belize friends ministries overview - may 2015

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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The ministries of Friends United

Meeting in Belize

Belize is a small English-speaking country

in Central

America/ Caribbea


The population is diverse

: Mayan, English

, Mexican, and Garifu


The Southside of Belize City is riddled

with poverty, gang-related crime, drugs and


Belize Friends SchoolImage credit:

Belize Friends School has been “Bridging the Gap Between Poverty and

Possibilities” for 21 years

Originally a boys-only program, there are now

girls as well as boys enrolled.

Friends School provides a “second-chance” for students who have

failed in traditional schools

The values-based curriculum is much more

than remedial academics. It is whole-life redemption.

Our school has a

reputation for

taking the

hardest kids,

and turning

their lives


One-on-one Christ-centered instruction speaks to the

heart of each student

The government believes that “Friends School can do it”

when a child has been rejected (academically and behaviorally)

by all other schools

Our dedicated staff include Darcel Murray, Teacher, and Candi Young,

Acting Principal

Dale Graves, Acting Director,

has agreed to stay for a second year

What’s next for Belize Friends Ministries?

The Belize Discernment & Planning Task Force is seeking God’s will for the expansion of FUM’s Belize ministries.

The task force’s assignment is:

“to glean through the information that’s already

been gathered

to pray together for divine guidance

and to develop a concrete ministry plan for consideration

by the FUM General Board.”

It’s clear we are called to educational ministries. Can we expand to serve

more students?

There are so many children eager to study. Even their parents want to learn to

read and write.

An evening adult educat

ion program will begin

in September 2015.

Our building

is so small,

we can’t do

much more than what we’re

currently doing.

We lack


space, so a lot

of school activiti

es happen in the


We’re clear about

our call to this


neighborhoodShould we buy

and rehab?

High rates of poverty, illiteracy and unemployment fuel the spiral of

violence and despair.

We believe we are called to increase the variety of ways

that Friends impact the community.

We believe that we are called to gather people into fellowships

where Jesus Christ is known, loved and obeyed as Teacher and Lord.

We believe we are called to make a credible witness to the Gospel in word and deed.

Our students

need help


healthy interper

sonal skills

The nascent Alternatives to Violence Project in Belize needs encouragement to


We are about to begin searching

for a pastor/counselor who can gather

people for worship and can

disciple students,

families and the community as a


Pray with us for the future of the work in Belize.

Thank you for your

support for Belize

Friends Ministries!

101 Quaker Hill DriveRichmond IN 47374765 962

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