behind the microdermabrasion treatment - a detailed report

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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Behind The Microdermabrasion

Treatment – A Detailed Report

First, Let Us Understand How Your Skin Works The epidermis is the topmost layer of your skin and often the most abused. In the epidermis, there is a layer called the stratum corneum. It is the uppermost layer of the epidermis. It acts as a barrier between the lower layers of your skin and the outside world. Consequently, this layer stops even the smallest molecules from getting deeper. Microdermabrasion targets the stratum corneum and doesn’t go deeper. It is able to treat skin problems like fine lines and wrinkles without permanently embedding tiny grains into your skin.

Getting Up Close and Personal With Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion is a type of non-invasive and non-chemical procedure that uses microcrystals to remove the outermost layer of the skin. Once the thick, dry and dead skin cells are out, new, younger and healthier-looking skin cells come in. Microdermabrasion treatment also encourages the production of new skin cells by thickening your elastin and collagen, thereby improving your skin’s appearance.

Your Beautiful Skin vs. the World: Microdermabrasion Treatment Benefits • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles on your face.• Treats acne and the scars it leaves behind.• Improves the appearance of age spots and blackheads.• Exfoliates your skin for a fresher look.• Reduces, if not eliminates enlarged pores.• Lessens the appearance of stretch marks.

Understanding the Thin Line Between Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion

Just like microdermabrasion, dermabrasion is a type of procedure that gets rid of skin blemishes and imperfections. The difference lies on the type of skin issue it could treat. Microdermabrasion is effective against shallow or superficial wrinkles and scars. If you want something that goes deep into your skin, then dermabrasion is the solution.

Microdermabrasion Vs. Chemical Peel Treatments: Know the DifferenceJust like dermabrasion, a chemical peel treatment is effective for treating serious skin problems, like deep scars and wrinkles. Depending on the strength, it can remove the damaged uppermost part layer of your skin to improve it. Besides cosmetic purposes, microdermabrasion can also remove pre-cancerous growths, which is why the use of anesthetics is required, especially for deep peels.

The Perfect Candidate: Who’s In and Who’s Out in MicrodermabrasionHealthy adults with relatively minor skin conditions or imperfections are ideal for this kind of treatment. If you have mild acne, slight skin discolorations, superficial acne scars or pockmarks, this treatment could help your condition.

If you have superficial skin issues and a busy lifestyle, experts recommend microdermabrasion, because it has limited side effects, which means no downtime.

How It’s Done: The Procedure Involved in Microdermabrasion The first type of microdermabrasion treatment is the most common. In this procedure, your dermatologist uses a handheld device and streams aluminum oxide crystals across your skin. These crystals exfoliate and get rid of dead, dry and thick skin cells. The doctor uses a vacuum to suction off the exfoliating crystals together with the dead, loosened skin.

The second type of microdermabrasion treatment is a newer approach. It uses a diamond-tipped wand, which the doctor gently moves across your skin to exfoliate.

These two procedures may use different devices, but the results are the same: Thicker, healthier skin layers. Both treatments last from 30 to 60 minutes, which is why they are referred to as the “Lunch Hour Facial.”

Let's Talk About Frequency: How Many Microdermabrasion Treatments Do You Need? Microdermabrasion makes your skin thicker and healthier, while getting rid of the dead skin cells sitting pretty on your face; however, you will need more than one session to make sure this treatment will work.

What to Expect: Microdermabrasion Before and AfterBefore:• Your doctor will require you to use eye protection, such as goggles or

eye pads. • They will clean your skin to remove makeup and oil. • There will be some stretching to provide tension to your skin for the

most effective abrasion and vacuum. • The handheld device moves over your skin with repeated single smooth

passes. Two to four passes per area is enough.

After:• You will notice mild pinkness, which usually fades within minutes to hours

after the treatment. • Your skin undergoes a mild exfoliation. • You'll feel a mild, sunburn-like sensation for a few days.

Don’t Forget About the Price: Microdermabrasion Treatment Cost Below are some of the risks associated with after microdermabrasion treatment:

• Redness• Swelling• Discomfort• Slight skin irritation • Flaky and dry skin, usually for a few days• Bruising as a result of suction• Sensitivity to sun exposure

Making It Work: Key Things to Do Before and After Your Procedure

• Avoid other cosmetic procedures, like collagen injections two to three weeks before going through microdermabrasion.

• Refrain from waxing or tanning for a few weeks before your scheduled microdermabrasion treatment.

• Apply sunscreen, or at least avoid sun exposure for a few days after the procedure.

Bringing It Home: Doing Microdermabrasion Treatments at Home Microdermabrasion is a mild treatment, which is safe to use even at home. With consistent use, you may also notice an improvement within a few months from the time you first started, depending on how your skin reacted to the procedure.

Here’s the catch: Risks and side effects may be an issue. Don’t compare the results of a professional microdermabrasion treatment with the one you do at home. Keep in mind that the effects of a home microdermabrasion treatment may not be as remarkable compared to the treatment performed in the clinic, so keep your expectations realistic.

Tips to Remember When Choosing Your Cosmetic Dermatologist for Microdermabrasion Due diligence is required to make sure you are in the right hands. Before you enter the door and sign up for this treatment, here are tips to remember when choosing a cosmetic dermatologist:

• Check if the doctor is included in the current listing of American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

• They must be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery for American doctors and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for Canadian doctors.

• Read microdermabrasion treatment reviews for recommendations.• Ask your friends or family members who went through the same procedure to

recommend a dermatologist for this kind of skin treatment.

Yay or Nay: Microdermabrasion Treatments for Your Skin Condition

Without a doubt, microdemabrasion is a safe, non-invasive procedure that comes with minimal risks. With consistency, you will notice an improvement in your skin and reduce the appearance of whatever skin condition you have.

Still, this doesn’t mean it is the ultimate solution to your problem. If you want to say goodbye to light acne, superficial scars, wrinkles, and other skin conditions, then this treatment could be your best option. Just a few sessions and you will say goodbye to your skin problems in no time.

Going Natural: Alternative Natural Treatments to Microdermabrasion • Lemon Juice – Dab the juice over the affected area and let it dry before

rinsing it off with cold water. The natural alpha hydroxy acid and vitamin C helps fade scars and evens out your skin tone.

• Potato Juice – Massage the juice all over your scars and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water. Potato is rich in vitamins and minerals and is great for healing.

• Cucumber – Cut a few thin slices and lay it over the affected area for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Cucumber is hydrating and contains vitamins A and C and magnesium, which are healthy for your skin.

• Coconut Oil – Melt coconut oil, then massage it directly on your skin. Coconut oil has natural moisturizers, essential fatty acids and healing properties to help improve your skin.

The Most Important Tip When It Comes to MicrodermabrasionMicrodermabrasion may help you get rid of any minor skin problems you have; however, don’t expect magical results in just one session. You will need a minimum of five sessions to see the results. Also, there is a possibility it might not work on your skin, which is why you should talk to your dermatologist about the best solutions for your skin problems.

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