behaviours impacting christmas shoppers: canvas8

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Behaviours impactingCHRISTMAS SHOPPERS

A highlight of four emerging behaviours that are impacting the way we navigate festive shopping and gift-giving.





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1 RITUALISED GIFTING People form rituals around holiday shopping

Christmas is a time of year that’s steeped in traditions, often forming the basis of familial bonds. Studies show that the performance of habitual rituals can even make festive food taste better. Retailers are now highlighting their own holiday traditions, simultaneously emphasising the relationships they share with their customers.

BehaviourChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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1 McDonald’s ‘Carrot Stick’ Parodying wellness with junk food

In McDonald’s UK ad ‘Carrot Stick’, a little girl holds on to a carrot stick from the chain that she can later lay out for Santa’s reindeer, keeping it with her throughout a day of shopping for gifts with her dad. Finishing with the hashtag #ReindeerReady, the ad encourages viewers to start their own tradition of stopping at a McDonald’s on Christmas Eve.

In practiceChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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1 DIRTY DINING People don’t always want to eat clean2 AWKWARD SWAPS People have low gift expectations

Everyone’s had that awkward moment with a distant relative, having to feign delight when unwrapping a hot water bottle or novelty mug – no doubt why 42% of Americans actually want to receive a gift card. And retailers are taking note, addressing the awkwardness head-on.

BehaviourChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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2 eBay

The US ad from eBay, titled ‘Don’t Shop Like Everybody Else’, shows a range of people handing over gifts, alongside phrases like ‘I included a gift receipt’ and ‘It’s the thought that counts’. It positions the online retailer as a mecca for shoppers who want to give truly excellent gifts.

‘Don’t Shop Like Everybody Else’

In practiceChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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1 DIRTY DINING People don’t always want to eat clean3 DELIVERY DEMANDS

People want deliveries on their terms

Shopping online at Christmas used to be considered a risky practice, as retailers struggled to keep up with deliveries at the busiest time of year. With online spending now the norm – and still rising on both sides of the Atlantic – e-commerce firms are having to work hard to meet people’s rising holiday expectations.

BehaviourChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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3 Amazon ‘Give 60’

Amazon has long kept high-speed, low-cost delivery at the heart of its brand, but for this year’s US Christmas ad ‘Give 60’, it’s pulled out all the stops. The spot follows an Amazon parcel as it makes its way to a recipient in a remote corner of the world, not only exceeding expectations but facilitating a connection between giver and receiver.

In practiceChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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4 SEASONAL RESEARCHER People are working on wishlists long before Christmas

Traditionally, it was children that would write lists for Santa in the run-up to Christmas, but in 2017 – when 88% of British shoppers research online before they buy and 84% of Americans compare prices on Amazon prior to purchase – people of all ages are making wishlists for the holidays.

BehaviourChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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1 DIRTY DINING People don’t always want to eat clean4 Pandora ‘DO Get What You Wish For’

The UK ad from jewellery brand Pandora, titled ‘DO Get What You Wish For’, sees a range of women perusing magazines and trailing through stores in the run-up to Christmas, dropping a range of hints to their partners about what they’d like to receive on the day itself.

In practiceChristmas Shopper Behaviour

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