b. ing ramdhn

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Sony Sugema Collage

1. Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan :

a. General Truth ( Fakta Umum )

Contoh : Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

b. Habitual Action ( Kebiasaan Sehari-hari )

Contoh : She has breakfast before going to school.

2. Present Continous Tense.

Present Continous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang

berlangsung sekarang.

Contoh : The students are studying now.

My mother is cooking in the kitchen.

1.     Father likes to drink coffee.

He always ….before he goes to his office.

A.   is drinking     C. has drunk

B.   drank              D. drinks


2.     I think she is … a letter now.

A.   writing           C. write

B.   wrote              D. writes

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS

Teori 1TENSE

S + Verb I (s/es) + O/C

S + to be +Verbing + O/C

Kaji latih 1


Sony Sugema Collage

3.     What …the servant doing? she is washing the dishes.

A.   will                 C. was

B.   is                     D. are

 4.     Have you ever ... a Tiger?

A.   see                  C. seen

B.   saw                 D. sees

 5.     Father hasn’t …. home yet.

A.   came               C. coming

B.   come               D. comes

 6.     We have … here since 1980.

A.   lived               C. went

B.   waited                        D. studied

 7.     The headmaster… something to us just now.

A.   say                  C. saying

B.   says                 D. said

8.     I have been collecting stamps since I was a child. This means that I … stamps.

A.   see                 

B.   will colect

C.   am still collecting    

D.   collelcts

 9.    My father …. new painting in the gallery yesterday.

A.   see                  C. seen

B.   saw                 D. seeing

 10. Hani went to Taman Safari Indonesia yesterday. She is still there now.

From this information we know that Hani … in Taman Safari Indonesia for two days.

A.   be                    C. has been

B.   being               D. was

 11.  What did the tiger eat? It …. Meat

A.   eat                   C. ate

B.   eats                 D. eaten

 12.  Mr. Jack : What will you do in the factory tomorrow? Mr. Bakri : I … a new machine

A.   operate           C. will operate

B.   operated        D. am operating

 13.  Givo : Where’s daddy, mummy?

Mother  : He is in the living room. He …… news on TV

A.   watched         C. will watch

B.   watches          D. is watching

 14.  The doctor is ….in the hospital

A.   working          C. works

B.   to work           D. work

 15. X   : My teacher will …. to Mecca next years.

Y   : I’m glad to hear that!

A.    go                    C. went

B.      gone                D. drinking

 16.  I didn’t drink a cup of coffee, I ……. a cup of tea

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Sony Sugema Collage

A.   drink              C. drunk

B.   drank              D. drinking

 17.  X   : Why did they go to the shop?

Y   : They went to the shop … some books.

A.   buys               C. buy

B.   buying            D. to buy

18.  Mena: Tomorrow is Tika’s  

 birthday party. Will you go there?

Rima: Sure. My mom …. Me  a new gown. It’s really nice. I want to wear it for the party.

A.   will buy        

B.   wants to buy

C.   has bought   

D.   is going to buy


19. Rio    : How do you go to school Tom?

Tomy   : By bicycle but yesterday I ... to school by bus, because the tyre of my bike got flat.

A.   go                   C. will go       

B.   went               D. have gone

 20. Yessy  : Where did you go last vacation?

Naldy    : Nowhere. What about you?

Yessy   : My classmates and I … camping in Cibubur.

Naldy   :So you had nice experience, didn’t you?

A.   go                 C. will go       

B.   went               D. are going

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS


Sony Sugema Collage

Degrees of comparison adalah perbandingan kata sifat 9adjective) atau kata keterangan

(adverb of manner) menurut tingkatnya.

Perbandingan ini dibagi kedalam tiga tingkatan yaitu :

1. Positive degree (tingkat biasa)

2. Comparative degree(tingkat lebih)

3. Superlative degree ( tingkat paling/ter..)

Perhatikan beberapa contoh perubahan tingkat perbandingan di bawah ini ?

Comparison of adjectives

Positive Comparative Superlative








More usefull…than

The biggest

The oldest

The tallest

The most useful

Comparison of Adverbs

Positive Comparative Superlative












More quickly than

More loudly than

More carefully tahn

The fastest

The soonest

The earliest

The hardest

The most quickly

The most loudly

The most carefully

Catatan :

- Adjective (kata sifat ) atau adverb (kata keterangan) yang terdiri atas satu duku kata,

untuk tingkatan comparative di tambah –er dan untuk tingkatan superlative

ditambah –est.

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Sony Sugema Collage

- Adjective atau adverb yang terdiri atas dua suku kata, ada yang ditambah dengan –

er, ada pula yang ditambah more, seperti : happy – happier, patient more, patient.

- Adjective atau adverb yang terdiri atas tiga suku kata ditambah dengan more untuk

tingkat comparative dan ditambah most untuk tingkat superlative.

Ada beberapa bentuk comparison yang tidak beraturan seperti dibawah ini:

Positive Comparative superlative







The best

The worst

The most

Perhatikanlah contoh pemakaian dlm kalimat.]

1. - Tina is tall

- Ani is taller than tina

- Toni is the tallest of all.

2. - My uncle is old

- My father is older than my uncle

- Mr. karta is the oldest of all

3. - The horse runs fast

- The car moves faster

- the aeroplane moves.

 1.    Andi’s book costs Rp. 2. 000.Dendy’s book costs Rp. 3.000.Andi’s book is ……than Dendy’s.

A.   cheap              C. biggerB.   cheaper          D. biggest

2.    A cat is …….than a tiger.

A.   smaller           C. bigger

B.   smallest          D. biggest 3.    Our school library has 2.500 books.

Dewi’s school library has 3.00 books and Mary’s school library has 2.750 books.

Dewi’s school library has …….books of all.

A.   many               C. much

B.   more than      D. the most

 4.    Rama is 14 years old.Intan is 14 years old.It means that Rama is ….. Intan.

A.   older               C. as old asB.   the oldest       D. old

 5.    My watch costs Rp. 20.000.

Your watch costs Rp. 25.000.

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Kaji latih 2


Sony Sugema Collage

From two sentences we know that my watch is…….your watch.

A.   cheaper than             B.   more expensive thatC.   expensive                   D.   as cheap as

 6.    My sister drank two bottles of soft drink.Dinda drank two bottles of soft drink.My sister drank ... Dinda.

A.   as much as     C. moreB.   much               D. the most

 7.    A computer cost Rp. 900,000.A tape recorder cost Rp. 500,000.A computer is ... than a tape recorder.

A.   eexpensive                B.   more expensiveC.   very expensiveD.   the most expensive

 8.    The superlative form of fast is ...A.   fast                  C. fastestB.   faster              D. the fastest

 9.    A rabbit is ... than a dog.A.   bigger             C. smallerB.   higher             D. longer

 10. An elephant is …than a rhinoceros.

A.   as big as         C. biggest

B.   bigger             D. the biggest

11. A lion is … of all the animals

A.   wilder than    C. wild

B.   the wildest    D. as wild as

 12.  I do it carefully, but Tono does it …

A. the most carefully     B. most carefullyC. carefully                     D. more carefully

 13.  The weather is good today, but it was … yesterday.

       A. good                C. best

       B. better              D. as good as

 14.  Iwan      : I have to go to Jakarta tomorrow, but I don’t have enough money to buy ticket. How can I go there? Tia         : You can go there by an economy class train.      Iwan      : How about the executive class?Tia         : It’s …. the economy class, but it’s more expensive.

A.   better than    C. worse than

B.   the worst       D. the best

 15.   This test is ... than the last week’s test.

A.   more difficult           B.   the most difficultC.   difficulter                  D.   difficult

 16.   Jacky is ... among his friends.

A.   tall                 C. taller

B.   higher            D. the tallest

 17.    The sooner we do ...

A.   the best         C. good

B.   the better     D. gooder


18.    The more we learn, ... we get.

A.   the more                   C. many

B.   most                          D. much


19.   Eddy is ... his father.

A.   smart             C. the smartest

B.   smarter         D. as smart as

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS


Sony Sugema Collage

1. How long…? (Berapakah lamanya/panjangnya) Examples :

- How long is this ruler? It is 30 cms- How long did you stay there? I stayed there for two days.

2. How far…? (Berapakah jauhnya) Examples :

- How far is your house from school?- It is about one kilometre from school.

3. How much…? (Berapa banyak/berapakah harga) Examples :

- How much sugar do you need?- I need a kilogram of sugar.- How much is the ticket? It is Rp 5.000

4. How many…? (Berapa banyak) Example :

- How much books do you have?- I have ten books.

5. How deep…? (Berapakah dalamnya?) Example :

- How deep is this well?- It is about ten metres

6. How wide…? (Berapakah lebarnya) Example :

- How wide is the room?- It is five metres wide.

7. How old…? (Berapakah umurnya) Example ;

- How old are you?- I am thirteen years old.

8. How tall…? (Berapakah tingginya) Example:

- How tall is he ?- He is about 175 ems tall

9. How high..? (Berapa tingginya) Example : - How high is the building? - It’s about 12 metres high.10. How often..? (Berapa seringkah/berapa kalikah) Example : - How oftrn do you send the letter to your parents? - I send the letter to my parents twice a month.11. How fast...? (Berapakah kecepatannya) - How fast does he drive his car? - He drives his car 60 kms/hour.12. How soon…? (Seberapa cepatnya ) Example :

- How soon does he come?- He comes soon.

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Sony Sugema Collage

1.    X   : ……….. is Anna?Y : I think she is about 14 years old

A.   How far         C. How longB.   How old         D. How many

 2.    …….did the horse run? The horse

run five kilometers/hour.A.   How fast        C. How oftenB.   How soon      D. How long

 3.    X        : ……do you have to visit

your grandma?Y        : Twice a month.

A.   How long       C. How manyB.   How often     D. How soon 

 4.    X        : ……….is your aunt?

Y        : She is 160 cms.A.   How tall        C. How highB.   How long       D. How old

 5.    Billy    : ……is your house from

school?Dita     : It’s about six kilometers.

A.   How heavy    C. How farB.   How many     D. How deep

 6.    Ani    : ……. is your bag?

Mira  : It’s Rp. 25.000.A.   How many     C. How muchB.   How fast        D. How deep

 7.    Linda      : ……. do you have meals a

day?Lia         : Three times a day.

A.   How              C. How manyB.   How soon      D. How often

 8.    X        : ……. do you go to school?

Y       : I go to school by bike.A.   When             C. WhyB.   What              D. How

 9.    ……? He is going to Jakarta.

A.   Where is she goingB.   Where is he going

C.   Where he is goingD.   Where is she is going

 10.  ……bicycle do you like? The grey

one.A.   Which            C. WhereB.   What              D. Who 

11.  ……. she like? She like the black one.A.   Which umbrella do              B.   Which is umbrellaC.   Which umbrella does          D.   Which umbrella is 

12.  X    : ……..?Y    : He needs the blue ones.A.  What is Mr. Hasan               B. Which blue Mr. Hasan need

C. Which ones does Mr. Hasan needD. What colour Mr. Hasan need

 13.  A    : …… your bike?

B    : It is the red one.

A.   Which do       C. Which areB.   Which does    D. Which is 

14. X    : ……blouse does Ita like, the red one or the blue one?Y    : She likes the red one.

A.   What colour  C. WhichB.   What              D. Whose 

15.  Ria         : …….?Fani  : She has swum for two hours.

A. How long does Miss Nita swim      

B. How long did Miss Nita swimC. How long have Miss Nita swum     D.how long has Miss Nita swum

 16.  A    : ……. is a dog like?

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Kaji latih 3


Sony Sugema Collage

B    : It likes a wolf.A.   Which            C. Where B.   What              D. How 

17.  ….. will they go ?After having lunch.A. When               C. HowB. Where              D. Who

 18.  …… Ridha’s mother’s job ?

A. Where’s           C. What’sB. When                           D. Who’s

 19.  ……. is Jaka?

He is getting well.A. Why                 C. WhatB. Who                 D. How 

20.  ….. did Ani go to Bali ?By ship.

A.   How              C. With who ?B.   What              D. When

Study the following dialog

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS



Sony Sugema Collage

X  : Which do you like better, swimming in a river or swimming in a swimming pool?Y  : I like swimming in a river better than in a swimming pool.                                         orX  : Which do you prefer, working as a teacher or a secretary?Y  : I prefer working as a teacher to working as a secretary. Note :      Question word (Kata Tanya) ‘Which’ digunakan untuk menanyakan pilihan yang artinya :                                    Mana yang…? 

1. Andra : do you to your school by

bicycle ?

Bunga : no, I ….. going to school

on foot better than by bicycle.

A. prefer C. would rather

B. like D. would like

2. Santi goes swimming three times a

week, but she only practice basket

ball on Sunday. It means …..

A. Santi hates swimming

B. Santi loves basket ball very much

C. She prefer swimming to basket


D. Santi does not like swimming

3. Budi : Anton, will you join our

football team for this year


A. would rather C. choose

B. like D. prefer

4. Reza : what would you like to be,

on engineer or a doctor ?

Intan : ……. Be a doctor. I want to

help the poor

A. I like C. I prefer

B. I’d rather D. I would rather

5. I …… have mangoes than apples

A. would rather C. like

B. prefer D. would like

6. Tina ….. watching TV to listening


A. would like C. like

B. would rather D. prefer

7. Dono …. go camping…… swimming

A. would like -------to

B. like - than

C. prefer …….than

D. like – better than

8. Joko and Melly …… being lecture to


A. would rather C. like

B. prefer D. choose

9. They like pecal …… lontong

A. rather than C. than

B. better than D. to

10. Vira …… keeping silent …..talking

so much

A. prefer – than

B. would rather - than

C. like – better than

D. like - than

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS

Kaji latih 4


Sony Sugema Collage

11. A good arrangement of these words








A. 1 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 5 - 4

B. 1 – 6 – 2 -2 – 5 – 4 – 3

C. 4 – 6 - 2 - 2 – 5 – 3 – 1

D. 4 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 1 - 3

12. Arrange these sentences to make a

coherent paragraph !

1. They had to stay in a hotel

2. they looked for some hotels to

stay the night.

3. Johan and Bangkit went to

Yogyakarta last month.

4. They didn’t have any relatives


5. So they didn’t need to eat out

6. They enjoyed staying in the hotel

very much

7. Then they found a clean and good


8. There was a restaurant in the hotel

A. 3 -4-8-6-2-1-5-7

B. 3-4-1-2-7-8-5-6

C. 3-2-4-7-1-8-6-5

D. 3-8-2-1-5-7-6-4

13. Read the jumble sentences carefully !

1. therefore rain forests are found

bear the equator

2. the trees grow to thirty meters tall

3. they need not only a lot of rain

but also a high temperature

4. their branches and leaves form an


5. rain forests grow in tropical parts

of Indonesia

6. the tropical rain forest is a warm,

and silent place.

The possible arrangement of the

paragraph can be ……

A. 3-6-1-2-5-4

B. 5-3-1-6-2-4

C. 2-5-4-6-1-3

D. 4-1-6-5-2-3

14. Arrange the sentences to make a good

paragraph !

1. it is very interesting to watch, too

2. The people of Toraja are one of

the 350 ethnic groups in


3. The ceremonies take place within

three or more days.

4. They still hold their traditions

5. the ceremonies are carried out in

honor of dead persons

6. One example is the funeral

7. to them, the funeral has a

particular meaning in their ways

of life.

The correct order is …..

A. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7, 6

B. 2, 4, 6, 7, 5, 3, 1

C. 2, 7, 5, 4, 1, 6, 3

D. 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 1

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS


Sony Sugema Collage



−the game2



−the evening5


A. 1-4-3-2-5-6

B. 2-4-3-1-6-5

C. 1-3-4-2-6-5-

D. 1-3-6-5-4-2






−Mr. Tono5


The good arrangement for the words


E. 5-1-2-3-6-4

F. 5-1-3-2-6-4

G. 5-3-1-2-4-6

H. 5-1-3-2-4-6


the travel1





− a ticket6

The best arrangement of the words

above is ……

a. 3-1-2-6-5-4

b. 3-2-6-5-1-4

c. 3-4-6-2-5-1

d. 3-2-4-1-5-6


The students1





−of candies6


−going to8

The proper arrangement of the words

is …….

a. 1-3-2-4—8-5-7-6

b. 4-3-8-2-1-5-7-6

c. 1-3-8-2-4-5-7-6

d. 1-2-3-8-4-5-7-6

19. The good arrangement for these

words is …..










a. 6-7-3-9-42-9-8-5

b. 2-1-6-5-3-9-7-4-8

c. 2-6-5-3-9-7-4-1-8

d. 6-5-3-9-7-4-2-1-8

20. Arrange these sentences based on the

series of pictures above !

1. After swimming they had lunch in

the cool shade under the tree

2. They found a place hear the river

and they parked their car under a

large tree.

3. It was a nice day. Sinta, Seno,

Uncle Hadi and Aunt Yuni left the

house to have a picnic.

4. They saw a lot of beautiful

scenery along the journey.

Choose good paragraph !

a. 4-3-2-1 C. 3-4-2-1

b. 4-3-1-2 D. 3-4-1-2

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS



Sony Sugema Collage

Elliptical Construction digunakan untuk menghindarkan pengulangan kata-kata yng

sama, misalnya kata kerjanya. Untuk tidak mengulangi kata-kata yang sama tersebut

dipakai kata so dan too atau either dan neither, tanpa mengurangi arti atau makna kalimat


I. So and too

Kata-kata so dan too digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat positif menjadi

sebuah kalimat yang baru.

Contoh :

1. a. Mother likes sewing

b. My sister like sewing

Kedua kalimat tersebut apabila digabungkan menjadi satu kalimat yaitu:

Mother like sewing and my sister does too.


Mother likes sewing and so does my sister.

2. a. Tono is reading a novel.

b. I am reading a novel

Apabila kedua kalimat itu dgabungkan menjadi :

Tono is reading a novel and I am too.


Tono is reading a novel and soo am I

3. a. They played volley ball.

b. We played volley ball.

Digabungkan menjadi :

They played volley ball and we did too.


They played volley ball and so did we.

II. Either and Neither

Kata – kata either atau neither digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat negatif

menjadi satu kalimat yang baru

Contoh :

1. a. Indra is not a soldier

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Sony Sugema Collage

b. Andri is not a soldier

Apabila digabungkan menjadi :

Indra is not a soldier and Andrti isn’t either


Indra is not a soldier and neither is Andri

2. a. Johan didn’t go to school yesterday.

b. Toni didn’t go to school.

Apabila digabungkan:

Johan didn’t go to school yesterday and Toni didn’t either


Johan didn’t go to school yesterday and neither did Toni.


1. Penggunaan so atau too dalam kalimat positif dan either atau neither pada kalimat

negatif, yang membedakannya hanya penempatannya pada susunan kalimat yang baru.

and...too (+)

and…either (-)


and so… (+)

and neither…(-)

2. Apabila kalimat positif dan kalimat negatif digabungkan maka dipakai kta penghubung

but (tetapi), serta tidak menggunakan kata-kata so, too, either maupun neither.

Contoh :

a. I can not swim

b. You can swim

Apabila digabungkan :

I can not swim but you can.


You can swim but I can not.

1.    Pangandaran Beach is beautiful. Kuta Beach is beautiful.

We can combine the two sentences……….

Intensif SMA Unggulan BAHASA INGGRIS

Kaji latih 5


Sony Sugema Collage

A.   Pangandaran beach is beautiful and so is Kuta beach.

B.   Pangandaran beach is beautiful and Kuta beach is so.

C.   Pangandaran beach is beautiful and Kuta beach isn’t too.

D.   Pangandaran beach is beautiful and too is Kuta beach.

 2.   Singapore is a developing country

and……….A.   Indonesia is too.                   B.   so Indonesia does. C.   Indonesia does too.              D.   so Indonesia is. 

3.   My sister can speak French and………..A.   any brother cannot either. B.   so my brother can.C.   my brother can either.         D.    so can my brother.  

4.    My friend doesn’t know how big the population of the Africa is and……….A.   neither I do.              B.   neither do I.C.   I do not too.                           D.   not I do. 

5.    I don’t like durians and………..A.   my sister doesn’t too.           B.   my sister doesn’t neither.C.   neither does my sister.        D.   so does my sister. 

6.    She didn’t understand whatever her friend said and………..

A.   neither did I.                         B.   I did either. C.   neither I do.                          D.   so didn’t I. 

7.   My brother can speak Javanese and……….

A.   my sister cannot either.      B.   so my sister can. C.  my sister can

either.                     D.   so can my sister.

 8.    Malaysia is in Asia and……….

A.   Indonesia is too.                   B.   neither is Indonesia. C.   so isn’t Indonesia.                 D.   Indonesia is not too.

 9.    The pacific is not small and…….

A.   so is the Atlantic.     B.   neither is the Atlantic. C.   the Atlantic is too.                D.   the Atlantic is either.

 10.  A forest guard saw a hunter and a

wood cutter in the jungle. He then approached them. Forest guard : Hey! Give me your gun and axes. This is a conservation       area. You are forbidden to cut down the trees and shoot the animals.Hunter          : I didn’t shoot animals.Wood cutter  : …………..

A.   I did too.                    B.   So did I.C.   Neither did I.                        D.   I don’t either.

 11. Examination is necessary

and…………..A.   homework are too.             B.   homework is too.C.   so does homework.               D.   so is homework.

 12. Wilda will be in class tomorrow

and…….A.   so will Mary.             B.   Mary is too.C.   so be Mary.                            D.   Mary also.

 13.  Siska doesn’t tell lies and…………

A.   Bani too.                    B.   Bani doesn’t too.C.   so does Bani.             D.   neither does Bani.

 14.Givo read an interesting book last

night and………Leni.A.   so did                                      B.   did too C.   did so                                      D.   do too

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Sony Sugema Collage

 15. We shouldn’t arrive late and the

teacher………….A.   did too.                       B.   shouldn’t either.C.   didn’t either.                         D.   should too.

 16. Risky hasn’t come and neither has

Dicky. This sentence means……..A. Both Risky and Dicky have

come.B. Risky has come but Dicky

hasn’t.C. Risky hasn’t come but Dicky

has.D. Both Risky and Dicky

haven’t come.

17.  I can’t speak Japanese. You can speak Japanese. I can’t speak Japanese……..

A.   but you can.               B.   you can’t either.

C.   and you can too.                    D.   so can you.

 18. They have already gone

home…………A.   Karen hasn’t either.             B.    so does Karen. C.   but Karen hasn’t.      D.   Karen did too.

 19. X   : I’m not clever at cooking.

Y   : ………….A.   So am I.                                  B.   I am not either.C.   I am too.                     D.   Neither am not I.

 20. Mr. Johnson has a lot of money and………..

A.   his neighbor does too.          B.   so has his neighbor.C.   his neighbor has too.            D.   his neighbor has.

Question – tag adalah suatu pertanyaan tumpangan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan

pendapat pendengarnya atas pertanyaan yang diajukan si pembicara.

Pertanyaan itu terdiri dari sebuah pernyataan positif (affirmative) atau negative dan

sebuah pertanyaan singkat atau pendek di akhir kalimat Question – tag.

Aturan membuatnya adalah:

- Jika kalimat pernyataan positive, question-tagnya negative ( +,- )

- Jika kalimat pernyataan negative, question-tagnya positive (-,+)

- Jawaban harus disesuaikan dengan maksud dari pernyataannya, bukan dari tagnya.

Question-tagnya terdiri dari dua bagian :

1. Yang menggunakan ‘to be’ sebagai predikatnya.

Contoh :

NO S P (to be) Complement Question - tag

1. Andy is a student, isn’t he?

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in the library,

aren’t you?

is she?

are you?

2. Yang menggunakan ‘verb’ sebagai predikatnya.

Contoh :

NO S P(to be) Complement Question-tag











didn’t study

doesn’t cook

to the movie,

the piano,


in the kitchen,

doesn’t he?

don’t I?

did he?

does she?

Notes :

1. Ada beberapa pengecualian:

a. I am a student, aren’t I ?

b. Everybody is there, aren’t they?

c. Everyone comes to her party, don’t they?

d. No one writes a letter to him, do they?

2. Untuk semua question tag, harus selau diakhiri dengan pronoun (kata ganti

orang/benda), yang cocok dengan subjeknya.

( Edi,…he; mother,….she; father….he; Mira and I….we)

1. I was sure the boys didn’t find a place to shelter,……….?A. did I C. wasn’t IB. did they D. weren’t you

2. I’m glad to sing “kenangan Terindah”,…………?A. am I C. am not IB. don’t I D. aren’t I

3. X : Cibaduyut is in south Bandung,…………...?

Y : that’s right.A. isn’t it C. does itB. is it D. doesn’t it

4. Ani : A hiking trip makes us fresh,………….?

Ali : I seeA. does it C. was itB. hasn’t it D. doesn’t it

5. I am a student,……….?A. am not I C. aren’t IB. am I D. are I

6. Rida : What is the traditional house from west sumatra ?

Sita : It is “Rumah Gadang”Rida : The traditional house from

west Java is Kasepuhan,……..?

Sita : Yes, you’re right.

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A. aren’t I C. aren’t youB. isn’t he D. isn’t it

7. ………….., does she ?A. Mrs. Yusuf will not go to

supermarket B. Mrs. Yusuf didn’t go to

supermarket C. Mrs. Yusuf doesn’t go to

supermarketD. Mrs. Yusuf hasn’t gone to


8. This isn’t his book,…………?A. it is C.

is itB. isn’t D.

was it

9. We have our meals three times a day,…………?

A. aren’t we C. don’t weB. haven’t we D. won’t


10. Tourist : You know the best hotel here,…………

Guide : Yes, sir. It is Tanjung Hotel. It is not far from here.

A. aren’t you ? C. don’t you ?B. are you ? D. do you ?

11. Cows eat grass,…………..?A. aren’t they C. they

aren’tB. don’t they D. they are

12. My mother is not in the shoes shop,……..?A. doesn’t she C. isn’t sheB. is she D. does she

13. You haven’t seen that film,………?A. did you C. have youB. do you D.

are you

14. ……………, didn’t he ?A. Andi goes to the swimming poolB. Andi go to the swimming poolC. Andi went to the swimming poolD. Andi didn’t go to the swimming


15. She is a dancer,…………..?A. is she C.

doesn’t sheB. isn’t she D. isn’t he

16. Dudi has finished his homework,………..?A. is he C. doesn’t

heB. does he D. hasn’t he

17. They seldom visit their village,………..?A. do they C. are theyB. don’t they D. aren’t they

18. Every problem has its own solution,………………?A. hasn’t it C. doesn’t itB. isn’t it D. didn’t it

19. Ory called me last week,……………?A. didn’t she C. hasn’t sheB. did she D. doesn’t she

20. The children aren’t crying,……………..?A. are they C. aren’t theyB. is she D. don’t they

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Ungkapan Rasa Simpati

A. Jika kita mendengar berita yang disampaikan orang lain baik maka kita katakan :

- Congratulation! ( untuk perkawinan, kelahiran dan keberhasilan besar lainnya)

- Well done! (untuk keberhasilan dalam belajar,olahraga dll)

Contoh :

1. X : I have passed my exam well.

Y : Well done!

2. X : My wife gave birth to baby boy last night.

Y : Congratulation!

B. Untuk menanggapi/menjawab berita buruk tentang kematian, menderita sakit dan

kemalangan, kita gunakan ungkapan-ungkapan sebagai berikut :

I’m sorry to hear that

That’s a shome

That’s a pity

That’s too bad

C. Untuk menanggapi/menjawab berita buruk tentang kegagalan atau klekalahan dalam

pertandingan, maka kita gunakan ungkpan-ungkapan:

Bad luck!

Hard luck!

D. Untuk membesarkan hati/menghiburnya kita gunakan ungkapan-ungkapan :

- Never mind

Don’t worry about it!

Cheer up!

Ungkapan Permohonan dan Responnya

Study the following dialogues!

1. X : Can you help me to carry some bags?

Y : Yes, all right.

2. X : Could you turn on the light, please!

Y : Sure!

3. X : Would you mind speking more slowly,please!

Y : No, not at all.

Note :

Untuk jawaban yang menyatakan idak keberatan ;

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- Yes, all right / of course.

- Okay ! (informal).

- Sure! Certainly! (informal).

- It’s be a pleasure (formal).

Untuk jawaban yang menyatakan keberatan :

- Sorry but… (tidak mungkin)

- I’d rather not..(tidak mau)

- I’m very sorry but..

- I’d rather not, if..

1. Angga : Hello, Danu. What’s the matter with you?

Danu : Have you heard that Kelud Mountain erupted last night?

And some of my relatives live there

Angga :…………………………….. Why don’t you look for the information about it?

A. That’s a good ideaB. I am glad to hear thatC. I am sorry to hear thatD. That’s fantastic news

2. Nanda : What’s wrong with you? You look so pale.

Dara : Yes, I have a little headache.

………………. Nanda : Certainly.

A. Do you want some aspirin?B. Can I help you?C. Will you get some aspirin for me,

please?D. Can I check your temperature

3. X : …………, Sir ? Y : Yes, please.

A. What can I do for youB. Please, come inC. What do you want

D. Can I help you

4. Edi asked Rudi to go to see a film at the PALAGUNA Theatre, but he declined the invitation because he was busy with his homework.Edi : Would you like to come to the Palaguna Theatre tonight.

Rudi : ……………….A. Yes, I’d be delighted to.B. That’s a great idea, shall we go

now?C. That’s very kind of you, shall we

go now?D. Yes, I’d be happy to accept, but

I’d be very busy tonight.

5. X : This coffee is too bitter for me,………?

Y : Ok. How much sugar do you want?

X : Two tea spoons, please. A. Do you add it more sugarB. Can I have more sugarC. You can add it more sugarD. Do you have more sugar

6. Iwan : Oh, I have lost my pen. May I borrow yours, Sal?

Faisal : …………Here it is.A. You’re welcome B. Thank youC. I’m sorry

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D. Yes, certainly

7. X : Susi Susanti became champion in the Olympic-Games.

Y : ………….A. I’m sorry to hear thatB. It doesn’t matterC. I’m very pleased to hear thatD. Don’t say that

8. Anggi : I am sorry, sir. I come late Mr. Adi : Why do you come late ? Anggi : I got up late, because my

mother is sick. Mr. Adi : Well,………

A. Will you come late againB. Don’t be lazy againC. Don’t be late again D. It’s better late

9. Mayda : Have you read this magazine ?

Rita : Yes, why? Maida : ……………….. Rita : You’re right. All articles here

are important for us to read.

A. What magazine is good?B. What magazine is this?C. How is a good magazine like?D. What a good magazine it is!

10. The foreigner : Good afternoon, boy?The boy : Good afternoon, sir!

………….? The foreigner : Yes, tell me the way

to the theatre please.The boy : It’s next to the

restaurant.A. Can you join me B. Where are youC. Can I help youD. How do you do

11. Saiful : Shall I carry your bag ? Ishak : ……….I can carry it my

self. Thank you Saiful : That’s all right. A. You’re welcomeB. Yes, pleaseC. No, thanks D. Certainly

12.The student : May I borrow this book, sir?The teacher : ………….? I have

read it twice.The student : Thank you, sir.A. I’m sorry C. Why notB. I’m glad D. What’s for

13. Anto : Excuse me, I need some English magazines. Where can I find them ?

Librarian : In the lowest shelf.Anto : ……………….Librarian : You are welcome.A. How are you B. Thank youC. I’m sorry D. Good bye

14. Rika : Can you help me with my homework, please?

Nisa : ……………, I can’t do it either. It’s too hard for me.

A. Certainly B. I’d love tooC. Yes, all right D. I’m sorry

15. Wirna : I’m from Pikiran Rakyat. May I ask you some

questions, please?Nira : Yes, all right.The underlined utterance above expresses……….A. Asking permission B. Introducing peopleC. Refusing permissionD. Inviting someone

16. Teacher : Now, we are going to have our geography class.Johan : What can I do for you, sir

?Teacher : Please clean the board!The underlined utterance above expresses…………..A. Greeting B. Offering helpC. Introducing D. Inviting someone

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17. Lia : Are you a musician?Vera : No, I’m not. But I like music

very much.Lia : Well, what sort of music do

you like best?Vera : I like modern jazz best.The underlined utterance here expresses……………A. An apology for being lateB. An invitation for a pleasureC. A greeting to someoneD. An expression of pleasure

18. Doctor : Let’s give treatment to the patient soon.Nurse : ………. He looks

seriously ill.Doctor : Prepare the equipments,


Nurse : Sure, Doctor !A. Yes, I agreeB. That’s wrong C. No, I disagreeD. Don’t Worry

19. Dad : Have you got any news from Dini, mom ? I miss him very much.Mom : No, I haven’t. I hope I’ll

get one soon.Mom’s expression is telling us about her…………A. Worry B. Request C. ExpectationD. Opinion

Ungkapan dua hal yang berlawanan :

Study these sentence

1. Indonesia has a tropical climate, but Japan is not.

2. Indonesia still imports rice although it is an agricultural country.

Note :

But = Tetapi

Although = Meskipun, walaupun.

Ungkapan tentang alasan :

Kata-kata di bawah ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu alasan.

- Therefore = oleh karena itu

- Because = karena

- Because of = karena

Examples :

- The farmers cultivate the farm lands well, therefore the erops can grow well.

- The deer run away because there is a tiger.

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- The seeds grow quickly because of the rain.

Note :

Kata because of diikuti oleh kata benda.

1. X : “Do you want to go by bus …… by train?

Y : “Up to you”A. and C. orB. but D. because

2. Mrs. Ratna is busy now …. we can not meet herA. while C. soB. because D. then

3. A : Comparing cassava plants to corn plants, what can you say ?

B : Casava can grow from a piece of its trunk…….corn can’t

A. although C. andB. so D.


4. Dani : The Chinese football players have good individual skill, don’t they?

Dede : Well, I think they do not only have skill ……the technique.

Kamal : And they have a lot of money too.

A. Both C. and B. But D. but also

5. Rini : Has Indonesia successfully carried out family planning?

Nara : I think so …the people of Indonesia carry out family planning the population will be more increase immediately.

Rini : that’s rightA. if C. howeverB. unless D. whenever

6. Eka : I think the air around here is not good for our health.

Lily : You are right. The air here has become polluted…the factory chimneys pour smoke into the air.

A. because C. althoughB. therefore D. thus

7. ….a cock has two wings, but it cannot fly.A. because C. althoughB. but D. and

8. Her house is small …….comfortableA. although C. butB. because D. and

9. I will help you…..you ask me.A. and C. becauseB. if D. but

10. He needs a pen ……. a rulerA. and C. orB. but D. because

11. X : Where is the Java Sea?Y : It is ……. Java and KalimantanA. between C. underB. among D. on

12. I always have breakfast …… I go to schoolA. when C. andB. after D. before

13. Husna : What time will you go to Jakarta, Noni?

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Novi : At five, this evening by bus.

Husna : Have you prepared yourself?

Novi : Yes, I have. I always prepare everything I need ….the time comes

A. before C. whenB. after D. until

14. Ina : Why don’t you watch the dance?

Vina : It’s not interesting, …… I’d better go home

Ina : Alright.A. so C. althoughB. because D. however

15. Ryan went to Jayapura …..ship.A. at C. inB. by D. with

16. Diah : Did you watch the drama in the cultural night?

Caca : Yes, I did. But the story was boring and the actors were not good.

Diah : …….you did not watch the play up to the end and went home.

Caca : You’re rightA. because C. thoughB. so D. however

17. Yuni : Mom, is an ostrich a bird?

Mother: Yes, it isYuni : It can’t fly, can it?Mother : No, it can’t fly. Most

birds can fly, ……ostrich can’t

A. and C. but

B. so D. or

18. Father : Why do you come home late ?

Ihsan : There was a school football match, Mom ……. I watched it first with my friends.

Father: Don’t do it again without telling me before

Ihsan : okay, DadA. so C. butB. and D. or

19. Dian : Indonesia has to import rice next year.

Mike : How come? Indonesia is an agricultural country.

Dian : There are some reasons for that.

Mike : Like what?Dian : The harvest failed

……..natural disasters occurred

A. although C. butB. because D. and

20. A : Who likes this handicraft ?B : Not only domestic tourists

like this handicraft …..also foreign ones.

A. and C. before

B. or D. but

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Kaji latih 9VOCABULARY


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1. Mr. Mustafa is may history teacher. He is still young.The opposite of young is ….A. stupid C. oldB. lazy D. tall

2. Jeni : where is Mr. Suryanto?Jono : He is on duty, may be for

months. He works in a ship and often goes to other countries.

Jeni : what is he?Jono : he is a …..

A. doctor C. sailorB. tailor D. policeman

3. four people play this sport game. They set on chairs. They use cards and table. It is an indoor game. What do we call this sport game?A. soccer C. bridgeB. boxing D. Judo

4. A place where milk is turned into butter and cheese is ……A. post office C. dairyB. school D. farm

5. Many people call me the bind of paradise. I have beautiful and colorful feathers. The government protects me. The people may not hunt me. What am I ?A. a parrot C. storyB. dead line D. headline

6. There are some wild animals in the ……..A. gardenC. 200B. yard D. garage

7. A person who sells meat is a ……A. tailor c. butcherB. sailor d. salesman

8. Tina : what is your father occupation, Anto ?Anto : He is a ……

Tina : where does he work ?Anto : He works at the hospital.A. typist c. mechanicB. a net d. dentist

9. The following instruments are needed in the badminton game, except…..A. shuttlecockB. a tableC. a netD. soccer shoes

10. football game is very popular in our country.In the USA it is calledA. baseball C. SoccerB. golf D.hockey

11. It is played by two or four persons who hit a ball backwards and for wards across a net.They hit the ball with racket. It is …….A. tennis C. badmintonB. table tennis D. baseball

12. You can not play badminton with a ……..to hit the shuttlecock.A. bat C. ballB. racket D. stick

13. The doctor examines my heart beating with his …..A. termometerB. telescopeC. micrometerD. stethoscope

14. A person who controls the game is called the ….A. player C. refereeB. spectator D. doctor

15. It is played by one player or two players each who try to with racket and shuttlecock across a net.A. football C. badmintonB. tennis D. baseball

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16. My grandfather has got a heart attack since last year.He always sees his …… once a month.A. Dentist C. SurgeonB. internist D. Optician

17. Measles, mumps (gondok) and influenza are common …….A. hurt C. cutB. diseases D. get well

18. If you want to avoid a road …you must obey the traffic regulationsA. accident C. hurtB. cut D. break

19. People like to look after me because I help them watch their house.A. a bird C. a dogB. a fish D. a cat

20. These are domestics animals, except ……A. Cows C. DogsB. Buffaloes D. Tigers

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Kaji latih 10READING


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Wacana I

The two most popular dances in Aceh are Seudati and Saman. Both are performed by groups of dancers and without musical accompaniment. Seudati dance, which originates from the coastal area, is performed by any number of men, led by a syech; and two led singers. It consists of leaps; forward, backward and side steps. The dancers keep their move in sync with the rhythm of the song by snapping their fingers and striking their chest with the flat of their hands. Saman dance, which originates from South Last Aceh, has many varieties. The male dancers kneel in a single row, singing as they make dramatic movement with their heads and hands. Starting slowly, the pace quickens, with hands clapping, slaping of the chest and floor until it comes to a sudden halt. This dance is now popular in the international forum. It received a very big applause when it was performed for the opening of the Festival of Indonesia in Washington D.C. in 1990. Since then more of the dances of Aceh and particularly the saman are often performed in special events. (Adapted from Garuda Indonesia Magazine)

1. The best title for the text above is?a. Danceb. Male Dancersc. Dance Festivald. Indonesia Traditional Dance

2. How to dance Saman is explained in paragraph..a. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. Four

3. Which statement is not true?a. Seudati dance is led by a syechb. Both Saman and Seudati dances

are without musical accompaniment

c. The Saman dance got popularity in the international forum

d. The Seudati and the Saman originate from the same areas

4. Mr. Keith : Rudi, I’d like to see Legong Dance. Where can I see it?Rudi : You can see it in ‘Peliatan stage’.Mr. Keith : …….Rudi : Sure.a. How much is the tickets?b. Where can I buy the tickets?c. Can I go there with you?d. Where is the tickets?

5. Saman Dance is popular. Kecak dance is popular too. Saman dance is … Kecak Dance.a. as popular asb. different fromc. more popular thand. different popularity from

Wacana II

NATIONAL SPORT WEEK National Sport Week ( PON) is a national sport festival. It is held every four years. All the provinces of Indonesia participate in the many different kinds of sport. The first National sportsWeek was held in Solo, Central Java, on September 9 – 12 – 1948. At the time only a few cities in Java participated in the event. They were: Bandung, Jakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Madiun, Kediri and Yogyakarta. The kinds of sports which were played in the games were basketball, athletic, football, tennis, swimming, badminton and archery. All the athletes and the committee worked hard to run the games. In fact the world saw that Indonesia which have been indepenmdent for three years succeeded to hold The National Sport Week. This success made Indonesia sure to have another National Sport week.

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Finally Indonesia determined to hald National Sport week in every foer years for all provinces in Indonesia. From one National Sports Week to another we always see agrowing numbers of athletes and kind of sports.

6. How long did the first PON last?a. Four days c. Nine daysb. Seven days d. Twelve days

7. How often are The National sports Week (PON) held?a. Once a yearb. Once in two yearsc. Once in three yearsd. Once in four year

8. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?a. The kind of sports.b. The purpose of PONc. The participants of cities in PONd. National Sports Week are held

every four years.

9. “It is held every four years” (paragraph 1)The pronoun ‘it’ refers to..a. Athlete c. PONb. City d. sport

10. Where was the first National Sports week held?a. Solo c. Jakartab. Bandung d. Malang

Wacana III

PAINTERS AND PAINTINGS The first painters were at work over 20,000 years ago. They were Stone Age cave painters and they painted pictures of animals on the rocky walls of caves. They had no written language, and neither did they have books, instead they painted pictures. Perhaps they thought that painting a deer or a wild ox would give a hunter power to kill those animals for food. Much primitive art has a magical or religious meaning. Australian

aboriginal people still decorate their secret magical places with paintings that tell a hidden story. As well as painting (using coloured earth, clays and vegetable oils as paint), ancient people also carved figures from wet clay. The civilizations of ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome were rich in art. Wealthy rulers wished to live in luxury and they paid painters to decorate their palaces. The Egyptian pharaohs (kings) were buried in tombs decorate with beautiful wall paintings. The Greeks were as well marvellous artists, even the Romans copied many of Greek styles. We can tell from the ruins of the Roman town of Pompeii (buried by the volcano vesuvius in AD 79) when fine artist were at work in those times. Many of these early pantings were made on walls. Wall paintings are called frescoes. During the Middle Ages frescoes were painted inside churches and monasteries. Monks copied books bay hand and painted brightly coloured ‘illuminations’ as illustrations on the pages. Painting on canvas began in Europe at this time, while in the Easterns, Chinese, and Japanese artists drew delicate landscapes (painting of trees, maountains and rivers) with brush and ink of silk.

11. The first pictures made by the store Age Cave painters were in the forms of…a. pictures of treesb. pictures of animalsc. pictures of mend. landscapese. birds

12. They had no written language, and so they had no books. (paragraph one). The word They in this sentence refers to…a. the pictures of the Store Ageb. cavesc. the Stone Age cave paintersd. the pictures of animalse. painted pictures

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13. The main idea of the second paragraph is…a. the situation in the primitive societies.b. the civilization of the primitive peoplec. the wall paintings in the primitive

societiesd. the mening of much primitive arte. the Egyptian primitive art.

14. The Roman artist copied the styles of…a. the Greeksb. the Roman onlyc. the artist throughout the worldd. Egyptiane. Indians

15. What are paintings on the walls called?a. Monksb. Frescoesc. Monasteriesd.Special paintingse. Illuminiations

16. What do the Australian aboriginal people decorate their secret magical places with?a. A mysterious storyb. Paintings that tell a hidden storyc. A coloured paintings.d. Animal paintingse. Landscapes.

17. The following country was rich in art.a. China d. Dutchb. New Zealand e. Englandc. Australia

18. Where did the painting on canvas in the middle Ages start?a. In Europe d. In Australiab. In China e. In Indonesiac. In Roman

19. The frescoes were painted in..a. the Modern Agesb. the Prehistoric Ages

c. the Middle Agesd. the Roman yimee. nuclear Ages

20. The Greeks were called as…a. mysterious artistsb. artistic artistsc. controversial artistsd. marvellous artistse. modern artists

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