baba&the forty thieves

Post on 17-Feb-2022






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GOVIND KRISHNA MODAK,Sanskrit Teacher, New English School, Poona

uthor of W&AM^&H, Exercises in Sanskrit Grammar

and Translation, syS&tfWr aiw?m, TO^ aid^K&T etc


53, Nicol Road, Bombay.



In presenting this rendering of the popular oriental

tale of ' Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,' into the Sanskrit

language, to the student-world, and to the reading public,

]Slr. Modak has given evidence of his mastery over the

classical language of India and has vindicated the claim

of Sanskrit as an instrument of expressing in an incisive

manner the most modern as well as the most ancient ideas.

In true oriental style, he has supplied the usual framework

of the story—the fiction of a^ master inculcating a moral

lesson upon his disciples by means of a story. Another ex-

cellent feature—entirely an innovation of the author—is the

introduction in proper places of epigrams and pithy sayings

in verse-form which give to the translation the appearanceof an original work modelled on the pattern of the Hitopadesa

or the Pancatantra. The Sanskrit language is unequalled in

its power of concise metrical argument, and in its precision

and adequacy as an instrument of expression. A lover of

Sanskrit, therefore, will be delighted to read these pageswhich will not fail to give him the impression that he is notreading a translation at all, bu t an original tale in Sanskrit.

If the translator creates this impression, he has truly succeed-

ed ; otherwise he will deserve Shelley's strictures on the

headlong rashness of translation—

" It were as wise to cast

a violet into a crucible that you might discover the formalprinciple of its colour and odour, as seek to transfuse fromone language into another the creations of a poet. Tiie pfantmust spring again from^ts seed or it will bear no flower.


This excellent remark lays, down the very end and purposeof a translation.

In the hands of Mr. Mcdak, the language becomes a won-

derfully facile and fluid instrument of expressing the thought

in the simplest and most natural way. The language is simple,

flowing and chaste ; and I make no doubt that the book will

serve as an excellent Sanskrit text not only in the class but

outside it. Even a student who has learnt just the bare

elements of the language will be able to follow the story

unaided—for if in places he will not understand the mean-

ing of a word or an expression,—yet the story-interest

will ensure that he journeys to the end. Further to help

the reader, the author has adopted—and I believe rightly

and with good authority—a new and natural punctuation,

stopping where one is expected to stop in the reading, and

not combining the vowels and consonants according to the

rules of Sandhi.

The book is on the whole, excellent reading, and it is

to be hoped that the author will produce many others of

its like.


15th December 1933. Professor of Sanskrit,

Nowrosji Wadia College, Pooiia.

wNiSRrif Jftffigtf^jj: 5TCcTTWI°T fr«n^

m <t OTt s^it ^RspTRrai^: II ^ n

ftl'sqi: g^f%—WRRU an^rf: sill—

jwtt *tt»t:

* ¥ti %RI^% $HPWfc^ II « II

toot^I a«n f| jpjjisraen^, fi%tf ftwfq ^g^ §u-

srf ^^rr srN *rf <rcft $1ot* II h II

* #ibft wsm ftfMr ftf^for* n $ ii

f*M 5Rtair Ji^Ht ISnd q£lfa I JfliRFRft | ^ ^ faft-

oftct 1 cffiST 3^1m ifH ^f^ |

ro $T<?fcr =^*r s$n faTOra^ II ^ II

dteftssr jt^ ftrcfi wpt^^ stf sqiqwroRr,

i3T *r ^rqsRRot m$?m ftfiftm^ i

ept sRTTfq dlntaft si^ i*nfct ?5rafa<T faret at sg

srn^ 1 5rat snicl^: f^ns: fcraN^t *$f w I 3R?i<rcT qn

iCta: | *r nWt^ ^, a^N ssrcqisrccnairo, qsoftqeff

fac^rat qqrs

^^r 3^t^ fat $<ror ^ II <; ll

wuft ji%: i sit =5 eraV *$m, I

\. % "Star *fawtf gsrarfa crcg: f fil^ *t so^^Bt

qqfa srcfM: sis ott p II <*, n

^fWPwifiNfissgsRspsitfl' tor, smiitejj *$ ^#1-


*\w $&n *m tifcfi w$i ftsSa ? Iq^rrf^ m^ i *ri-

jtojj asprowswrfq' vh\ errI fen 3/rc^3H ? |


3rfi f|

^ RRhmwI i^s-7^ gsw^ tteg<t qraw,

STToJf $RI<|[ W I jfeq =3 *3T RfaRfft | ST 3TTSI qgl: ftelT-

*ftte | gf^rft *r ft^tfift elfarsmrft f^ftflift I

Jtf^RT I WBot ^ 5R ^q im\ I T gT: ^ <ra*qW I

a ft a55EB5rc5w*MMi^ I protest wtfgpften^fld*rc>TMt-

?R. «w ftifcto% art fi??T ar ntoftft^aw tffl^rcr-

fear tfififtFi arra^ 1 ot ^ sqf^ sicraj aft, srf^fa^i

f^tqi "sim:

^ JRtsf^JTf stpt t^f: ^q-OTt 3RJ I

siFRhrs^ *Ttoftg at fajprctf «ra: 11 ?? 11

fagot R^l 1 "Tlta^Tsq^ ifanft qnsRTOPPiraRi 1 1

<n«r 1^ $t&[ qwrarci: q?Tr: 5^: qf^sf^ir wpwimkt 1

§^q ^ SfajTORT l

?wr f| aft *$t wfi^ ssrefc#r *r spfcrito »r wr^ i

tflimtHWi *&&'. WRPq^ | ?T ^ JpTOHlflftPlRRiarofq I

*i%q^ I^sfq srgjr «fri^?^

i ft® izwmwi qfa

^ipfrrc. I editor wfoifof^fq ?r srapq^|

*rcfoc§3tf Si&aWt. I *TT ^fif^RRq 5TRTRR 5fnftqi^ I

a^q^ *n?re w3: tfq?rcT \ 5rf§ro«i ^qwrr n^FH ^°T-

m 3^sicsfiRot ^i^ot irrg ?m\ | ^ f^rirat, shrift

3T& SFHtffa q3*Nt Eft^ I

^ ^fetffts 3?jra 5R^ 93: II ^ II

<t*ih gsifrpfq^: gjwmra ^qrara ^ i qftwrt =q ^iifr-

^fF^N^ra^TrRrtr IeratssraflN^Pi?^ H/iWlR sr #?>-

sqiurcr | aatejjr: g^ifir: sfctjpfr *&t—$t st ffor i

•tf^giq ST *TcfkgqSSR I ^ ^ g^TOt WIWRT I 3?3fr

sqq^r ?rcq fratro siiersnqqisX I qRiist wfiaiRTOTrer

3?TRn^, cjrasr hh srcqqfqg *m | ft<j aqr ?r ^1%^,

qta ^ hrfif^s; sufttsfa

\Bt 1 «ra ^rrct-

gqcqra^-i m* % tot cjtfata; i Bi-psMfc? *-w*tr hrp? to ^qi-^ | 5RT: si li siffi ftftir I

qpr fqg 5ft nig jtr *r qrei sftff *fojj awr =q RWcTiqiqq,

s^ism t%rc5RFrcrc^i

^. ci^i, ft&it *r ^rd (wri^raannj-^Rl *Rqr si ?i

g^r | fog towsw-^t ftsqq | si \qt^: ero

spnq-i *m strait ^ ^* qrai *r sRsq^r ?i ^Riqqt;

*Nq: ! ?T ^ JT fl^W fl^l: 1 ftg ^>W *nfo fa: !

Rg sni^t a^tor 1 a ft sftor&T srat 5gjraifaR*ft i

3T3*qrTOSTfWrr OT fitt^t: II ^ II

*Frorg: it *tf q% si sfafg^ i

sfaftr 9ft*t s&w ^ rTOT rttj n ?» II

arfWoig^p, §sffd<w^?nft sr»553:I ^^q^, cfaq$

*wf% ftqWr^q^qr ft% srq*rfq f^f ^rswicri

31% : JTPfa OTRn$3!IPT S item "^f flfcir *fc*^°T

^rigft^H mq i <r =qigg#H * arfeq^, & criqsrcTO-

fqfqfqjj srqcT^r- 1 qvroffa §fa: ^sfSrer:, fa qi^r ^rreffi-

fig, fanfo ^irarasfcr ? 1 «?r f^fi Q?r ?qf jjgfatf f^?r-

q^tgraqi flsft^: ^T^irtoraX l ^ ^jt-l fow &ar

^taet I fo wranw^ ?r m^h, I ^l5^ ^fqg ^^r,

^r* «^ i ;pp& 3^*t, aift ^ ssqgfoft erst spTwrer-

U- W^^wfsq^Tt * ^infq wm^ I sr ft ?r^

w^tr: ^^T^i^flW^t Jjft: II *MI

wni giraft sri TOlfi?ng *Ms 'jai^nftI ft ^r, sa-

tire ^, ?r$ Hflfassra* q«n^RiFiRn(n^«nft-^ I *wt-

^3^ 5Rftt ftl3 STTT $5 II C l|

*wpRi£ft sit ^11 ^q^^RT: sifts ffiepwr tft^ |

3W flg$|5RH$ 5#F3SPl5f, ?rt tat ^?M SPIlftlJ

f^irc, swrtot nttoSi %w h^sft nsrfir w 1 Ercsfcprc-

^PT 3^I5T#lfita^ *T *T% f^RHR I q,flI#T ^# §*ita

$ft Efii^qqrf^ ^Rrrcroift sqrn^ i ft g ^tfrfq srcffo-

sprang II w WFmsF^&lix ^nrrfei^cT n ft ll

fera: Iaiga^ fsirawr flirt: I

^. aw gjWstf wr q«n#^iqr sprat jRigtoi

=*to: l 3sraT qifasjfa isncrRrfintfoTJfii^qq^R:}^^ 55$ I

sqf^ rcRKfarefRt *$ H5R «HJirag:I

fl*Fiq ^ *MW

ft, q.% JT^Tl: ^3[ T^g: ?—^FTrfERPTT ft fat SWfcFPl.f

TOTPtf wwpqmfasifo st I *rra%qr g^: Sft: w&i msrciRira ftifaqsi qferaffic, I

§RF5: ga sttctH I eft ^igflfcraH W^t %ar:-5RtI

flgf^r **TRftfi sen, fl sw*r qfsrc jtppto^ i fo, fq?-

sraft aft a frBrlr ft^Rrfc^ I fat §?jjqatsfq qt *ro ;fa-

f^RT:, eWqWI #TqtlfrT sfltR Bt^Wl^n^IRrf»IRRf I Sjt

¥im^r sjt sift srafe 1 st%%q ^pq:, *}<wh cr


^. nt%i[ffl5ffcr giFitf qR^t ragot m^qqrcig: 1 q^qfa

n^rfdqiit%q5Rin%r: Jwfiqii^«F^ %t: 1 q*rrc*TR

fer: Ii^ra ^qf ?5>^i^, M<W*Ji sifts: ^qqt ^j^^t-

W$ 3H^ | fr 3 m cfaPT RiftT: Wi'-\ #1 %: q^rid

Bqt I^ST =^d * *%TR^MWT: I 5OT ft TO f^:«aqi^

finfo^ I ^5«r flt^H sftonft ^teNt i wraft I *et:,

5#fa tf^Tft «I§ fctf ^fel" ?Rg =1 ^Sft ^qic^ |

^. cwgBw sit =3 ftg°i tor §°5^t qsmftjj % &^tsfq ^te i spirant sito& ^rawfawflwaw

nratsgft?i s#r-| q^n^i ^sg%T <^T^t *R s#Tct: I m$\-

for tesft s?8Sra5ffe #eh li ^ II

sn^fi^, i sraft *^taf sift raqifa I hih^Pt ft efcr


g'.^q^w, suwrararcoft te^K, 'Rpt tertal^ ^r^-

ffaffiRT: I^T fr%ffilft ^[ft: mtf «TRR^ I

qig»friwt3RW t$S fafranFWi w^ot'ppJ: m&fcqi%i: |

q;4 dfagsraFiT sr w^m"k ftsrreft sawn* I smrmqifo

qrffart ^sPt^R ^i5T i erf *spR?pirRrol^Nr, *rfW ?n-

srfera %^ sn^s^r | nfeRra siqrtpren *wt-4$

qfc e * ER^rq^r q ^ a^ifcffif fqwft ftf^a^ I *rc

jpR<rcq dri^Ra ?if% **t i jjsrcreri?! src qftflt ##fc

tfm l *fa ?fsn?i3^f erenftBsifi q#^ra: I *m fqif^r-

eft R^Rd 1 iwwi^ f^rr^rer ^m *m^t *

qr=rr swnjj, ^qs T^t^g qf^ ffe^ wraj

?tpt qstf^ fqw«F>s ?r 35ppf aunt \ =r^ mi% *mm

^ sn$4t rtpff ^gjn^TR'N rrifrrc$ erataigqft mm§

q,q qfls qifi^Ri^ I

vs. 3m qrc$ ftt% rtr ^ er sqspni^ *r ant ^qqjFRRiR I «ra qfaqrCr nfrngor ^7 farcrf 1 qq at ci^r-

a^ ftaiq 1 cT5f snats^t srt *K aRprmrar 1 aw jtrsrt

=qrcft^ 1 «rWf a ii^ffljfof ffam \ m ^ *m ggcr: $%-

fqq> «h^?iN^ 1 3t«t TOft ^fa xfare-i q^pr mqrFsq" civiqT ^qfafef j&pq-^ 1 worn cr^r mfiFm w =?

f^rr^rt gq: 1 wft & =trc&rki^: 1 >^t ^ swfq^5 a*s(tf

3^t: src^f qspq^ | 3T5rf|mRft |

^. <& iHWsfeqsff 3Rn^-| ssf urates to *J ^ifor

§\i ^ fisiiiagq^^i arc ^3fa$ ii^Rtaratffan^i

ct =3 ndfenWRlfti^ a^ot 3cft I3WI3JJT 1^<T ^

*fo >ffilfq qWc4 JT?l:—^ £& R^I^T ^f^Rffl^HvtRjftq^ i q^H ^i fcq^fRt uRspqr <p ©& sroqofa: I

arcfar s ^rait fi fens £rcra i


TO^S Tf^RJ ftfemna^ II *& II

^-l cq^rf%r: w^Ri^fiw Hit ^f| i stsfa err «rf&>r-

*rfq T 51^ I S ft ^ ftifa5*raftf<t I I 3T sqi^trt—^ |

q§£:-sfcf ^praRfa | guffaw f| ^tf fStm ** oifti:-

|fa i cfcT«j ^3HfPK[ «i 3jt tor I

^. aftif^ weti^R"? v$mwi trci, 3Tfsq*fi ^>-

qi^q f^rqFspn, %,3 *rcmfq f^ra jm: I g^fff^t ^

MWft^: ^nf^t ^l WTO|

^. qrfqqlclct fa** St^r s sdgsrN-i ^tt 3F I^e^I

wn ft wRrcfa Pfafit ^: 1 *t ^ itm: 1 8s ^rafc 1

*ro gwift =r %# qRRTRqct, srfq ^ er^N 3?^: tfqr-


5ff| WW5*, TO: foiW ? ^S^g^cT^T^yirJ^-^fcT


Sit RWft *$3 #»H *rawgfet AFT, ^ cT =ei§jqt qJUcT

srfli^ssf f^qfq qtf 5i at q^RT qcqTq ^ mwiFif tt ^rccij

sqf^ htc^t aFT qi°tt f^^i^rt ftftcroj ark ^-i *tt 5m, I

amwit qr *flrewngfaa qr 5T fq^ft m§ era: jfMct i

3^t 4terci|FT utoi wgqift i

cT #q ?5l?rT®toi =^fiR | fl^ltf =3 cT ^fawq^TCTra

wirnri mqsrq^ i3*q%iJi3iq2 ?r sq^n^


^q rriq^: qftt facHj sit tf sn^qpircH 15 *prs,

4tsq R*tft<fc<M<kt: ?n^ |

JTknH?:, srat =stf#ft flqfc ^fiftr si^r. \ ^ ^ aaraiffict-

It" fecfa I «ncR=ir g I5§fl^ ^fecnfq faai, wsi wract ^feiR sir aR^s^, nwft sfi»?Nrc»tfta: I ^ spra^rar-

aprodsb *a&r flfg^raFT *ftaftrft qwpPTRj, | am, arft-

^ ^RT^# | 3rfi ft-

srr^tsn <nn <k: $Rrrc*rcsft *rt: II ^ II

^ I

? ? . «wr ^iiaww cRT: ste ^qrfq- ^rfaR: qifeiraRf

m w$ m sra^r ti ws$t ^rs *rf^^r: 11 ^« 11

srcwr "*wt:

SSWt p&ta $ftfo sp*ri^ 11 V\ 11

qq^d ^qqT«r srcl#fir arqfrir srq^i^I *fa f^pfilTfaft-

flpqfa ?l$g: Iarat tfNft[OTlfa: RIOTR^ qoftSi3T ftarffo-

5^ fesqq^ Igin T^ft.—

^r qq sit sicqpffiT: i qsrra; q^ifq ct^t ^rat ^r ^ fqsq^q-

qjftBf | srrbtos *nft-l q*qiflra*q as^sft sfoflSFt


Sfflt fir^tWTORlft^ir^ ST fl?«Rts%BS*?: I<^-

gwr fltsg^sqxi^H w stnr q? *f^> ?

w-i qrq^?r^qq$ qft ^qs*q sqrqif^r:, ai^Rift:

fonfo q^qfat i f^Rtftq^-sfcT |

#( =33* frfa ^ Wq^, cTCM1^ qRsfPT =TTt ^sq^|

351 ^Ffeq^-I qf^ 3RT: WlfagSW, 3TEfP¥fl^gf^T

Jiswrcr *i%:| ^ara^sr ^qtswrfasq W^rpirh ^s^

^r: 3W:, W ?!W figifl: f-^Rt I ^'faf%T, a#Fq-

^jrc qq f^nfq qif jt twjl:| ^sfg otsmffiBH awipfef

^:-l q^faFRiq1

sif^t to, SFRSTRraj ftftftqtnrej *&

Tf^n^, ?$sfq qq ^WRi ^ I«rat gFift: g%fa siffi-

tftm W&Q'- IaT^^W ^srtp^?

|^JcT flFRi^TR fl%fq

qt^t-^R: ^q:-s<peiT ?prprasRp| m^ srfclqsrc. i

•A. 3T«T flfa^fl IPfoFr siPBOt ^^ ftqtlT^q

^. *r %noft^ ^ a a*q *n53Pg<prt sRRig:I«w a

anftri ^qwnfitflfccwr ^qrarer w i ^%^ ^ ^ i

cratsl^qm =q wprowfsw a g*gfeqte*i^ I era =<?, 3*r:-

jjcgjr ^ ^fq mffc ? wf^ sfrrcfiMraresit ^off to,

s^f^r ^r R^, gofa =qtf %flg swft ? q*niw-

&m ^5*q =qg*ft, ¥TR=f^[ H?t qtquftsft ^q ?fcR?T*$

mm* 1

Tffl |a^ ft 53T: qi2^Frat 3#RTtsft ijMHlctefi I JlfcfaA

sifa flftfl: I

fa f% qqtoi^ ? ipf, ^ ^pt: *jf|a:, fag sffl^sr^qs:-

ii^f— I s^sd ?tr ^ gigP^ilr i fa sn^tfq Mta-

sir ge^er i^ ftj^R ateNta;— I ^g^, <^i*fa skr

*ra fa sftIstchj 5wnfa5g^ fng*rii% q^fsffi %swr, a^51 »m^^ JWRiftcian^

i<$ aRt, >as gKjg^iFnqr

\\.*m |3N» a ?# 5fflnaiT srcqql^g fo^r: ^ iprr,

wrt ^ c$ffi$jfite*aifr *raf, ci«rr # *?n * st&dii q?n?r-


£i writes 4>te#wwi5i qsr^trct flfar: I c^^«r

qf^ i

nz$ wm^m ^rcrifq ^^fifos; ?n^ i *raf it saw ifor-

gsn sriclrasq^ i_^ | & f| t ^t 5R«ii armpraR unf

scfot fiqwn^ nfctofrPRfoi l 5°^ ^iraftwts^, ad-

ftfta ^nre«»i f%i?p f^4r, <#ro Ptaatf fSfttt I

snsufa g*i JTf^iri^ I swift *re^it <ra^ra?j$«T qq^rirt;

srcf^ I

^ ^Rq atNTCEJI

*Rrere«rt tfreraf ^tarit *$& ^

^, qfatf^prer *w sNft q*rcfqf|tf ft© Iaw a ^tc,

^r Wfaltfta; I 5Rpft f| *r a&r JJ^T 3*: 5TT5T:, qst

ssrfa stsfsqqf gjp^ ^wr^rr si *rafct»HR^ I arc gof

q& i art ft i^f^rc^ i

<# JRWT g^N I J$WjfaR-| sigqfst SPIT $Hfa |

3n?«Ht frpat WB3f Sfopi fl =<fa: qfip: | $faf faf£

«m*mw tow? ft^fag sa* site iJr ^-i n$qft3

%fikHll<tirf tfctiftcKl sitq *PTT ?nt §<%:

ffi I


Ti«nft TforM * foil sn^^ II w ii

qptfqt: ^qqifSKi m%fo fwf%i f^*sf I fag ?f* *

5(T5EE*M*r: 3t sfrgsqqj qi ^%»fffq%^ *llfcjcWl! I

a. ^ Eft:—

' JRlsras '—?Rr sftwfolf^T: | 3rf%

awmi^Rtf ft!: esftfiM >m:, srw cnq^r gtpfc <jftq:,

aateft c^-7 ^3*5:, o;4 ERqaT Jq^TPT ?$fa % ftftHWifiPr-

^. fog c^?r g«af * s^j^ph ^ 3f;w ^r-

eejta qmt ^jmnafitaH *r, ^Bcap^ ? w air ?

iRt I a jj cipg?t gijqif ST^q EW 5P1PTI *£W 3^t JW,

<^dl*ig": staler: I

f^lRf =3 *iS«ji trcisiFttftffet Nfe ^r^f^r fngqj

swtii $<m iter sqiHiqflI «Rii9$q ^ tewm

vs. 3**r n^w§ gsrar *nfRwfcn?f PHSfr a ^spm:

stsfa ct ftofa 4h3^fRnMfeH «4*jt ga^Fro Ianj ft

gscrcraq^ft sq^fafr ^ fat ^f Ji^t speqcimTRqc^ ? crt-

fia: I

5T ^i^^i^Rat ^3 PT5 ii ^ II

OTrT^r STTTcT^T JT^W^S ^f^Rg fl^l JT^i ft*fa | fltefa

«i^t:, a#r»prat qifaqftrnfaq qnqfafl[ qssqmwl

^hjf^BRir ?fa ^ fliqwfsqqoft 'sssritawr ^qf mq I

fte#firfq suft $ ^rrpt gqfaa: 1 writ ^bRbswt-

%fiift %fiif% lufoT apqf 3tf$Enft I fo a ^EfrRS: qtf

qfta: ^Rqrf^g": l 5FrptN^rw ^m fiWK?Rft sirt:i

3KftsfcRfq ftcftq qrc, arllFgwkr !taf ftrq gsFFRR^f^fi-

*rfq sjRpt ^X I*$^ RfaqfrEifqi *pjg: 1 arcfr ftdtftsft

Hnifq^er jppp#t si%t swrqisjfaq cir^t q*rr «wRRt

^t ©1:, ^r !gpwR: 1 ^q^3 an^s napwwf f^t-

f^S5q^f ^RfPRlqt ^-^fct 5% I ^^fWif^ft-qjq^i3^ 1 arg^r #jew jr^ fq§q:-sfir 1 ?rataft

K 3T«Iwt ^JK ^R I ^wfcl^ SRftfcft gS^TIFI flpt-

g?r fai^: ^-ifa * n^i craift crgqrc ^m^i^f^qift|

Semite I 3FRit *f =^^:, ^wy-tKi^TSTpifh Sit:

M, ^^TRWg^M SSlft, R^TOcR: sjftfcT, arrctqqmi?: I

f*rqf% qR(4«M(cig^ |

^^iqar *q\ fq%gf^[ft | a^qf g sTstqqsiqf pim #?^,s& err ^qraifq ^rrq^fr^if^-^ f^^g ^ qRqifa | qa:, arPT-

?gsficerR5fiqfq qr* ^ qftf^fa I^TcT:, 3T5T ^TOW-TH ?Tlfctft-

¥i^t *Fq§ ^, %m Pr^fr? ^?Rf nt %nCfo I znffrm

^TPPrPpwi: g^T cT3*PETRft«rrflr | *H m 5iffe ^snr

q^ 5pr agqsat *$q^ I

\\. 3?«r %«q^tsfeq% qire% f^Htfgfi:, §q«jre;-

W$ ?*nq%: ist g j^ffcr fc&:

i srfcjftarct ft «rf <?«r

JK*?rcq | f%^ wgjfiw^wt mats^: iq^ *t ft$ro

^rt <rer^ jtcttNt *r^rte II ^ II

^r^tft s^mM sr^tf : fci #ra II 3° n

TI«Tm^-| W 3%T ^^ IRPftwft^R. I ^li ^^ ^3R £ftf$ I 3T?RRJI,...| "^if^tSFI ^Wli^R #1-

JFRH 3RI iiSFRaft 1 *m t* 3^ I3RI:, ^ % **$

*n^wrq?N 1 a^fcM 3 Tpn gpK afcfcWR, Ia^wft-

f^ft^gqpr stare- 1 snspr^sq * *& gf 1 a*?rcci$ &a

qrat ff *fi&*T: 1 »JJW 5Wt*H lit H^ H^ *TCT ^ott

*w H3iPWRii% qqufa fanft vm ww 1 *r ^nm^Fratsi

$3fim srffcfa: I tf ft WSTSFW foffogf^ W%Q3r

^ci %t &t tor- I st^ffcr strerat *aflft I awrart

W*n "sim:

'Ztsft ^ ^i^ I *t ^r q?nq€qts«Tqte | ct^t: ei *w<ro-

^ fief: srerar: ? auRret =g q4 ^-t sfaRfcpq'U siRPte-

fteroiq*rftfKq qqffsf^i 1 cn^&f sar | 351 'a^Rmratf-

fnl^ ftif%g3K 1 5P3?? ft Jjjt sRicfsw^ritft srf^ ?j?#-

^ I ^d 3^g* swr ! ^3^rr hr^cm ^ mar 1

awRqret ji^t, arf^qfrn ^q^wrcqrc^iqrrftsrrsiqt sp: 1

^r sn^s-w^ ufaa isqfctwFifa; I cr ft ^nft w$n^^sfaig*FcM: 1 JiRsrfSfcfq tteHi^t, ft* Ifcqw&fr

^«»r, <§q ^ra^iP^iquqVi w&, wjpt mf^i ihs

amis 1 qrotomt sp'srcrctf ^iifon §**trci ggqzt wi

^.^3 $«ra#^ esgWRT, G3\ ^f^^^ pRFT,

^R#P5ffl^^^i^ 3tK ^t 1 cpct ft srff<raH qitei#

3^ ^iPtnt h Bf5«iw «^w*q ^ iiratscpMt 1aw d q^-

* ft %fo* OT f^^cqT qTWR% II 33 II

"a. hi ^iTci *tf°£ citfif^i ahr sjffor *t?pto ftfgr I

?pi l^cw* ^Ji5 %m sqR Pfarc, <t ^ ffc^q, rrernft

\. *ws ^ al^ ^tf fff^fcT 5rt *rr f^g^i sitft: sister

jrfafw qraqrorcri^t *$sfa ^ *&$m *r *&sw., fig

^n^iT spj|:i irastat jRiq-: sm q& qsrF^ut srrs^


^ ^f^i^^P™ m f^f; cr^ *5rh tor | src =<?

tff*rc Ittewsn^ ft$J J^RTJT?r^fq srr ctstt sf%§q *rer

v9. m gi^ « #iqlc^wiFr, nwtwr, srfttfstara-

grataR qraiopaogFjnEn^ 1 ata gwtqR qtrat ^| craft

crag^r ft, anpn^R cT^ns^mrapRte; I^wral

fwfql*r 1

SPrt ^ set fcTt *f ww. t^t ^ftcn-sfct l^s

-t sriNfo


^ ^r *p$ i f^j, ^mi q* w\ %m& *«n$R I ^ ft

qwrfa^i i

snft q^rrc^, anri^rw fig #g I em ft ftfcreraH ^r*nfcn fiftif^r sq^r ft ah sanfon fip^mjf mfick ?

m t sir fteeiar «^ te-^t ^pt qt ftwt n?r: I jjft-

sisTOfwr 3taR*t Jifcn ftfl%^ si^MRt q^?j ^ritI

ircaftwfi^ 13^ wi 1 <^q qft ?jjt aajwra:, ft; 3 sun*?

1 Sferfrf I 3T^I i|, -I aft Jf 5JT WWPT 5^ SPflfo I ^ft ^«m ^t^ 1

M^=tM-^ JF,«pnft | f?R a sratf smfrftrtsfa itch *ng-

«fe:, <p err icT: -^ci^fq f^scfqsqifti

fa g, ^oitefi-

<SRT fifTO TRlsqTI 3qT?R^ 3i&q:

I ft ^ iRHffl'T jpf

q*7ifs afarf^t f^f^qyft i

?^. arc ^ i^^^rat | s ^foi^fliw I ?wr#^ * a

3te-l gemSfa ^artferar ^s%^: flmfatwfaw. I tf&t

i*qif*ifrtsffl-|ft ^«wfq fopren*. i hwpSN ^ ^aprai:-

Rrsqct fli^f^r §r^ ? 3rfc ft —

w ^1^:, mm3 qqreft ?raii£qfa I

^<i. q^Hrc^t* tor, ^n«rr#T 5^ =3 ^"T gft-

sats& erf gg: Jrereta i Rtare =^-1 ^ ^ftifpf, font <m

toft jpftt ^rf*H ^*#r ^i^wg^fa 1 ^q^it

TO sft%T ^J3^I^^f W3JT^*qt tf%3*fa£°fa affarfa 1

q**fq q%^ $3$rc|jn *F-gfaqfefrg 5tf|°T: ^qqg:, <ite4

?^. a#q^r ana*: gf^dfoT 3TRftcjJ JTl% ^ qsWRPff

^rci^sfa j «^q| *=r^ 3?^qi^^ %%fetm ?f%5Rnpr-

LwTHH+ttlF ^f^ctf JM^^ | 3WTT 'jfcOTTT. f^-

^^WfRTfvWT, ^ ^^Sf, il^qfel^ WftfRP*.! 5Rl«

% gwwkigwiPr ^ apart faj^ift i3pertcwh<m<t «$-

ftqftftt fepw WF% $t%: qrar. MM I


^ppqffosit ^rwfa d$a:, *rr ag^ srafcr ^n^t

sift ^ralOi ^tafgwft ^pwwidwmra i aire ^ spr-

*i§sr fait wrnraf*& gjqg: |

<:. ^jrcapr ?pra tw arc* fifrc, sr #^ftaTt hjwt

^igqfqfcjj-^t I clef: JPrfc* stefeq%3UT 3; ^jf flftsfa

*fa$imra I ci& =3 *faaRgqpRift ^ i <^ c#fss§^

OTilt, «tsfel$jft 1^ IP^Rt l eta g stffafl)

*m^l «ng: iara:, a fcrt c^feq ^ifafrrat wft i

*jgg?r q^^nsi ?i^5i^qr Iset: % sjgqftsmEWi

*#l ftf^FRan^pn qs^n foe c^t ajiraq^ gad

*$ an??$*. I fa ^ ^qf^wtopw«ptf^j ^prtf »rat-

p *t nit ^fqsqf^|

H- ^"T^t n^r:, fa ^t^iTfa f^rrta ^^ i

5Wlft, ^ S^e^fa sfq^Fr, « ^ %& §<fa 1% g

*HFT-?fct I 3Tf^I%'7FcR, 3FcIJT3STC e^iqT|cW; | fa =tj,

smft ^fsmT^r:, w qpr: genI ^s^ktrrt-i ir^cir

^ifa sa^tf *ifamt: qfi^fa, ?5Rrfe5 TToqcn^T^TT^T spmiaire

?». arc ^tf^r®^ ?fara<fa 3tar, s #rc$rc«n3


^. Hrc*tP%w<foiisga*n^ fat tu«K*wRfcwj era

TOfta»nfa | era: ai a h1cNpti%— | 3^ ffift ^ g^:5

q: RRrt f^fa fopt %^ ! «Rt JiRPt *f^? ^ ^N^t

itcftqqrt q^^r *?fq, g«Rr* 41^wf^Rwifi?pnc^, sftt ^

i^iw sn^rcT-ilH 1 3#qqf s^^-i sift qrcsft, sm-

qfiaftor 1 a 53 gf^mi sufcrctsfoi i 3Tfcrcraq spit i§-

qqraft 3^ ^ ?sg=f :, ?t qr gagqfsfq 1 ^ct: *ri& ^wssqrqft,

flrsprit^ ^qT^ ftft^s, ^itsnqpipgqfeiJff *jfo ?ra-

q»Rt =q f^qfqgq^m^i


m wti wftn <m ^qoftarcfa fisFRqprara:, q^j^iw^i n^qifrrct *\$$i ^qof ?r tftasq^

i q*q f| sqaf gsq^r

!#r q=*R sg^T ^rfte&iSRr^r sqopigruj q^% is^

3%f «q^q^*r flqpft i

qfcr ft | «w nfcni^ sr jjsq^wrpraw ^ 3*: qnftf%-

qrainrt nifq^i

1«MfqBqift | <0 jfof ^Waffa =Rf Pfaltfqjj qil ^r^ sStosrew *ns*q ? aw qftqsR ^rcr qifrqaqf *r ^wi

*iir% ^t^sq^qt: §aqM sat:, wr q*TT$ qarastaRnr

^. ft 3, o?^q fqqftf^ nR5pqr gffeag^w isra^q

ft'%°i sqi^ atemr spj=t|

arret q«ir *& ^firi^J^ ^qiflti a*tPi SRnwiffifa 3 sj?pftn*qt

^ ?r *SRiq st^qmt^i

*rqr ^f^t^, ft ciTsraT nttarft ejfa ^qifq | qcftss*#q-

qi^-^r 1 arc spa^ts-i mm *# ^35^:, ^m-

{o. arfclfifll qfi ji^h ^ifoft ww *RTH 5R?T,

l\. m qfcpcra aftwfaifiPt, 3#q% ffcoq^sm:

3H: gjanqpft lm, ftafcfaqaRpfat spwIlHiPrEig Ufa: I

2fa ^ sftf^ri ejsn^i qr^rcfr sn^r $sfa *ri^RBf ^

«j$ift «n4t qrfiter:1

h^5*wt ^ wife fifenu wr aqr ^si^ncq snrctpRirf

a^^ft Tos^fq: ^fiSt ^[%r: I vtfim =*H <W, IPi SS\,

fi*J |f^r, q^qr ^f^r:I ^Fraw ft2pt Pftr^q | *to s#l

^sfa eqTwt m& qfercj ffrra 'srot *q^? fiw-

^ ? |3$q qf§qoi %&$h*g% fa mffan, i 3 fa f^

trrcqf% 1 ?wr %q sqrcraf&rfa:

=qi3^i 3rcft°r ^°t ^ JasjgsFfitfar: I ^rat srcTtajqj'qtfacT-

sft^P'rt fort #^r j^n^ft ll »• n

$& *ra: RWfe-^i I 3*4 ^ aura: *PPR5l%l(tg^ | 3R[

^vs. arcrat ^m ^^g? 5i*ph sewer* ^fr-

ids^f I ^IS^lfi ^ *BSRflT^ciI 5Ff^T#Rft flT^qclf

q^R3pn 1 Vw *$*, ft g "tf^wfq ^for qfeHia^ l

after:, ^gftreiifaftf*mr gErat aa?|3 JircfcRTfa ^, jpr-

* a ftftfo * ^nfq * sNlr *raft ^ra#rsftwiMii

ft g ?ta SlU*: ^cTcqir^, 5FTOtsgn?RltftoRt at

to 1 ft ^

lt% wtm ^-ajof m^ri. ^r^l^RteicRPTR P^^ww'i

JTct S^, SRI: 'fa ^?' ^ sq^FcTI ^Fg T^clT

tfter *Ni«rc m^t^ mwm i

*qfq forM tftetft Trc^fori^q- ^pcOTrctfficir ! mi

sRmft ^r^sqf&cTf &w ^jqtswra* «nfiRi apt mq^ |

35PTT ftq^siji^Rftq ?ra sraqt gpnort qi q^F stjit^ft,

s ^cpwrichi^ ^% igpci: srfqa^ ?r 3f»RTq-| q^f qt&-

jtfqs!-^r |

jmi-^qisfar wfa ^i^ ^rcrer £p^i^


Chapter I. Paragraph 1. fl# cTCfa +UWK—a rich

man can surmount any difficulty. 2. ?^Rit f.—to be

seen. 3. vffi: ^f*T". vn&i—these must be bandits.

5. *tiRwt ?.—to be lit up. 12. *WT ^ 3f?i—caused no

fear. II. 4. I3##r stftair ^ Pffit—there would be no

need of cutting trees. H%«h 'yMrl^—the desires

shall be realised. 7. q& m$t snffa ft ?—what is the

good of knowing the amount of money ? »CT 3T* 37-

sfo—my purpose will be served. & ^RSJfcft^t *fiifcrr

you were made to wait. III. ^tfe^-fftd qg: 5«jw srw

furnished with the two ends, the bow bent for hitting

the mark ; the other implied sense being—possessed of

two crores of Rupees, the bow bent to aim at ( secur-

ing ) a lac (more) 1. 3T«fJ££wTfor *rc<qr hh ^?rr—I thank

you for your lending me the measure. 8. «afMWM,


^nftcr—there is no undoing what has been done. IV.

3. ftt aiwiFm:—would have long stopped there. 5. Jl*5r:W =T 37ft«ra:—the spell did not occur to him. 8. gg-

fctft WMlllicl' Irc^r—taking it for the right place. 1 1 . f|srr

*fic*Fffa:—should be cut in two. V. 3. ^ %=t<hhq[

snt—the moment they were heard, the words of her

brother-in-law dispelled her doubts and comforted

her. VI. 4. <W gsra Jflmit—wished him Good-morning.

^& 3€to 1 3f£fcRr—


Contentment never left him.

10. jfta^" ^ixr—gave delight, *tt 3T*cr jwt:=*tt ar^w; ( ar-


iRT:=jrr a^f jt=^. The stanza means—Do not become

a non-entity among the people, but gain celebrity by

your deeds. Remain not at the lowest, neither low,

nor even in the middle ; but remain top-most widely

known. VII. 2. aprr^.^ra^—a man should

preserve from loss, his money even by endangering

his life. H^PTfag frs 33RT:—prepared as it were to give

back, rr 3T# ^ HTRftcj mf *nt%—it is beyond my power

to do your business. 12. miWlft* swpfcr:—should be

given the reward. 13. <f iri * *d<^d—could not

lose it. 16. erg gq-^cr oW *t—I thank you much. VIII.

4. 3i+ifatudi ^ 3TTT51T:—were not suspected. IX. 10. ^.

<RFf nt st£ sr|fe—please allow me to stay here. 12. c^RT

sf^T 1^fi ^TsftetfRT—do me the favour of entering the

house, ^t <T?r<n sm^—keep ready the cooked drink. X.

2. ai^iwi ^: ^Fts^f—another maid would have cried

aloud. 6. ^f tk s«ra; srrc^.—would keep the broth sim-

mering. 8. h=tkt: ^filsT etm?T:—the plot proved fruitless.

9. qwfcrt ^fkr-.—was truly known. 1 1. <tar ^fa Tfti^cft

lest she should rouse them. anri&fcrPT ^1 S$3—when

they went to sleep never to wake again. 17. %$

=T «W3Rt.—should not suffer the remainder to remain.

OTT 3Tc|^t ^m^—'you should be on your guard. XLW3: %mT: 5?p%—appear friendly when it suits their

purpose. 4. mwj^ii^i m ^—I am in need of a shop.

6. tewmSR ggqg:—behaved « somewhat friendly

towards each other. 7. ^n^ afai^RTr:—stayed talking.

14. WTfjj fas grl^ft—rose as if to depart. XII. 8. tSTCPT

s*'^fdi—would serve to amuse. 15. JTstTfa ff ^for^—does

not fail to shine, ifa^ st«jt eta—sr^r—with good-

ness. The stanza means —It is a duty of a man to

behave towards another as he does towards himself.

A dishonest person should be dealt with cunningly

and an honest person should be dealt with fairly.

Glossary of difficult words.

3W3WT—sudden death.

ams^t—without loss of


3PRff?P^w.—a physician.

awmiK'h t—a charcoal-


3TfRR adj. adjacent,


adv.-Then, after that.

s^j^^m^adj.—slave for-


3^RtSH—wishing to per-


wg&tmd.-m pursuance of.

arwRPW—pitchy darkness.

ars^T:—a race, a line.

3TO55—pure, honest.

a^t—feces, filth.

ar^ with S—to request, to


arTO:—'expression of the


*u<toiRH adj.—a despera-

do, one reckless^ of his



arm—a shoe-maker's awl.


adj.—facing this




cl. 10.—to root

out, to pain extremely.

g^rcta:—disturbance, in-


SJ4W.—an article of furni-


U*lWd—bent upon a sin-

gle object.

w*w—known by heart.

^g?—consisting of howmany coins ?

"ttfciwr—a work-shop.

$?t:—a proposal, scheme.


+l«A+<*l—a short space of


ftpRrr-arfir—to some extent.

W^'.—a measure of grain.

S«L/.-leather vessel for oil.


W with gq;—to prepare,

to cook.

fPPTR:—responsibility.W—wretched, poor.

S^-sitfitlr—to lead.

t^l /-harm, loss.

$PT:—'ruin, a house,

^^withan-to cut short, to


fi^with gq;—to reduce, to


SJU+ua—too young, infant,

^t—silk. adj.—made of


*R{caus.—to bespeak, to


T^fa?'—'born rich,

^ftifr—a red mineral, >te.

'Tt/.'—-a cow, speech, an

organ of sense.

<it m.—a bull.

5R«—a mutitude.

^ ctfws.-with ft-to think,

to hesitate.

=q^i^l.»t.'—a cobbler,

srs with 33c-to set off.

=«nq3—rashness, officious-


%fM—a deed, feat.

3^:—a whim, pleasure.


3?^f—a mask.


srra"—entirety, the whole.


f%rc?T—search, quest.

^f>jft%—wishing to live.

S^-^%—to enjoy, to take.

Iff with 3Tfr—to recognize.

trr with aft—to promise, to

vow, to declare solemn-


5P*Tf—a jump, a leap.

fliq?T:—a vulture.

fi'il'fecl—vanished, out of



§§5—difficult to guess, in-



5R,with 33rto expect, to


^&6>:—a teacher.

£RW*f>—a door-leaf.

sRirf^n—a . purse for



qr with 3#4—to deceive,

to over-reach.

with3-ft-to be present

or near.

with *f-fa-to prepare,

fjftft/.—a cigar.

qjm% ( a umijj )—to give

out fumes.

*W ««rf.—by name, surely,


ftffr /.—knavery, a trick.

£fcpr.—-a store, a heap.

ft^#—an illustration, an


f^Rj w.—a driver.

frt&T—carrying out.

Ptolmfir catis.—to put out.

ft$$N—the same as, not

different, equal,

f^r:—a hiding-place,



fffiftz—cruel, merciless.

ft:«*13i /.—a ladder,

jft with 33;—to infer.

<K.with stft'—to do, to act.

TOWjg:—the being guessed

by another.

TftjTf:—a possession, a



qftlS':—a leader.

<rf?OT—hinder, lying at

the back.

TlH^r—skill, healthy condi-


4i<Mft with aft—to wait


3OT#—man's efforts.

«hi«*l<K—sweet and gener-


a^RT—open, known.

SR>RR!3tr—open, not con-


Jh*#WM*:—an assassin.

sfsn^flr—a brother's wife.

sfirrfa /.—a remedy, ameasure.

sfrwr—a promise.

aftfT:—a belief, conviction.

MWi^i:—'refusal, reluc-


Sc^rPR-convincing another.

sqRp.—^a precipice, cliff.

5RT5T—pleased, right, suit*



s&$ffi—a bag or purse.

JR31W:—an introduction.

Sf—bent towards, favour-

able to.

5TWR:—a rampart, a wall.

&pfcro—the funeral.


sfifS—full of, replete.

*rra adj.—firm, strong.


°^ adj.—in name only,


*Tsras—a king, the sun.

*i^ with fa cl. 10.—to

observe minutely.

«rftrar—a leather bag.

g^pajT—a female slave.

t—with 5—to be able, to

command, to have

mastery over.

*$3PT—at a great profit,


J?°g3SW.—a dagger, poniard.

T^ftf^r—the desired object,


JiSPflJ—the kitchen.

W—a small quantity,

any potent medicine of

a particular shape.

»fl3jT—fraud, deceit.

JTMHi&H—a false mer-


rrR^rfr/.—a proper name.

flFlw—search, inquiry.

gw:'—a leader.

jffswqtf:—the corn-bag for

the horse.

jjsN'—^capital, excellent.

m. caus. with ft^—to re-

venge, to pay back,



jj^—grass, fodder.

WWMlPf phi.—agoing Lo

and fro.

^jWctiS't—as accurate as


<gw§q:—the revolution of

an age.

WCwith 3T—to stop, to die.

*Wf—a tonic, an invigor-

ating medicine.


3WI. n.—a mark, sign.


*TOf% /.—a growth or line

of trees.

m&ffi f.—a wax candle.

^g?T:—actually, in fact.

3T^T—censi rable.

cfljoilc^N.:—an oral discus-


fite±«MR[ (cl. 10)—to mock.

f^^RTft—for.Tial, regular.

1=Wf3r /.—a market.

fqFrfo:—the reverse of a


$*HWrt (a^nJWg)—to be


%<*H+ftl—spacious, wide.

t%5JNwith 3—to sleep.

f3f%T.—a particular, or

special feature.

ft\ with qft cl. 3 U.~toserve as food,

fsr with 3TT cans.—to win


%& causal with fr-qft-to

revolve in the mind, to

think over.

^GT—>a raised piece of

ground, a dais. .

^ricfo?:—an incident. *

s^tt^r; m.—-a merchant.

°f=r^f—hidden, intercept-


^rf^TH—distracted, uneasy.

f^PT.—a hill.

3ft with 3*«j—to repent,

g with arr—to obe)'.

#^WT:—a share.

3*W—a doubt, danger,


g%aFTH—a meeting-place.

^S.—prepared, ready.

5§T5r—fulfilled, rich.

m—at the same time.



WJto—pompous, imposing.


yr^Rj*:—a desperado, a

reckless fellow.

<%3J*?—who has gained his


§9jl%—-tried to be recol-


f$k—brought by the Sun,

arrived at sun-set.

W>^<w:—the god of rob-


#9Tt—fit to be stolen. ^—a vocative particle

^OT-fcfijfa—to stop while ? with ®Tfz&—to eat.

walking. „ with s^—to deal,

^fe—affection, oil. „ with aqT—tojspeak.

Printed by M. N. Kulkarni, at the Karnatak Printing Press,

318 A, Thakurdwar, Bombay No. 2


Published by A. W. BirLe M-.nager, Messrs. Longmans,

Green & Co. Ltd , 53, Nicol Road, Bombay.

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