadailyroutineofdiscipline,sadhana,worshipandinvocation,adisciplineoflife.Nachiketaisnotanaverageboylivingaconventionalsociallife;heisadiscipleofaguru.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 11 Jan–Feb 2017

Heisthesonofamaster,wholearnsfromhisfatheralltheknowledgeandpracticesofspirituallife.Nachiketaknowsthetradition,thesadhanaandthelifestylefollowedintheShaivitetradition. Now,havingtaughtallheknew,Vajashravastoldhisson,“I can leadyouup to a certainpointwithmyknowledge,beyondthatyouneedguidancefromthegods.”Therefore,whenNachiketaspentthreenightsatthedoorofYamaandwas asked the question, “What did you eat?” and replied,“Prajamtaiti”,itwasnotanordinaryanswer.Whatdoestheword prajam mean here? The community, family, parents,friends,associates,allformpartofone’ssociety.Thefirstnight,Nachiketahadthought,‘Whatishappeningtomyfather?IhopeheisnotsadforhavingsentmetothedoorofYama.Ihopepeoplearenotcursinghimforgivingoldandinfirmanimalsincharity.Ihopepeoplepardonhim.Ihopethereisnogrief.’AllNachiketa’sthoughtsonthefirstnightwereinrelationtohispeople.Theywerenotabouthimself,butabouthispeople:parents,friends,associates,membersofthefamily,allthosewhohadcomefortheyajna.Thereforehesaid,“ThefirstnightIpartookofsociety.” Thenhesaid,“ThesecondnightIpartookofmyself.”Onthesecondnighthestartedtothink,‘WasIatfault?DidIsaysomethingwrong?DidIdoanywrongtogivegrief tomyparents?Did Inotask the rightquestions?Didmyactionsbringpainandsufferingtomyparents?Didmyabsencecreatequeries inthemindsofpeople?’Thus,onthesecondnighthisthoughtswereabouthimself,tryingtofigureoutthebestcourseofactionthathecouldhavetaken,tryingtounderstandwhatiscorrectandappropriate.Thatiswhatwasmeantwhenhe said, “The secondnight Iwas consumingmyself, Iwaseatingmyself,Iwasseeingmyself.” ThethreenightsofNachiketarepresentthreestatesofmind:thefirststateofmindwasinrelationtothesocietyandtheworldofsenses,theconnectionsoutthere;thesecondwasinrelationtohimself;thethirdwasinrelationtohigherpursuits

SATYA KA AVAHAN 12 Jan–Feb 2017

inlife.Fromsociety,totheindividual,tohigherpursuits,theseare the three states that he experiencedduring these threenights. Yamasaidtohim,“Iwillgiveyouoneboonforeachnight.Whatwillbeyourfirstboon?”Nachiketasaid,“Letmyfatherbehappy,lethimnotfeelthathehasdoneanythingwrongbysendingmetoyou,lethimbefreeofallcriticismandcommentsfromotherpeople.Thereshouldbepeaceandhappinessinthefamily,insociety,ineverybodywhohascometoparticipateinmyfather’syajna.”Forthefirstboon,histhoughtswereinrelationtosociety. Yamaraj agreed and said, “What do youwant as yoursecond boon?”Nachiketa said, “Iwant to know from youthe way to live the correct life, the way to think and actappropriately.”Yamarajimpartedtohimtherelevantteaching,andsaid,“Whatdoyouwantforyourthirdboon?”Nachiketasaid,“Iwant toknowhowtoattain the imperishable stateofconsciousness,whichgoesbeyonddeathanddecay.”Asa result,Yamaraj taughthim thepanchagni sadhana.ThusanothernameforthefiresofpanchagniisNachiketa agni,thefireofNachiketa.

— 10 May 2016, Pashupata Astra Yajna, Satyam Udyan,

Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 13 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 1317 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 13 24-04-2017 16:30:1824-04-2017 16:30:18

Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 14 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 1717 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 17 24-04-2017 16:30:2324-04-2017 16:30:23

SATYA KA AVAHAN 18 Jan–Feb 2017

The Path of NachiketaSwami Niranjanananda Saraswati

WeweretalkingaboutthestoryofNachiketa.Hespentthreenightsatthegateofthekingdomofdeath,andwhenYamaraj,thelordofdeath,wasinformedthatayoungboywaswaitingatthegatetoenterhiskingdom,hewenttoseeNachiketaandaskedhim,“Howlonghaveyoubeenherewaitingtoenter?”Nachiketa replied, “Threedaysand threenights.”Yamarajsaid,“Youhavebeenwaitinghereforthreedaysandnightswithoutfoodandwater.Howhaveyousurvived?”Nachiketasaid, “I have consumed. I have partaken of certain thingswhich have filledme up.” Yamaraj asked him, “What didyoupartakeofthefirstnight?”Nachiketaanswered,“Prajam

SATYA KA AVAHAN 19 Jan–Feb 2017

ta iti–Ipartookofsociety.Itookbitesfromsociety.”“Onthesecondnight,whatdidyoueat?”Hesaid,“Itookabiteoftheanimal.”“Andonthethirdnight,whatdidyoueat?”Nachiketasaid,“Itookabiteoftheactionsofasadhu.” Thesearecleveranswers.Thefirstanswer,‘Prajamtaiti’,indicatesthatalthoughbeinganindividual,thehumanbeingispartandparcelofthehumansociety.Thedestinythateachonelivesisindividual,yettheideasthatareimposedoneveryindividualareareflectionofsociety.Anythingthatyouliveinyourlifeisagifttoyoubysociety;itisbhoga.WhatwasthesocietyofNachiketathathewasthinkingof?Hissocietyincluded those involved inhis father’swork, thepeople towhomalmsweregiven, thepeoplewhoweregrieving forhim,andsoon.Inhismind,hesawthissocietyallaroundanditsreactions:someexperiencinggriefathisabsence,someangrytoreceiveoldcowsincharity,somedisappointed,someagitated.Hesawallthatasbhoga,somethingthatyoureceiveandconsume.Hewasabletoobserveandwitnesstheentiresocialenvironmentandyetbeseparatefromit. Nachiketa’s second answer was: “Pashu-gvam ta iti – Ipartookoftheanimal.”Theanimalis‘me’,theindividual.Ananimalrecognizessambandh,relationships.Inunderstandingthisanimal,onehastoask,“Whereismysambandh?”Yourconnectionsandrelationshipsarewithyourfather,mother,family, friends, and a few other people in society. Whathas been achieved through your connections? Have youachieved the satisfaction, fulfilment, happiness, enjoymentand wholesomeness that you crave in life through yourconnections?Orhaveyouonlyreceivedexpectations,demandsandcriticism?Ifso,theremustbesomethingwronginyourrelationshipsandconnections.Nachiketawasobservingallthis.Hewasobservingtheanimal,the‘meandmyconnections’. Nachiketa’sthirdanswerwas:“Sadhukrityam ta iti–Iatetheactionsofthesadhu.”Whatisthemainactionorfocusofasadhu?Manypeoplewillsayparopakara,helpingothers.Thatisalimitedunderstanding.Anygoodpersoncanhelpanother

SATYA KA AVAHAN 20 Jan–Feb 2017

person.Youdon’tneedtobeasadhuforthat.Evenadonkeyhelpsbycarryingtheloadofothers.Doinggoodworkisnottheultimateactionofasadhu.Theultimateaswellasthefirstactionofasadhuisrenunciation. When you become a sadhu, then the main idea is torenounce,tyaga.Youbecomeasadhuwiththeideathatyouwillrenounceyourfamily,friends,society,youregoidentity,hatred,jealousy,greed,happiness,andremainfreefromthegripofpainandsuffering.Therefore,forasadhu,themainactionislettinggo.Helpingothersisapersonalchoice,buttheprincipleasadhuhastolivebyislettinggo.Onthethirdnight,thiswastheideaNachiketadwelledupon.Hepartookofsadhukrityam,renouncing,lettinggo. Nachiketagavebeautifulanswersabouthimselfandwhathewasexperiencing.IfyouanalyzethethreestatesofmindthatNachiketawent through, the first day he experiencedtheworldandthechatteroftheworld.Onthesecondday,heexperiencedhimselfandhisconnectiontotheworld.Onthethirdday,hebegantoreleasehisassociationsandattachmentstotheworldandbecamefree.Hearinghisanswers,Yamarajsaid,“Iampleasedwithyou.Iwillgiveyouthreeboons.Ask.” Forthefirstboon,Nachiketasaid,“Lettherebepeaceinsociety.Letnobodyhaveanygrieforfrustrationorirritationoranger.Letpeaceprevail.Sarvesham swastirbhavatu, sarvesham shantirbhavatu, sarvesham poornam bhavatu, sarvesham mangalam bhavatu.”Thegodofdeathsaid,“Granted.Yourfatherishappy;heisnotgrievinganymore.Yourfamilyiscontent;theyarenotmissingyouanymore.Yourfriendsarehappy;theyarenotdisturbinganythinganymore.Yoursocietyiscontent;thereisnocomplaintagainstanybodyanymore.Thereispeaceandharmonyprevailinginyoursociety.” Forthesecondboon,Nachiketasaid,“Teachmehowtodotherightthingattherighttime,thecorrectthinginthecorrectmanner.Tellmewaystoimprovemyself,soIammoreusefulindoinggoodworkandnotabarrier.”TothatalsoYamarajsaid,“Granted.Yourlifewillbefullofgoodness.”

SATYA KA AVAHAN 21 Jan–Feb 2017

Forthethirdboon,NachiketasaidtoYamaraj,“TellmehowIcanovercomedeath.”Yamarajsaid,“Sorry.Notpossible.Inthismaterialworlddeathisinevitableandthereisnowaythatyoucanavoiddeath,nomatterwhoyouare.Inthisworldofdualitynobodycanescapedeath,notevenGod.IfHeweretocomeintothisworld,evenGodwouldhavetodieattheendofHisorHerlife.”Nachiketasaid,“Idon’tagreewithyou.Ithinkthereissomethingmorepermanentandconstantthanthisfleetingawarenessandmomentarylifeinthespanofeternity.”Yamarajsaid,“Yes,thereis.However,thatisnotapatheverybodycantread.”Nachiketasaid,“Iamwillingtotreadthatpath.Iwanttoknowthisvidya,thisknowledge,thissystem,thisway.Whethereverybodyisabletodoitornotdoesnotmatter.ThewayexistsandIwanttolearnit.”Yamarajrelentedandsaid,“Okay,Iwillteachyoutheway.”HethengaveNachiketatheknowledgeofpanchagni,thefivefires,andthereforethesefivefirescametobeknownasNachiketa agni,thefireofNachiketa. Theknowledgeof thefivefires represents thedeathofthe lowernatureof the individual, so thatanewbirthcantakeplace.Thisnewbirthisinjnana,invidya.Thefivefiresrepresent thefivechains thatholdyoudownto thisplane:kama,passion;krodha,anger;moha,infatuation;mada,arrogance;andlobha,greed.Thesearethefivelowertendenciesthatkeepyougroundedtothisdimension.Themomentyoutranscendthem, your mind becomes universal. The mind becominguniversal is the attainment of immortality. It is awakeninginthespiritualdimension,notdeath.Itmaybedeathofthematerialdimension,yettheconsciousnessremainsconstantandthesameinthattranscendentalstate.Thatisthestateofidentifyingwiththepermanenttattwaofexistenceinthedivinetranscendentalrealmandovercomingthe lower tendenciesthatarethecatalystsfordecayanddeath. ThisisthestoryofNachiketaandthebeginningofpanchagni.

—11 May 2016, Pashupata Astra Yajna, Satyam Udyan

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 2317 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 23 24-04-2017 16:30:2324-04-2017 16:30:23

Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 24 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 2417 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 24 24-04-2017 16:30:2324-04-2017 16:30:23

SATYA KA AVAHAN 25 Jan–Feb 2017

The Three KnotsSwami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Oneof the purposes of the panchagni sadhana is to breakthroughthegranthis,psychicknots.Society,individualityandmaya–thesethreecreateknotsinthelifeofeveryindividual.Knotscreatedbysocietyarerelatedtoenjoyment:thecravings,thedesires, theneedforsatisfactionandhappiness.That isBrahma granthi,theknotofbhoga.Thesecondknotisrelatedto the individual’s self­perception, self­image, self­esteem,self­projection and self­assertiveness, which define one’sconnections.ThatisVishnu granthi,whichsustains‘me’andgives‘me’itsidentity.ThethirdisRudra granthi,whichisinrelationtoleavingandattaining–leavingtheold,attainingthenew;leavingthebad,attainingthegood. Nachiketa realized this when he gave his answers toYamaraj.Hesaid,“First,Ipartookofthesociety,”representingthebhoga in life, theBrahmagranthi.One’s interactions in

SATYA KA AVAHAN 26 Jan–Feb 2017

societywithfamily,friends,relatives,nearonesandfarones,theyallrepresentbhoga.Whateveryoneissearchingforwiththeirconnectionsissupport,encouragement,satisfactionandpushfromothers.Itisbhogathateveryoneislookingfor. ThesecondstateofmindNachiketaexperiencedwasself­awareness,theVishnugranthi.Thethirdwasrenunciation,theRudragranthi.Inthisthirdstateofmindhewaslettinggoofallthatcouldbindandholdhimintherealmofmaya,inordertoexperiencetheunlimitedaspectofhimself.ThesethreestatesofmindofNachiketarepresent,accordingtotheyogicsystemofthought,theconceptofthegranthis:Brahmagranthi,VishnugranthiandRudragranthi. Brahmagranthi is the social or theouter input.Vishnugranthiistheindividualoutput.Rudragranthiisthechangeofthesocialandtheindividual,boththeinputandtheoutput,tomoveintoauniversalexperience.Theseareidentifiedasthethreemainconditionsofmindorstatesofconsciousnessofanindividual.Whenyouareinthematerialconsciousness,youareattheBrahmagranthilevel.Youareenjoyingeverything:thesunisnice,thewindisnice,themoonisnice,thestarsarenice,thepeoplearenice,themovieisnice,thefoodisnice,theclothisnice.Thatisbhoga. Whenyoubecomeawareofyourself,‘Thisismyneed,thisiswhatIwanttodo,thisiswhatIhopetodo,thisiswhatIwishtodo’,thatisVishnugranthi.Theonlyreasonyouexpressthesentimentsofanger,frustration,irritation,jealousyandhatredistoassertyouridentity.Youtakethehelpofallthenegativesinlifetoassertyourself,proveyourselfandsatisfyyourself. Ifyoutakethehelpofthepositivesinlife,thenthereisno‘self’awareness;theawarenessbecomesbroaderanduniversal.Itisnotlimitedtooneself;itisnotlimitedtoself­perceptionorself­projection.Thisuniversalawarenessisattainedwhenone risesaboveVishnugranthiandpierces throughRudragranthi.Thedrivetochangethenegative‘me’intoapositive‘me’isRudragranthi,forthenegativealwaysconnectsyoutotheworld,andthepositivefreesyoufromtheworld.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 27 Jan–Feb 2017

Thusthegranthisrepresentthestatesofmindthatarepre­sentinyourlifeallthetime.Thenegativesrestrict,confineandlimit your actions, responses,knowledge and behaviour;whereas the positive alwaysexpands your perception,knowledge,responses,attitudeand behaviour. The world isguidedbythenegativeforceswhile the positive forces areonly inspiration. You feel in­spired,yetyouareguidedbythenegative.Inspirituallife,thenegativehastobedroppedandthepositivehastobeadopted.Thegranthis,thepsychicknotsthatcreateaparticularconditionwithinyou,havetobebroken.Thatiswherethechallengelies. Different traditions have defined differentmethods forbreakingtheknots.Inhathayoga,forexample,tobreakthegranthisyouneedtodospecificpractices,whetherpranayama,bandhaorkumbhaka.Inrajayoga,thegranthisaretranscendedwiththepracticeofyamaandniyama.Injnanayoga,youcanovercomeandtranscendthegranthiswithvivekaandvairagya.Eachyogahasdefined,accordingtoitsnature,asystembywhichyoucantranscend,overcomeandpiercethesegranthis.Nomatterwhichyogayoutakeup,youhavetobesystematic,andthroughsustainedeffortitispossibletobreakthegranthis. Themainthemeofspirituallifeistopiercethroughthegranthis;onlythenwillluminositydawn.Thatiswhyallthetraditions of spirituality ask you towork to overcome thelimited,thedefinedandthetamasicself,andconnectwithyourhighernature.Thatishowyoucanbefreefromthelimitationsthatyoufaceinyourlife.

— 12 May 2016, Pashupata Astra Yajna, Satyam Udyan

SATYA KA AVAHAN 28 Jan–Feb 2017

Granthi Bhedan in Different TraditionsSwami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Granthis represent limitation: limi­ting,blocking,definingorrestrictingsomething.Whenyourestrictthefreeexpressionorfreeflowofsomething,you are blocking its freedom; thatis known as granthi. You create acondition, a limitation, you createboundaries, defining the area inwhichthatqualityorconditioncanmove,function,work,actandexistin.

Thecreatingoftheconditioningisknownasgranthi,notonlyattheindividuallevel,butatthecosmiclevelaswell–affectingtheindividual.Granthiisinfactthecosmicconditioning,thecosmic knot, the cosmic block that is reflected in you. Thegranthisdefinewhereyoulive,express,experienceanddie.Theydefinethenaturethatyouexpressinyourlife. Yogadefinesthreegranthis–Brahmagranthi,VishnugranthiandRudragranthi–andrelatesthemtothechakras.Accordingtokundaliniandkriyayoga,thefirstgranthiisatthelevelofmooladhara chakra, the second granthi is abovemanipurachakra,andthethirdgranthiisatajnachakra.Everybranchofyogaspeaksofgranthisanddefinesaparticularmethodbywhichtheycanbetackledinone’sbodyandpersonality. The threequestions thatYamaraj askedNachiketa, andthethreeanswersthatNachiketagave,indicatetheconditionscreated by the granthis. In the first answer, ‘prajam ta iti’,NachiketasaidthatheobservedthenatureofBrahmagranthi,thesocialandexternalinputsthathereceived.Everythingthatyoureceivefromoutside,thatwhichisexternaltoyou,the

SATYA KA AVAHAN 29 Jan–Feb 2017

sensorial,themundane,thematerial,is‘praja’.Thatiswhathewitnessed. Vishnugranthiindicatesinteractionwithone’sownself:‘my self­image, my self­prestige, my self­perception, myself­expression, my needs, my desires’. This self­orientedawarenessisVishnugranthi. The transformative condition is Rudra granthi, whichchangestheoldtocreatesomethingnew;itisthecatalystforchange.Thischangealwayshappensinonedirection,fromthematerialtothespiritual.Thus,praja,thesocial,isthefirstaspect–Brahmagranthi.Pashu,theself,isthesecondaspect–Vishnugranthi.Sadhuta, thepious, thegood, is the thirdaspect–Rudragranthi,thechangedform. Althoughallyogic scriptures recognize theexistenceofgranthis,eachsystemorbranchofyogahasdevisedaparticularmethodtotranscendtheselimitingconditionsthatbindone’snature to theworld of the senses and sense objects. Everyspiritualaspirant,nomatterwhichpathheorshefollows,hastobreakthroughthegranthis.Nomatterhowadvancedyouthinkyouare,whetheryouhavebeenmeditatingforyears,whetheryouhavegonethroughthesequenceofpratyahara,dharanaanddhyana,finallyyouhavetoworkonthegranthis,as they represent the shift of consciousness from thegrosstosubtletotranscendental.Allpractitionersofyogahavetorememberthatthebasicconditioninghastochange,withoutwhich,eventwentyorthirtyyearsofmeditationwillnotgivethefinalresult.Thesebasicconditioningsaretheattractionsandthepulls,theexpressionofsamskarasinyourbehaviour,yourdesires,needsandaspirationsinlife. Inhathayoga,pranayama,bandhaandkumbhakaareusedtoopenthegranthis:pranayamaforBrahmagranthi,bandhasforVishnugranthi,andkumbhakaforRudragranthi. Inrajayoga,yamasareusedforBrahmagranthi,astheyleadyoutorestraintinyourinteractionwiththeoutsideworld.NiyamasareusedforVishnugranthi,astheytakeyoutothestateofdisciplinewhereyouareabletocontainandcontrol

SATYA KA AVAHAN 30 Jan–Feb 2017

yourself,thepashu.PratyaharaisusedforRudragranthi,asthegradualwithdrawalfromtheouterintotheinnerleadstotyaga,renunciation,leavingbehind. JnanayogasaysthatBrahmagranthi istackledthroughviveka, discrimination, inwhat youdo andhowyoudo it.Therehastobevivekainhowyouthink,actandlive,inhowyoueat,walkandtalk.Inrelationtooneself,therehastobevairagya; one has to learn how to detach from oneself. Inrelationtosadhukritya,therehastobejnana.Theawareness,theknowledge,theunderstanding,thewisdomhastobethere. TantrausesvisualizationofthesymboloftheShivalingaandthecorrespondingmantras.Youvisualizethedhumra lingaminBrahmagranthi:thecloudyandhazylingam,indicatingtheconditionwhereyouarecaughtupinmanythingsandim­mersedinajnana,ignorance.Youvisualizethebana lingaminVishnugranthi:theredorgoldlingam,indicatingthedesireforself­fulfilmentaswellasasubtleformofself­awareness.Youvisualizethe itarkhya lingam inRudragranthi:theblacklingamwithaclearoutline,indicatingthestatewherethereisone­pointednessandclarity.Thenfinallyyouvisualizethejyotir-lingam,theluminouslingam,insahasrara,indicatingthestateachievedthroughthepiercingofthegranthis.Inthisway,tantraaimstopurifyandpiercethethreegranthisbyusingsymbolsandmantras,andtoexperiencethestateattainedthereafter. TheBhagavadGitaalsoindicatesthewaytotranscendthegranthis.Itsaysthatthetendencytoaccumulate,whichrelatestotheBrahmagranthi,hastobetranscendedthroughcharity,bylearninghowtogive.Bydevelopingthestateofmindwhereyoudonotwishtotakeoraccumulate,insteadyouletgoandgive,youcanovercometheeffectsoftheBrahmagranthi.Forthesecondblock,Vishnugranthi,thestatementintheGitaistopractisetapas,sothatyourecognizeyourself,yourlimitationsandnegativeconditions,andmakeaconsciousefforttochangethemintoapositivecondition.Forthethird,Rudragranthi,SriKrishnarecommendsyajna,asyajnaconnectsyouwitheverythingaroundyou.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 31 Jan–Feb 2017

In this manner, many masters, scriptures, paths andtraditions have each provided a particular approach toovercometheblocksandachievegranthi bhedan,thepiercingofthegranthis.Throughallthesedifferentmethods,itispossibletoovercometheeffectsofthegranthisonyourmindatpresent. Althoughthereisnotmuchdescriptionofthegranthisinthetextsandyoumaynotbeabletohavedirectperceptionof thegranthis,what is relevant is that a spiritual aspirantadvancingonthepathhastoeventuallyfacethechallengesthatarisefromwithin.Afterall,youcannotexpecttoattainpeace, inner fulfilmentandcontentmentonlybypractisingasanafortwentyyears.Youcannotexpecttoattainpeaceandtranquillitybypractisingpranayama,tenroundseveryday,fortenyears.Thepracticeshavetheirpurpose,andoncetheyfulfil theirpurposeyouhave tomoveon to thenextstage.No one has attainedmoksha, jnana or realization throughthepracticeof asana andpranayamaalone.Everypositivechangetookplacewhentheasanaandpranayamafulfilledtheirpurposeandyoustartedtoworkwithyourself,withyournature,mind,emotionsandconsciousness.Thatispratyahara,thatisdharana,andthatisdhyana. It is when you face the conditionings that block yourgrowth,andworktoremovethoseblocks,thatyouadvanceinspirituallife.Theadherentsofhathayogahavefollowedonepathtoachievethis,asitwaspartofthehathayogateachings.Similarly,theadherentsofrajayoga,jnanayoga,otheryogasor tantrahaveeach followed theirownmethod.Therefore,dependingonyourpath,youhaveto followtheprinciplesandpreceptsthatgiveyouthemeanstoovercomeacondition,ablock,astateofmindthatbindsyou,thatholdsyoutothisdimension. From the Shaivite perspective, the panchagnisadhanaisapotentmethodtoovercometheseblocks,andthePashupataAstraYajnacomplementsit.

— 12 May 2016, Pashupata Astra Yajna, Satyam Udyan

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 3217 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 32 24-04-2017 16:30:2524-04-2017 16:30:25

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SATYA KA AVAHAN 36 Jan–Feb 2017

Pashupata VidyaSwami Niranjanananda Saraswati

The Pashupata Astra Yajna is an ancient invocation. TheanusthanawaslastconductedbyArjunaduringthetimeofSriKrishna.AftertheMahabharatawar,theknowledgerecededinto the background, and for all these centuries people insocietydidnotfeeltheneedtoreviveit. Whenourguru,SriSwamiSatyananda,gaveinstructionstocommencethepanchagnisadhana,toexploreandexperience

SATYA KA AVAHAN 37 Jan–Feb 2017

therealessenceofsannyasaandspirituallife,healsoinstructedustorevivethetraditionsnowbecominglosttohumanity.Thepurposeistorememberwhatwasgiventousbyourforefathersforourpeaceandwellbeing.ThusthePashupataAstraYajnawasresurrectedfromtheancientsystems. It has become a natural conclusion for the panchagnisadhanaastheybothbelongtoaspecificspiritualtraditioncalledthePashupatasampradaya.Thisistheoldestspiritualtraditionintheworld.Earlierthantheadventofanyrishi,muniorseer,itwaspropoundedbyLordShivahimself,whenhegaveinstructionsonyogaandspirituallife.TheseinstructionsareencapsulatedinthePashupatavidya. The concept of ‘pashupata’ concerns mastering theanimalistictendencieswithinoneself.Pashumeansanimalandpatiorpatmeanstomaster:tobecomethemasteroftheanimalsanddemonsthatcontrolyourlife.Bytryingtomasterthem,youbecomepurer,moreluminousandsattwic,asopposedtobecomingmoreinvolvedintheworldofsensesandsenseobjectsandlosingawarenessofthespiritualdimension,whichiswhathappenswhenyoudonotcontrolthem. The Pashupata vidya has five components. One, thePashupata sampradaya:thecommunitythatfollowstheprecepts,thoughts, principles and ideas of the Pashupata tradition,where a lifestyle is lived according to the precepts of thePashupatasystem. The second is Pashupata darshana: the philosophy andunderstanding of the Pashupata vidya. It includes theaspirationofthetraditionandthepathtoattainthataspiration;themethods,thepractices,thepitfalls,theachievements,thesuccessesandfailures. Toknowthesuccessesalongwiththefailuresisimportant.Everybodytalksaboutthegoodthatcanhappentoapersoninlife,butfewpeopletalkaboutwhatonehastowatchoutforinordertoattainsuccess.Youaretoldwhattodotoattainsuccess,butwhatdoyouwatchoutfor?Nobodytellsthat.Swami Sivananda did tell.He said, “Be observant of your

SATYA KA AVAHAN 38 Jan–Feb 2017

mentalstates,yourthoughts,criticisms,doubts,allthatyougothrough.”Yet,itisarareaspirantwhocomestothispoint. Thus, in the philosophy, the darshana, not only are thesuccessesandachievementsenumerated,butalsothepitfallsandtheimpedimentsthatdonotallowyoutoprogress.Theyhavetobeovercomeaswell.Merelylearningnewthings,asisthetendency,isnotenough.Everyoneasks,“WhatisthenewthingIcanlearntoday?WhatisthenewthingthatIcanlearntomorrow?”No.Insteadoflearningnewthings,applyyourlearningtotheoldpitfallsyoualreadyknowaboutandbecomebetteratcrossingthem.Insteadoflearningnewthings,lookoutfortheblocksthathaveheldyoubacksofarandnotallowedyoutoprogress,andmanagethem.Thisiscoveredinthedarshana. The third component is Pashupata yoga, the means toattainthegoalssetbythedarshana.ThePashupata yogaistheoriginalyoga,andiscomprisedoffiveyogas:sparshayoga,bhavayoga,abhavayoga,mantrayoga,andmahayoga.Inthecourseoftime,fromthesefiveyogasemergedhathayoga,rajayoga,kriyayoga,kundaliniyoga,mantrayoga,nadayoga,layayoga.EveryyogathatweknowtodayisanevoluteoftheoriginalfiveyogasofPashupata.ThatindicatesthevastscopeofPashupatayoga. ThefourthcomponentofPashupatavidyaispanchagni,thesadhanaofthefivefires,intendedforpeoplewhoareabletorenouncetheattachmentsandattractionsoftheworld. The fifth component is Pashupata astra, the weapon ofPashupatiorLordShiva.Astheculminationofpanchagni,thefinalinvocationofLordShivaisdonethroughthePashupataAstra Yajna, which invokes Shiva’s power. This is theanusthanayouareallwitnessing,anditisbeingperformedonearthafteragapofabout5,500years.ThemantrasthatwereheardduringSriKrishna’sagearebeingheardagainonthisplanettoday,inthecityofMunger,nowforthethirdyear.

— 14 May 2016, Pashupata Astra Yajna, Satyam Udyan

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 3917 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 39 24-04-2017 16:30:2724-04-2017 16:30:27

Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 40 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 4017 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 40 24-04-2017 16:30:3024-04-2017 16:30:30

SATYA KA AVAHAN 41 Jan–Feb 2017

The Tradition ContinuesSwami Niranjanananda Saraswati


SATYA KA AVAHAN 42 Jan–Feb 2017

Water and fireDuringthispanchagni,Iunderstoodthecomplementaryactionsoffireandwater.Althoughthefocusisonfire,itisthewateryouhavetomaintain,asintheabsenceofwater,fireisgoingtoburnyoucompletely.Interestingly,intheApah Sukta,theversesonwaterintheVedas,itspeaksofpanchagni.Itsays,“Throughyou,maythefireinthebodybebalanced.”Thereisawholedescriptionofhowwaterbalancesthefire.Thisledtoanotherthought.Ifalogisburning,howmuchwaterwouldberequiredtodousethefire?Oneglass?Notenough.Onehandful?Notenough.Potentcauseandpotentaction,bothhavetobeequal.Ifyouputafewdropsofwateronalog,itwillonlycreatemoresmokeandsparks.Thereforetheamountofwaterrequiredhastobeknown.Youcanhaveeitherresult:positiveornegative;thefiremaybedoused,orthesmokeandsparkscanincrease. Youexperiencethisinyourlifealso,inadifferentmanner.Forexample,youareangry,thefireisburninginside.Howdoyoucalmyourself?Ifsomebodytellsyou,“Becomequiet”,itislikethrowingafewdropsofwateronthefire;itsizzlesmore.Yourespondwith,“Whatdoyoumean,becomequiet?”Inordertodousetheangeryouneedtodoubletheamountofwater,toensurethattheangeriscompletelydoused.Thatistheprincipleinpanchagni,too. Whenthebodyhastoendureheat,itiswaterthatassistsitbycoveringthebodyinafilmofsweat,whichkeepsthebodycool.Similarly,whenyouarenotabletoarticulate,youdrinksomewaterandarticulationbecomeseasier.Therefore,whenthereisaproperamountofwaterinthebody,whenthereisnodehydration,thenanythingcomingfromoutsideismanageable.Whenthereiswaterintheair,itiseasiertobreathe.Youcannotbreatheindryair;yourthroatwilljustburn.Whenthereisheatintheatmosphere,rainbalancesitout. Peopledonotrealizetheimportanceofwaterasanelement.They thinkwater is only needed to quench thirst. In fact,nowadaysmanypeopledon’tevendrinkwater; theydon’tevenknowthetasteofwater,especiallychildreninbigcities

SATYA KA AVAHAN 43 Jan–Feb 2017

whoonlyknowthetasteoffizzydrinks.Insuchpeople,theinternalsystemisabsolutelydestroyed. Ioncesawapictureoftheinternalbodyofapersonwhousedtodrinkalotofcolddrinks.ThiswasapicturetakenbytheQuantummachine,andtheparametersthatthemachinegavewereallonthenegativeside:badhealth,baddigestion,badsmellinthebody,badperspiration,badwind,everythingbad.Therewasno cleanwater in thebody forprakshalana,cleaning.Thisperson,whowassufferingfromtwentydifferenttypes of illnesses,was advised, “Drink onlywater for onemonth.”Hefollowedthatadviceandbecamehealthy. Waterrepresentslife.Itsupportslife,itnourisheslife,andthat issomethingpeopledon’trealize;other things tendtobecomemoreimportant.Eveninmymindduringpanchagni,previouslyitwasfirethatwasimportant,yetthistimeIrealizedthatwaterismoreimportantthanfire.Differentrevelationsdocomewhenyouareexposedtoasituation.

Our spiritual inheritance

PeopleinIndiasaythatourancestorsweresagesandrishis.Thesaptarishisweresevensageswhobroughtknowledgetotheworld.Theirjobwastoestablishknowledge.Wearetheoffspringofthoserishis.Evensciencehasnowdiscoveredthattheentirehumanitydescendedfromsevenmalesandsevenfemales. That has been established scientifically, indicatingthatwearedescendantsofpeoplelikeus. These rishis were not only concerned with their ownmukti,moksha or emancipation, they were also concernedabout the welfare of the society in which they lived. Thesocietywasdependentonthemforknowledge,forlearningtheskillstosurvive.Thesevenrishiswerethefirstteachersofhumanity.Theywere spiritualbynatureandwhat theydidalwayshadfar­reachingconsequencesonhumansocietyandthecivilizationofwhichtheywereapart.Throughtheircontribution, the society gradually developed and evolvedfromtribaltoruraltourban.

SATYA KA AVAHAN 44 Jan–Feb 2017

Todayifyouthink,‘WhathaveI inherited frommy forefathers?WhatarethesamskarasthatIhaveinheritedfrommyforefathers,therishis?’whatwillbeyouranswer?Canyounameatleastonethingtheyhavegiventoyouandthatyouarelivingrightnow?ThiswasthequestionIaskedmyself:‘Whatis the actual gift or contributiontheyhavegiventous?’ I found that there are manythingstheyhavegiventous.Evenso,Ihavetostartwithsomething,

so I chose invocation of the three astras: Pashupatastra,NarayanastraandBrahmastra.TheyindicatethethreepowersofShiva,VishnuandBrahma,invokedandawakenedthroughdifferenttypesofyajnas.Attheconclusionofpanchagni,thepowerofShivaisinvokedthroughPashupataAstraYajna. ThepowerofVishnu is invoked throughNarayanastraYajna held during the Lakshmi­Narayana Mahayajna. Inthis anusthana, themantras are whispered and are not tobeheardbyanybodyother than thosewhoarepartof therituals.Sowhileyouaresittingthere,youhearthekirtans,bhajans,satsangsandwatchthehavan,butyoudon’thearthemantrasastheyarebeingwhispered.Thatisthemethod.Thepubliccannothearthem;theyareonlytofeeltheeffectsofthemantra.Similarly,wewillalsobeperformingBrahmastraYajna,invocationoftheshaktiofBrahma. Allthisisaprocessofsadhanaandresearch.Besidestheseyajnas,otheraspectsthatweregiventosocietybytherishiswillalsobelookedinto.BeforeIleavethisplanet,Iwouldliketoleavebehindtherevivedtraditionsoftherishis,andthatwillbeoneofthetasksofSannyasaPeeth.

—15 May 2015, Satsang after panchagni conclusion, Satyam Udyan

Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 45 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 4517 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 45 24-04-2017 16:30:3024-04-2017 16:30:30

Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 46 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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17 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 4617 Jan-Feb Avahan-H.indd 46 24-04-2017 16:30:3024-04-2017 16:30:30

SATYA KA AVAHAN 47 Jan–Feb 2017

Seek Govinda

Shatrau mitre putre bandhau maa kuru yatnam vigraha- sandhau,Bhava samachittah sarvatra tvam vaanchhasi achiraad yadi vishnutvam.Bhaja Govindam, bhaja Govindam, bhaja Govindam moodhamate.

Donotwasteyoureffortstowintheloveofortofightagainst friend or foe, son or relative. If youwant toattaintheVishnu­statussoon,beequal­mindedunderall circumstances. SeekGovinda, seekGovinda, seekGovindaohcarelessmindedfool!

—Mohamudgara by Sri Adi Shankaracharya (v. 24)


Ô㦾㠇ãŠã ‚ããÌããÖ¶ã 48 •ã¶ãÌãÀãè-¹ãŠÀÌãÀãè 2017

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Ishavasya UpanishadƒÃÍããÌããÔ¾ããñ¹ããä¶ãÓãªá

The Ishavasya Upanishad is a small text of eighteen verses that comprises the last chapter of the Yajur Veda. Considered to be the seed of the entire Indian philosophy, it is one of the most profound literary works to date.

Swami Satyananda’s masterful commentary ex-plains the vedantic concepts in the context of deep yogic insights and personal sadhana. As a result, a diff erent light is thrown on the mantras, reaching a depth of understanding not con ven tion ally found. The volume also includes Swami Sivananda’s teachings on Ishavasya Upanishad.

Swami Niranjanananda’s commentary makes the depth of the upanishad’s wisdom accessible to all. It is not only a guide; it also indicates how the teachings of the Upanishad are relevant to the spiritual aspirant of the twenty-fi rst century. Life, action, knowledge and the process of meditation are explained in a light that inspire the reader to connect and explore.

Yoga Publications Trust

For more information on the above events, contact:

Sannyasa Peeth, Paduka Darshan, PO Ganga Darshan, Fort, Munger, Bihar 811201, India

Tel: +91-06344-222430, 06344-228603, Fax: +91-06344-220169

Website: www.biharyoga.net

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Sannyasa Peeth Events & Training 2017

Jul 19 2016–Jul 9 Sannyasa Experience (for nationals)

Jan1 Akhanda Path of 108 Hanuman Chalisa Jan 28–Feb 5 Adhyatma Samskara Sadhana (for nationals)

Jun 24–Jul 2 Adhyatma Samskara Sadhana (for nationals)

Jul 5–8 Guru Poornima Satsang program (Hindi/English) Jul 9 Guru Paduka Poojan (Hindi/English) Jul 9–Jul 9 2018 Sannyasa Experience (for nationals)

Jul 10–Sep 6 Chaturmas Anusthana (for nationals) Jul 11–Aug 10 Vanaprastha Sadhana Satra I

Aug 15–Sep 13 Vanaprastha Sadhana Satra II

Sep 8–12 Sri Lakshmi-Narayana Mahayajna (Hindi/English)

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