avreporter v3.0 r2 energy management software release notes

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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It is included new features and requirements of AVReporter v3.0 R2 Energy Management & Monitoring Software. Introducion: KONsys’s developer team has been very eager to serve the company’s mission in becoming the provider of the most up-to-date energy management software. Since the launch of AVReporter v3.0 in April 2013 our team has received many complements and new information from System Integrator Partners and End-Users, primarily serving production plants and building complexes. As a result of the continuous communication and recent R&D projects we are launching the new updated version, containing these valuable feedback. The new version will be officially introduced at the prestigious Hannover Messe, Germany- the biggest industrial trade fair (7-11 of April 2014).... More Information: http://www.konsys-international.com/news/414/Releasing-the-AVReporterv3.0-R2 Some of new features: The software installation procedure is a lot more automated as the Internet Information Service requirements are automatically checked and installed before the setup of AVRWebpublisher (Windows 8 or newer, Windows Server 2012 or newer). - Performance optimizations for Internet Explorer 11 - The navigation and the opening of the reports is up to 10-20% faster in Webpublisher. - WebPublisher is able to send e-mails via SMTP using SSL encryption - Zooming and panning functions are handled more fluidly on tablets - It is possible to filter alarm levels within user groups (alarm gadget) - The web Alarm Browser is able to save more customized filters for the alarm lists - Split-screens now support embedding alarm-browser queries - Refreshing the real-time screens’ frequency settings are easier to tune - Several new features were implemented into Dynamic Dashboard, supporting system integrators to work much smoother and faster - Select, move and copy the static and historical objects: it speeds up complex screen creation tasks significantly - Loading time has been improved dramatically: screens containing many objects will open much faster - Option to clone Template Devices, allowing creating similar drivers very quickly. - New „PF Quad” data types added to support some of the new Schneider Electric PM measurement devices - The Realtime Device Manager now supports Modbus RTU communication on TCP/IP (for Janitza Power meters) - Multiple-write-mode is supported for Modbus Holding registers - Improved communication reliability and performance for the real-time devices - The software now allows copy-pasting alarms between quantities or devices - 20-50% faster report queries for large systems, as the general database performance has been improved


What's New in AVReporter v3.0 R2

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v3.0 R2 Release notes



What's New in AVReporter v3.0 R2

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Software requirements

Operating system:

Windows XP SP3 (only for web or desktop client PC - limited support)

Windows Vista (only for web or desktop client PC)

Windows 7

Windows 8 or 8.1

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2012

The AVReporter application can run in a 32 bit and in 64 bit software environment too.

Supported Internet browsers:

Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 or 11

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x, 4+

Google Chrome 5+

Safari 5.x

Opera 12.x

Other components:

Microsoft® .NET framework 3.5

Microsoft Silverlight 5.0 or 5.1

Supported virtual environments:



What's New in AVReporter v3.0 R2

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New features

AVReporter Installer:

The software installation procedure is a lot more automated as the Internet Information Service

requirements are automatically checked and installed before the setup of AVRWebpublisher

(Windows 8 or newer, Windows Server 2012 or newer).


Performance optimizations for Internet Explorer 11

The navigation and the opening of the reports is up to 10-20% faster in Webpublisher.

WebPublisher is able to send e-mails via SMTP using SSL encryption

Zooming and panning functions are handled more fluidly on tablets

It is possible to filter alarm levels within user groups (alarm gadget)

The web Alarm Browser is able to save more customized filters for the alarm lists

When changing user settings, it is not necessary to relog into Webpublisher in order to

apply these settings

Split-screens now support embedding alarm-browser queries

Refreshing the real-time screens’ frequency settings are easier to tune

Dynamic Dashboard:

Several new features were implemented into Dynamic Dashboard, supporting system

integrators to work much smoother and faster

Select, move and copy the static and historical objects: it speeds up complex screen creation

tasks significantly

Loading time has been improved dramatically: screens containing many objects will open

much faster

Loading device lists for large scale systems became quicker

A confirming green colour feedback will appear, when a dashboard was successfully saved.

Realtime Device Manager:

Option to clone Template Devices, allowing creating similar drivers very quickly.

New „PF Quad” data types added to support some of the new Schneider Electric PM

measurement devices

The Realtime Device Manager now supports Modbus RTU communication on TCP/IP (for

Janitza Power meters)

Multiple-write-mode is supported for Modbus Holding registers

Improved communication reliability and performance for the real-time devices

The software now allows copy-pasting alarms between quantities or devices

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OPC Configurator:

The ability to reach the OPC service through it’s CLSID when AVReporter and the OPC

Server are located on different PC and different operating system

AVReporter Database:

20-50% faster report queries for large systems, as the general database performance has

been improved


Desktop Manager:

The scheduler crashed while sending out a report in e-mail for various operating systems.

For specific Windows localizations, the Desktop Manager reports were not showing up in

the recently edited report list, when the operating system localizations got changed.

AVReporter Advisor:

When launching the Component Store from AVReporter Advisor and downloading a driver,

an error message appeared immediately, as it was trying to install the driver instead of

downloading only.

Realtime Device Manager:

The software froze, when a „%” character was typed into the filter-box of the editing


When downloading specific drivers from the Component Store, sometimes not all quantities

got installed.

The „Bit” field in the Template Devices was not accessible when pasting the DataType into

„Digital Function” from the clipboard.

In Screen View editor when clicking the „Refresh” button without having a dashboard open,

the software threw an exception.

Basic Reporter module:

When launching a Multi-Y chart from Desktop Manager, Basic Reporter asked for

confirmation to exit

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Energy Manager Summary module:

The custom interval did not load properly when opening the report on saving a report with

a custom interval while the “pre-definied interval” box contained different selection from

“Current day”.

Business Intelligence module:

In case of Windows 8 operating system the Active Report function did not work.

None consecutive handling of the „null” value in the Business Intelligence Module.

OPC Configurator:

There was an exception when a non-administrator user tried to delete a configuration

The default logging names of the OPC tags were not generated properly

AVReporter Services:

AVReporter OPC and Realtime services sometimes failed to load after reboot, if SQL services

opened with large delay.


The IsFirst and PreviousValue variable properties were not used appropriately on web and

desktop Business Intelligence calculations when “Active Report” was toggled.

Dynamic Dashboard:

When webserver was not reachable for the AVReporter clients, the dashboard failed to

update the real-time values. This occurs when the connection re-established after more

than 30 seconds.

Configuration Backup and Restore:

The software did not attempt to restore the .exe.config files of the reporting modules.

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