awareness through movement® exercises - feldenkrais...

Post on 31-Mar-2018






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134 West 26th Street , Second Floor New York, New York 10001

© 2015 Kaethe Zemach-Bersin, Feldenkrais Institute of New York


Improving the quality of each individual life

The powerful do-it-yourself aspect of the Feldenkrais Method®

Feldenkrais Class ScheduleAwareness Through Movement®







12:30 pm Open Class with Marek Wyszynski 1:45 pm Basics Class with Nancy Gayle Judson 6:30 pm Open Class with Belinda He

12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield 3:00 pm Community Class with Belinda He 5:30 pm Basics Class with Mark Hirschfield

12:30 pm Open Class with Kasia Wyszynski 5:30 pm Open Class Substitute Teacher in March

12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield 5:30 pm Open Class with Suzanne Ausnit

12:30 pm Open Class with Nancy Gayle Judson

12:30 pm Open Class with Thais Silva 1:45 pm Basics Class with Belinda He 5:30 pm Open Class Substitute Teacher in March


Drop-ins: $25 • 6 Classes: $125 • 12 Classes: $250 • Members: All classes are freeBasics Class: Ideal for newcomers Open Class: All are welcome

Newcomers: Your second class is freePre-registration is recommended but not required. Mats are provided.

Workshops, Classes & NewsMarch 3

March 4

March 7

March 17

March 31

Pelvic Health and Awareness with Kasia Wyszynski and Thais Silva

Comfortable Feet with Mark Hirschfield

Double-Header Day with David Zemach-BersinMORNING Feldenkrais Back CareAFTERNOON Dynamic Sitting

Maintaining a Pain-Free and Healthy Neck with Marek Wyszynski

Feldenkrais Tricks & Tools to improve your Yoga with Suzanne Ausnit


Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65

A Workshop for Women Only!

Change in the air!Moshe Feldenkrais was four decades ahead of his time when he made revolutionary discoveries about the flexible nature of the brain and developed his sophisticated method for engaging the brain to bring about improvements in the body. Now, science is catching up and people are becoming interested in the Feldenkrais’ Method®.

It makes sense! So many articles have been published about the brain’s special quality of “plasticity” which makes it possible for us to learn, change and develop new neurological pathways throughout our entire lives. Now that “neuroplasticity” has been proven and accepted, it makes sense that people would want to know: Are there ways to access this nifty, built-in resource? Can I stimulate my brain to improve my own physical comfort, organization, and function? If you already use the Feldenkrais Method, you know that the answer to this question is, “Yes!”

This is an exciting time for Feldenkrais fans! We have become accustomed to having our work viewed as new and mysterious; used by a relatively small, elite group of people. But this is changing. The world may be ready for the Feldenkrais Method!

Norman Doidge MD, the bestselling author of The Brain That Changes Itself, writes about Moshe Feldenkrais and the Feldenkrais Method in his new book, The Brain’s Way of Healing. Dr. Doidge presents the Feldenkrais Method as a valuable resource, and tells remarkable stories of people who have benefitted from it.

Stop by the front desk to purchase a first edition copy of Norman Doidge’s new book for $24.95.

Many women barely notice their lower abdominal and pelvic-floor muscles, let alone understand the important role they play in their body’s support system. Lack of awareness makes us more vulnerable to back, hip, and pelvic pain, incontinence, and balance and breathing problems. Feldenkrais exercises are a great way to change this. As soon as you begin to develop a better awareness of your pelvic and abdominal muscles, they will begin to work better for you!

We are delighted to present two wonderful teachers, Kasia Wyszynski and Thais Silva with a Feldenkrais workshop especially for improving pelvic health and comfort. They will share the powerful approach to pelvic health developed by Deborah Bowes, (PT and Feldenkrais Trainer, currently on the staff of Stanford University Hospital). Learn to use your pelvic-floor muscles in coordination with your whole body for confidence and power in all your everyday movements.

Tuesday, March 3 • 6:30-9:30 pm

A Workshop for Women Only!

Pelvic Health and Awareness

with Kasia Wyszynski & Thais Silva

Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65

Long ago, our ancestors encountered an unpaved world without shoes. Because the surfaces they traveled on were varied and changing, their feet and ankles were more flexible and dexterous than ours today. Now, almost all of our activities take place on flat, hard surfaces. And, we wear shoes that provide an additional barrier between our feet and the ground below. As a result, our feet and ankles have lost much of their natural flexibility and many people experience weak ankles and painful foot problems.

This workshop with Mark Hirschfield will present important Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® exercises to help you regain comfort and flexibility in your feet ankles and improve your body’s ability to respond to the surface you walk on, whether it’s a sidewalk or a mountain trail.

Wednesday, March 4 • 6:30-9:30 pm

Flexibility and support from the ground up

Comfortable Feetwith Mark HirschfieldThere are many reasons to use the Feldenkrais Method. Our clients tell us that they

would like to be able to run a marathon more efficiently, play with children more comfortably, dance at a friend’s wedding, recover after surgery, change postural habits, reduce anxiety, return to performing on the stage, and more. In general, the people who come to the Feldenkrais Institute are looking for one (or more) of the following:

Pain-relief and healingRelaxation and stress-reductionPerformance and self-developmentComfort and mobility while aging

In our 2015 Calendar, you will find workshops in each of these categories. But please remember: because we are “whole” interconnected beings, almost any Feldenkrais class, treatment, or workshop can bring about worthwhile improvements in your comfort, movement and self-use.

When you use the Feldenkrais Method, expect to be surprised!

Most people assume that if their shoulder hurts, they have a problem in their shoulder. But Feldenkrais Practitioners know that the pain in a person’s shoulder may be related to—or even caused by—the way they sit, stand, or use their eyes, etc. Improving your body’s underlying organization can lead to many changes; each one making the next one possible.

If you want to maximize the value of “neuroplastic” changes after using the Feldenkrais Method, pay attention to your experience. Notice everything. Look out for changes in the way you move, think, know yourself, and interact with others. Your awareness will potentiate the Feldenkrais Method and boost your improvement.


Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65

2Your spine has two important, structural curves which absorb shock, carry weight, and provide energy and power. If those two curves are diminished, your entire skeletal support system is compromised and you are more susceptible to muscular pain, tension, herniated discs, and unnecessary wear and tear throughout your body. Feldenkrais is a terrific way to improve the organization and thus the comfort of your back. Please join David Zemach-Bersin to learn gentle Feldenkrais exercises that can help you now…and in the future.

You have a beautiful pair of ischial tuberosities (sit-bones) designed to support your body when you sit. But, do you use them? If everyone took advantage of their body’s built-in support systems, there would be many fewer complaints of back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain!

The truth is, sitting can be surprisingly stressful for our body, and result in muscle and joint pain. Poor sitting can also contribute to progressive damage to the discs of our neck and back, and cause muscular tension throughout our body. Join David Zemach-Bersin for a morning workshop to activate your body’s built-in support system and learn Feldenkrais strategies for sitting safely and comfortably.

with Feldenkrais Trainer and Institute Co-founder, David Zemach-Bersin


Saturday, March 7 10:30 am-1:30 pm

Saturday, March 7 2:30-5:30 pm

Dynamic SittingHow to avoid strain and postural problems

David Zemach-BersinIt’s a treat to experience the Feldenkrais Method with a teacher as experienced as David Zemach-Bersin! David studied directly with Moshe Feldenkrais, and is one of the country’s first Feldenkrais Teachers. A leader in the development of the Feldenkrais Method for over three decades, David is a Co-founder of the Feldenkrais Institute.

“ The atmosphere of ease and enjoyment in learning was uplifting, clear and informative.” – Donna Blank, Feldenkrais Trainer

Our first Double-Header Day!


Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65

Feldenkrais Back CareStrategies for pain-relief and self-protection

Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65

If your neck is stiff, tense and painful, you may be restricted in all your daily activities, from getting dressed, to working comfortably, or participating in sports. People with chronic neck pain frequently experience related problems in their ribs, back, hands, head and jaw, as well. Feldenkrais can help. By improving your musculoskeletal organization and improving the way you carry your head, Feldenkrais brings freedom and flexibility to your neck and shoulders.

Join Feldenkrais Institute Co-founder Marek Wyszynski for a very helpful workshop to put you on the path to a pain-free neck. Marek is an experienced physical therapist and Feldenkrais teacher. He will share a selection of Awareness Through Movement exercises that you can use to protect and improve the comfort of your neck, any time you like.

Tuesday, March 17 • 6:30-9:30 pmTuesday, March 31 • 6:30-9:30 pm

Maintaining a Pain-Free


Neck with Marek Wyszynski

We all develop unconscious habits of posture and movement. Some of our habits serve us well but others hold us back, reducing our flexibility, threatening our stability, and creating unnecessary muscular tension. How can we identify and change those patterns so that we can enjoy the full potential of our yoga practice?

Feldenkrais creates a context in which you become your own best teacher. With exquisitely gentle, yet neurologically powerful movements, Feldenkrais clarifies and fine-tunes your awareness, and gives you access to new options. As your habits become flexible, challenging yoga poses can become easy and even “impossible” ones can often become possible.

This workshop offers Feldenkrais exercises specifically relevant to yoga poses including: bridge, sphinx, down dog, seated twist, warrior and tree. Join Yoga and Feldenkrais teacher, Suzanne Ausnit, to use movement, sensation and imagination to bring about immediate improvements in your yoga.

Feldenkrais Tips and Tricks to Improve your Yoga

with Suzanne Ausnit


Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65

Lengthen and strengthen with ease and awareness

April 1 The Feldenkrais Institute celebrates 10 years!

Birthday CelebrationApril 3 with Barbara Forbes

Embodied Freedom in Art & Dance Sponsored by the Feldenkrais Foundation

April 8 with Mark Hirschfield

Improving Your Vision April 17 with Joshua Wolk

Walking With Ease April 25 with David Zemach-Bersin

Feldenkrais to Reduce Stress and AnxietyApril 28 with Marek Wyszynski

Pain-Free Knees and Ankles April 30 with Nancy Judson

Commuting Made Easy

Workshops Coming in April


Functional Integration sessions?The “treatment” aspect of the Feldenkrais Method has many benefits. Each session provides a therapeutic context in which your brain has an opportunity to help your body. Gentle, safe and empowering, Functional Integration sessions are created specifically to address your individual needs. Each session interacts with your neuroplasticity to improve your body’s organization. Simply relax, as a skilled Practitioner guides you in a quiet neuromuscular learning experience.

After the session, you may feel a wide range of improvements including: pain relief, better balance, greater flexibility, ease of movement, better posture, more energy, and a refreshed and positive sense of wellbeing.

For more information, please call 212-727-1014.

To enjoy the Feldenkrais Method often and easily, consider becoming a Member of the Feldenkrais Institute of New York.

Membership includes:

• Unlimited access to all our Classes

• A Monthly Tune-Up: either a complimentary Functional Integration Session or a private Awareness Through Movement lesson

• 20% off additional Feldenkrais Sessions

• Reduced tuition for all Workshops

• Discounts on Books and Audio-Programs

Please call 212-727-1014 or stop by the lobby for more information.



134 West 26th Street , Second Floor New York, New York 10001

© 2015 Kaethe Zemach-Bersin, Feldenkrais Institute of New York


Improving the quality of each individual life

The powerful do-it-yourself aspect of the Feldenkrais Method®

Feldenkrais Class ScheduleAwareness Through Movement®







12:30 pm Open Class with Marek Wyszynski 1:45 pm Basics Class with Nancy Gayle Judson 6:30 pm Open Class with Belinda He

12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield 3:00 pm Community Class with Belinda He 5:30 pm Basics Class with Mark Hirschfield

12:30 pm Open Class with Kasia Wyszynski 5:30 pm Open Class Substitute Teacher in March

12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield 5:30 pm Open Class with Suzanne Ausnit

12:30 pm Open Class with Nancy Gayle Judson

12:30 pm Open Class with Thais Silva 1:45 pm Basics Class with Belinda He 5:30 pm Open Class Substitute Teacher in March


Drop-ins: $25 • 6 Classes: $125 • 12 Classes: $250 • Members: All classes are freeBasics Class: Ideal for newcomers Open Class: All are welcome

Newcomers: Your second class is freePre-registration is recommended but not required. Mats are provided.

Workshops, Classes & NewsMarch 3

March 4

March 7

March 17

March 31

Pelvic Health and Awareness with Kasia Wyszynski and Thais Silva

Comfortable Feet with Mark Hirschfield

Double-Header Day with David Zemach-BersinMORNING Feldenkrais Back CareAFTERNOON Dynamic Sitting

Maintaining a Pain-Free and Healthy Neck with Marek Wyszynski

Feldenkrais Tricks & Tools to improve your Yoga with Suzanne Ausnit


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