before reading_main

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Before Reading_Main. Before Reading. Global Reading. Detailed Reading. After Reading. 1. Listening Comprehension. 2. Warm-up Questions. 3. Background Information. The Christmas Season. Old People in the West. Free Samples. 4. Topic-related Prediction. 5. Discussion. Before Reading_1.1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Before Reading_Main

Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading

1. Listening Comprehension

2. Warm-up Questions

3. Background Information

The Christmas SeasonOld People in the WestFree Samples

4. Topic-related Prediction

5. Discussion

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

Listening Comprehension

frumenty: 牛奶麦粥 raisin :葡萄干 currant :(无核)葡萄干

prune :洋李干 puritan :清教徒 disciple :门徒

Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following sentences are true or false.

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Christmas pudding originated as a 14th century "porridge" called frumenty that was made by boiling beef and mutton with raisins, currants, prunes, wines and spices. This would often be more like soup and was eaten as a fasting dish in preparation for the Christmas activities. By 1595 frumenty was evolving into plum pudding, having been thickened with eggs, breadcrumbs, dried fruit and given more flavor thanks to the addition of ale and spirits. In 1664 the pudding was banned by the Puritans describing it as a lewd custom and its rich ingredients as unfit for God-fearing people. In 1714 George I re-established it as part of the Christmas feast. By Victorian times Christmas puddings had evolved into something which looked similar to the ones enjoyed today. Over the years many customs have surrounded this popular festive dessert. It is said puddings should be made by the 25th Sunday after Trinity, prepared with 13 ingredients to represent Christ and His Disciples and that every member of the family take turns to stir the pudding with a wooden spoon from east to west in honor of the Three Kings.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

1. Christmas pudding originated in the 13th century. FChristmas pudding originated in the 14th century.

2. Puritans forbade people to have Christmas pudding in 1684. F

Puritans forbade people to have Christmas pudding in 1664.3. In 1714 George II re-established it as part of Christmas feast. F

In 1714 George I re-established it as part of Christmas feast. 4. Christmas pudding should contain 13 ingredients to represent Christ and

His Disciples. T

5. Christmas pudding was once banned because it was not delicious. FChristmas pudding was once banned because Puritans thought it not a good custom to have pudding on Christmas and its rich ingredients were unfit for God-fearing people.

6. According to the custom, everyone in the family should take turns to stir the pudding from west to east. FAccording to the custom, everyone in the family should take turns to stir the pudding from east to west.

Detailed Reading

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Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

1. Who may feel unhappy on Christmas?Those without a family or those with serious family problems: poverty-stricken or chronically-unemployed family.

2. Why Christmas can be a terrible moment for these people?

3. Have you got the experience of spending an important festival on your own? If yes, how did it happen and how did you spend it?

Detailed Reading

Warm-up Questions

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

In the ShopHistorically: from Dec.24 till after New Year’s DayTime: In England, from Dec.24 till Epiphany ( 主显节 ) (January 6)Main activity: a time for the family to get together, to talk, to sing, to exchange presents In modern time: a time of greater commercial activity Time: Early in November, shops decorate their departments for Christmas. Christmas has become a month of Christmas advertising.Main activity: do Christmas shopping

Detailed Reading

The Christmas Season

The Christmas Season — Commercialization

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

For Christians, Christmas season lasts from Christmas Eve till after New Year’s Day or, especially in England, till Epiphany ( 主显节 ) (January 6). Most Westerners will decorate their homes, schools and offices for the holidays. And they will send Christmas cards to their friends and send them gifts as well.

Commercially, the period is much longer. Stores usually begin to decorate their departments for Christmas in November. Special attention is paid to the shop windows designed to attract Christmas shoppers. Christmas has lost most of its religious significance. It has changed from a quiet day to be with family to a whole month of Christmas-gift buying season. And it has become a month of Christmas advertising. And all of this makes some people want to avoid Christmas altogether.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

Before Reading_1.3

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy!God rest you merry, gentlemen,Let nothing you dismay, Remember Christ our Saviour Was born on Christmas Day; To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray. O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy! From God our heavenly Father A blessed angel came;

And unto certain shepherdsBrought tidings of the same; How that in Bethlehem was born The Son of God by name. O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy! "Fear not, then," said the angel, "Let nothing you affright; This day is born a Saviour Of a virgin pure and bright, To free all those who trust in him From Satan's power and might."O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy,

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

Before Reading_1.3

O tidings of comfort and joy! Now to the Lord sing praises, All you within this place, And make sure love and brotherhood Each other now embrace; This holy tide of Christmas All others doth efface.O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy!O tidings of comfort and joy!

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Food: turkey or goose / mashed white potatoes and maybe yellow sweet potatoes / minced pork and herbs cooked inside the turkey / puddingDinner time: one or two o’clock rather than right at noon a family dinner (maybe nearby relatives will be invited to come over in the evening to see the children’s presents)

Detailed Reading

Before Reading_1.2

At Home – Christmas Dinner

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

In America, Christmas dinner is very much like a Thanksgiving Dinner. For meat, turkey is the most popular, but some families may have ham or something else. And of course, the father is the one to carve the turkey (to cut it into slices) or goose when it gets to the table. Then there’ll be potatoes, maybe mashed white potatoes and maybe yellow sweet potatoes, or both. Along with the turkey, there has to be a bread dressing made from small pieces of bread, minced pork and herbs cooked inside the turkey. And that’s why many people call it “bread stuffing” because it was stuffed (pushed hard) inside the turkey before it was baked. Then the juices from the turkey will be made into gravy to be poured over the potatoes, the dressing, and the meat.

Pudding is a kind of dessert in western food; like a heavy cake. It is served after the main food of a dinner. Puddings are usually boiled or steamed. Christmas pudding is a special pudding made with dried fruit, which is served at dinner on Christmas day.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Christmas dinner usually starts around one or two o’clock rather than right at noon, and no one is in a hurry to finish. Friends almost never drop in to visit on Christmas Day, since it’s a family holiday and no one really wants to be interrupted by someone coming to wish them a Merry Christmas. But maybe nearby relatives will be invited to come over in the evening to see the children’s presents and to snack on left-over Christmas Dinner.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Old People in the West

Most people retire from work between the ages of 60 — 65. This has two main consequences, one economic and the other psychological.

Economically: Although retired people receive a pension from the government or from their past employers, it is often significantly less than they earned when they were working. Unless people have managed to save money during their years at work, their standard of living may decline dramatically when they retire.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

Psychologically: Old people in Western countries are generally considered useless, a burden on their families and on the public purse. They are hardly held in respect. On the other hand, most of them used to focusing on work, simply do not know how to relax or pursue other interest now that they have time to do so. They feel they “should” be working and contributing, because work was where they were respected and their skills recognized. As retired people, their self-confidence is diminished. The longer they are away from the work place, the keener grows a sense of being superfluous.

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Free Samples

Stores use free samples as a “come-on” in competing for customers. If a store provides free samples of products, it’s likely that more people will shop there.

Samples, usually of new foods and drinks, are given with the understanding that if you like them, you will buy them. It is not socially acceptable to continue to sample the same product time and time again without making a purchase.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Topic-related Prediction

The text is entitled The Sampler. Before you read the story, think about the answers to the following questions.

1.When, where and what kinds of products can people go to sample?2.What kinds of people might take advantage of sampling?3.Why would they do that?

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading


Sometimes, good intention alone cannot make the others willing to accept your help. Instead, it may make you and the others feel embarrassed. Have you got this experience before? Please share it with your classmates.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

1. Part Division of the Text

2. Scanning

3. Supply the Missing Information

4. Multiple Choice

5. Character Analysis

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Part Division of the Text

Main IdeaLinesPart

1 1 — 14

2 15—29

3 30 — 57

The introduction of background of the story and the theme — Some people took advantage of free sampling.

An example: the description of how the old man sampled the pudding.

Climax: I wanted to help the old man but that hurt his dignity and I was embarrassed too.

Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

Globe Reading.1.2


Directions: Scan for the exact meanings of pronouns. “Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from the last year and the year before that too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to . And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get share. He looks as if he needed all right, and I suppose can afford .”

it: his sampling without buying the puddings


he: the old man


it: his coming and sampling the puddings / his sampling


his: the old man’s share of the privilege


it: to sample the puddings


they: In the West, the pronoun “they” and “them” are often used to refer to a group of people opposed to “we” and “us”. For the common people, the word “they” often refers to bosses or the government with a slight overtone of hostility.


Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

he thought that the old man was poor and couldn’t afford the delicious puddings

Directions: Read the text carefully and supply the missing information to complete the following sentences.

1. The author offered to buy some puddings because________________________________________________________________.

2.The old was so thatshocked_______ he jumped back as if he had been stung____________________________________.3.The result of the author’s offer was that the old man refused with dignity___________________________.

4.The old man bought himself one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings because he felt hurt / humiliated___________________.

5.The old man paid for the pudding by counting out all his coins___________________.

6.The author felt when he realized that because of his offer, the old man was forced into a purchase he couldn’t afford.

very guilty, sorry and uneasy_______________________

7.From the old man’s “worn little black pocketbook” and the “shillings and pennies” in it, we can infer that he was really very poor___________________.

Detailed Reading

Supply the Missing Information

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

1.The narrator often wonders ______.

A) why there are so many people during the Christmas season

B) why most people look prosperous

C) whether people will sample puddings when they have no intention to buy any

D) whether people can sample puddings before they make purchase


2. The shop girl is very ____ to the old man when he turns up in the store.

A) friendly

B) cold

C) indifferent

D) cruel


Detailed Reading

Multiple Choice

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

3. The old man feels ______ when the narrator offers to buy him some puddings.

A) shocked

B) happy

C) puzzled

D) bothered


4.The old man has ______ in his worn little black pocketbook.

A) some dollars

B) coins

C) a check

D) nothing


Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

5.The story may take place in ______.

A) the United States

B) Germany

C) France

D) Britain


Detailed Reading

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Although no details have been supplied in the story concerning the narrator, the shop girl and the elderly gentleman, we can get to know something about their personalities if we take a close look at how they acted, talked and felt as individuals.Now you are required to find the evidence in the text according to the adjectives given.

Detailed Reading

Character Analysis

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

The Old Man

Adjectives Evidence in the text

Detailed Reading

elderly; wrinkled face; poorly dressed; could not afford a pudding; having only coins in his worn little black pocketbook

old and poor

the “little black figure”short and thin

“He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.”denying knowing the narrator “in a loud voice”and with “dignity”

sensitive and dignified

“forced” to buy one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings; keeping trying to put the coins into the shop girl’s hand; never coming back again

proud and wanting to save face

his choice of words (e.g. I don’t think I have the pleasure of knowing you.)well-educated

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

The Shop Girl

Adjectives Evidence in the text

The Narrator

Adjectives Evidence in the text

Detailed Reading

“Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it.”She offered a spoon to the old man to sample the pudding.

kind-hearted &sympathetic

When she speaks of the old man, she uses the word “gentleman”.


in a burst of benevolenceSympathetic

“Will you do me a favor?”strategic & considerate

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

The author finds out that good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before.

Detailed Reading

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

I. V. Morris

Detailed Reading

The Sampler

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

Detailed Reading

I. V. MorrisThe Sampler

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

1. Paraphrase the sentence.

There is a certain store where puddings are sold. During the Christmas season, different kinds of delicious puddings are spread out in a row so that customers can select to their liking. And before they decide what to buy, they can even taste the puddings.

2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.



SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

I. V. MorrisThe Sampler

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

What does the narrator want to know?A customer has the right to sample the puddings before coming to a decision whether to buy them or not, and the narrator often wants to know if there were people who would merely sample them with no intention to buy any.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

I. V. MorrisThe Sampler

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading



vt. choose

She was selected from many applicants.

The city was selected as the site for the coming Olympic Games.


adj. chosen

SS In ancient times, book knowledge was limited to the select few.

SS John Major became Mrs. Thatcher’s select successor.


Detailed Reading

I. V. MorrisThe Sampler

The SamplerI. V. Morris

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

The Sampler


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

CF: select, choose & elect这几个词都是动词,都有“选择”之意。

select 指经过考虑后从许多同类东西中仔细认真地进行选择,往往是根据被选择对象的优劣进行选择。

They were selected from among many applicants.SS


choose 是最普通的词语,指运用自己的判断能力按照被选对象的正确与否,合适与否进行选择,往往含有一种在客观条件下进行选择的意思。

Choose the correct for each blank.SS


elect 通常只用选票或其他方法选中某人担任某一职务。We elected her monitor.SS


Detailed Reading

The SamplerI. V. Morris

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.




n. a small part representing the whole

The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests.

vt. take and examine a part of

She sampled the wine before giving it to the others.SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

SS Next, I’d like to show you our sample room.

The scientist sampled the spring water and declared it beneficial to human health.


Detailed Reading

The SamplerI. V. Morris

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

intention: n. purpose


If I've hurt your feelings, it was quite without intention.


Well-intentioned though he is, he is always laughed at by others.



by intention

have no intention of doing ...

with the intention of

with the best of intentions



抱有…目的 / 打算

好心好意 , 出于一片好心

without intention 无意中 , 不是故意地

Detailed Reading


The SamplerI. V. Morris

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

The Sampler




That dress you bought yesterday is a good purchase.

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

SS He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.

n. buying

vt. buy

SS He is intending to purchase a new car on installments.

SS Women tend to have stronger purchasing power than men do.

Detailed Reading

The SamplerThe Sampler

I. V. Morris

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.

The Sampler


take advantage of: make use of (sth. or sb.) for one’s own benefitWe’ve decided to take full advantage of the week-long holiday to visit some interesting places in southeast countries.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

They often take advantage of his kindness and borrow money from him and never return it.



at an advantage

be of advantage to

gain / get / have / win an (the) advantage over (of)

give sb. an advantage (over)



胜过 , 优于


have the advantage of 比…强 , 胜过

take advantage of / make one's advantage of


Detailed Reading

In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.

I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.


privilege: n. special right given to a person

It is my great privilege to have dinner with you.SS

Diplomats enjoy a lot of privilege in foreign countries.SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

The SamplerI. V. Morris

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”

Detailed Reading

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”

Detailed Reading

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”


1. What is the shop girl’s hope?

She hopes many other stores can allow him to sample their puddings, too.

2. What do you think of the shop girl?

She’s very nice and kind because she feels sorry for the old man.

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”



vt. guess or suppose; feel doubt about

He said he’d be here at eleven o’clock, but I suspect he will be late.


警方怀疑他是个抢劫犯。The police suspected him of robbery / suspected that he was a robber.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

n. sb. suspected of wrongdoing

The police cannot arrest any suspect without firm evidence.


Pattern: suspect sb. of doing sth. suspect sb. of sth. suspect sb. to be

Detailed Reading


“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

CF: suspect & doubt这两个词都是动词,都有“怀疑”、“不相信”之意。

suspect 意思是“怀疑”、“猜想”、“觉得不可靠”,指没有足够的证据或毫无证据而相信,或模糊地觉得某事已经存在或将要发生,但由于证据或理由不足而不能做出断定。如果指不相信某事,有时可与 doubt 替换。

doubt 意思是“怀疑”、“不相信”,常带“否定”意味,指怀疑某种事物的存在或是否会发生,也指怀疑某人说的话或某种说法是否可靠。

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1. At first, I him to be an imposter.suspected_________

2. He began to whether she would come or not.doubt_____

suspect3. We you of nothing. Take it easy._______

4. I his honesty.doubt_____

5. The students that the teacher was ill yesterday because a substitute came instead.


Detailed Reading

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”


and what’s more: also, and more importantly, seriously, etc.

Playing games can relieve people totally from the pressure of work, and what’s more, it can teach rules of life as well.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

He managed to finish the task within limited time, and what’s more, the task is well-done.



More usages of “more”1. 当 more 作 many 的比较级用时,前面可以用一个表示程度的状语来修饰。 a lot of more2. 当 more 代替或修饰可数名词复数时,前面可用 a few, many 或数字来修 饰。 a few more apples or three more books 3. 如 more 后接的是不可数名词,副词或形容词时, more 前面可用 much,

rather, a little, a great deal 来修饰。 rather more slowly or much more serious

Detailed Reading

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”


all right: certainly; beyond doubt

SS She is pretty all right, but I don’t like her.

It’s time to leave, all right, but the bus hasn’t come.SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”

afford: v. have enough time, means, time, etc. for; be able to spare (often used with can, be able to, could)

No one can afford to waste so much time attending the meeting.


I wish I could afford two hours for the party.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading

1. 在否定结构中时, 表示“经不起”(发生某事,做某事),含尽力避免其发生做某事的意思。

2. 表示有能力做某事时,通常不用被动语态。

不能说:Cars are so expensive that they can be afforded only by the rich people.


I can’t afford to neglect my father’s scolding.SS

Cars are so expensive that only rich people can afford to buy them.



“Now there’s one old gentleman, for instance,” she told me, “he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year and the year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.”

She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.

“Why, that’s the very gentleman I’ve been telling you about,” whispered the shop girl. “Just watch him now.” And then turning to him: “Would you like to sample them, sir? Here’s a spoon for you to use.”


very: adj.


used to emphasize a noun (only before noun and often used with the, this, my, your)

It was on this very spot, the manager was shot.


You are the very man I’m looking for.

SentenceSentence WordWord

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Detailed Reading


SentenceSentence WordWord

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The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

Detailed Reading

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

Detailed Reading

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

SentenceSentence WordWord


1. What can we infer from this sentence?

We can infer that the old man had a strong sense of dignity. He pretended to be quite serious about choosing a pudding though he didn’t really intend to buy any.

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

2. What does “heavy” mean here?

It means too rich and filling.

Detailed Reading

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

SentenceSentence WordWord


1. What was the narrator doing at that time?

He was watching the old man all the time.

2. What impression did the narrator get?

He was under the impression that the old man himself believed that he would finally buy one of the puddings.

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading


1. What does the phrase “the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers” imply?

It implies that around Christmas the shoppers all appear to have plenty of money because they buy a lot of things.

2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.为圣诞节忙着的顾客个个喜形于色,看上去都很富裕。老人矮小的黑色身影在这群人中显得很不相称。 我突然动了恻隐之心……

Detailed Reading

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


break off: stop suddenly

John rose. “As for me —” he suddenly broke off when the teacher came in.


The speaker was interrupted so often that in a huff he broke off and sat down.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.

positive: adj.

I am positive that it was John who scrambled for help just now.SS

Can you be positive about what you heard?SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

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1)sure or certain

The old professor gave him some positive suggestions on what to do next.



“+” is the positive sign.

You must have confused the positive pole with the negative pole.


3) (in math) greater than zero; (of electricity) caused by deficiency of electrons


Detailed Reading


“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


cheat:v. act in a dishonest way to win an advantage or profit

Those students who cheat on / in the exam will be punished.


The elderly woman was cheated into buying a house that did not exist.


SentenceSentence WordWord

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n. an action of deception or sb. that deceives

Some tax cheats have been heavily fined.SS

Cheats will be disclosed in the long run.


The elderly woman was cheated out of her fortune.SS

Detailed Reading

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

CF: cheat & deceive 这两个动词均有“欺骗”之意。

cheat 普通用词,指用蒙蔽他人的手段取得所需之物,尤多指在赢利的买卖中欺骗人。

deceive 指采用歪曲真相隐瞒事实的手法给人造成假相,使人上当受骗。此外,该词在被动语态中和后借反身动词的情况下,不一定指欺骗,往往指认识上的错误。

He always cheat at cards; I never play with him.SS


He deceived me under the mask of friendship.SS


You deceived yourself as to the course you chose. SS


Detailed Reading

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


come down in the world: lose a place of respect or honor;

The stranger plainly had come down a long way in the world.SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

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become lower as in rank or fortune

Poor old George has come down in the world since his business failed.


Detailed Reading

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


amidst: prep. among, in the middle of

A church stands amidst trees.SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

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He was brave amidst all dangers.


Detailed Reading


“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.



Crowds gather in front of the stock exchange every weekday.


Upon his arrival, the President was cheered by welcoming crowds.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading


attract / draw a crowd

disperse a crowd

an enormous / huge / tremendous crowd

a capacity crowd





the wrong crowd 一帮坏人

v. come together in a crowdPeople crowded around the tourist guide for more interesting stories.


One can hardly breathe in such a crowded room.SS

Detailed Reading

n. large group of people together

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


prosperous: adj. rich; successful

Upon liberation in 1949, many overseas Chinese came back to build a prosperous China.


We should hold a party for the prosperous business this year.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

“This is quite good.”“This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.” All the time it was quite evident that he sincerely believed that he might even

tually buy one of these puddings, and I am positive that he did not for a moment feel that he was in any way cheating the store. Poor old chap! Probably he had come down in the world and this sampling was all that was left him from the time when he could afford to come and select his favorite pudding.

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place, and in a burst of benevolence, I went up to him and said:

The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.


figure: n.

1) human form

What a fine figure of a man!SS

I saw a familiar figure ahead of me in the crowded subway station.


SentenceSentence WordWord

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2) numberPeople were surprised to find that the beggar had a bank account of six figures.


Write the amount in words and in figures.

SS 用文字和数字写下这笔钱数。

3) drawing to illustrate sth.Her job is to draw figures for magazine articles.SS

Detailed Reading


Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.

SentenceSentence WordWord

Detailed Reading

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“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.

SentenceSentence WordWord

Detailed Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

SentenceSentence WordWord


1. Why did the old man behave like that?Because he did not expect that one of the customers would come up and offer to buy him one of the puddings.

2. What do the words “jumped back” and “stung” suggest?

They suggest that the old man was shocked as well as hurt.

3. Why did his wrinkled face turn red?

It turned red simply because he felt humiliated, resentful and even indignant.

Detailed Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

SentenceSentence WordWord


How to understand this sentence?I did not expect that he would react with such dignity or pride as far as his appearance was concerned.

Detailed Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

SentenceSentence WordWord


1. What do you think of the old man’s choice of words?It is rather impressive. In response to the narrator’s offer, he switched to a higher level of speech, which was stiff and formal.

2. What does it suggest?

It suggests that he not only looked dignified but also might have a good educational background.

Detailed Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.


considering: prep. in view of; taking into account

He writes a beautiful hand considering his age.SS

Considering that I have told you about it three times, you must know it.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.


appearance: n. 1) look

He had an unhealthy appearance.SS

不要根据外表来作判断。Don’t judge by appearances.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

2) the act of appearingSome people are still frightened by the appearance of UFOs.


My appearance at the party was not very welcome.SS


put in / make an appearance

make a personal appearance

at one’s appearance

in appearance





at first appearance 初看起来

Detailed Reading


“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.


SentenceSentence WordWord

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CF: appearance, expression, face & looks 这几个词都是名词,都有“表面”之意。

appearance 强调外表、外貌、外观。expression 指神色和表情,与前者相比更有抽象意味。

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1. He looked at me with a very strange expression_________.

2. She had a like thunder.face_____

3. Her was sad.face_____

face 表示实体的脸与面孔,引申为面部表情或脸色。looks 意思是“容貌”,指人的相貌仪表。

4. We don’t like his shabby appearance__________.

5. “I don’t understand,” he said, with a(an) of complete surprise.


6. She’s got her father’s good looks_____.

Detailed Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.


mistake… for: suppose wrongly that sth. or sb. is sth. or sb. else

I mistook that stick for a snake.SS

People are always mistaking him for his twin brother.SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed Reading

“Pardon me, sir, will you do me a favor? Let me purchase you one of these puddings. It would give me such pleasure.”

He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.

“Excuse me,” he said, with more dignity than I would have thought possible considering his appearance, “I do not believe I have the pleasure of knowing you. Undoubtedly you have mistaken me for someone else.” And with a quick decision he turned to the shop girl and said in a loud voice, “Kindly pack me up this one here. I will take it with me.” He pointed at one of the largest and most expensive of the puddings.


pack: v.

Some British people pack their lunch in a paper bag.SS

I hate traveling because it takes me much time to pack and unpack my things.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

2) crowdThe bus is heavily packed during rush hours.


The bad businessman packed unreasonable costs into the budget.


1) put things into boxes, bases, etc.

n. bundle of things tied or wrapped up together

What do you carry in that huge pack on your back?SS

Please give me a pack of cigarettes.

SS 请给我一包香烟。

Detailed Reading


“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand. And that was the last I saw or heard of the old man. Now he can never go there to sample puddings any more.

Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

The girl took down the pudding from its stand and started to make a parcel of it, while he pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his “honour” he had been forced into a purchase which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away.

SentenceSentence WordWord

Detailed Reading

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The girl took down the pudding from its stand and started to make a parcel of it, while he pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his “honour” he had been forced into a purchase which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away.

SentenceSentence WordWord

Detailed Reading

“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand. And that was the last I saw or heard of the old man. Now he can never go there to sample puddings any more.

“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand. And that was the last I saw or heard of the old man. Now he can never go there to sample puddings any more.

The girl took down the pudding from its stand and started to make a parcel of it, while he pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his “honour” he had been forced into a purchase which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away. CloseClose

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1. Why did the narrator think so?Because only in this way could the elderly gentleman save his face and both of them could be less embarrassed.

2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Detailed Reading

The girl took down the pudding from its stand and started to make a parcel of it, while he pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his “honour” he had been forced into a purchase which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away.

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worn: adj. bad from too much use

Oliver Twist had only a worn coat in winter.


It is time you changed your worn tire.


SentenceSentence WordWord

Detailed Reading

“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand. And that was the last I saw or heard of the old man. Now he can never go there to sample puddings any more.

The girl took down the pudding from its stand and started to make a parcel of it, while he pulled out a worn little black pocketbook and began counting out shillings and pennies on to the counter. To save his “honour” he had been forced into a purchase which he could not possibly afford. How I longed for the power to unsay my tactless words! It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away.

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long for: wish very much for

In winter times, how we longed for spring.SS

I long for a timely reply from you.SS

SentenceSentence WordWord

Detailed Reading

“You pay at the desk,” the shop girl was telling him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand. And that was the last I saw or heard of the old man. Now he can never go there to sample puddings any more.

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1.Useful Expressions

2.Word Completion

3.Spot Dictation

4.Role Play

5.Writing Practice — Ellipsis

6.Talk about the Pictures

7.Proverbs and Quotations

Detailed Reading

1. 一番好意

2. 摆成一排,一字排开

3. 合口味

4. 允许

5. 做出决定

6. 无意做某事

7. 乘机利用

8. 情况确实如此

good intention

lay out in a row

to one’s taste

be allowed to

come to a decision

have no intention of

take advantage of

it’s indeed the case

Useful Expressions

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9. 得到一份优惠

10. …欢迎来到

11. 而且

12. 仔细地看

13. 绕有兴趣

14. 穿着整洁

15. 转向

16. 停下来

get one’s share of the privilege

welcome to…

what’s more

look closely at

with great interest

to be neatly dressed

turn to

break off

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17. 显然

18. 真诚地相信

19. 自始至终

20. 家道败落

21. 不相称

22. 挽回“面子”

It is evident that …

sincerely believe

all the time

come down in the world

out of place

save one’s ‘honor’

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1. p special right given to a person

2. a have the money for

3. o now and then; at times

4. e in the end

5. p rich; successful

6. p making one feel pity

7. s prick or hurt

8. a that which can be seen; look

9. w damaged by use or wear

10. d calm and serious manner or style

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Complete the words with the help of the definitions given.Directions:











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Word Completion

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Spot Dictation

Why does the old man come to the store every week and sample each of the puddings? Is it because he is poor, and so often goes food? Maybe. But alone does not explain everything. , coming to a store once or twice a week to have free samples of puddings cannot possibly keep the old man from . So there may be some other reasons.

Perhaps he has seen better days and pudding has always been his dessert. But now he has become so poor that he can no longer afford it. Therefore he comes to the store to take free samples of the puddings in memory of the past. may be another reason. Many old people in the West stores, libraries, and other public places, just to find and a bit of human .

without______poverty______ Obviously________


Loneliness_________frequent_______ company________


Detailed Reading

Using simple props (a spoon, a few small bowls, for instance), the teacher lays out the “puddings” (empty bowls actually) on the desk and asks one student to play the role of the old gentleman coming to the store. Another two students will be invited to play the parts of the shop girl and the narrator respectively. Students may refer to the following expressions.

Role Play

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afford cheat eventually select prosperous figureappearance purchase privilege suspect pack worn

Detailed Reading

Writing Practice — ElIipsis A Brief Introduction

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1. Ellipsis is the omission of a word or words necessary for complete construction but obviously understood in context or from the situation itself. By using ellipsis

we can make a sentence shorter to achieve brevity or to avoid repetition.

2. Examples

1) … though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will .

To avoid repetition and make the sentence shorter, the last two words can be omitted.

2) Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it.

“He is” can be omitted because it has been mentioned before.

3) Only my stocking was empty: it hung limp; not a thing in it; and under and around it — nothing.

“There was” can be omitted because without this expression the sentence is still understandable and grammatical.

buy anything

he is

(there was)(there was)

Detailed Reading

Directions: Rewrite the following sentences, leaving out words which can be omitted.

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1. His words moved everyone who was present.

His words moved everyone present.2.What a pity it is you can’t go to the lecture!

What a pity you can’t go to the lecture!

3.Though he is still a young man he is a leading biologist in that country.

Though still a young man he is a leading biologist in that country.4.You can do it this way if you care to do it.

You can do it this way if you care to.5.Fill in the blanks with articles wherever they are necessary.

Fill in the blanks with articles wherever necessary.

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6.As it was scheduled, they met on January 20 at the Chinese Embassy.

As scheduled, they met on January 20 at the Chinese Embassy.7.What will be the result if they do not come?

What if they do not come?

8.The sooner you do it, the better it will be.

The sooner, the better.9.Is there anything wrong with the tape-recorder?

Anything wrong with the tape-recorder?10.When you are in need, don’t hesitate to ask me for money.

When in need, don’t hesitate to ask me for money.

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Talk about the Pictures

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Proverbs and Quotations

1. There is kindness to be found everywhere.


2. A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.


3. On good turn deserves another.


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4. Many can bear adversity, but few contempt. — Thomas Fuller, American philosopher

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许多人能忍受厄运,但极少人能忍受侮辱。 — 美国哲学家 T. 福勒

5. What are the aims which at the same time are duties? They are perfecting of ourselves, and the happiness of others. — Immanuel Kant, German philosopher

什么既是目的又是职责呢?那就是,使我们自己完美,使别人幸福。 — 德国哲学家 I. 康德

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