bandwidth reduction through multithreaded compression of ... · (run-length encoding) and huffman...

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Bandwidth Reduction Through Multithreaded Compressionof Seismic Images

Ahmed A. Aqrawi and Anne C. ElsterNorwegian University of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Computer and Information Science


Abstract—One of the main challenges of moderncomputer systems is to overcome the ever moreprominent limitations of disk I/O and memory band-width, which today are thousands-fold slower thancomputational speeds. In this paper, we investigatereducing memory bandwidth and overall I/O andmemory access times by using multithreaded com-pression and decompression of large datasets. Sincethe goal is to achieve a significant overall speedup ofI/O, both level of compression achieved and efficiencyof the compression and decompression algorithms,are of importance. Several compression methods forefficient disk access for large seismic datasets areimplemented and empirically tested on on severalmodern CPUs and GPUs, including the Intel i7 andNVIDIA c2050 GPU. To reduce I/O time, both losslessand lossy symmetrical compression algorithms as wellas hardware alternatives, are tested.

Results show that I/O speedup may double byusing an SSD vs. HDD disk on larger seismic datasets.Lossy methods investigated include variations ofDCT-based methods in several dimensions, and com-bining these with lossless compression methods suchas RLE (Run-Length Encoding) and Huffman encod-ing. Our best compression rate (0.16%) and speedups(6 for HDD and 3.2 for SSD) are achieved by usingDCT in 3D and combining this with a modified RLEfor lossy methods. It has an average error of 0.46%which is very acceptable for seismic applications.

A simple predictive model for the execution timeis also developed and shows an error of maximum5% vs. our obtained results. It should thus be agood tool for predicting when to take advantage ofmultithreaded compression. This model and othertechniques developed in this paper should also be ap-plicable to several other data intensive applications.

Keywords-Multithreading; GPU compression; I/Oacceleration; large datasets; SSD Disk


With the introduction of accelerators and everfaster and more parallel processors, the gap be-tween bandwidth and computational throughput isgrowing even larger causing a further challenges.As stated by Hennessey and Patterson [8] currenttrends show that the gap will only widen in thefuture as illustrated in Figure 1. This is especiallythe case for data-intensive algorithms.

There are both hardware and software alter-natives for optimizing the I/O bandwidth. Onecan upgrade the hardware platform such as usinggenerally faster SSDs (solid state disks) rather thanHDDs (Hard disk drives). However, SSDs are bothexpensive vs HDDs and although about twice asfast, as illustrated later in this paper, they alsohave bandwidth limitations similar to HDDs. Thispaper investigates another alternative which accel-erates the I/O process by using fast and efficientcompression algorithms that take advantage of thecomputational power of the modern multithreadedsystem including multi-core CPUs and GPUs. Aswe have already discovered in our previous work[2], [16], [11], [1], [17], and as it has been shown inseveral other cases [12], the computational powerof modern GPUs are often superior to the CPU.Our work explores the computational capabilitiesof the GPU for compression both as an acceleratorand a supporter for the CPU during computations.

The case of using compression to improve I/Otime has some unique properties. In the usual com-pression scenario, one is aiming for high compres-sion rates and neglect the execution time cost to

2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

1530-2075/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.330


2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

1530-2075/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.330


2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

1530-2075/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.330


2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

1530-2075/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.330


2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

1530-2075/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.330


2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

1530-2075/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.330


2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium

1530-2075/11 $26.00 © 2011 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2011.330


Figure 1. Increasing gap between processor and memoryspeeds (with permission from D. Patterson [13].)

achieve this compression, which is typical of effec-tive lossless compression methods such as LZMW[15] or lossy methods such as GenLOT [4] withtransform coding [14]. However, when optimizingfor I/O, one not only needs efficient compressionrates, but also fast compression algorithms. Thenext section describes the compression methodsstudied followed by some words about relatedseismic imaging and filtering. Compression com-putations and trade-off are the discussed, followedby the predictive model we developed. The rest ofthe paper analyzes and discusses our work followedby detailed conclusions and ideas for future work.

A. Compression Methods

Lossless compression is when one does not looseany data during compressing, which is optimal incases where one is very concerned about data accu-racy. In lossy compression on the other hand, somedata is lost during compression. In seismic filtering,it is acceptable to lose some data, as long asone maintains two decimal accuracy. In this paper,both lossless and lossy compression algorithms areconsidered. Our main focus is on simpler, faster,lossless algorithms and transform coding becauseof their proven usefulness on seismic data [5].

Lossy methods investigated include variations ofDCT in several dimensions, and combining thesewith lossless compression methods such as RLE(Run-Length Encoding) and Huffman encoding.Since seismic data may tolerate lossy compression,compression algorithm based on the DCT (DiscreteCosine Transform) [6] [10] [7] is evaluated as wellcombining it for 3D data with a modified RLE. As

will be seen from our results this lossy methodproved to be the fastest for large seismic dataset.

B. Seismic Imaging

Oil exploration is heavily dependent upon seis-mic imaging, which is considered very data inten-sive. Seismic imaging is a method of exploringthe layers of earth by using signal technology,which like ultrasound imaging, includes recordingwaves, reconstruction, filtering and analysis. It isthe common case that seismic data is recorded,reconstructed and then stored for later filtering andanalysis. In this paper, we will focus on the dataafter it is reconstructed. This part of the seismicprocess is termed seismic filtering.

The seismic filtering process is built upon twoparts: 1) the transfer of data to a computationplatform and 2) the actual filtering. In our previouswork [2], off-loading computations to the GPU wasexplored for a typical filtering algorithm, namely3D convolution.

Our initial results showed that the transfer timeconsumed 2% of the total execution time. As fil-tering was optimized by utilizing the computationscapabilities of the GPU, the transfer time was 90%of execution time, making it the biggest limit-ing factor for further optimization. Another aspectworth noting is that this is not only a limiting factorfor our work, but for all data intensive algorithmssuch as seismic processing.


Generally, the tradeoff when using compressionto reduce I/O time is the time taken to compressand the resulting compression rate. Optimally, onewould like to have a compression algorithm thatboth takes little time to execute and compressesthe data well. This way one would reach the bestspeedup compared to the normal I/O process. Inreality, however, there is a relation between thetime one uses on compressing data versus theexecution time– i.e. the more time one spends oncompression, the more one is able to compress.This works, of course, only to a certain extent, thatis, until the data is no longer compressible.


Figure 2. Execution time for combinations of fast/slow compression, high and low compression rates and asynchronous compression

Generally, when using compression, the maingoal is to compress as much as possible while thereis no time-limiting factor i.e. one can use a lot oftime to achieve the best possible compression. Inour case, however, we are limited by the normalI/O time. If the execution time of a compressionalgorithm exceeds that of standard I/O then it willnever be able to achieve speedup, and thereforeshould use standard I/O. That is why we are aimingat using the computation power of the GPU to beable to run the heavier compression algorithms fastenough to gain I/O speedup. This also means thatwhen comparing to faster I/O units such as the SSDdisk, one has even more limited time and musttherefore depend even more on fast compressionalgorithms, which limits compression options.

In the case of performing the compression andI/O operations synchronously, one would be lim-ited by the execution time of both since they areperformed after one another. This is always thecase when performing on a single CPU core –everything is performed sequentially. While in thecase of parallelism and using several threads on a

multi-core CPU, one can perform the computationsand I/O asynchronously, thus being only limitedby the execution time of the part that is the mosttime consuming. This way one can hide eitherthe I/O or the computations in by overlapping thetwo and the one with the highest execution timewill be overshadowing the other. This gives moredimensions and possibilities to use more compre-hensive compression algorithms even on fast I/Ounits, up to a certain point, of course. Similarly, ifthe compression algorithm is more time consumingthan the original I/O time, then it will not give anyspeedup. See Figure 2 for details.


The new compressed I/O process can be mod-eled in two parts as given in Equation 1. It ex-presses that the I/O time is now the time it takesto read or write the compressed amount of data,tcompressedIO, plus the time it takes to compressor decompress the data. This concept reflects thesynchronous model. One is also able to model this


asynchronously, which we will look at later.

t(n)SyncI/O = t(n)compressedI/O

+t(n)compress/decompress (1)

A. Synchronous Model

When using the conceptual model and express-ing it as a function of the original data size n, itwill be as in Equation 2 for the case of readingfrom disk, and Equation 3 for when writing. Herencompressed is the amount of compressed data inbytes, which is dependent of the algorithm oneuses to compress and can also be expressed asncompressed = n ∗ C, where C is the compressionfactor and n is the original data size in bytes.rdisk is, as earlier, the rate at which the diskreads or writes seismic data depending on theformula and is expressed in bytes per second.Whereas r(n)decompress is the rate, in bytes persecond, n bytes are produced by the decompressingalgorithm, and r(n)compress is the the rate at whichn bytes are compressed. It is important to note thedifference to avoid erronious estimates.

t(n)read =ncompressed




t(n)write =ncompressed




The main difference between Equation 2 and 3is that when compressing, the original data sizeis compressed into a compressed file size. Whilewhen decompressing, the compressed file size isused to reproduce the original file size. The dif-ference is in the amount of reads and writes tomemory. When compressing one reads the originalfile size n than writes ncompressed = n∗C amountof compressed data, where C is the compressionfactor dependent on the algorithm used. When de-compressing it is the opposite situation, where onewrites to memory more than reading. The total timeused to compress or decompress symmetrically isabout the same because one performs the sameoperations in reverse, but usually decompressionis considered slower because one has to write

Figure 3. Asynchronous I/O Pipeline, with dominant I/O time

more. In our case, we only decompress to memoryto perform calculations and then compress thedata again when storing it back to disk makingthe compression and decompression times quitesimilar. This is reflected in our results.

B. Asynchronously

When using more than one processor and par-allelize code, one can split the reading and com-putations into different threads and perform themin parallel. This way one would hide a lot of thecomputation time with I/O time or the other wayaround depending on which step is the most timeconsuming. By reading the data asynchronously,one would have to divide it into blocks. Thus,one could read a small part and start performingcomputations on that, only to read the next part asthese computations are being performed in parallel.This would hide these computations. In Figure 3,we illustrate the scenario of asynchronous reads bysplitting the data into 5 blocks.

Conceptually this would result in the modelpresented in Equation 4, where b is the number ofblocks and Max(x,y) is a function that returns thegreater execution time between processes x and y.the other variables have been explained previouslyin the synchronous model.

t(b, nb) = t(nb)compI/O + t(nb)comp +

(b− 1)MAX(t(nb)compI/O, t(nb)comp) (4)

A clear advantage would be to increase thenumber of blocks to decrease the overhead fromthe first and last block of the asynchronous process.However, one has to keep in mind that all readsand writes have an overhead when invoked, whichmeans that if one reads small amount of values perread than the read process will take much longerthan reading a larger amount of sequential data.



Component system 1 system 2CPU Intel Intel

Q9957 2.81GHz i7 2.81GHzRAM 8 GB DDR3 12 GB DDR3Disk 1 750 GB 7200 rpm Corsair SSD

256 GBDisk 2 500 GB 10000 rpm

GPU 1 (display) NVIDIA No displayGeforce 8600

GPU 2 NVIDIA NVIDIATesla c1060 Tesla s1070

GPU 3 NVIDIATesla c2050

This is why we try to fetch a large amount of dataper read and use specific blocking techniques to doso. This was explored in our earlier work with seis-mic data [2]. Therefore there is a tradeoff betweenincreasing block size and execution speeds.


Our implementations have been tested on twomachines that have different hardware specifica-tions. The first system is one that is put together byus and runs on a Windows 7 operating system. Alist of the hardware in the first system is describedin Table I. It is worth noting that we have men-tioned alternative options on the hardware such asthe disk and GPU. This is mainly to underline thatwe have used the same system, but have changedto the alternative option such as when we tested thenew Fermi architecture of NVIDIA. When it comesto the alternative disk we added another disk to addmore variety to our I/O tests.

The second system is put together by the person-nel of the group, which is a powerful system thathas some of the newest hardware one can find, butsince the systems is used as a server, we cannoteasily change the hardware on this system. Thisis why we did not test the combination of SSDand Fermi, which also would have been interesting.The second system uses a Linux operating systemand is accessed remotely. Note that the changein operating system can be a source of differentresults in that the operating system schedule tasksdifferently. An overview of the hardware of the

Figure 4. Execution time results for AAN DCT 3D algorithm

Figure 5. CUDA profiler snapshot of the DCT AAN 3Dexecution

second system is also given in Table I.


In Figures 4 and 5 one can see the results weachieved at speeding up the DCT AAN algorithmin 3 dimensions. This is essential in the results wefurther achieved in I/O speedup.

The I/O speedup is for our tests are measuredas in Equation 5 where we compare the new I/Otime using compression to the normal sequentialI/O time. The aim is to study the advantage thecompression algorithms give for disk access, andto map which option is the most effective. We studytwo scenarios of I/O: one being synchronous andthe other asynchronous. Our tests were also con-ducted on two hard disk drives (HDD) of varyingtransfer rates: One with 40 MB per second andthe other with 70 MB per second. A solid statedisk (SSD), which is of newer technology and hasa speed of 140 MB per second for transfers, was


Figure 6. Execution time for synchronous I/O with CPU and GPU acceleration (CPU: Intel Q9958, GPU: NVIDIA Tesla c2050)

Figure 7. Execution time for asynchronous I/O with CPU and GPU acceleration (CPU: Intel Q9958, GPU: NVIDIA Tesla c2050)


Figure 8. Visual results of data loss

Figure 9. Predicted execution time for synchronous and asynchronous model

also tested. Note that it is twice as fast as the fasterHDD disk, a figure later reflected in our results.

I/O speedup =Sequential I/O time

I/O time w. compression(5)

Figures 6 and 7 display the I/O speedup resultsfor our three different disks for each of the com-pression algorithms implemented for both our syn-chronous and asynchronous threaded implementa-tions. Only the fastest resulting execution times arepresented – that is, some are preformed on onlythe CPU and others with the aid of the GPU. Thelossless algorithms as discussed earlier are the onesthat benefit most from the CPU, and the transform

encoding algorithms are run on the GPU for thesame reasons. The CPU used to benchmark theseresults is the Intel Q9958, and the the GPU is theNVIDIA Tesla c2050. To see how they performedcompared to other alternatives see [3].

The visual results of the data loss are displayedin Figure 8. This figure has been colored using asharp threshold to make all changes evident, but inreality if one uses a gradient to color the seismic,the loss in close to non-visible.

A. Expected versus achieved results

Our model was tested by using a couple ofmeasurements on a smaller block, and given those


results we estimate the execution time of the largerblocks of data. A graph representing the estimatedand actual execution times for the synchronous andasynchronous model is shown in Figure 9.

Given that our models used are quite simple, thepredictions were surprisingly close to the actualexecution times and thus performed well. Thereare of course some errors that can occur, includingsome functions become more evident in their scal-ing such as standard C functions like memcpy()and memset(). But, the results prove that theseestimates can be used with an error of +-5%, whichis quite accurate given the simplicity of the models.


This paper investigated how to reduce memorybandwidth and overall I/O and memory accesstimes by using multithreaded compression anddecompression of large datasets. Since the goalwas to achieve a significant overall speedup of I/O,both the level of compression achieved and theefficiency of the compression and decompressionalgorithms, were of importance. Several compres-sion methods for efficient disk access on both theCPU and GPU were implemented and empiricallytested on large seismic datasets. To reduce I/Otime, both lossless and lossy compression algo-rithms as well as hardware alternatives were tested.Compressed I/O and compression/decompressionwere also overlapped for maximum efficiency.

The lossless compression algorithms tried wereRLE (run length encoding) and Huffman encoding.These were tweaked and optimized for compress-ing of seismic data, and resulted in a compres-sion ratio of 0.83 and 0.71, respectively on allplatforms tested. Both of these algorithms werechosen on the criteria that they are known to befast. However, since they do not compress much ofthe data, the bandwidth bottleneck was still evident.Nevertheless, they resulted in 1.08 and 1.1 speeduprespectively in disk access in the synchronouscase, and 1.3 and 1.4 speedups respectively, inthe asynchronous case. The implementations weretested two HDD disks with average transfer rates of35MB/s and 70MB/s, respectively. Note, however,these lossless compression algorithms both gave

negative speedup results when run on faster plat-forms such as SSD disk which averaged 140MB/stransfer rates. This showed that either the algo-rithms are slow or the compression is little. Whentested on the GPU these algorithms performed evenslower than on the CPU. This is likely becausethe GPU is slower on bit-wise operations andsince both algorithms have a sequential nature,we are not able to take advantage of the vastparallel computation capabilities of the GPU. Inother words, the CPU was superior in these cases.

Fortunately we were much more successfulwhen it came to lossy compression. Seismic data istypically noisy, which makes it hard to compress.However, by filtering the noise and transformingthe data to the frequency domain, one can achievegreat compression rates with little error. We experi-mented with transformations in several dimensionsand used algorithms that were usually used in im-age compression such as the DCT (discrete cosinetransform), and the LOT (lapped orthogonal trans-form). The best compression rates were achievedby using the DCT in 3D and combining this witha modified RLE. This gave a compression ratioof 0.16. The transform in this case was performedon the GPU because of its parallel nature (whichshowed an 8 time speedup compared to the CPU),and the RLE was performed on the CPU becauseof its sequential nature.

Testing on HDD and SSD platforms, wewere able to achieve respectively 3.7 and 2.5speedups on the synchronous implementations, anda speedup of 6 and 3.2, respectively on the asyn-chronous model. This was done with an averageerror of 0.46% per float in the seismic data, whichis within a reasonable loss of two decimal places.We later tested for LOT to see if we could reducethe error, but results show that this effects speedupand compression size more than the error term andthat is why we did not look at this any further.

A mathematical model was further developedand empirically tested against our results. Themodel proved to be accurate, with up to 5% errorin some cases, despite its simplistic nature. Thismodel can be used to estimate running larger datasets, by measuring variables on smaller sets and


adapting the model to the device it runs on. Theintention of the model is to give an estimate ofexecution time for I/O on a system using compres-sion both synchronously and asynchronously, andit proved to be reasonably accurate for both.


Autotuning: One of the major challenges GPUprogrammers are facing is the blocking of the datasuch that separate threads can perform calculationson them. Presently, the programmer must matchthe block size and thread count to the capabili-ties of the GPU and the kernel. This greatly af-fects performance, and increasing thread counts orrewriting kernel for different work distribution cansometimes make the difference. This is a problemfor both CUDA and OpenCL. NVIDIA has itsCUDA calculator to help choose an optimal threadcount to gain most occupancy, but it is also statedthat anything above 50% occupancy will give anoptimal execution situation. This comes from thescheduler that runs these kernels. A very usefulthing to work on further is an auto-tuning programthat is able to choose these factors for the program-mer to optimize the running of the kernels on theGPU. This will make GPU programming easier andwill automatically give the optimal running time.One could also experiment with assembly levelautotuning to rewrite the kernels for efficiency.

3D visualization: During this work we haveproduced 2D images storing uncompressed databefore visualizing it. This is of course not the casein a seismic application, which is why methods topresent the data in its compressed format shouldbe investigated. The challenge here is that thecompression is non uniform, meaning that onedoes not know which compressed block has whichpart of the original image. This makes 3D rep-resentation challenging and less effective in somecases. 3D representation can be done with the helpof the level of detail algorithms such that oneselectively chooses what to show given the scope.Visualization is an area where compression willhave great effects and present challenges for largedata sets, where one has to decompress severalblocks to select a few data points.

GenLOT: During this work we have been per-forming many transforms on the GPU in CUDA,and have mentioned how building upon the fastDCT would give room for more speedup. In ourcase of compression to beat I/O, it did not helpspeedup when we increased to the next step,namely LOT. But when looking at general com-pression of seismic data the GenLOT is used. ACUDA implementation of this would be interest-ing for testing how well the algorithm runs onthe GPU. The preliminary tests show that goodspeedup is expected in running on the GPU.

Hardware: because of time limitations in thiswork, we were not able to optimize our code to runon the Fermi architecture. Although we have testedit and shown its performance, one can also look atcache optimizations for the new architecture. An-other aspect that can be tested is multiple GPUs forcompression. Although we tested that convolutionscales almost perfectly by using several GPUs [2],the other transforms we have created in this workshould be tested. Preliminary results show that theproblem will scale well.

OpenCL: The end goal of our work wouldbe to provide I/O compression for heterogeneousplatforms in the form of a library. Using OpenCLmay make the transition easier. There can be someoptimization limitations since the compilers for Cand CUDA are more optimal than that of OpenCLat the moment, which is why we avoided using it.In the future when this is no longer an issue, it isan good alternative to look into.

Finally, throughput computing remains a chal-lenge on GPU systems [9], but as the CPUsand GPUs get integrated for more high-end sys-tems, the bottleneck between CPUs and GPUs willshrink, and give us further opportunities to reducethe I/O bandwidth even further.


The authors would like to thank the NVIDIAFaculty Affiliation and Mad Scientist programs aswell as the Department of Computer and Infor-mation Science at the Norwegian University ofScience and Technology for providing support forthe test beds used in this work. We would also like


to thank Dr. Victor Aarre and Mr. Christian Larsenfrom Schlumberger Ltd. for providing test dataand the reviewers for their comments that helpedimprove this paper. Finally, we would like to thankMr. Jan Christian Meyer for his last-minute helpwith the camera-ready version.


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