bangor university library & archives refworks 2.0 guide€¦ · refworks can be used from the...

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Bangor University Library & Archives

Refworks 2.0 Guide

Organize your references online..………………….and create automatic bibliographies!

December 2011


1. What is Refworks? p.2

2. Logging in to Refworks p.2

3. Creating Folders p.3

4. Typing in References by Hand p.4

5. Saving References from the Library Catalogue p.5

6. Saving References from E-databases p.6

7. Write-N-Cite p.8

8. Inserting References and Creating Bibliographies p.9

9. Inserting Page Numbers Using Write-N-Cite p.10

10. Working Offline p.10

11. Sharing References p.11

12. Contacts & Help p.12

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1. What is Refworks and what can it do? Refworks is free for university members: Bangor University Library buys Refworks, so it is freely available to university staff and students, and can continue to be used by university alumni. Refworks is an “online reference manager”: Any references you wish to save (details of journal articles, books, etc) can be stored in Refworks, and divided into folders. Refworks can be used from the university and home: Refworks is on the internet, so you can access your references anywhere you are online, with your university user name and password. Refworks creates automatic bibliographies: Using Write-N-Cite, you can insert references into essays in Microsoft Word, and create a bibliography (list of references) at the end of the essay. Refworks creates reading lists: You can print out a list of references e.g. as a reading list for students, or a list to help you search for resources for essays. Refworks enables you to share references: You can share your lists of saved references with other people using Refshare.

2. Logging into Refworks

1. You can find Refworks online quickly by just typing Refworks into Google, and clicking on the link to Refworks: 2. Once on the Refworks page, click on Login. 3. Under the heading Login Using Other Credentials, click on My Institution’s credentials (Shibboleth) 4. Select Bangor University from the drop down institutions list and click login. 5. Login with university user name and password. The first time you log in to Refworks, you will need to fill in your: • Name • E-mail Address (use your Bangor email address and remember to put • Type of User (postgrad, undergrad, etc) • Area of Focus (your department) Then enter the Code as displayed and click on Register.

Login using other credentials – Bangor University


3. Creating Folders Refworks “folders” enable you to organize your references into different categories, making them easier to organize and find. You can also create sub-folders within folders. 1. Click New Folder on the top left of the screen. 2. Name the folder, e.g. Mindfulness. 3. Click Create.

Click Organize and Share Folders for a list of folders, and click on the folder image for options to create sub-folders, rename folder, clear folder or delete folder.

Subfolders enable you to organize your references even more effectively. Click on Create subfolder, choose a “parent folder” and name the new subfolder.


4. Typing in References by Hand Reference details can be typed into Refworks. This is useful if you have a book or other item in front of you and want to type in the information, or if you are using an electronic database which doesn’t save reference details to Refworks (not all databases save references to Refworks). 1. Hover the mouse over References at the top left of the screen (don’t click), and click Add New. 2. Click the drop down arrow on the View fields used by box, and select a referencing style, e.g. Harvard, APA, etc. (Or click Access Output Style Manager to choose a style not on the list). 3. Choose a reference type (book, journal, etc). 4. Fill in any information fields you need, including author, title, publisher, etc. 5. IMPORTANT: Choose a folder to put the reference in. 6. You may want to add an attachment, if you are writing a reference for a journal article which you have saved onto your computer. Click on Browse, find the article, click on it and click on Open, click on Add Attachment, and click OK. 7. Click on Additional Fields if you wish to add more details, such as notes, etc. 8. Click Save Reference to save into folder. Click on the help icon at the top right hand at any time, for example to see the suggested format for adding author details.


5. Saving References from the Library Catalogue Directly Exporting A Single Reference from the Catalogue

Go to the library catalogue:

Type in search term/s, e.g. mindfulness.

Click on an item.

Click Export to Refworks

If you are already logged in to Refworks, your reference will go straight in, if not, you will need to log in to Refworks at this point.

Click View Last Imported Folder.

Click in the dot beside All in List, click on the folder Image next to All in List, and click on the name of the folder you are saving references into.

Exporting Several References from the Catalogue

From the quicksearch screen, click on Advanced Search on the right hand side of the screen:

Type in search term/s, e.g. mindfulness.

Tick references of interest

Click Save Marked for Export

Scroll to the top or the bottom of the list and click on View Saved

Under the heading Format of List, click next to Endnote/Refworks

Under the heading Send List To, click Local Disk

Under the heading Your List of Saved Records, click Select All

Click Submit

Click next to Saved File, note the name of the file, and click on OK

Login to Refworks

Hover your mouse over References at the top of the screen and click on Import

Select Prifysgol Bangor University from the Import Filter list

Select Bangor Catalogue (Endnote/Refworks Format) from the Database list

Click on Browse, and click on your saved references file from the computer desktop (if file is not on the desktop, check inside a folder called Recent)

Choose a folder to import references into

Click Import

Click on Export to Refworks

Tick references, click Save Marked

for Export, then click View Saved


6. Saving References from E-databases For more information about e-databases read Using Library E-databases on the Help Guides page of the library website.

1. Direct Export Some electronic databases allow you to export (send) references directly to Refworks. Find databases by typing their name into the catalogue:

Proquest (All Subjects)

Type in search term/s, e.g. mindfulness.

Tick references of interest, then click Export from the menu above the references

Make sure the export is set to Refworks and click continue.

If you are already logged in to Refworks, your references will go straight in, if not, you will need to log in to Refworks at this point.

Click View Last Imported Folder.

Click in the dot beside All in List, click on the folder image next to All in List, and click on the name of the folder you are saving references into.

2. Tick references

3. After ticking references, click Export

1. Type search terms

4. Set to Refworks

5. Click Continue

6. Click View Last Imported Folder

7. Click on All in List

8. Click on the folder image, and choose a folder


Web of Knowledge (All Subjects)

Type in search term/s, e.g. mindfulness meditation.

Tick references of interest.

Click Refworks from the menu above the references

If you are already logged in to Refworks, your references will go straight in, if not, you will need to log in to Refworks at this point.

Click View Last Imported Folder.

Click in the dot beside All in List, click on the folder Image next to All in List, and click on the name of the folder you are saving references into.

Sciencedirect (All Subjects)

Type in search term/s, e.g. mindfulness meditation.

Tick references of interest.

Click export citations from the links above the references

Select Refworks Direct Export and click on Export.

If you are already logged in to Refworks, your references will go straight in, if not, you will need to log in to Refworks at this point.

Click View Last Imported Folder.

Click in the dot beside All in List, click on the folder Image next to All in List, and click on the name of the folder you are saving references into.

To get instructions for saving references from other e-databases, email or

7. Write-N-Cite

1. Tick references

2. Click on Refworks

1. Tick references

2. Click Export Citations


Write-n-Cite is a tool you can download from Refworks and add into Microsoft Word. It enables you to access your references from Word, add them into an essay, dissertation, report, etc, and create automatic bibliographies (lists of references at the end of an essay).

Installing Write-N-Cite on University Computers Go to the Start button on the bottom left of your computer screen.

Click on All Programs.

Click on Refworks or Information, the Write-N-Cite link could be under either heading.

Click on Install Write-N-Cite Plugin for Word.

You may have to close down Word.

When you reopen Word, look for a tab at the top of the screen called Add-Ins.

Click Add-Ins and then click on Write-n-Cite.

Login to to access your Refworks references via the Write-N-Cite box.

Enabling Macros

If you are unable to open Write-N-Cite, you need to enable macros.

In Microsoft Word 2007, click on the round button (office button) on the top left, then click Word Options from the bottom button on the drop down menu.

In Microsoft Word 2010, click on File, and then Options.

Click on Trust Center.

Click on Trust Center Settings.

Click the dot next to Enable all macros and click on OK.

Close and reopen Word. Write-N-Cite should now work.

Installing Write-N-Cite on Home Computers Go into Refworks, click the Tools tab, and select Write-N-Cite.

Click on Previous Versions, and download Write-N-Cite for Windows III.

Click on Save File.

The file will download onto your desktop, where you can find and click on it (wnc3inst.exe).

Install the file: click on Run and then follow the installation steps.

Open Word, and look for a tab at the top of the screen called Add-Ins.

Click Add-Ins and then click on Write-n-Cite.

Login to Write-N-Cite.

8. Inserting References and Creating Bibliographies

Click Start, All Programs, Refworks (or Information), and Install Write-N-Cite Plugin for Word

Click the office button

Click Write-N-Cite

In Refworks, click Tools,

and Write-N-Cite



Open Word, click on the Add Ins tab, click on Write-N-Cite, and log in (beginning with Login through your institution (Shibboleth users) .

Inserting References into Essays Click the mouse at the point in your text where you want to insert a reference, and click cite

in Write-N-Cite next to the relevant reference/s.

Refworks inserts your references in brackets with a number (their number in Refworks).

Creating a Bibliography

To create a bibliography, click on Bibliography from the tabs along the top in Write-N-Cite.

Select your referencing style from the output style menu.

Click Create Bibliography.

And Refworks creates a bibliography for you.

9. Inserting Page Numbers using Write-N-Cite

Click the mouse at the point in your essay where you wish to insert a reference.

Click Cite

Click Bibliography

Choose referencing style, and

click Create Bibliography


Choose the reference (citation) you wish to edit from the list in Write-N-Cite.

Click Cite next to the reference.

Click Edit Citation (in the top right hand corner of Write-N-Cite).

Insert the page number in Specific Page

Click Save to Word

10. Working Offline

It is possible to use Write-N-Cite offline, for example if you are using a computer somewhere without internet access. You need to be online to set up the offline database initially.

Open Microsoft Word, and log into Write-N-Cite.

Hover the mouse over the Tools tab, and click on Create/Update Offline database

Click Create

When you want to work offline, just tick login to Write-N-Cite and tick Work Offline

Remember to untick the box when you are able to work online again

11. Sharing References

Refworks has a Shared Area, where you can place folders of references to be used by others. To share a folder:

Edit Citation

Enter Page Number/s

Create/Update Offline Database

Tick Work Offline


Click on Organize & Share Folders

Find the folder you want to share, and click on the image of a folder with a green arrow

Click Share

Give the folder a clear title for the Shared Area, and add some information

Click on Share Options, and tick Include in Prifysgol Bangor University’s Shared Area, then choose a subject area from the drop down list

Set any other limitations, etc, you wish to add

Click Save

To see lists in the Shared Area click View from the top tabs in Refworks, and View Shared Area.

12. Help & Support

Types of Help

Click Organize & Share Folders

Click Share

Click View Shared Area

Click folder with green arrow


Brief Refworks Questions: If you have a quick question about Refworks, contact us by email, phone or Facebook. In Depth Refworks Help: For a longer help session with Refworks, contact either Vashti or Jenny to book a one to one session. You can come to our office in the Main Library on College Road, or we can meet you at another library site or in your School. Refworks Workshops: We run regular Refworks workshops, look out for posters. Alternatively, you are welcome to book us for a group training session – we can train small groups in computer rooms – or give a more general demo of Refworks to a larger group. Help for a range of levels and needs: We are happy to adapt Refworks help to suit a wide variety of needs. We can teach sessions at a pace appropriate for your learning needs, computer ability, language ability, etc. We teach and support university staff as well as students.

Contacts Health Marion Poulton: / 01248 383173. Law Mairwen Owen: / 01248 382915. All other subjects Vashti Zarach: / 01248 388826. Jenny Greene: / 01248 383572.

Facebook & Twitter You can also get help via Facebook: Or Twitter:, December 2011

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