bat project—draft reference design overview report, march 2014...identify possible solutions to...

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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Great state. Great opportunity.

BaT projectDraft reference design overview report – March 2014

2 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

The BaT (Bus and Train) project is a critical new link in South East Queensland’s public transport network. It’s also a new concept in public transport.

In a world-first, the BaT project will combine a railway and a busway in a single, double-decked, 15-metre-wide tunnel beneath the Brisbane River and Brisbane’s Central Business District.

The five kilometre north-south tunnel will stretch from Dutton Park in the south to Victoria Park at Spring Hill in the north with new underground stations at Woolloongabba, George Street and Roma Street.

BaT project

The project tackles Brisbane’s major public transport capacity challenges. The Merivale Street rail bridge, the Cultural Centre bus precinct, rail capacity through Central Rail Station and bus capacity over the Captain Cook bridge.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads is working with Brisbane City Council to deliver the project.

Once completed, the project will lay the foundation for a sophisticated, international-standard ‘turn up and go’ transit system for Brisbane and will greatly expand the regional network, paving the way for future growth.

3BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Project history In 2007-08, the Queensland Government undertook the Inner City Rail Capacity Study (ICRCS), a prefeasibility study to identify possible solutions to capacity issues in Brisbane’s inner city rail network.

The study found that an additional north-south river crossing for rail would be needed by 2016 to cope with the increasing demand for transport services in South East Queensland.

In 2009, the Australian and Queensland Governments committed funding to advance planning for Cross River Rail. These funds allowed the progression of the Cross River Rail detailed feasibility phase, led by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

In March 2012, a new Queensland Government was elected and an independent review of Cross River Rail was commissioned to assess whether investment in the project was the best option for the task and offered value for money.

As part of further planning and with a renewed focus on affordability and innovation, the Underground Bus and Train project concept was developed and launched in November 2013.

In response to city congestion, Brisbane City Council undertook a pre-feasibility study into its proposed $2.2 billion Suburbs 2 City project which proposed to provide a new bus river crossing and tunnel connection through the Brisbane CBD.

Now named BaT, the project will deliver the combined benefits of the previous rail proposal and Brisbane City Council’s Suburbs 2 City bus project.

Also in November 2013, an Initial Advice Statement was lodged with the Queensland Coordinator-General who declared the BaT project a ‘coordinated project’ under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971, triggering a requirement for the project to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement. The Coordinator-General released draft Terms of Reference for the Environmental Impact Statement in November 2013.

Following a period of community consultation, the Terms of Reference were finalised on 14 January 2014 and are available at

The Terms of Reference set out the matters that must be addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement.

The current phase of the project involves the development of a Reference Design, Environmental Impact Statement and Business Case. It also includes community and stakeholder consultation.

The project is expected to cost about $5 billion.

Time frames

The project is currently in its planning phase, which includes the development of a Reference Design, Environmental Impact Statement and Business Case.

The Reference Design and Environmental Impact Statement are expected to be available for public comment in the second half of 2014.

Pending appropriate approvals, construction could commence in 2015 with major construction activity ramping up in 2016.

Commissioning and testing will be complete by the end of 2020, with the project expected to be operational in 2021.

4 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Project needThe Department of Transport and Main Roads is coordinating the planning and delivery of a series of short-term initiatives as part of the Brisbane Inner Rail Solution in partnership with Queensland Rail Transit Authority to prolong the life of the rail network to around 2020.

The department has also been working very closely with BCC (and Brisbane Transport) to resolve the capacity constraints of the inner city bus network. However, the constraints are getting to the point where a major investment in infrastructure is required.

However, we need to start planning now to meet our transport needs beyond 2020.

Some of the current challenges faced by the network include:

• Bus capacity constraints are already highly visible, with more than 200 buses an hour congested over the Victoria Bridge, Captain Cook Bridge (among 150,000 vehicles per day), along Adelaide Street and at the Woolloongabba junction in peak periods.

• The Cultural Centre and Queen Street Busway stations are at capacity.

• The Merivale Street Rail Bridge, which is the only inner city rail bridge across the Brisbane River, is fast reaching capacity. Timetable changes introduced in early 2014 will squeeze more capacity out of the bridge but this will be exhausted by 2020.

• Bus and rail trips in South East Queensland are expected to almost double by 2031 as our population expands from approximately 3 million now to 4.4 million in 2031.

• Forecasts predict that there will be more than 1.1 million public transport trips each day across the wider Brisbane region by 2031, with almost 80% of these trips starting, finishing or travelling through the inner city.

As a result of these challenges, public transport services will become overcrowded, trips will take longer and the reliability of the network will suffer. Existing public transport users will then likely switch to less sustainable forms of transport which will congest the road network and ultimately constrain economic and social development in South East Queensland.

The provision of quality public transport is an important part of responding to, and more importantly, driving the economic growth of Queensland’s primary activity centre.

The BaT project has been planned to future-proof South East Queensland’s public transport system now and into the future in the following ways:• The stations will be designed to accommodate longer

trains when demand increases in the future.• The busway will be designed to accommodate

a conversion to a rubber tyred metro system, consistent with key parts of the existing busway network.

• The bus stations will have multiple bus platforms, ranging from four to nine bays in each direction, to utilise full tunnel capacity.

The BaT project solves two major transport constraints and becomes economically viable because of the economies of scale for a combined tunnel. The project also avoids the costs of delivering two separate projects and offers true integration of South East Queensland’s two most prominent public transport systems.


The BaT project is a once-in-a-generation, city-changing project that will: • double the public transport capacity across the

Brisbane River• offer faster, more frequent, direct and reliable bus and

train trips to the CBD from across the region• help manage congestion by reducing private vehicle

travel by 310,000km per day through making public transport more attractive

• lay the foundation for a sophisticated, international-standard ‘turn up and go’ transit system for Brisbane

• allow faster, more direct access to key destinations including universities, hospitals, sports stadiums, event areas, parklands and workplaces

• keep Brisbane powering ahead by ensuring public transport infrastructure keeps pace with growth

• provide three new underground stations making interchanging between rail and bus services as easy as moving between platforms

• be economically viable due to the economies of scale for a combined rail and bus tunnel

• facilitate economic and social growth leading to a more robust economy for region

• encourage more sustainable urban development and land use patterns.

5BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Bus Problems Rail Problems

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Station

Royal Children’s Hospital StationQUT Kelvin Grove


Roma Street Station

King George Square Station

Mater Hill Station

Boggo Road Station

Princess Alexandra Hospital Station

Slow Bus flows through King George Square busway station during peak hours.

Queen Street bus station full during peak hours.

Congestion across Victoria Bridge and at North Quay intersections.

Buses slowed by traffic on Captain Cook Bridge.

Demand for layover spaces exceeds capacity during peak hours.

Buses delayed getting on to Captain Cook Bridge.

Buses queue approaching the platforms of South East Busway stations.

Bus delays along Melbourne Street and South East Busway

Cultural Centre busway station full during peak hours.

Limited space for extra kerbside bus stops.

Buses caught in congestion on busy city streets.

Queen Street Station

South Bank Station

Cultural Centre Station

Normanby Station

Legend Existing railway

Existing railway used for stabling and freight

Existing busway

Busway stations

Bowen Hills Station

Roma Street Station Central


Fortitude Valley Station

Mater Hill Station

Park Road Station

Single platforms limit capacity at Fortitude Valley and Bowen Hills.

Overcrowding and congestion on platforms at Central.

Congested Park Road junction.

Trains merge onto single track

Overcrowding on Beenleigh and Gold Coast lines.

Trains merge on to single track.

Merivale bridge nearing capacity.

Overcrowding and congestion on platforms at Roma Street.

Trains merge on to single track causing congestion.

Peak trains returning to Mayne Yard causing congestion.

South Bank Station

South Brisbane Station

Legend Existing railway

Existing railway used for stabling and freight

Existing busway

Railway stations

Woolloongabba Station

6 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Overview of the design

The BaT engineering requirements are significant, comprising substantial underground and surface works including stations, tunnels, bridges, new and modified track, rail and bus systems and associated services. The infrastructure has been designed to reflect requirements of construction methodology, logistics, environment and operational issues while minimising impacts.

BaT is an extension of the existing Queensland Rail Transit Authority network as well as a key link in the Brisbane Busway network providing additional links between southern and northern sections of the bus and rail passenger networks. Some particular requirements include:

• enhanced fire and life safety and ventilation requirements

• impacts on surrounding built infrastructure

• allowance for future development• focus on construction technique• inter-operability with the existing

Queensland Rail Transit Authority network and systems

• integration with the existing Busway network.

The rail systems design incorporates the existing Queensland Rail 25kV traction and overhead electrification system and allows for integration with the existing signalling and communication system.

A new signalling and train control system based on the European Train Control System has been incorporated for the underground sections of BaT. This system enables the new trains to operate efficiently at close headways and to interface with the automated platform screen doors at all underground stations.

The additional power requirements for the new BaT project necessitates new traction feeder stations at each end of the tunnel system.

Fire and life safety is a key focus of the BaT design. Fire and life safety takes on additional importance because of the significant amount of new rail and bus infrastructure that is underground. Ventilation systems are required to ventilate the underground stations and tunnels and to control and extract smoke during emergency fire scenarios. Ventilation equipment is typically located at each end of the underground stations.

Geological mapping is important for any major underground system. A 3-D geological model has been developed based on existing data and targeted site-specific ground investigation which has allowed for a reasonable degree of certainty with respect to the design and construction techniques for stations and tunnels.

The tunnel design has been defined by operational, engineering, construction and cost effectiveness requirements. The decision to adopt a large diameter tunnel with double-decked capacity was driven by the objective of creating an efficient, cost-effective project of low impact. The decision was made at the concept stage taking into account operational, design, risk, constructability and whole-of-life criteria.

The underground stations are the dominant engineering structures in the project and have required significant consideration. The depths are determined by the vertical rail alignment constraints rather than the busway alignment requirements. Station depths are also influenced by the river crossing, existing sub-surface infrastructure and the geology at each location.

7BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

The station sites are:• Woolloongabba • George Street (southern CBD) • Roma Street (northern CBD)

Following preliminary technical investigations and in consultation with stakeholders, a framework of critical drivers was identified to clarify transport integration, operational and catchment objectives for the project and to explore the best alignments and station locations.

The stations have been positioned according to the vertical and horizontal rail alignment and the urban design and precinct planning requirements. The rail and bus alignments have been calibrated to minimise disruption to existing and future development, and to facilitate the desired station location amongst a broader range of engineering constraints.

The station entry locations with their associated deep shafts and vertical transport for the public, take into account the preferred precinct planning objectives including the required proximity to existing bus and rail infrastructure in balance with the local site, cost and engineering constraints.

The new station at Woolloongabba supports the planned renewal of Woolloongabba Central, Kangaroo Point south and the Woolloongabba Urban Development Area.

The new George Street Station supports the ongoing development of Brisbane’s CBD and provides direct access to the government precinct at lower George Street as well as the education precinct at Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

New rail platforms at Roma Street will create South East Queensland’s primary transport interchange hub and support the continued development of commercial and mixed-use activities in the north quarter of the CBD and preserve long term city expansion opportunities associated with the Transit Centre and Roma Street railway yards. They will also provide direct access over the Kurilpa Bridge to the planned CBD expansion areas at the northern extent of the West End peninsula.

Roma Street Station

Woolloongabba Station

Southern Portal

Northern Portal

George Street Station

8 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Station design and precinct planning

All stations referenced in this project have been designed in accordance with the following control documents:

• Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)• Building Code of Australia• Disability Standards for Accessible

Public Transport (DSAPT)• Queensland Rail Station Design Guide• Queensland Rail Accessibility Signage

Manual• TransLink Station Signage Manual• Brisbane busway design guidelines.

Entrance designThe station entries provide simple, functional access to the BaT network, and serve as the line identity and public face as well as enhancing the immediate built environment.

All station entries are designed to allow easy navigation down to common concourse areas from which passengers have a choice of progressing to either the bus or rail platform levels

Station capacitiesStations have been designed to meet projected passenger loading at each station based on two-hour peak travel periods in both the morning and evening.

Vertical transportationThe vertical transport options include escalators and lifts to public areas. Emergency egress fire isolated stairs are provided at the platform ends and central platform areas and allow safe egress to street level. Escalator quantities are designed to meet the forecast station patronage with an additional allowance for future growth.

Key design assumptions include:

• escalators in lieu of stairs where the vertical rise is greater than 5.4m

• a minimum of three escalators between respective station levels where no alternative route is available to allow for the maintenance of one escalator

• accessible lifts to all public areas and rated to carry cleaning and maintenance equipment between levels.

Station cavernsThe cavern sections of the stations house both the bus and rail platforms of the station and therefore accommodate two different operational levels – an upper level for bus operations and a lower level for train operations. Both bus and train levels contain side platforms with Platform Screen Doors.

Mechanical and electrical servicesThe services infrastructure occupies a significant area at each station. The locations were chosen to minimise excavation, distance from the cavern and to avoid major underground constraints. Generally, they are located in the central excavated shaft.

The electrical power system for the station is derived from the bulk power supplies located at each portal. There is redundancy in the power supply to the critical station equipment.

Lighting is provided to all public and back-of-house areas and is an integral component of the passenger experience. Where possible, lighting is indirect and directional to maximise comfort levels.

The underground stations include mechanical cooling to the platform levels to improve passenger amenity during the hotter months.

It has been designed to maintain passenger comfort at the platform level in the vicinity of the platform screen doors during the hotter months.

Acoustics, noise and vibrationThere are acoustically absorptive surfaces on the platform ceiling and walls where required. This limits the reverberation time and allows the public address system to be clearly audible.

Mechanical ventilation systems are placed where they will have minimal impact on background noise levels. Train and bus noise in stations is controlled via the platform screen doors. Vibration resilient fastenings or vibration isolated tracks are used to control train induced vibrations.

Information systems and signage The information systems used in the stations include:

• electronic passenger information display screens

• public address system• help points for passenger

communication with customer care/station staff for emergency and information use

• emergency information and evacuation systems

• help point located at bus and rail platform level and permanently staffed.

Station cross section

9BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Safety and securityThe primary focus of the design is to apply crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles to the stations, comprising:

• Closed circuit television (CCTV) monitoring of concourse, entry shafts and platforms

• intrusion detection and monitoring• platform screen doors (to avoid

likelihood of accidental access to rail and bus operational zones)

• ability to close entries to stations during non-operational hours

• integration of security bollards where vehicular access/approach to the station is available

• clear sight lines on approach to station• good levels of lighting in and about the

station entry points• easily located help points• minimal dead spaces behind columns or

other barriers• public toilets within the paid concourse

entrance, visible from staff positions, well-lit and monitored

Emergency services requirements comprise:

• access to all parts of the station• provision of fire control room near

station entry at ground level• provision of fire isolated access routes

to platforms, track level and the busway• provision of fire fighting lobbies to fire

isolated stairs• automatic fire detection and occupant

warning system• fire fighting facilities including hydrants,

tanks, boosters, gas suppression to communications rooms

• pressurised fire isolated exit stairs• tunnel egress refuges at platform ends

and central areas• CCTV

SustainabilityBaT will incorporate key sustainability initiatives including:

• low energy, long life • capture and storage of stormwater• treatment of any emissions and

by-products• use of recycled material and low

embodied energy• long design life with high quality and

robust material• minimisation of disruption and impact

on surrounding communities• maximisation of densification

opportunities and quality of community outcomes.

Station fire and life safetyThe fire and life safety systems for BaT are designed to meet international standards for underground systems. The underground tunnel and station spaces are designed with electrical and mechanical systems that detect fire and activate ventilation systems to maintain tenable conditions during evacuation.

The station and tunnel ventilation systems are designed as independent systems. The design has avoided the need for jet fans within the running tunnels, through the use of large ventilation systems within the stations.

Platform screen doors The underground stations have platforms equipped with platform screen doors. These doors separate the platform space and track/busway which allows better climate control, reduced noise and dust on the platforms and a higher degree of safety for passengers.

10 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Dutton ParkPurposeBaT provides an exciting transport infrastructure solution that unlocks new accessibility for the inner city and the broader public transport network. To make sure that the potential city building benefits of this project area fully realised, ‘Precinct Planning’ around each new station and both portals has been undertaken. The purpose of this work is to support and inform the reference design by identifying how BaT can best integrate with the existing urban fabric and encourage greater connection and enhancements to the local community. The delivery of new transport infrastructure will trigger urban renewal, improved built form and public realm outcomes along with greater community accessibility that can be delivered by others over time.

The key outcomes to be achieved through the Precinct Planning are:• Maximise the accessibility benefits

delivered by the BaT infrastructure • Minimise adverse impacts on the urban

fabric and public realm • Maximise development opportunities

presented by the new infrastructure

The concept of development opportunities arising from BaT is important. Typically, delivery of such significant and integrated transport infrastructure may stimulate redevelopment and improvements in property values in the vicinity over time due to enhanced transit amenity. The Precinct Planning work seeks to identify what and where these opportunities are and enhance them.

Precinct Planning

City building and integrationBaT will connect a series of the city’s existing assets which sit in the corridor, linking major points of activity and destination via rapid, high frequency bus and rail services. Connecting the city’s assets is part of the city building opportunity BaT creates. This extends to enhancing the quality of public and active transit journeys and catalysing transit focused development activity. BaT also reinforces the city shaping aspiration of Brisbane City Council’s nodes and corridor city form.

Core Infrastructure Precinct Planning has identified the core infrastructure that will be delivered by BaT – namely the tunnel and stations with a new pedestrian link at Dutton Park. Broader city building opportunities have been identified for further infrastructure, built form or public realm enhancements that could be delivered by other parties over time. This is part of a wider recognition that BaT is not an isolated piece of infrastructure, but rather a city building project.

Way FindingA major ingredient to successful integration of BaT into the existing urban fabric is the concept of way finding – that is, ease of navigation through the precinct to identify public transport connections and major land uses. This includes directional signage but also the structure and treatment of main pedestrian flow paths, the use of view corridors and visual ‘cues’ from the built form to allow people to easily understand how to navigate their way to a public transport station. The Precinct Planning takes account of existing and potential future connections that can enhance the permeability of a precinct and improve access to public transport.

Dutton ParkRole and FunctionThe Dutton Park precinct is a specialist inner city locality anchored by major institutional uses being the Princess Alexandra (PA) Hospital and the Boggo Road Urban Village (including the Ecosciences building). The southern tunnel portal is located in this precinct. The precinct is characterised as a health and knowledge precinct and includes a mix of uses containing residential, commercial, light industrial, community facilities and special purposes. The important heritage site ‘Boggo Road Gaol’ is part of the Bogo Road Urban Village.

Core Infrastructure

Core infrastructure provided by BaT in the Dutton Park precinct consists of a new tunnel portal, network (bus and rail) intersection and pedestrian link between Boggo Road Urban Village and the PA Hospital.

Opportunities and Constraints

BaT will provide new pedestrian link across the existing railway infrastructure, to connect major destinations and better consolidate the health and knowledge function of the precinct. This will better link the precinct and provide improved legibility along the east-west axis. Redevelopment opportunities exist on residual government land parcels post construction of BaT to further invigorate the precinct and activate important pedestrian/cyclist pathways.

Longer term, opportunities exist to enhance pedestrian and cycle connection to the University of Queensland St. Lucia campus to the west.

Constraints in the Dutton Park precinct include level differences on either side of the railway corridor (east and west) and existing poor connectivity between Boggo Road Urban Village and the PA Hospital.

11BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Dutton Park

BaT project and development sites:

1 ‘Stage‘ 1 Pedestrian link (including cycling)

2 Development Opportunity Sites

Supporting public realm and connectivity works:

3 ‘Stage 2’ Pedestrian link integrated with future development

4 Boggo Road Urban Village Master Plan

5 PA Hospital Master Plan

Pedestrian desire line

Future pedestrian link

BaT tunnel alignment (underground)

BaT alignment (at grade)

New pedestrian link

Future pedestrian link

New BaT station location

Existing public transport station
















12 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

woolloongabba StreetWoolloongabba Station

VisionA mixed-use heart for Woolloongabba that supports a new inner city community and a vibrant public realm that enhances the Gabba ‘game day’ experience.

City building outcomes• redevelopment of Woolloongabba UDA,

Woolloongabba Central and Kangaroo Point south

• establish Woolloongabba as a key southern intermodal interchange

• support a vibrant sports and events precinct

• enable improved pedestrian access and walkability

• reinforce role and function of Stanley Street as an important people street and major connection from the southern suburbs to the CBD.

Key destinations and activity areasThe two existing major attractions to Woolloongabba that generate activity in the area are the Brisbane Cricket Ground, ‘the Gabba’ and the Mater Hospital.

The Gabba is a major sports stadium hosting predominantly football and cricket matches, with a maximum spectator capacity of 42,000 people. The Gabba is conveniently located a short walking distance from the busway station which is utilised by spectators on match days.

The Mater Hospital precinct is a cluster of six hospitals, with approximately 6,000 staff providing care for up to 500,000 people per year. This hospital precinct is serviced also by the Mater Hill Busway Station.

Station location driversKey drivers for the station at Woolloongabba include:

• the critical need for transport to support daily access for future residents, workers and recreational uses

• catering for demand driven by events at ‘The Gabba’

• the requirement to preserve flexibility for future planning decisions to accommodate residential and employment growth

• the need to minimise the land take for transport infrastructure in order to deliver market-ready surplus land for redevelopment

• opportunities to reconfigure the existing road network for public benefit must be preserved.

Station entry locationsThere is one entry point for the new station at Woolloongabba to enable effective crowd management for major sporting events and effectively serve the local catchment.

The entry is positioned in close proximity to the existing Woolloongabba busway station. The level of the new BaT station entry and the existing busway station is very similar. The entry will be highly visible from Stanley Street and the structure planning for the urban development area will preserve direct line of sight between the station and the stadium to ensure ease of navigation.

The position of the station in relation to the Gabba, will ensure effective dispersal of crowds during events and provide better station access.

WoolloongabbaRole and Function

Woolloongabba is an important south eastern gateway to the River and CBD. The future BaT station will provide both an important public transit interchange and destination role. It will provide improved direct access to the iconic ‘the Gabba’ sports stadium and underpin the continued realisation of the precinct’s dynamic mixed use nature. It is envisaged that the precinct will be anchored by the future redevelopment of the Queensland Government Go-Print site which is included in the Woolloongabba Priority Development Area.

Core Infrastructure

Core infrastructure provided by BaT in the Woolloongabba precinct consists of a new station with a ground level interchange connection to the existing Woolloongabba Bus Station.

Opportunities and Constraints

BaT presents a significant city building opportunity through the redevelopment of the Go Print site by the private sector. Redevelopment is anticipated to integrate a vibrant mix of land uses to activate the station and consolidate the ‘heart’ of the Woolloongabba precinct. BaT will also enhance accessibility through the provision of a seamless ground level interchange with the existing Woolloongabba Bus Station. Over time, opportunities exist for improvements to pedestrian/cyclist amenity in the precinct by enhancing footpaths along major pedestrian desire lines.

The Woolloongabba precinct is challenged by constrained vehicular access to the Go Print site, poor pedestrian amenity along major thoroughfares and high volume traffic movements throughout the precinct, including the South East Freeway. The existing Lands building and dental hospital uses may delay primary development potential on the eastern part of the site.

Existing Busway

Stanley StGround Level Vulture St

Basement 1Basement 2Basement 3Basement 4


Bus Platform Level

Rail Platform Level


13BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

woolloongabba StreetTHE GABBA






2 5





BaT project and development sites:

1 Station plaza and interchange with existing Woolloongabba Bus Station

2 Development Opportunity Sites

Supporting public realm and connectivity works:

3 Potential pedestrian connection over existing Busway to Stanley Street

4 Potential enhanced pedestrian connection to the Mater Hospital

5 Pedestrian plaza and event space

6 Development Opportunity Sites (balance of Woolloongabba Priority Development Area)

Pedestrian desire line

Future pedestrian link

BaT tunnel alignment (underground)

Woolloongabba Priority Development Area

Balance of Woolloongabba Priority Development Area

New BaT station location

Existing public transport station

14 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014


VisionA truly central station and forecourt providing a focus and identity for the southern CBD as an active, mixed-use quarter.

City building outcomes• establish a truly central station that

addresses the public transport shortage in the southern CBD

• create a new public space at the heart of the CBD south.

• promote a more legible structure for the CBD with improved connections.

• facilitate the ongoing renewal and intensification of the CBD and opportunity sites.

Key destinations and activity areasGeorge Street has close proximity to a diverse mix of key CBD destinations and activity areas, including the Queen Street Mall retail precinct, employment destinations and tertiary education destinations, most notably the QUT Gardens Point Campus.

In addition, government and administrative uses are concentrated at lower George Street, lying parallel to lower George Street.

The northern portion of George Street can be considered to have a higher concentration of destinations and uses, and therefore activity, while the southern extremities of George Street are adjoined by predominantly high density residential uses resulting in lower levels of street activity.

Station location driversThe key drivers for George Street:

• truly central location providing improved access to QUT and the retail, government and new Queen’s Wharf Brisbane precinct.

• significant renewal and regeneration opportunities exist in the lower George Street areas.

Station entry locationsThe key focus for the station entry will be George and Mary Street intersections. Mary Street provides the north/south axis connection from the Queen’s Wharf precinct down to the financial precinct. George Street links the education and government precincts to the retail precinct.

George StreetRole and Function

The George Street precinct forms the southern extent of the CBD containing important administrative and government functions. The Queens Wharf Brisbane project, being led by the Department of Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP) is currently underway and will involve a private sector proponent delivering a high quality integrated resort development containing a range of mixed uses. George Street has an important role as a major pedestrian thoroughfare to key civic places (Parliament House) and the City Botanic Gardens and educational (QUT) uses.

Core Infrastructure

Core infrastructure provided by BaT in the George Street precinct consists of a new station with potential provision for integration with the Queens Wharf Brisbane development at the ground and sub-surface levels. George Street station sits on the fringe of the QWB development and provides immediate access to the new development sites.

Opportunities and Constraints

BaT will provide significantly improved public transport access to the precinct which is currently isolated from any significant transport infrastructure. There are significant heritage sites along George Street which represent an opportunity to be celebrated in redevelopment.

Constraints in the George Street precinct include steep slopes along Margaret, Mary and Charlotte Streets up to George Street, narrow footpaths despite high pedestrian volumes along George Street and the protection of heritage sites.

Ground Level

Basement 4


Bus Platform Level

Rail Platform Level





15BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014


George Street







BaT project and development sites:

1 Development Opportunity Site

Supporting public realm and connectivity works:

2 Potential enhanced Mary Street pedestrian connector

3 Queens Wharf Brisbane Project

Pedestrian desire line

Future pedestrian link

Queens Wharf Brisbane Project

New BaT station location

Existing public transport station

16 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

ROMA STREETVision South East Queensland’s primary transport interchange. The Brisbane CBD’s western gateway and future expansion zone connecting the hillside to the river and the city’s great people streets.

City building outcomes• establish a regional transport

interchange for all local, city wide, regional and interstate public transport

• reinforce the western gateway to the CBD and improve urban quality

• reconnect the river to Spring Hill and the Tower Mill

• protect long term renewal and CBD expansion opportunities associated with the Roma Street Rail Yard and Transit Centre.

Key destinations and activity areasShort term backpacker accommodation is prominent towards the north-west end of Roma Street. Roma Street also serves as a focal point for legal and judicial activity, with the presence of the supreme, district and magistrates courts, and the Queensland Police headquarters.

The northern perimeter of the Roma Street area is bordered by several important entertainment precincts, including ‘The Barracks’, Caxton Street and the Normanby Hotel. ‘The Barracks’ and Caxton Street also serve as important destinations both before and after events held at nearby Suncorp Stadium.

BaT will reinforce the transport amenity of the area and underpin further renewal opportunities including the immediate station surrounds, the Transit Centre and longer term opportunities associated with the rail yards.

Station designRoma Street Station is a single span cavern incorporating side platforms. The cavern is approximately 25m deep from surface to platform level and oriented to avoid sub-surface obstructions and allow the running tunnels to achieve suitable operational radii.

The alignment of Roma Street Station has been dictated by the requirement to link with George Street Station and the Northern portal in Victoria Park. This results in a skewed station orientation in relation to the existing Roma Street platforms. The rail platforms of the new underground station will effectively become platforms 11 and 12 of the integrated Roma Street rail station.

The station has an entry into the existing Roma Street station subway that connects to all the existing operational Roma Street surface platforms, the Inner Northern Busway Station at Roma Street and Roma Street Parkland. A re-configuration at the Spring Hill end of the subway will create a new improved connection to the city centre.

Emergency egress from the station is through the central shaft to the surface.

Roma Street





Bus Platform Level

Rail Platform Level

Parkland BlvdRoadway



Station location driversKey drivers for selecting the Roma Street location include:

• the need to integrate BaT with a CBD railway station for network integration

• the need for BaT to integrate with a CBD busway station to facilitate intermodal transfer and an integrated transport network for the city and region

• the desire for BaT to integrate with the regional rail and bus network that is currently accessed at Roma Street Station

• Roma Street Station has more rail capacity than Central Station and is therefore a more effective connection point.

Key destinations and activities along Roma Street can be considered to be employment based, with high density commercial and residential buildings dominating land use. These have a variety of service and amenity retail at street level.

Station entry locationsThe entry integrates directly with the existing underground concourse to connect with existing surface rail and busway networks, and interchange with regional and interstate bus and rail platforms. The extension at the existing subway will connect to a new entrance at the boulevard/boardwalk level and thus through to Roma Street parkland.

Essential works

The essential precinct and streetscape works identified to support the new BaT infrastructure in this location include:

• improving and potentially widening footpaths on the northern side of Roma Street

• improving street crossing opportunities from the CBD across Roma Street to address pedestrian safety risks

• reconfiguring the Roma Street and George Street intersection to provide enhanced pedestrian capacity and to improve pedestrian safety

• reconfiguring Parkland Boulevard to enable the delivery of the southern BaT entry and public plaza.

17BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

ROMA STREETRoma StreetRole and Function

Roma Street acts as Brisbane’s principal public transport interchange for local, regional and interstate bus and rail. It is also a major city fringe location and ‘green western gateway’ into the CBD, being framed by Roma Street Parkland. It is a key location for longer term growth and renewal and is already activated by major residential, retail recreational opportunities and commercial development with links to the river and schools.

Core Infrastructure

Core infrastructure provided by BaT in the Roma Street precinct consists of a new station with a connection to Parklands Boulevard, in Roma Street Parkland.

Opportunities and Constraints

Perhaps the greatest immediate opportunity is the creation of a ‘new front door’ to the public transport functions at Roma Street and significantly strengthened connection to Spring Hill. The location of the BaT station will also better integrate passengers with the beautiful and vibrant Roma Street Parklands, reinforcing it as a key inner city recreational asset. Longer term, there are opportunities for connections across existing transport infrastructure to connect with the Barracks/Caxton Street area and renewal opportunities that compliment the mixed use nature of the precinct.

The Roma Street precinct is challenged by constraints such as electrified rail corridor, topography, existing primary road access routes with heavy vehicle traffic flows at peak times obstructing major road junctions such as the intersection of George, Roma and Hershel Streets and an existing lack of amenity, legibility, and way-finding cues to the station entrance points.


















BaT project and development sites:

1 New parkland station plaza

2 Development Opportunity Site

3 Potential future air space development over railway infrastructure

Supporting public realm and connectivity works:

4 Albert Street connection between CBD and the Roma Street Parkland

5 Longer term pedestrian link to Petrie Terrace

6 Improved connectivity to Spring Hill

7 Existing Roma Street train station subway

8 Potential connection to Magistrates Court

9 Potential pedestrian connection to Albert and Wickham Streets

Pedestrian desire line

Future pedestrian link

BaT tunnel alignment (underground)

New BaT station location

Existing public transport station

18 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014




y By











Victoria ParkRole and Function

The Victoria Park precinct is a regionally significant open space utilised for active and passive recreation. It forms an important green break in the urban form between the CBD fringe and the northern suburbs and has an important history to Brisbane. The precinct also contains major existing transport infrastructure including the Inner City Bypass, the Northern Busway and Legacy Way (currently under construction) The northern tunnel portal of BaT will be located on the northern edge of Victoria Park.

Core Infrastructure

Core infrastructure provided by BaT in the Victoria Park precinct consists of the northern tunnel portal, bus layover facilities and connection to existing bus and rail networks.

Opportunities and Constraints

There are opportunities to reinvigorate the role and function of Victoria Park post construction of the northern portal. There may be potential for reinstatement of parkland functions through formal and informal recreation opportunities as well as celebration of the Park’s important heritage.

Constraints in the Victoria Park precinct include topography as the Park slopes north towards the Inner City Bypass, and reduced visibility of pedestrian connections from Spring Hill.

BaT project and development sites:

1 Reinstate parkland and pathways

2 Retention of significant vegetation

3 Bus layover infrastructure

Supporting public realm and connectivity works:

4 Victoria Park enhancements

5 Existing land bridge

6 Potential to enhance gateways into Victoria Park

Pedestrian desire line

BaT tunnel alignment (underground)

BaT alignment (at grade)

Reinstated pedestrian link (on Victoria Park plan)

Existing public transport station

Opportunity for post-construction recreational uses

19BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

VICTORIA PARKCorridorThe Precinct Planning has focussed on the following precincts:• Dutton Park – tunnel portal• Woolloongabba – new station• George Street – new station*• Roma Street – new station• Victoria Park – tunnel portal.

The Precinct Plans focus on the primary catchment around each station/zone around each portal. This catchment/zone is about an 800m radius or a 10 minute walk from the station. Particular focus has been placed on key parcels owned by government within the catchments/zones. These sites potentially represent opportunities for urban renewal outcomes to activate the precincts.

*For the purposes of Precinct Planning, the George Street Precinct encompasses the broader CBD area surrounding DSDIP’s Queens Wharf Brisbane project. For clarity, this work is limited to external connections to DSDIP’s Queens Wharf Brisbane Project and does not contemplate recommendations for outcomes within that defined area. Rather, this work is being led by DSDIP.

ImplementationBaT will set the foundations for a more sustainable growth pattern for the corridor. Three key time horizons are recognised for the realisation of change that may occur as a result of the project. They reflect the immediate and realistic sphere of influence of the project, while recognising the opportunity for change over the longer term which will be subject to the activities of a range of players including the market.

1st wave (Immediate)

Deliver BaT as a catalyst to address existing and forecast public transport capacity constraints. Residual government land around stations no longer required post construction will be delivered to the market to commence the renewal process, led by the private sector and guided by the existing planning framework.

2nd wave (Medium term)

Maximise opportunities for ongoing development around stations, guided by updated neighbourhood planning initiatives that support transit oriented development and marketed ‘value adding’ urban design outcomes over time.

3rd wave (Longer term)

Over the longer term, wider renewal activity is expected to occur. Better access to employment, a stronger economy, higher quality connections between inner city precincts and opportunities for sustainable travel will help to position the city and region for a more prosperous, liveable and sustainable future.

Planning FrameworkThere is a strong existing framework of planning and policy initiatives that support major projects like BaT and champion integrated land use and transport planning objectives relating to growth management and harnessing economic and social opportunities. This existing framework includes:

• Our Cities, Our Future: A National Urban Policy for a productive, sustainable and liveable future – Australian Government

• State Planning Policy – Queensland Government

• Transport Coordination and Delivery Plan – Queensland Government

• Brisbane’s Draft New City Plan – Brisbane City Council

• Neighbourhood Plans/Urban Renewal – Brisbane City Council

• Master Planning for key locations such as City Centre and Albert Street – Brisbane City Council

This Precinct Planning exercise responds to this board planning and policy context and relies on it to steer city building outcomes and renewal over time post-delivery of BaT

PartnershipsTMR is working hard with Brisbane City Council and major state agency and other stakeholders to ensure that BaT is supported by Precinct Planning recommendations that are relevant, realistic and in the best interest of our city. Government stakeholders that have been consulted to date on the Precinct Planning exercise includes:

• Brisbane City Council (project partner)• Projects Queensland (project partner)• Department of State Development,

Infrastructure and Planning• Department of Housing and Public

Works• The Queensland Government Architect• Department of Education, Training and


Over the coming months, the Precinct Planning work will continue to be refined, particularly through the community consultation process and ongoing engagement with major government stakeholders.

20 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Above left and middle: Geotechnical investigations

Top: Roadheader construction

Left: Geotechnical investigations

Geology and tunnelling

The tunnel will be constructed primarily by tunnel boring machine (TBM), with pre-cast concrete segmental linings erected directly behind a mechanised shield. The design recommends one tunnel boring machine that will run from the southern to the northern end of the alignment.

The standard tunnel configuration consists of a double-decked configuration with buses on the top and trains on the bottom. The bottom section is divided by a central structural wall which supports the busway above. With this configuration, there is no need for the typical cross-passages required in a more traditional twin tunnel setup.

A particular challenge with the tunnel construction is passing beneath the Brisbane River. The depth of the river crossing has been based on a desk-top analysis, seismic river survey river bank and river channel borehole information, and will suit a conventional tunnel boring machine operation. Approximately 8m of rock cover can be achieved with the current vertical alignment.

At this stage, geotechnical site investigations are being carried out at the following general locations:

• drilling and testing in the Brisbane River at the proposed river crossing

• drilling and testing in the vicinity of each station

• drilling and testing for the southern and northern portals and surface connection areas.

The remainder of the geological information has been obtained from a variety of existing records and together will be used to form a geological model of the BaT corridor.

The BaT alignment has been designed to maintain the majority of the running tunnels in rock.

Results to date suggest rock quality is ideal for tunnelling and includes very hard rock types such as Neranleigh-Fernvale beds, one of the rock types the Clem 7 and Legacy Way tunnels have encountered, and Aspley Formation.

21BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Southern portal

Woolloongabba Station

Kangaroo Point Cliffs

55m below river level

George Street Station

Roma Street Station

Spring Hill Northern portal

Typical geological conditions

22 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Volumetric and development allowancesBaT involves the construction of underground stations and tunnels in cut and cover, caverns, mined excavations and machine-driven tunnels. The rail corridor, and the eventual operating busway and railway, will be protected via volumetric resumptions around tunnels and caverns and alongside cut and cover shafts.

The reference design has allowance for loads associated with:

• existing buildings, structures and utilities in the vicinity of the railway

• proposed developments at the Woolloongabba Station

• aspirations for future development alongside and above the corridor.

These allowances will continue to form part of the framework for further development of the design.

Volumetric resumptionsTunnels and caverns rely on a pillar or arch of rock for support because the tunnel linings are attached to the surrounding natural materials.

The ground surrounding the tunnel openings will be protected by volumetric resumption from development activity affecting the integrity of BaT.

The running tunnels require a volumetric resumption of 10m, to ensure an adequate rock pillar between the tunnels and any future structure. This is standard practice at this stage of project development.

For station caverns, a volumetric resumption of 10-12m around the outer curve of the arch is required, which is approximately half the diameter of the cavern. This makes allowance for the required dimension of the rock arch supporting the ground above.

The resumptions around the proposed cut and cover shafts are required to secure rights to install permanent anchors at, for example, Roma Street, under the Queensland Rail corridor.

Some temporary anchors are also required. These blocks of underground strata could be handed back to the affected properties post-construction.

Recognising the potential for the project to generate city-forming developments around sections of BaT, the reference design incorporates the following allowances for future developments alongside or over George Street Station, and near Woolloongabba Station:

• loads associated with nominal 80-storey buildings, founded into rock up to current cadastral boundaries

• basement excavations to the same depth as the adjacent BaT works down to, and alongside, the proposed resumption boundaries.

Volumetric typical illustration of the tunnel

23BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Volumetric resumption principles

24 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Structural design

Aside from the stations themselves, BaT includes numerous other major structures.

Rail buildings• a traction feeder station near the

northern portal in Victoria Park• a traction feeder station near the

southern portal near Park Road Station

Tunnel structures• a southern portal and dive structure• a northern portal and dive structure

Minimising costs was one of the main drivers in determining the most appropriate structural solutions for the project. Principles used to minimise cost include:

• optimising the alignment to favour more economical structural and civil arrangements

• maximising off-line works to reduce dependency on rail possession works

• using industry standard construction methods

• simple staging, supporting higher production rates

• providing adequate construction work areas to maximise production rates

• minimising land resumption• using readily available building

materials• incorporating temporary shoring into

permanent works where possible.

Underground stationsThe main structural forms are a large central vertical shaft the will connect the mined caverns.

Mined caverns have been used for all the stations as there is sufficient good quality rock above the cavern to form a rock arch. The surface impacts from an open excavation in these areas are considered to be unacceptable.

Internal slabs in the central shafts have been used as permanent struts for the walls wherever possible.

Northern Busway ConnectionThe BaT Busway crosses the rail corridor and Inner City Bypass with a viaduct that extends to the junction with the Northern Busway.

Southern Busway ConnectionThe busway connection to the Eastern Busway uses the existing busway underpass under the rail corridor near Park Road station with some modifications.

Impression of a station showing platform screen doors

Northern portal and dive structureThe northern portal is located along the northern edge of Victoria Park, near the Inner City Bypass land bridge.

The busway extends beside the rail corridor then crosses over the existing rail and Inner City Bypass corridor.

The surrounding landscaping is reinstated to fit with the existing park setting at completion.

Southern portal and dive structureThe dive structure starts as open cut with slope stabilisation such as soil nailing and shotcrete. As the depth increases struts are added to the top of the trough walls before becoming a cut and cover structure with a full roof slab.

The busway exits the portal and comes to the existing Eastern Busway underpass under the rail.

25BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Project systems and operations

Rail systems cover three main areas:

• traction power distribution• overhead line electrification• signalling and telecommunications.

Construction and commissioning testing plans are critical to the strategy for implementation of this project and will be developed further as the design progresses.

A new signalling and train control system based on the European Train Control System has been incorporated for the underground sections of the BaT. This system enables the new trains to operate efficiently at close headways and to interface with the automated platform screen doors at all underground stations. The new BaT control centre is likely to be integrated with a new train control facility being assessed by Queensland Rail at their main yard facilities.

With the additional train traffic and movements, the demand on the traction power increases and additional feeder stations and track section cabins are required to bolster the delivery of power to the suburban network and tunnels.

Traction power distributionNew 25kV feeder stations will be required for the project:

• near the northern portal in Victoria Park • near the Sourthern portal at Dutton Park

These feeder stations provide the additional power required for the BaT traction power system and are connected to adjacent Energex main supply points. The new traction power supply feeds through the tunnel system and has an independent supply in the event of a localised power failure.

Overhead line electrificationThe surface overhead wiring system consists of two components – surface works and tunnel works.

The surface works are conventional 25kV, AC system with overhead masts and catenary support system similar to the existing Queensland Rail system. All surface passenger tracks are electrified however surface tracks that only carry freight are not.

In the tunnel section, the overhead wiring system consists of a solid conductor (supported by special fixings to the tunnel roof) as this provides advantages for operations and maintenance, with reduced outages on the network.

Signalling and telecommunicationsThe signalling infrastructure consists of new line-side signalling works to suit the new surface track arrangements

The second element of the signalling network is within the tunnels, where a new automatic train protection system forms part of the scope of work, incorporating the latest advances in signalling applications being applied in Europe.

The construction, testing and commissioning strategies will be developed further during the detailed design to ensure effective continuation of existing operations during implementation of the project.

A train communication system has been allowed for throughout the tunnel, station and above ground network to facilitate train operations under all conditions.

Train controlModifications will be required to the existing Queensland Rail Train Control Centre to accommodate this substantial network upgrade. This may involve a new enlarged control facility.

Stations will be operational up to 20 hours a day and seven days a week for the public. The stations will be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week for operational and maintenance staff.

Station MaintenanceBaT services will be operated by a single entity covering bus, rail and communal areas of the stations. New operational procedures will be developed to manage the underground stations.

Maintenance will be carried out on an ongoing basis and specific design requirements have been incorporated, including:

• provision for cleaning and maintenance of finishes in public areas

• access to equipment and service facilities for maintenance and replacement

• station staff facilities are located adjacent to the ticket gates to allow staff access to both paid and unpaid areas

• public toilets are provided within the paid concourse • cleaning equipment, refuse and maintenance stores

are located at plant level (separate lift access is to be determined)

• the width of each area allows access to all materials and finishes for cleaning and maintenance and replacement using conventional access equipment such as scissor lifts, wall mounted access rails, and cleaning cradles

• lifts are sized and load-rated to accommodate cleaning and maintenance access equipment

• plant areas can be accessed from ground level via the emergency access stairs (in cut and cover stations, plant rooms can also be accessed from the concourse level)

• plant rooms are provided with access hatches (3m x 3m) at each end of the station to permit the removal of large plant items by cranes located at ground level.

Parking facilities are not provided for short term access of maintenance vehicles within the BaT station precinct and it is envisioned this will be provided in designated maintenance areas in consultation and agreement with Brisbane City Council.

26 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Bus systems

“Metropolitan rail networks provide impetus for urban revitalisation and growth. Targeted investment in these networks will help transform our cities by providing real support for sustainable urban development along major transport corridors as our cities continue to grow.”Commonwealth Government (National Infrastructure Priorities)

“Most of our main cities are now at the size where it is simply impossible to rely solely on private motor vehicles for commuting journeys... comprehensive public transport networks are essential for the long term success of Australia’s cities.” Infrastructure Australia

27BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Bus systems allow for:• Bus tracking• Bus control• Infrastructure operations• Real-time passenger information• Fare management• Bus layover.

The BaT will require improvements to current network infrastructure, control systems and operational practices. These changes will need to be carefully sequenced and implemented to minimise disruption to passenger services on the existing network.

Rigorous pre-commissioning testing will be required to ensure safe and orderly transitions to new infrastructure, systems and practices. The performance specifications for these tests will be developed further as design progresses.

Bus tracking Accurate bus tracking is a fundamental requirement for effective operation of the bus component of the tunnel. It will allow safe and efficient operations, in particular, enabling real-time headway management and arrivals information for passengers.

A new, GPS-based system for tracking buses across the network will allow operators and TransLink to accurately track the location of each bus on the network. GPS and 3G repeaters will be provided through the tunnel to ensure continuous coverage and integration within the bus tunnel.

Bus controlThe unique operating environment within the tunnel and its stations will require new operational rules and practices for headway management, station entry and exit (for buses), and passenger loading.

Implementation of the bus tracking system will deliver significant improvements to the ability of operators and Busway Operations Control to dynamically manage the network.

This, in turn will generate the need for changes to the way the network and fleets are currently managed, including new communication structures, intervention technologies and protocols, and performance reporting.

Infrastructure operationsThe operation of bus tunnel infrastructure requires a range of environmental (air quality, lighting, etc.), bus operations, platform operations, surveillance, station management and incident management monitoring and control systems.

The underground bus tunnel will need to be fully integrated with Busway Operations Control, currently located within the Brisbane Metropolitan Traffic Control Centre.

This will require expansion of monitoring and control capacity, and potentially the integration of new monitoring communications and management systems (headway detection, signalling, ventilation, platform screen doors, etc.).

Real time passenger InformationWithin the stations passengers will not be able to visually observe approaching buses. The underground platforms will likely attract high passenger volumes with up to eight buses arriving almost simultaneously at George Street.

Reliable real-time information signage will enable passengers to pre-organise themselves for the arrival of their bus, identifying the correct stopping position and passenger screen doors for boarding. Audio announcements would be continuous and confusing.

Concise, clear and reliable visual communication that can be intuitively understood by the majority of passengers without the need for additional assistance will be essential.

Bus layover and holdingThe provision of layover and holding bays directly on bus priority infrastructure allows efficient management of our CBD focussed network. Layovers minimise the need to dead-run buses to depots or other layovers for meal and inter-run breaks, reducing running costs and allowing more efficient use of the fleet.

Holding bays allow for very short-term pausing of buses, positioning them to commence a run exactly on-time.

Layover and holding bays, accompanied by bus turnarounds, will be provided near the northern and southern portals of the bus tunnel.

28 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Fire and life safety

Emergency management plans for BaT will integrate the responses of the owners and operators of the rail and bus infrastructure, rollingstock, rail track and passenger services, with those of the station managers and local emergency response agencies.

The fundamental aims of the fire and life safety strategy are to:

• provide life safety for the public, rail staff and emergency services in accordance with community expectations by making the risks as low as reasonably practicable

• provide a reasonable level of protection of property and assets while maximising continuity of operations

• minimise impact on the immediate environment.

The provision for fire and life safety includes a tunnel and ventilation system that allows for normal operations as well as emergency fire conditions. The system has been designed to cope with a train fire of 15MW based on benchmarking other regional and world systems. The busway tunnel section has been designed to cope with a bus fire of 30MW.

The tunnel and station ventilation is serviced from major ventilation plant contained in or adjacent to all stations. The design has managed to avoid the need for ventilation jet fans within the tunnel system.

Emergency service access points to the stations have been discussed with the emergency service authorities and will be allowed for at stations.

For the purposes of design, fires are classified by location and/or fuel types:

• station - fire in a back-of-house area, an escalator or elevator pit, on a platform, on a concourse, under a vehicle, on top of a vehicle, in a vehicle

• tunnel – fire under a vehicle, on top of a vehicle, in a vehicle, equipment room/ niche fire, trackway debris fire.

The fire and life safety design of the system requires consideration of design incidents and the following scenarios have been considered:

• 30MW fully involved bus fire• 15 MW fully involved train fire (at a

station platform and in a tunnel) – assuming a mix of new and modern existing rollingstock

• 5MW undercar fire (at a station and in a tunnel)

• 1MW trackway fire• 350kW platform or concourse fire.

The largest fuel loads and most likely ignition sites are the vehicles in the tunnel system. Consequently, rollingstock design (both bus and rail) is fundamental to the fire safety risk of the entire running rail network because it impacts the ability for passengers and crew to escape safely and emergency responders to access any incident site.

The project design team consulted with Queensland Rail to ensure acceptable fire and life safety considerations for future rolling stock specifications.

Brisbane transport and TransLink have been consulted in terms of the proposed future bus vehicle.

Station and tunnel ventilation equipment

29BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Overview of construction works

To provide sufficient space for construction activities, major tunnel construction sites have been planned at Dutton Park, for the Southern Portal and the northern portal in Victoria Park.

The stations are projects in their own right, and a significant footprint will be required for these in their final state as well as during construction.

A number of factors have driven the strategy for the tunnel and station construction, including:

• delivering the project in a cost effective manner

• shortening the construction program where possible, but not where it may adversely affect the overall costs

• minimising land-requirements• minimising disruption to existing road

and rail traffic, or businesses• minimising construction risks,

particularly those associated with potential third-party impacts

• minimising environmental impacts• making reasonable allowance for future

developments above and along the corridor.

These are based on:

• inferred geological profiles• preferred horizontal and vertical

rail alignment • depth at each station location • specific local constraints • proposed construction methodology.

All running tunnels and station caverns have been arranged to lie below the inferred rock-head levels, making initial excavations self-supporting. This means the spaces required can be formed economically using a combination of TBM and mined solutions.

Station caverns can be drained structures and TBM tunnels undrained.

Some stations, station entries, and plant space require shafts and cut-and-cover elements which have been arranged as reinforced concrete structures, predominantly cast insitu, but with specific pre-cast elements.

Perimeter walls will extend to rock, with excavations continuing below as vertical rock cuts to depth. The majority of piled walls will be drained, reinforced concrete piles, with shotcrete or precast concrete facing.

Full groundwater cut-off to rock has been provided at specific locations to deal with anticipated groundwater risks.

The BaT project reference design includes both major surface and underground works.

Surface works at the northern and southern portal intersect the existing Queensland Rail operational network which means there will be some complex urban brown-field rail construction.

As with all detailed brown-field works, detailed planning will be required to enable Queensland Rail to programme many of the extended shutdowns for the project.

Queensland Rail have a possessions programme for the entire South East Queensland rail network, the Project will utilise most of these possession periods during the peak years of construction.

Surface works include:

• demolishing/removal of existing buildings and industrial infrastructure

• widening existing rail corridor boundaries

• altering road, pedestrian and public utility plants

• constructing new busway bridges and pedestrian connections

• introducing new rail infrastructure• significantly altering existing rail


To minimise the impact on the existing and future rail network’s operational capacity, delivery of surface works will be staged into manageable, safe and reliable increments that are acceptable to the Rail Manager and subject to the Rail Manager’s corridor safety requirements.

The underground sections of the project, from the Park Road southern portal to the Victoria Park northern portal, are complex and many different structural forms have been proposed.

30 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Element Form Proposed Construction Technique(s)

Dutton Park Station • Trackwork and signal box relocations• Relocation of existing rail maintenance facilities on

east side of tracks• (Station is closed following completion of the

PA Hospital to Boggo Road pedestrian link tunnel)

• Work on and adjacent to existing lines is undertaken during rail possessions

Southern busway connection, dive structure and southern portal

• Rail Dive structure immediately east of existing Boggo Road Bus Station.

• Cut and cover tunnel for new rail ramp under existing tracks.

• Ramps for busway tunnel connection to existing tunnel.

• Precast box tunnel for cyclists and pedestrians between PA Hospital bikeway and Boggo Road busway station.

• Dive structure will be cast in situ concrete structures constructed in temporary excavation supported by soil nail or piled wall.

• Ramp tunnels within the rail corridor will be constructed by mined or cut and cover technique. • Busway ramps and the bus and rail tunnel leading to the TBM portal will be constructed by cut

and cover method.• The initial 150m of TBM tunnel with shallow cover under the Park Road rail tracks will have

pre-support in the crown installed by mined top heading.• The pedestrian and cycleway tunnel will be precast concrete boxes excavated below the existing

tracks.• Cuttings will be faced with shotcrete, or rock batters. • Contaminated spoils from the rail corridor site to be managed.

Element Form Proposed Construction Technique(s)

Northern Portal and rail, busway connections

• Located in Victoria Park, immediately north of Gregory Terrace.

• Dive structure is 190m long x 12m wide with depth of 7m transitioning to the surface.

• Approximately 290m of cut and cover tunnel between the TBM portal and dive structure.

• Surface trackwork is required between the dive structure and Exhibition Station.

• The busway connecting roads from the Land Bridge to the existing Inner Northern Busway at the RBWH total approx. 650m long , with a bridge over the rail corridor and the ICB near the Gilchrist Avenue Bus Station.

• A bus lay-by facility is provided north of the Centennary Pool

• Reinstate park after cut and cover section are complete

• Construction access to portal site is initially from Gregory Terrace, then moved to Bowen Bridge Road or Gilchrist Avenue via the busway link road

• Construction will require relocation of pedestrian and cycleway paths through the parklands, and to the Victoria Park Landbridge.

• The dive structure will be piled, partly roofed, and backfilled.• The rail connections will involve removal of existing sidings, relocation of some tracks.• Some trackwork can only be undertaken during rail possessions.• No critical buried services have been identified.• Contaminated spoils from the rail corridor site to be managed.

Southern Portal

Northern Portal

31BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Element Form Proposed Construction Technique(s)

Tunnel - generally • Single TBM tunnel, 15m excavated diameter, lined with precast concrete segments

• Busway in upper half of tunnel, with barriers, emergency passageway, services, ventilation, smoke duct, and lighting

• Rail tracks in lower half, with walkways, central dividing wall, overhead line equipment, signalling, and emergency lighting and communications

• Overall tunnel length between bus portals is approximately 5,400 metres and overall tunnel length between rail portals is approximately 5,700 metres.

• The total length of bored tunnelling by TBM is approximately 5,100 metres.• Tunnelling is primarily through good quality rock.• Expected progress rates 60 – 120m per week.• TBM is serviced from within large sheds at Boggo Road, and behind PA Hospital.• The tunnel is lined with precast concrete segments, to make ‘rings’ 2.0m long. Each segment is

approx. 4.8m long and 500mm thick, and weigh 12t. There are 9 segments plus a key for each ring.

• Tunnel is fitted out with rail invert and dividing wall, busway deck and smoke duct slab as TBM progresses.

• Rail and busway track, pavement, walkways, barriers, overhead lines, signals, lighting, communications installed after completion of the TBM drive

• Tunnelling expected to commence in mid 2017, and be completed in mid 2019.

from Southern Portal to Woolloongabba Station

• 1050m• Crosses under the South east Freeway at

Hawthorne Street

• Stratum expected to be Aspley Formation and Brisbane Tuff, of medium – very high strength.

Woolloongabba Station to George Street Station

• 1440m• Crosses under Brisbane River between Paton Street

and the Botanic Gardens.• At lowest point, rail level is 50m below datum, the

tunnel has a minimum 8m clearance to the river bed

• Stratum expected to be Neranleigh Fernvale Beds and Brisbane Tuff, of medium – very high strength.

• Sump structure to be constructed at the low point of the alignment, under the Brisbane River

George Street Station to Roma Street Station • 1240m• Runs under George Street to Herschel Street, then

under Roma Street Transit Centre.• Rail level generally 40m below street level

• Stratum expected to be Neranleigh Fernvale Beds of medium – high strength.

Roma Street Station to North Portal • 840m• Crosses under Roma Street Parklands, Leichardt

Street and Gregory Terrace.• Rail level is 50m below Leichardt Street

• Stratum expected to be Neranleigh Fernvale Beds of medium – high strength.


32 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Element Form Proposed Construction Technique(s)

Stations - generally • Constructed from within rectangular piled box • Rail and bus platforms extend 170m north and south

in mined cavern 30m wide x 20m deep

• Box will be contiguous concrete or steel soldier piles, internally braced, excavated top down.• Temporary traffic decking are provided to maintain road traffic, and construction access above

the shaft.• Mined cavern will be constructed by roadheader or drill and blast, with a series of headings and

benches.• At the bottom of the cavern, a concrete trough or steel rails will be installed to allow the TBM to

“walk” through.• The station vertical layout will allow some internal structure and fit-out to proceed independent

of the TBM progress.• After the TBM has “walked through”, the remaining internal station structures – generally in-situ

concrete, but utilising precast elements where possible – will proceed, bottom up.• Stations are then fitted out with escalators and lifts, ventilation and hydraulic plant, power,

lighting, communications, ticketing and information facilities.• Station entrance structures and approaches are designed and constructed to enhance the Urban

environment. Architectural fit-out will therefore require coordination of many different trades and suppliers

Woolloongabba Station • Located in Go-Print site, immediately north of Stanley Street.

• Station box is 57m long x 53m wide x 43m deep.• Rail platform level is generally 38m below ground

level• Bus platform level is generally 33m below ground


• The station construction site has direct access from South East Freeway via exit ramp at Vulture Street. Vehicle leaving the site can re-enter South East Freeway through on-ramp at Stanley Street.

• Construction should not have any major effects on traffic in surrounding streets.• No major services requiring relocation have been identified.• Potential contaminated site due to land use history of the site.• Shaft and caverns excavations are expected to encounter rocks of Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds

in the south of the site, Brisbane Tuff in north, paleo-channel and weathering to depth in the central section of the site.

• Shaft excavation by excavator and ripper for top section of the shaft in soil and weak rock. Subsequent excavation in rock below using rock-breaker or drill and blast.

• Cavern excavation to be carried out by partial top-headings using roadheader; install rock bolts and shotcrete as the excavation proceeds. Spiling and lattice girders; face dowels in poor ground.


33BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Element Form Proposed Construction Technique(s)

George Street Station • Station box is 57m long x 55m wide x 53m deep.• Rail platform level is approximately 49m below

ground level.• Bus platform level is 44m below ground level.

• Construction will require traffic management for piling and traffic decking works to be installed within traffic lanes. This may include temporary closures of George and Mary Street.

• The site currently contains a number of electrical and communications services, these will have to be relocated before excavation commences.

• The George Street Station excavation is expected to encounter Neranleigh Fernvale Beds with rock head level at approximately 8m below ground surface.

• Shaft excavation by excavator and ripping for top section of the shaft in soil and weak rock. Subsequent excavation in rock below using rock-breaker or drill and blast.

• Cavern excavation to be carried out by partial top-headings using roadheader; install rock bolts and shotcrete as the excavation proceeds. Spiling and lattice girders; face dowels in poor ground.

Roma Street Station • Located in station carpark , immediately north of the Long Distance Platform, with pedestrian connection to the Parklands elevated, and to the Roma Station subway.

• Station box is a 70m long x 45m wide x 32m deep, irregularly shaped to suit the underground passage geometry.

• Rail platform level is generally 32m below ground level

• Bus platform level is generally 27m below ground level

• Construction access to station site is from Roma Street via Parkland Crescent. • Construction will require closure of the station carpark north of the Long Distance train platform,

and traffic restrictions on the Parkland Crescent through the site.• Some local buried services will require relocation• The George Street Station excavation is expected to encounter shallow depth of fill on

Neranleigh Fernvale Beds to depth.• The shaft will be covered by traffic decking in large leaving access opening sufficient for spoil

and material handling. Shaft excavation by excavator and ripping for top section of the shaft in soil and weak rock. Subsequent excavation in rock below using rock-breaker or drill and blast.

• Cavern excavation to be carried out by partial top-headings using roadheader; install rock bolts and shotcrete as the excavation proceeds. Spiling and lattice girders; face dowels in poor ground.


34 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Construction sites

The following constraints and issues have been considered to determine the suitability of possible construction sites:

• low-rise or industrial development only, where possible.

• Each of the proposed underground stations is a major construction site, approximately 180m long and up to 50m deep.

• The construction activities anticipated at surface are similar to those associated with any large building site (e.g. the recent Vision building development site in the CBD).

• Sites with straightforward access to major arterial roads are preferable to sites associated with construction traffic along suburban streets.

• Sites in support of significant tunnel drives should be as large as practical.

• Spoil disposal via rail is an option being considered. Such a strategy would lend itself to the sites at the north portal and north of Dutton Park where there is some scope for sidings to be dedicated to Project construction requirements.

Rock bolt installation Core samples Bottom up construction

35BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Spoil removal An outline scheme for spoil removal from the construction sites has been developed using the following criteria:

• sites where construction traffic can flow directly on and off freeways and major arterial roads are favoured

• minimal spoil quantities extracted from other sites

• consideration of access to sidings for rail transport as a means of spoil removal.

The majority of spoil will be generated from the TBM running tunnel sites at Dutton Park, however the northern portal location will also generate significant volumes. The major spoil removal facilities will be located inside acoustic sheds to minimise noise and dust impacts. The intended disposal routes from the main tunnelling sites are via Ipswich Road to the south-west.

The total estimated volume from the works, portal to portal, is approximately 1.6 million cubic metres insitu or approximately 2.5 million cubic metres of excavated spoil to dispose of off-site. These volumes are both the tunnel and the stations.

Station fit-outThe fit-out of the underground stations is complex, and therefore needs to be commenced as soon as the station structural shells are complete and the ongoing tunnel boring operations will allow.

Significant mechanical and electrical, control and ventilation systems will be required in addition to the normal station facility fit-out and finishes. The platform screen doors will be a late installation activity that needs to be synchronised with the control systems.

All BaT stations will include automatic gated ticket lines that will need testing and commissioning.

Track and rail systems Track and rail systems are project-wide and therefore will generally be constructed as end-to-end installations. The activities will be planned to avoid construction conflicts with other station sites.

The assumed sequence of track and rail systems is as follows:

• construction and installation of the track formation and tunnel track slabs

• sleeper and rail installation as required• installation of overhead masts• overhead electrical assemblies• traction power supply and connection• line-side signalling system installation

and communications.

The timing of track installation works at the southern and northern surface sections will rely on the availability of track possessions.

It is important to leave sufficient space between the rail system installation contracts to enable appropriate sequential access along the corridor especially within the tunnel sections.

Underground station concourse

36 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Commissioning and testing

The works described here cover some of the key commissioning activities associated with the new underground system. The extent and detail of commissioning activities described is to inform the reference design and EIS phase of BaT.

Further detail will be developed in line with the design as it progresses.

Extensive underground and project commissioning plans will need to be developed for all underground built infrastructure and systems and associated surface works.

This will include plans and documents that highlight the various control systems to be operated as part of the project and which will be further developed in subsequent phases of BaT.

Underground station commissioning An important part of the commissioning of the overall BaT will be the commissioning of the underground stations. Underground stations require significantly more infrastructure than surface stations, therefore the commissioning process will be longer and more involved. These will include testing and training in relation to station fire and life safety systems, day to day operations, and general passenger and vehicle control.

In terms of fire and life systems staff must be fully conversant with the Fire and Life Safety Protocols for the new underground station and tunnel system. A comprehensive Emergency Procedures Manual (EPM) will form part of the key hand-over documentation for the project.

The EPM will outline roles and responsibilities of all operations staff – station staff, drivers, control centre staff and senior management in relation to specific emergency procedures for BaT. The EPM will also indicate the interaction with emergency services agencies and personnel, including the various responsibilities of all parties.

Particular commissioning activities are expected to include mock emergency evacuations, which could include rescue, fire and life safety system operation including ventilation system activation and control.

Station training activities are expected to include station capacity management strategies for station staff. Station capacity overload may occur due to circumstances such as service disruption or major events such as an event at the Gabba Stadium.

An important differentiator to the existing rail and bus systems are the platform screen doors. The operation of the platform screen doors is linked to train operation through an automatic train operation system. Whilst for bus, the platform screen doors will be linked to a sophisticated passenger information system. Reliability testing of all platform screen doors is required for all the underground stations, as well as station staff training in relation to any disruption to the platform screen door system.

The appropriate location and functionality of the CCTV system will be an important consideration with respect to passenger safety and security.

There are extensive electrical and mechanical services including lifts, escalators and all passenger interface equipment such as electronic passenger information devices, electronic ticket gates, PA systems and CCTV cameras. Progressive commissioning of these items will occur during the course of completion of the stations.

A period of three to six months is anticipated for the appropriate training of station staff after completion of essential works.

Each of the stations is expected to have an individual commissioning plan to ensure full functionality at day one of operations.

37BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Tunnel system commissioning The fire and life system training will extend to the tunnel system. Ventilation system operation and smoke testing will be undertaken in the months prior to commissioning to ensure adequate operation of all ventilation in all tunnel systems.

A mock evacuation of a vehicle in a mid-tunnel section may form part of the emergency procedures check prior to final project commissioning.

driver trainingDriver training is always an essential part of commissioning activities. In the case of BaT extra training will be required due to the substantially different nature of the driver environment compared with the existing suburban rail and busway network.

Drivers will need to be trained in underground operation, the new route and the particular station interfaces.

Emergency procedures protocols will take on greater emphasis as indicated above.

Surface works commissioningBaT consists of two large sections of surface works either side of the underground environment. The surface works interface with the existing operating railway and busway.

As a result, interim stages and commissioning of new works are required prior to final commissioning.

Systems commissioningThe commissioning of the majority of the systems cannot be completed until the end-to-end project has been fitted out progressively with trackwork, power supply, overhead electrification, signalling and communications. Each system will have its own individual commissioning plan.

Timing of the final commissioningDue to the complex integration required for BaT it is recommended that the final rail systems and rail infrastructure commissioning take place over the major shut-down period at Christmas.

This provides a commissioning contingency for a major shut-down window to be available three to four months later at Easter.

38 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Bus and rail operations

BaT is a critical new link in South East Queensland’s public transport network. Giving trains and buses an additional Brisbane River crossing will unlock congestion hotspots, take pressure off existing infrastructure and pave the way for future network growth.

The network has been designed to put the passenger first, enabling the development of a fully integrated transport network to be developed to take advantage of the step change increase in capacity that BaT provides.

The network design is multi-modal with connectivity in mind to enable passenger’s flexibility to access more destinations via simple and convenient transfer. For example, rail passengers from the Gold Coast can transfer within the station to high frequency buses to the PA Hospital or University of Queensland. Rail passengers from the north and west will be able to transfer within Roma Street station to access high frequency bus services direct to UQ.

Roma Street and Woolloongabba will become major interchanges, each servicing a different side of the river. Local services will run from these hubs, giving commuters more direct, frequent links to hospitals, sports stadiums, shops, parklands and workplaces. Whilst the focus of George Street will be to provide access directly into the heart of the CBD, frequent on-street bus services will provide connectivity for BaT passengers to destinations beyond walking distance, including Riverside and Fortitude Valley. These on street services will also provide additional capacity for the growing populations within 5km’s of the CBD.

BaT will deliver rail connectivity between the Gold Coast / Beenleigh lines to the south and the Exhibition Line to the north. Initially, and in order to deliver a scheme that is affordable to Government, BaT will only allow revenue passenger services from the south. The rail connections to the north will only allow Gold Coast services to turn back, or access the stabling facilities at Mayne Yard. However, the project has been designed to allow for a full service connection to the North Coast Line in the future, allowing rail services from the northside into the tunnel.

The rail network design for BaT looks to build upon the sectorisation of the surface rail network recently implemented by Queensland Rail and TransLink. The introduction of BaT is based on breaking the network into sectors including:• South sector connects the Gold Coast and

Beenleigh lines into BaT• East-west sector connects the Springfield and

Rosewood / Ipswich to North Coast, Caboolture and Kippa-ring lines

• Brisbane suburban sector connects the Ferny Grove, Shornecliffe, Doomben and Airport lines to the Kuraby and Cleveland lines, which will continue to service the current South Bank and South Brisbane stations and utilises the Ferny Grove flyover and the suburban platforms in the inner city.

39BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Nambour118 mins 3

6Caboolture60 mins








































Petrie47 mins

Shorncli�e41 mins

Airport (Domestic)22 mins

Doomben27 mins

Varsity Lakes77 mins

Cleveland53 mins

Manly41 mins

Beenleigh64 mins

Kuraby40 mins

Bracken Ridge54 mins

Logan Hyperdome40 mins

Capalaba43 mins

Springwood30 mins

Garden City24 mins

Gri�th University19 mins

Carseldine50 mins

Indooroopily28 mins

Aspley48 mins

UQ Lakes18 mins

Sunnybank27 mins

Browns Plains60 mins

Sunnybank Hills40 mins

Kenmore48 mins

Mt Ommaney49 mins

Ferny Grove35 mins

Rosewood70 mins

Ipswich48 mins


58 mins

Chermside33 mins

Lutwyche18 mins

RBWH11 mins

Sta�ord41 mins

Brighton72 mins

Hamilton27 mins

Bulimba42 mins

Annerley27 mins

Woollongabba12 mins

Buranda12 mins

Cannon Hill32 mins

Carindale24 mins


Eagle Junction

Bowen Hills

Fortitude Valley


Roma Street



Park RoadBoggo Road



RuncornHeights42 mins

25 The Gap29 mins

28 Ashgrove23 mins


Beenleigh64 mins 4


Number of services departing station each hour in the morning peak

Trip time to Roma Street station


UQ Lakes18 mins 6


Number of buses passing through the location each hour in the morning peak

Trip time to various CBD locations


Key bus corridors(including existing busways)

Existing railway

• Travel times are estimates assuming current travel speeds on-road.• Travel times assume a service using Brisbane underground, some services may not use Brisbane underground.• Service numbers are services running past a certain location. Some services may not stop.

Current Network

8 Springfield39 mins

Current Network 2021 Network

40 BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

For operations, BaT can be reviewed in three separate sections: • the northern approach• the tunnel• the southern approach.

Each of these sections has been designed to minimise interaction between services using the BaT network and services operating through the inner city using the existing network.

The Queensland Government has recently committed to an order for an additional 75 new trains to meet growing passenger demand. This new rollingstock will need to be stabled at a range of locations across the South East Queensland rail network, and ideally would be stabled in locations that minimise dead running, either at the beginning or end of services, or at maintenance facilities. With this in mind, not precluding access to stabling and maintenance has been considered important in design development of the northern and southern approaches, to enable access to Mayne and Clapham Rail Yards.

Freight is an important part of operations on the Brisbane metropolitan network. While freight services will not be utilising the BaT tunnel, infrastructure layouts on the southern approaches have the ability to minimise passenger service impact on freight capacity.

The bus network design for BaT is fully integrated into the existing busway network and provides a faster, more direct, grade-separated route to and through the CBD than existing busways.

To the south, the BaT connects to the Eastern Busway between Dutton Park and PA Hospital busway stations, providing convenient access to University of Queensland and destinations including Griffith University campus at Nathan, Mt Gravatt and Carindale via the south east and eastern busway’s. To the north, BaT connects to the Northern Busway just south of RBWH, with convenient connections for buses onto Bowen Bridge Road to access Fortitude Valley and Newstead, the Inner Northern Busway to serve the QUT campus at Kelvin Grove, the northern busway to Lutwyche and Chermside and the Inner City Bypass/Legacy Way for fast connections to the Western and Centenary suburbs.

The network will be designed around a core of high frequency bus and rail routes, with the primary mode for a corridor dependent on maximising passenger benefits and market differentiation, both spatial and temporal. Opportunities to connect with different modes to increase geographical reach will be maximised. For example, bus passengers from Browns Plains will be able to transfer to fast and frequent rail services to the CBD at Altandi, making use of the additional rail capacity afforded by BaT for a faster trip in to the CBD than the bus can provide. At the same location, rail passengers will transfer from rail onto the same buses continuing north to Griffith University.

For very frequent corridors, such as South East Busway, Old Cleveland Road and Lutwyche Road, direct services to the CBD will be provided via both BaT and the existing busways. This will ensure that key destinations such as QUT Kelvin Grove and South Brisbane continue to receive a high level of service. Corridors which only warrant a single route to the CBD, will be provided with opportunity to transfer onto an alternative route into the CBD.

The design of the public transport network will continue to evolve as the project progresses through to opening. Ongoing planning will improve integration between bus, rail, ferry and active transport modes, as well as taking advantage of the step change increase in capacity that BaT offers. We will continue to consult with you on detailed operational planning for key corridors closer to the planned opening in 2021. The following maps give an indication of current service frequencies and journey times from key locations with the additional capacity afforded by BaT shown for 2021. Whilst these are subject to further development and therefore are indicative only, they do give an indication of the possibilities that BaT will allow.

41BaT project – draft reference design overview report – March 2014

Department of Transport and Main Roads

Connecting Queensland

This Draft Reference Design Overview Report for the BaT project contains an overview of technical information that has been produced as part of the development of the project’s Draft Reference Design. The engineering requirements for the project are significant, comprising substantial underground and surface works including stations, tunnels, bridges, new and modified track, rail systems and associated services. This Overview Report should be read in conjunction with the engineering drawings (General Arrangements) and other draft engineering studies and drawings produced.

Information contained within this Overview Report is correct at the timing of printing and is supplied for the purposes of community and stakeholder consultation only. However, as the project develops the project design is expected to be refined and is likely to change.

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