b-sides las vegas - social network security

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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A presentation I gave at the first b-sides Las Vegas security conference showing the security challenges we face going forward in the era of open-by-default social networking.


Twitter API Hacks Unicorns

Damon P. CortesiAlchemy Security, LLC

Social Networking, Raping the Twitter API, the Age Before Firewalls/Unicorns and the Pitfalls of Rapid Application Development -- Crowd-sourced version. ;)


A Twistory of Security #fail

April 2008

•CSRF (via @McGrewSecurity)

July 2008

•Staging Server + SQL Debug


•Require Basic Auth

•Limit by IP

•Don’t expose to web


•Basic Auth not enabled on HTTPS

November 2008•TwitterRank “scam”

Password Security5 5

Minutes Minutes LaterLater

December 2008•XSS in newly deployed user search

December 2008•Information Disclosure


•Any site could determine your Twitter username via nifty RESTful API and JSON callbacks. #buzzwords

Retrieve Username

$.getJSON("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline?count=1&callback=?", function(data) { alert("Username is: " + data[0].user.screen_name) });

{"text":"Pretty sure humans have kneecaps so we can slam them into tables. *ow*","truncated":false,"user":{"following":null,"time_zone":"Pacific Time (US & Canada)","description":"Prof. Computer Security Consultant with a passion for breaking things and generating statistics (see http:\/\/tweetstats.com

and http:\/\/ratemytalk.com).","screen_name":"dacort","utc_offset":-28800,"profile_sidebar_border_color":"87bc44","notifications":null,"created_at":"Thu Dec 21 07:14:05 +0000 2006","profile_text_color":"000000","url":"http:\/\/dcortesi.com","name":"Damon Cortesi","statuses_count":21385,"profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/static.twitter.com\/images\/themes\/theme1\/bg.gif","followers_count":4441,"protected":false,"profile_link_color":"A100FF","profile_background_tile":false,"friends_count":1775,"profile_background_color":"000000","verified":false,"favourites_count":202,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/twitter_production\/profile_images\/90802743\/Famous_Glasses_normal.jpg","location":"Seattle, WA","id":99723,"profile_sidebar_fill_color":"e0ff92"},"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"created_at":"Mon Jul 27 21:37:53 +0000 2009","in_reply_to_user_id":null,"favorited":false,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"id":2877957719,"source":"<a href=\"http:\/\/www.atebits.com\/\">Tweetie<\/a>"}

Courtesy of @harper

January 2009•Twitter admin interface


•Publicly accessible

•Logins tied to employee Twitter accounts

•Not to mention...


March 2009

•Information disclosure

•Account restoration

•Deleted username -> Email

April 2009

•Race to 1 million


•scripts and kiddies and captchas

April 2009

•Mikeyy Worm

• (What is it with guys whose names end in “y”)

•Basic, run-of-the-mill XSS

April 2009

•Mikeyy Worm

• (What is it with guys whose names end in “y”)

•Basic, run-of-the-mill XSS

•What is special is Twitter’s #FAIL

Saturday, April 11

Sunday, April 12

Monday, April 13

Friday, April 17

July 2009•Cloud insecurity ;)

Cloud Services•When you don’t control the service

•You don’t know how vulnerable you are


•No difference for a targeted attacker

•Just different risks / attack vectors

Cloud vs ?

•VPN vs. global access

•Managed vs. unpatched/poorly managed

•Server mis-configuration

•Weak passwords

•Cross-Site [Scripting|Request Forgery]

• Information Disclosure



Before I continue...•Props to @a3lx (Alex Payne) and

@netik (John Adams)

•Keeping the security ship floating at Twitter

•mod_memcache_block by netik

•Apache module that allows you to block access to your servers using a block list stored in memcache.

Not just Twitter•Users

•People love to click links

•People are socializing in a huge public forum

•URL Shorteners

•Obfuscation, malware and virii, oh my!

Phishing•Users think nothing of clicking a


•Entering their password

•Just yesterday - twitviewer.net

•Takes advantage of ego

•Same thing on MySpace

Malware || Misinformation

•Both spread via Twitter

Too easy...

But wait, there’s more


Users - #twitterpornname•While your “Porn Name” may be a

fun game to play amongst friends...

•1st Pet’s name + rand(‘street’, ‘teacher’)

Oh, Shorteners...



Third Parties

•TwitPic Integration from client apps

•Is your password only local to the client app?

•Nope. Not if you “twitpic” something.

Not just Twitter•1 day of random sampling

•>1,000 apps posting to Twitter

•Web, Mobile Web


•>10,000 OAuth-registered apps

•So when you say “secure Twitter” ...

OAuth Will Save us All

Not really...•OAuth vulnerability required Twitter to

shut down OAuth with no notice.

•Only read and read/write

•Read includes DMs

•Also, your “protected” friends’ accounts

•OAuth creds stored instead of passwords


Again, Not just Twitter

“What Other Users Can See via the Facebook Platform”“When a friend of yours allows an application to access their information,

that application may also access any information about you that your friend can already see.”

#FAIL•Applications will try to retain as much

information about you as possible.

•No personal firewall for SocNet’s yet.

•Continually Eroding Privacy


•Seattle coffee shops

In ur Cookies

The rest of Web 2.0•Another micro-blogging site

Info Disclosure

•Another micro-blogging service

•User emails displayed on confirmation page

Poor Design

•Email Service

•RSS feed of inbox



Geo-Loc SQLi•iPhone app - shows nearby updates

•Integrated web site

•SQL Injection

•Reported twice, no response

•Geo-tracking ensues

Web 2.0 Frameworks•As of Django 1.0 (Sep 2008), HTML

is auto-escaped

•Does Rails? -------------------------- No

•Does Google App Engine? -------- No

•Does ASP.NET ---------------------- On built-in controls

•Also has built-in request validation

Web 2.0 Frameworks•As of Django 1.0 (Sep 2008), HTML

is auto-escaped

•Does Rails? -------------------------- No

•Does Google App Engine? -------- No

•Does ASP.NET ---------------------- On built-in controls

•Also has built-in request validation


•Asking for some CSRF hurt

•i.e. Updates not always restricted to POST


•Non-standard frameworks

•Lack of awareness

•Lack of standard disclosure channels

•Disclosure policies?


•So this guy, @quine

•Blogged a blog...

Web Disclosure

•No clear lines

•Ambulance chasers

•Potential for legal action

•Little vendor responsibility

•More trouble than it’s worth


•OSVDB Extension?

•Separate entity?

•You tell me?

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