bay views 4th november, 2015 - filebay views page 1 newsletter phone: 03...

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

Email: Web:

4th November, 2015

Coming Events

Term 4 2015 Nov. 6 2016 Preps School Start 1 Nov. 9 Cybersafety presentation for parents at Karingal Heights (6pm) Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Service Nov. 12 School Council Meeting Nov. 13 2016 Preps School Start 2 Nov. 16-20 P/1M, P/1S, 1/2W, 2/3H Swimming Nov. 20 2016 Preps School Start 3 Nov. 23-27 3/4B, 3/4S, 5/6O, 5/6S Swimming Nov. 27 2016 Preps School Start 4 2016 Prep Parents Information session Nov. 30 Pupil Free Day Dec. 8 Year 7 Orientation Day Dec. 9 Special Assembly—Dunkley Shield Dec. 10 School Council Meeting Dec. 11 Grade 6 Graduation Dec. 15 Parent Helper’s Morning Tea Dec. 16 Carols Night Dec. 17 Whole School Bowling excursion Dec. 18 End of Term Lunch End of Term—students dismissed 2:30pm

Are you leaving Frankston East Primary School at the end of 2015?

NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. GRADE: ………………….

PARENT SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Please let the office know by returning this slip. Thank you

Monday 9th November

P/1M—George G.—For great work with his reading and spelling. P/1S—Isabella E.—For her positive attitude in the classroom. 1/2W—Michelle P.—For her hard work during math groups. 2/3H—Jamal S.—For trying so hard in Science. 3/4B—Jessica M.—For always giving 100% in everything she does. 3/4S—Cathay Y.—For working hard during reading. 5/6O—Bethany Mc.—For some great work on Year 7 Maths Mate. 5/6S—Kayla D.—For an excellent week of work in the absence of Mrs. Schumacher.

A big Thank You to the Riley Family for their

donation of musical instruments. It is very much appreciated.

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

Email: Web:

The operating hours are:

TUESDAY – 3:15pm – 3:45am FRIDAY - 8:45 – 9:15am and

3:15 – 3:45pm

Student Attendance

last week

Percentage of students at school


Percentage of students on time


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