before and after photoshop contents page

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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Before and After PhotoshopScreenshot evidence

Contents Page

• I began with a transparent A4 page on Photoshop CS3. I then added a white background on a new layer using the paint bucket tool, and then I added a grey colour overlay, again on a new layer.

• I added a grey lighter grey background on a new layer so the Q (for Quaint) and the contents masthead would stand out more.

• Then I actually added the Q, on a new layer in a size 95.18 ‘Copperplate Gothic Light’ font.

• I then added the contents masthead on a new layer, again in the same font, but in size 97.18 this time.

• I then added a new layer and put multi coloured dots which I lowered the opacity of to 40% and put a glow around them.

• I then added a ‘Featuring…’ subtitle on a new layer, in a Helium SF font, size 30.

• I then added my first band picture of Kasabian, on a new layer, and free transformed it to the size I wanted it to be.

• I then added text over the top of the Kasabian, on a new layer, gig picture saying ‘Kasabian in concert, photos, reviews and interviews’ and the page number it could be found on, in a Centaur font.

• I then also added my second gig picture of The Maccabees, on a new layer, again I free transformed it to be the size I wanted it.

• I again added text over the top of my Maccabees gig picture, on a new layer, of their name and the page number they can be found on, in a Century Gothic font, size 18.

• Then I added a third picture of Bastille, on a new layer.

• Again I added Bastille’s name to their picture and a page number, on a new layer, in a Orator Std style font, size 33.57.

• then added a forth picture of Florence and The Machine in concert and the Ricoh Arena, on a new layer.

• I added text of Florence’s name and band, on a new layer, over the top of her picture and a page number, in a Orator std font, size 18.31.

• I then added the fifth picture of John Newman at V festival 2013 that I took also, on a new layer.

• Again I added John Newman text over his picture and a page number, on a new layer, in font PanRoman, size 20.75.

• I then added the 6th and final picture of Two Door Cinema Club, on a new layer.

• I similarly added Two Door Cinema Club’s name and the page number on which they can be found, on a new layer, in font PanRoman, size 10.13.

• In the third screenshot I began a different section of my contents page, adding a pink glow for my subscription box, on a new layer.

• I added a white circle/stamp tool, with a black rim on a new layer.

• Then I added a grey glow/shadowed background, on a new layer, for the subscribe title, using the paintbrush tool.

• The word subscribe, on a new layer, has been edited using a drop and inner shadow effect.

• I added a black ground to make the screenshot of my front cover stand out more on a new layer.

• As well as this I placed a picture earphones to use a visual image of what could be won by subscribing for Quaint magazine and a black dot to put writing it, on a new layer.

• In the second and third shots I added my cover page screenshot to the subscribe circle, on another new layer.

• I then added writing to the little black circle saying; ‘Turn to page 117 for more information’ and text under the cover page screenshot, where it says ‘Subscribe to Q and get free Jays earphones’, on a new layer, in font Orator std, size 11.23.

• In the final screenshot I added black rectangular shape, on a new layer, to use as a background, which I faded the opacity of slightly so I could add similar colour text and it still stand out effectively.

• I gave the black box a title to show what it was clearly, on a new layer, ‘Band List.’.

• I then began adding band names to make up the list, each new band name on a new layer, using font Helium SF, size 36 for each name. In either a black, white or grey colour.

• I continued adding more band names to make up the list, such as; ACDC, The Coral, Nirvana and The Smiths. Each name on a new layer.

• I continued adding more band names. These were made up if; Swim Deep, Peace and The Twang. Each name on a new layer.

• I added my final band name to the band list box; ‘The Drums’ on a new layer.

• Then left of it I added a blue faded out (Lowered opacity) glow to be the background for my BRITS 2015 logo, on a new layer, using the paint brush tool and selecting the blue colour.

• The third screenshot shows the construction of the logo, each piece on a new layer.

• The construction of the BRITS 2015 logo is still ongoing. With different lines beings added and freely transformed to face the correct way/be on the right angle, each one on a new layer.

• Construction is still ongoing. I then began adding the red sections of the Union Jack flag to the logo, each on a new layer.

• In the final screen shot I added the ‘BRITS 2015’ heading to finish it off, on a new layer, in font Helium SF, size 41.84.

• I now began adding page numbers on my contents page so I can give the readers information of where to find pages/articles related to certain bands and so on, each name and number on a new layer. I also added the first band name and a bit of information on what can be found in the article. In this case the additional information states the setting of the band Royal Blood as it is made up of Two men Two instruments then making one gigantic noise. Font Helium SF.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. For example; Ed Sheeran reviewed his new album ‘X’. Each on a new layer. Font Helium SF.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. Each on a new layer. Font-Helium SF. For example; Sam Smith about his participation in MTV’s Music Video Awards. When constructing the MTV logo I used separate layers for the ‘M’ and the ‘TV’s’.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. For example; The Charlatans. Each on a new layer. Font-Helium SF.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. For example; Elbow. Each on a new layer. Font-Helium SF.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. Each on a new layer. Font- Helium SF. For example; Elbow. I also added Elbow’s album cover, as their article focuses of that album; ‘The Take Off and Landing Of Everything’.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. Each on a new layer. Font- Helium SF. For example; Paolo Nutiniand his favourite album track (‘Iron Sky’)

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. Each on a new layer. Font- Helium SF. For example; Jamie T and how ‘Rock City Nottingham- best gig of ALL TIME’. I added emphasis on the ‘ALL TIME’ by capitalising and underlining it so it captures people attention.

• I added an image of Nottingham’s Rock City venue give readers a visual understand/image of where and what Rock City is and why it was the ‘best gig of ALL TIME’. On a new layer.

• Continued also to add more page numbers and bands names; The Black Keys, on new layers. Font- Helium SF.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. On a new layer. Font- Helium SF. For example; The Enemy, on page 70.

• I continued adding more page numbers and names of artists/bands and what you could find on the pages dedicated to them. On a new layer. Font- Helium SF. For example; How Coventry will always be home for The Enemy boys. I also added a ‘Editors Nome’ heading and a black glow so the white text will stand out more over the top of it.

• I added the editors note which was all about Rosie McCarthy. On a new layer. Font- Helium SF. The main focus of Quaint’s 23rd issue and main cover feature and how she is 21 and absolutely fabulous and has already collaborated with Lana Del Rey and Florence and the machine.

• I also put ‘Mollie x’ to sign off the editors note to make it seem more personal to the readers (directly addressed to them). This makes them wish to continue reading the issue then. On a new layer. In font- Holiday Springs BTN Quill.

• Next, I added Rosie McCarthy’s name to show that see was still the main focus of Quaint’s magazine 23rd issue regardless of the other bands and artists mentioned. Font- helium SF. I

• then added a polaroid template which in the third screenshot I covered over with a picture I took of Rosie (my model). On a new layer. Free transformed the image and made it the appropriate size to fit the polaroid template.

• I then added the same polaroid but smaller to the right hand side of the main polaroid. On a new layer.

• I again replaced the template image with a picture of my model, Rosie McCarthy, by free transforming it to an appropriate size.

• Again, I added more of the same polaroid but smaller to the right hand side of the main polaroid. On a new layer.

• I again replaced the template image with a picture of my model, Rosie McCarthy, by free transforming it to an appropriate size.

• Finally, I added text to the left had side of the polaroid’s. On a new layer. Font- Helium SF. This said; ‘Turn to page 34 to read about Rosie’s BRIT success and life on the road’. There to instruct people of exactly where they have to go to read the main article and focus of the entire magazines issue.

• I finished off also by adding the page number where the article can be found, and this corresponds with the number which is on my double page spread as well. On a new layer and in font Helium SF.

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